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  1. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    I really need to answer your question on why I think that the information in the ORA recently linked by TFSmith121 reveals a chronic shortage of guns to defend the Union coast. Unfortunately it requires quite a bit of work on my part so I have put it off to the weekend. Once I have done that it...
  2. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    So if that is correct then if the British come in Q1 Fort Warren will definitely have 1 gun and could have several more if the Union decide to arm it on the outbreak of hostilities (but not that many as the usual way to move large guns was up and down the coast in a boat and that is difficult in...
  3. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    Big and bold but not that helpful. We have one gun in 1861 and we also know from forts wiki that it was never fully armed but it had acquired some big Rodman's by the end of the OTL ACW. The question is what was available in Q1 of 1862? They didn't appear to have much in the front casemates...
  4. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    I KNOW! I KNOW! I KNOW! Huxley kicked seven bells out of Slippery Sam at the Natural History Museum in Oxford. Thus making the Wallace-Darwin theory of evolution an acceptable scientific theory! It may have been the greatest moment in High Victorian science. or did you mean the...
  5. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    Darth Revan, Do you have something of substance you want me to address?
  6. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    Many thanks for the kind quote Karolus Rex but I was well aware of the actual context. TFSmith121 has a habit of selecting the bits that say what he wants and using them out of context. I felt on this occasion it was worth highlighting this.
  7. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    I agree there aren't any adequately defended ports on the eastern coast of the Union in Q1 1862 if the Royal Navy know or discover this there will be many burning buildings and if they have any sense the Union cabinet would yield to terms very swiftly.
  8. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    They remain as they always were cherry picked out of context. Your responses continue to avoid issues of substance.
  9. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    I brought a 2nd hand copy and it turned up on line a few months later. I have spent the last few months using it to build-up a spreadsheet of where the various British ships are at any given time.
  10. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    One gun more than I thought.
  11. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    You have avoided addressing the thrust of my post.
  12. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    So please explain to me what the Union can do to stop the RN blockading it because I can see no way the Union could stop them with the resources available to then?
  13. AHC Britian and France join the ACW targets and defences. One does not need to refer to Bourne's discussion of it as it is freely available online and widely available on paper*. Versions showing some of Milne's comments on it are also available on line. Milne did not receive this report until after the satisfactory...
  14. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    What naval yards? They are all on deep water and the RN will have pillaged or burned them or both long before the USN can razee a half decent frigate into a third rate ironclad raft. Oh wait it won't even be a third rate iron clad where are they going to get the iron from? The Union just did...
  15. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    I write a small post directing Saproneth towards some useful sources and you post this strange rant on I am not clear what? Please explain why you thought this response was merited and what you were trying to achieve
  16. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    Can I refer you to the Milne papers which tell you exactly what the Admiralty intended to send to the NA&WI station on commencement of hostilities and to the Manchester Guardian and Times of London for the ships that were being worked up and taken out of reserve and which would be available...
  17. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    Why yes they are very interesting they demonstrate the chronic shortage of coastal weapons the Union have no way of making up. In fact if you look at the info. around your posted link you find the problem is even worse than your numbers suggest.
  18. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    What Palmerston discussed is not the same as what the British Government acknowledged. To suggest otherwise is even more absurd than suggesting that the USA intended to conquer BNA based on Seward's drunken semi-public ramblings on the subject. Presumably having such a detailed understanding...
  19. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    I would like to give you the opportunity to withdraw this as to the best of my knowledge the capture of the Crimea was not part of any British war aims during the Crimean war. If I am correct your suggestion that a total British victory requires that they address war aims that they never had is...
  20. AHC Britian and France join the ACW

    So the USN is blockaded in port and loses ... or it comes out to fight and loses. The only useful thing the USN can do is what the Imperial Russian Navy did in the Crimean war: strip the ships of their big guns and use them to supplement the very small numbers of guns available in the...