
  1. piratedude

    WI: Earlier Jewish Presence in England

    Inspired by @durante 's thread on no expulsion of the jews in 1290, What if there a Jewish community established before the Norman conquest? I suppose in the reign of Edward the Confessor would be the easiest way of doing it, but can it be done earlier than that even? By Athelred Unraed? How...
  2. Surviving Sadducees

    Or rather is there any sort of way without altering history too drastically to get some sort of Hellenistic Judaism to survive the first century AD? It’s generally seem that modern Rabbinic Judaism evolved out of the Pharisees traditions, so I was wondering if another branch coming from the...
  3. Metempsychosis

    Discussion: Imperial Rome and Judaea

    So, I've been thinking about this thing I did in a Shared Worlds project I'm doing, which is making me wonder: How would Rome be able to integrate Judaea into its Imperial system without causing three Jewish revolts and ending up enslaving large portions of Judaea, and how would this have...
  4. AHC: Jewish-Friendly Russia

    This is a fairly short challenge. With a pod after 1500, how can we get a Russia that by 1900 doesn't treat Jews like servants of Satan? Were there ever any influential Russians who went "Maybe we shouldn't be murdering our Christ's people" or was the Christ-killer accusation (along with the...
  5. Jews conquer Middle east instead of Assyria

    Jews conquer Middle east instead of Assyria by adopting iron smelting and cavalry
  6. Ryker of Terra

    Surviving Jews in Nazi Europe - how long can they last?

    I'm not sure why, but I've always been fascinated by remnants - both remnant populations of ethnic/linguistic/religious groups, as well as remnants of 'resistance' that continue for longer than they would be expected to, like the post-WWII Japanese holdouts for example. However, in this thread...
  7. No islam Sasanians fall to Seljuk Jews?

    can Seljuks destroy Sasanian Empire ? how would this affect history can Seljuks destroy Sasanian Empire ? third temple? please answer the questions and like and the share the post
  8. No Islam Jewish Turks?

    can Khazar proselytizism convert Turks to Judiasm since Islam is not and Zoroastrians don't proselytize ? how would this affect history please answer the questions and like and the share the post
  9. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI The Lost Tribe Returns: Israel develops a ‘Special Relationship’ with Afghanistan in the 1960s?

    The belief that the ethnic Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan are in fact descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel has persisted for a long time amongst Pashtuns themselves and Israeli academics in the last few decades. It likely has some basis in fact with many historical mentions of it going...
  10. jhuro

    AHC: Ethiopia as a Jewish Homeland?

    The challenge is to make Ethiopia, which has a long history with Judaism and its own Jewish community, the primary refuge of Jews around the world. Is it possible?
  11. WI: WW2 and the Holocaust Occur But No Israeli/Palestinian State

    As someone of Jewish heritage and a history major who's studied the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, I've always wondered what would happen if there were no plans for a state of Israel located in Palestine and the Jews could not end up there. Kind of a follow-up/opposite side of the...
  12. Meshakhad

    AHC/WI: A surviving Khazar Khaganate

    Having the Khazars survive doesn't seem that difficult. However, the question is what we mean by survival. I see two major possibilities. One, the Khazars remain a powerful state in far eastern Europe, controlling much of modern Ukraine and southwest Russia, with the Kievan Rus severely...
  13. SunKing105

    WI: Alexander the Great sacks Jerusalem?

    Darius' defeat at Issus is less drastic than OTL, and a portion of Greek mercenaries and Babylonian spearmen manage to escape the battle, deciding to go south to defend the Phoenician cities and ensure they wouldn't get uppity and go over to Alexander, to delay him until Darius can raise another...
  14. This is REALLY crazy and out there and its just for fun but what if the Jewish Khazars migrated into Europe in the same manner that the Magyars did?

    This is REALLY crazy and out there and its just for fun but what if the Jewish Khazars migrated into Europe in the same manner that the Magyars did? What would their language look like if all the already established Yiddish speakers joined them(Would it have like Yiddish words with Khazar/...
  15. Religion with no Jesus

    From what I can see religion in Europe and the Mideast will remain the same has it ways before. Roman mystery cults were not monotheistic and practinors of one cult worshiped other gods aswell. And a Pod this early would butterfly Neoplatonist thinkers like Ammonius Saccas and Plotinus who...
  16. Jews of the North: A look at the Tsaphonim from original sources
    Threadmarks: Entry 1

    A page from “History of Viking Scandinavia” Published 1998 The first Jews in Scandinavia The sources are scant about the first Jews in the Norse Realms. Oral tradition referenced in writings by Tsaphonim rabbis claim that the first permanent Jewish settlement was in Jutland fleeing from the...
  17. What happens to Judaism Post-Holocaust Without Israel?

    I’ve seen tons of threads asking what would happen to the Jews if there is no Israel post-Holocaust (ie where Palestine is defeated in the 1948 War or if the British declare the Balfour Declaration void, etc) but I’ve never seen a thread on here which asks what happens to Judaism itself in such...
  18. How hellenised could OTL jews become under the Seleucids?

    In a scenario with an unsuccessful maccabean revolt and continued Seleucid policies of hellenisation, how much more hellenised could jews under the empire become? If the Seleucids were to attempt near complete assimilation, what would be the best coarse of action (if possible)?
  19. What if the US made a Jewish state to send Jewish immigrants too during the major immigrant wave of the late 1800s

    What if the US made a state to send Jewish immigrants to in the late 1800s in order to avoid anti-Semitic riots and prejudice from other immigrant groups and native born Americans. Would this state be like Quebec but with Yiddish instead of French, where in the US would it be, how many people...
  20. GauchoBadger

    AHC: A state for the Jewish Exilarch

    The Jewish Exilarchs were nominal leaders of the Jewish talmudic community (or parts of it, at least) who claimed descent from David and established themselves in the highly urbanized region of Mesopotamia under the patronage of the Persian kings. The office was a popular leadership role for...