Recent content by W. T. Sherman

  1. Alternate Presidential Assasinations thread

    Name of the President (and anyone else injured/killed): George W. Bush, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Press Secretary Dana Perino (wounded). Assassin(s):Muntadhar al-Zaidi Method of Assassination: Thrown shoe stuffed with explosives. Place Assassinated:Baghdad, Iraq. The Date:Dec...
  2. AH Challenge: Environmentalism viewed as a right-wing ideology

    In the U.S., a lot of environmental regulations (Clean Air Act, Endangered Species Act, Environmental Quality Improvement Act, the creation of the EPA) were enacted under Nixon. If there is no Watergate, Nixon would probably be seen as a successful president, and Republicans might take up his...
  3. Challenge: The Bushes as prominent Democrats

    What's a most likely way, with a POD no later than 1945, to make the Bushes a powerful Democratic political family? I'd guess it's to somehow to cause Senator Prescott Bush to break with the Republican party (a.k.a. Jim Jeffords style), but I don't know see any issue for that to happen. Maybe...
  4. Ambitious Project: A Real-Time McCain Administration

    To take the discussion a bit in another direction: Janet Napolitano (D) has to appoint someone into McCain's Senate seat. What are the possibilities? Would she try to sell it? :D
  5. 22nd Amendment: president can't serve more than three terms

    What if, instead of a two-term limit for the U.S. president, the 22nd amendment imposed a three-term limit? And, all other things being equal, could the following get re-elected: Eisenhower in 1960 Reagan in 1988 Clinton in 2000 Bush in 2008
  6. Photos from Alternate Worlds

    Yeah, that always bugged me about the game. The scale of the units is just crazy. It's especially funny when you see vehicles going over a soccer field.
  7. In at the Death...

    Does anyone else think a "Cold War" on the same scale as in OTL is unlikely with any powers here? OTL Cold War had a massive ideological component that is completely absent in Turtledove's timeline. Any US-German rivalry is nothing but old-fashioned power politics, based on national...
  8. In at the Death Cover Unveiled

    Please remember that in this timeline, the capital of Russia is Petrograd, not Moscow.
  9. In at the Death Cover Unveiled

    Well, it's not called the Statue of Liberty, but there is a similar statue in its place... although it holds up a sword rather than a torch.
  10. Photos from Alternate Worlds

    You do know that Turtledove wouldn't exist in the alternate? Otherwise, nice...
  11. Coolest Scenes in Alternate History

    The favorite phrase is from the first page of Drive to the East: Vice president LaFolette was Vice President no more. But the best scene comes form The Victorious Opposition, when Jake Featherston and Al Smith are discussing plebecites in Houston, Kentucky, and Sequoyah, and the...
  12. Your Predictions For HT's SETTLING ACCOUNTS: TO THE DEATH

    I think Hitler (not mentioned by name, but it's pretty obvious) appears in either Blood and Iron or The Center Cannot Hold as a sergeant aide to Heinz Guderian. So he's just an obscure anti-Semite, and I'd be willing to bet than in this world, Jews are far better off in Germany than anywhere...
  13. The History of Derlavai

    Good idea. The glimpses we get are... not enough, shall we say? And there's got to be something in the Northern hemisphere, too. But we have a few other things. For instance, Sibians, Algarvians, and Lagoans are descended from common stock, as are Unkerlanters and Forthwegians. And somehow...
  14. Your Predictions For HT's SETTLING ACCOUNTS: TO THE DEATH

    Isn't that basically the whole scenario of Back in the USSA? That'd be Petrograd in this timeline.
  15. Future Map Thread

    OK, Northern Iraq seized by Turkey, Southern Iraq by Iran... and the middle? Is it still occupied by America?