AHC: Make the Co-Operative Party the more Influential Partner Over Labour?

The Co-Operative Party was founded in 1917 by banding together several various Co-operative movements and organizations around Britain. Unsurprisingly their central tenet is around Co-Operatives and firmly believe in division of responsibility and workers owning the companies they work at. Besides that they are highly in line with Social Democratic ideals. Since 1927 they've been in a pact with the Labour Party called the National Agreement wherein they will not oppose each others candidates in elections and will have a single candidate selected my both parties running under the banner of Labour and Co-Operative Party. They currently have 26 seats in the house of common and are arguably the UK's 4th largest political party. Your challenge starting after the 1927 National Agreement is to have the Co-Operative Party become the more powerful and influential partner in the pairing. Is it even possible considering structure of the party shares power with no single authority? How does that influence the Labour Platform and effect British politics in the long run? What fuels the rise of Co-Operativism?