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I'm still surprised the flow of settlers seems so meager at this point, especially given the shortage of land in Europe.

Oh there are plenty of settlers from Norway, but it's mostly from Iceland and sometimes Norwegians going to Iceland because of all the freed up land who then eventually go to Vinland. And the shortage of Land in Europe wasn't as bad in Scandinavia, still not a roll in the park but not enough to make people want to leave their ancestral homelands for someplace that they barely know of.

But yeah I see alot of unrealistic things in other Vinland TLs (not that they are bad TLs) like how word of something in Vinland gets transported to Norway four months later, and how it automatically becomes Paganville (I think it's because writers are biased lol) despite Leif having been sent an order by Olaf Tryyvagarson to Christianize Greenland sometime before so it only seems natural that he would support Christianity in Vinland, another is that they never reach the Mississippi or go anywhere past New Jersey. While my TL has it's own share of unrealistic things it's not using the same ones that have been done to death, even though other TLs have done those they are still somehow enjoyable like Iron and Longships or Wine Blood and Pagans.
I am willing to make a map labeling some of the Areas and locations of Norse settlements so does anyone have a blank template for doing such that is fairly reliable AKA isn't just a rough drawing of geological features?
Did you k ow there are 2 Bell ilands of equal size on NFL East coast. The one you chose, and one just south of the original Viking Settlement. There is also a Belle Island exactly in the middle of the viking settlement and Mary's Harbour. So yeah, this map really cleared things up for me.
Happy day after Day after Leif Eriksson day! But seriously when I heard I felt like I did wrong because it was the day celebrating Vinland but I didn't even put this up.


In the Nyrfold children of the first colonists are beginning to become Adults, due to the large protein diets from the fish, seal, walrus, livestock, and wild game that had been abundant. It had been said that a Child from vinland at fifteen was as tall as a man at twenty-six.

In Europe the Pelts from the Nyrfold had not been as popular as they were in Greenland and Iceland, the abundant Scandinavian and Finnish Fur trade had been cheaper due to the closer distance, however among the markets of Jorvik the nobility had seen the difference and higher quality of Nyrfold pelts and often bought them up; still however most merchants that traveled to Vinland had not monopolized on pelts but rather on Vinland wine and Walrus Ivory. There were also some cases of Skraeling flint blades popular as decorations for the wealthy in Norway, they were so popular people attempted to knap their own blades and sell them as Skraeling blades; However the art of flint knapping was near impossible to learn without an instructor.

In The Nyrfold the lack of women had once again begun to grow there were cases of Skraeling women marrying Norse men but the cases were few, it had started to become popular and almost a "tradition" for a young man to go out to trade in Europe and then either buy a slave or participate in a raid on the Baltic and then return, this had went on for a few years but then ambitious men had begun to buy many slaves and ship them to Vinland for sale. Though it was seen as lowly to take a slave as a wife and to Marry a free woman was something very prestigious and something only the wealthy were able to do as parents were able to pick the best suitors for their daughter.

In Bjarnystad, Bjarny's grand ship and undergone some renovations though the details are lost in time it is hinted there was an extra mast and that he was working on building another. He had been ambitious about using these massive ships for travelling down the coast and going farther than it had been possible before, he also did not hold smaller ships in lower regard. Bjarny knew that smaller more transportable ships were needed for exploring the Great River area and the Great Lakes (same name as OTL funnily, totally not unoriginalness on my part).

On the Hitvur river in the small Skraeling farm Ragnar Bjornsson was interested at how they grew three different plants in the same spot and later observed how the tall one would provide for the bean, the tall one that bore a fruit had been delicious when boiled, while he had never been fond of vegetables and beans the other crops were mediocre. Some of his men were getting restless and wanted to go home (mostly because they were young and hadn't been away from home for more than a few weeks), he decided that all that wanted to go would take the ship while he and three other men would stay in the Skraeling village to learn their language and explore the Area and in a few months would come back for them. He had contact with one of the traders from the West and South, he had learned a bit of the skraelings language and the trader knew the language of that particular village and they somewhat communicated but there was not very many details but that to the Northeast their was the Norse colonies and to the West there was the Great towns and cities and the trader showed him copper art pieces cold worked. Ragnar decided to take the trader back to Nawahlid with him, the trader agreed. The Skraeling trader converted and was renamed Joseph Ragnarsson who would later lead the Norse into the vast Mississippian civilization trade routes and settlements.

