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Well, that was a psychological shock for both sides, even if Russia had more of a gain in the war they have to accept that the west is lost forever.
Why exactly is the west is lost forever? If Germany went into another civil war or collapsed economically, wouldn’t it be easy to annex to western half without German interference. Is the settler population that hard to replace if they regained territory?
The Second Part of the "Ostrkieg" has been posted, let it be known for anyone scrolling that the previous comments were made by the users before the full content of the chapter was written.

Now, enjoy one of the deathliest wars in Human History!
Thanks for this update Kaiser, a rather grim read unfortunately. Interesting that the Germans are resorting to Draka like tactics with colonised populations, mixing them up, breaking down traditional religions etc. Really scary stuff.
Well, that was a psychological shock for both sides, even if Russia had more of a gain in the war they have to accept that the west is lost forever.
Russia is on balance a net winner from this war. It regained important territory in the West, now controls the entire Volga bassin, now has a sea outlet to the west in Arkhangelsk.

Most importantly it saved 15M Slavs which will be added to its population and allow it to grow further. It has plenty of good land in southern Siberia, the Volga bassin and Turkestan to resettle them.

The West isn't necessarily lost forever, all it takes in theory is a victorious war in say 20 to 30 years.
The Germans simply don't have the demographics to resettle the East at Soviet level population densities.
Most importantly it saved 15M Slavs which will be added to its population and allow it to grow further. It has plenty of good land in southern Siberia, the Volga bassin and Turkestan to resettle them.
Especially as these 15 million Slavs could help provide a loyal cadre of settlers in the 'Stans and drown out the previous Turkic population and any potential for separatism they could have.
Especially as these 15 million Slavs could help provide a loyal cadre of settlers in the 'Stans and drown out the previous Turkic population and any potential for separatism they could have.
The Stans population was very low even in the 1970s OTL. They are now likely Slavic majority lands, with Uzbeks, Kazakhs etc becoming as Russified as Tatars. Local Islam will likely be controlled by the Government through a reconstitured Orenburg Assembly. The more pluralistic aspects of Russian identity will also likely heavily feature in Governmemt propaganda too.

Btw @Kaiser of Brazil I hope that Major Morozkin survived. Hopefully with a nice Polish/Lithuanian/Ukrainian whatever former Ost Arbeiterin at his side ☺️.
That was brutal, but not as bad as it could have been (no strategic exchange).

I don't think there will be any more wars between Russia and Reich. If Russia endures the recovery of this war they will build up their nuclear arsenal to actual parity (and not partial bluff as it as with small number of warheads and limited delivery mechanisms) and trap itself into inaction with MAD.
The map before and after should look something like this.


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The border should have been like it is now since the Ural War. Germany took the initiative and asked for an armistice, but Russia had nothing outside of its pre-war borders. At least one million Volga Germans should be exchanged for ten million Slavs. As the Nazis liked to boast that one German was worth ten Slavs, at least Russia would save more people.
Service du Travail Obligatoire might do a comeback

Of course, it would have its own consequences on the economy of satellite states (which would affect Germany too)... and on the loyalty and compliance of satellite states' populations
Then again, I could see the French leadership view the whole thing as a way to "promote European unity under the wise leadership of the Reich" or something like that, now you mentioned it.
Nasser is on borrowed time after the Nazi-Israeli War.
Part of me wonders if the Italians annex Egypt if he gets overthrown to prevent another hole in the Mare Nostrum.
And Erich Kempka survived being the bodyguard of 4 leaders, two of them killing themselves while he stood by the door. His memoirs surely will be a bestseller.
Will his memoirs get mentioned in the next Germany chapter?
One of the coming chapters should be... quite different from what I am used to do, call it an experiment.
That sounds... intriguing.
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Then again, I could see the French leadership view the whole thing as a way to "promote European unity under the wise leadership of the Reich" or something like that, now you mentioned it.
French and other satellite governments would promote it this way

Whether the population would accept it, though...

Even the brainwashed pro-Nazi collaborators accept German domination because they, personally, aren't treated like Slavic slaves...
French and other satellite governments would promote it this way

Whether the population would accept it, though...

