"Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor" - A Michael the Brave Romania Wank

Part One: The Birth and Growth of Romania
  • Zagan

    Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor

    Io Michael, Emperor of the Romanians

    A Michael the Brave Romania Wank

    a.k.a. RomaniaWank Version 2.

    Part One

    The Birth and Growth of Romania


    (Very) Short Synopsis:
    On 9 August 1601, Michael the Brave (Mihai Viteazul) had a dream that changed the World (and the fate of the Romanians) for ever.
    He unleashed one of the greatest top-to-bottom revolutions the World had ever seen.

    1. The short (and translated) Romanian pieces of text will be written in TTL Romanian language using TTL Romanian Alphabet / Diacritics. (mostly old Romanian Letters). Thus, Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor, is in OTL Romanian ortography Io Mihai, Împăratul Românilor. As you can see, the differences are actually small enough that any Romanian speaker will easily understand TTL written Romanian.

    2. I decided to write TTL, because of the numerous negative comments received in RomaniaWank (Original Version). Most negative comments had to do with some unaccounted for lepidoptera issues.

    3. This will be still a Wank, with definitely low plausibility, but not (almost) impossible like the original RomaniaWank.

    Dedicated Wiki: Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor
    Feel free to contribute.

    Part One: The Birth and Growth of Romania

    Introduction: The Dream that Forged an Empire
    Chapter 1. The List That Shaped the Future
    Chapter 2. Diplomatic Letter Send to Poland
    Chapter 3. Romanian Language Standardization
    Chapter 4. Dealing with Treason
    Chapter 5. Alba Iulia
    Chapter 6. The Romanian Lands
    Chapter 7. Reactions in the Romanian Lands
    Chapter 8. And Reactions Abroad
    Chapter 9. The Prague Storm
    Chapter 10. The Making of a Country
    Chapter 11. Overview of 1601 Romania
    Chapter 12. The Path to War
    Chapter 13. The Romanian-Habsburg War
    Chapter 14. The End of the War
    Chapter 15. Pressburg Peace Conference
    Chapter 16. The Aftermath of Pressburg
    Chapter 17. A Period of Peace
    Chapter 18. The Tatar Question
    Chapter 19. The Tatar War
    Chapter 20. Treaty of Perekop
    Chapter 21. Sigismund III Vasa
    Chapter 22. Poland-Lithuania (Sarmatia)
    Chapter 23. Holy Roman Empire
    Chapter 24. The German War
    Chapter 25. Europe in 1622
    Chapter 26. Tensions in the Balkans
    Chapter 27. Mihai's Speeches, 1622
    Chapter 28. The Anti-Ottoman Crusade
    Chapter 29. First Romanian-Ottoman War
    Chapter 30. Peace of Alba Iulia
    Chapter 31. The Second German War
    Chapter 32. About Measures and Weights
    Chapter 33. Europe after the Wars
    Chapter 34. The Imperium
    Chapter 35. Europe before the Great Powers Conference
    Chapter 36. Mihai before the Great Powers Conference
    Chapter 37. Romanian Historiography
    Chapter 38. The Great Powers Conference
    Chapter 39. Mihai and Christine
    Chapter 40. Ups and Downs
    Chapter 41. Annus Horribilis
    Chapter 42. Empress Cristina
    Chapter 43. The Greek-Ottoman War
    Chapter 44. The Second Romanian-Ottoman War
    Chapter 45. The Horrors of Modern Warfare
    Chapter 46. The End of the Ottoman Empire
    Chapter 47. The Imperial Family
    Chapter 48. Remapping the Middle East
    Chapter 49. The Unofficial Regency
    Chapter 50. The Powder Keg
    Chapter 51. The Fall of Greece
    Chapter 52. The Italian Imbroglio
    Chapter 53. The Chaos
    Chapter 54. In the Holy Land
    Chapter 55. Still in the (Un)Holy Land
    Chapter 56. Requiescat in Pace
    Chapter 57. The Working Anarchy
    Chapter 58. The Little Princess
    Chapter 59. Iulia Imperatrix
    Chapter 60. The Warrior Empress
    Chapter 61. The Romanian Revolution
    Chapter 62. Peace in Europe
    Chapter 63. War in the Orient
    Chapter 64. Half a Century after Mihai's Dream
    Epilogue: Watching from the Heavens
    [End of Part One]

    Part Two: The Empire of the Orient

    Part One: The Birth and Growth of Romania

    Romanian Flag: Waving, Flat.
    The Romanian Lands in September 1601: Post, Map.
    Romanian-Habsburg War of 1601: Post, Map.
    Pressburg Peace Treaty: Post, Map, Map (result).
    Romania after the Pressburg Peace Treaty: Post, Map.
    The Tatar War: Post, Map.
    Partition of the Crimean Khanate: Post, Map, Map (result), Map (detail).
    Romania after the Tatar War and the Treaty of Colomeea: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1604: Post, Map.
    Poland-Lithuania (Sarmatia) in 1619-1622: Post, Map, Map (result).
    Germany in 1612, just before the start of the German War: Post, Map.
    Germany during the War: Post, Map.
    Germany During the Ceasefire Period: Post, Map.
    Lisbon Treaty: Post, Map.
    Semaphores Chart: Post, Image.
    The Anti-Ottoman Crusade: Post, Map.
    Administrative Map of Romania after the Anti-Ottoman Crusade: Post, Map.
    Romania and Neighbouring Lands after the Alba Iulia Peace Conference: Post, Map.
    Alba Iulia Peace Conference Aftermath: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1626: Post, Map.
    1625 Census Data: Ethnicity: Post, Table.
    1625 Census Data: Religion: Post, Table.
    1625 Census Data: Status / Occupation: Post, Table.
    1625 Census Data: Citizenship: Post, Map.
    Brussels Peace Treaty Map: Post, Map.
    Germany after the Brussels Peace Treaty: Post, Map.
    The Iberian Empire, the Italian Confederation and Croatia in 1627: Post, Map.
    Flags I: Post, Iberia1, Iberia2, Iberia3, France1, France2, Britain1, Britain2, Germany, Sarmatia, Romania1, Romania2.
    Flags II: Post, Scandinavia, Russia, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece1, Greece2, Italy1, Italy2, Italy3, Hungary.
    Flags III: Post, Georgia, Armenia, Ottoman, Persia, Morocco, Egypt, Arabia, Israel, Peace-Truce, Europe.
    Northern Europe around 1630: Post, Map.
    World Map ~1630: Post, Map.
    European Countries in 1627: Post, Table.
    Pie Charts: Post, Ethnicity, Religion, Citizenship, Europe by Population, Europe by Area.
    The Political Structure of the Population of Romania: Post, Venn Diagram.
    Europe during the Great Powers Conference (1626-1627): Post, Map (overlay), Map (plain).
    Family Tree of Emperor Mihai: Post, Image.
    Old Map of Europe: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map.
    Exclusive Colonial Rights for the Great Powers I: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map.
    Exclusive Colonial Rights for the Great Powers II: Post, Arctic, NW Africa, N America.
    Territorial Evolution of Romania (1601 - 1630): Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Greece (1625 - 1630): Post, Map.
    The Ottoman Empire in 1630-1631: Post, Map.
    The Ottoman State and Its Neighbours in 1635: Post, Map.
    Romanian Theatre of the 1629-1630 Romanian-Ottoman War: Post, Map.
    The Orient in 1635: Post, Map.
    Administrative & Ethnographic Map of Romania: Post, Map.
    Romanian Colonies in the Middle East around 1640: Post, Map.
    Comparison of Romania in 1625 and in 1640: Post, Table 1625, Table 1640, Map 1625, Map 1640.
    The Italian War: Post, Map (before), Map.
    Michaelia Iulia - Capital City of Romania: Post, Map.
    Second European War - Greek Theatre: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1640: Post, Map (overlay), Map (plain).
    The Second European War: Post, Animated Map.
    Summary of Europe's Countries around 1650: Post, Table.
    Administrative Units of the Romanian Imperium: Post, Huge Table, Text Version.
    Romania and its Empire around 1650: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map (overlay), Full Map (plain).
    The Wars and Voyages of Empress Iulia during the 1640's: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of France: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Iberia / Spain: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Germany: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Italy: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Sarmatia: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1650: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Romania, Minor Powers: Post, Map.
    Decline and Disolution of the Ottoman Empire: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1650 (plain & labeled): Post, Thumbnail, Full Map.
    The World in the Second Half of the 17th Century: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map (overlay), Full Map (plain).
    Population of Romania (1602 - 1652): Post, Table.
    European Countries and Their Dependencies in 1652: Post, Table.
    Relative Military Strength of the World's Countries: Post, Table.
    Flag Maps of Europe (1652): Post, FlagMap.
    Animated Map of Romania (1600 - 1652): Post, Animated Map.
    Family Tree of Emperor Mihai (version 2): Post, Image.
    Coat of Arms of Romania: Post, Coat of Arms, Half Size, Quarter Size, Vertical Flag, Defaced Flag, Vertical Defaced Flag, Flag of the Orient.
    1652 Wiki-Like Summary Posts: Mihai, Cristina, Nicolae, Flora, Iulia, Maria, Spain, France, Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, Sarmatia, Russia, Italy, Greece, Armenia, Georgia, Slovakia, Oriens, Turkey, Levant, Bosphorus, Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia, Persia, Egypt, Arabia, Morocco, Romania.

    [End of Part One]

    Part Two: The Empire of the Orient

    Diacritics: . Â . â . Ê . ê . Î . î . Ô . ô . Û . û . Ă . ă . Ĕ . ĕ . Ĭ . ĭ . Ŏ . ŏ . Ŭ . ŭ . Ḑ . ḑ . Ș . ș . Ț . ț . Ä . ä . Ö . ö . Ü . ü . ß .

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    Confused | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/confused-gif.275107/[/IMG]
    Cool | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/cool-gif.275108/[/IMG]
    Eek | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/eek-gif.275109/[/IMG]
    Frown | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/frown-gif.275110/[/IMG]
    Mad | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/mad-gif.275111/[/IMG]
    RedFace | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/redface-gif.275112/[/IMG]
    RollEyes | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/rolleyes-gif.275113/[/IMG]
    Smile | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/smile-gif.275114/[/IMG]
    Tongue | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/tongue-gif.275115/[/IMG]
    Wink | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/wink-gif.275116/[/IMG]
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    I.Introduction: The Dream that Forged an Empire
  • Zagan

    It does not matter if our Emperor's dream was sent by God or not.
    What matters is the fact that his people wholeheartedly believed that.

    The Dream that Forged an Empire

    8 August 1601
    Mihai was tired. He had to fight wars, to administer Transylvania and Wallachia, to plan the reconquest of Moldavia now again in Polish hands, to curb the power of the Hungarian nobles, to keep his own boyars happy, to keep an eye on that scheming Basta, to worry about intrigues in Vienna and Prague and to prepare for the unavoidable future war with the Turks.
    But all he could think about was that Restitutio Daciae thing and the interesting historical discussion with that young but very learned priest, Valerian.
    It was well after midnight when Mihai finally went to sleep in his tent on a field near Turda, where he camped after the recently won Battle of Guruslău.
    He only removed his boots and lay in bed fully clothed and with his hand on his sword's grip.
    It could have been the last day of his life.

    9 August 1601
    He standed on the top of an hitherto unknown mountain somewhere in the middle of the lands inhabited by the people who spoke his language.
    An Angel of God trumpeted and people started to come towards him from all directions.

    First came forth the Turks headed by their Sultan, the Khalif of all Mahomedans. And the Sultan offered him a very small crown, while the one on his own head was truly enormous. And they were speaking Turkish.

    And second came forth the Pope, Emperor Rudolf and General Basta followed by masses of Italians, Germans and Hungarians. And the Emperor offered him a golden crown. But the yellow of the gold had visible dark spots. And they all spoke their languages.

    And third came forth his handful of boyars. And they offered him a small but decent silver crown. Because the Romanians were poorer. But at least they spoke his language. And the other peoples were not happy.

    He looked around him. The Angel has left. His people were few and the Mahomedans and Catholics were at least tenfold. He wanted to take the silver crown of his own people but he knew he could not.
    And then he saw them coming. From all over the Romanian Lands. Countless peasants and shepards and crafters and traders coming and coming from behind the horizon, filling the valleys and mountains with neverending human waves.

    And fourth came forth his own Wallachians and a soldier dropped his broken sword. And he raised the Blue banner of Wallachia with its Eagle, on a pole by his right side.

    And fifth came forth the Transylvanians and an Orthodox priest gently placed on the ground an old iron cross. And he raised the Yellow banner of Transylvania with its 7 castles, on the same pole.

    And sixth came forth the Moldavians and a peasant threw his rusted old plough. And he raised the Red banner of Moldavia with the aurochs, on the same pole as well.

    And seventh came forth the Aromanians from the Lands on the other side of the Danube, from whom his own mother descended. And a shepard contributed his now silent cowbell. As they had no country and flag of their own, he added a Black cloth in sign of grief, again on the same very pole.
    And he looked again and the flags blended into one.

    And eights came forth a blacksmith from elsewhere and melted the sword and the plough and the cross and the cowbell and forged an Iron Crown out of them.
    And all of them were speaking Romanian like he did, for they were not strangers, but his own people.

    And ninth returned the Angel of God and blew cold air onto it to cool it down. And then the Angel splashed it with Holy Water from the Heavens and blessed it.

    And he took the Iron Crown, kissed it with deep reverence, crossed himself, thanked the Lord and put the Iron Crown on his head. And the mountains and the forests and the hills and the valleys of his Lands thundered with his name from hundreds of thousands of chests of proud, free Romanians which for the first time in their history stood straight with their heads up.
    And the foes trembled at this sight. And all of them vanished from view.
    Because the Romanians were as many as the trees in the forests and the stones in the mountains.

    But somehow, it seems that Basta had managed to get unnoticed behind him and attacked him with a knife. But he was quick enough to draw his sword and chop the traitor's head off, his flowing blood soaking him wet...

    Only it wasn't a dream anymore. Mihai quickly regained all his senses and realised much to his dismay and horror that a blood leaking body still holding a knife was fallen onto his bed.
    Now fully awake, Mihai jumped in the middle of his tent just in time to see three other men vanishing into the night.
    His own trusted men were now coming towards him. The immediate danger was over.
    A new era was bound to begin.
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    I.1. The List That Shaped the Future
  • Zagan

    This document is so momentuous in our history that even if it were Emperor Mihai's only deed,
    it would still be enough to earn him a high rank among the Greatest Romanians that ever lived.

    It is probably the most revolutionary manifesto ever written by a royal head of state.

    The List That Shaped the Future

    There is no doubt that, if it were authentic, the List would have been one of the most fenomenal pieces of written text ever discovered, with its importance impossible to be overstated. Reading it now, with our benefit of hindsight, it really looks like God or another prescient being had actually dictated it.
    It was that prescient aura as well as some old Romanian language idiosyncrasies that led some scholars to doubt its authenticity as early as the middle of the 18th century.
    Now, especially after it has been radiocarbon tested, the prevalent opinion in the scientific community (but not quite the consensus) is that the List is probably a late 17th century forgery.
    However, its widespread dissemination and almost mythical status in the collective ethos of the Romanian Nation ensure its continuing presence in the Romanian History textbooks as well as its proeminent display in the main lobby of the Museum of National History of Alba Iulia.
    In fact the List may even give us an insight into Emperor Mihai's early plans. Even if it is a forgery, it is a very good one and Emperor Mihai actually achieved most of it during the following years.

