1976 election

  1. DBWI: Jimmy Carter wins the Democratic nomination in '76?

    What would happen if Jimmy Carter, governor of georgia and dark horse in the 1976 democratic nomination, won instead of Mo Udall? Would the Democrats still win the general, and if so, would it be as close as OTL? Could Carter have won Georgia or the South? What do you guys think? OOC: Mo Udall...
  2. DBWI: Nixon picks Gerald Ford to replace Agnew.

    What if Richard Nixon chose then House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to replace disgraced VP Spiro Agnew instead of choosing New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller? How would Ford do as President after Nixon would inevitably resign from office? Who would he pick to be his VP? As we know, Rockefeller...
  3. AHC: A Democrat Wins Texas After 1976

    Your challenge is to have a Democratic presidential candidate win Texas in the electoral college after 1976, with a POD no earlier than that year.
  4. Electric Monk

    Welcome to the Alaska Caucus! First Presidential Contest in the Union!

    Camelot’s End by Jon Ward So. Let’s say Carter picks a different state. It won’t be Mississippi since that doesn’t help him, IOTL he already made a serious play at Oklahoma to disrupt Fred Harris: that leaves Alaska and Maine, the latter is too close to New Hampshire which is great in...
  5. WI: Governor Eugene McCarthy?

    Eugene McCarthy retired from the U.S. Senate after his unsuccessful 1968 presidential bid. What if he runs for Governor of Minnesota in 1970? Might he win, and be reelected? Could he use the governorship to springboard into a 1976 presidential bid?
  6. WI: Reagan vs Carter - 1976

    The POD is Reagan narrowly defeats President Ford in the New Hampshire Republican Primary, as he almost did in OTL, and goes on to just barely win the GOP nomination. In the general election he faces Jimmy Carter. But unlike in 1980, Reagan will be running to succeed a Republican President and...
  7. WI: Jerry Litton Doesn't Die in a Plane Crash

    His name is unknown today. But Jerry Litton was a charismatic Missouri Congressman who was killed in a plane crash after winning the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate. Before Litton's death, Jimmy Carter had said that one day Litton would be President. And many agreed. The POD is Litton...
  8. Enigma-Conundrum

    Changing The Channel - The 1976 Campaign Trail
    Threadmarks: Background

    BACKGROUND THE REPUBLICANS The GOP has controlled the White House since 1968, but its welcome is becoming worn out, especially in the wake of Watergate. No matter who is nominated, they’re going to have a hell of a time retaining the executive branch. Gerald Ford: the incumbent President...
  9. The Cause Endures: The Presidency of Edward M. Kennedy

    The Cause Endures: The Presidency of Edward M. Kennedy
  10. What Would America Be Like Without Ronald Reagan?

    Suppose that Gerald Ford had narrowly won a second term in 1976, and the 1980s are a Democratic decade. This almost certainly butterflies away a Ronald Reagan administration. What would America be like without the Reagan Presidency?
  11. 1980s Culture Under a Democratic US President

    Suppose that Gerald Ford had never made his infamous gaffe about Eastern Europe and he narrowly defeated Jimmy Carter in 1976. Four years later a Democrat is elected President. How would US and world culture evolve with the Democrats, not the Reagan Republicans, in charge during the 1980s?
  12. DBWI: Reagan Loses to Ford in 1976

    At the 1976 Republican Convention, Ronald Reagan narrowly upset President Ford to become the GOP's nominee for President. What if Reagan had lost as expected, and Ford had been the Republican nominee in 1976?
  13. Gerald Ford's Legacy if he wins in 1976?

    The 1976 between Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter was a close one, Carter went on to win, only to preside over a difficult term and lose in a landslide to Ronald Reagan, and is remembered as a below average to poor President. So what would Ford's legacy be if he won in 1976 and presided over the...
  14. President Birch Bayh has Passed Away at Age 91

    Birch E. Bayh Jr., who defeated Former California Governor Ronald Reagan in the 1976 Presidential election and served as the 38th President of the United States from 1977-1981, died earlier today. The President who signed sweeping Healthcare reform in late 1977 and signed Electoral Reform in...
  15. DBWI: No RFK Presidency

    As any history buff knows, Robert F. Kennedy was one of only two U.S. Presidents to have been the brother of another President. His older brother John F. Kennedy was elected in 1960, while RFK was elected in 1976. What POD would it take to prevent Bobby Kennedy from becoming President? And what...
  16. DBWI: Carter Beats Ford in 1976

    1976 was one of the great political upsets of all time. Despite entering the race with a 33% deficit, President Ford won a full term after a strong performance in the TV debates. But Ford was known to be clumsy, and had he messed up in the debates the election could easily have gone the other...
  17. PC/WI: Rockefeller vs. Wallace in the 1976 election

    The idea of this is to cause a 1976 election which re-aligns the GOP into a more liberal direction while sending the Democrats into a more conservative direction. The first POD is that Arthur Bremer fails to assassinate George Wallace, leaving him in perfect physical condition. The rest of...
  18. WI: RFK vs Reagan in 1976

    The POD is Bobby Kennedy doesn't make that fatal detour through the Ambassador Hotel Kitchen, instead taking the planned route to the ballroom, and he goes on to sweep the Democratic primaries. However, Vice-President Hubert Humphrey wins the nomination off the strength of his establishment...
  19. Bomster

    WI: President Chuck Percy?

    Let's say that Nixon loses to a Democratic opponent, whether it be Humphrey or Bobby, in 1968, and said Democrat serves for two terms, defeating the rising star of Reagan in 1972. Could the moderate liberal Chuck Percy find himself as the front runner in 1976 for the Republican nomination? Could...
  20. WI: Ford Appoints George H.W. Bush as VP in 1974

    After he took office in 1974, Gerald Ford needed to appoint a new Vice-President under the terms of the 25th Amendment. While George Bush was the popular choice among Republicans, Ford picked the more well-known Nelson Rockefeller in order to boost his popularity and demonstrate his independence...