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I loved this second part, it's basically like NO, I hope that in a few years Germany recovers from all that and can successfully conquer all of the Western Urals, and that Iran, Afghanistan and most of China join together, it could start with China taking advantage . of the situation and invaded Russia in the 70s and Germany, Iran and Afghanistan took the opportunity to invade Russia and end the Russian state once and for all, and Germany raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg and China annexed Eastern Siberia and parts of Central Asia and also Iran and Afghanistan have more influence in that region, that Germany hopefully launches a revenge attack in the 70s together with China, Iran and Afghanistan and that the Nazis manage to annex the entire West of the Urals, that is my wish in Iron Eagle, that Germany finally arrives and conquers the Urals as in Patria or AVROE, and takes revenge for the devastation that the Russians did to them, since I believe that in TNO in the 70s they invaded from those same positions to the Urals but were rejected, and I hope that when it happens this time the Nazis will win completely by reaching Yekaterinburg and that the Chinese will invade as I have wished along with a German attack, and that the Nazis and the Maoists will divide Russia like a pie, and that they will end the russian state

You are the best writer of Alternative History that I have read, you have written my favorite Nazi victory and I have been following your story since September 2022, I hope you make Germany once completely recovered from the invading war, probably in the 70s, to finish once and for all with Russia and conquered everything up to the Urals, and raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg, the capital of Russia, to avenge those who fell from the Slavic invasion. I do not believe that after that disaster Russia will recover like in the Ural War, and even less that the tsar and the Russian leaders will remain in power after that, and I believe that there will be a collapse of Russia within a few years that will be taken advantage of by Germany and China and they would launch a total invasion together with Iran and Afghanistan to end the Russian state that has hindered them both for decades, perhaps Germany under Remer, being more practical and less ideologized, will strengthen ties with China Maoist by having a common enemy in anticipation of a future invasion of Russia to end the risk of a new invasion, and I would like to see a meeting between Remer and Mao to coordinate a future invasion of Russia in the 70s when Germany recovers, surely long before Russia, and China has a more mechanized army
Cheerleading for Genocide?

That's a Big No from me.

To Coventry with you.
But the various weapons, guns, tanks, airplanes that the Russians use are the weapons that the Soviets built in our timelight, right? The T-series tanks? MIG SU family of planes. Has anyone built the AK47 yet?
Honestly it would be funny if they built a whole rocket from scratch capable of reaching the Moon and sending it laughing all the way hoping that the pilot will personally place the nazi flag on the Moon and they do indeed place a flag, but it's Israel's flag, because the entire tripulation was composed of Mossad agents all along
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Considering all the treaties and stuff being conducted in Dublin, what is Ireland like ITTL with how they're the closest this world has to a neutral meeting spot?

Alcsentre Calanice

Gone Fishin'
Well, Germany had an Iron Chancellor, I don't really want to spoil but I will leak that Remer's nickname will the "Stahlführer".
So, first fo all, good to see a timeline putting some focus on Otto Ernst Remer, certainly an interesting figure of history!

As far as I know, Remer wasn't personally involved in crimes against humanity and war crimes – apart from fighting in the Wehrmacht – IOTL; however, by pure chance, he became one of the crucial figures on July 20th, 1944, turning the unit he commanded against Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators. The regime's propaganda subsequently inflated Remer's role and so he became der Verhinderer des 20. Julis – "the preventer of the 20th of July". His appearance certainly helped, as he conformed to the National-Socialist "Aryan" ideal. Out of gratitude, Hitler promoted him first to colonel and then to major general, thus becoming one of the youngest generals of the Wehrmacht.