    The List is written in a rather odd kind of Renaissance Latin, punctuated by mistakes and lots of shorthand, mixed with a few Old Romanian words and phrases (written in Latin alphabet as well, the complete lack of standardization notwithstanding). The original is thus quite difficult to understand even by those with a good command of both Latin and Romanian. In fact, the actual meaning of several phrases is still subject to interpretation.
    It is supposed that the List was written with the help of his trusted advisor, Valerian.
    Here is a common English translation of the text with some adaptations and completion of missing parts of words and phrases.

    A.D. 1601, 9 August, Turda, Romanian Lands

    I. Thwart the conspiracy and execute the traitors, including Basta.
    II. Take control of Basta's army or force it out of Transylvania.
    III. Create a personal guard of brave and faithful warriors.
    IV. March to Alba (modern Alba Iulia) and take full control of Transylvania. Dissolve the Diet and arrest the traitors.

    V. Free the Romanians and give them land taken from the Hungarian nobles. Raise oastea cea mare (The Great Army, composed af peasants).
    VI. Send embassies to the Turks and Poles and seek to avert war for the time being.
    VII. Drive the Movilești out of Moldavia and establish our administration there.
    VIII. Forever unite these three Romanian Lands in one and completely destroy all markers of their separate nature.
    IX. Prepare for war with Imperator Germanicorum. (Rudolf II; this bold statement was a great insult, by not recognizing his title of Imperator Romanorum, since for Mihai, the Romans were his people, not Rudolf's)

    X. Sort out the relations with the Church, with the Wallachian and Moldavian boyars.
    XI. Get scholars to write Romanian history and educate the people.
    XII. Make a Romanian Alphabet with Latin letters only. Use the Romanian language inside and Latin outside. Drop Slavonic, Greek, Hungarian, German.
    XIII. Take inspiration from the Ancient Romans and Greeks. Democracy, citizenship, the Senat, Agora, Legions et al.
    XIV. Use the printing press to quickly disseminate knowledge. Make a school by each church. Get scholars and crafters from Europe. Modernize and improve the country.
    XV. If invaded fight back or retreat in the mountains or forests. Never surrender and never accept the separation of our lands. Always remember that God is by our side.
    XVI. Use diplomacy if possible, war if not.
    XVII. Do not irritate the Turks until we are strong enough to fight them south of the Danube.
    XVIII. The Turks must be eventually thrown out of Europe. This will liberate our Romanians there, get land for our boyars and peasants, end the heathen menace and win the good will of the West.
    XIX. Make the flag as seen in the Dream. Make a new Coat of arms for all Romanians. Make a new Seal written in Romanian with the new ortography in Latin letters. Something like Io Mihailu Mare Voevodu si Domnu Terrilor Romanesci Unite ale Valahiei, Ardealului si Moldovei. Prin mare mila lui DumneDeu si vrerea poporului. (Io Michael, Great Voivode and Lord of the United Romanian Lands of Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia. Through the very Grace of God and the will of the people.)

    XX. Yes, I shall be the Voivode of my people. It is better like this. Like in the Dream, when I took my Crown from my people. And have someone forge that Crown, now.

    How to accomplish all this?
    In which order?
    How to stiffle internal discontent? Especially the boyars. Execute the dissenters? What to do with Wallachian peasants? They will demand to be freed as well, like the Transylvanian ones.
    How to keep the Poles and Turks away while fighting the Germans? Bribe them? With what?
    How to get the people to learn when their lifes are so hard? Maybe the children.
    And finally, the most important question? Should I tell everybody about the Dream sent by God? When to tell? Whom to tell? What will the Church say?
    God be with me.
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    I.2. Diplomatic Letter Send to Poland
  • Zagan

    It could be argued that the diplomatic correspondence of Mihai, hastily written while
    still gripped in the religious fervour of his dream, did more bad than good to his cause.
    However, nobody can deny their importance and historical value.

    Diplomatic Letter Send to Poland

    If the authenticity of the List is highly debatable, the Letter still kept in Kracow (and displayed in its History Museum) has certainly been written by the Emperor himself.

    To his Majesty, Sigismundus Tertium Rex Poloniae et Lituaniae Coniunctio, [...]


    We are deeply saddened by the wars fought between our realms over our beloved province of Moldavia. While we can certainly understand your interest in the former Principality, we are politetly asking you to accept the fact that it no longer exists.

    The Romanian Lands are now forever united and we could not tolerate the occupation of Moldavia and the imposition of a foreign Prince there any more than you would accept the same in your province of Galicia for example.

    Again, we understand that your purpose was not to include Moldavia into your realms but only to have certain interests recognized and respected. If we understand it correctly, your interests are twofold: from a military point of view you desire a friendly buffer on your southern border and from an aconomic point of view, you desire unobstructed access for your crafts and merchants all the way to the Black Sea and the Sublime Porte.

    In order to mentain the peace between our countries and to forge an everlasting friendship, we are ready to accomodate your interests.

    First of all, you will win a large and powerful friend guarding all your southern flank from any attacks by the Turks. It is obvious that the Romanian Lands which will be much better at fending off any attempt of invasion from the south than the little powerless Moldavia.

    And second, we vow to recognize any reasonable requests of economic and comercial concessions for your merchants, traders and goods in all our lands. You will have to pay the lowest taxes and tariffs and will benefit from a free port area in Albocastrum (Cetatea Albă; Akkerman), at the mouth of the Denestrum (Nistru; Dniester), which for much of its course delimits our realms.

    We will even be so graceful to forget anything about Pokuttya and write off that ancient debt.

    However, if your Majesty's warmongering counselors will succeed again in convincing your peace loving Majesty to go to war against us, in spite the fact that we have not harmed your realms in any way, we shall be forced to defend our country as we did in the times of Stephan the Great. And your realms will lose a faithful ally and a trading partner, Pokuttya and possibly more.


    And, hoping that we and our peoples shall be friends and allies, may I start helping my future ally right now.

    A new Era shall come in the civilized countries of Europe. The Era of the Nations. God Himself has opened my eyes and showed me the inevitable future.

    A people becomes a Nation when it wakes up and realizes that it shares a common ancestry, a common language, religion and culture, common needs and hopes and a common glorious future. And afterwards, nothing can stand in its way to greatness.

    The Romanian Nation is slowly taking shape. Other nations will undoubtely follow suit.

    What will be the position of your country when it will find itself flanked from the west and north, not by German speaking countries, but by a German Nation with common goals and interests?

    What will happen when your Russian speaking subjects from the eastern parts of your realm will consider themselves more like members of the Rus Nation than faithful subjects of Poland-Lithuania?

    Your country has bigger problems ahead that if not timely and properly addressed could become dangerous in the near future. On the other hand, you have no reason to worry about us, since we do not need anything from your realms.


    Your Majesty will most certainly think about the potential dangers to His Realms that I have revealed and will find brilliant sollutions.

    However, let me mention that had I been in your Majesty's place, I would start to work in two directions. The first would be the conquest and annihilation of the enclave which is Prussia in order to have a cohesive territory and no potential enemy at the north. And the second, which may take decades, is to forge a Nation from your peoples, before the other nations start to coalesce as well.

    With friendship and respect,

    Io Michaelus Woiwoda Dominusque Romanorum Unitum Terram Vallachiae, Transilvaniae et Moldaviae.

    AD MDCI Augustus X


    This letter more than any other document helped make Emperor Mihai Viteazul a very popular, interesting and unusual historical character. Because of some of its percieved oddities, it led to the suspicion that he was actually insane. This slander was especially common in Germany, probably fueled by Emperor Rudolf's enmity.

    The fact is that the content of the letter is definitely strange. To give only a few examples:
    1. The odd way it was addressed. This came to be widely employed and known as an inglorious habit. Mihai used made-up or less frequent titles in order to make a point, usually raising some eyebrows or inviting rage. Other similar examples from different letters include: Bishop of Rome, Imperator Germanicorum, Khaliff of the Faithful.
    2. Most strikingly, at the time Mihai had absolutely no power in Moldavia whatsoever, having been ousted by Polish aligned Movilă.
    3. Strange or less used names like Albocastrum, Denestrum, the Sublime Porte.
    4. Threatening Sigismund to take over Pokuttya (feat that he actually unsuccesfully attempted the previous year).
    5. By far the most unusual part is the prescient looking advice about the rise of Nations. This has led to all types of bizarre fringe theories which abound in certain places of the Globalnet.
    6. The title and seal of the Emperor.

    Whatever the truth about it and the exact reasons and motivations of the Emperor, thousands of historians and laymen have spent countless hours researching and theorizing about a piece of text written in about one hour on a remote field of Transylvania.​
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    I.3. Romanian Language Standardization
  • Zagan

    And now, Request time!
    As I already told you, I do requests.

    Several readers were interested in TTL Medieval Romanian alphabet, orthography and language and the differencies between it, Latin, OTL Medieval Romanian and OTL Modern Romanian (no TTL Modern Romanian yet).
    I was going to post something like this anyway a little later, when a group of scholars summoned by Mihai Viteazul would work to standardize the language.
    However, it is probably nicer to have it here, since there will be several more bits and pieces in Romanian.

    Emperor Mihai Viteazul took such a great interest in the language reform
    and was so adamant to have a standardized language using a Latin alphabet,
    that it can be said he is one of the forefathers of the Modern Romanian language.

    Romanian Language Standardization

    After the dream that changed Mihai for ever, he assigned the greatest priority to nation building and everything that could possibly help it.
    It may seem strange, from an objective point of view, that in that fateful morning of 9 August 1601, while preparing for the looming confrontation with Basta, Mihai thought about the language reform.
    However, everything becomes clear with only one citation (Emperor Mihai, Romanian Senat, 1603):

    If I win victories on the battlefield, these could be later reversed.
    If we succeed in forging a Romanian Nation now, it will live for ever.

    Valerian, summoned by Mihai to work on a language and alphabet reform, wasted no time. Already having several ideas in mind, he with two other Romanian Orthodox priests from Transylvania (the only educated Romanians in Transylvania were the priests) started their momentuous work as early as 10 August.

    By the end of the month, they produced a draft and showed it to Mihai. After thoroughly reading it, Mihai famously wrote on the paper, using the new Romanian alphabet: Sûnt de acord, Mihailŭ Voevod and placed his seal turning it into law.

    The Romanian Language Reform Law of 1601 had a small part containing some provisions and recomandations and a much larger part dedicated to the new Romanian (Latin based) alphabet and orthography. Ignoring some excessive wordiness and medieval stereotypes, the Law can be summarized like this:

    Article I.
    The Romanian Language is a daughter language of ancient Latin, like Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese. It is spoken all over the Romanian Lands of Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia as well as in the surrounding realms.
    All the people who speak the Romanian language wherever they might live are Romanians, members of the Romanian Nation, the leading force in the Romanian Lands.

    Article II.
    During the centuries of foreign rule, words of foreign origin have creeped into our beautiful Romance language. The usage of these words will be discouraged and they will be gradually replaced with Latin derived synonims if available. (see list)

    Article III.
    All laws, regulations, proclamations and other official letters in the Romanian Lands will be from now on written only in the Romanian language using the new Latin based alphabet.
    The parallel usage of the old Slavonic alphabet will be tolerated in Wallachia and Moldavia for a transition period of two years.

    Article IV.
    Sufficient numbers of Bibles using the Romanian Alphabet will be printed and disseminated all over the Romanian Lands as soon as possible. They will include in their preface a short notice explaining the use of the current alphabet and its correspondence with the old alphabet.

    Annex I. The Romanian Alphabet

    Letter Latin ........ Romanian ..... Translation .. Phonetic ..... Notes

    A a .. Album ........ Alb .......... White ........ Art ..........
    B b .. Barba ........ Barbă ........ Beard ........ Beard ........
    C c .. Casa ......... Casă ......... House ........ Cat ..........
    C c .. Circus ....... Circ ......... Circus ....... Chat ......... To pronounce as normal C before E and I, use Qŭe, Qŭi
    D d .. Dare ......... Dare ......... Give ......... Door .........
    E e .. Extra ........ Extra ........ Extra ........ Extra ........
    F f .. Filius ....... Fiu .......... Son .......... Fork .........
    G g .. Graecia ...... Grecia ....... Greece ....... Greece .......
    G g .. Germania ..... Germania ..... Germany ...... Germany ...... To pronounce as normal G before E and I, use Gŭe, Gŭi
    H h .. Horatius ..... Horațiu ...... Horace ....... Horace .......
    I i .. Icon ......... Icoană ....... Icon ......... It ...........
    J j .. Iustitia ..... Justiție ..... Justice ...... Treasure .....
    L l .. Limes ........ Limită ....... Limit ........ Limit ........
    M m .. Montem ....... Munte ........ Mountain ..... Mountain .....
    N n .. Non .......... Nu ........... No ........... No ...........
    O o .. Oculus ....... Oqŭĭ ......... Eye .......... Otter ........
    P p .. Paulus ....... Paul ......... Paul ......... Paul .........
    Q q .. Quintesentia . Qŭintesență .. Quintessence . Quintessence .
    R r .. Regina ....... Regină ....... Queen ........ .............. [alveolar trill]
    S s .. Sal .......... Sare ......... Salt ......... Salt .........
    T t .. Tempus ....... Timp ......... Time ......... Time .........
    U u .. Urbis ........ Urbe ......... City ......... Group ........
    V v .. Ventus ....... Vênt ......... Wind ......... Victory ......
    X x .. Externus ..... Extern ....... External ..... External .....
    X x .. Examen ....... Examen ....... Exam ......... Exam .........
    Z z .. Zona ......... Zonă ......... Zone ......... Zone .........

    Â â .. Cantare ...... Cântare ...... Song ......... .............. [close central unrounded vowel]
    Ê ê .. Ventus ....... Vênt ......... Wind ......... .............. [close central unrounded vowel]
    Î î .. In ........... În ........... In ........... .............. [close central unrounded vowel]
    Ô ô .. Fontana ...... Fôntână ...... Fountain ..... .............. [close central unrounded vowel]
    Û û .. Aduncus ...... Adûnc ........ Deep ......... .............. [close central unrounded vowel]

    Ă ă .. Malus ........ Măr .......... Apple ........ ~ Above ......
    Ĕ ĕ .. Tenerus ...... Tênĕr ........ Young ........ ~ Above ......
    Ŏ ŏ .. Romanus ...... Rŏmăn (dial.). Romanian ..... ~ Above ......
    Ĭ ĭ .. Filii ........ Fiĭ .......... some Sons .... .............. [short/half I]
    Ĭ ĭ .. Lupi ......... Lupĭ ......... some Wolves .. .............. [palatalization]
    Ŭ ŭ .. Mille ........ Nŭie (dial.).. Thousand ..... El Niño (sp.).
    Ŭ ŭ .. Michaelus .... Mihailŭ ...... Michael ...... Gli (ital.)...
    Ŭ ŭ .. Maius ........ Maiŭ ......... May .......... .............. [short/half U]

    Ț ț .. Terrae ....... Țĕrri ........ Lands ........ Tsar .........
    Ș ș .. Ursi ......... Urșĭ ......... Bears ........ Shield .......
    Ḑ ḑ .. Domine Deus .. DumneḐeu ..... God .......... Zebra ........
    Ḑ ḑ .. Dies ......... Ḑâuă (dial.).. Day .......... Dzungaria ....