In Thorkellsborg the immigration had made it too populated and eventually Bjarny had ordered every man younger than twenty one to move to one of the other colonies with their possessions within the next two years. The people complained little as overpopulation had started to take it's toll and Rats were starting to become a large problem so much so that the local government had been raising cats to Roam the town. Conflicts in Scandinavia and overpopulation in Iceland had lead to much migration to Greenland and from there the Territories of Bjarny and Thorfinn, along with the overpopulation of Thorkellsborg led Bjarny Leifsson to found another colony in Hnetaland in a very large bay that had many defensible Islands, although most of the settlement was on the mainland the wealthy lived on the Islands but there were still adequate defenses on the Mainland that should handle native attacks fairly well.

In Markland Thorfinn Karlsefni was getting drunk, ever since he tried to become paramount Chief of all the Western Lands he was known for drinking and sulking in sorrow, his son Snorri had run most things in his place. On March 14 1024 Thorfinn Karlsefni had died of alcohol poisoning, Snorri had been in Elgurland at the time and when word received him he had hypothesized that Bjarny would have claimed all of the Marklands by now and instead sent ships to gather all the residents of Gudridsfjord and some of the other colonies to come to Elgurland for the Furs and Barley fields, he also exaggerated about the Northern Gold and had over six thousand immigrants to Snorrisborg. Bjarny Leifsson was in Hnetaland when he heard of Bjarny's sponsored exodus, he was genuinely surprised that the clan of Thorfinn had been that paranoid about their clan struggle which in Bjarny's eyes wasn't anything too serious when in their eye's had been a matter of life and death. In one ship Bjarny went to Snorrisborg to meet with Snorri and tell him he had no intentions of taking Markland and even gave Snorri gifts of the finest Vinlandic wine. Snorri however, in the rage of his fathers death had seen this as gloating and insulting and had viciously ordered them to leave. Bjarny had left immediately, but had decided to go ahead and annex Markland in spite of him, the locals did not mind seeing Snorri as cowardly like his father and had abandoned them. All except Arvid Akesson, who waged war for twelve days before receiving an arrow to the eye. Bjarny was now the Most powerful person West of Iceland and now was Paramount cheif of Greenland, Markland, Vinland, Hnetaland, and Saeturland; this had made him ambitious to say the least and he had dreamed of either him or one of his successors becoming King of Vinland but he had never taken any actions because most of the population being formerly Icelandic had found the Notion of Kings repulsive, he had merely reformed the Allthing into being similar to Iceland's with the exception that the Paramount Chief could overrule things proposed by the Allthing, could depose and install representatives of the Allthing, and could impose any decision he wanted; he was near exact to a King with the difference mostly only being in title. He did however let the Allthing settle disputes on it's own and only step in when he had to.

On the banks of the Hitvur River Ragnar fishing to pass the time when he sees his friends back to get him, he is now fluent in the skraeling tongue and takes back the soon to be Joseph and a few other Skraelings willing to come and see the Norse communities. With ambitions to travel to the south and west to see these cities with the Help of Joseph, he had gathered twelve men who were proficient in hunting and combat and when he reached Nawahlid had begun to Organize another expedition.
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Not sure how many people are actually reading, but apparently the Views are almost two thousand so that's good I guess, given how only a few other people are posting other than me I'm starting to doubt weather more than five people care. At any rate unless I see views not change I'm not going to stop completely.

And another thing, what are some interesting things that you would think are interesting (like Norse sailors manage to sail through the Northwest passages due to the medieval warm period and see the pacific?)


In Europe Olaf Haraldson had seen the growth of the king of England and Denmark, Cnut. He had grown worrisome and had seen him amassing power and he knew it was a matter of time before he would attempt to take Norway. While he could fight Cnut his only heir, Magnus would be in danger due to many in the court that had secretly wanted Cnut to come and overthrow Olaf; and if he was overthrown Cnut in his mind would have surely annihilated any opposing claim to the thrown and even if he had won against Cnut, the mutinous ones would try and take his one year old son Magnus hostage. In the face he had decided to send him somewhere out of the country, his options were to send him to the Rus but that land had too many prying eyes and who knows how many men would be out to get his son. There was however a second option that he had heard about, the Former Former king had befriended a famous Sailor Leif Eriksson many years before and wondered if his son would take him in, he also remembered that Leif's son Bjarny had been governing a rich land called Vinland. Olaf sent messengers to Bjarny Leifsson to inquire about this issue and to see what his reaction would be, Olaf said that if he had accepted he would be recognized by Norway as the Ruler of all Lands west of Iceland. When Bjarny received this his immediate response was yes and the following Spring little Magnus and his caretakers had arrived in Leifsbudir with Bjarny eagerly awaiting them. Bjarny had tried his best to appear 'kingly' in posture as to not seem like a lowly irrelevant chief to the Prince's servants and caretakers. He was very happy about this due to him only fathering two daughters and had the possibility of having the next king of Norway as a son in law.

