Rumsfeldia: Fear and Loathing in the Decade of Tears

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I wonder how the development of American Psycho would be affected by the dystopian nightmare of Rumsfeld's America.

While I'm on the topic of violent movies, did the slasher genre ever become popular ITTL? Did films like Halloween and/or The Texas Chainsaw Massacre ever get released?

TRW and other American executives could be an excellent inspiration. They may not be serial killers, but they certainly didn't complain when Rumsfeld dismantled labor regulations, allowed them to stiff their employees of half their paycheck, and sold shit weapons to the military. It really takes a certain level of sociopathy to do all those things.

In fact, I think the portrayal of business executives, in post-Rumsfeld and CV American media will be far, far worse than that.

But any sequels where probably de facto banned by the Rumsfeld and later on Christian Values regime.

The post-CV years could be a period of tremendous artistic Renaissance and creativity.

As I've said, the horrors of CV America will mean that the religious lobby will have far less influence than OTL as the post-CV administration aims to build a society that was the exact opposite. Including abolishing Christian Values when giving movies ratings.

In the Bozeman communes, the urge to allow censor-free art will be even greater.
As I've said, the horrors of CV America will mean that the religious lobby will have far less influence than OTL as the post-CV administration aims to build a society that was the exact opposite. Including abolishing Christian Values when giving movies ratings.
Please, depending on how bad a CV America is, especially coming on after Rummy....

You're looking at the sort of fodder for.... severe civil changes.
Please, depending on how bad a CV America is, especially coming on after Rummy....

You're looking at the sort of fodder for.... severe civil changes.

Movie standards are the tip of the iceberg.

Abortion, contraception, women's rights, secular education, sex ed, will not just become popular, but enshrined in whatever Constitution post-CV America has.

No person who wants a career in post-CV America can claim "libertine social mores are threat to the American social fabric," and be taken seriously, considering a bunch of psychotic fundamentalist were the ones who wiped out millions of people.
I wounder what music is going to be like in this world, the main pop music will probably a combination of European and american music.

Deleted member 96212

While I'm on the subject of movies, I wonder how the Godzilla movies would be affected by the copious use of nuclear weapons ITTL. The Return of Godzilla might be made far darker than IOTL, like Gojira (the original) or worse, to reflect the worsening geopolitical situation.
While we're on the topic of popular culture in this messed-up TL, I have to wonder about editorial cartoonists out there working for the newspapers, magazines, alternative press, etc. like Mort Gerberg, Jules Feiffer, Tony Auth, Hy Rosen and so on.

I'm sure the 1970s Gumboverse gave them plenty of material to work with - witness Nixon, Agnew, and Wallace. They probably were even more savage to Nixon in this TL, given his criminal conviction and incarceration.

And now for the $64,000 question - what happens with editorial cartoonists in Rumsfeld's 1980s? Many of these individuals really let Reagan in OTL have it; I'm guessing that they'd be no more forgiving to Rumsfeld. Of course, we all know how Rumsfeld deals with dissidents...any guesses on who is "committed" to institutions, goes underground, practices self-censorship or tries to flee the country?
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Movie standards are the tip of the iceberg.

Abortion, contraception, women's rights, secular education, sex ed, will not just become popular, but enshrined in whatever Constitution post-CV America has.

No person who wants a career in post-CV America can claim "libertine social mores are threat to the American social fabric," and be taken seriously, considering a bunch of psychotic fundamentalist were the ones who wiped out millions of people.
I wonder how Christians who didn't support the CV party will reconcile themselves to this.
While I'm on the subject of movies, I wonder how the Godzilla movies would be affected by the copious use of nuclear weapons ITTL. The Return of Godzilla might be made far darker than IOTL, like Gojira (the original) or worse, to reflect the worsening geopolitical situation.

I think the issue of nuclear warfare would be a more complex one for one reason: George Wallace.

The Kwangsi incident and the CV mania is the ultimate example of the evils of nuclear power: The Lesser Mao and Douglas Coe used nuclear weapons, not on an enemy, but on their own nation to crush
those who rose up against their sick vision.

George Wallace, however, makes the argument about nukes more complicated than "their just evil". He had far worse problems than the Lesser Mao and Douglas did: paralysis, a failed marriage and an uncooperative legislature. But despite his aggravations, he stayed a (mostly) redeemable man, and dropped the bomb to protect the world from Mao's unpredictable wrath. He could have destroyed a major city to take out his aggravations, but he stuck to a military base.