    K k .. .............. .............. .............. .............. Foreign words only
    W w .. .............. .............. .............. .............. Foreign words only
    Y y .. .............. .............. .............. .............. Foreign words or in Aromanian Dialect
    Y y .. Vinum ........ Yin (dial.)... Wine ......... .............. [greek gamma]
    Ä ä .. .............. .............. .............. .............. Foreign words only
    Ö ö .. .............. .............. .............. .............. Foreign words only
    Ü ü .. .............. .............. .............. .............. Foreign words only

    Plus other accented letters used in other languages

    Annex II. List of Foreign Words and Their Preffered Latin Derived Synonims
    Neam (hun.) = Popor, Nație (Nation)
    Iubire, Dragoste (slav.) = Amor (Love)
    Nădiejde (slav.) = Speranță (Hope)
    Prieten (?) = Amic (Friend)
    Mătușă (slav.) = Tetă (from Aromanian dialect) (Aunt)
    Pavel (slav. name) = Paul (Paul, name)
    Graniță (slav.) = Frontieră, Limită, Hotar (Border)
    Peșqŭeș (turk.) = Tribut (Tribute)
    Oraș (hun.) = Urbe (City)
    [... (763 entries!)]

    Interesting quote from Emperor Mihai, circa 1602:

    It is better to have the language reform now when there are still very few people who can read and write. Let them learn the Latin letters from the very beginning, since it would be more difficult for them to learn the Slavonic letters first and make the switch afterwards.

    Note: This will be (with some very small changes) the orthography of the Romanian language until the 1833 reform (simplification).
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    I.4. Dealing with Treason
  • Zagan

    He [Emperor Mihai] had a rather uncanny gift.
    No matter how small the victory he would exploit it to the maximum.
    No matter how drastic the defeat he would always make a come back.

    Dealing with Treason

    9 August 1601, dawn
    Mihai's Camp, Câmpia Turzii (Fields near Turda), Transylvania

    Mihai was a highly intelligent and cultivated man. His usually sharp and quick mind was now working at an amazing speed, a myriad of thoughts fighting for his attention.

    How was it possible to draw my sword and pierce the heart of the traitor while still asleep? God Himself or at least my Guarding Angel must have moved my hand.
    The dream I had was so vivid, so precise, so prophetic in nature... It must have been sent by God. Some say that dreams are a reflection of our own thoughts. But how could that be? The idea that the power comes from the people! I could have never thought anything like that. Ever! But now? If it is God's will...
    And what am I now? Am I a Prophet of God? Isn't this a blasphemy? What would the Church think? Should I tell them? How?
    The dream again... It was so clear, like a grand plan for the future. Oh God! Not only did You tell me what to do, You told me how to do it as well! I must write all these down as soon as possible.
    Basta. What should I do with this traitor? Judge him for treason? His army will not allow that. Fight them? Kill him first? Maybe they will not fight without their general. What will Rudolf do?
    I need to talk with someone. Where is Valerian when I need him?

    Officer: "Măria Ta[1], we could not find the assassins. They disappeared into the fog. By daylight they will be far away."
    Mihai: "Never mind, I know who they are. They are Basta's men. Wake everybody up. We have to prepare for battle."
    O: "Yes, Măria Ta."
    M: "Don't leave. I have further orders. Send a skilled man to Basta's camp. He should tell Basta that Bathory's men attempted to kill me. And that we should prepare for reprisals against the Hungarian nobles who supported Bathory. And that I and Basta should get together as soon as possible to discuss the matter and show solidarity against the enemy. Did you understand?"
    O: "Yes, Măria Ta. Anything else?"
    M: "Yes. Send someone to Valerian's tent. Wake him up and summon him here. And ask him to bring along any other priests or scholars that he might know and happen to be in the vicinity. Oh, and bring me paper and quill now. And my grand seal."

    Minutes later, Mihai started to write The List.
    Half an hour later, a dumbfounded Valerian listened in silence to his now extremely locvacious Voivode.
    At about the same time, Mihai's envoy arrived at Basta's camp and was stopped by his guards, while Basta was talking to the assassins who reported back to him their failure to kill Mihai.

    Basta's Camp, Câmpia Turzii

    Assassin #1: "It's true, General. That man is surely possesed by the devil. He looked asleep, with his eyes certainly closed. But he was making faces, gesturing with his hands and talking in his sleep."
    Basta: "What was he saying?"
    A1: "I am sorry, General. I do not understand his language."
    B: "I see, go on."
    A1: "And when Mario approached him, he drew his sword and killed him instantly. He hit him right in the heart, with his eyes closed, apparently still sleeping. It's the devil, General, I am telling you..."
    B: "Leave the devil out of this, will you. Why did you run away?"
    A2: "If he killed Mario while asleep what chance could we have had with him fully awake?"
    Basta's Guard: "General, an envoy from Mihai Voivode is here."
    B: "Allow him to come in... And be prepared to kill him if he tries anything."
    Guard: "Yes, Sir."
    Mihai's Envoy: "Good morning, General! Sorry to disturb you so early in the morning. I am glad that you were already awake."
    B: "It must be something important..."
    Envoy: "Yes, General. Bathory's loyalists sent assassins to kill our Voivode. Luckily he managed to kill one of them and scare off the others."
    B: "Is it so? Those traitorous bastards!"
    E: "Mihailu Voivode wants to retaliate harshly against this nest of vipers which is the Hungarian nobility. They betrayed us four times. Could we trust them any more?"
    B: "I think that is correct. What should we do? Kill them all?"
    Basta laughed. The other men laughed as well. Mihai's envoy ignored their laughter.
    E: "I am not supposed to give any advice. I am here to tell you that Mihailu Voivode wants to talk with you in order to devise a common plan of action. And he would like to prepare the army to march on Alba now. And, in order to show solidarity, you should inspect both armies together."
    B: "This sounds like a good plan. Tell your leader that we shall meet in the field for a small drill with both our armies. The men will see us together as you desire. Anything else?"
    E: "Is today at noon too soon for your men to get ready?"
    B: "No, of course not. My men are instructed to be ready any time. After all, the enemy never asks if we are ready. We shall meet at noon in the middle of the field, near the old fountain. You are excused now."
    The envoy saluted and left the tent.
    B: "Is he gone?"
    G: "Yes, General."
    B: "This Mihai seems no devil to me. After all, the devil is supposed to be intelligent..."
    All of them laughed with relief.

    Mihai's Camp, Câmpia Turzii

    Mihai: "So, say something. You have not uttered a single word. Are you going to excommunicate me or what?"
    Valerian: "Oh, no, Măria Ta. I think you are right. Your dream must have been sent by God. If you empower the Orthodox Church, which is now only tolerated in Transylvania, I am certain that the Synod will aprove it as well and declare it a miracle."
    M: "I shall do that as soon as I get to Alba. And I shall free the Romanian peasants as well. We can thrive only if we get an alliance between the People, the Church and the Voivode. And I shall..."
    The Envoy: "Allow me, Măria Ta. I think we fooled them. Basta will come with his army for a common drill with our army at the Old Fountain Place at noon."
    M: "Very good. Let's get going. We do not want to be late, do we?"
    V: "I do not question your military prowess, my Voivode, but I am a little unnerved because of the use of deception..."
    M: (laughing) "Oh, Valerian, deception you say. War and politics are based on deception. Didn't you read Il Principe? Of course I could attack Basta head on, but I have to think of my soldiers' lives. I will not waste them if not absolutely necessary. We shall need those soldiers alive later."

    After some more orders were issued, Mihai's army headed towards the Old Fountain Place to meet Basta and his men for what they thought to be a short common drill.

    9 August 1601, noon
    The Old Fountain Place, Câmpia Turzii

    Mihai and Basta ceremoniously greeted each other and climbed on the makeshift wooden stand overseeing the field.
    Basta: "You shall have the honour. It was your idea and, besides, only you know both yours and our language."
    Mihai: "Thank you. We shall proceed then."

    Mihai started to issue orders and the two armies quickly merged into one. After a few minutes of uneventful parade, Mihai stopped them and signalled he was about to deliver a speech, gesticulating heavily with his sword raised up in his left hand as if reaching the sky.
    M: "As you may have already heard, this morning three assassins tried to kill me in my sleep. I know who sent them..."

    And with a single powerfull stroke of his sword, Mihai decapitated Basta.
    M: "This man, a traitor, got the punishment deserved by all traitors: death. Now you are all my soldiers and we shall go on to liberate the rest of Transylvania. You will receive your payment as usual. Nothing has changed, except your leader. Those who do not want to fight under my command are free to leave and return to their lands."

    In the ranks of Basta's mercenaries, confusion reigned supreme.
    They were separated into small groups among a larger organized army and their leader was dead, branded as a traitor and murderer.
    A few anaemically cheered Mihai, others surrended their weapons, some tried to retreat towards their camp while the majority was simply confused and did not know what to do.

    At first it seemed that bloodshed could be averted, but after some shots were heard, a short, chaotic battle ensued.
    In about an hour, the battle was over. Being in an abbysmal strategic position and with no access to their cannons, Basta's army was completely shattered.
    Less than a tenth of the soldiers escaped northwards, leaving thousands of prisoners and a few hundred dead behind. Around a hundred of Mihai's men were dead as well.

    After some quick thinking, Mihai decided not to pursue them, but head towards Alba Iulia at once.
    An envoy was sent to anounce his arrival. The locals were instructed to give no resistance and to assemble the Diet for the restoration of Mihai on the Transylvanian Throne.
    Mihai made no additional proclamation for the time being, but chose to wait to enter to the Capital first.

    [1] Măria Ta is a formula used for addressing to Romanian Voivodes and Domnitors. It is not Your Majesty (Maiestatea Voastră), nor Your Highness (Înălțimea Voastră), nor Your Excellency (Excelența Voastră), nor Your Grace (Eminența Voastră), but rather something like Your Greatness, using the singular form of You (see the T-V Distinction in Romance languages). It is thus, quite cumbersome to translate and I decided to leave it unchanged.
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    I.5. Alba Iulia
  • Zagan

    He was not called "Viteazul" (the Brave) for nothing.
    He was certainly the most courageous ruler the Romanians ever had.

    Alba Iulia

    9 August 1601, afternoon
    Transylvanian countryside

    Mihai and his army were marching towards Alba Iulia. If everything went smoothly, they would get there the day after tommorow.
    The cannons, handguns, cold weapons, horses, wagons, ammunition and supplies taken from Basta's army were a very welcomed addition to his own army. The money found in Basta's camp was important as well.

    The prisoners were treated reasonably well, especially after the two would be assassins of the Voivode were betrayed by their comrades. These two were not treated well... After they confessed, they hastily implicated Basta as well as Emperor Rudolf in the plot. Being satisfied with the public confession, Mihai ended their suffering by having them hanged.

    The rest of the prisoners were quickly sorted in two categories. Most of them agreed to join Mihai's army and were integrated into the marching columns. The others, mostly Germans, were freed with no money, weapons or horses. They headed towards the nearest Transylvanian Saxon See (Mediasch). They hoped to find help or employment there in order to be able to get to their homes some time in the future.

    9-11 August 1601, Turda - Alba Iulia Road

    Mihai would ordinarily ride, but this time he took the carriage instead together with Valerian and two other scholars, because time is everything now, as he said.
    And indeed, instead of having a well deserved rest during the long march towards Alba Iulia, Mihai together with his now officially named counsellors worked tirelessly and had very little sleep.
    They wrote proclamations, pieces of legislation, diplomatic letters and various orders. They made plans for the future and discussed the current situation.

    Mihai did not make any further announcements to his troops, waiting to get to Alba Iulia first in order to deliver the proclamations and enact legislation.
    He did however send embassies with diplomatic letters to Poland-Lithuania, the Habsburg Emperor, the Pope and the Ottoman Empire.
    Mihai also sent envoys with orders or various proposals respectively to his boyars and army in Wallachia, to the Moldavian boyars, to the Saxons and Szeklers and to the top Orthodox hierarchy in all three Romanian Lands.
    Without waiting for an answer from the Metropolitan Bishops, Mihai sent dozens of other envoys to travel from church to church and persuade the local priests to support his cause. He basically wanted the priests to use their sermons to quickly convey his ideas, his will and laws to the Romanian people.

    In the morning of 11 August, Mihai managed to get a few hours of sleep, before arriving at the gates of Alba Iulia in early afternoon.
    The Transylvanian Diet had been summoned for the following morning.
    Mihai spent the rest of the afternoon and evening preparing for the looming confrontation with the Diet, crucial to the success of his endeavours.
    An end to Unio Trium Nationum, the emancipation of the Romanians and the political Union with Wallachia and Moldavia (amounting to the actual dissolution of Transylvania itself) would probably not be accepted, not even under duress.

    12 August 1601, Alba Iulia, Capital City of Transylvania

    After a difficult night, Mihai entered Alba Iulia in triumph for a second time, dressed in full voivodal regalia, riding his white horse and with a mace in his left hand.
    Cheered by the crowds, Mihai let the members of the Diet wait for almost one hour before he finally entered the Diet building. He was accompanied by a few trusted boyars, his counsellors and members of his personal guard made of hand-picked elite soldiers.
    The members of the Transylvanian Diet rose and greeted him:
    "Long live Michael, Prince of Transylvania!"

    Mihai sat on the improvised throne and gestured the members of the Diet to sit down. His boyars and counsellors got seated as well. The guard took positions around him, at the doors and in other key locations, carefully established in advance.
    Mihai looked at his now powerless enemies in silence for a couple of minutes. Then he started to speak in a rather soft voice, leaving everyone speechless and in awe, unable to believe or even fully comprehend what they were listening to. When interrupted, the guard made sure to silence the audience and let the Voivode finish his speech.

    Members of the Transylvanian Diet, while I thank you for your second offer of the Transylvanian Crown, I am afraid I have to decline it. And I have three good reasons to do so:

    First, I really can not trust you anymore. You betrayed your Prince Andreas Bathory when you offered me the Crown back in 1599. The following year, you betrayed me and now you betray Sigismund Bathory. As you can see, I can not look at you and see anything else but a pityful bunch of traitors and cowards. I am absolutely sure that should anyone, and I insist absolutely anyone, ever defeat me again in battle, you would immediately betray me again with no remorse whatsoever, remorse being a feeling as remote to you as most other human feelings.

    Second, you are completely illegitimate! This so called Diet, which hereby I disolve now and forever, does not truly represent Transylvania since the most numerous people in this country, the Romanians, are not represented in it. I can not accept the Crown of a Romanian Land from the representatives of the Hungarians, Saxons and Szeklers, can I?
    A Romanian Land where you and your people malignantly have been oppressing my people for countless generations. And you can be sure that this age old oppression has come to an end, because I free all the Romanians and gift Transylvania, their land, back to them, its ancient, rightful owners.
    The old system which you represent is dead and will never be resurected again. A new golden age in the history of the Romanians starts today. And so be it!

