
  1. Collondi

    AHC/WI: the Kingdom of the Lombards takes Rome

    Sometime between the kingdom’s founding and their OTL conquest by Charlemagne, create a scenario in which the Lombards take over the city of Rome, and the Byzantines are unable to reconquer it. How does this impact the development of the Lombards? Would they centralize more? What happens to the...
  2. Hamilcar wins the Battle of Himera (480 BCE) - a Carthage Timeline
    Threadmarks: The Prompt

    OTL: 500-480s BCE, Doric Greek "tyrants" became the dominant powers in Sicily, most especially the city of Gela. Gela, led by Gelon, takes Syracuse and makes it his capital. Gelon undertakes an ethnic cleansing of Ionian Greeks and Sicels. Ionian Greeks requested aid and support from Carthage...
  3. Eastern Mushroom Kingdom

    The Western Empire Survives by Escaping to America

    I made this for school a while back, and i think it might be worth posting here. Obviously it has it's issues, but it's a start The Western Empire Survives BACKGROUND Before I dive into this story, I must disclaim that this is not a real analysis of “What if the Western Roman Empire...
  4. For the Want of a Ram: The World of a Surviving Caesar
    Threadmarks: Chapter I: Lions Fed by Sheep

    Chapter I: Lions Fed by Sheep Narnia, Italia In the hills of rustic Umbria, the former hearth of the Sabines, there was a small town known as Narnia. And on the outskirts of this town lived two brothers: Titus and Tiberius. Prior to this point, they had lived mostly uneventful lives, both...
  5. A totally Roman Europe

    In this scenario, the Roman Empire added these lands to their borders: Scandinavia Scotland Ireland Russia (stopping at the Ural Mountains) Any remaining land claimed by Alexander the Great If Rome did claim these lands, then what point--or points--of departure would be needed for Rome to...
  6. Constantine of Britannia: What if Roman Britain Survived?

    The Roman Empire was quickly unravelling at the start of the 5th century. In 410, the city was sacked for the first time in 800 years. Though it was only a minor sacking, the psychological effect upon the people throughout the Empire was enormous. People have often wondered how the Empire could...
  7. Collondi

    WI: the goths settle in Thrace during the crisis of the third century

    In 251, after killing the Roman emperor in battle and winning a decisive victory at abritus, king Cniva teams up with Priscus to establish an independent state in Thrace, Dacia, and possibly Moesia, where goths, vandals, and other tribes across the Danube could settle. How would this new...
  8. Oba Cahokia

    WI: Mithras-Isis Syncretic Cult/Religion

    The Cult of Isis and the Cult of Mithras were popular alternatives to Christianity in the Roman Empire. What if these two popular cults combined or a completely new cult formed in the worship of the God and Goddess?
  9. SlyDessertFox

    Roman Empire Timeline Cliches To Avoid

    I was reading the Byzantine Empire Timeline Cliches To Avoid thread, and I figured it might be fruitful to create a similar thread for Roman Imperial timelines. I am not presently planning on writing any timeline (though I'm always toying with ideas), but nevertheless there are a lot of cliches...
  10. morsta99

    What if the Roman Republic endured?

    First post doing this but it’s better giving it a try anyways. I’ve always had the thought that the Roman Republic would have endured throughout if the campaigns in Gaul by Julius Caesar would have been unsuccessful and caused the defeat of the romans at the hands of the Gauls or on the other...
  11. Etruscan Roman linguistics

    Or alternatively, an empire based in Veii or another city. In a scenario where a militant Republican city in central Italy expands across first the peninsula, and then the whole Mediterranean, how would this affect the languages of the conquered regions? IOTL, when Rome conquered Italy it took...
  12. What if the Western Roman Empire survive and the Eastern Roman Empire fell?

    Lately I have been researching the Western Roman Empire and I have been making a mapgame of the usurpation of Magnus Maximus and I have asked myself the following question: What would have happened if the destinies of the West and East were reversed? that is, the Western Roman Empire manages to...
  13. If Justinian's Reconquest Never Happened

    The resurgence of Roman power under the reign of Justinian and the military efforts of Belasarius was an impressive feat, and for a time restored Roman power in the West. Yet what would have happened if these military campaigns never occured? For an opportune point of divergence, let's say that...
  14. WI: Eunus and Cleon win the first Servile War?

    In all of history, there has only ever been one succesful slave rebellion, in Haiti. What would the effects of a succesful slave rebellino 2000 years earlier be? Could the slaves have ever succesfully kicked the Romans out of Sicily? If they had, what would happen? What sort of society would...
  15. Timelines where Rome does not exist

    Rome is snuffed out in its infancy
  16. CHKeeley

    WI: What if Pseudo-Marius Was More Successful?

    Pseudo-Marius, as the posthumous nickname indicates, was a man who claimed to be the grandson of the famous Roman Gaius Marius. He was active during the dictatorship of Julius Caesar and in the immediate aftermath, where he was executed by Antony. Pseudo-Marius attempted to position himself as...
  17. Basileus_Komnenos

    WI: Western Roman Empire Restored By Maurice?

    It seems that Emperor Maurice had plans to divide the Empire between his sons. The most common consensus about this scheme is that it would be a return to the division of the East and West rather than a new tetrarchic system where it would be split among all his sons. Supposing that Emperor...
  18. AHC/WI: China and Rome switch fates after Migration period

    Okay, I know this topic was discussed several times, but I would like to start a new one because I came here relatively new. Basically, after the POD of 3rd century, I am wondering how to make China collapsed, broken into multiple countries, and never to reunite after invasion of barbarians...
  19. PolishMagnet

    Latest possible PoD to restore Egyptian religion?

    What is the latest possible PoD for some form of Egyptian religion to be restored/founded (in Egypt, of course)? It must be an Egyptian religion involving worship of at least one native Egyptian deity IE Ra, Set, Isis, Osiris, etc, not a syncretic religion like Hellenism and not a composite...
  20. Avrorrange

    WI Jesus was handed over to the emperor and executed in Rome?

    Suppose Pilate decided that the Jesus Christ problem was too big of a problem for him(not likely but not ASB) to decide and instead sent Jesus to his superiors in Rome where they confirmed the decision to kill him, how would that impact Christianity and the impact on politics? Rome is likely to...