Even the brainwashed pro-Nazi collaborators accept German domination because they, personally, aren't treated like Slavic slaves...
On that note, I could see a situation in which the Latin/Dinaric "guest workers" are used for cheap work that Germans don't like but don't trust Slavic workers to do (or think it is above the "station" of said Slavs) while the really nasty slave labor stuff is reserved for the aforementioned Slavic slaves. For starters, considering Goebbels banned Slavic women from being domestic workers, I could see German families employing more French/Italian/Balkan/Spanish domestic workers in the future.
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On that note, I could see a situation in which the Latin/Dinaric "guest workers" are used for cheap work that Germans don't like but don't trust Slavic workers to do (or think it is above the "station" of said Slavs) while the really nasty slave labor stuff is reserved for the aforementioned Slavic slaves. For starters, considering Goebbels banned Slavic women from being domestic workers, I could see German families employing more French/Italian/Balkan/Spanish domestic workers in the future.
Wait until the Germans and guest workers start having relations.
Another little story about the map of Thailand. Thailand seized some territory from French Indochina and returned it to France in exchange for admission to the UN, but in this timeline France has lost Indochina and has no UN. Thailand's borders should follow. this.
Why exactly is the west is lost forever? If Germany went into another civil war or collapsed economically, wouldn’t it be easy to annex to western half without German interference. Is the settler population that hard to replace if they regained territory?
They didn't exactly go through a civil war in the first place, and if they did it then all of the involved might have access to the Thermonuclear arsenal which would ensure Russia and the world would die before they gave up the east. And an economical collapse doesn't mean a loss in territory either, as long as Germany has bombs in the multiple Megatons of magnitude and ICBMs, they can't be backed into a corner.
Russia is on balance a net winner from this war. It regained important territory in the West, now controls the entire Volga bassin, now has a sea outlet to the west in Arkhangelsk.
Something tells me they will likely have to deal with the effects of the diseases from the war since I doubt most of the freed Slavs will be able to deal with said diseases. That and they might be dealing with China next which negate most of Russia's advantages.
The West isn't necessarily lost forever, all it takes in theory is a victorious war in say 20 to 30 years.
The Germans simply don't have the demographics to resettle the East at Soviet level population densities.
This assumes that the Russians will get another chance in 20 to 30 years. Either the Reich will be stronger to the point that going to war will them will be so pyrrhic that it's not worth it they got so strong that they simply can't win another war. This also assumes that the other nations like China or Iran simply join the next war and negate the Russian advantage taking out the Russian state. Finally there is always a full on nuclear war as a possibility.
The Germans simply don't have the demographics to resettle the East at Soviet level population densities.
Pre-War levels? No, not for a LONG time, but with their birthrate raising to between 4-5 children per family on the average after two generations have been absolutely indoctrinated by the State, including a generation of German women, plus the now vast lands in the east which can be sold cheap for settlement in the idealized "Blood and Soil" lifestyle, it will be very common for these Eastern Germans to have some 8 children per family. It will take a few decades, maybe up to 3 generations with added immigration out of large cities in the west, but it is certainly possible for the Germans to consolidate their hold on more of their Eastern lands in time.

The map before and after should look something like this.View attachment 888604
If you are speaking of the attached map, it's not precisely a perfect fit but I would call it adequate enough (except the Germans own Georgia and Armenia which they don't here for some reason), the Iranians also own a little more of Turkmenistan. The problem is that I'm really awful at map making, if anyone wants to volunteer, be my guest.

Will his memoirs get mentioned in the next Germany chapter?
Yes, it will be a fun Easter egg to find.
And on that note, the citizens of the satellite states could be used as an alternative source of “guest workers”, now you mentioned it.
I can definitely see the Germans offering "nice job opportunities" to the rest of Europe while working up their propaganda for the Pakt. I wouldn't say they would be sent to the East, but French workers going daily to Alsace or Cologne to work in factories under better conditions than the slavs was already something the Nazis did in our world. They likely would involve them more in menial service sector jobs or, as another user wrote, as housekeepers or babysitters, provided they show themselves loyal to Nazism to the SD.
The border should have been like it is now since the Ural War. Germany took the initiative and asked for an armistice, but Russia had nothing outside of its pre-war borders. At least one million Volga Germans should be exchanged for ten million Slavs. As the Nazis liked to boast that one German was worth ten Slavs, at least Russia would save more people.
The Russians weren't pushed back behind the Volga across the border, much of Eastern Moscowien plus the lands beyond the Volga in the south were still theirs. The war ended with the frontline as a new border. The Volga Germans mostly fled westwards during the war as the Don region was a bloody frontline, those captured by Russia mostly ended up killed.

Wait until the Germans and guest workers start having relations.
If it's a French, I'm sure the Nazis would spin it as more acceptable, but Mediterraneans? Yeah that would be a problem for the party.

But generally there is a lot of social stigma on having relations with non-Germans in Germany. And I'm not talking the usual "they are icky" stigma that happens in most of history from xenophobia. I'm talking straight up terror, not even wanting to risk it. The German people just saw around 2 million neighbors, friends, families and colleagues being lynched publicly on the streets with their children and spouses most of times being put to death with them by a mob of fanatics. People who married part-Jewish people who were considered "fine" before 1962 ended up being slaughtered because the Führer decided they were racial traitors who had to pay some sort of blood debt.

Who's to say a future leader won't do the same to Italians? Or Hungarians? Or Spaniards?

Better safe than sorry, when it comes to relationship it's better to be sure to pick someone that Germania considers safe, Germans are in theory above any risk.

It isn't going to stop everyone, but it will stop a majority of potential relations between Germans and Non-Germans, a generational trauma of sorts which is mixed in with the racial theories and indoctrination, don't be surprised if most German weddings involve making a blood test in the future.

Another little story about the map of Thailand. Thailand seized some territory from French Indochina and returned it to France in exchange for admission to the UN, but in this timeline France has lost Indochina and has no UN. Thailand's borders should follow. this.View attachment 888641
Thailand during the war went through a conflict, a civil war of sorts in 1945-46 when the Japanese were being pushed back and they attempted to pull an Italy. The Japanese created a puppet government to continue the fight and it carried on until the allies took Indochina and gave independence to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, I don't see Siam keeping the lands the Japanese gave while the Allies are going through their territory to reclaim Malasya and Indochina.

Btw @Kaiser of Brazil I hope that Major Morozkin survived. Hopefully with a nice Polish/Lithuanian/Ukrainian whatever former Ost Arbeiterin at his side ☺️.
Well, if you guys like Romance, you will like what's coming, a little break from all the grimdark levels of history that this decade is bringing.