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  1. Decisive Darkness: What if Japan hadn't surrendered in 1945?

    So what shape is the U.S.S.R in on the socioeconomic level & is it a global superpower in 2016? Also what nations are TTL's ''Japan & China'' in terms of booming economic growth? Korea & Vietnam don't seem quite big enough to fill those vacuums. Just one more thing: is Yugoslavia still a...
  2. [Pro Wrestling] The Territorial wars of the 80s- from tragedy to triumph

    Will Yomamba the Jungle Savage show up in this TL? Remember he is totally awesome!
  3. Decisive Darkness: What if Japan hadn't surrendered in 1945?

    So, how the hell does Suslov (of all people) take power in the U.S.S.R & has this TL butterflied Krushchev's rule? Also how has the U.S.S.R survived until 2017, (that seems to have been implied) is it a more hardline version of OTL's China an Authoritarian state with reformed economy. Also what...
  4. Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

    Goddamn! Just how many people does the former USA have left at this stage?
  5. WI: No Cadorna

    What it says on the tin, without Luigi Cadorna in charge how much better off would the Italian Army's war effort against Austo-Hungary be?
  6. Russian victory at Tannenberg/Masurian Lakes

    Whatever the truth Rennenkampf and Samsonov were either luntics, selfish glory-hunters or Cadorna level incompetents, given that they truly did refuse to communicate, let alone coordinate tactically. There must have been some sort of feud (which apprently no-one in St Petersburg thought was a...
  7. WI No Stalin

    If Stalin hadnt been around at all then the Bolshevik party would have lost/never had one of it's best terrorist commanders. So there are quite a few butterflies in that sense... If he died in the 1920's after the U.S.S.R was already founded then millions of people who died OTL survive, the...
  8. Could the Byzantine Empire have survived?

    The Byzantines also need to avoid the OTL civil wars that turned ''decline'' into ''fall''. In the 14th century. Shifting focus to Europe isnt a problem in itself if the small Greek states fold soon after the retaking of the capital with little real fighting as the Despotate of Epirus did OTL...
  9. 'A Throne of Bayonets' (Russia, 18th August 1991 TL)

    ...he deserved bit. Because frankly his misrule was realistically among the worst things that could've happened to Russia. Recreateing the cluster-f**k that was the Russian Civil War in the 1990's is a little ASB but intresting to read. It's almost as bad as China under ''The Lesser Mao'' in...
  10. 'A Throne of Bayonets' (Russia, 18th August 1991 TL)

    Could still turn out much better than OTL which was a RL dystopian Russia-screw, At least the OTL epic disasters ushered in by Yeltsin and his equivalents in the non-Russian SSR's. Has been butterflied by ole Boris getting a well -deserved bullet to the head.
  11. DBWI: No Sino-Russian nuclear war in 89

    OOC: Frankly the PRC would be burned utterly off the face of the earth if they nuked the Soviet Union no matter what the US goverment said. China's stockpile of nukes was tiny compared to the U.S.S.R, their rockets were far less advanced & their launch sites were too easy for the Soviets to...
  12. WI Japan defeats the USSR at the battles of Lake Khasan and Khalkin Gol?

    You doubt the mighty powers of Comrade Stalin's magical mustache?! Thats a double death sentance & 9999 years in the camps you anti-Soviet Nazi-Fascist-Trotskyite-White Guardist-Imperialist Agent!:mad: Seriously the IJA would get ripped to shreds, unless the Red Army simply refuses to even try...
  13. He came back again -the Jacobite role in a planned French invasion of Great Britain

    Having watched Culloden 1746 starring BRIAN BLESSED! Yesterday, I was wondering about the prospects of the Jacobite cause post 1746, if for example the French could carry out an invasion plan they'd been considering in 1759. Would there be any prospect of a thrid Jacobite rasing given that...
  14. AHC Reverse present-day Germany and Russia!

    If the U.S.S.R did better than OTL it wouldnt fall apart. Still your best bet would be avoiding WW1, the Russian Civil War, High Stalinism & WW2. Pre-WW1 German fear of Russia bcoming stronger was one of the main reasons they chose to go to war in 1914. Maybe having Nicky the Fool getting...
  15. Europe after Nazi Collapse

    None of which fixes the basic problem with KMT misrule or Chaing's inablity to get a handle on his regime's internal corruption, rampant factionalism and brazen disloyalty. Mao for all his faults as a ruler was a genius at guerrilla warfare & subversion and the CCP was well-led, disciplined and...
  16. Alcohol, Syphilis and Journalism: The fall of the Third Republic

    Chapter One: The Happy Isle A victorious France always gets rich militaristic and cocky, and nobody can get on with her until she has to be thrashed again - Herbert Hoover As the great depression blighted the rest of the globe, initially France seemed curiously immune. Seemingly...
  17. Decisive Darkness: What if Japan hadn't surrendered in 1945?

    Hmm, who could this ''old man'' be, I wonder...Kalinin maybe? I'm trying to think of promanant people who lived to a ripe old age in Stalin's regime. It's a short list...
  18. Alcohol, Syphilis and Journalism: The fall of the Third Republic

    In terms of planned length? Well I’m not sure TBH. I have a good idea of where I want to take the TL for the first few years, and broader outlines for afterwords. It’s just a matter translating that into a written product, but the further the TL diverges from OTL with obscure individuals in...
  19. Alcohol, Syphilis and Journalism: The fall of the Third Republic

    Alcohol, Syphilis and Journalism The fall of the Third Republic and the rise of France An Alternative history By Urban fox FAUST: The mob streams up to Satan’s throne; I’d learn things there I’ve never known… MEPHISTOPHELES: The whole mob streams and strives uphill; One thinks one’s pushing...
  20. Axis Pact- WI Empire of Japan replaced by KMT China?

    I think I should raise the issue of a Moscow-Tokyo Pact, with an openly Nazi allied China is on the U.S.S.R's border & Japan having designs on China along with Stalin's roving eye for the main chance. KMT China is fucked. The U.S.S.R starts shipping oil to Japan and Stalin or Molotov has a cozy...