    And third, I really do not want the Crown of Transylvania, beacuse I surely do not want to be Prince of Transylvania. Do not be surprised. I do not want to be Prince of Transylvania, because I have already decided to disolve this Principality altogether. Yes, you heard me right. From now on, the Principalities of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia are forever completely abolished, never to be recreated again.
    Their former territories are forever united into a new state, the Romanian Lands, including the provinces of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia as well as other Lands which may be inhabited by Romanians elsewhere.

    So, instead of the now inexistent crowns of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia which I renounce, I crown myself, by the Grace of God and the Will of My People, Io Mihailŭ Great Voivode and Lord of the United Romanian Lands, with one Crown not three, the Iron Crown of the Romanian Lands.

    And Mihai took a crown forged in iron from a bag and gently placed it on his head.

    By the Grace of God and Will of My People, the Romanians.
    Voivode and Lord of all Romanians wherever they might live and of all their Lands.
    Not Prince of your former Principality.

    So, let me state it clearly once again:
    This Diet was illegitimate because the Romanians were not represented in it.
    I disolve this Diet forever, beginning now.
    The countries of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia are forever abolished, beginning now.
    Their territory is completely merged into a new state, the United Romanian Lands, beginning now.
    I am the Great Voivode and Lord of the Romanian Lands, not of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia, which no longer exist.
    The power belongs to the Romanian People and is exercised by its representatives: the Romanian Voivode and Lord, the Romanian Boyars, the Romanian Church and the Romanian Army.
    The Senat of the Romanian Lands will be convened here in Alba Iulia, the Capital City of the Romanian Lands as soon as possible.
    Until then, I assume complete power as Dictator.

    I will let my counsellors read the rest of the laws later. All of these laws and proclamations will be published and disseminated all over our Lands to everybody's knowledge.

    And now I will exercise another right I have as Voivode. The right to judge you.
    I will be short. I accuse you, former members of the former Diet of the former Principality of Transylvania, now the Romanian Province of Transylvania of:
    I. Treason and
    II. Countless crimes against the Romanian Nation in Transylvania.
    Do you have anything to say on your behalf?
    I do not hear you. I understand, you can not deny the truth since it is obvious for you too. Therefore, I find you guilty as charged.

    Now, I have to sentence you. As much as I would want to spare you, I am afraid that it is politically impossible for me to do so. You are simply too dangerous for my fledgeling country and utterly unreliable as your past has proven.
    For the sake of my people and my country, I sentence all of you to death. The sentence will be carried at once. You are allowed to choose the way you wish to die. If you do not choose anything, you will be hanged. All executions will be public in the center of the city and shall be over by dusk.

    So be it. Session is adjourned sine die.
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    I.6. The Romanian Lands
  • Zagan

    Was Emperor Mihai always as sure of victory as he seemed to be?
    Or, despite the façade, did he have his doubts? We may never know.

    The Romanian Lands

    On the Wings of History, Nov. 2001, by Prof. Dr. Ioan Reiter (excerpts)

    Emperor Mihai is undoubtely one of the most important and controversial figures in Medieval European History.
    With his words and deeds so bizzare by his time's standards, it is no wonder he was widely considered by his foes to be either possesed by demons or at least an extremely dangerous madman.
    At the same time, the Romanians saw him as their saviour, somewhere between a mere mortal and an actual demigod. It is interesting to note that decades later, at the time of the announcement of his death, almost no one believed it and riots broke out throughout the country. In fact, probably more than 90% of his subjects were actually born under his rule!
    His popularity was so enormous and genuine that if modern democratic elections were to be held he would have probably scored around 99%.

    I think that at least a word must be said about the crimes of Emperor Mihai, especially the cold-blooded execution of the entire Transylvanian Diet. While most Romanians do not talk about them or try to justify or white-wash them, this does not change the overall foreigner's impression of him as a murderer.
    What we should stress here is that while his crimes are extremely publicized in the West, this kind of behaviour was (unlike other of his actions) extremely common in that period.
    In a time when the rule of law and human rights were unheard of, large scale violence, abuse of justice and the rule of force were extremely common. It is true that usually it was the common people and not the nobles who stood at the recieving end of said violence but again if we were to judge Mihai by today's standards then the rights of nobles should have been no different from the rights of the common people.
    I think that at least now, after four centuries, we should start to look at history with a historical perspective.

    Truly strange myths about him still abound in the collective Romanian psyche today: That he was a messenger of God or at least continuously helped by God and instructed in all his actions was a common meme in the past.
    Today, more modern sci-fi myths are in vogue: That he was helped by time-travellers from the future or that he was a time-traveller himself who actually visited a future very different from our own and coming back to his times he decided to change the fortunes of his people and history itself. Some less common themes are that he was an alien or that some other entity had taken over his body.
    All these weird claims are based on the fact that his actions were really ahead of his time and to say that his foresight was remarcable would be an understatement.

    Very popular are also counterfactual history novels, ranging from Mihai taking over the whole World to grim dystopias where Basta's killers were successful and the ill fortunes of the Romanians continued unabated for centuries to come.


    12 August 1601, afternoon
    Alba Iulia, Romanian Lands

    Hundreds or maybe even thousands of people flocked to the city center to watch the executions, many of them booing their former masters and cheering the executioners.
    They were also cheering the absent voivode and were expecting him to join the macabre show. However Mihai did not come to the square that day. Did the executions that he ordered earlier still felt somehow repugnant to him? Or was he merely extremely busy with administrative and legislative work? We may never know but only speculate.

    Around 20 pieces of legislation and several proclamations were published as well as read aloud that afternoon to the extatic crowds congregated in the center of the Nation's Capital in what would be later called the Union Square (Piața Unirii).

    Shortly before dusk, a large freshly sawn beautiful Romanian quadricolor, the first to ever be flown in the Romanian Lands, was raised on top of the former Diet building, now the residence of the voivode.

    Romanian Flag Waving.png

    And Mihai's subjects shouted in unison, exalted with pride and love for their liberator and their new country: "Trăiască Mihailŭ Vodă! Trăiască Țĕrrile Române!" (Long Live Voivode Michael! Long live the Romanian Lands!)
    These were the words that, repeated again and again all over the Romanian Lands, filled with joy and hope the hearts of the Romanians and with fear and desperation those of their enemies.

    Despite some controversies, 12 August has remained the National Day of the Romanians ever since.
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    I.7. Reactions in the Romanian Lands
  • Zagan

    Our Emperor made sure that everyone would only talk about him and his deeds.
    And he seemed very pleased, despite the overwhelmingly negative reactions.
    Today we would say: There is no such thing as bad publicity.

    Reactions in the Romanian Lands

    News of the events in Alba Iulia started to spread like wildfire in Transylvania and beyond.
    The Romanian peasants and the Romanian Orthodox priests were obviously delighted.
    The Unio Trium Nationum were obviously not. The former rulling classes of the Hungarian nobility, Saxon burghers and Szekler soldiers were experiencing various states of anguish, hatred and despair.
    The first reactions abroad were those of plain stupor.

    14 August 1601, Hermannstadt (Sibiu), Romanian Lands

    Mayor: "I still do not know what to make of all this. First he sends this letter to us, because it was certainly sent before arriving in Weißenburg." (Alba Iulia)
    Bishop: "That is certain indeed."
    M: "He asks us to publicly submit to his rule, which is understandable. Then he tells us about his plans to unite the countries and all that weird claims about his nation... As if all that might be of any interest to us!"
    B: "Yes, strange indeed."
    M: "And now, less than a day later, this! He suddenly kills the whole Diet, including our representatives, then assumes absolute power and changes each and all laws of this Land as it pleases him."
    B: "He is very bold indeed. In one day, everything has been turned upside down. The peasants are not merely made our equals, but the whole country is literally given to them. Not to speak about their religion..." (shrugs)
    M: "Yes, and now his peasants are revolting, attacking their masters and chasing them away! What times do we have the unfortune to live in!"
    B: "It could have been worse. At least nobody is attacking us."
    M: "Yet!"
    B: "But what could we do? We are powerless against his army."
    M: "We can only hope that the Emperor will come and put things back on their normal track."
    B: "Don't be so sure. After all, the Emperor is a catholic. Things may get even worse. As far as I know, we still have freedom of religion. Nobody tries to make us Orthodox..."
    M: "Yet! However you are right about the fact that we are powerless. It seems that the Hungarian nobles are doomed. About the Szeklers I don't know, but it can't hurt if we talk to them. As for us, I think that we don't have other solutions, except to arrange an accomodation with our Voivode."
    B: "We shall coordinate our actions with the other seats."
    M: "Yes, yes. We shall arrange for a meeting. And invite the Szeklers as well. A coordinated policy can only do good to our cause. And we shall try very hard not to anger the Voivode. We have already seen that he does not respond well when angered."
    B: "I am going to write the letters right now."
    M: "Yes, do that. There is no time to waste."

    Similar conversations were taking place later that day and in the following days in all Saxon Seats in Transylvania.
    The Szeklers, traditionally allied with Mihai were aslo amenable, despite the fact that several of their leaders in Alba Iulia had been purged as well.
    Finally, both the Saxons and the Szeklers agreed to meet in Mediasch (Mediaș) on 20 August in order to devise a common plan of action. It was however almost a foregone conclusion that acquiescence was the only reasonable solution.
    Even before the 20 August conference, some Seats had already unofficially informed Mihai about their intention to become faithful citizens of the Romanian Lands. The fate of their former allies, the Hungarian Landlords was already forgotten. It was all about politics after all.

    16 August 1601, Feudal domain in Kolozs County (Județul Cluj)

    Landlord: "I've made up my mind. We shall attempt to flee after nightfall."
    Wife (crying): "Isn't there anything we can do to save the house at least? We can give them some land..."
    Son: "Mother, they do not want only our land and our house. They want our heads as well."
    L: "It's true, my dear. And sadly, there is nothing we can do to stop them. It was extremely difficult to stop Dózsa (Gheorghe Doja) in 1514 and we had the army and the King on our side back then. Now we are alone and the Vlachs are emboldened by their murderous voivode and his army."
    S: "They've already killed those unable or unwilling to leave. And the women..."
    L: "Shut up. Do not scare your mother, you'ld better try to comfort her... Why are you being so stupid? It's alright, my dear, the servants have packed everything and we will soon escape to safety."
    W: "Will we ever come back?"
    L: "Of course, my dear. The Emperor will come with all his might against this bloody Vlach usurper. We will be back... With a vengeance!"

    This particular noble Hungarian family managed to escape to Austria with horrific stories about the Revolution taking place in Transylvania. Many others were not so fortunate.

    18 August 1601, Bucureșcĭ (Bucharest), Wallachia

    Boyar: "So, we have reached a conclusion. The Divan of Wallachia have unanimously decided to abolish the country and fully integrate it into the Romanian Lands, alongside Transylvania and Moldavia, under the Great Voivode and Lord Mihailŭ Viteazu.
    We also take note with great joy of the decision of the Holy Synod who, thus doing God's work, have established the Autocephalous Romanian Orthodox Church in its own rights all over the Romanian Lands.
    This Divan will continue to function in caretaking capacity until its functions will be superseded by the new Romanian Senat.
    So help us God."
    All: (applause)

    At the same time, the Wallachian army, camped near the Moldavian border were bewildered by the orders just recieved from the Voivode: the expected invasion of Moldavia was postponed sine die.
    Just how was the proclaimed Unification of the Romanian Lands going to be enforced? Would the Moldavians and their Polish backers simply fold to the threat and relinquish power? Or will Vodă attempt to bribe them? It was a mistery.

    19 August 1601, Eașĭ (Iași), Moldavia

    Voivode Eremia Movilă: "I can not read those damn Latin letters. What does he want now?"
    Boyar: "Măria Ta, I think he's lost his mind..."
    EM: "What?"
    B: "Well... He is informing you that you are no longer Voivode because Moldavia no longer exists. He says that Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia are merged into a single country called the Romanian Lands and he is its one and only Voivode. And lots of other crazy things..."
    EM: "It seems that you are right. Poor creature!... Still he can be dangerous. After all, he controls both Wallachia and Transylvania now. And he has defeated us before... At least now we have the Poles to protect our freedom."
    B: "As long as the Poles are here, we are not free..."
    EM (laughing): "Yes, I know that, but at least they do not want to destroy us and annex the country."
    B: "What shall we do then, Măria Ta?"
    EM: "Do? Nothing of course. Did he threaten us with an invasion?"
    B: "Strangely, no."
    EM: "Then, as I said. We shall do nothing. Pretend that no such letter has ever arrived. If he finally invades us, let the Poles do the fighting. You are excused now."

    Unknown to them, the news about the emancipation of the Transylvanian peasants was inexorably spreading amongst the Moldavian peasantry and a revolt was brewing in their midst.

    20 August 1601, Suceava, Moldavian Metropolitan Orthodox Seat

    The Metropolitan Bishop: "What do you think about this Autocephaly, Vladimir?"
    Vladimir: "I think it is nothing but a tool in the hands of the Wallachian Voivode to strenghten his rule."
    MB: "Yes, it may be so... But breaking up with the Greeks ensures that all that money we pay to the Greek Churches and Monasteries will remain in the country instead. And believe me, we are talking about lots of money."
    V: "But the Greeks will probably excommunicate us all! It is a schism!"
    MB: "So, the Greeks are there in the Lands of the Turk and we are here. And besides, our Church including all the Wallachian and Transylvanian Orthodox believers will be greater than the Church of the Greeks! And I will be its Patriarch. I could excommunicate all of them as well if I please."
    V: "Forgive me, Your Eminence, but I think that power and greed have darkened your reason."
    MB: "I have not decided anything yet, Vladimir. As you know, this kind of problems must be discussed in the Synod. I shall convene it for the day after tomorrow. I hope that this peasant revolt will not engulf the whole country by then."
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    I.8. And Reactions Abroad
  • Zagan

    [Emperor Mihai] was lucky that everyone underestimated him
    as long as they were still able to vanquish him.

    ... And Reactions Abroad

    22 August 1601, Warsaw, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

    King Sigismund read the letter sent by Voivode Mihai with great interest and curiosity, smiling or frowning several times.

