1976 election

  1. HaroldGodwinson

    The 1976 Primaries (President Nixon in the 1980's)

    To help ensure his popularity and reelection, Romney moved to the left, approving a bailout for NYC, appointing a liberal to the Supreme Court, and signing a bill to create the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The straw...
  2. Nightingale

    Udall loses to Ford in 1976, Carter 1980?

    How do you think would this affect American politics? What would Carter and Democrats do during the 1980s?
  3. Chapman

    Reagan Revolution, four years earlier?

    I'm positive this has been asked before, but let's say Reagan was able to upset Ford in the 76 primary, and then Carter in the General Election. What would America be like after four (early) years of Reagan? Who would a likely VP choice be? Would he win reelection in 1980?
  4. Chapman

    Nelson Rockefeller: 39th President of the US?

    Let's assume that in 1975, Lynette Fromme succeeded in assassinating Gerald Ford. Nelson Rockefeller ascends to the Presidency. Who does he choose as his VP? And assuming both that he does seek his own term in 1976, and is elected, what does America look like during/after his Presidency...
  5. We Need an Astronaut

    What if the 1976 Republican convention ended with a completely different nominee?
  6. Clashes and Changes

    Clashes and Changes - Chapter One Introduction: From One Tragedy to Another It has been argued both at the time and in decades since that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 left a tragic scar upon the national psyche, with the event being seen as the beginning of the period...
  7. Gentleman Biaggi

    9,246 votes| A timeline with a lot of wikiboxes

    In the 1976 election incumbent Gerald Ford barley squeaked away with a victory. He only won Ohio and Hawaii by 9,246 votes combined. The Ford campaign celebrated their close victory and prepared for the next four years.
  8. AHC: No Watergate; Moderate Dem in '76, loses to Reagan in '80

    I know there are plenty of "No Watergate" threads on this forum, but I'm curious what everyone thinks about this particular scenario. If Carter never ran for the nomination, what other moderate could have filled the void and beat Ford (or Connally or Agnew, whoever), then lost to Reagan in '80...
  9. A Duty to be Done
    Threadmarks: I: Two Terms, Never Elected

    Credit to title-card goes to @Beata Beatrix I: Two Terms, Never Elected It was coming down to the wire, that was all for certain. Both Governor Jimmy Carter and President Gerald Ford looked upon the results coming in, and President Ford's rapid catchup since the conventions had done the duty...
  10. Nightingale

    1980s Democratic Revolution

    There are numerous ways in which this could happen. For example, have Carter or the 1976 Democratic nominee lose to Ford or Reagan. Then by 1980, when things go awry for the incumbent Republican. the people will now be sick of 12 years of GOP rule and the turmoil of the years 1978-80, and crush...
  11. Nightingale

    Secular Iranian Revolution: Khomeini is butterflied away, effect on 1980 US Elections?

    The secular opposition was actually in control of Iran's revolution before Khomeini stepped in. Butterflies resulting would be no Iranian Hostage Crisis, obviously, as the Iranians wouldn't be so fanatical. However, I saw that the oil crisis was caused by the protests that started even before...
  12. ZMF

    DBWI: Frank Church doesn't win in 1976

    As we all know, Frank Church, the Senator from Idaho, managed to win the Democratic primaries in 1976 against a stacked list of competitors in a massive upset. He then went on to win the 1976 election against Gerald Ford, in a convincing victory. But let's say that Church fizzles out, some...
  13. Gorrister

    TLIAM: No Substitute For Victory
    Threadmarks: U

    "In war there is no substitute for victory" - General Douglas Macarthur. Chapter One: Gridlock "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." - Franklin D. Roosevelt -- Ronald Reagan was no stranger to electoral politics. By the time Nixon flashed the V sign on the...
  14. Jaguars4life

    Healing the Nation. A Gerald Ford 1976 collab timeline

    POD:Gerald Ford never mentions anything about Soviet domination in the debates. November 2th 1976: Gerald Ford wins reelection after narrowing winning Florida and Ohio. Feel free to add anything. Just don't get too ASBish.
  15. Jaguars4life

    WI:Nixon chooses Kissinger instead of Ford

    Something I thought of today. What if instead Nixon went with Henry Kissinger for VP instead of Gerald Ford? What are some minor and major changes?
  16. A New Deal for America: An Alternate History of the Late 1970s & Beyond

    "It is time for a New Deal for America. It is time for a new approach to foreign policy, it is time to stand up to the Soviet Union and regain America's status in the world. America needs to be great again, we need to stand up and fight for our values. We need to fix our economy, we need to...