However, this was mainly the work of circumstances and of pure chance. Before July 20th, Remer apparently hadn't been a particularly political person, just a very committed German officer. After July 20th, he was somewhat of a National-Socialist celebrity. The German defeat in 1945 put a (temporary) end to his career. After his release from allied capitivity, he became a mason (cf. this image). He soon found a new occupation, which he probably found more dignifying for a highly decorated German officer: he took part in the foundation of a far-right party, the Sozialistische Reichspartei (SRP – "Socialist Reich Party"). He was neither the party's leader nor the brain behind it, but certainly its most prominent member. His speeches attracted large audiences, probably often out of sheer curiosity. He became famous for repeatedly insulting the July 20th conspirators in his speeches and promising to put the surviving ones on trial if his party ever came to power (again). His new-found celebrity didn't last long though, as his career was once against cut-short, this time by him being sentenced to three months of prison for his insults (here he is turning himself in to serve his prison sentence in the Oldenburg penitentiary) and his party getting banned in 1952. Up to this date, the SRP is one of only two parties ever being banned in post-war Germany.

Remer lived on, dying in in 1997 at the age of 85. After the dissolution of his party, he worked as a military adviser to Arab governments and continued to agitate for far-right causes. The German justice charged him with a variety of crimes, including insulting the July 20th plotters and Holocaust denial. Short of money, he also had to take up other activities, including selling infrared heaters in 1950s Germany.

Reading about him gives me the impression that he was a committed officer, ready to obey orders, and that he certainly adopted a lot of the NSDAP's antisemitism; however, he apparently had neither political finesse nor outstanding intellectual abilities. It's doubtful whether he could actually have made it to the top of the party. It's also doubtful whether he could have gained the sympathies of someone like Goebbels, who thought himself as highly intelligent and sophisticated, or Speer. But you seem to have found a way to make him Führer by putting him in a chaotic situation comparable to OTL's July 20th. Well done!
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So, first fo all, good to see a timeline putting some focus on Otto Ernst Remer, certainly an interesting figure of history!

As far as I know, Remer wasn't personally involved in crimes against humanity and war crimes – apart from fighting in the Wehrmacht – IOTL; however, by pure chance, he became one of the crucial figures on July 20th, 1944, turning the unit he commanded against Stauffenberg and his co-conspirators. The regime's propaganda subsequently inflated Remer's role and so he became der Verhinderer des 20. Julis – "the preventer of the 20th of July". His appearance certainly helped, as he conformed to the National-Socialist "Aryan" ideal. Out of gratitude, Hitler promoted him first to colonel and then to major general, thus becoming one of the youngest generals of the Wehrmacht.

However, this was mainly the work of circumstances and of pure chance. Before July 20th, Remer apparently hadn't been a particularly political person, just a very committed German officer. After July 20th, he was somewhat of a National-Socialist celebrity. The German defeat in 1945 put a (temporary) end to his career. After his release from allied capitivity, he became a mason (cf. this image). He soon found a new occupation, which he probably found more dignifying for a highly decorated German officer: he took part in the foundation of a far-right party, the Sozialistische Reichspartei (SRP – "Socialist Reich Party"). He was neither the party's leader nor the brain behind it, but certainly its most prominent member. His speeches attracted large audiences, probably often out of sheer curiosity. He became famous for repeatedly insulting the July 20th conspirators in his speeches and promising to put the surviving ones on trial if his party ever came to power (again). His new-found celebrity didn't last long though, as his career was once against cut-short, this time by him being sentenced to a couple of months in prison for his insults and his party getting banned in 1952. Up to this date, the SRP is one of only two parties ever being banned in post-war Germany.

Remer lived on, dying in in 1997 at the age of 85. After the dissolution of his party, he worked as a military adviser to Arab governments and continued to agitate for far-right causes. The German justice charged him with a variety of crimes, including insulting the July 20th plotters and Holocaust denial. Short of money, he also had to take up other activities, including selling infrared heaters in 1950s Germany.