On the Hnetaland colony now named Einarstad due to the chief that had been selected by Bjarny to lead the settlement, they had cleared much forest and had Burned near thirty square miles of land and they could divert most of their time to clearing land as imported food cost near to nothing and they had gained plenty of things to trade for food like Pelts, and all the iron tools that they had intended to trade with the Skraelings but the Skraelings had proved to be hostile, the little war had lasted only three weeks and most of the Skraeling population on the Island had been decimated. They had been raising recently imported honey bees from Europe but the hive had mostly died from transport in the cold northern waters but they were able to keep the population alive but barely.

In Nawahlid Ragnar had come to the town chief with Joseph Ragnarsson and pieces of the new crops they had discovered and the supposed towns and cities to the west, as a Skraeling John Kristinn had some knowledge of this but little more than something passed on by many mouths over large distances where details are lost in translation. At any rate he had sent a messenger to Bjarny Leifsson about this and Bjarny responded by telling John to give him provisions and men to make an even further Journey to the Western networks; That spring they set off.

In Saeturland sugar and syrup production was large and was being baked into sweet pastries so much so that the Grain supply could not keep up and had reverted to using acorn and butternut flour for making them, Bjarny had used these heavily to try and get more immigrants to Vinland but after a while he realized anyone that hadn't gone already has gotten annoyed at the attempts to bribe them from their family homes and some people in Greenland had refused to burn or build with Vinland or Markland wood and would rather use the more expensive option of using wood from Norway. Iceland however was a different story, there would always be people who in their eyes unfairly lost most of their land due to bias in the Allthing and had grown poor and were subject to the whims of the wealthy and were often treated very poorly, colonists from Vinland capitalized on this and would take away large amounts of people but after nearly ten years of doing this those who would go have already gone or aren't able to go; some just stubborn and believe they will eventually get their land back. The lack of population in the Nyrfold has led to around this time the establishment of the trans-Atlantic Slave route for farmhands and women, the slaves were usually traded for Furs, Ivory, pieces of gold or silver, Vinlandic Wine, and other miscellaneous goods like one case where the skull of a mountain Lion was traded along with a couple furs for a women. Bjarny Leifsson had made it a point to send bounds of Vinland wine and Saeturland Pastries and sugar to King Olaf and even secretly a few pounds of sugar to King Cnut of Denmark and England.

In Greenland Olaf Thorgilson led another exploratory expedition into the Hellulands, this time however he would try and see what was north of the Main island (Baffin island). When he set sail he had brought five Thralls that were once one of the Lapp peoples of Norway (the Sami) who would know Caribou hunting and various Northern survival methods. They had made it to the Northern tip of the Island but because of the currents and wind it was impossible to go any more forward, but they did explore the Island on the way back and even found a nugget of gold and had collected a small fortune in walrus Ivory and instead of going back to Greenland where no one would buy them they had decided to take it south to Leifsbudir where they could catch a decent price for it. In Leifsbudir he was met by Bjarny Leifsson and had invited him to the Hall where they had discussed both of their travels and politics. Eventually Bjarny had brought up Ragnar Bjornsson and the Vastaland skraeling trade, and of the lands to the south of Hnetaland. Olaf Thorgillson heard that Hnetaland was primarily an Island and that the Nyrfold was just a large Island like Britain but bigger, however experienced travelers knew it was no island and some from Europe knew that it could be just as big as the Continent or even bigger. Olaf then realized that while the Northern gold was a possibility, there could be large amounts of gold to the south, but he had heard that the waters to the south of Hnetaland were hard to traverse and clinging to the coast resulted in crashing against the shoals while sailing too far out would blow you too far east; But then Bjarny told him of his four "grand" ships that had a second story and could hold enough cargo and provisions that you did not have to stop at Greenland or Iceland for travel to Europe. Much to the disgust of Snorri Thorfinnson Olaf had moved his Family to the great colony in Hnetaland, Einarstad and from there had wanted to travel deep into the south with one of the Grand ships Bjarny had lent him.

