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  1. AHQ: What made Shi'a Islam such a common base for off-shoots of Islam?

    Sort of like Lutheran and Anabaptist Muslims.
  2. Julius Caesar routed at Bibracte

    This looks like a good POD for the Gallic Wars to come to a swift and ignominious end, if the Helvetii's allies had arrived sooner. Let's suppose that Caesar is killed in battle and his troops routed. His action in pursuing them might well have seemed ill-advised, so I don't see either Crassus...
  3. What if the Church did not burn Witches?

    I wonder is there any correlation between witch hunts and literacy? Perhaps witch panics were to pamphlets as Qanon is to social media.
  4. Were Pirates Really So Much of a Threat That Even a Military Genius Like Julius Caesar Had to Be Sent To Fight Them?

    A Corsair post-1618, definitely, but a privateer, apparently, in 1600, when he was already 30 years old. For most of the years in between, a regular pirate.
  5. Were Pirates Really So Much of a Threat That Even a Military Genius Like Julius Caesar Had to Be Sent To Fight Them?

    That's something I wasn't aware of. It seems the Dutch sponsored their own privateers at that time, one of whom was Jan Janszoon aka Murad Reis. I knew of him from the Sack of Baltimore which my ancestors fled in 1631. He and his son Anthony had quite a story
  6. WI: King Arthur I of England.

    If Katharine died of the sweating sickness instead of Arthur, who would be the most likely candidates for presumptive Queen?
  7. What is a common thing or trope that always seem to happen?

    Has anyone done a Nestorian Timur timeline?
  8. AHC: American Neutrality in WWII

    I think this may require several PoDs, perhaps some earlier than 1933, but here are the conditions: America may engage in hostilities elsewhere, but not in the European theatre. In terms of trade and sanctions, it will favour neither side officially, No Notzies. The same people are in...
  9. WI Jesus was handed over to the emperor and executed in Rome?

    Peter was tried in Rome because he was arrested there. Paul was tried in Rome because he was a Roman citizen (probably the son of a freed slave) and had the right of appeal there. Jesus wasn't and didn't. There would have been no reason for him to be taken there rather than been made an example...
  10. The Austin 7 Utility.

    Yes, but that was what the Land Rover and the Austin Champ were designed to do. Any agricultural utility version would also have to compete with the Ferguson TE20 tractor. There was indeed a 'hot rod' culture based on the Seven in the 1950's, when petrol rationing was finally lifted. I don't...
  11. What if Lee Harvey Oswald successfully escaped to the Soviet Union after assassinating JFK?

    If he had simply disappeared, would it be assumed that the Soviets had him? How would that have affected future international relations and conspiracy theories?
  12. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 3

    Maybe a centre-steer chassis with a bit more articulation control could do a sort of lizard crawl when needed by advancing diagonally opposite wheels alternately? I'm thinking of something maybe three feet tall that would generally act like a Bren carrier.
  13. Who could have been the Left's Reagan?

    Donald Trump
  14. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 3

    Yes, lightly armoured cars and personnel carriers, with some portee- mounted artillery. Maybe half-tracks. Tanks proper will only come when a major conflict drives the gun/armour race.
  15. No Hitler = far right wank?

    Absent Hitler's support, does Franco come to power?
  16. Alternative History Armoured Fighting Vehicles Part 3

    Lieutenant Gruber would have loved it.
  17. AHC: Aggressively Anti-Monotheist Polytheism rely on Christian support while Licinius reneges on his commitment to the Edict of Milan, just as he did OTL. Give it a while to polarise and *Byzantium, though not anti-monotheist in the abstract, is strongly against one particular monotheism and probably strongly suspicious of any...
  18. AHC: Aggressively Anti-Monotheist Polytheism

    ...state of Judaism between the Bar Kokhba revolt and that against Constantius Gallus. I'm guessing that they seem less of a political threat to Licinius' *Byzantium because, unlike the Christians, they can be seen as simply continuing the rites of their ancestors. So the Nasi and the Beth Din...
  19. AHC: Aggressively Anti-Monotheist Polytheism

    Constantine loses (but not decisively) the Battle of Cibalae. The conflict continues, with the Empire being split more or less as in OTL, but between an increasingly Christian West under Constantine and an increasingly reactionary pagan East under Licinius. When Rome falls, the Christians get...