labour party

  1. CP Victory:Labour wins 1918 election

    POD is that the Zimmermann telegram is never sent leading to America never entering the War. Entente doesn't have anything left as collateral for new American loan. This forces the Entente to downsize their war effort. This results in a successful German offensive on France. After Entente loses...
  2. WI: Labour Party instead of Progressive

    Let’s say that Roosevelt in the aftermath of the McKinley Assassination but before he died (he stayed more than a week in the hospital before his death) and John Hay takes the office, a more conservative politician than McKinley and strongly anti-labour-union, harming the relations with the...
  3. What if Margaret Thatcher was a Labour Politician instead of a Tory/Conservative

    If you were born in the United Kingdom you have most definitely heard of the highly controversial deceased former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Many loathed her and many loved her. My question is this, what if Margaret Thatcher was not a Tory/Conservative politician but a Labour politician...
  4. Please delete.
    Threadmarks: Introduction

  5. Labour loses in 2005- who would lead the Party after Blair.

    Ok, my scenario features multiple PoDs: 1)The 1993 WTC bombings are successful and and the ''War on Terror'' starts 8 years earlier. US is not involved in either Afghanistan or Iraq and instead atatcks Sudan (which hosted Al-Qaeda back then) and generally focuses more on Africa during 1990s-...
  6. What if Neil Kinnock had died in July 1983?

    On 12th July 1983 Neil Kinnock was involved in a very serious car accident whilst returning to London from giving a speech in Wales. His car careered off the road and somersaulted over the barrier. His vehicle was totally written off, but Kinnock survived the incident unscathed and continued his...
  7. What if Ramsay MacDonald had resigned in 1931?

    What would have happened if Ramsay MacDonald had resigned in August 1931 as he originally intended to do, instead of being talked into forming a National Government with the Tories and Liberals by George V? The Conservatives and Liberals would almost certainly have formed a coalition government...
  8. What if John Smith had died in 1988?

    Labour Party Leader John Smith suffered a fatal heart attack in May 1994, however it was not the first attack he had suffered. Just after Labour's 1988 Conference, whilst Shadow Chancellor, he had suffered a serious heart attack, and had to spend 3 months away from parliament as a consequence...
  9. WI: PM Atlee during Sudetenland Crisis

    Say that the Great depression hits the UK worse than otl allowing the labour party to win the majority in 1935, how would Clement Attlee respond to the early expansion of Nazi Germany? Would he have been willing to fight to defend Czechoslovakia's sovereignty and could he convince Daladier to...
  10. AHC: Make the Co-Operative Party the more Influential Partner Over Labour?

    The Co-Operative Party was founded in 1917 by banding together several various Co-operative movements and organizations around Britain. Unsurprisingly their central tenet is around Co-Operatives and firmly believe in division of responsibility and workers owning the companies they work at...
    Threadmarks: Table of Contents

    A reboot of Holiday in the Malvinas Table of Contents: Introduction/Prolouge Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part VIV Part IX Part X
  12. Holiday in the Malvinas: A 80s British TL
    Threadmarks: Momentum!

    THE BIRTH OF THE SDP The Social Democratic Party (SDP) was founded in 1981 by four senior Labour Party moderates, dubbed the "Gang of Four," as a reaction to what they perceived as the Labour Party's domination by leftists and trade-union representatives catalysed by the election of the...
  13. Plausibility of Labour-Alliance Coalition in a 1983 Hung Parliamnet

    Hi guys. I’m thinking of writing a timeline in which the SDP-Liberal Alliance are able to form a Government in the 1980s. With possible PODs being Tony Benn winning deputy leadership of the Labour Party, the Alliance maintaining its initial momentum, humiliation in the Falklands or no Falklands...
  14. AHC: a Labour majority government before 1945?

    Reading John Campbell's Lloyd George biography, and during the late summer of 1929 he was reportedly worried that MacDonald would dissolve parliament and call a snap election giving Labour an overall majority and removing his bargaining position. Made me think would it be possible for Labour to...
  15. Time Enough

    What would be the ramifications of Roy Hattersley winning the 1983 Labour Leadership Election?

    In yet another @Time Enough ponders different avenues for Labour in the 1980s, I was wondering what would be the effect of Roy Hattersley winning the 1983 Labour Leadership contest? Now the way I would do this is Kinnock still gets caught in his 1983 car crash as OTL during the campaign but...
  16. Time Enough

    Days Like These: A Late 80s Labour Timeline
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    “These are the basic Socialist values and principles – individual liberty, equality, citizenship, the diffusion of power, the importance of collective and social action…these principles may not have the satisfying certainty of Marxist analysis, nor may they constitute quite the same stirring...
  17. Alternate 21st Century Labour Leaders

    I’m trying to brainstorm a timeline idea, and while this is just a part of it, I’d like to have some suggestions. Broadly, Kinnock wins in a ‘91 election and serves until 2001, when Labour is defeated by the Conservatives, led by Michael Howard. Margaret Beckett becomes Labour Leader and leads...
  18. Brown Gets His Mandate - A British Political Timeline
    Threadmarks: Tony Watkins - 'I Told You So' - 30 November 2007

    'I Told You So' Tony Watkins - ConservativeHome - 30 November 2007 I know from personal experience that there were a number of members who thought what I said openly at the time in 2005: "This probably won't end well for us". Don't get me wrong, Cameron won the leadership by a clear margin...
  19. What if Tony Crosland lived?

    Tony Crosland was one of the most influential thinkers on the socially democratic right wing of the Labour Party from the 1950s onwards. A protégé of Hugh Gaitskell, he served as Education Secretary, President of the Board of Trade and Local Government Secretary in the first Wilson government...
  20. WI and How: Labour Landslide in 2019

    Let’s say Jeremy Corbyn, broadly through a unification of the party behind a left-wing anti-EU position to rival Boris’ Conservatives and more skillful maneuvering of the anti-semitism debacle, is able to win in a landslide in the 2019 election with 396 seats won. How could Labour have won big...