    Sigismund: "Is this some kind of joke?"
    Noble #1: "I don't think so, Sire. Voivode Mihai is really that brave."
    S: "Should I feel insulted?"
    N1: "I don't think so, Sire. I assume that he simply wanted to assert himself. To show more self confidence and power than he actually has."
    S: "Yes, that may be correct. Anyway, I feel more amused than offended... Tell me, how are our prospects of keeping him out of Moldavia if he decides to invade?"
    Noble #2: "Sadly, Sire, close to none. We simply do not have enough men. If he invades from both Transylvania and Wallachia, there is absolutely nothing we can do to save Mohyła (Ieremia Movilă)."
    S: "But we can always send more men there, can't we?"
    N2: "Of course we can... If the Sejm approves another war, under these new circumstances. And anyway, even if we send another army, it will not be there quick enough."
    S: "Why should the circumstances be any different. Why should we care if Voivode Mihai proclaimed a new state? He does not have the legitimacy to do so, does he?"
    N2: "Ahem... Your Majesty... What I meant by the different circumstances was that Voivode Mihai will soon be at war with his former protector, Emperor Rudolf. And this could work in our favour."
    S: "Whatever. I do not... Well, we could wait and let Emperor Rudolf... Let's see first what Emperor Rudolf will do."
    N1: "Your Majesty is very skilled at politics."
    N2: "Yes, this is correct. Your majesty is always thinking at what is best for our country."
    S: "Then I shall receive his embassy, shan't I?"
    N1: "I think so as well, Sire."

    23 August 1601, Warsaw

    The following day, Sigismund III received the Romanian embassy. They talked for over two hours and although no treaty was signed, the talks could be nevertheless considered a success.
    The Romanian part insisted on Romanian unity and independence while offering all kinds of concessions. Sigismund was polite but noncommital.

    The most important offer of the Romanians was to promise the future handover of the whole of Taurida, including both Cherson and the Crimean Peninsula as a gift to Poland-Lithuania.
    The value of that land at the Black Sea was enormous. There was of course the little issue that the territory in question was a Tatar inhabited Ottoman province! However, Mihai's envoy was adamant that a victorious war against the Ottomans was to be waged in the near future.

    In the end, Sigismund promissed to bring all the relevant issues to the attention of the Sejm as soon as possible.
    Although he did not commit to anything, Sigismund suggested he recognized Mihai's rule over Wallachia and Transylvania and seemed interested to talk about the important problem of Moldavia.

    The only real immediate success of the Romanian delegation was Sigismund's assurance that he wished peace between his and Mihai's realms and the offer to withdraw his army to the fortress of Hotin (Khotyn) in order to let the Moldavians decide their fate unhindered by the presence of his troops.

    It would soon become apparent that Sigismund only wanted to stall and no real decision was to be expected in the near future.

    23 August 1601, Constantinople, Ottoman Empire

    Safiye Valide Sultan was very pleased. She had just finished reading the letter sent by Voivode Mihai, written in flawless Ottoman Turkish.
    While the unification of the three Romanian Lands was certainly not a positive development, at least Mihai was considering to become an Ottoman vassal again. With a lot of conditions attached, of course, like full internal independence, economical and political freedom and so on. It would actually mean only a nominal Ottoman suzerainty.
    But Safiye had other reasons to be pleased. Not only was Mihai firmly out of the anti-Ottoman coalition, but a war between him and the Habsburgs seemed certain. And while Rudolf will be waging war against Mihai in Transylvania, Vienna will be hopefully left unprotected. Yes, it was a chance to finally win the war against the Habsburgs. Mihai could be dealt with later...
    And the looming schism inside the Rum Millet! It almost looked too good to be true. Having the Greeks and the Vlachs quarrel with one other was exceptionally good news...
    I have to send an embassy there. This Mihai Voivode must be certainly encouraged... For the time being.


    Later that day, the Patriarchy of Constantinople

    Patriarch: "This is a schism."
    Bishop #1: "It is a heresy! A blasphemy!"
    Bishop #2: "We must excommunicate them all!"
    P: "Excommunicate one million of our fellow Orthodox Christians? For the attempted heresy of some of their leaders?"
    Bishop #3: "Let's excommunicate their leaders then!"
    P: "They will probably follow their bishops anyway. The peasants will probably never even know of any excommunication!"
    B2: "We can not just let them go their ungodly ways and do nothing..."
    B3: "We shall better try to reason with them and hear their grievances."
    P: "That is what we shall do. Send a mission to our misguided colleagues and talk them out of their wicked ways."

    25 August 1601, Venice

    Noble: "What shall we do about this?"
    Il Doge: "It is obviously none of our concern. Anything else?"

    28 August 1601, Rome, Papal States

    Pope Clement VIII looked at the letter again. The situation was very confusing and the enmity between the Emperor and Voivode Mihai was extremely unwelcomed.
    First of all, did the Emperor actually try to have Mihai killed? Knowing the Emperor personally, the answer was probably, unfortunately, positive.
    On the other hand, was Mihai's reaction appropriate? The way he insulted the Emperor? Most certainly not. However... Oh, it was really complicated.
    Maybe Mihai was working with the Turks... After all, a war inside the anti-Ottoman coalition could only help the Turks. But the way he spoke against the Ottomans and his conviction that the Turks will be driven out of Europe...

    The Pope: "Call Cardinal Pelinni. I shall send him to Alba Iulia to talk with the Romanian Voivode and try to contain the damage already done."

    Note: The storm in Prague (25 August) really deserves a separate chapter...
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    I.9. The Prague Storm
  • Zagan

    Michael's stunt could be considered a success, at least from a psychological point of view.
    Despite the fact that Rudolf survived, Michael's enemies would never again feel safe.

    The Prague Storm

    25 August 1601, Prague, Bohemia, Holy Roman Empire

    Rudolf was experiencing a whole plethora of emotions of which rage ruled supreme.
    The situation was difficult. No, that would be an understatement. It was horrendous. Worse than he would ever have imagined possible.
    Not only had that inept Basta failed to kill the damned Wallachian, but he also got himself killed, his army destroyed and then all hell broke loose in Transylvania! If only half of the horrors told by the fleeing Hungarian nobles are to be believed... He shuddered.
    The bastard has to be stopped. He was no Prince anymore, he was nothing but an outlaw, the head of a peasant rebellion which threatened to spill into Royal Hungary itself.
    And it was all his fault. He should have had him killed here in Prague. It was so obvious that the man was extremely dangerous, probably deranged. He should have never let him go to Transylvania again!
    These Wallachians are really the people of the Devil! Their forefathers, the ancient Dacians got the ire of the Romans because of their human sacrifices mandated by their satanic religion. Then that madman impaler, Vlad the Dragon, and now this one which kills the whole Diet of the country he is supposed to rule and then gets the peasants to rise against their rulers!

    Rudolf took a sip from his glass. He had to cool down a little. The Wallachian will be dealt with once and for ever. However there was trouble brewing in his realms as well.
    The Turks could attack again at any moment as fresh armies were reportedly congregating in Ottoman Hungary. The peasants in Upper Hungary were getting restless. And the Bohemians...
    And then paranoia struck him. Of course, everything was Mihai's fault! He colluded with the Turks. He incited the peasants in Upper Hungary. And he disseminated the information about the attempt on his life all over Germany!
    Yes, it must be so. The Catholic Emperor attempted to kill his vassal, an Orthodox Prince! Now you Lutherans will be next! That's why the Bohemians are unhappy. And all the Lutheran Princes in Germany are restless. He's got all of them on his side! He be damned! This is no man! He is of the Devil!

    The Emperor was furiously pacing the room, his face red with anger. After a while, getting tired, he sat and proceeded to read his horoscope. It was as bad as his mood. He punished himself and read it to completion, then resumed walking. Then the letter arrived.

    Unbelievable! The damned bastard, usurper, peasant, Wallachian, Devil possessed, criminal... had the nerve to write to him!

    To his Majesty, Rudolphus Secundus, Imperator Germanicorum, Rex Bohemiae et Moraviae, Rex Croatiae et Hungariae Occidentalis Septentrionalisque Partium, Magnum Dux Austriae, ...

    He threw the letter on the floor and actually cursed. Everybody was too scared to say anything. Morbid curiosity won the internal psychological war with rage and he took the letter and continued reading.

    It was unbelivably wordly. In the first page he was only informed about a strange dream and the attempted murder. There seemed to be another three pages at the very least. He considered throwing them into the fireplace but curiosity won again.

    The pages were somehow... sticky and his fingers were extremely dry. He moistened his finger and flipped the page.
    More stories... The execution of Basta and the other conspirators, the march on the Capital, the execution of the Diet, the so called unification of the three countries, more laws and proclamations... Why would I want to know all these? Well... it is always good to know your enemy better... Anguish and bad feelings started creeping from behind the words.

    He flipped another page. And read the accusation with a mixture of fury and dread. This man was literally mad!

    Emperor Rudolf, you may be an Emperor, King and Archduke in your lands, but you are nothing more than a criminal in my lands.
    With the power invested in me as Voivode, I am judging you.
    First of all, you are not Romanorum Imperator. That phrase means Emperor of the Romans. There are no Romans in your lands, but Germans, Hungarians, Croats and Bohemians. We, the Romanians, are the descendants of the Ancient Romans. And you are no Emperor of us. I am the only ruler Romanians have.
    So, Romanorum Imperator is either a fraud or a delusion.
    Second, you conspired to murder a sovereign head of state, leader, Great Voivode and Lord of another people from another country.
    Worse, this Voivode was your faithful vassal and ally. Blood is upon your hands.
    I thereby condemn you to death.
    Any Romanian that has the means of executing the sentence is compelled to. Failure to do so extends the death penalty to the above mentioned Romanian.

    However, in my great mercy, I may consider to forgive you if:
    I. You abdicate immediately.
    II. You issue a public apology.
    III. You and your successor recognizes the Romanian Lands as a united, independent, single country ruled by me and my descendents in perpetuity.
    IV. You stop reading this letter and throw it in a fire.

    Rudolf was perspirating and trembling with rage. He tried to turn the last page and moistured his fingers again. He finally managed to turn it. There was a single line written there, in the middle of the page.

    The sentence had been carried out. God have mercy upon your soul.
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    I.10. The Making of a Country
  • Zagan

    No one has ever done so much in so little time.
    On 9 August, there was nothing; on 4 October there was a country.

    The Making of a Country

    16 August 1601, Alba Iulia, Romanian Lands

    Mihai is reunited with his family, Doamna Stanca (Lady Stanca, his wife), Prince Nicolae (his son) and Domnița Florica (Lady Florica, his daughter). Formerly imprisoned by Bathory in Făgăraș, they had been freed by Mihai's victorious army.

    Mihai proclaimed the Romanian Lands to be a male-preference cognatic primogeniture thus ending the old customary inheritance rules. Prince Nicolae was presented to the people of Alba Iulia and hailed as Crown Prince.

    23-31 August 1601, Romanian Lands

    Representatives of the Wallachian boyars and clergy, Saxons, Szeklers and Moldavian boyars and clergy loyal to Mihai converge in the Capital for the 1 September opening of the Romanian Senat.

    The peasant uprisings in Transylvania and Moldavia start to calm down. All Hungarian nobles are either dead or gone to Austria. All their lands have been appropriated by the state. Loyal boyars and clergy from Wallachia and Moldavia are given land in Transylvania. The Romanian peasants from all over the Romanian Lands are promissed small plots of land. However, the difficult agrarian reform drags on, having to surmount many obstacles raised by men's generally suspicious nature.

    The situation in Moldavia is extremely tense. The province is still in rebellion against Mihai with an open conflict between his opponents and supporters looming. Mihai's armies massed along the Carpathians and the lower Sireth are still reluctant to invade. The Polish army starts to retreat towards Hotin, leaving Ieremia Movilă virtually unprotected.

    Members of the Wallachian, Moldavian and Transylvanian Orthodox Synods meet in Kronstadt (Brașov) to discuss their merger and autocephaly. The debates are very complicated and intense, given the historic importance of their decision.

    25 August 1601, Alba Iulia

    Mihai abolishes all former laws of Transylvania, all grants, privileges and titles, nullifying all acts ever emitted by the Hungarian Crown or the Transylvanian Diet.
    All the administrative divisions of Transylvania, Banat, Partium and Maramureș are disolved and all the territory is divided into județe (counties) like in Wallachia and Moldavia.
    The Saxons and Szeklers are promissed new accomodations in the Romanian Lands. Negotiations begin at once.

    25-31 August 1601

    A state of war is proclaimed between the Romanian Lands and the Habsburg Emperor.
    Mihai's armies invade Crișana (Partium) and Maramureș and quickly capture or root the token Habsburg occupying forces found there.
    Baia (Baia Mare), Carei, Satmar (Satu Mare) and other towns and cities in the Romanian parts of Habsburg Royal Hungary are conquered as well.

    Mihai's army reaches Tisa after a 40 kilometer march encountering very little resistence. All the lands on the left shore of the Tissa are annexed to the Romanian Lands. Crișana and Maramureș are also reintegrated. (they were only under Austrian occupation, but de jure were Transylvanian lands)

    31 August 1601

    Mihai calls Oastea cea Mare (the Great Army), consisting of all peasants and townpeople capable of bearing arms. It was frequently called during the times of Ștefan cel Mare and Vlad Țepeș, but rarer in the later period.

    Mihai promises to each future veteran of the following victorious war, as much land as he and his family can work.
    The word is quickly spread by the Church in all corners of the Romanian Lands.
    Tens of thousands of Romanian peasants from Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania answer the call and begin the long journey towards the Hungarian border. Most of them had already seen combat against the Hungarian nobles and Moldavian boyars.

    1 September 1601, Alba Iulia

    The first Senat of the Romanian Lands in inaugurated in the Romanian Capital of Alba Iulia. The role of the Senat is purely consultative as long as Mihai is Dictator. Mihai vows to renounce the position of Dictator when the Romanian Lands would be finally at peace.

    The diverse members of the Senat get to know each other and discuss all sorts of more or less important matters. The Voivode usually attends for a few minutes and is afterwards briefed of the proceedings.

    Two important proposals are made.
    The first proposal is to make the Romanian Lands a Kingdom and crown Mihai as the first King of the Romanians. Mihai thanks the Senators but declines, explaining that it would needlessly anger the Turks and prevent any sort of future understanding with them.

    The second proposal concerns the name of the country. Seeing Romanian Lands as being rather long, potentially confusing and too similar with the name of Wallachia (Țĕrrile Românescĭ versus Țara Românească), the simple ancient name of Romania is suggested.

    Mihai grants his assent and from 1 September 1601, the Romanian Lands were also known as Romania (România).
    The new name entered widespread use rather slowly and for a while both names were used.

    Mihai insisted that no further mention of the old countries be ever made so his title was simply: Io Mihailŭ Mare Voevod și Domn al României. (Io Michael Great Voivode and Lord of Romania) This was by no means set in stone. Sometimes, instead of al României (of Romania), al Țĕrrilor Românescĭ (of the Romanian Lands) or even al Românilor (of the Romanians) were used.

    3 September 1601, Eașĭ (Iași), Moldavia

    The unionist Moldavian faction finally pulls a coup d'état. The Moldavian Divan is seized, some adversaries are killed and the country is declared dissolved, its territory becoming an inalienable part of the Romanian Lands.
    Eremia Movilă, his brother Simeon and a handfull of Moldavian loyalist boyars flee towards the safe haven of the still Polish-held fortress of Hotin.
    They have never managed to get there. Near Suceava, they encounter a large army of peasants marching towards Transylvania to answer the call of their Voivode. Neither the Movilești, nor any of the boyars survived. It was not a pleasant site...