More importantly, he is risking his bad health to save his own homeland from ruin and madness. The former most powerful man is now a defender of the little guy.

Arguably, Harry Truman's reasons for using them are more complex: a mix of geopolitics and a desire to end a war and save Americans lives.

In the "Rummyfall" update, it appeared that some Europeans may very well have their own Lop Nur moment,

A good, intelligent Godzilla story would have this moral: Nuclear weapons maybe bad, but sometimes they may be necessary. Yes, there are those who would abuse nuclear weapons because they see others as ants to be crushed. Mao and Coe are these people. But there are those who will use weapons to protect themselves and their nation: Harry Truman and George Wallace are those people. And again, George Wallace, despite reaching a low point in his life by 1979, still only did what was necessary, and didn't use Chinese towns to vent his anger. The protectors should be able to protect from the abusers.

I wonder how Christians who didn't support the CV party will reconcile themselves to this.

Well, in a previous update, that I wrote using my old account, I imagined what the Midwest might look like if the CVs go for chemical weapons: one of the characters in this barren wasteland, running a survivalist community, is an old lady who lost everything, family and livelihood because of the Republicans and CVs she once supported.

The old lady, seeing everything fall down around her, learned what really mattered, and that she lost everything by fussing over the wrong things. Now I imagine her parading an old Rumsfeld campaign button as a reminder of how she was seduced by fear and hate.

The conservative American Christians who weren't CV, seeing their nation destroyed and poisoned by a bunch of madmen, will learn that their paternalistic ways were just another tyranny.

A good comparison are today's Conservative Germans: they obviously don't like goth music, immigrants, or same sex couples. But the Nazis, and all their horrors and failures, have taught them that worry about these cultural issues will only open the door to another madness that would destroy what is really precious.
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I wonder how Christians who didn't support the CV party will reconcile themselves to this.
Same way how devout Muslims deal with ISIS. The CV'ers are a perverse sect just like ISIS's ideology is a perverse, nihilistic take on Islam, which we know to be a religion of peace and justice to pretty much all Muslims.
Now, fire and brimstone Christian dominionisn is destroyed and will be about as popular as the types advocating Sharia law in Birmingham or London. It'll be interesting to see the future of church and state certainly.

Deleted member 96212

A good, intelligent Godzilla story would have this moral: Nuclear weapons maybe bad, but sometimes they may be necessary. Yes, there are those who would abuse nuclear weapons because they see others as ants to be crushed. Mao and Coe are these people. But there are those who will use weapons to protect themselves: Harry Truman and George Wallace are those people. And again, George Wallace, despite reaching a low point in his life by 1979, still only did what was necessary, and didn't use Chinese towns to vent his anger. The protectors should be able to protect from the abusers.

I'm struggling to see how that would be conveyed in a Godzilla film. Didn't the USSR use nukes in China too? That would complicate the message a little more.

A good comparison are today's Conservative Germans: they obviously don't like goth music, immigrants, or same sex couples. But the Nazis, and all their horrors and failures, have taught them that worry about these cultural issues will only open the door to another madness that would destroy what is really precious.

AfD says hi.
I'm struggling to see how that would be conveyed in a Godzilla film. Didn't the USSR use nukes in China too? That would complicate the message a little more.

AfD says hi.

I think that adds to my point: The USSR used nukes, but not out of pure madness, but to end a brutal war and bring order to their border. But they also used them to keep an increasingly belligerent US at bay. The point is nukes are weapons, and they can be used to defend and destroy.

Okay, fair point. But they are a not the majority (yet), so its too soon to tell where that trend may lead.
I just learned about the Magdalene Laundries, essentially Catholic gulags for loose women in Ireland that lasted through the late 1990s.

I wonder if during the 1980s, the CVs ran something similar: so-called "rescue missions" where the undesirables of Rumsfeldia (junkies, prostitutes, homosexuals, etc.) were supposed to be given treatment and therapy, but were in fact put into virtual slavery, making goods and stuff. On top of that, Rumsfeld ITTL pushed tax policies that weakened the already lax standards the IRS has for religious institutions, since the CVs were evolving into a giant business enterprise. The result would be slave labor camps that paid no tax, a lucrative and utterly depraved industry. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they set something like this up, since these people were perfectly willing to nuke their own cities.
Goddamn! Just how many people does the former USA have left at this stage?
Drew made a map of the factions as of 1990.
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