In Iceland, prosecution of Pagans had been growing and religious Christians had been trying to overtake the Allthing, supported by King Olaf and the papacy. The pagans wanted more land and to escape the Christians, while the men had been stubborn and did not wish to flee as that would insult their warriors honor. However young men and sailors had left with in total in the separate voyages six hundred and eighty-five men, four hundred women, and an unknown number of children. Some had settled in Greenland, others had migrated to the mostly Christian but Tolerant Vinland, the rest had went to the mostly Pagan (although the Chieftain is Christian) Elgurland colony. Snorri Thorfinnson was particularly pleased with this as not many had wanted to Permanently settle in Elgurland, most stayed for a few months to grow grow Barely and get paid in gold (mostly gotten by trading with the Natives). With the new colonists he immediately had them clear forest to make way for more Barley crops and has them try to find more sources of Gold along the coasts and rivers. They had also met success with Walrus and seal hunting, fishing wasn't terrible, and the Sheep and Goats were thriving; while not much danger was posed to their food supply they had a few fights with some of the Skraelings, they had Skraelings they traded with but there would be some violent skraelings that they would get into fights with, but they had concentrated most of the population in Snorrisborg and built fortifications so usually not much damage was done other than sometimes some upturned crops.

In Leifsbudir and the Northern arm of vinland as a whole was nearly devoid of all Skraelings that weren't allied or assimilated, however from trading partners they heard that a large powerful Skraeling tribe that had gotten their hands on some Iron weapons and were migrating North due to some unknown reason although it is hypothesized that they either left because of food shortage or they were looking to attack and rob the Norse, the latter is assumed due to some cousin tribes joining with them. The Althing had decided that from all settlements (including those in Greenland) at least six men of fighting age to gather at Leifsbudir with as much weapons and Armour they can carry. They had gathered around seven hundred and fifty fighting men and three hundred Skraeling allies, with all these men Bjarny decided to construct an enormous wooden wall (based off of what he heard of the Danevirke) that would stretch across the Northern arm of Vinland that was around thirteen Miles long, but the actual structure was not that long because they used the many lakes as ready made borders and had small defenses built along their shores and where they made the wall there was a deep bay that made the Northern arm skinnier. The Vinlandic militia had begun to cut down the trees in the path of the site for the wall and there was no neatness to the wall in Bjarny's recorded statement "We had little time for grandness, a pile of Logs with earth rammed on the inside would do well enough to keep Skraelings from waltzing in our Lands", they had also burned the woods in front of the wall. The first attacks came during part of the construction but they had been scouts and not part of the Main force that was however approaching. When it had arrived most of the wall had been built but they had attacked the parts unfinished, they had warriors stationed at those points but they did not have any defenses and while they could repel them they were becoming exhausted and if not for their native allies who were more experienced in this kind of warfare were they able to hold off. Eventually the wall was completed but the attacks seemingly had no end, Bjarny Leifsson had caught an arrow to the thigh and had trouble walking for the rest of his life. At the end of winter hostilities ceased however they picked up again in the spring, at last however the Skaeling force had mostly disbanded and returned to their former lands while the hostilities never dropped completely they were at a steady rate not unlike attacks on other settlements and could be managed by only eighty of the men from Leifsbudir and some local Native allies. In Order to manage the wall Bjarny built a new settlement on the Eastern edge of the wall on the coastline called Skrealsigrad (place of the defeat of the skraelings) and it was filled mostly with young adults from Markland and immigrants from Iceland.

And again discuss and criticize
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This is pretty cool!
What is the population in Vinland in total now?

I think when the population reaches a certain point, when the Scandinavians are truly established in the new world, they will start exploring more.
Have they been south along Maryland, Delaware and Virginia yet?

There's even more fertile land down there, although more populated by skraelings I guess.
I think eventually the king of Norway will have some sort of inquisition just to prove he's cool with the christians, which is sad because Vinland TLs makes me hope for a surviving norse paganism.

Has the find of a whole new world filled to the brim with fertile land and resources affected norse religion yet? Is this the "promised land of Odin" or something? Do the colonists think they're in a safe version of Utgard?
I'm curious as to the route this wall follows.

Also, I find it odd that if calls to settlement are going out to Greenland and Iceland, why not Norway, Denmark and England? For Canute, Vinland could prove a valuable safety valve to get rid of his more "English" subjects and cement his rule.
I'm curious as to the route this wall follows.

Also, I find it odd that if calls to settlement are going out to Greenland and Iceland, why not Norway, Denmark and England? For Canute, Vinland could prove a valuable safety valve to get rid of his more "English" subjects and cement his rule.

There is some in Norway but there are OTL reports of sailors not experienced in Northern waters getting killed by the Icebergs and then there is also in England with all the dead from the Wars started by the father of Cnut lack of land isn't as great. Basically the demand for new land is greater in Iceland than in Europe and living in Greenland isn't the most comfortable lifestyle.

Although the Idea of exiling political dissidents to Vinland seems like it would be possible on a small scale. However in Cnut's case the reason why he held the North Sea empire together was because he tried on every occasion to look English and appease his English subjects so exiling a couple hundred of them would sink that ship lol, although he may do something similar with some of his Danish subjects and maybe Norwegian ones if he's able to conquer Norway or the small Parts of Sweden.

Oh and the wall is across the area seen here:,-56.2544145,16938m/data=!3m1!1e3
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This is pretty cool!
What is the population in Vinland in total now?

I think when the population reaches a certain point, when the Scandinavians are truly established in the new world, they will start exploring more.
Have they been south along Maryland, Delaware and Virginia yet?

There's even more fertile land down there, although more populated by skraelings I guess.
I think eventually the king of Norway will have some sort of inquisition just to prove he's cool with the christians, which is sad because Vinland TLs makes me hope for a surviving norse paganism.

Has the find of a whole new world filled to the brim with fertile land and resources affected norse religion yet? Is this the "promised land of Odin" or something? Do the colonists think they're in a safe version of Utgard?

Well I am trying to explain this from a Historians perspective in an Alternate world so thats why I keep some details vague as if they were lost to history,

And the population is around 11,000 with the bulk of the population on small farms and villages along the Markland and Vinland coast with only about a couple Hundred in a large town like Thorkellsborg, Leifsbudir, Bjarnystad, Gudridsfjord, Nawahlid, and Einarstad. But yeah any habitable place within sixty miles north and south of Gudridsfjord has been settled.

Well given how Leif Ericsson just before he went to vinland was asked by the King of Norway to convert the Greenlanders so the Majority is christian however pagans are still allowed to practice their faith and linger on much longer than they do in Europe however they eventually assimilate into the Christian families.

And they rarely go south of Hnetaland due to Skraelings and the fact that if you try to colonize too far you won't be able to trade as easily with the other colonies. That and their is more interest into the Great River and with the mention of the Mississippian civilizations from Ragnar Bjornson they would be much more interested. It should also be noted that trying to travel south along the east coast would be very hard due to westerlies constantly trying to push you out into sea so they only got as far as Maine. However I plan on going into detail on the evolution of typical Norse ships into something similar to a caravel that can jump across the Atlantic. Bjarny has one but it is more for showing off to Icelanders how rich he was and it was very inefficient and it would be easier to travel around on a Normal ships however it showed what may be in the future for shipbuilding in North America (not very good at drawing designs so I will just describe them). And the soil south of Main is very sandy and not very good for old world crops so I wouldn't expect too many settlements there other than trading posts and fishing villages.
Well I am trying to explain this from a Historians perspective in an Alternate world so thats why I keep some details vague as if they were lost to history,

And the population is around 11,000 with the bulk of the population on small farms and villages along the Markland and Vinland coast with only about a couple Hundred in a large town like Thorkellsborg, Leifsbudir, Bjarnystad, Gudridsfjord, Nawahlid, and Einarstad. But yeah any habitable place within sixty miles north and south of Gudridsfjord has been settled.

Well given how Leif Ericsson just before he went to vinland was asked by the King of Norway to convert the Greenlanders so the Majority is christian however pagans are still allowed to practice their faith and linger on much longer than they do in Europe however they eventually assimilate into the Christian families.

And they rarely go south of Hnetaland due to Skraelings and the fact that if you try to colonize too far you won't be able to trade as easily with the other colonies. That and their is more interest into the Great River and with the mention of the Mississippian civilizations from Ragnar Bjornson they would be much more interested. It should also be noted that trying to travel south along the east coast would be very hard due to westerlies constantly trying to push you out into sea so they only got as far as Maine. However I plan on going into detail on the evolution of typical Norse ships into something similar to a caravel that can jump across the Atlantic. Bjarny has one but it is more for showing off to Icelanders how rich he was and it was very inefficient and it would be easier to travel around on a Normal ships however it showed what may be in the future for shipbuilding in North America (not very good at drawing designs so I will just describe them). And the soil south of Main is very sandy and not very good for old world crops so I wouldn't expect too many settlements there other than trading posts and fishing villages.

Couple things:

Olaf Trgvasson still on the throne in 1025? The guy was a horrible king who alienated so many that they teamed up and killed the bastard and fed him to the sea in 1000 A.D. Are you perhaps confusing him with Olaf the II? Otherwise, there would have to be POD to keep him on the throne 25 years longer.
Also, he was a Christianizer in the worst sense of the word i.e. sword and flame rather than loving kindness. He came into a country that was majority pagan. 30 years of his rule there would be a lot more burned out towns and almost no pagans....which is why they got rid of him.

Leif was the first Christian in Greenland, converted during his time in Norway in the court of Olaf. Not until he became Chief after his fathers death did Christianity make much headway. Christians were a distinct minority in Greenland early.

Christians being more merciful? The pagans seeking peace or trading partners would be as likely to take in the seven in order to get such an advantage.
Couple things:

Olaf Trgvasson still on the throne in 1025? The guy was a horrible king who alienated so many that they teamed up and killed the bastard and fed him to the sea in 1000 A.D. Are you perhaps confusing him with Olaf the II? Otherwise, there would have to be POD to keep him on the throne 25 years longer.
Also, he was a Christianizer in the worst sense of the word i.e. sword and flame rather than loving kindness. He came into a country that was majority pagan. 30 years of his rule there would be a lot more burned out towns and almost no pagans....which is why they got rid of him.

Leif was the first Christian in Greenland, converted during his time in Norway in the court of Olaf. Not until he became Chief after his fathers death did Christianity make much headway. Christians were a distinct minority in Greenland early.

Christians being more merciful? The pagans seeking peace or trading partners would be as likely to take in the seven in order to get such an advantage.

Well thats embarrassing :confused:, going to edit those parts then lol EDIT: only had to change two mentions of him so not too big a mistake

And if I remember correctly Christianity did make headways in Iceland and with Leif trying to convert the people in Greenland, I assume he would try to do the same in Vinland and most people in Greenland historically accepted Christianity pretty quickly and what with Thorfinn Karlsefni being Christian and his son OTL Christianized nearly all of Iceland.
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That and their is more interest into the Great River and with the mention of the Mississippian civilizations from Ragnar Bjornson they would be much more interested. It should also be noted that trying to travel south along the east coast would be very hard due to westerlies constantly trying to push you out into sea so they only got as far as Maine.

Cool, so the future map will be spotted with viking colonies in the Great Lakes and southwards in the rivers that connects with great lakes?
That leaves plenty of room for other European colonisers, I wonder how they will deal with vikings already being here.
Well thats embarrassing :confused:, going to edit those parts then lol EDIT: only had to change two mentions of him so not too big a mistake

And if I remember correctly Christianity did make headways in Iceland and with Leif trying to convert the people in Greenland, I assume he would try to do the same in Vinland and most people in Greenland historically accepted Christianity pretty quickly and what with Thorfinn Karlsefni being Christian and his son OTL Christianized nearly all of Iceland.

I think we are interpreting the historical record in reasonable but almost opposite ways. For example, the conversion of Iceland is peaceful. But behind it you have the Christians threatening civil war, bribing the judge( and other sources saying he was an exceptionally honorable man), Icelandic sailors being held hostage in Christian ports.

1000 years latter, two people read the history and come up with different conclusions on how peaceful it really was.

Still, I'm enjoying the tl.



Recommendation: Check out the websute Norse mythology for smart people.
I think we are interpreting the historical record in reasonable but almost opposite ways. For example, the conversion of Iceland is peaceful. But behind it you have the Christians threatening civil war, bribing the judge( and other sources saying he was an exceptionally honorable man), Icelandic sailors being held hostage in Christian ports.

1000 years latter, two people read the history and come up with different conclusions on how peaceful it really was.

Still, I'm enjoying the tl.



Recommendation: Check out the websute Norse mythology for smart people.

Well it is still possible to go south it's just very hard and there would need to be more settlements that way in order for ships to resupply and do maintenance on the ship, though it would take time because any small farms that try and go too far from other settlements usually get destroyed by Skraelings and it would be farther away from other Norse so it would be harder to trade and do business with the other colonies

Now just so people know I said the New World has around 11,000 people at this time but the island of Newfoundland alone is 75% as large as Britain not to mention all of the other areas settled by Norse and with Bjarny Leifsson pretty much ruling over the Althing and is a king in everything but the name.
So on a scale from one to ten how would you rate this TL? What do you hate/like about it or whats unique about it?


In Vinland many attempts have been made at turning Maple sap and Syrup into alcoholic beverages, while several different methods were tried at getting the right amount of concentrated sap to syrup amount usually ending up where more fluid; It was extremely strong to say the least (science note: because maple sap has such high sugar content the yeast that would convert sugar to alcohol create more to the point where yeast cant survive and some sugar is left behind leaving it very strong but sweet as well). Bjarny exported it to Iceland and Norway in the hopes it may convince people to come to the distant land, while he welcomed all colonists and many had come to colonize the land but with his vast swathe of territory it was difficult spreading them out evenly and he had considered sending ships to convince people from the Norse cities of Ireland to come to Vinland.
He had also encouraged having children and cultural acceptance of Skraelings into Norse society, it was even said it was cheaper to Hire local skraelings to do work for you in exchange for menial amounts of Iron tools and cloth than it was to own slaves in Hnetaland and parts of Saeturland. Bjarny Leifsson also passed a new controversial law that said if a Thrall converts to Christianity then exactly three years after he converts he must be either let free or allowed to buy their freedom, however if a captured slave is christian then three years after purchase must be let free and trying to sell the slave before the three years is up will receive punishment. This was probably the most controversial act of Bjarny's career and while he never enforced this law it had laid the groundwork for Vinnish Christianity's view toward slavery and its views to pagans.