    5 September 1601, Brașov

    The representatives of the Romanian clergy from all three Romanian Lands elect a Romanian Orthodox Synod.
    The Wallachian, Moldavian and Transylvanian Orthodox Churches are united into one: The Romanian Orthodox Church.
    The Moldavian Metropolitan Bishop, Teofil, is elected the first Patriarch of Romania.
    The Romanian Orthodox Church proclaims its autocephaly. All payments to the Greek Monasteries are ended. An ecumenical delegation is sent to Constantinople in order to negotiate an understanding with the Greek Church. Unknown to them, a delegation from Constantinople was on its way to the Romanian Lands. It would arrive the following day to the fait accompli.

    6 September 1601, Alba Iulia

    An agreement is finally reached between the Voivode and the leaders of the Saxons and Szeklers. They receive the same rights and obligations as the Romanian majority, plus some form of regional autonomy in their seats as well as representation in the Romanian Senat. They do not get their former privileges back but still benefit from some tax exemptions and the lack of any tariffs inside the vast Romanian State.

    7 September 1601, Alba Iulia

    Patriarch Teofil declares Mihai's Dream to have been sent to him by God and therefore a miracle. He puts myhhr on the Voivode's forehead and blesses him.

    His Great Army continues to assemble on the left bank of the Tissa.
    The Habsburgs are in for a nasty surprise. Instead of some disorganized principalities with virtually no army, they will find a huge centralized country almost as large as theirs with a hundred thousand soldiers eager to fight for their most cherished price, a piece of arable land.

    Mihai was proud and happy. And for good reason. In a matter of just one month, less than a blink of an eye in human history, he managed to create a country apparently out of thin air. And to have this country firmly at his side.
    "Asta-i pohta ce-am pohtit eu!" (This is the wish I wished - a tentative translation)
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    Map #1. The Romanian Lands in September 1601
  • Zagan


    The Romanian Lands in September 1601

    Romania 1601 Union.png

    Diagonal lines: Disputed - Wide Lines has de facto control over the area.

    Note: Hotin still has a Polish garnizon (too small to show on the map).
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    I.11. Overview of 1601 Romania
  • Zagan

    In 1601, Romania was nothing more than a theoretical construct.
    In a matter of years, it would turn into one of the most centralized states in Europe.

    Overview of 1601 Romania


    1. All the territory of Wallachia (Oltenia and Muntenia), including the former Ottoman kazas of Turnu, Giurgiu and Brăila / Brŏila (ethymological spelling, derived from Proilabum).
    The three Danube ports had been conquered by the Ottoman Empire during the 15th century and liberated by Mihai during his war against the Ottomans in the last decade of the 16th century. At the victorious conclusion of the war when the Ottomans acknowledged Mihai's rule and the independence of Wallachia, no mention was made of the three cities. Mihai considered them to be reverted to Wallachia. The Ottoman position about that issue is unknown.

    2. All the territory of Moldavia, including Basarabia[1] (Bugeac / Budjak) with the former Ottoman kazas of Chilia / Qŭilia (Kiliya), Cetatea Albă (Bilhorod-Dnistrovski / Akkerman) and Tighina / Tigŭina (Bender).
    Basarabia had been conquered by the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century and liberated by Aron Vodă (Aaron the Tyrant) in the last decade of the 16th century. Even if still de jure Ottoman territory it is nevertheless under Romanian administration and control.
    The fortress of Hotin (Khotin) is still manned by a small Polish force. It is however an undisputed Moldavian / Romanian territory.

    3. Almost all the territory of Transylvania, including the Saxon and Szekler Seats, Maramureș, Partium / Crișana and the eastern third of Banat (around Caransebeș).
    Maramureș and Crișana, de jure parts of Transylvania had been occupied by Austria until the end of August, when Mihai liberated them.
    Satmar and other regions up to the river Tisa had been liberated by Mihai at the same time. Although de jure belonging to Habsburg Hungary, Mihai Viteazul annexed them to Romania. The Romanians were probably a (significant) minority in that territory back then.
    A small region of Partium, north of Arad was still under Ottoman occupation, but de jure part of Transylvania. Negotiations with the local Pasha about its release were going on.

    Claimed Territories (in order of importance / forcefulness of claim)

    1. The western two thirds of Banat with its Capital Timișoara / Temișoara, under Ottoman rule.
    2. The western part of Crișana between the western border of Partium and the River Tisa, under Ottoman rule.
    3. Edisan (southern Transnistria), under Ottoman / Tatar rule, controlled by Moldavia in the past.
    4. Pocuția (Pokuttya), part of Poland, controlled / claimed by Moldavia in the past. Mihai offered to forget about it in exchange of Polish recognition and alliance. No answer has been received yet.
    5. Dobrogea (Dobrudja), under Ottoman rule, controlled by Wallachia in the past.
    6. Timoc (Timok Valley), under Ottoman rule, controlled by Wallachia for a short time in the past.
    7. Most or all of European part of the Ottoman Empire, including Constantinople.
    8. The Tatar Lands in Taurida (Kherson and Crimea), an Ottoman vassal, promissed to Poland as well. Maybe Azov and other territories.
    9. Ottoman Hungary and Habsburg Upper Hungary and maybe other Habsburg territories. Slovaks in Upper Hungary were also promissed independence when they rebelled against Habsburg rule in the fall of 1601.


    Clockwise: the Black Sea (between Cetatea Albă and Qŭilia), the Danube Delta, the Lower Danube up to Orșova (with Ottoman Empire), through Banat and Crișana (with Ottoman Empire), the Upper Tisa (with Austria), the Northern Carpathians (with Poland), the Ceremuș River (with Poland), the Nistru (Dniester) River (with Poland and then Ottoman Empire / Tatars), the Black Sea.


    Around 290,000 kilometers square (112,000 sq mi)
    - a little more than OTL Romania;
    - almost like OTL Greater Romania 1919-1939;
    - a little less than the Habsburg Crown Lands;
    - around a quarter of Poland-Lithuania;
    - around a tenth of the Ottoman Empire.


    Between 1 and 2 million inhabitants (no census ever)
    Density: 4 - 7 per kilometer square. (9 - 18 / sq mi)
    - the Romanian Lands at that time were severely depopulated by incessant wars, famine, disease and other hardships.
    - Romania's neighbours had each between 4 and 10 times as many people.

    Ethnic Composition

    - Romanians (a solid majority - more than 90% in Wallachia and Moldavia, 40-60% in Transylvania)
    - a few Bulgarians, Serbs, Greeks, Albanians, Armenians in Wallachia
    - a few Ruthenians (Ukrainians) Poles and Jews in Moldavia proper
    - some Tatars and a few Turks in Bessarabia
    - Hungarians, Saxons (Germans) and Szeklers in Transylvania proper
    - some Ruthenians in Maramureș
    - Hungarians in Partium and Satmar, plus some Germans (Swabians)
    - some Serbs and Hungarians in Banat
    - a few Croats and Slovaks in Banat and Satmar
    - Gypsies scattered around the country.

    Western Banat and Western Crișana (Ottoman): Romanians, Hungarians, Germans, Serbs, Turks, others.

    Edisan (Ottoman): Tatars, Romanians, Turks, Greeks, Armenians, others.

    Pocuția (Polish): Ruthenians, Poles, Jews, Romanians.

    Dobrogea (Ottoman): Romanians, Bulgarians, Turks, Greeks, others.

    Timoc (Ottoman): Romanians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Turks.


    Romanian (official), Latin, Slavonic (in Churches, phased out), German (in the Saxon Seats), Hungarian (in the Szekler Seats), other minority languages.


    Romanian Orthodox (official), Greek Orthodox (phased out), Lutheran (mostly Saxons), Catholic (mostly Szeklers and Hungarians), Islam (Tatars and Turks), Judaism (Jews).


    Flag: The Romanian Quadricolor (4 horizontal equal bands of Blue, Yellow, Red and Black)

    06 Flag of Romania.png

    Coat of Arms: Combined coat of arms of Wallachia (Eagle), Moldavia (Aurochs) and Transylvania (Castles).

    Anthem: None. One has been planned however.

    Motto: None.

    Patron Saint: Saint Andrew, protector of Romania (Sfântul Andrei, ocrotitorul României)


    Capital: Alba Iulia

    Government: National Unitary State (Principality / Voivodeship)

    Ruler (Great Voivode and Lord): Mihailŭ I / Mihai (surname: Pătrașcu; House: Basarab / Drăculești; cognomen: Viteazul).

    Legislature (consultative): Senat (appointed).

    Formation: Wallachia (1330), Moldavia (1346), Transylvania (1570), Personal Union (1599 - 1600), United Romanian Lands / Romania (1601).

    Currency: Ban (silver coins, from 1601), foreign gold and silver coinage (Austrian, Polish, Ottoman, other).


    Foreign Relations: Embassies sent to Poland-Lithuania and the Ottoman Empire (no answers yet); Envoys sent to Rome, Venice and Holy Roman Empire.

    Small Army (Oastea cea Mică) of around 3000 Romanians, 2000 Szeklers, 400 Saxons, 1700 foreign mercenaries. Around 2000 horses, 150 cannons, muskets, wagons, small arms.
    Great Army (Oastea cea Mare) of around 50,000 to 100,000 untrained Romanian peasants, ready to gather when called to arms.
    The army is the top priority of the fledgeling Romanian State and is increasing and modernizing quickly. A very generous budget helps this.

    Budget: Mostly unknown but probably quite large (a lot of wealth looted from the fleeing Hungarian nobles in Transylvania etc).

    Economy: Mostly subsistence agriculture and animal husbandry, fishing, forestry, mining, manufacturing, comerce.

    Infrastructure: Almost none. Few roads and in very bad shape, few functioning ports, few cities and in a very poor condition. There is a plan to build better quality roads (the Roman example, etc).

    Education: Primary schools around Churches. Very few secondary schools / Gymnasiums / Lyceums. No Universities (Alba Iulia University is planned). The number and quality of schools is quickly increasing.

    Healthcare: Few doctors. Even fewer adequately trained doctors. Heelers. Midwifes. No hospitals. A leper colony. Plans to build public baths (the Romans again).

    Culture: Beautiful Churches and Monasteries with painted walls and icons.


    1. OTL Basarabia (Bessarabia) before 1812 and TTL Basarabia means the Southern part (Budjak / Bugeac) only. The name was extended to the whole territory between the Pruth and the Dniester after the 1812 Russian conquest of Eastern Moldavia.
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    I.12. The Path to War
  • Zagan

    In retrospect, the survival of Emperor Rudolf might have been the worst thing
    that could have happened to the beleaguered Habsburg Monarchy.

    The Path to War

    25 August 1601, Prague, Bohemia, Holy Roman Empire

    Emperor Rudolf II looked at the last page of the letter in utter disbelief.

    "The sentence had been carried out. God have mercy upon your soul."

    Mihai must have lost his mind. I am still alive, am I not?
    And then comprehension struck. I have been poisoned. The bastard lowered himself to such an despeakable act. He maintained his composure and called for help.

    Doctor: "Yes, Sire. Is anything wrong?"
    Rudolf: "Yes. I have been poisoned."
    D: "Do you feel ill, Sire? I am afraid I need more information..."
    R: "The Wallachian Voivode sent me this letter. Don't touch it! It is poisoned. I moistured my finger in order to turn the pages and thus ingested the poison."
    D: "And do you feel anything out of the ordinary?"
    R: "No, not yet. What poison may it be?"
    D: "I don't know, Sire. Are you even sure that there is actually poison on those sheets of paper?"
    R: "What else can you understand from this ending?"
    D: "Yes, Sire, it seems so. What I can say for certain is that it is not cyanide. Your lips and finger would have been blackened... And you would have been..."
    R: "Already dead. I know that at least. I am not asking you what poison it is not! Tell me what it is and hurry up!"
    D: "There are many poisons which act slower. We may never know. Your Majesty may be strong enough..."
    R: "So you are telling me that there is nothing to be done? That I am as good as dead?"
    D: "Oh, no, Sire. I will give you a strong emetic and I will also let some blood. And pray."
    R: "Yes, let's do that. And send that letter to the alchemists to check it. Maybe they find what the poison is and provide an antidot. Or let a convict eat it."
    Courtier: "Yes, Sire."
    R: "And arrest the envoy who brought it. And have him questioned."
    C: "I am afraid, Sire, that this would not be possible. Their party left yesterday."
    R: "No! Send scouts to find them, block the roads, check the inns. Do something and I mean everything to catch them and have them stand in front of me for questioning and punishment!"

    25-27 August 1601, Bohemia

    While the scouts have been looking for them on the roads leading towards Romania, Mihai's envoys slip undetected into Saxony, embarking on a diplomatic mission in several German States.

    The alchemists' research on the letter produces no results whatsoever.
    The convicts who have been forced to eat fragments of the letter feel fine.
    The Emperor's health is good, except for some awful bouts of melancholia.
    After more than 48 hours with no symptoms, the Doctors begin to believe that everything is nothing more than a hoax and the letter was not poisoned after all. However, doubt is still lurking.

    28 August - 27 September 1601, Habsburg Monarchy

    A huge army is slowly getting assembled in Royal Hungary. Tens of thousands of soldiers from Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Austria, Croatia, Hungary as well as mercenaries from Switzerland and the German and Italian States are preparing for the pending Romanian campaign.

    The Ottomans are getting restless and start preparing for the defence of Ottoman Hungary. However the core regions of the Ottoman Empire are far away and the mobilization is slow and ineffective. They feel understandably relieved to realize that all those soldiers are actually supposed to crush Voivode Mihai.

    What had started as a peasant uprising in Upper Hungary quickly morphed into the Slovak War of Independence.
    Helped by some 500 Romanians, the Slovaks push the imperial army out of Eastern Upper Hungary. They would eventually manage to control a little more than half of the Slovakian Lands.

    On 10 September, the sovereign Voivodeship of Slovakia is proclaimed in Kassa (Košice). Mihai is offered the crown of Slovakia which he duly accepts. The locals form a government and begin to rule the country in Mihai's name.

    7 September 1601, Prague

    After what appeared to be a common cold, Emperor Rudolf is finally diagnosed with smallpox, a real health menace at the time.

    Rudolf insists that Mihai's letter has been poisoned with smallpox. However, the two convicts who ate parts of it were executed and the rest of the letter being disolved in acids by the alchemists testing it for known poisons.
    The doctors and other scholars hotly debate if a sheet of paper could be in anyway poisoned with a disease and transmit it.
    Rudolf takes a sheet of paper and applies on it the contents of some of his ruptured lesions. It is given to be eaten by other convicts.

    25 September 1601, Prague

    Rudolf feels much better. Despite being horrendously disfigured, he is almost certainly out of danger. His state of mind is not so good, though.
    The scientific test has also been successful. All three convicts which ate the sheet of paper infected by Rudolf fell sick with smallpox.

    The preparations for war were in full swing. Almost 70,000 men, congregated near Pressburg, were ready and eager to go to war.
    Finally the long awaited for order was issued and the huge Habsburg army began to move Eastwards.

    28 September 1601, Upper Hungary

    The Habsburg army reaches the westernmost outposts of the Slovak rebels and some small skirmishes define the starting point of the first major war fought by the new Romanian State.

