labour party

  1. The New Dawn – A British Political TL
    Threadmarks: Update #1 – 1997 Conservative Party leadership election

    The New Dawn – A British Political TL Given I have bunch of free time on my hand, I've decided to do redo a TL that I had plans for last year but never actually got around to posting or writing out fully. Its going to be chiefly focused on British politics in the late 90s and the 2000s, but I...
  2. "The Commonwealth of Britain" - Republican UK Wikibox TL

    During my first year at University one of my projects was to design a dream constitution/political system. I held onto it and over the years I was thinking about what the UK would look like with my magic constitution. The result was this TL. 1999, New Alliances President Blair's already...
  3. Best Person to succeed Harold Wilson?

    Who would have been the best Person to succeed Harold Wilson?
  4. VadisDeProfundis

    AHQ: Effects of No British Participation in Iraq on British Politics

    The Iraq War seems to me to have profoundly affected the British political landscape, mainly to the effect of boosting the Liberal Democrats while weakening the Labour Party, and Tony Blair himself. How would recent British political history have played out, had Blair decided against following...
  5. WI: The KGB controlled the Labour Party

    Most British posters are probably aware of the conspiracy theory that Harold Wilson was a KGB agent - the premise had been transformed into a very successful TL, Agent Lavender. Allegations have also came up over the years that Michael Foot, another Labour leader, was also an informant for the...
  6. Time Enough

    Labour Majority in 1935?

    So I was quickly wondering what would happen if Labour got into a majority in 1935, per say the National Government doesn't happen and instead Conservatives and Liberals form a coalition government which is voted in 1935. This means that there's a Labour Government lead by Clement Attlee in...
  7. The effects of no Iraq War on the UK?

    What would the effects of no Iraq War have been on the UK. With a POD of Al Gore wining in 2000 but 9/11 still occurs resulting in the war in Afghanistan still happening but America deciding not to invade Iraq. How does the rest of Blairs term unfold? I expect him to beat whoever the Tory...
  8. Events, Dear Boy: A British Political TL
    Threadmarks: Update #1 – 1981 Labour Party deputy leadership / 1982 Gower and Peckham by-elections

    Events, Dear Boy A British Political Timeline So, an idea I've had for a while, but one I'm only just finally getting around to putting into an actual timeline. The POD for this TL is that Tony Benn, instead of Denis Healey, wins the 1981 UK Labour Party deputy leadership contest. This TL...
  9. Time Enough

    Could a Left Wing Uprising have occured in 1919 Britian?

    1919 was a hard period for Britian having just come out the war and there were a number of mutinys, strikes and riots across Britain during that period with some more prominent ones being the "Battle" of St George Square in Glasgow, The Luton Peace Day Riots and a Police Strike in June. Could...
  10. WI: UK Labour Wins in 1970

    What if Labour had won the 1970 UK General Election as expected?
  11. Ico

    A British Tale of Two Parties.

    Introduced For nearly two decades now the British political parties system has been dominance by an long rivalry between the Conservative party (also known as the Tory party), and the Liberal Democrats (formally known as the Liberal Party), it's has been a long hard fought battle between...
  12. The Second Labour Government - 1929 - 193-?

    Some background first. The second UK Labour government (1929-31) was elected at a difficult time - it was a minority government (supported by the Liberal party), and spent much of its time in office grappling with the economic issues stemming from the Great Depression. Yes, most of my links in...
  13. WI: Labour Wins the UK General Election of 1992

    What if, as expected, the Labour Party had won the UK election of 1992? By win, I don't necessarily mean win a majority - most contemporary expectations were for a hung Parliament with Labour holding the most seats. But what if Labour outvoted the Tories and gained at least a plurality of seats...
  14. Shads

    Always on about Europe: British Political TL

    Hague Announces New Commitment To Europe Referendum 20th May 1999: “In an announcement this week in the lead up to the European Parliament Election William Hague ,Conservative Party Leader, has announced that a Conservative Government would have a referendum on EU membership ‘within our first...
  15. WI 1945 UK election delayed till the fall?

    Hardly any British politician wanted an immediate general election after the defeat of Germany. Churchill wanted to continue the all-party coalition war government until the defeat of Japan; while hardly anyone wanted such a blank check, Attlee and many other politicians argued to wait the...
  16. Psmith

    AHC: Poor show from Labour in 2001

    With a POD at any time after Tony Blair was elected Labour leader in 1994, how can he win a landslide similar to OTL's 418 in 1997 but then suffer a humiliating setback to somewhere around 310-330 seats, facing a strong Conservative bounce-back in 2001 (or thereabouts, I know the 2001 election...
  17. WI Grenfell happens just before the 2017 UK election, not just after?

    Another "last year" thread I'm afraid. It is technically a fact that, had you subtracted the overwhelmingly likely Labour votes of those who perished so needlessly in the Grenfell fire the following week, then Labour would not have gained Kensington for the first time (the first time, I should...
  18. WI the first pop culture-aligned UK political movement is Tory?

    Here's a suggestion. Francis Beckett (it'll be on the Guardian website somewhere) put forward the notion that, had John Smith lived and won in 1997, a 'New Tory' movement led by Michael Portillo (who wouldn't have lost his seat because Labour's majority had been more modest) would have led the...
  19. ES1702

    Uncle Jim's Gamble

    6 September 1978 10 Downing Street In his study in the confines of the townhouse, Prime Minister James 'Jim' Callaghan was crafting a carefully worded letter. Addressed to Her Majesty The Queen it was spelling out his plans to carry out both his best and worst-kept secret...
  20. WI: The Conservatives win the 2005 (or 06) GE

    IOTL, the Conservatives did quite well at the 2005 General Election, recovering from their harrowing results in 1997 and 2001 and winning 198 seats to position the Party on a clear springboard to challenge Labour in 2010. But what if the Conservatives did better, and won the General Election...