In Hnetaland Olaf Thorgilson used the Grand ship to sail south, he hit a land he named Grunnland (land of soals) (OTL Main and New Hampshire), then after a few days south he came across a huge cape he called the hook (cape cod) and he named the land there Thorskurland (land of cod) (OTL Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, long island). He had ventured further south but a storm had strewn him to the east when he eventually got back to the shore he was obviously very far south, he had went to the coast in a large river when one of them men came back injured from when he was in the water as put in the sagas: "It was a gruesome sight, something had bit down hard on the mans leg and twisted it as a child would twist a piece of bread apart". This was the Norse's first encounter with Aurdreki (mud dragons), believed by some to be offspring of the great serpent Jormungand. Olaf had his men unleash arrows at it but it could not pierce the skin, the saga says: "One of the warriors had picked up a spear and threw it at the Aurdreki with such force that it had pierced the tail and nailed it to a root where it died".
Olaf had ordered the pelt from the Aurdreki to be collected and loaded onto the ship where they headed north for Bjarnystad where they would show everyone the pelt and the stories of their discoveries, however they did not make it to the Norse colonies but where pushed far east by the westerlies so far to Islands which he called the Heitteyjar (the warm Islands) (OTL the Azores). They had done small repairs on the ship and decided they were closer to Europe than to Vinland and had traveled further east, reaching the northern part of Iberia and had traded there and from there headed to Ireland, from there to Iceland, and from there back to Vinland. When he again met with Bjarny in Skraelsigrad (which the population was around seventy civilians) and they discussed the Heitteyjar and the possibilities it could have, another subject they thought about were the Aurdreki of Aurland as the land was now named. Bjarny had seen it's pelt and it's skull with its elongated snout, teeth and jaws that could easily rip a man to pieces both interested him and made him unsettled, there had been many beasts in Vinland like the Bear and various cats that could tear a man's throat out but the skeleton of the Aurdreki was something that could only be rivaled by the jaws of a Shark or Orca. The pelt and skull could be sold at an incredibly high price in Scandinavia, Olaf Thorgilson realized this and headed for Nidaros in Norway where he sold them for fifty pounds of gold and thirty pounds of silver to none other than the king of Norway Himself Olaf the second; it was said that he had fashioned the skull to the front of his ship instead of the dragon head that was sometimes used and the pelt was made into a cloak that he wore. Olaf Thorgilsson had bought ninety female slaves which he shipped to Vinland where he sold them for twice as much, he later decided to make use of this and again he bought thirty female slaves from Denmark which were captured in the Baltic and sold them in Vinland and made a Profit. He had used much of this new money to construct a new colony in a strait at Hnetaland (OTL strait near Port Hawkesbury) that cut through a large island which he populated with people he had invited with him on his trips to Europe and some of the assimilated Skraelings who were interested in Nordic culture and technology. This was a necessary point as anyone wanting to go south would have to go through the shortcut unless they had business on the east side of the strait.

In Elgurland Snorri Thorfinnson had a growing problem on his hands, other than slaves there was no immigration to Elgurland. Most people who had heard of it thought it to be cold and harsh like Heulluland, another problem he had is that he was encouraging missionaries to come and convert the pagan majority living there. The pagans have had enough of Christian missionaries from their homelands in Iceland and a few of the Missionaries had been murdered and Snorri had investigations but when the investigators had probably also been as suspect as anyone that made it extremely difficult and the murderer(s) were never found and missionaries eventually stopped coming and the Christian minority slowly but surely left Elgurland after some murders of them started to happen. Snorri had put bans on leaving but the Christians had bribed merchants to smuggle them away and while the followers of the Aesgir had welcomed this Snorri had found himself one of the few Christians in a Pagan land, naturally the Pagans were unsettled by a Christian being the one in charge but dealt with it as out of fear Snorri had not immediately taken any action to this problem.