    9 October 1601, Warsaw, Poland-Lithuania

    King Sigismund III: "So, we have a consensus. We shall be neutral in this war. If the Chocim (Khotyn) garrison is threatened in any way, they shall leave the fortress and retreat to our realms. If Voivode Mihai completely loses the war we shall attempt to occupy Moldavia before the Austrians arrive there. Anything else?... Session is adjourned."

    12 October 1601, Buda, Ottoman Empire

    Sultan Mehmed III arrived in Buda after a long and tiresome journey from Constantinople. Preparations begun in earnest for a renewed campaign against the Habsburg Lands, while the main Habsburg army was battling its way through Transylvania.

    8 September - 4 October 1601, Romania

    Mihai used those 4 weeks of relative calm to train the almost 100,000 peasants as effectively as possible. They were not actual soldiers, of course, but were much better than nothing.
    The lack of sufficient firearms meant that a head to head battle was impossible to win. Mihai started to develop alternative strategies.

    For most of this period, Mihai was camped in Satmar far away from the Capital. However the Senators were extremely unlikely to challange his rule. Most of them were truly on his side and the others were simply too afraid to try anything. Not after what had happened to the former Diet.
    However, the massive legislative project was temporarily suspended, until more urgent matters would have been solved.

    In the mean time, Mihai's laws and proclamations as well as the Romanian idea were popularized all over the vast Romanian Lands by the Church and the loyal boyars.
    The printing presses were working full time, printing Bibles, lithurgical books, laws and regulations. Those few presses extant in Wallachia and Moldavia were converted for the use of the new Latin based alphabet.

    The newly independent Romanian Orthodox Church was quickly enforced. The dissenters were silenced or forced to leave for Constantinople.
    It was decided that the only language of the Church would eventually be the Romanian language. All texts in Old Slavonic were to be gradually phased out.

    The negotiations with the Ottomans were protracted. No firm guarantees of any kind were obtained. The Ottomans recognized neither the existence of Romania nor Mihai's rule, but did not explicitly oppose either. The only success was the return to Transylvania of a small area around Bichiș (Békés) occupied a few years earlier. A gesture of good will as they framed it.

    The Poles were also noncommital. While acting friendly, no actual treaty was signed and no official recognition of any kind was granted. They blamed the liberum veto for the slow pace of the negotiations.
    The papal envoy never arrived. No one knows what happened to him.
    No official answer was received from Germany either. It could have been too early to expect one, though.

    On 4 October, the mighty Habsburg army reached the right bank of the river Tisa and immediately started to prepare for its crossing due the following day.
    The next months would prove to be crucial for the Romanian State and Nation.
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    I.13. The Romanian-Habsburg War
  • Zagan

    No one besides the Romanians themselves really believed that they could win.

    The Romanian-Habsburg War

    The first war fought by the new Romanian State was indeed a very strange one. The Austrian historians, trying to minimize the magnitude of the defeat called it The Fake War.
    The Romanian Voivode, called Viteazul (the Brave) was even branded a coward thanks to his unusual approach to hostilities. Or, better said, lack of hostilities. Because the four month long war witnessed no battles. Not even one direct battle. Only minor skirmishes and a few sieges.
    The German historiography have insisted to this day that the Austrian army was actually undefeated. It just... vanished.

    Late September, Slovakia (Upper Hungary)

    The only way to get to Romania was through Upper Hungary.
    Its Eastern part was controlled by the newly proclaimed Principality of Slovakia in personal union and military alliance with Mihai's Romania.

    The Slovak rebels were obviously no match for the large and powerful Habsburg army. They retreated towards the Carpathians without engaging the Habsburgs. Besides some small night attacks, the Habsburgs marched through southern Slovakia almost unmolested.

    Now the Emperor had three choices:
    1. Temporarily stop the advance towards Romania and push northwards into the Slovak Carpathian strongholds in order to completely crush the Slovak Uprising.
    2. Ignore the almost harmless Slovaks and invade Romania as planned. The Slovaks would be dealt with after the victorious conclusion of the war against the Romanians.
    3. Leave some soldiers behind to fight the Slovaks and continue advancing towards Romania with the bulk of the army.

    Rudolf chose the third option and left almost ten thousand soldiers scattered throughout Slovakia. Most historians consider this a fatal mistake.

    October 1601, Satmar & Transylvania, Romania

    Rudolf was now almost completely recovered from his battle with the life-threatening smallpox. His soldiers were however hit hard by a typhus epidemic. Despite this, the morale was still rather good, typhus being considered a normal occurence in war times. Besides, the army was well fed because of foraging in the rich agricultural lands of southern Upper Hungary and widespread looting and raping made many men happy.

    They arrived on the right bank of the Tissa river at dusk and prepared to cross it in the morning.
    Heavy cannon fire from across the river during the night only made the soldiers eager to fight in anticipation of a first battle with a real enemy in the morning.
    They would be proven wrong. The following morning, there was no one on the Romanian side of the Tissa. No army, nothing. Just a deserted camp, 12 cannons, wagons and flags.

    After the environs were properly scouted and no Romanians were found, the bulk of the army crossed the river and began to advance deeper and deeper into the massive Romanian Lands.

    A surreal monotonous pattern would slowly emerge.
    During the day, they advanced through barren lands devoid of any life. All villages were deserted, the fields burned, the wells poisoned or dried out, holes dug in the already decrepit roads.
    At night they were attaked by light formations of ten to a hundred warriors or peasants which wrecked some havoc and then quickly retreated unless sometimes killed or captured.
    From time to time they were met by some cannon fire while they least expected. The cannons were usually left behind by the fleeing Romanians.

    The Habsburgs were pleased at first. They were able to advance quite fast and to capture large ammounts of cannons and other military equipment.
    They began to realize later that all the captured equipment had to be carried, which meant an extra burden. The number of Romanian flags collected was simply mind-blowing. It soon became obvious that they were left behind on purpose. After the Habsburgs stopped collecting them as trophies as was usually done, no more flags were found.

    By the end of the month the situation had become dire: no real battle fought but more than 15,000 men already dead or missing.
    Famine was so widespread and horrendous that some acts of cannibalizing of dead bodies were reported.
    Disease was also rampant. Besides the expected typhus, dysentery, smallpox and all sorts of other ailments were ravaging the once great army.
    The morale plummeted. The soldiers would have probably tried to desert but they had simply nowhere to run. As much as could be seen in all directions there was nothing, nowhere to find food or shelter, nowhere to go.

    The Emperor's state of mind was increasingly precarious. He could be frequently heard mumbling to himself, seldom talking to anyone.

    29 October 1601, Sălaj county (Szilágy)

    The Croats rebelled and tried to break en masse from the Imperial army and return home. Heavy fighting ensued, leaving almost 2000 dead and many more wounded. Another 1400 were executed. Although discontent was still brewing there would be no further organized treachery...

    1 November 1601, Cluj (Kolozsvár)

    The Rape of Cluj was probably one of the most disgraceful acts commited by the Habsburgs in the Transylvanian campaign. And it was also a gigantic political blunder.
    At the time, Cluj was mainly a Hungarian City. The Hungarians were obviously extremely dissatisfied with Mihai's rule and welcomed the Habsburgs as liberators.
    The so called liberators however have just found the first inhabited place after almost a month of marching through unforgiving, deserted territory, facing disease and starvation.
    They behaved like beasts. The city was looted, then burned to the ground. Almost all the females, irrespective of age, were raped. Most men were killed, some even tortured.
    After three days on unrestricted pillaging, the gap between the invaders and the previously sympathetic Hungarian minority became impossible to bridge. Horrified by the accounts of fleeing eye-witnesses, the other Transylvanian Hungarians came to see Mihai as the lesser evil.

    November 1601, Transylvania, Romania

    The resources found in Cluj were utterly insignificant as compared to the actual needs of the army. Although reduced to less than 40,000 men, the daily food quantities required were still enormous. And the way to Alba was even more lacking in any usable resources.

    Turda was almost completely deserted. The few people still there probably regreted their decision to stay behind. There was some wealth to be looted but almost no food.

    The ability of the Emperor to rule began to be openly questioned by his generals.
    The morale was abbysmal. The sensation of impending doom was overwhelming. Some soldiers were actually hallucinating because of starvation and became violent towards their fellow soldiers.
    Almost everybody thought that the war was an extremely bad idea. But there was simply no way out. To return home was absolutely out of the question. No one could survive the whole way back without food. The only solutions was to capture Alba and put an end to the war or to go and find food in the not so far away Saxon Seats. Since Alba was closer they continued on their way.

    In late November, heavy rain drew the advance of the Habsburg army to a near halt.

    23 November 1601, Transylvania, not far from Alba Iulia

    In a pitch black night, during a ferocious thunderstorm, an unknown number of Romanians invaded their camp. Contradictory orders were shouted in many languages increasing the chaos.
    Not realizing who were the actual attackers, the different nationalities composing the Habsburg army, extremely tired and with their judgement impeded by lack of nutrition, started to fight among themselves in the darkness.
    By sunrise, 3000 lay dead. No Romanian was captured alive.
    The realization that they were probably lost began to slowly sink in.

    7 December 1601, around Alba Iulia

    Around 31,000 Habsburg soldiers lay siege to Mihai's Capital.

    22 December 1601, around Alba Iulia

    Less than 25,000 soldiers were still alive.
    Everything was covered in snow. The temperature was below freezing. So, besides starvation and disease, some soldiers were actually freezing to death.
    Showing that they have food to spare, the besieged started to throw poisoned food over the walls. Though knowing that it is poisoned, maddened by hunger, some soldiers actually ate it.
    The situation became completely untenable.

    The generals declared the Emperor incapacitated and decided to leave for Melnbach (Sebeș).

    30 December 1601, near Melnbach

    The Mayor of Melnbach refused to open the gates of the city in view of the horrors perpetrated in Cluj as well as his supposed loyalty to the Voivode. Some food was traded for ridiculously high amounts of gold however.

    14 January 1602, near Broos (Orăștie)

    Denied entry into Broos as well and with the dying soldiers completely incapable of mounting any kind of attack, the Austrian Generals realize that surrender is the only way out. Negotiations begin with the Mayor of Broos while some food is traded.
    The weather was absolutely atrocious. During the night, the temperature dropped to more than 30 below zero.

    15 January 1602, Broos

    The Habsburg army surrenders to the Mayor of Broos. The war is over.
    The 19,000 barely living soldiers surrender all their weapons and trade almost all of their money and belongings for food and shelter.
    Sadly, they were in such a bad shape that 5000 more would die during the following weeks.
    The Emperor was almost catatonic. He used to shake his head from time to time and utter meaningless words, mostly "pestilence, pestilence".
    61,000 exemplarily trained soldiers entered Romania four month previously.
    Without fighting any major battle, 47,000 died and the other 14,000 were taken prisoners of war in a small German city.
    The humiliation was hard to comprehend.

    21 January 1602, Broos

    Mihai arrives in Broos with his army intact.
    The Mayor welcomes his Voivode and surrenders all the captured armament and prisoners of war, the Emperor included.

    Romania is a small regional power. Nevertheless a power!
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    Map #2. Romanian-Habsburg War of 1601
  • Zagan


    Romanian-Habsburg War of 1601

    September 1601 - January 1602

    Romania 1601 War.png

    1. The situation shown on the map is before the Peace Treaty.
    2. Romanian Satmar and Slovakia are de jure Habsburg territories.
    3. The Romanian armies' movements are not shown since they were:
    --- mostly unknown;
    --- mostly inconsequential;
    --- extremely dispersed groups acting all over the war theatre.
    4. The surrender of the remnants of the Habsburg army is shown with an X.
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    I.14. The End of the War
  • Zagan

    I don't know another example of a country which achieved the status of
    a minor regional power in less than half a year since its establishment.

    The End of the War

    October 1601 - February 1602, Buda, Ottoman Empire

    Sultan Mehmed III liked neither the Habsburgs nor the Romanians and would have liked to conquer both of them. It was however already quite apparent that the deed was not within the realm of the possible.
    He decided that the Romanians were the lesser threat and decided to start negotiating with Mihai. He sent a lavish embassy led by the Pasha of Temișoara to the Romanian Capital.

    Mehmed's offer was straightforward. He vowed to recognize the Union of the three Principalities under Mihai's rule in exchange of the recognition of Ottoman suzerainty with its incumbent consequences.
    The details that followed were not so simple. Mihai wanted too much: the whole territory East of the Tissa, Bessarabia and Edisan, recognition of hereditary rule, personal union with Slovakia, a smaller tribute etc.

    The Pasha could not understand Mihai's intransigence at first. After all, the Romanian Voivode seemed to lose the war against the invading Austrians.
    Mihai allowed him to oversee some of the military actions and soon the Pasha started to grasp the wider picture and to send worrying informative notes to the Sultan.

    By January the mortified Sultan read the vivid and grousome description of the total annihilation of the Habsburg army.
    While the Romanian Voivode managed to obliterate the whole invading Habsburg army, his own offensive in Royal Hungary bogged down in fruitless sieges against a clearly weaker opponent. Granted, winter was the worst time for the Ottoman armies, but not being able to conquer at least one fortress was rather demeaning and symptomatic for the future course of events.

    By the time of the Romanian offensive in Upper Hungary, Mehmed had already made up his mind. The damn Romanians were better as allies than foes. A compromise had to be worked out somehow. While it was not too late.
    What if the Romanians and Austrians got over their differences and attacked him together during the winter, while his armies were in a bad shape... It could end up very badly indeed. Better not think about such a dreadful possibility. After all, he was the almighty Sultan of a huge Empire!

    28 January 1602, Warsaw, Poland-Lithuania

    King Sigismund III: "Yes, you heard me. Order that garrison out of Chocim as quick as possible. And pay the Moldavian... err, Romanian mayor of Chocim a reasonable rent for the time we used his castle."
    Minister: "Shall we send a letter to the Wallachian Voivode?"
    S: "Oh, yes. And make it quite a flattering one. Do not commit to anything but tell him that we are ready to negotiate. I will like to see it when ready."
    M: "Yes, Sire, I will prepare it right now. Shall we send a full embassy?"
    S: "Err, maybe it is a little too early for this. Let's wait and see what answer we'll get first."

    To Mihai I, King of Romania...

    October 1601 - February 1602, Upper Hungary (Slovakia)

    The 10,000 strong Austrian army left behind by Emperor Rudolf in Slovakia quickly captured the Slovakian capital city of Kassa; the result was not the expected capitulation of the Slovak rebels.
    The war dragged on with heavy casualties on both sides and widespread destruction all over Slovakia. The Austrians would have finished off the rebels eventually, but the early onset of a very harsh winter saved them.
    December and January would see only sporadic and localized fighting.

    By the time Mihai's army arrived in Slovakia, both the Austrian and the Slovak forces had already been almost completely destroyed. Less than a fifth of their initial effectives were still alive and fighting. And most of Slovakia lay in ruins.

    January 1602, Romania

    The Romanian army has lost around 3000 men during the war with the Habsburgs, around half of them lost in action while the rest succumbed to disease. More than 2000 civilians in Cluj, most of them Hungarians have been murdered and the city has been completely burned. The devastation was beyond comprehension.