Reading about him gives me the impression that he was a committed officer, ready to obey orders, and that he certainly adopted a lot of the NSDAP's antisemitism; however, he apparently had neither political finesse nor outstanding intellectual abilities. It's doubtful whether he could actually have made it to the top of the party. It's also doubtful whether he could have gained the sympathies of someone like Goebbels, who thought himself as highly intelligent and sophisticated, or Speer. But you seem to have found a way to make him Führer by putting him in a chaotic situation comparable to OTL's July 20th. Well done!
On that note, Remer was supposedly connected to von Leers (the same one who became Goebbels' Foreign Minister after he purged Ludin ITTL) while he was working with Arab governments.
But the various weapons, guns, tanks, airplanes that the Russians use are the weapons that the Soviets built in our timelight, right? The T-series tanks? MIG SU family of planes. Has anyone built the AK47 yet?
Doubt it, it's highly implied that most of the Russian gear ITTL is based/influenced on/by Anglo-American designs (and copious amounts of actual Anglo-American equipment).
Would Goebbels have killed him?
Im unsure, Wernher von Braun was young and enthusiastic, a cold-blooded idealist, fascinated by the dynamics of rocket fire. In this he saw the energy that would take people beyond all boundaries into the universe and to other stars. He got the knowledge from the book "The Rocket to Planetary Dreams" by Hermann Oberth, in conjunction with his engineering studies at the Technical University of Berlin.

He used the opportunities the military offered him for his own purposes: rocket research. And the National Socialists used the talent of this ambitious young researcher for their own purposes: the development of a miracle weapon.

Wernher von Braun was the model of the apolitical scientist. Who lived by the lie that science and politics were separate worlds. His notes show that until 1945 he was unable to see that he was merely a means to an end for the Wehrmacht. ( a protective mechanism for his own physical health would i mean)

In 1933, when Hitler came to power, Wernher von Braun became a member of the SS.(propably IOTL) With the same consistency with which he had learned basic mathematics, he already understood as a student that rocket technology, as he had practiced it at the rocket airfield in Tegel (and as it had been used in the German Reich since 1930, = as a kind of artillery rocket), would never lead to the stars. Even back then he was full of energy, had an eye for what was important and the ability to completely convince others.

After Hitler's death, he quickly seized the opportunity to defect to the Americans. He immediately told them: "My country has lost two world wars. This time I want to be on the victor's side." Later, some accused him of his opportunism, as the great power made it possible for him. The Americans made it easy for him to forget. Questions about the physicist's responsibility were not raised with any consequence that would have jeopardized his professional career. Von Braun's knowledge and skills were obviously too valuable for the Americans to pass up. ( which Shows that he was way more interested in space than ideology)

The theory that science and technology are neutral and apolitical ultimately turns out to be a mere protective claim.

i think he could have survived, but im unsure if His more pragmatic and distant relationship zum Nationalsozialismus would bring him into crossfire. Exspecualy if göbbels is looking after ghosts to burn behind every corner. And a distant non fanatic member in rocket research... that would point a big crosshair over his head. I personally think it would be 50 50, because i think Braun would have more sided with Speer instead of göbbels and göbbels knows that.
"Well of course, every true aryan knows that the moon is the perfect habitat for the german race" - Insert Fuhrer Here
The living space on earth is exhausted! Let's get our own living space in space like my grandfather did conquered it on earth.!

~ grandchild of AH and son of Klara, Führer des Großgermanischen Reiches and Leader of all Arien nations, 1990 to the Inauguration of the first self-sufficient settlement on the moon.
The Reich claiming the Moon as its own would be interesting.

Exspecially the reactions of the allied powers and the non allies states.
The question would be, would germsny own the moon, or would that claim be fought by other great powers.

Nazis: the moon is ours!

Usa: i dont think so.

Nazis: one subhuman on the moon and will shot him down with an atomic bomb!

Usa: you wouldn't be that cracy.

Germany: .....1....

Usa: oh please!

Germany: ...2....

Usa: ...........

Some russian guy: 3! 3! Let us kill some germans!