In Saeturland it had become a norm to have acorn bread dipped in syrup for breakfast during the winter, maple Sugar had been exported to the rest of the Nyrfold and the Farms around Nawahlid had been prosperous and attempted to export their grain but the rest of the Nyrfold was as productive as they were other than Markland and Northern Vinland. They decided that with the excess grain they would import it not east, but west to the Skraeling villages. There were already plans to make farms along the rapid points of the great river and the Rapids of the Hitvur river already had a skraeling settlement in which portage could be done. Saeturland and it's enormous trees were able to produce another ten grand ships but with improved rudders and better sails, it was as long as a Normal Knarr but was stockier and much taller. Other ships had been built that had been able to explore the gulf around the river and eventually the main export of Saeturland was Sugar and ships, from Leifsbudir to Iceland Saeturland ships were prized for their quality wood and craftsmanship.

On the Bjarnystad Islands nearly all wood was cut down, the farms were productive and little to no chance of attacks from Skraelings. Walrus and seal hunting were great and there was plenty of bog Iron, however for the finer tools such as plows, armor, and weapons were made from the finer Ore from the Thorkellsborg area. The Nyrfold has become very trade based and while the term "Dark Ages" had been used to describe Europe after the fall of the Western Roman Empire, while Historians debate if it was as dark as they say but at any rate it is agreed upon Dark Age enthusiasts that the Nyrfold was outside the Dark ages and the common man's standard of living was much higher than those in Europe, traveling by ship to visit relatives across the gulf was not uncommon and the Average male had at least once been to Europe for trading or for purchasing a female slave for a wife.

In Gudridsfjord the population was declining with three immigrations out of it for one immigration into it, it quickly became a backwater and the major export of it was colonists. However in other parts of Markland to the North a Great Fjord known as the Leifsfjord (discovered by the now deceased Leif Eriksson) it was at least as big as the Nidaros Fjord had a few settlements in them that now grow due to some skraeling migration from the west had developed a great fur trading there and they even would hunt loads of meat for small copper rings (which became the de facto currency, while Barter is still the main source of trade) and Iron knives. One of these settlements was approved by Bjarny and by extension the Allthing and was made the seat of power or Capital of Markland. It was at a key staging point to ship Timber to Greenland and to parts of Iceland.

In Greenland nearly nine out of ten people left for Vinland, only those who for some reason or another disliked the people from Vinland or wanted to take advantage of the amount of wealth that traveled from there to Iceland and the rest of Europe, but for a few years now the more competent sailors have been making the jump straight to Iceland with only the less experienced sailors coming the Greenland colonies were dying, the estate at Bratahlid was close to being a ghost town with only sixteen people living in it and the smaller farms had banded together in the two towns of Bratahlid and Herjolfnes. The Chief of Greenland Bjarny's brother was a Drunk who was content with wealth, his female slaves, and drink; he cared little for politics and only decided to settle small disputes leaving the bigger ones to his older brother Bjarny. Many ended up settling in Vinland, others bought slaves in order to keep the colony running but eventually in the year 1027 The western Greenland settlement was abandoned and there were only a couple dozen people living in Greenland.

North of the wall (now named Bjornsvirk after the commander in charge of the warriors there) new settlements bloomed, Bjarny Leifsson proposed and advocated the deforestation of all trees North of the wall and the construction of roads from Leifsbudir to Skraelsigrad and behind the Bjornsvirk linking the East and west coast of the Northern Arm, the road was planned to be built using wooden planks and as time went on paved with gravels. He didn't build the road yet due to the sheer cost it would take but he did however have thirty seven of his own slaves continuously at work cutting down trees near Leifsbudir while he constantly moved from town to town for business and to deal with any arising problems, later this same year he launched an attack on the Skraelings south of the wall but it yielded no significant advantage.

In Thorkellsborg, Bjarny Leifsson had spent no slack in the obtaining of Frankish Blacksmiths as slaves most of which were later freed but with nowhere to go eventually settled in Thorkellsborg and made a decent living as free blacksmiths creating hundreds of Axes, Spears, Swords, Mail, Plow parts, Arrowheads, Mining tools, Carpentry tools, and miscellaneous Iron or Steel Items and even a few men knowledgeable on Copper and Copper alloy working created the mass production of copper rings and necklace pieces that had become standard for trading with natives. Ragnar Bjornsson had taken a few hundred of these copper rings and necklace pieces with him when he went to the western lands.
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So on a scale from one to ten how would you rate this TL? What do you hate/like about it or whats unique about it?

I'd give it an 7, here's why:
The writing style gives the vibe of a history book where characters are relevant and the story itself fascinating. The details about number of inhabitants and political system keeps me updated on how fast the settlements and exploration of the new world is taking place.

While not unique the format of a history text book is something I certainly feel is more appealing to read.
I'd like more maps, like the one above which is great!

I look forward to more of this TL, it's really good!
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