    On the positive side, the cache of weapons captured at Orăștie was absolutely amazing. To give just one example, in an instance Romania has increased its number of cannons and muskets almost tenfold. Now every Romanian soldier had a modern weapon and they were busy to learn how to use them.

    The Romanian army was truly enormous. Mihai had managed to assemble into his army almost 120,000 men! To put things in perspective, Mihai had twice as many soldiers as the Ottoman and Habsburg forces in Hungary combined!

    22 January 1602, Orăștie (Broos), Romania

    Mihai entered Emperor Rudolf's room.
    Rudolf was sitting on a small bed in a corner of the room. With his face badly scarred by smallpox and an empty gaze, he was scratching the plaster from the wall with his fingernails apparently trying to eat it, completely oblivious of Mihai's presence.
    Mihai: "Rudolf, do you recognize me?"
    Rudolf raised his head and looked at Mihai for a couple of seconds after which he resumed his activity. When Mihai was preparing to leave, Rudolf started to laugh and yelled with a gutural unnatural voice:
    Rudolf: "Pestilence! Apocalypse of Doom! Everything belongs to Satan! Bwahahaha!"
    Mihai crossed himself and left the room in silence.

    Later that day, he met with the three Austrian generals who had assumed controll over the Habsburg army prior to its surrender.
    Mihai: "Good afternoon, Generals! I hope you have been treated well and enjoy your stay in my country. Oh, and thank you very much for carrying my cannons all this way. My oxen must have enjoyed their well deserved rest."
    The Generals (bowing): "Sire..."
    ... ... ...
    G1: "What is going to happen to us and our men?"
    Mihai (smiling): "Well, of course I can have you all killed. I can even employ the good method used by my illustrous ancestor, Vlad Țepeș Dracul... Or, I can march you out of the city and set you free in the countryside. How many days do you think you could stay alive out there?"
    G2: "When we surrendered, we expected mercy..."
    M: "Yes, yes, of course. After all, you are more useful to me alive than dead. I will spare your lives and the lives of your soldiers."
    Gs: "Oh, thank you, Sire. You are so kind."
    ... ... ...
    G1: "Are you going to execute the Emperor?"
    M: "Oh, that poor troubled soul... Do you realize that he is completely mad? His place should be in an asylum. Anyway, I have decided that, given the circumstances, leaving him alive is a worse punishment than having him executed. Yes, he will live. I and my army will escort the three of you and your Emperor all the way to Pressburg. From there you will be free to cross into Austria unharmed."
    G3: "And which would your conditions be...?"
    M: "My conditions, which you will communicate to your next Emperor or Regency and which are completely non-negotiable are written on this paper."

    I. Recognition of the Complete and Perpetual Union of Wallachia, Transylvania and Moldavia into a new country, the Principality of Romania.
    II. Recognition of my hereditary rule over all Romania.
    III. Cession to Romania of all the lands East of the River Tissa as well as the lands up to a new boundary between the Northern bend of the Tissa and the Northernmost point of Maramuresch.
    IV. Recognition of the independence of the Principality of Slovakia in Upper Hungary with myself as its hereditary Voivode. Its territory shall extend Westwards at least up to the River Nitra.
    V. Renouncement of any and all rights upon the former Kingdom of Hungary and cession of its territory to me personally to dispose of as I see fit. Austria can retain its westernmost part with its four castles, provided that the land is directly annexed to Austria and any use of the name Hungary is forever forbidden.
    VI. Immediate cessation of all hostilities against Slovakia and the Ottoman Empire.
    VII. Austria shall pay a war indemnity as well as adequate reparations for all destruction in Romania and Slovakia. The housing and feeding of the prisoners of war until their safe release in their lands shall be payed for as well.
    VIII. Sufficient ammounts of food shall be send to Romania in order to compensate for all the fields left unworked or destroyed because of the invasion of my lands.

    Io Michael, Great Voivode and Lord of Romania, Voivode of Slovakia, Regent of Western Hungary.

    Silence prevailed and one of the Austrian Generals fainted.

    February 1602, Slovakia

    The Romanian army sweeps through Slovakia almost unopposed.
    The remnants of the Austrian army surrender without a fight, being ordered to do so by their generals now travelling alongside Mihai and mad Rudolf.

    28 February 1602, Pressburg, Habsburg Crown Lands

    The city and fortress of Pressburg (Pozsony) is surrendered on the last day of the month. Mihai and his army take control of Pressburg and wait for the resolution of the dynastic issues of the Habsburgs and for the opening of the Peace conference.

    March 1602, Pressburg

    On 11 March, the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed III arrives in Pressburg with a symbolic force of 1600 soldiers.
    On 14 March, King Sigismund III of Poland-Lithuania arrives at the peace conference although nobody has invited him as he has not been part of the war.
    They are given the best accomodation available as Mihai's esteemed guests.
    On 16 March, Rudolf is proclaimed medically incapacitated and his brother Matthias assumes the Crowns of the Habsburg Realms.
    On 19 March, King Matthias is the last monarch to join the venue in Pressburg.
    The Pressburg Peace Conference is scheduled to start the following day.
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    I.15. Pressburg Peace Conference
  • Zagan

    Emperor Mihai won at the negotiating table more than he could have ever won in battle.

    Pressburg Peace Conference

    The Peace conference in Pressburg was the brainchild of Mihai. It was at first supposed to be a two-way negotiation between himself and the Habsburg Emperor in order to end the war between them and secure the international recognition of Romania.
    The historians are still debating if it was pure chance or Mihai's clever manipulation that brought into the conference first the Ottomans, then the Poles and finally even the Venetians.
    What happened then was a matchless display of political and diplomatical prowess.

    The Situation on the Ground

    Romania had around 40,000 men in and around Pressburg, more than 30,000 scattered in Slovakia and possibly about 70,000 in Romania, most of them in Transylvania, some in Moldavia.
    The Habsburg Monarchy had at least 13,000 men protecting nearby Vienna and another few thousands elsewhere in their realms.
    The Ottoman Empire had between 30,000 and 50,000 men in nearby Ottoman Hungary and Western Habsburg Hungary.
    Poland-Lithuania and Venetia were not mobilized because they were not in a state of war.
    Pressburg and its environs were trying hard to accomodate the needs of tens of thousands of soldiers camped there.


    Mihai had managed to impress everyone with his victory against a large and professional army, but his audacity and boldness made the greatest difference.
    While Mihai seemed to be in total control of the situation, his position was in fact quite delicate. Fortunately, no one seemed to realize that, except possibly the Poles which did not comment on it.
    Fact was that the Romanian armies were overextended. Taking Vienna with its extensive fortifications would not be an easy task, even if helped by the Ottomans. Even adequately feeding the army was a complicated task.
    Back in Romania the situation was potentially even worse. Such an enormous army could not be maintained without compromising the agricultural production, not to mention the fact that large streches of the best Transylvanian fields have been destroyed before the Austrian invasion.
    If peace could not be achieved quickly, Romania would have to endure famine with the real possibility of eroding the now overwhelming support Mihai enjoyed in his country.
    The military aspects of the problem could not be overlooked either. If the Ottomans were to change their plans and attack Romania, they could be probably repulsed albeit with massive destruction and loss of life. If the Poles were to attack at the same time, the situation could get extremely unpleasant, dramatic if not altogether tragic.

    Voivode Mihai's goals:
    1. Recognition of Romanian Unity and State. (paramount)
    2. Recognition of his hereditary rule. (well...)
    3. Western border on the River Tissa. (important due to military, economic and demographic considerations)
    4. Recognition of the incorporation of Bessarabia. (access to the Sea)
    5. Annexation of Edisan. (to fend off Tatar raids into Moldavia as well as to bring some more Romanians and their lands under his rule)
    6. Recognition of Slovak statehood. (to get a buffer against any further invasions from the west)
    7. Reparations. (Romania was dangerously low on cash)

    Points 1 to 5 could not be obtained without at least formally acknowledging Ottoman suzerainty. If he insisted on absolute independence, the only thing he could be sure of was that, sooner or later, large Ottoman armies would come and try to reassert control over his lands.
    The state of almost perpetual war with the Ottomans like in the previous centuries had to be avoided... at least until Romania would get stronger. War meant destruction, depopulation, chaos, potentially rebellious boyars and his own failure to fulfill God's will as made known to his in his dream. Peace on the other hand would result in population growth, prosperity and time to build a strong, unified, modern country with a powerful army.

    The Habsburg Monarchy

    The Habsburgs had lost 75,000 men, Upper Hungary and all hope of ever again controlling Transylvania. Massive Romanian and Ottoman armies were only miles form Vienna. The Poles and Venetians could decide to enter Silezia and Trieste respectively at any time. The situation was indeed critical.

    King Matthias' goals:
    1. Immediate peace.
    2. To save Croatia and some parts of Hungary.
    3. To get a friendly Prince in Slovakia in Mihai's place.
    4. Lesser reparations.

    The Ottoman Empire

    The Ottoman winter offensive had managed to occupy some land, advancing between 10 and 30 miles on some fronts, but failed to capture any fortresses. The sudden emergence of the Romanian power confounded them.

    Sultan Mehmed's goals:
    1. To get as much Habsburg land as possible without having to actually fight for it.
    2. Reparations.
    3. To get Mihai to acknowledge his suzerainty without having to recource to war.
    4. To demand a tribute as large as possible from Romania.
    5. To keep possession of the Black Sea coast between the Danube Delta and the Tatars.


    King Sigismund's goals:
    1. To secure his southern border by having the Ottomans stop the Tatar raids which pillaged his southern provinces and enslaved lots of his subjects.
    2. To get Mihai to forget about Pokuttya.


    No one really understood what were Venice's goals or purpose at belatedly attending the Peace Conference. Perhaps they only wanted to feel important, to get in the middle of the action... In fact, they did neither ask nor receive anything.

    The Negotiations

    Mihai, Mehmed and Sigismund had plenty of time to confer before Matthias arrived in Pressburg.
    The peace treaty, at least the parts concerning Austria were already almost decided upon. This led to the later Austrian historians labelling the Pressburg Peace Treaty as a Diktat.
    In less than a month the treaty was ready and duly signed by all participants. Like the short Romanian-Habsburg War, the Ottoman-Habsburg War was also over. Eastern Europe was again at peace.

    16 April 1602, Pressburg, Austria

    Pressburg Peace Treaty (abridged)

    I. The wars commenced by the Habsburg Monarchy against its neighbours, the Ottoman Empire and Romania are over with the defeat of the aggressor.

    II. The signatories vow to mentain peace between their realms and refrain from any bellicose standings.

    III. The signatories recognize the full and perpetual union of the former Principalities of Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, including its western lands, into the new Principality of Romania, which includes all their former territories.

    IV. The signatories recognize Voivode Mihai as hereditary ruler of Romania with the title of Great Voivode and Lord, as per the laws of his country.

    V. The Kingdom of Hungary is abolished.
    Its north-eastern corner is annexed to Romania.
    Its northern part is made into the Principality of Slovakia with the Capital in the city of Kassa.
    A narrow strip of land including the cities of Pressburg, Wieselburg, Ödenburg and Eisenburg is annexed to Austria.
    The rest of its territory is annexed to the Ottoman Empire.
    The annexed map shows the exact borders between the Ottoman Empire, Romania, Slovakia and Austria in the former Kingdom of Hungary.

    VI. All laws, grants, privileges and nobility titles pertaining to the defunct Kingdom of Hungary are null and void.

    VII. The Kingdom of Croatia is split between Austria and the Ottoman Empire.
    Austria annexes its western part with the city of Agram and the littoral with the port city of Fiume.
    The Ottoman Empire annexes the rest of its territory.
    The annexed map shows the exact borders between the Ottoman Empire and Austria in the former Kingdom of Croatia.

    VIII. The Habsburg Monarchy will pay a war indemnity to the Ottoman Empire and Romania as detailed in the annex.

    IX. The Habsburg Monarchy will pay adequate war reparations for the destruction and loss of life caused in the Ottoman Empire, Romania and Slovakia.

    X. The Habsburg Monarchy will pay for the accomodation of the prisoners of war taken by Romania, whose lives had been most gratiously spared. All prisoners of war should be returned to their countries of origin as soon as possible.

    XI. The signatories recognize the Principality of Slovakia.

    XII. The Voivode of Slovakia shall be a Polish Prince, proposed by the Polish King and accepted by the Slovak government. Voivode Mihai relinquishes all claims on the Slovak throne. In a sign of gratitude, Poland-Lithuania cedes to Slovakia all its enclaves as a personal fief of the future Voivode.

    XIII. The Principality of Slovakia will be under Ottoman suzerainty. An annual tribute will be payed as per the annex.

    XIV. Voivode Mihai and the Principality of Romania acknowledge Ottoman suzerainty. An annual tribute will be payed as per the annex. The tribute which the former Romanian Principalities failed to pay in the previous years will be payed by Romania.

    XV. The Ottoman Empire transfers some lands to its vassal, Romania.
    These lands include the Banat of Temisoara and Western Partium all the way to the Tissa River, Bessarabia and Edisan all the way to the Bug River the Snake Island included, as well as the Danube ports of Turnu, Giurgiu and Braila and their environs.
    Romania will pay for these territories a sum which will be decided upon by further negotiations after the value of those lands will be determined by a joint Romanian-Ottoman comission.
    The border between the Ottoman Empire and Romania shall follow the thalweg of the Rivers Tissa and Danube as per the included map.

    XVI. The Muslim population who will choose to stay in Edisan after the Romanian takeover will enjoy the right to their own religion and customs.

    XVII. The Tatars in Taurida shall stop their raids into Poland-Lithuania and Romania. If they choose not to live in peace with their neighbours, the Ottoman Empire will not help them when their neighbours will rightfully retaliate against them.

    XVIII. The signatories recognize the right of Romania to apply any reforms it deems appropriate to its own National Orthodox Church, independent of the Orthodox Church in Constantinople.

    XIX. The Ottoman vassals of Slovakia and Romania have full internal independence. They may organize their internal lives in any way they see fit and may enforce any laws they desire. They may trade and have commercial and diplomatic relations with anyone they want and may sign any treaties which do not harm the suzerain power in any way.

    Signed with truthful intentions today 16 April 1602 in the city of Pressburg by:
    Sultan Mehmed (titles), representing the Ottoman Empire and the Tatars;
    King Sigismund (titles), representing the Commonwealth of Poland-Lithuania;
    King Matthias (titles), representing Austria, Bohemia and the other Habsburg Lands;
    Voivode Mihai (titles), representing Romania and Slovakia;
    Pietro Marinelli in the name of Doge Marino Grimani, representing Venice.

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    Map #3. Pressburg Peace Treaty
  • Zagan


    Pressburg Peace Treaty

    Transferred Territories

    Balkans 1602 Peace.png

    Hungarian and Croatian territories ceded by the Habsburg Monarchy to the Ottoman Empire.
    2. Ottoman territories transferred to Romania.
    3. Hungarian territory ceded by the Habsburg Monarchy to Romania.
    4. Ottoman vassals (Slovakia, Romania, Tatars).
    5. Hungarian and Croatian territories annexed directly to Austria.
    6. Ottoman Caffa.
    7. Ottoman Azov.

    Political Map Resulted from the Peace Treaty

    Balkans 1603.png
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