AHC: Ethiopia as a Jewish Homeland?

The challenge is to make Ethiopia, which has a long history with Judaism and its own Jewish community, the primary refuge of Jews around the world. Is it possible?
Hmmm... it’d have to require a lot of them to acknowledge the Beta Israelites and they’d have to put more into embracing the community there.

Ethiopia could welcome them if on condition of respect and so on along with of course finance and infrastructure.

Maybe prior to WW2 the British convinces Ethiopia to act as a haven for the Jews in exchange for assistance against the Italians trying to invade there and a lot flee there. Monarchy probably accepts them on condition of modernization assistance and respect for the populace.

Hence a lot of them try to flee there and Italy is forced to back down from the British though the wartime concerns means investment and Ethiopia becoming a more active combatant in WW2.

Afterwards, would’ve settled down and help Ethiopia build, promoting his idea that the Jews and African peoples must stand united against those who cause them injustice
I think a good starting point could be Austria-Hungary or Russia acquiring Assab in 1859 instead of Italy. This could lead to an increase in Ashkenazi settlement in Eritrea, and lead to earlier, closer relationships with the indigenous Jewish groups.

Then maybe Ethiopia as Zion takes hold rather than the British Uganda Plan?
IIRC, Mussolini, who had a Jewish speechwriter/mistress, had prominent Italian Fascist associates who were Jewish, and only took up anti-Jewish measures in 1938 to appease Hitler (and reluctantly at that - out of around 116,000 Italian Jews prior to the war, around 110,000 survived), suggested resettling some Jews in Ethiopia after the conquest - on the basis that the Beta Israel were already there, and in the hope that Jewish settlement would encourage investment and help solidify Italian control...
Don't think anything came of it, and getting his northern neighbor on-board with the idea would've been problematic to say the least...