
  1. SunKing105

    WI: Indo-Iranians invade Greece?

    The basic idea of this thread is that among the Indo-Iranian peoples, a fourth branch(if you count Nuristani) emerges around 2000 BC, when it starts to migrate westward, towards Western Ukraine and the Carpathians, bypassing them, eventually invading Greece during the Bronze Age collapse. A...
  2. Possible Planning a Greek/Balkan Campaign by Napoelon in 1798?

    I have heard people say that there were rumors that Napoleon's Egyptian Expedition was originally aimed for the Balkans/Greece in particular. After the French took over the Ionian Islands in 1797, it seems like they established contacts with many of the powerful autonomous rulers of the Ottoman...
  3. SunKing105

    WI: Corinth as the premier Classical Greek power?

    When many people think of Classical Greece, they think of the two most well-known city-states, Athens and Sparta. And although for good reason, they were far from the only ones to gain a position of power, and it is very plausible that another one might have achieved the same position of power...
  4. SunKing105

    WI: Messenians win the First Messenian War?

    The Spartans are famous for many things, and their society was unique among the Greek city-states for a number of reasons. As the entire reason it could maintain such a formidable army, it relied heavily on a force of hereditary slaves, known as helots. But the foundation for it all came in the...
  5. Slavic Greece toponyms

    I was inspired by this thread. So lets say sometime during the 600s or early 700s during some war with the Arabs or Persians they invade and colonize Greece . What...
  6. Gukpard

    No WWII, what happens to Ioannis Metaxas?

    Ioannis Metaxas was Greece prime minister converted dictator, responsible for the creation of the far right authoritarian-quasi fascist 4th August regime on Greece, and yes he was openly totalitarian, he openly stated "Greece since the 4th of August became an anticommunist State, an...
  7. Basileus_Komnenos

    AHC: A 19th Century Neo-Byzantine Empire

    Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to devise a scenario in which Neo-Byzantine Empire is created with a pod from 1815 onwards. This state would essentially be a modern Greek state with a national identity more focused around the idea of Greeks being Romans (Rhomaoi) rather than...
  8. Horus Triumphant - an Alternate Antiquity timeline
    Threadmarks: Intro

    Horus Triumphant - an Alternate Antiquity timeline - Over the years I've had several ideas for some timelines but never really had the time to do...
  9. WI: Instead of declaring war on France, Mussolini invades Greece in May 1940?

    So IOTL Mussolini declared war on France and Britain in June 1940, after it was obvious that France was finished. Then, a few months later, in October 1940, he started his disastrous invasion of Greece, which eventually led to British and German interventions. But what if Mussolini decides to...
  10. pls don't ban me

    Mussolini doesn't "invade" Greece consequences

    Hi! I know there have been a lot of threads about this event but generally everyone speaks about the effect on Barbarossa and survival of Italian Libya. My main question is what happens to Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, both dragged in the war because of the Italian Invasion. Both countries were...
  11. What's the worst possible outcome if the Persians conquered Greece?

    I made a youtube video where I'm trying to create videos in sets of two. One where I create the worst possible timeline of a change in history, and another where I create the best possible timeline after a change in history. Any thoughts on how you might've done it? Feedback and discussion is...
  12. What if the Ten Thousand conquered Persia?

    I'm talking about this campaign here. Ten thousand Greek mercenaries were hired by Cyrus the Younger, in an attempt to overthrow his brother to take over the Persian empire. Cyrus died in the first battle, which ultimately left Clearchus and the Ten Thousand stranded in Persian territory, before...
  13. sokkawaterrebel5

    centaurs Race

    What if centaurs from Greek mythology where real and they where immortal and there leader is Chiron and they are living in Greece
  14. What was a best use for Elephants in the ancient world?

    War Elephants have been a controversial subject. One the one hand, they're cool and terrifying proto-tanks that can rout entire armies out of fear. On the other hand, they're outrageously expensive to maintain in significant numbers, and many of the large nations of antiquity developed reliable...
  15. The Militant Doberman

    AHC: Kingdom of Greece joins the Scramble for Africa (EDIT: fixed error in thread title)

    As the title says. How could it happen? What lands could Greece claim (or maybe buy from other powers)? How do you think the Greek colonial administration would look like compared to the other European powers of the day?
  16. GauchoBadger

    WI: 19th century Greece confined to the Peloponnese

    What if the Greek nation-state, being recognized as such in the early half of the 19th century by the Ottomans and the great powers, remained confined to the Peloponnese peninsula (perhaps through less military success or through less favorable diplomacy by its sponsors) instead of extending...
  17. King Leopold I of.....Greece?

    Though I think he would have opted to reign under the name George, the man who would become Belgium's first king in OTL was offered previously, and passed on the throne that went to Otto of Bavaria. Suppose Leopold had become King of Greece, does he fare better than Otto did, and what becomes of...
  18. How could European countries in the 19th century modernise agriculture?

    So a common problem for countries always seems to be lack of modern agriculture, and here I'm specifically referring to Greece. Wikipedia says: So how could a country such as Greece modernise their agriculture in the 19th century? They clearly don't have the government funding to do it, but...
  19. VadisDeProfundis

    AHQ/WI: Alternate Greek Junta

    On the 21st of April of 1967, a group of far right anti-communist Colonels launched a coup against the caretaker government that was to lead the country to elections in May. While it was successful, and the king did give his blessings to their government, he was planning a coup of his own, with...
  20. Largest Greece in antiquity

    So how can we make ancient Greece as large as possible and to keep as much land as Greek as possible?