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  1. AHC/WI: Let's Get Barry Goldwater In The White House

    ...use them. What do you guys thing will happen? Civil Rights: Also very interesting. In TTL there probably hasn't been a Civil Rights Act of 1964*, or if there has it was probably watered down to the point of meaninglessness. IIRC Goldwater in OTL was actually willing to vote for all of the...
  2. An Empire For Slavery? A History of the United States, 1858-1900

    Hi there! This is my, what…fifth attempt at a TL, with the previous four having ended in flaming disasters. Given this not-so-illustrious track record, I thought I’d try my hand at something on a slightly smaller scale. This won’t be a doorstopper epic—just a light and breezy history of a...
  3. AHC/WI: Revolutionary France Doesn't Go To War, IS Semi-Accepted by Europe

    Inspired by a bit of reading on the Revolution: This idea isn't as outlandish as it may appear at first glance. Revolutionary France was not instantly dogpiled by the rest of Europe, nor was it completely inevitable that it would declare war on the other European powers. Britain actually was...
  4. AHC: Protestant Reformation More-Or-Less Shatters Catholicism

    For the purpose of argument, assume that there is no higher deity guiding the course of the history of human religion. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to, with a POD no earlier than January 1, 1400, come up with the worst case scenario for the Catholic Church. No conquest by...
  5. The Horde of the Lord: A History of Asiatic Judaism

    ...Ong Khan), but that religion reached its current size only due to the tireless work of many men spread over four centuries. Shlomo Melech Chonguo*, Khagan Ogedai, the above-mentioned Ong Khan, and even Jochebed the Slave can put forward a case for fatherhood of Asiatic Judaism in some ways...
  6. WI: First Crusade Defeated At Antioch

    For those who don't know, in 1097 the forces of the First Crusade got caught up in a protracted siege of Antioch which dragged on into 1098. The Crusaders were forced to defeat several Muslim relief forces; in the end, they only took the city with the aid of a disloyal Armenian guardsman a few...
  7. Metal Defiled: A Quick Idea

    This is just a quick something I threw together, based on a thought experiment that was basically “How long can the development of hard rock/heavy metal be put off?” It’s not the most likely scenario in the world, but I think it is at least plausible. I might put up a Part 2 if there is enough...
  8. WI: Octavian Killed at First Philippi, Cassius Survives

    For those who don't know, the Battle of Philippi was the grand finale of the Roman civil war immeadiately following Julius Casar's death, where the forces loyal to the conspirators (headed by Cassius and Brutus) were finished by forces loyal to Caesar, led by a then-still-allied Mark Antony and...
  9. WI: Athens Totally Destroyed by the Spartans and Friends?

    This is one of the Peloponnesian War PoDs that I might do a TL on eventually... Basically, after the final surrender of Athens and he allies to the Peleponnesians in 404 B.C, there was a sizeable faction among the victors (including Sparta's biggest allies, Corinth and Thebes) that Athens...
  10. AHC: Best-Case Scenario For Post-1900 Iran

    Your challenge, if you choose, to accept it, are to construct a best-case scenario for Iran with a PoD after January 1, 1900. Your criteria for "best-case" are: Geopolitical standing-the amount of respect, fear, and admiration held towards Iranians in the community of nations. Can be...
  11. The Greatest Albums Never Made

    I don't think we've had this thread yet. Include as much or as little information as you want. To start off with the obvious one: Lifehouse The Who Released October 18, 1971 Track Listing Side One Side Two 1. Baba O'Reilly 1...
  12. WI: Robert Plant Doesn't Have a Car Crash in

    I may possibly might take this up as a TL. The decline of Led Zeppelin in the late 1970s can largely be traced to August of 1975, when Robert Plant, the vocalist of the group, was very nearly killled in a nasty car accident in Greece. The six albums the band had released up until that point...
  13. Weird Idea: Effects of A Wallace Presidency in 1972?

    Credit to Drew’s “Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo” for giving me this idea. In 1972, a man named Arthur Brenner hit upon a brilliant idea: he would cement his everlasting fame by killing a major political figure. In OTL, his ultimate target was George Wallace, who he shot five times and condemned to...
  14. AHC: The Jimi Hendrix Experience Survives Into the '70s

    Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to, with a PoD no earlier then the formation of the Jimi Hendrix Experience in 1966, have that band survive until at least 1973 without a major lineup change. Bonus points for having it survive longer.
  15. AHC: Worst Case Scenario For Christianity After The Fall of the Roman Emoire

    Your mission is simple: with a PoD no earlier then the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 A.D, construct a worse case scenario for Christianity (of all sects and branches, with worst-case meaning as few followers as possible) that does not involve total depopulation of Christendom. You are allowed...
  16. WI: John Bonham In the Who

    Awright, gents, I saw this scenario proposed in another thread a long while back, and I think it's interesting enough to have its own thread... On January 14, 1979 (just after the end of the recording for In Through the Out Door), Jimmy Page takes a bit too much heroin and ODs. Shocked by the...
  17. WI: Guderian/ Killed In 1934

    One a bright summer day in July 1934, Heinz Guderian (then a Colonel) is walking down the street when a car driven by a Guderian-hating member of AH.Com swerves onto the sidewalk and kills him instantly. What would happen next? Would German land doctrine be appreciably changed? And what...
  18. AHC: Have a Ratte Used In Combat

    With a PoD no earlier then January 1st, 1941, you're challenge is to do to do the impossible, the unthinkable, the unholy: Have at least one use in combat (not training; actual combat) of a P. 1000 Ratte.
  19. Successful Chartists: What Happens to the Empire?

    Okay, for the purposes of discussion, let's say that this scenario takes place within the context of a world where (due to the death of William IV in the Napoleonic Wars and some jiggling of the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to get Ernest of Hanover on the throne), in the late 1830s Great Britain...
  20. AHC/WI: American Equivelant To The Merlin

    A defining character of most American aircraft (especially fighters) in the 1930s and early 1940s was the overall crappiness of their engines-the P-39, whose design was greeted with great enthusiasm, ended up off frontline service due to the lack of a good engine, and two of America's most...