As a side note I wonder were Hitler is in all this, I suppuse since the Germans won WW1 he wont accuse the Jews of stabbing the German army in the back.:p

I think Hitler (not mentioned by name, but it's pretty obvious) appears in either Blood and Iron or The Center Cannot Hold as a sergeant aide to Heinz Guderian. So he's just an obscure anti-Semite, and I'd be willing to bet than in this world, Jews are far better off in Germany than anywhere else in Europe, and maybe even better than in the U.S.
I think Hitler (not mentioned by name, but it's pretty obvious) appears in either Blood and Iron or The Center Cannot Hold as a sergeant aide to Heinz Guderian. So he's just an obscure anti-Semite, and I'd be willing to bet than in this world, Jews are far better off in Germany than anywhere else in Europe, and maybe even better than in the U.S.

That's true, heck, they're even treated better in the Confederate States. Just look at Saul Goldman, he's basically the head of propaganda for the freedom party and he's a Jew.

Probably the only places where Jews aren't treated really well are in Imperial Russia or the Ottoman Empire, because you still have that mostly Arab population.
I think Hitler (not mentioned by name, but it's pretty obvious) appears in either Blood and Iron or The Center Cannot Hold as a sergeant aide to Heinz Guderian. So he's just an obscure anti-Semite, and I'd be willing to bet than in this world, Jews are far better off in Germany than anywhere else in Europe, and maybe even better than in the U.S.

He does; Heinz Guderian and Seargant Hitler visit Irving Morell while he's stationed in Kamloops, B.C. Ironically, one of Morell's aids is Jewish, and can understand Hitler's hateful remarks.

Hitler is never mentioned by name; but it's pretty clear that's him.
That's true, heck, they're even treated better in the Confederate States. Just look at Saul Goldman, he's basically the head of propaganda for the freedom party and he's a Jew.

Probably the only places where Jews aren't treated really well are in Imperial Russia or the Ottoman Empire, because you still have that mostly Arab population.

Well, there apparently hasn't been a hugely successful Zionist movement, so I'm guessing Russia as the hotbed of anti-semitism in this world. Followed by France and Britain (Mosely has greater power in this world, although not a lot more).
In The Victorious Opposition, Dowling's adjutant mentions that the Black Hundreds were leading pogroms against Russian Jews in an attempt to prevent the people from thinking that they might have been better off overthrowing Nicholas and going Bolshevik.

Britain has Mosley, true, but it seems more likely that the target of British right-wing wrath is directed against the "Rebel" Irish, especially with Churchill in charge. And France is ruled by the Action Francaise -- a party that had anti-Semitism as one of its historical planks (not sure if they still do -- it was founded around the time of the Dreyfus Affair). Russia's the most likely of the European empires to be committing atrocities against Jews. And even then I bet it's still not as horrific as the "population reductions" going on in Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi.