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    The clock had reached midnight, and yet he was still there in his office, seated and working his eyes through page after page of reports and documents which require his attention. Alfred was not in a rush to go back to sleep, because he knew there was a possibility that the next time his eyes opened, the Volkssturm would be at his door, torches and pistols in hand, to drag him outside to be hanged like the others. Truthfully, he had gone to sleep already, and yet his eyes could not stay shut, he moved in his bed and all every time he was close to sleep, he heard footsteps outside. It was usually a staff member of his office, where he had chosen to sleep tonight due to the late hour, no reason to raise the alarm that he was in now ever since his guards had been changed. The SS was meant to protect and insure the safety of members of the Party, especially a Reichsleiter, but he had an impression that the new guards he had were only there to hold the door open when they knocked.

    He was dressed with a suit, as you could never know when the clothes you used would be your last ones. If he were to leave this life, then nothing more appropriate than to dress impeccably, he did not wish to be dragged outside in his pajamas to be lynched on the streets by that rabble. Where did he go wrong? He asked himself, why would he have to fear for his life when in this position? Has the State forgotten all his services? Has he not suffered enough privations and humiliations? Has he not given all that was asked of him? Was he not a devout National Socialist? An ideologue like no other in the Continent as described by the Führer himself? He had been demoted and sidelined long ago, moved to be left in Ostland by the crows that surrounded Hitler's ears. After Lohse's death, he worked much to earn this "promotion", his territory was the most peaceful and civilized of all the Kommissariats, the Baltics and Belarussians were the most well behaved of all the Untermenschen, he crushed the Forest Brothers, he crushed Kovner and his Jews, he crushed the Partisans in Pinsk, he made the Estonians and Latvians as Germans as the Bavarians. Riga was as German as Linz, he had made in fifteen years what even the Teutonic Knights failed to do and made Ostland German.

    And yet here he was, in his office, approaching the age of 70 with a balding head with grey hair and needing glasses to read the endless number of reports which came into his office. The room had a faint smell of coffee, which he required to stay awake for so long, and as the clock went past midnight he smelled the air, mostly numbed to the smell, pulling out a book from a drawer. It was his diary, which was meant to be his way of immortalizing himself in his family. Perhaps he could even make it public, tell his side of the story to the German Volk, the publishers and editors no doubt would beg for the rights to print the tale of one of the founding fathers of National Socialism. He opened up a new page, but he realized, to his terror, that this was the last one. That was not a problem, he would usually have thought, just store this book and start another, but before he did not fear for his own life as he did now. He stared at that blank page for seconds, minutes, hours, days, time accelerated and felt as he had stopped, wiping a drop of cold sweat from his forehead before grabbing his pen and beginning to write, starting by the date.

    But just as he thought he was done, he heard something outside, a chanting, with a glow of orange in the night. That is when he knew his time has come, but he did not feel the terror he expected, rather all he felt was relief. There would be no more fear, no more terror, no more sleepless nights, he would never have to awake anymore. The sound became louder and he distinguished the lyrics of that dreadful folk song, one which had become some sort of hymn for the Volkssturm.

    Wir sind des Geyers schwarze Haufen,
    Hei a o ho!
    Und Wollen mit Tyrannen raufen,
    Hei a o ho!
    Speiß voran, drauf und dran,
    Setzt aufs Klosterdach den roten Hahn

    This was it, he thought, they always struck at night as he expected, and had he remained asleep he would have been caught, in his bed, in pajamas, dragged, beaten, lynched, and finally hung on the street on a flagpole as an example, as a traitor. He was a traitor already was he not? For what? For having seen that spiteful little midget for what he was? For attempting to keep his creepy lecherous fingers away from the Cinema? From the Theater? From all the high honor of the German Culture? For daring to oppose him and attempt to make the Führer see the reason? Hitler was dead, and yet Goebbels still lived, Göring, Himmler, Hess, Bormann, Klopfer, Wegener, Heydrich, even for all of their own degeneracies never had the decency of outliving that limp maggot. And now he was the one who still dared to stand up, which is why he had to be put down like a traitor to the beloved Joseph Goebbels. He would not let him have the satisfaction of hearing how he begged for his life, that he attempted to escape or that he would even take the chance of being brought to the Court when even the courts were more of a show than any real due process.

    Watching from above, his suspicions were confirmed, he stood up from his seat and walked to the side to the window, where he saw his supposed mighty and honorable SS guard opening the gates. The Volkssturm acted in the name of the Führer, and no law was above the Führer, even the attempt of Wegener at making a Constitution had been crushed under the Führerprinzip, the Principle of Leadership was all the SS knew, was all the Volkssturm knew, was all the Hitler Youth knew, and soon enough would be all the world knew. A shame he would not live to see better days, when National Socialism would outlive Goebbels and last for a thousand years, triumphant over all else, emerging into the stars. Or Goebbels could be the one to destroy what far greater men than him had built, but he had faith in Germany, he wrote in his diary, he had faith that they would be vindicated. Going back to his chair, he buttoned up his suit and sat down, once more wearing the armband given by the true and one only Führer of the Reich when he was made a Reichsleiter, a swastika with golden laurels around it. He then opened his drawer, closed his diary, placed it inside a safe, and grabbed his service pistol from that safe just as he heard the footsteps.

    When Kompanieführer Ludwig Hoffmann went into that office, all he saw was an elderly and pathetic man, a disgusting vermin and traitor to the Volksgemeinschaft, who had taken the easy and cowardly way out. He had his orders, which came down from the Führer himself, to arrest this traitor and escort him to the People's Court, the Volksgerichtshof, which now could no longer be fulfilled. But the Führer, in his infinite hindsight, already could foresee that in Rosenberg's character, a pathetic man who claimed himself an ideologue equal to the late Adolf Hitler himself. As he was already dead with his brain splattered even on the roof from the gunshot, his corpse was dragged outside into the streets, lifeless, and all would bear witness to the fate of traitors of the Reich. The Volkssturm, dressed in dark crimson uniforms which symbolized the stained swastika, would march outside as Hoffmann could see a crowd already formed, many already chanting for blood and expecting the Führer's justice to be enacted no doubt. Riga was a city that still had the stench of the Untermenschen thanks to Rosenberg's incompetence, how one could look at those descendants of Baltic savages and consider them Aryans was something he would never understand. To Hoffmann, only the purest of the Volk were true Aryans, and sometimes even the SS could be too lenient in what they considered an Ubermenschen.

    Alfred Rosenberg only had one living daughter and that made it all easier, Irene was caught in a train attempting to escape, she and her husband were brought outside as the train was forced to a stop. With her father declared a traitor, no descendant of his' could continue to live amongst the Volk, otherwise their polluted lineage would corrupt all, which is part of the reason the Party had grown weak and decadent over the years, nepotism was rife, which is why it would have to be purged. There was no problem in a parent wanting a child to follow their footsteps, but only those deserving could stand, those who could not would be proscribed. Hoffmann himself had to prove himself worthy, his father was once one of these men who returned from the war and left all passion behind, who had lost faith in National Socialism, he had hoped he had learned, that he had seen the better world they were building, and yet he was unable to move on, which is why he made that difficult, yet obvious, choice and denounced him. Now he was being rewarded, nobody could deny his devotion to the Führer, and all of Riga would see it as Irene Rosenberg was brought in front of her father's office in public, where she was dragged by the hair and thrown at the center where the Volkssturm stood and the people awaited. Hoffmann stepped forwards, with a strong and deep voice which spoke with no remorse or hesitation.

    "Volksgenossen, I am Volkssturm Kompanieführer Ludwig Paul Hoffmann and today you will be presented justice. The man you see lying down on the streets, is Herr Alfred Rosenberg, declared traitor of the Reich by our beloved Führer Joseph Goebbels. He conspired with the enemy, the vile Jew, reaching towards outside forces in America and Zion to sabotage and destroy the Reich, for years he acted unpunished in dismantling the great legacy of our Great Führer Adolf Hitler. No more, and now the truth of all biology is shown once again, selection must be made and only the strongest and fittest will emerge as the weak are torn away like weeds! The vile blood of traitors shall be purged and our race, our nation, our beloved National Socialism, will emerge stronger and fitter than it ever was! Heil Goebbels! Heil Hitler!"
    Agnes Bockslaff could not bear to watch, and Adolf, her brother, did not blame her. It was a gruesome scene for an 8 year old awakened in the middle of the night, but when they saw the Führer's warriors walking down the streets, they knew one less vermin would be around in the Reich. But this was not what he had expected to show her, rather than a short man with a big nose yelling curses, or a fat bald old man, all they saw was a woman crying as the crowd carried her away, ripping apart her clothes, scratching her skin, punching and spitting on her as one man brought a rope. They saw as she had the noose tied around her neck, when she was doused in oil, when the torches came closer and they began to lift her as well as the corpse of an old man. He too had to bring her back home, not that he was sensitive, no, he knew that was a good thing and would never hesitate to see it. But Agnes was crying, scared, and their father told them to go back. Agnes was holding on to him while sobbing, with their mother walking besides them as they returned home. This was a good thing, he said to his own consciousness, like a disease being purged from a body. But then, why were his hands shaking? Why could he not stop seeing that crying woman with blood in her face?

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    Greetings everyone, welcome back to my little hobby that for some reason you are all interested in reading, I suppose people just want to read something depressing from time to time. Unless you are Indian, in which case you so far are probably more optimistic over your country in this world than in ours. This is the start of the Part II of this timeline which I named "Days of Strife". But Kaiser, you may ask, isn't strife already a given with a Nazi victory? To which I tell you, shut up and let me finish!

    Well, the 60s have a reputation in our world as probably one of the more chaotic periods of the century, in the US we had everything from hippies to the KKK fighting over little things like Civil Rights while ignoring the true war which is which side of the road you are supposed to drive through. In Vietnam we had, well, Vietnam in the 60s is pretty self-explanatory. In China we had the Cultural revolution, also known as why you should never post your pictures bathing in a river shirtless. Germany was only half of a Totalitarian dystopia rather than fully one. Africa was an absolute mess that raged from Apartheid and Rhodesia to the Nigerian Civil War and the rise of Gaddafi while most of the countries were gaining independence under artificial borders and an incomplete political structure that quickly fell into warlordism in places such as Uganda or insanity that rivals Pol Pot in Equatorial Guinea. The Middle East had Pan-Arabism being something as fractious as asking the Internationale what is the meaning of Communism, and of course there was Israel, whose very existence was controversial and showed that the one thing they learned from the Germans was how to launch a Blitzkrieg. There is also my country Brazil which was a rollercoaster of it's own, from a President whose biggest accomplishment was banning bikinis to a General without a neck being "forced" to be a dictator after losing control of his own coup.

    And here we have everything just being so much worse that I actually included the Dystopian tag on this chapter. Europe is led by the Totalitarian maniac Joseph Goebbels, reading to unleash his own Cultural Revolution across the entire continent from Lisbon to Baku, and the only ones who actually can stand against that are the Italian Fascists! Speaking of low standards, turns out the Integralists which rule Brazil, and are extending their influence across Catholic South America, became one of the main forces opposing Nazism. The US starts off in an arguably better position if you only look at the living standards and social welfare, with healthcare and education actually being considered rights, but at the cost of numerous precedents being broken by a man that makes Peron look like an Establishment Politician. Yes, Huey Long is the President and is just finishing his third term with a packed Supreme Court full of yesmen, a dominant Populist Party which follows an ill-defined "Longist" ideology which incorporates everyone from Jimmy Hoffa to George Wallace, a far stronger Executive Power with widespread corrupt connections with local party machines and even the mob, and all of that with an increasingly desperate opposition led by the Republican Party and the growing "Society of the Friends of Liberty". With the Civil Rights movement being sidelined by Long, everything points out to the country being a powderkeg that can blow far harder than it did in our world.

    That is not even including Britain, led by King Edward VIII who used the political instability, the fearmongering over German aggression, the threat of Socialism from Prime Minister Bevan, the failure of Rab Butler's Detente, the stagnant economy and the tensions over Decolonization, to fully exercise his authority and popularity to restore the power of the King to a level unseen since Charles I. With the new Prime Minister, Lord Mountbatten, having the task to rule over this new state carefully balancing between Edward's Authoritarianism and by keeping a pretense of Democracy in a period of growing tension, especially with the renewed threat of the Reich under Goebbels. Said Goebbels, after carefully staying as just a charismatic spokesman for the Party during the Hess years while left out of the true power disputes, used said disputes, the growing tensions and economic difficulties to rally the German people towards his cause. He was placed in power as many in the party held the belief he could appease the masses while they continued their own power plays as they did under Hess in the years prior, however they will soon find out that Goebbels is a man far more intelligent and ruthless than Rudolf Hess ever was.

    In Russia, once a broken nation, the successful defense against the German ambitions during the Ural War have renewed the faith of tens of millions of people, among these many who were deported by the Germans. Many still do not feel hopeful about the future, is there ever a chance that cities like Moscow, Petrograd, Minsk, Kiev and Warsaw will be freed from the grip of the Swastika? Or is it time to embrace a new mission in developing Siberia and Central Asia as a new home for the exiles? Can there be a Russia without the lands to the West of the Volga? Meanwhile the leadership under Tsar Andrey I continue their work to strengthen the nation, preparing for the next blow coming from the west, or maybe even from the east. In China, Mao Zedong is the sole heir to Marx and Lenin, the leader of what is left of the Socialist world. He plans an ambitious modernization program in China, strengthening the country to emerge as a powerful third axis to this Cold War, while also attempting to light the bonfire in Africa, where millions toil under the rule of Empires, and under Socialism they could very well have a unified leadership. But will these plans work or will they only result in a death scale unmatched in Human History? In the neighboring Japan, the defeated were treated with arrogance and exploitation by the Americans, with a vengeful Emperor leading a conspiracy to rid the Home Islands from the foreigners once and for all.

    Speaking of Africa, the colonial world is engaged in a Cold War as South Africa approaches the Linz Pakt and the Italians hold a tight grip over North and Eastern Africa, the French State brutally pacified Algeria and Morocco in a campaign which involved tactics used in Eastern Europe and even the use of nuclear weapons in the Sahara. The Free French have a tenuous grasp at best at roughly a third of the Continent as the outnumbered French Exiles begin losing faith of ever returning and now have to deal with an enormous population desiring Independence from almost a century of Colonial Rule. In Britain, Edward clashes with Mountbatten over the decolonization policies as the British Empire cracks down on Independence Movements from Kenya to Rhodesia, many in London seeing the Empire as the only way they can survive and draw strength against the overwhelming advantage the Linz Pakt holds. Portugal and Belgium, exiled governments forced to flee from the Wehrmacht, must deal with the unrest in Africa as the congolese begin rising against the Force Publique and the Angolans see the fall of Lisbon as a weakness of the Portuguese. The exiled governments of France, Portugal and Belgium become more and more reliant on London to keep their relevance. Meanwhile, Ethiopia begins to flare up once again, with the exiled government gaining the decisive support of India, a growing anti-colonial power, in the fight against Fascist colonization.

    In the Middle East, the Israeli victory in the Third Levantine War, also known as the 12-day war, has shaken the Syrian regime under Saadeh as the population questions his leadership. The military calls for increasingly totalitarian measures and further militarization, with Adib Shishakli planning a conspiracy against the very founder of the SSNP. Nasser's failure brings the unity between Egypt and Jordan into an all-time low as Pan-Arabism has only led to the loss of half of the Jordanian territory to Israel and Syria ever since the Suez War. In Iran, the Shah pushes for modernization while balancing a tentatively friendly relationship with the growing Indian power to the east, and their established alliance with the Syrians and Germania in the west. In Israel, even a great victory is insufficient to lower their guard as Germania further intensifies antisemitic rhetoric, blaming Israel for their internal troubles and arming the Syrians for another attempt at finishing the work of Adolf Hitler.

    These are the Days of Strife, what began with the Ural War in 1958 was a period of unprecedented bloodshed not seen since the fall of Japan, with violence growing all around the world as social tensions erupt, nations compete as the Old and New Orders clash, thousands of years of legacy and culture are purged under the ruthlessness of new hegemonies, longstanding ideas over the very meaning of what is a human are challenged, as well as concepts of justice, liberty, authority and society. Some seek to maintain the old at all costs such as Britain, others push for revolution like China and India, some renew old ideas of faith and tradition like Brazil, others see them put down like in Germany. But from Washington to Germania, from Shanghai to London, from Calcutta to Dakkar, the whole world will be caught by this storm, one which could very well redefine what is right and wrong, what is moral and immoral, what is justice and injustice, there will be those who may emerge stronger, and others who can be swept away by the storm.

    Furthermore, it is important to have the context of this world and how many changes have happened. Those who are new may continue reading and catch up the background with time, others who are interested may click in the link on my signature to the Part I of this timeline. But I will make something very short which may situate the basics of this world.

    First, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill both died before they gained their known prominence, the former due to his disease outbreak in 1921 and the latter due to the U-56 incident in 1939. Instead there were two figures leading their nations in this decisive hour, Burton Kendall Wheeler and Edward Wood, also known as Lord Halifax.

    In the United States, the Klan did not go through it's decline after the crimes of the Indiana Klan were exposed in the mid 20s under D.C. Stevenson, which means they still retained a relatively strong force during the 1930s that lobbied for politicians and resulted in the split in the 1932 electoral ticket when the Democrats nominated the Catholic Anti-Prohibitionist Al Smith. Hoover, who did not commit electoral suicide by sending in the Army against Veterans in 1932, was able to narrowly win the election in the House thanks for that. The Democrats as a result made a compromise, an infamous alliance between the Northern progressives with the KKK-Dixiecrat wing of the Party, nominating the progressive Burton K. Wheeler to the White House. Wheeler won an easy victory in 1936 and, despite his much weaker reforms, managed to recover the American economy, winning a reelection in 1940. As a famous isolationist and member of the America First, Wheeler and the Isolationists controlled the American politics by the time war began in Europe and, despite having no sympathy towards the Nazis, have doubled down on Neutrality and were nowhere as borderline conspiratorial as FDR was (seriously, we all know it was for a good cause, but Roosevelt himself was a critical factor in pushing the US kicking and screaming towards a war direction ever since his second term, had the US lost the war, he would have been rightfully blamed for doing everything possible to get into it in the first place). No Lend Lease or Destroyers went to Britain or to the Soviet Union, greatly weakening the allied efforts. However, due to an incident involving American citizens in 1942, Wheeler reluctantly signed an Arms Embargo, leading to the Pacific War as Pearl Harbor was attacked on Sunday, November 2nd of 1942.

    With a less prepared US, the Japanese took Midway and launched an ill-fated invasion of Honolulu that proved to be the turning point of the War in 1943. Within two years, with the entire Industrial might of the US focused solely on Japan, as well as the British Commonwealth turning it's eyes to the east after the Treaty of Lisbon, the Japanese were pushed back to Okinawa and Iwo Jima. Now under the Presidency of the former Secretary of State and elder veteran Cordell Hull, the US launched Operation Sunset, invading Japan in a brutal land campaign on the X-Day, December 7th of 1945. Any attempts of reaching a peace ended when the IJN bombed San Francisco with bubbonic plague, with Hull's attempts of hiding it out of fear that it would sabotage peace talks leading to outrage among the American people and the President's stroke and death. Strom Thurmond, War Veteran and Southern Congressman, had been chosen by Richard Russell Jr. as Hull's VP as part of the Coalition. Now he was unexpectedly the New American President and oversaw the end of the war with the fall of Nagano and the nuclear bombing of Sendai on the 25th of January of 1947, as well as Hitler's declaration in January 30th which began the Cold War. He also sent Patton's expedition in Russia, ending the Civil War, and the United Nations intervention during the First Levantine War in favor of Israel. His foreign success contrasted with his unpopularity and divisiveness at home as Racial riots erupted across the South, the economy entered into a post-war recession, labor unrest spread all over, and all of that resulted in the victory of Louisiana Senator Huey Pierce Long in 1948 over General MacArthur.

    Huey was the most influential President in Modern American History. Over Three Terms he acted decisively against the existing political establishment, defeating MacArthur, McCarthy and Rockefeller over three elections, shattering the Democratic Party, forming his own political force, the Populist "Kingfish" Party, and dominating the majority of the country. He pushed for reforms that greatly helped the poor, such as the American Healthcare System, the Interstate Highway Program, Educational Reform, Wealth redistribution, support for small business and labor-friendly policies such as Minimum Wage, although he did make Labor unions more dependent on the Government, never revoking the "right-to-work" laws made by Thurmond. He greatly strengthened the Executive Office, creating the CIA, removing Edgar Hoover and placing the FBI fully under his Authority under the Secretary of Justice, as well as increasing the Supreme Court to 11 Justices, giving him a very comfortable majority, and controlling the Senate through everything from bribery to intimidation through his Senate Leader Lyndon Baynes Johnson. He suffered an assassination attempt in 1956, and while many in the American right have grown to despise him more and more as a tyrant, he enjoys an overwhelming popularity among the poor, having an unprecedented support from the masses as an almost fatherly figure, presiding over an economic boom, especially from small business, while he cracked down on large companies, especially those which lobbied for his opposition. Now he is in his mid 60s, many wondering if he will run again or will finally retire, in which case there are many "sharks" in the Populist Party ready to take the crown from him.

    Germany, the other "protagonist" of this Cold War, had a much different story compared to our world as the main premise of this timeline is that, instead of being occupied and partitioned, this Germany starts off the Cold War in a position of unrivaled strength, a Continental domination unseen since the days of Napoleon as the Invincible Wehrmacht shattered all those which stood on their path and triumphed over it's enemies (or at least it is how the Propaganda Ministry paints it). Hitler won, and as a result millions others have lost as the Reich enacts its plans, killing tens of millions of lives over the next two decades. Their megalomaniac plans have been executed to varying degrees, from the contruction of roads and monuments to the death and expulsion of millions in Eastern Europe. Naturally, as a Totalitarian State, there is a position of absolute power in a system where only the most ambitious and ruthless monsters can grow, and that position is prized and desired by many. Hitler married Eva Braun and had a daughter named Klara, but that was not a sign that he planned to settle down, instead in his second book he would call for a renewed aggression towards the "Jewish-controlled" Western Powers. In 1945, the Linz Pakt was forged, a continental alliance under de facto German Hegemony, while the regimes of Horthy and Antonescu were overthrown and replaced by the Arrow Cross and the Legion as the war against the Jews intensified. Hermann Göring, Hitler's designated successor, would die in an assassination blamed on the Polish resistance, resulting in the destruction of Warsaw and it's renaming as Hermannstadt. Sweden and Switzerland would both pay the price of their neutrality and for hosting German exiles as both fell under the German boot in 1946 and in 1947 Hitler made public his plans to continue the struggle against the United States.

    In 1951, shortly after the first Nuclear Test, on the Verge of the Third World War, Hitler would die after a flu led to his hypocondria taking over and a drug overdose in March that year. Rudolf Hess, his Deputy, was made his successor thanks to a Testament forged by Martin Bormann who planned to rule the Reich through him. Rebellions erupted across Europe, with the Free French capturing West Africa and facing the Kriegsmarine during the Dakkar Crisis until Hess ordered them to stand down due to his borderline insane Anglophilia. An attempted coup was launched by dissidents within the Wehrmacht known as the Schwarze Kapelle during the Victory Day Celebrations on the 20th of April, with the SS under Himmler using it as an excuse to launch their own coup and execute Martin Bormann and Gerhard Klopfer, blaming the military for it. However, Reinhard Heydrich turned on Himmler and, alongside Joseph Goebbels, arrested the Reichsführer while Heinz Guderian crushed the Putschists. Heydrich became the new Deputy Führer and Power behind the throne of the reluctant and increasingly schrizophrenic Rudolf Hess. However, Heydrich would face a growing challenge within the Party, emerging from the Control Faction was Paul Wegener, who was eventually able to sideline and replace Heydrich in that position, announcing a new German Constitution in 1955 which formalized the National Socialist Regime and pushed for reforms in favor of the "Partification" and "Rationalization" of the NSDAP/Reich. Wegener began pushing for more and more control as the new Party Chancellor, but found that Albert Speer, Reinhard Heydrich, Joseph Goebbels and Karl Kauffmann, the so-called "State Faction", blocked his attempts. In 1956, he unleashed a wave of persecution against the Catholic Church and laid the groundwork for a religious reform. In 1958, he decided to gamble his political strength in a military victory by launching a new Eastern conquest to push from the A-A line to the Ural Mountains, starting the Ural War.

    The War started well, however soon enough the Germans were halted, and despite the use of tactical nuclear weapons, the Wehrmacht was unable to reach it's goals, being pushed back to the west. At the Home front, tensions began to grow more and more over an unpopular war to which the population was apathetic at best, rather the concern was with the economic stagnation, rising taxes and growing unemployment due to the "Worker Programs" which enslaved millions of Slavs to work at German industries as great conglomerates crushed the small businessmen. The tensions were used by Goebbels who began to rally the people against Wegener and the Party Bureaucracy, strengthening the State Faction. Finally, Hess would be convinced to act, removing Wegener from his power in 1959 and placing Kaufmann in his stead, with Wegener disappearing never to be found again. Heydrich would be killed shortly afterwards by Mossad agents when heading over a visit in the East, largelly leaving the main dispute of power in the party being a conflict between Albert Speer's "right" and Joseph Goebbels "left" visions. However, following the death of his son and after years of unchecked paranoia and schizophrenia, believing himself to be visited and spoken to by Hitler's ghost, Hess would fall into insanity and make a final ultimatum demanding Russia's complete submission under threat of Nuclear War. As the world held it's breath and the ultimatum was close to expiration, Hess would commit suicide after reading Hitler's true testament, hidden by Heydrich after he recovered it from Bormann, and the Party Senate elected Joseph Goebbels as the new Führer, ending the Ural war largely with a status quo peace, and hoping that he would serve as a spokesman to recover the people's trust in the party while the factions went back in their struggle for control. They would soon prove to be wrong.

    This is the situation of the two major powers so far in this world, although there were many changes in other countries such as Britain, where Edward never met Wallis Simpson and instead married Princess Ingrid of Sweden, and Brazil where Vargas died in his close-call car accident in 1933 leading to the takeover of Goís Monteiro and later of the Integralists under Salgado. Some few countries are in a better position than they were in our world, such as India which is united under Nehru, and Vietnam, which peacefully gained independence and avoided decades of conflict. Others have been mostly the same, such as China which still saw the rise of Mao, and Korea that was split following a three-year civil war. Russia would see a long period of war that ended in 1948 with the fall of the Soviets and the return of the Empire under Andrey Romanov thanks to the White Army remnants from Harbin which switched sides against the Japanese in 1946. The Middle East is largely a dispute between the Greater Syria under Antoun Saadeh, backed by the Germans, the United Arab Republic, backed by Italy, and the State of Israel, supported by the West. Italy, first under Mussolini and now a Fascist Republic under Almirante after the failed coup by Emperor Umberto, lives under the German shadow while strengthening itself and forming their small sphere of influence in the Mediterranean and North Africa. France, first led by Petain and Laval, now is led by Darnand and his Milice, with an increasingly totalitarian state being modeled after the German Reich and harshly cracking down on Independence movements in Algeria and Morocco.

    Further clarifications can be given by reading the first part of the timeline, I am also available to clarify other questions, feel free to ask.
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    When he was told the news, he did not wish to believe it, after all he was only on the verge of his 62nd Birthday back then, so close to their great goal. Yes, they were fractious, more than he would ever admit, so many within the party that were great threats. The Strasser Brothers and men such as Röhm and Stennes were nothing close to the threat that men like Bormann, Himmler and Heydrich had become. Many times he had urged action from the Führer, just as many times he had felt like tearing the scalpel of his head in frustration, but when he acted he was always decisive, and within a single conversation he could captivate even the harshest heart. How could such a man have died? Morell, no doubt, played his part by being a Jewish agent, a charlatan as Goebbels himself grew to believe as time passed, they should have been just as implaccable with the man before he did such irreversible damage. Now he knew that the man most responsible for Germany's decline was Theodor Morell, the Jewish Doctor, since then he had to make sure his own doctors had been put through such a background test for their heritage that even the SS found excessive at times. He had been in that dark cinema, where a movie was stuck on a loop showcasing a German tale animated in America, of a perfect young girl being poisoned by a jealous witch with all the signals of the Jew, in the very same way their Führer was poisoned, if only he saw the warnings of his own cartoon, no doubt they would have been Masters of the World.

    Hess was another one to blame, or was he? The Pathetic fool's only mistake was never asking for a retirement of his duty when his mind began to be debilitated years ago. And yet he had been made the successor nonetheless thanks to that Weasel Bormann's machinations, and then he remembered how Himmler attempted to rid himself of him that day in Germania where the parade turned out to be a day-long battle for the heart of Europe. He did not win that day, had he said the right words, he now knew, the masses full of fevor, full of grief for the death of their beloved leader, would have arisen and chased out them all. The Army, full of false ideologues and geriatric fools, The Party, full of a vile rot that could rust even Titanium, which destroyed National Socialism's very foundations, The Security Service, as corrupt and elitist as the old Feudal Lords, The Burgeouise Elements, all of them so full of greed they would turn Germania into a place as degenerate as New York City for pure profit, all of them could have been destroyed that day. And yet he failed, the job was never finished and only some extraordinarily rotten apples would be removed, the rest left to rot the tree.

    He had awaited, remained quiet over the growing corruption because he knew the time was not ripe, instead he was forced to cover their errors, their mistakes. For all his faults, Hess at least believed in Adolf Hitler, at least he believed in National Socialism, somewhere in that increasingly insane mind was still a man who stayed by the Führer's side since the days of fighting on the streets. Yes, those were the true days of National Socialism, where the movement defined itself with it's 25 Points, where the SA could be relied upon, at least mostly, to fight the good fight, when they had clear and obvious enemies at home. He had never much agreed with the legalistic ways, although they did get them into power, many times he had to do what needed to be done through decisive and public action such as in the Kristallnacht, when unleashing the Great Pogrom on the Jews despite Himmler's insistence on legalism and subterfuge. No, silence would never allow National Socialism to grow and prosper, the movement needed action, which is why he had created The Attack.
    The Attack, a great editorial to go around Amman and the Strasser Brothers, when he was still fighting over this city when it was still called Berlin. When he arrived as Gauleiter, the movement was mediocre, squabbling and meek compared to the challenges the Urban masses posed, the rural members of the party, those provincial leaders from small towns, never understood what him and the Führer understood. Hitler lived in Vienna, he lived in Rheydt and then Berlin, both saw the growing urbanization without control, the poverty, the miscigenation, the foreign influences, the Jewish decadence reigned in these places, no wonder Goebbels believed himself worthy, as the Führer himself entrusted him with the hardest task of the Party. He was still the Gauleiter of Germania, although by the rules made by Wegener he would theoretically have to retire in a few years, he would be sure this rule would not last to the end of that month, and the Heart of the Reich was his responsibility. As well as the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, and the Ministry of Education for a time, both of them were the most crucial and important aspects of the Reich, above War or Bureaucracy, the belief of the masses is what makes or breaks a Nation, the Will of the Nation was now to be his Will.

    Now here he was, just a couple of months from his 62nd Birthday, taking the position as the Führer of the Greater Germanic Reich, and he felt like he did when he first set his foot in Berlin in 1926. The enemy was less obvious, they used the same banners, raised the same salute, spoke the same words, and yet their hearts were impure. The opposition was still as fierce as ever but, like before, they made the crucial mistake of underestimating him. Goebbels knew he did no longer have the Führer to rely on to save him, no man could ever match the Messianism of Adolf Hitler, but he would not need that, he would not need the Führer to broker deals, to calm down factions, to make trips and speeches, to ignore his letters repeatedly urging action, because he learned the lesson. He would prepare the terrain, he would bide time, he would set the pieces as his Mentor did, and then he would strike all at once when they did not expect him. They thought that he would be another Hess, another loud spokesman to keep the masses appeased and distracted while they went back to their conspiracies, let them believe it.


    It was the 2nd of August of 1959 when the news came, Rudolf Hess, the almighty Führer of the Greater Germanic Reich, and almost the Destroyer of Civilization, was dead. Around the world, the news brought nothing but relief for millions who received the news across the world, Germany would no longer threaten to destroy the planet over the conflict in the Urals, but to others, there was fear. Every change in power on a nation ruling over a Continent would send inevitable shockwaves across the world to varying degrees, there were many who saw the rise of Rudolf Hess as some measure of stability compared to Hitler, and he came close to killing more than Hitler ever dreamed of, what could be said of a man who looked like a radical to match Hitler? Joseph Goebbels was perhaps the most internationally recognized figure of the Reich, even more than Hess himself in some ways. He was the one who was always on the Television, on the Radio, announcing each policy, each brutal campaign, each event, his voice spoke and aroused the masses unlike any other figure. How could anyone look at Goebbels and think he was anything less than an unstable radical who should be kept as far away from power as possible?

    The Leadership of the Party was the Small Senate of 64 members, composed of the Gauleiters and Reichsleiters, the main body of the Party and State when it came to major decisions which the rubber-stamp Reichstag was unfit to decide such as the succession of the leader of the NSDAP, who was by definition the leader of Germany. When Hess died, the scenery was already prepared for the power transition to ensure it would be smoother than the rise of Hess, giving no margin for a vacuum, for questions or protests, at least that is what they hoped. In truth someone had prepared for protests, Goebbels, as Gauleiter of Germania, had already made his agreements with the Party Chancellor Karl Kaufmann, but he would be a fool to trust only in him to take the votes he needed, the majority of the Party had to stand with him and he knew Speer and his supporters had deeper pockets. But no politician would dare vote against the one man who could appease the masses at the gates, protesting and calling for a strong leader, one who would reverse the decline that Hess put the Reich through.

    And so he had won, but the situation he inherited was one of calamity, although not in a threatening scale per se. The decisive action of Rudolf Hess, who so selflessly decided to suffer such severe case of lead poisoning in his head, allowed for the rise of the one leader the bosses of the Party knew could satisfy the growing crowds in the streets. Goebbels did just that, on the 18th of September of 1959 he ended the most imminent threat to his popularity, the costly Ural War. Wegener's adventure cost a treasure's worth of Reichsmarks, the lives of around half a million Germans, and the end result was a stalemate with the Russians becoming only more emboldened with new weapons and more united than ever before. The Slavic enemy had fallen further into the grasp of the Jews in Washington and New York. Not only that, it was clear that the enemies of the Reich were on the offensive, the Portuguese were alienated by Schörner's foolish suggestions and now even more of Africa had fallen under the grip of the West. The Jewish Zionist enclave in Israel showed a feat of martial prowess only rivaled by the Reich's own conquests in the past while the Wehrmacht was humiliated by it's failure. The Italians had acquired Nuclear Weapons thanks to Hess and Heydrich's arrogance, with a new leadership which acted more and more like a rival rather than a partner. Goebbels always knew that allying the Italians was a mistake, although he trusted Hitler, they should have still dealt with Mussolini when they could, the Germans in Trentino were still beyond the borders of the Vaterland. Ironically, the Germans ended up with more people after the Ural War than before it, for almost a million Volga Germans would be deported to the west by the Russians, being given the warm embrace of the Reich, settled across the fertile and empty lands of the West around the Don River and the Volga itself. Naturally they would also have to be under close watch by the Gestapo to ensure ideological compliance after ages under the rule of the Tsars.

    But before the Ural War had even ended, Goebbels had many matters to attend in consolidating his power, namely to cement the triumph of the State faction over the Control Faction. Bormann and Wegener's disciples were still a powerful force within the party, although most of them voted for either him or Speer, others were still dissidents, one even making a symbolic vote for Adolf Hitler. He formed his cabinet, for now keeping several of Hess ministers such as Bouhler as head of the Chancellery, Haffner in Justice, Wagner in Transport and Seyss-Inquart in the Interior. In other cases he had to appease Speer such as how he merged his ministries into a powerful single office responsible for the Economy, Production and Armaments manufacturing, in practice that did little but consolidate symbolically that Albert Speer was still a powerful figure in the Reich and in Goebbels' leadership. He needed to appease his backers and fellow members of the State Faction of the Party while slowly ensuring their downfall. While it would be in his previous style to order an immediate purge, this was no longer the streetfighter figure that fought on a daily basis to make sure Berlin would have the bloodiest politics in Europe, he had learned and adapted. First he would win over the people's hearts once again, and for that he needed a child.

    Klara Hitler was celebrating her 12th anniversary on the 6th of October of 1959 under the watchful eye of Goebbels' cameras. The Führer invited the girl and her mother to Capital for the occasion at his Residence in Schwanenwerder, which was decorated in a festive mood. Days prior, a parade was made for the victors of the Ural War, although many editions had to be made and agitators had to be carefully placed to cheer up the crowd at first when they saw that many of the soldiers came back scarred and visibly shaken over a pointless conflict that Goebbels resignified as a "Defense of the Eastern Border against the Slavic Assault", at least that is what he claimed the war was after Hess' suicide. Now there was another reason to celebrate with the Führer receiving her side by side with his wife, Magda, an ambitious woman who at last was the First Lady she so wished to be. Eva, however, would always outrank Magda Goebbels in the hierarchy, no other woman could claim to be the widow of the Great Führer himself and the carrier of his only offspring. Klara was a smart girl for her age, with the blue eyes of her father and the hair of her mother, and the Führer made sure to have every moment he was with her recorded and photographed for propagandistic purposes. He did have a genuine concern for her wellbeing, after all she was the closest link he had of the man he worshipped. Despite his usual beliefs of the place of the German Aryan women, Goebbels vehmently vetoed the mere suggestion of enrolling Klara in the Island's SS school for women, he claimed that it would be the greatest embarrassment that the only child of Adolf Hitler was to be subservient and submissive to a husband who would naturally be the lesser partner to a woman who had the "purest of genes". As such Klara never had received the education of most girls at her age, rather she was always given the very best, taught of the greatness of her father and his name. Meanwhile, Goebbels had other intentions for the girl, as his son Helmut was still unmarried and "only" 6 years apart from the girl, what greater boon would there be of him claiming to be the sole inheritor to Hitler's legacy than to have his son marry his only daughter? But of course that plan would still have to wait.

    The War ended and now the time came to rebuild the Reich from the disastrous legacy left over the last years, the first of them being the atrocious state that the Reich's economy revealed itself to be. Back in 1936, Hjalmar Schacht, perhaps one of the best economical advisors a government could have, was fired by Hitler for daring to suggest the militarization had to be slowed down or else it would cause the implosion of the German economy due to the large-scale ponzi schemes and irrational economical measures made by a leadership which distrusted financial economy as a Jewish invention, that agriculture was the natural calling of the Aryan man, that industry was meant to serve the state, and that darwinism had to be applied in economics resulting in the decimation of small business. Those beliefs were somewhat mitigated by the realities of the post-war world during Hess' rule, only to be supplemented by a system which was slavery in all but name, exploiting the labor of tens of millions of subjects from the conquered territories in the east. The Autarky was perhaps one of the greatest impediments to the German economical development due to the fact the German market purposefully cut itself from the outside world, refusing to engage in commerce out of fear of dependence and instead seeking to fulfill it's resource hunger, especially during Hitler's megalomaniac architectural projects, by exploiting an entire continent. The Linz Pakt nations, Syria, Turkey, Iran and the United Arab Republic were some of the rare exceptions which made up the "Foreign Commerce" of the Reich, at least if one did not include the large-scale black market schemes that the German government operated which they themselves shut down by invading Portugal.

    Needlessly to say, the system was... inefficient to say the least, and downright self-harming at worst. The German Economy had grown a meager estimate between 1950 and 1960, it is really telling that China, a far less advanced economy under the Command system of Mao Zedong's Communist Party, had increased it's exports far more than the entirety of the Linz Pakt during the same period despite spending much of it in an undeclared war with the Western powers. Kaufmann and Speer were both in agreement that the German economy needed to start a gradual opening to the west. Kaufmann did so mostly out of self-benefit as the Gauleiter of Hamburg, which would obviously be one of the main trade ports to the outside world. Goebbels was very skeptical on the more "reformist" aspects of Speer and Kaufmann's ideas, after all they still represented a growing rot within the party. But he reluctantly agreed because of another idea, Germany had to prove it's inherent superiority to the world following the military disaster that the Ural War was, and since his Foreign Minister Ludin had already established a certain contact with the west, he could use that goodwill to open the ports of Europe and allow for an improvement in the life quality of the German Volk. Naturally he still imposed such ridiculous standards for imports that they could very well still be forbidden, speaking of forbidden the United Nations had still not lifted their embargo on Germany, but now perhaps there was an opportunity to grow a market for German exports in neutral countries such as in Latin America and Asia.

    Another issue that plagued the economy was the economical Darwinianism which led to the growth of Industrial Conglomerates rich enough to buy a few small countries. IG Farbien, for instance, was a chemical conglomerate responsible for much of the synthetic and chemical production in Germany, from oil to pharmaceuticals to Deathly gasses prohibited by the Geneva Convention. The Krupp Conglomerate under Alfred Krupp was perhaps the greatest supplier of armaments in Europe, from tanks to even the ships in the Germaniawerft in Kiel, there was little which was not produced by such an enormous company that ruthlessly exploited Slave Labor in a scale only matched by it's peers. Siemens, Reichswerke, the Flick KG, the Dresdner Bank, and even the food company Dr. Oetker have grown immensely powerful as well, through many connections with the SS through the membership of many of it's members, Alfred Krupp being one for example. The Freundskreis der Wirtschaft, the Circle of Friends of the Economy, was a group of Industrials formed by Heinrich Himmler to coordinate the close partnership between these companies and the NSDAP, which also allowed said corporations to freely expand by essentially plundering the Continent and establishing themselves as a force of their own.

    Albert Speer was the one who was adamant in strengthening the partnership with such companies, as these corporations were the only ones, in his opinion, which could fulfill the needs of the Reich's programs. Ironically the United States and Britain, the greatest symbols of capitalism, were in an opposite direction when it came to large corporations with Huey Long practically engaged in a crusade against the de facto monopolies held by American companies and the British launching large-scale nationalizations during the post-war consensus. But Goebbels argued in the opposite direction, seeing these companies as the incarnation of Judeo-Capitalism, the Burgeouise corruption in the Reich which grew unchecked during Hess' years and now Speer supported either out of manipulation or malice. He believed in the "Socialist" aspect of National Socialism, although he was far from a Marxist who despised Private Propriety, Goebbels wanted the strengthening of the State, as the true representative of the Volk, by crushing said corporate elements as they poisoned the Reich with it's greed. For the moment, he did nothing, but that too would soon change once the Attack began.


    One thing Speer and Goebbels agreed, the German people needed to see wonders, they needed to once more believe the supremacy of their nation above all others, which is why the Space Program became a priority for the former Propaganda Minister. There is little which can demonstrate power more than a German reaching into space, the Peenemunde Research Facility was the first one to test that potential through the Rocket program led by Major-General Dr. Walter Dornberger and under the Technical Direction of Dr. Werner von Braun. The propellant first was researched for it's military potential for the fast delivery of heavy payload at high speed without risking bomber crews in the East. The first use happened in 1944 with the Fi 103, a flying bomb as it was called, which was a much smaller device compared to the A-4 Rocket which was also deployed, they were used in bombing campaigns during the German intervention in the Russian Civil War in support of the German-allied Russian Liberation Army.

    The installation in Cologne was built in 1952 to provide a more advanced facility for the program, while also it's presence near the major cities of the Rhine would allow for a civilians to more easily be brought to watch the rocket tests, one year later a project still being made in Peenemunde would wield results as the first major test open to the public, at the insistence of Goebbels, several citizens from the region would be brought to watch the launch of the A12 Rocket, an advanced machine unlike any the world had seen until then. Launching itself into the Orbit of the earth, it sparked fears in the United States that this was a nuclear-armed rocket that could at best have it's debris crashing in the US mainland and at worse it was the start of a coordinated attack. It was neither of these, the Germans were still finishing the project of their satellite, this was a test for the 4-stage rocket to see if it would be able to deliver it's load, but the military never denied that it could be used to deliver several nuclear bombs at the target. There was supposed to be a pilot in the flight, the first man into space, but Hess prohibited it, out of fear that if thousands of German citizens were brought over and the rocket exploded, it would be a far too traumatic experience to the German Volk to see a man go up in flames alongside it. The rocket stayed in orbit for days before returning, crashing over the North Sea where the Kriegsmarine recovered the surviving parts.

    The first satellite launched in a A12 would be on the winter of 1955, when the "Mars" satellite, although it's technical name was "Satellit-1", was launched into orbit, an event which was enormously propagandized across the world as the greatest feat mankind had achieved, sending a man-made "autonomous" structure into Orbit which was able to transmit data from outer space. In Washington, the main effect other than paranoia that the Germans were spying over the mainland, although a justified concern considering that was exactly what the satellite did, was that President Long promised an American Satellite until the end of the decade, which was launched in 1958. That same year, the Germans were supposed to send it's first manned mission into Space, however the outbreak of the Ural War diverted resources towards the armaments program in Cologne, which included long-range ballistic missiles which hit as far as Vladivostock, although they were more of a morale weapon than having actual impact due to it's lack of accuracy.

    Finally the launch was put back on schedule after Goebbels took power in August, on the 24th of December, in the morning of the Christmas eve which was perfectly on the day where Goebbels knew people would be at their homes across much of the world. In one of von Braun's newest models, the A15 rocket, which was redesigned to ensure a safe return to it's crew, Ulrich Bischoff became the first human into Space. A great achievement, all things considered, especially that his capsule was able to survive re-entry, however an error in calculations ended up in disaster as he fell near Dover, in British territorial waters. The Kriegsmarine mobilized a rescue team but the Royal Navy beat them to it, seizing the German pilot in an embarrassing affair for Germania. But Bischoff was treated with great courtesy, after all even in London there was a crowd of people wanting to see the first man into space in the middle of Christmas. King Edward met with the Astronaut and he was returned to Germania, although unknowingly to the world, his return involved the return of five other MI6 agents captured during the War which were being held in a Concentration camp. Goebbels agreed with the exchange, knowing just how disastrous it would be if a German astronaut was captured in the middle of Christmas right after such achievement. Edward was able to look benevolent to a civilian hero, returned 6 British citizens back to their country alongside their information, and showed that you cannot escape from the Royal Navy in British Waters.

    Bischoff was an Austrian born in the city of Innsbruck in 1923, serving a few years in the Luftwaffe between 1941 and 1943 in North Africa where he learned English and had a friendly relationship with his colleagues in the Wehrmacht. After the war he finished his studies in Mechanical engineering and joined the Space Programme in Peenemunde, from there he became a pilot for the program, eventually being chosen to pilot the mission into space in December, although he suspected he was chosen more because of his blonde hair than for being the most competent pilot. He was nervous before the flight, as the Cologne Center had made a couple of tests before where the capsule did not survive reentry, further tests were cancelled due to the Ural War and so he had to trust in Von Braun's third attempt to get him home alive. He made it, being given a Hero's welcome on the 25th after sleepless 48 hours where he had turned into a negotiation bargaining chip without even being fully aware of it. Bischoff would come back on a plane directly to Germania where he was greeted with an enormous parade, being given the Medal of the German Order, the highest honor a man could be given in the Reich. Goebbels made sure his every move was watched and later it would serve for the 1962 film "The Pioneer", which is considered a technical masterpiece telling the life story of Ulrich Bischoff and ending with his ceremony which included real, although edited, footage. Ulrich would be forbidden from flying other missions, however, being given a pension by the State and permission to continue working in the project as an instructor to pilots, but Goebbels could not risk his celebrity ace being blown up in another failed test.

    And so began the year of 1960, with the German harbors finally opening up and Hanns Ludin breaking economical agreements with countries such as Venezuela and South Africa. The protests had ended, at least for now, as the end of the war ended also the worse of the privations, but the quality of life did not significantly improve. The German State budget over the last two decades has been in a growing spiral of spending which was only marginally reduced overall between 1952 and 1957, with another boost in military spending due to the War. Speer slashed the spending of several projects in the new budget in an attempt to reduce the enormous debt which became a problem as the GDP did not increase in anywhere the rate that the National debt did. He proposed to Goebbels the re-opening of stock markets, which was first shut down due to the Führer's belief that economic speculation was a Jewish tool. However, in February the Frankfurt Stock Market was opened up under certain limitations, such as the fact the only foreign investors allowed were from Linz Pakt member-states and German "Associates" such as Syria, Iran, South Africa and Turkey. Another measure to try to contain the debt growth, which threatened to spiral into inflation, was to reduce the price controls set up during the Pre-War years, allowing for a greater margin for the German small companies to fluctate their prices.

    There was a sense of normalcy returning, a peace before the storm, apparently business were going back to usual after the war years and Speer's little reforms were already making an effect by allowing the German exports to increase in around 20% compared to the same trimester the previous year, although that was a year of war. New agreements were made with the Syrian government in March, as the Germans doubled down on supporting the Syrian military and the SD gave Saadeh's government a crucial support in cracking down on Iraqi separatists west of Baghdad, although the Germans refused to support a Syrian Nuclear program out of fear that it would allow Damascus too much autonomy. The Syrians attempted to join the Pakt once again, but the Reich claimed they still lacked the "proper standards of European excellence" in their economy and military, in no uncertain terms it referred to the embarrassing defeat of Saadeh's government and his continuous failures in destroying Israel despite the support from Germania. Ludin later went to Iran, where the Shah received the German delegation pompously, although the Minister admonished him for failing to properly support the Syrians against the Zionist forces in the previous year, the Iranians still received their weapons deal, there was no lack in equipment on German stockpiles after the Ural War.

    The Elephant in the room was Italy, Giorgio Almirante and Joseph Goebbels both met in Bern in April in an attempt to come to a better understanding and reinforce their cooperation. But Goebbels found the Italian Duce an irritatingly arrogant man, who believed himself an equal to Germania because his country now had a dozen nuclear warheads of their own. Goebbels, provoked, ended up claiming that one German bomb could raze Rome while all of the Italian bombs couldn't destroy a German innkeep. He referred to the innacuracy and the low yield of the Italian bombs, which still had to be delivered by bombers, while the Germans could deliver Thermonuclear bombs through rockets and U-boats which would wipe out most of the Italian cities within hours. It was a well-known fact that the Germans had U-Boat bases near Beirut, in Toulon and the Balearic Islands. Almirante felt that the meeting was more of a "threatened bully still attempting to scare his victim" than a proper encounter between two allies. Yet, formally they still shook hands for the pictures and publicly reinforced their shared commitments towards European security. Furthermore, Goebbels did give Almirante something he wanted, the Germans would no longer seek a lunatic's adventure in supporting the British, which was one of the main points causing friction between the allies ever since the Suez War where Hess had even proposed intervening against Italy to safeguard British interests.

    The economy and diplomacy were not the only affairs that needed to be put in order in the Reich, the military had shown a dire need for modernization following the conflict, namely to counter the infantry tactics used by the Russians against the Panzer Divisions, the motorization of German forces to standardize the Panzergrenadier divisions was necessary in order to allow the infantry to properly follow the speed of the Panzer Corps and provide support against infantry anti-tank armaments. Horses have been phased out, and yet the German divisions still had a haphazard mix of Opel model trucks and proper APCs. It would be a costly process to modernize the Heer and it would be necessary to scale back on it's bloated numbers for a more effective force. The problem was both in the high and lower levels, reducing the size of the Wehrmacht would cause an increase in the already alarming levels of unemployment among the German Youth, while the Military High Command would also protest on the reduction in the number of officers which would include the retirement of several veterans, many of which had still fought in the Ural War. Wenck and Heusinger were both in agreement that a reduction in the force would improve the logistics and allow for a more competent core of German troops, while also keeping a substantial reserve to be called upon in wartime. What worried both the Heer and especially the Waffen-SS was that a reduction in the number of troops could cause problems in the East, as several formerly extinguished partisan cells were active again due to the support of the Russian State and carried out acts of sabotage during the war. While they were far from fully threatening the German control over it's eastern territories, a substantial garrison was still needed to prevent an atmosphere of insecurity from scaring away the potential settlers.

    Goebbels, however, had plans for the soldiers who would be demobilized and dismissed from the military, claiming that the SS alone could no longer keep control of the Reich's security scheme, as demonstrated by the Rostock bombing and several other attacks, including the failure in protecting their own Reichsführer, the Führer charged Günther Schwägermann, his personal SS aide, with the creation of a new force. The Volkssturm, or the People's Storm, was created on the 9th of November during the annual Nüremberg Rally of the NSDAP. Goebbels claimed that the protection of the late Führer's legacy is a task which belonged to all National Socialists, to all the German Volk, he did not yet go for a war, but that day another domino fell. Following the demobilization of the army, many of the soldiers who returned home had blamed the leadership of the Reich for their misfortunes, how they lacked supplies and yet were still thrown into the war, how many were forced to march over irradiated lands following Schörner's nuclear assaults in Operation Sutur, how they returned home and saw that even at home the people did not see them as heroes like the World War generation soldiers. Furthermore, in a younger note, the Hitler Youth graduates saw a harsh reality that the Ural War had revealed, rising prices, taxes and inflation curbing purchasing power, small stores being forced to close down as large department stores and subsidiaries of the Great corporations moved into a neighborhood, the constant rhetoric of triumph while they were defeated, the leadership of the Reich killing eachother in their corrupt games and even their Führer died when on the brink of destroying his foreign enemies. That is where Der Angriff came.

    Goebbels returned to edit his old editorial, and once the news came that the Führer himself was back at the redaction, the copies of Der Angriff were selling more than the Volkische Beobachter itself. But Newspapers were far from the main means Goebbels used to reach the German people, even back in August one of his first measures was to create a "People's Screens" initiative, similar to the previous cheap sale/distribution of radios made in the 1930s to ensure that every house was within the reach of the Propaganda Ministry. Newspapers, Radio, and now Television were massified and this was a initiative where the Government did not spare expenses. Some joked that it was cheaper to buy a Television set and watch a cooking show than it was to buy it's ingredients. Although food prices still were accessible within the Reich at that point thanks to the cheap labor from the production in the eastern farms in places such as Ukraine, and cheap can be said to be free labor too more often than not. Goebbels was making such seemingly inconspicuous moves while biding his time, setting up all the pieces necessary. He had the means to raise the Volk, and through it he began a weekly program at Friday nights called "Fireside Chats", all perfectly made where Goebbels himself would be in his office near a fireplace, seated on a chair and receiving calls or being interviewed by some figures, all of it carefully planned out from the calls he received to the questions he answered.

    He spoke about the concerns of the people, making himself seem close to them, understanding their problems and announcing paternalistic policies to relieve them, he exorted charity and the emphasis on the social, condemning individualism as a Jewish invention to weaken the unity of the people and nation. That program also showcased him having conversations with celebrities, such as Ulrich Bischoff, who told the German nation how it was like to see Europe and the Earth from space. He talked with Ministers such as Ludin about his foreign travels, which told about exotic locations in the Middle East and the mongrel degeneracy in America, although the minister never set foot in American territory. He talked with Neumann about the great work of the Public Enlightenment Ministry, he interviewed renowned directors from Rifenstahl to Fritz Hippler, even the Italian Sergio Leone went to the program, talking about the Italian cinema's cooperation with the German one. Leone did go offscript one, speaking how his great movie, "Anníbal", which tells the tale of the Carthaginian enemy of Rome being shown as a "noble savage" and a "worthy enemy", was not his first idea and that he had been vetoed from making a movie about Ben-Ur, Goebbels still managed to salvage the conversation by giving Leone a cue to say he intended to portray the Jewish slave as a savage zealot, rather than a heroic figure, to which the director nervously acquiesced.

    He announced the creation of the Volksstrum and used the program to promote recruitment into it, an association which united from veterans of the Ural War to fresh members out of the Hitler Youth, men from the age of 18-25 were the target, as the military went through a reorganization and the SS was no longer seen as positively as it once did, the mass of frustrated young men joined this new militia which was initially given garrison duties at a good payment, even above the average for the equivalent rank in the SS or Wehrmacht. Goebbels himself dismissed Kempka from his office, retiring the bodyguard of the last two Führers who stood at the door while his leader died, and replaced the FBK with the Volkssturm in the charge of his personal guard. The militia quickly grew from it's initial 500 members into over 50 thousand within two months, and further expansion was being planned as the new militia was seen as the new Vanguard of the Reich and that quickly began to draw in the attention and fear of the old Vanguard of the Party.


    Werner Best was not who was most expected to command the SS, but Heydrich's death had caused an explosion which shattered the almighty SSK-RSHA organization, the Party Leadership did not wish to have a man so powerful, one who was almost omnipresent in the Security apparatus, which is why there was a division, the Waffen-SS was now directly under the Wehrmacht's command, the SD was made an independent organization under Bolschswing, the SiPo was independent under Eichmann, and he was given the SS simply because he was already a fading star. He had long been sidelined by Heydrich in the past, serving more as an administrator in places such as France, Denmark, Poland, and wherever they needed him to be, where the resistance was particularly high at a certain time of the year he went in, reorganized the local command and then was sent away before forming a power base. He was the errand man, and a legal expert that could help bring some sense of legitimacy into the decisions of the Organization, as Himmler did many times in the past. But now he was faced with the greatest challenge the SS ever did, watching a new Führer who distrusted them when they were seen as corrupt and incompetent by the German society following the Ural War, it was no that the SS was seen as a threat like the SA once was, but an inconvenience who now was no longer seen favorably by the Führer who had a more radical vision with no place for an "Aristocracy".

    It was obvious to Goebbels that the SS had to be the first one taken out of the way for him to launch his move, and he found his excuse in the Tag das Sieges of 1960, when the great parade happened. It was an apparent normal day of celebrations, although Goebbels made sure that this year would showcase a stronger Germany than ever before, first the Volkssturm led the parade, led by the First division, made up of veterans from the Ural War. The Volkssturm caused a powerful impression when they appeared as Goebbels made a grand speech praising them for their sacrificial heroism in the East, exalting them as the Vanguard of the People, a symbol of the very best of the Aryan Race, he showed them as a popular grassroots organization made up of the collective heroism of the German people, rather than the cold and distant feeling that the SS gave as they were more and more seen as a distant and disconnected force, especially as the face of the SS for years, Reinhard Heydrich, was known as the "Man with Iron Heart" who rarely, if ever, spoke in public, at most pronouncing a few sentences. The Volkssturm, on the other hand, were endorsed by the Führer himself, and they shocked the people with their uniforms, rather than the usual grey or black, they wore a dark crimson red, similar to blood, and they raised the symbol of a Red Swastika, not of the old red of the Soviet Union, but a deep red from the blood that comes out of a stab in the heart. They marched down with their new anthem, the Florian Geyer song, an old German folk song which was popularized by the Freikorps, based around Florian Geyer, a hero of the German Peasant's war who organized a company which supported the peasants in 1525. The Peasant's War was romanticized in the German history, showing the fight of the Volk against Feudal Lords and Corrupt Bishops, it had once again become popular in 1956 when the Catholic Church leadership was purged in Germany. "Nulla Crux, Nulla Corona", neither cross nor crown, were the words inscribed on the banner of the First battalion of the Volkssturm.


    Then came the attack, a bombing attempt was made on the podium just as Goebbels was leaving the stage. The Führer was not harmed, with his Volkssturm bodyguards shielding him and capturing the assailant as he attempted to flee through the crowd. It was discovered to have been a communist, a middle aged man named Erich Honecker, he was arrested on the spot and a quick background check revealed the information about him. He had been the leader of the Communist Youth of the Saarland in 1931 and was arrested for conspiring High treason in 1935, he was released in 1945 and arrested again for planning a terrorist attack in 1950 against Gauleiter Paul Geisler. He had escaped from a SS-led concentration camp in 1959 and now had come close to assassination Goebbels himself. Despite the SS' goal as bodyguards responsible for Goebbels' security, they had failed in such a goal and now a dozen people had been killed by the bomb, including the Minister of the Interior Arthur Seyss-Inquart. Furious, Goebbels would hold his program two days later on the Friday 22nd, announcing that the SS failed in it's duty and by Decree of the Führer they would be culled.

    The SS was purged on the 22nd, not with bloodshed yet, but merely in their power. The SS economical office was disbanded and the Concentration camps were placed under the control of the Volkssturm, as well as their garrison duties. The Waffen-SS would bear the brunt of the demobilization program planned for the Wehrmacht, being reduced to only 12 divisions from their current 30. They would be reduced to their original purpose, as a bodyguard unit for members of the Party, although Goebbels remarked that perhaps even that was a tall order for them. The announcement was made in a deliberately provocative way to the most powerful paramilitary organization in the world, and so Best decided to act, reaching out to the command of the Leibstandarte "Adolf Hitler" in Germania. If Heydrich was able to once hold Rudolf Hess as a prisoner and extract concessions from him, he figured that the only way to prevent the downfall of the SS was to do the same, and on the 24th of April of 1960, the SS launched their coup and the world held it's breath.

    It was the middle of the night when the Leibstandarte made it's move, the first priority was to cut off the centers of communication, from television to radio and military transmissions. The Wehrmacht garrison had returned to their barracks following the Tag das Sieges, as such Best needed to ensure they would not be alerted as they were 9 years prior. As for the Volksstrum, he ordered their moves watched but did no further action, he saw them as nothing more than street thugs who would fold the moment Goebbels was under their control. But as soon as the SS Column reached the Reich Chancellery they were faced with fierce resistance from the Volksstrum unit guarding the building, as well as SS forces still personally loyal to Goebbels. His desperate gamble failed the moment he realized that Joseph Goebbels was not in the Chancellery, the Führer had known of the plans that night, being told so by a man Best had expected to stand by his side: Adolf Eichmann, head of the SiPo, who still held a rivalry with Best for not being made the Reichsführer-SS following the demise of Heydrich, and his own survival instincts were a greater aspect of it, he knew that was a doomed coup and did not wish to have the Police dragged down into the fallout to come.

    After he fed the SS with false intel on the location of Goebbels, he left the city alongside Goebbels' inner circle, and soon enough the Television came to life as Goebbels denounced a coup attempt in the heart of the Reich by the treacherous elements within the Schutzstaffel, Aristocrats who refused to give up their privileges. He called upon the German Volk to stand by the Führer and bring down the leaders of this ring of traitors, he also called upon loyal men in the SS to condemn Werner Best and his clique of traitors. The Wehrmacht and the Volksstrum, despite the classical tension between military and paramilitary forces, have held a long hatred of the men in black. The SS who schemed against the Führer for many years, the SS who betrayed the trust of Hitler, Hess and now Goebbels, the self-interested, drunk, homossexual elitists who incarnated corruption and acted as a State within a State, led by self-interested men who sabotaged the war effort in the east. Needlessly to say, when the Wehrmacht and the Volksstrum, as well as the lower ranks of the SS itself, turned against Best, he knew he was doomed. He killed himself in the floor of the Chancellery, but his blood was only the first to be spilled during that night.


    The first enemy of the Reich to Joseph Goebbels was the SS, mainly because they were the most dangerous to his domain. Over the Night, Der Angriff's press machines worked non-stop while the Volkssturm stormed the SS Headquarters in the Reich with the support of the Police and the Wehrmacht, even with the SA taking part of the move. The plan was very well coordinated and planned out by Schwägermann over the last months, the Gestapo knew ahead of time of the attack by Honecker and the bomb in the podium, which is why Goebbels had stopped talking and left shortly before the explosion, leaving the blast radius just in time, while the plans for the parade were changed so the bombing coincided with the Volkssturm parade in order to have them seize the terrorist, further eroding the image of the SS and exalting the (VS). He also changed the schemes in the seats to ensure Inquart would be caught by the blast, as his death would give Goebbels the Ministry of the Interior for him to appoint, as consequence that meant control over the Police, and he had just appointed a new Minister: Hans Sommer. Born in 1914, Sommer was a member of the Hitler Youth and the first minister to have joined the party after the 30th of January of 1933 (He joined on the 1st of February of that year). A zealot officer in the SS, he was suspended on disciplinary grounds for leading an unauthorized attack on French Synagogues in 1941, later disputes over his fanaticism overruling the orders of the SS caused him to be drawn closer towards Goebbels' circle. Sommer became one of the leaders of the Volkssturm from it's inception as one of it's original 500 members, now being made the powerful Minister of the Interior, a position heavily prized due to it's command over the German Police.
    The Night from the 24th to the 25th was a bloody affair, the first grand purge of the Volkssturm but far from the last one.

    Haffner, the Minister of Justice, was given full power to presecute the enemies extrajudicially through the People's court, however thousands of SS members never made it to the court in the first place, low officers and soldiers who remained loyal to the organization were given no mercy by the German people and the VS, even after surrender they would be dragged into the streets where the Volkssturm leaders denounced their crimes and shot them in public, in other cases they were given to the crowds, accused of sometimes real and sometimes false charges ranging from murder to pedophilia, the fanatic speeches of the VS leaders, most being chosen due to personal charisma at times, would lead to the mob making their own justice. Most of the times, however, the preferred method of execution was the rope, with lamposts on the streets and around the SS headquarters being littered with hanging corpses. The higher level targets such as SSF and HSSF, the regional leaders of the SS in the German Gaus, were instead put on essentially show trials over the course of the week in the Volksgerichtshof, the People's Court, which was created on the 25th by Führer Directive empowering the Minister of Justice to put the traitors on televised trials. The SS leaders, still unaware of the vulnerability of their position, ratted out eachother to avoid sentences, many times they naively confessed their crimes in the belief they would be soon rehabilitated into the new VS or retired. It would be a shock to most when the great majority of them were given enormous sentences ranging from 10 years in a Concentration Camp to the Death Penalty.


    To Eichmann's shock, he was not spared, as he was still an SS leader, the beheading of the SS leadership in the week-long purge would leave him more exposed than he believed he was. He was kidnapped in his home by the Volkssturm, with the SiPo refusing to betray the Führer openly with the streets yearning for blood, he was brought forwards to a Trial in the People's court where he was forced to confess many crimes, such as revealing that the SS was aware that Martin Bormann tempered with Hitler's last will and testament, admitting that Goebbels was the true successor as deemed by Hitler's Will, a great boon to Goebbels' own legitimacy as now he was empowered by the Führer's mandate himself, as the true testament was produced in court. Was that actually the real testament? It is still something many questioned but few had reason to not believe Eichmann, Kempka later served as witness to confirm that Rudolf Hess committed suicide after being given this Testament by Eichmann, believing himself unworthy to lead the Nation. Eichmann's confession did not save him, he was charged with bribery, conspiracy and high treason, being sentenced to death and executed by hanging on the 30th of April of 1960.

    As May came, the Purge of the SS over the last week had been mostly fulfilled, the organization was culled to a level only compared to when it was only made up of a dozen bodyguards of Hitler, they became despised, synonymous with elitism, degeneracy and betrayal, with the Volkssturm swelling in numbers to over 200 thousand members by June as many former SS men ran to associate themselves with the winners. The position of Reichsführer SS was given to Kempka, as if to emphasize their new duty as bodyguards. Despite that, Goebbels continued to exclusively use VS members by his side, and with one enemy down, another domino full of blood fell as thousands of SS soldiers, officers and commanders would be purged, mockingly Goebbels compared them with the old Templar Order, supposedly honorable knights who became corrupted by Jewish influence and were purged for their sins. In one move, Joseph Goebbels, who held the command of the Volkssturm as it's nominal leader and had placed his loyal men in the Police and the Paramilitary apparatus, had become the most dangerous man in the Reich.

    The Party Leadership and Albert Speer had realized too late what they had done, with the SS broken Goebbels turned his sights on the next traitors, determined to make this a Summer of Blood as June approached, determined to finally purify Germany of it's rot, and so he launched a grand propaganda campaign in May, through the Media he now monopolized and utilizing the Volkssturm as a show of force. Like he did as Gauleiter of Germania, with a monthly day of parade by the SA, the Gautag, now he would make a Fürhertag each month, a day of parade and celebration on the streets of Germany as the blackshirts were now replaced with the Crimsonshirts, with portraits of Goebbels and Hitler being held at equal height. He boosted Eichmann's testimony and made Hitler's true Will public, as well as his new success: His diaries. Goebbels had written in his diaries since his young days and now, although with heavy editions such as the removal of many scandalous affairs he held that contradicted his family story as being the model Aryan family, including his argument with Magda in 1938, as well as some earlier beliefs which directly contradicted Hitler's.

    Goebbels' Diary, published under the same name by the NSDAP's Publishing House, it was an immediate hit, the Volkssturm distributed copies of it as gifts and awards, such as how Mein Kampf copies were given on celebrations such as birthdays and weddings. The members of the Party also were eager to prove their loyalty by fighting over being the first ones to buy and distribute copies of the book. Der Angriff published select parts of the diaries about important days, on radio there was a program which talked of Goebbels' writings on the determined day of the year and entire readings on audio were recorded in the new LP recorders. The cult of Personality around Goebbels Figure was starting to pick up a level that Hess' never had, especially as Goebbels propagandized himself as "The Great Apostle of National Socialism", the "Inheritor of Hitler's Legacy", the "Doctor of National Socialism" among many other titles. Accompanying that, the assets of the SS would be seized directly by the State from their Economic office, which included an enormous treasure of Reichsmarks collected from Donations, the evidence of corruption would give Goebbels the excuse to hunt down his next target: Albert Speer.

    The SS ran a profitable scheme of cooperation with the Head of the German Labour Front Fritz Sauckel, the Minister of Food and Agriculture Herbert Backe, and the Minister of Economy Albert Speer, as well as with the close cooperation with the Circle of Friends of the Economy. This alliance was responsible for more deaths over the last two decades than any other corporate scheme in history, as in it was the key for the Slave system of 20th Century Europe developed through the Foreign Worker's Program. The Generalplan Ost, developed during the war by the SS in order to clear the eastern territories for colonization, included the mass extermination of ten of millions of Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, Belarussians, Lithuanians, Latvians, as well as many smaller nationalities from Jews and Roma to Chechens. Between 1941 and 1951, around 40 million people across the former Soviet Union were killed either by deliberate starvation, in death camps, Executions by the Einstaatzgruppen, etc. but this was far from something Goebbels had a problem with, if anything he saw it as at the very least their duty to clear the east for Lebensraum. What happened with the survivors is what he could use.

    The land cleared out in the East was to be settled by Germans, while the slavs were divided between those who would be assimilated, small autonomous regions controlled by collaborators, and those who would be made to work their Blood debts towards the Reich, as National Socialism taught it to be the duty of the inferior peoples to serve the superior Aryans. In thesis, this is what was meant to happen, but the Lebensraum program found a problem, there were not many Germans who were willing to abandon everything to live a life in the east, a land which was greatly depopulated for colonists who did not wish to go. First Veteran Wehrmacht members and SS soldiers were given the land and the task of settlement, but when it came to civilians, the numbers were below the estimates, of the 10 million Germans estimated, only 6 million had taken up the offer by the time Hitler died, many were concerned with the partisans and the adventure made many of them be concerned over the costs. Meanwhile, the Foreign Workers program greatly expanded after the war, through the robust logistical network left by the war and the Concentration camp system, Sauckel and Speer would mediate agreements with the SS in the name of companies and organizations from State-led industries such as the Reichswerke and the Todt Organization to Industrial conglomerates such as IG Farben and Krupp.

    The Dresdener Bank, which greatly expanded with it's association with the SS and by seizing the assets of banks in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Switzerland, would become a titanic company that partened with Heydrich when he was the Deputy Fürher when time came to offer a solution to the eastern settlement. The Dresdener Bank began to offer cheap loans with low interest for Germans who would head to the East. Meanwhile, German companies began replacing German Workers with more and more foreign workers, who were in high demand as they had such cheap lives that in Krupp industries it was easier to buy a new batch of workers than to improve the conditions of hundreds of thousands of Slavic Slaves. That was considered extremely wasteful, and even illegal, most of all was that such companies began to use the SS contacts to address their concerns with the Labor Union too, as even the corrupt Robert Ley was raising protests on the firing of German workers to be replaced by slavs. By coincidence, Ley died in 1956 of a supposed "Alcoholic Coma" after being in a party whose guest list included representatives of the Krupp Industries. Alfried Krupp, as per SS reports, held a conversation with Speer and Sauckel as they acted as their mediators in the scheme, and that included "making the drunk drink his fill". After Ley died, Sauckel was made leader of the Labor Union, silencing all protests on the removal of German workers and replacement of them with Slavs.


    But what happened to these unemployed Germans, including from demobilized soldiers to small businessmen driven bankrupt by the ruling economic cartel? The Dresdener Bank happened, offering cheap loans for the purchase of Eastern lands as part of their "Patriotic Duty". They had no choice on the matter, and when these millions of hopeful colonists arrived in the East, to the point of swelling the number of Ostdeutsche from 8 to 15 million between 1952 and 1960 (including the 1 million Volga Germans and those born from the Lebensborn program), they were trapped. Many did not know how to farm the fields, being unable to pay back the debt, others were given poor soil, a few unfortunate enough to find out the "pastures" were actually the Pinsk Marshes or a forest in Lithuania. Many resorted to more loans in order to purchase slavic workers to plant the soil, which meant also paying "Service fees" from the SS to ensure they would not rebel and escape or kill them in the night. Others sold the lands at miserable prices to afford a ticket to one of the Eastern cities where they attempted to rebuild their lives with a debt on their heads. There were also those who had the lands seized by the bank and had to work the interest with one of the bank's partners such as in the Krupp Industry factories in the East.

    This elaborate scheme, the personification of all the greed, cruelty and deceit that Goebbels denounced about the Burgeouise was like discovering a Gold Mine. Goebbels at first was outraged when reading these schemes after the SS files were seized in April, and soon he would ensure that all of this would be spread as far and wide as possible, he would awaken the fury of the German people and reveal the true reality of the Eastern Colonization. Naturally he omitted the details of the Slavic deaths by the State and instead placed the blame solely on the corporations of the "Kreis", the Circle, the Ring that would be revealed to the German Volk on the Friday, 17th of June of 1960. Der Angriff first gave the news of a great announcement to be made by the Führer of a shocking news which would be given. In the afternoon, Goebbels called a meeting of his Cabinet, which has not been called by a Führer since the days of Hitler. Calling up his ministers, he addressed them about a concerning discovery he had made, he carefully studied the reaction of his cabinet before continuing with a lie. He claimed there were news given by the SD that the State of Israel was planning an assault on the UAR to seize Jordan, using the instability between the two halves of the nation. He also asked for Speer for projections on the economic growth and for his Ministry to elaborate a new 4-year plan which he would be in charge of. As soon as Speer left the building, his very move was shadowed by the Gestapo under Müller, with the same being done to Sauckel, to Backe, to Krupp and the executives of the Dresdener Bank and the IG Farben conglomerate.

    Then when the Fireside Chats program began, all of Germany was tuned to it, that is when Goebbels appeared but there were no chats this time, there were no smiles, instead the Führer appeared to speak to the Volk about a great scandal, an attack on Germany itself which was found in the files of the traitorous SS. For for over an hour the most powerful man in Europe, whose words were the truth and reality to millions upon millions of peoples, revealed the largest corruption scheme in European, perhaps of global history, of how some of the most powerful corporations in the world, alongside a continental-sized bank, the largest paramilitary organization in the world, and some of the most powerful men in Europe devised a scheme which led to the deaths of millions of workers, cost the jobs of millions of Germans over the last decade, and led to the impoverishment of the Reich. Of course this alone was but a symptom of the German economical system, but Goebbels would go on a televised speech blaming all the misery of the Reich on the Corporate elements of the Party, on the Exploitative megacorporations and cartels, on the corruption and callousness of a detached leadership corrupted by Jewish ideas and agents, on a legacy of corruption which eroded the Reich itself and, in it's greed, conspired to take over the Reich's very leadership.

    As his speech was made, the Volkssturm mobilized from Belgium to the Volga, carefully positioned and prepared, rallying the mobs with Goebbels' words spoken live, with the German eastern colonists aroused to fight their exploiters. The houses of Managers and overseers of the great industries were ransacked, department stores were burned by mobs, even factories were taken over by workers with the Swastika. The Ministers would be captured in their homes and offices, as well as an enormous list of associates that even included their family members. Alfried Krupp was not given a trial, because the Volkssturm unit sent to arrest him lost control of the mob, who lynched him and his wife on the streets and threw their body parts at the entrance gate to one of his factories where the body was set alight by the rioters. Within one night Germany would fall into anarchy in Industrial cities as workers even average Germans blamed all their economic ills on the great Titans of Industry, a furious storm of fire led by the Bloodstained Swastika would engulf the Reich and by the Morning, the executives and state officers alike were imprisoned, while Goebbels would sign a new Directive, Nationalizing the Assets of the IG Farben member-companies, of the Krupp Industries, of the Dresdener Bank, of the Siemens Industries, as well as all those which were members of the SS Circle of Friends.

    Albert Speer would be sentenced lightly in his trial, 10 years in a Concentration Camp, he was able to convince the judges that much of it happened without his knowledge and blamed several of his subordinates, in fact he helped Goebbels so much by naming his enemies that the Führer had commuted his death sentence to only 10 years. Sauckel and Backe would end up being hanged, alongside several others of the "Corporate Clique" Speer built around himself. The Reich seized billions of Reichsmarks from the possession of the enormous companies which were now put under State control. Goebbels' populism only boosted his popularity as he publicly burned the debt registries of the Dresdner Bank as it was integrated into the Reichsbank. The foreign workers would now be limited to only 30% of a company's employees and could not hold management positions, which opened up new and old jobs back to the German people. Corporations would now be founded from the carcass of the Megacorps of the Reich. The Führer had won once again, and another domino fell, stained with blood.

    (The following scene must be read while listening to "Light of the Seven" by Ramin Djawadi)

    Kaufmann had not survived for so long by making mistakes, he had not risen up the bloody ladder of the Party by being principled but by choosing the winner. He struggled to have Hamburg, to wrestle it from it's greedy tinpot of a mayor, his adulation of the Führer was worth the wealthiest city in the Reich. When Wegener and Heydrich were throwing knives at eachother he watched from the sidelines, and once both were weakened he picked his allies and went forwards, becoming the second most powerful man in the Reich. And yet he made one mistake that night, when he spoke to Eichmann and they made the fateful choice which saved the world, he had the wrong man in the room with him. The SS did not have one copy of Hitler's testament of course, if you can forge the signature of a decaying man then you could have chosen anyone to have been the Führer, truth is that the truth never mattered, what mattered was who he and Eichmann would choose. And he chose Goebbels, a man he thought he could trust, but he could not, he was just as mad as Hess, but with the calculating mind of Hitler himself.

    He wanted to appease the masses, he wanted to make sure he would not be lynched, the Reich was faltering and the one man who could keep the people by their side was Goebbels. In hindsight, that was a lie, just from replacing Hess and ending the war they could have ended the protests, Speer was the one who should have been chosen, or even himself, he should have risked it that night and laid his claim, he had spent the previous months making alliances so why not use them for himself? But no, he had hesitated like the fool he was, and now the SS was gone, Speer was gone, Sauckel was gone, Krupp was gone, Eichmann was gone, the streets were out of control and he had to find one way to end this. He still had the party, the Gauleiters, the men who still held a shred of sanity.

    So he found a loophole, or rather Hans Frank found one in Wegener's Constitution. It is specified that the NSDAP was the single official Party of the Reich, it was right there that it claimed that the Party and State were connected under the leadership of the Führer, but what if the Führer was no longer the Führer? The NSDAP had the Small Senate for this, for all the great decisions, and did the late Adolf Hitler not also use the Party mechanisms to be rid of men like Drexler? Like the Strasser Brothers? They can expel a member of the NSDAP, and there was no rule in the constitution which claimed that the Führer was not subject to the rules of the Party regimen. What was the point of it? He had reached out to the Wehrmacht, who swore their oaths to the Führer, but the swearing was not yet changed from the Hess era, it was an oath to Adolf Hitler and to the office of the Führer, not to the man Joseph Goebbels. The Volkssturm would be a problem, but Wenck had assured him that the moment Goebbels was removed, the Wehrmacht would no longer be bound to him, they would initiate protocol Walküre and secure Germania as they have done twice before, one this very year, they had no sympathy for the VS and the aristocratic Wehr officers were not kind to Goebbels' rhetoric.

    It was the 30th of July, the Night from the Sartuday to the Sunday, when the Gauleiters made their move. They stayed overnight from the Small Senate meeting on Friday to deal with another liquidation of assets from a Nationalized Company, as well as the NSDAP membership of the arrested executives of it. The Small Senate members remained in Germania and Albert Foster, the President of the Small Senate, called an extraordinary meeting at night to settle this matter once and for all. Goebbels was asleep, according to his sources and knowing his routine, they would have a limited amount of time to meet before he could react. The building's lights were turned on only when all were seated, but to his dismay over a third of the Small Senate was not there. That was no problem, only a majority was necessary and soon the meeting would start with Kaufmann being given the word.

    "It is the duty of every National Socialist to ensure that the Reich is held orderly, with it's strength integral for the security of the German Volk and of the Aryan Civilization. The actions of Party Member Goebbels are opposed to such virtuous goals and the Principles of National Socialism. For his actions to his conduct, not fitting those of a National Socialist, in my quality as Party Chancellor, I call for a vote of removal of Paul Joseph Goebbels from the ranks of the National Socialist German Worker's Party!"

    They all applauded, no one wanted to speak next, everything was proceeding smoothly, but why was he still sweating? Why was that cold freezing his skin in the middle of the summer? The votes began to be made and he went for the telephone, a private line connecting the Small Senate Building and the Army barracks, he reached for it but there was no signal, to his despair the call was not reaching the Wehrmacht. That is when they all heard from the radio, when the tally of the votes was only halfway done, the voice of Joseph Goebbels spoke in his low and severe tone, for all of Germania to hear. He dropped the telephone on the floor and realized what the cold was, but worse, he began to feel the heat.

    "Volksgenossen, it is with a heavy heart that I give you the news of a great betrayal of the Reich, those men who I once trusted, of who we all trusted, the leaders of the Party themselves, have revealed the treachery and rot in their hearts. Deceived by the lies of the Jew, they gather even now and conspire against the Nation and People-"

    Wir sind des Geyers Schwarzer Haufen
    Hei a o ho!
    Und wolle mit Tyrannen raufen
    Hei a o ho!

    The panic spread as the chanting was heard, these man, all powerful lords of their own fiefdoms, who decided on the life and death of millions, looked around and the voting never finished, Forster himself was the first one to leave the podium and try to run. Hans Frank came next, running as quickly as his fat figure could carry him towards the exit. Erich Koch shoved others out of the way trying to reach the exit. The guards of the SS, now only reduced to mere mortals, have looked at the windows and saw the enormous crowd wielding torches. The entire building was well furnished, with wood and carpets, tapestry, all of these symbols of opulence which now were nothing but flammable fuel in Karl's terrified eyes as he realized he had unconsciously attempted to jump over the tables to reach a back exit, only to fall on his leg and feel a sharp pain as he could not get himself back on his feet.

    Alfred Meyer, Hans Frank, Robert Wagner, Albert Forster, Erich Koch, Franz Maierhofer, Franz Hofer, Philipp Bouhler, and so many others of the most powerful men in the Party, men who voted for Speer, men who were allied with Karl Kaufmann, men who were allied with Wegener, with Heydrich, with Bormann, with so many others, and now they were absolutely powerless. The doors were barred shut, he knew there was no way out, Hofer was still desperate enough to jump to his death from the window into the crowd below. The men of the SS still attempted to fire back, but the Volkssturm and it's mob had assembled real fire. Someone had ratted them out, and then he realized that Karl Gerland, a man he had contacted who claimed he was dissatisfied with Goebbels' wanton brutality towards Party members, was nowhere to be seen tonight.

    The smoke came from down the stairs as those who went to the floors below ran back upwards, and while trembling in pain, Kaufmann still used a desk to try to stand, leaning his arm on it he saw a torch thrown inside, then there was a crash and screams as a glass bottle full of alcohol with a burning piece of cloth fell and splattered it's flaming liquid on the podium, right beneath the mighty Iron Eagle, the Party Eagle which held the Swastika and it's laurels. So this is how once the mightiest, the best, the vanguard of National Socialism, would perish. As the flames grew higher and hotter, he no longer felt pain, he no longer felt the cold, he only felt the fire, and that same fanatical and irate fire, he knew, would soon consume all of Europe.

    Last edited:



    "Rot in hell, Kingfish!" is what Jay would've shouted if he had the guts to say it when the cashier changed the TV channel and the spoiled image of that bayou fishermen showed up in his Presidential Office. What he was talking about? He did not even bother to listen to what that man was saying, but it seemed like half the customers had stopped to see religiously what he was saying. The other half continued eating and going on with their lives but he had no doubt he was alone in here. This was Arkansas, might as well call it Long Island with just how many morons continued to listen to him. He had to double his coffee, calling up for the waitress, she was almost too distracted by the TV to notice him and it took him a whistle to get her attention as well as the attention of half the building. "Sorry sir, it's just that-" "Don't waste your breath, sweetheart, I am sure whatever the President is saying is more important." Jay Grayson dismissed her and took this coffee pure and without sugar, waving her off with a mood as bitter as the drink.

    What was he supposed to say? Congratulate her for playing her part in this damned circus? He knew if he even raised his voice more than a whisper he would end up with a limb tied up to each trunk of those cars and ripped apart like a medieval torture. You don't mess with the fishes, he figured, he was once a Democrat, then a Republican, and now he was team get out of this damned country. He should move from America, go to Boston or something. Maybe then he would get a job, because in the self-aggrandizing list of accomplishments that this- he won't go down to hell because of Huey Long so he won't even think of that curse word, is included the loss of his job at Texaco. It was all a funny thing, first there was the Standard Oil, then it was broken into Chevron, then it was broken into Texaco, and now Texaco was cut down and the gas station he managed was turned over to some hillbilly who fired half the employees to keep running that thing into the ground, and who was one of the laid off workers? You guessed.

    Then there was a gasp and a flock of whispers in the air that actually caught his attention, or perhaps it is because the attendant was so understanding that she wanted to make sure the deaf could hear that annoying voice. But for the first time in ten years, he actually paid attention to what that Snake Oil salesman was selling: The solution of his problems was right there and he had to make sure to keep his limbs by being quiet. "I fully trust that the American people will vote with consciousness for a new holder for the Presidential Office", that phrase made him so hopeful at first, he wanted to jump around and kiss that waitress for increasing the volume. Among a bunch of nonsense and policies that Huey was announcing this beautiful January winter, he also announced his retirement.

    Sid would take the win, at least this would be the talk of the State, heck this would be the talk of the year for this county. Sid McMath was a man of Long's trust but he was also not as much of a loudmouth, he was understanding and knew how to work with the companies at times. But Jay would still vote Republican, even if his vote would mean nothing in this State, he wanted to go to the voting booth with Joy to get rid of as many Populists as possible. He first voted for Long, as a loyal blue-card Democrat, then he voted for McCarthy because he was not Long, then he voted for the Republicans in '54, and did not even bother to vote since then. Now he added sugar to his coffee, tasting a little more of sweetness. This was a new decade, and it was starting off well with Huey hopefully being Long gone! Perhaps now he would be able to pay off the car once he got a new job.


    The question of why Huey Long did not run for a Fourth term have a miriad of answers which ultimately can only be answered in a few different ways, after all it is true that he was at perhaps his peak popularity as a father figure in America, the economy was going strong since the Industrial boost which happened during the Ural War, many jobs had been created in something akin to a war mobilization in the Midwest to convert factories to military equipment. There was also the "Russian Bonds" program which helped the American government finance the costs for the vast amounts of supplies given to the Russian military between 1958 and 1960. Yes, Four Terms were unprecedented but so was a Third Term, and it is not like Huey was ever shy about his disdain for the establishment and long-term political traditions. So unpopularity and concern over his image were not the answers, although some contemporaries claim it. Perhaps the truth is simply what he said on the 20th of February in the announcement he made after coming back from his brother's funeral after Louisiana Governor Earl Kemp Long died four days earlier, months before his term as Governor ended: He was old. Although not by much, he was still far younger than Cordell Hull, the oldest ever US President, was by the time of his death, he was still 66 compared to Hull's 74 by the time of his death.

    Huey Long had begun to suffer in his health due to the stresses of the Presidency, besides of course the bullet wounds he already received as part of the Political life. His public image was different, he gave a more paternal tone, his makeup showed him as an experienced leader and even his 1956 Propaganda began to show signs of that elderly image. Behind the makeup, he looked over 70 years old, had to use a cane to walk long distances, his hair became whiter and rarer each visit to the barber, and he also had to deal with the psychological pressure of fearing an imminent death. He has always been a restless man, who could never accept the thought of dying while there was still something for him to beat, one enemy left to put down, one law left to sign. And yet, George Long died and days later so did Earl, he lost both his elder and younger brothers within a week of one another, the humanity of leadership figures, especially those who were practically worshipped by their followers and made a cult of personality around them, is often times forgotten by historians.

    What was America like in Long's final year of Government, it was the largest economy in the world, with some of the best living standards overall, with a robust industrial sector and a growing trend towards innovation spurred by the growing Space Race with the Germans. It was also a country which knew how to hide it's issues, much like it's President. Long always had made efficient use of Propaganda from newspapers to television, a charismatic man who was friendly to the people but was a tough fighter against those who would fight them. Truth is that the American people was growing more and more divided beneath the surface image projected by the POTUS: Living standards had increased, and yet segregation was being challenged, raising the awareness and popularity of the Civil Rights movement, while the main conflict was over Racial Equality, there were other movements trailing behind which were gaining speed and Huey was using the apparatus of State to do everything to contain and minimize these movements. Some use this as an argument over him being a Racist man, and while he was still a Southern American born in the late 19th century, his main concern was not that Blacks would gain rights, but that this movement would stain his image of America and the legacy he was leaving behind.

    What was his legacy? Foremost it was Welfare, as the American people would see the creation of one of the most advanced healthcare systems in the world, an universal program which came after Long mobilized the masses after the Second World War to expand the privileges given to the Veterans of the Pacific War to all Americans. There was the Literacy Program, which practically extinguished adult illiteracy and sharply decreased the rates among children, which was helped by further restrictions on Child Labor. He also formed a nation-wide program of Technical colleges, designed to provide cheaper and more practical higher education to adults to access higher-paying jobs, as well as a policy of free lunches and improvements on the quality of schools, especially in the rural areas. There was also a great expansion on infrastructure, helping to connect the country through an unprecedented program of road and railroad building, including the construction of the Interstate Highway System, connecting the largest cities in America through a system which may or may not have been inspired by the German Autobahn projects in Europe in some ways. Electricity arrived at the small towns and rural regions of America, including the construction of Nuclear Reactors across the country to provide with a highly efficient and relatively clean source of energy.

    Labor rights were expanded, and while Long never remembered one of his promises to repeal the Right-to-Work laws on Unions imposed nation-wide by the Thurmond Administration, he did create the "Fair Labor Standards Act", which regulated the safety and protection of workers as well as heavily restricting professions on those younger than 16 years. He greatly expanded the funds and coverage of the American Social Security system created by President Wheeler in the 1930s, as well as expanding unemployment benefits. He also created the Federal Minimum Wage and in 1959 created the "Fair Deals Commission" in the Department of Justice, responsible for investigating contracts with unfair labor practices as part of his legal reforms in his 3rd term which also included a Review of Title 18 of the United States code which concerned criminal laws. He ended Prohibition in his second term and now he created new laws which many saw as progressive, such as a Federal Anti-Lynching law despite opposition from many in the South. He contemplated the idea of a Civil Rights Act, but considered it a hindrance to his electoral prospects as much of the strength of the Populists came also from the Southern States.

    He was autocratic, sometimes claiming he had the reincarnated ego of Napoleon Bonaparte himself, although some suspect that was mostly a joke he liked to play. He did expand the Presidential Authority on the deployment of the National Guard, created the Central Intelligence Agency, as well as empowering the Secret Service following his endless death threats and granting his own bodyguard investigative powers in 1958 after threats from a National Socialist group. The FBI's authority was greatly strengthened while he held a tight grip on it after removing it's longtime director J. Edgar Hoover and fully subjugating the agency under his Attorney General and longtime friend James H. Morrison. The American Protection Act and the National Security Act both greatly strengthened the Presidential Authority and de jure allowed the FBI and CIA to investigate American citizens suspect of espionage, using the fear caused by the double threats of National Socialism and Communism across both oceans which peaked in 1951-1953 thanks in no small part to McCarthy's national campaign. He used Lincoln's wartime precedent and expanded on it to weaken the Supreme Court, packing it with two extra allies with a total of 11 justices led by Justice John Baptiste Fournet, a fellow Louisiana Attorney who was also his long-time supporter.

    There were his economical policies which ended up being one of his most controversial aspects besides his authoritarianism. Huey Long brought a long-standing feud with the Standard Oil company ever since a legal fight over an oil field he found in Louisiana, becoming famous as an attorney who took the side of the people against great companies and swept away the bribed and corrupt status quo of Louisiana when he became governor. With that same fame he took over during the post-war recession and used the resentment of the people and the Labor unrest to bring down the Hammer of the State against companies in a level which surpassed even the Progressive Era Presidents. From General Motors to Chevron, Titans of Industry were brought down on charges of creation of cartels and trustees, as well as some less convincing charges brought forth by the American Protection Act which mainly targeted companies that engaged in commerce with "Enemy Nations", such as the Ford Motors Company, due to the activities of it's German Subsidiary (Which would only be nationalized by Goebbels in 1961 during a campaign against "Foreign Agents"). There was also a heavily disproportionate number of cases which were brought on companies responsible for lobbying the Republican and Democrat Parties while those which lobbied for the populists were rarely "punished". He would also be responsible for a reform in the Tax Code, creating a Capital Gains Tax and partially implementing programs similar to his old "Share the Wealth" Society, including grants for homesteads and progressive taxation, although he never implemented an income cap as that was deemed far too radical and impractical.

    Speaking of Parties, one of his greatest impacts on the American Political system was the creation of the "Populist Party", named after the Roman "Populares" which only increased the comparisons with Julius Caesar, it would also be nicknamed as the "Kingfishes", the "Fish Party", or "Huey's Pod" among other allusions to Huey's famous nickname as "Kingfish". Perhaps Long would never have achieved his level of success if not for his political skills and alliances, at first using the Democratic Party as a base to reach out to dissatisfied Republicans and turning on the Democratic establishment led then by James Roosevelt of New York. Long tore apart the Political consensus with a bet in 1952, all or nothing, and the result was the closest election in American history, decided by a single state vote in Congress.

    Now with his own base of supporters, he worked tirelessly to strengthen the party, first by sidelining the Democrats, winning over the poor whites in the South through his populism while the Democrats lost touch with the masses, doubling down on the "Dixiecrat" wing and making it's remaining Northern and Midwest members switch parties. Abandoning his previous isolationism, he won over much of the West coast and conservative voters who wanted a tougher stance against Nazism after 1956. He allied with the growing religious movement led by Gerald L.K Smith, his long-time suporter and Televangelist "Billy" Graham, as the shock of the German crackdown, persecution and corruption of Christianity and it's principles across much of Continental Europe led to a religious awakening in America as a reaction, brought forwards now by the widespread use of television. He allied with the naturally talented Texas Senator Lyndon Baynes Johnson in order to bring the Senate to heel, as well as courting the moderate progressives with his alliance with Eugene McCarthy, the Speaker of the House. Of course he had the help of his own corrupt schemes, such as the weaponization of Gerrymandering through the Supreme Court and the Department of Justice, with a "Neutral" commission bringing outrageous cases to court in the States, in clear breach of the 10th ammendment, until the States lost the case in the Court, predictably, which allowed the Federal Government to meddle on the State elections in order to ensure the "Fairness and Equality" of the voting process. Which was also a victory for the Civil Rights movement who instantly flooded Washington with cases against the Poll Taxes and Southern Electoral districts, although the commission was very slow and dismissed many such cases.

    In 1960, the Populists, like Huey Long, were at their greatest power yet. The Democratic Party was sidelined since 1956, the Republicans lost several seats in 1958 due to the "Rally around the Flag" effect, finally the prospects for this year showed stability for the Populists to keep their majorities in the House and Senate. While negotiations still needed to happen to pass supermajorities, the Populists, if united, had essentially made America into a one-party state in that cycle. The problem was precisely to keep the Populists united, as their one defining trait was simply "Longism". Huey Long's figure, with it's unparalelled sway over the American public, was the one factor that could keep figures as different from one another as Northern Progressives and Southern Conservatives unified. Of course, they all agreed with Long's welfare programs to varying degrees, as well as the opposition to large corporations when convenient, generally desired a middle ground on the Civil Rights matter with glaring exceptions, and hoped to keep up the Mixed economy policies to varying degrees.

    But when Huey announced he would not seek a fourth term, hell broke loose behind the scenes.


    "They already call me a King, I won't give them another reason by making a Dynasty." Huey said and Russell listened, and the son just could not bear to hear that hypocrisy. So bribery and blackmail is alright but supporting your own son in an electoral run was too far? But later that night he had to understand the position his father was in. No doubt he was under enormous pressure and he knew he was not the only one to back himself. Lyndon was perhaps the main supporter that Russell had in the Populist Party and they both had long come to an arrangement. Other than his uncle Earl, it was Lyndon who also introduced him to the Senatorial routine, how to know the habits of other Senators and how to exploit their vulnerabilities. Sure, he was not a towering figure like the Shark was, but Russell found a place for himself in the Finance committee of the Senate. Truthfully, he was not as angry about his father not choosing him as a hand-picked candidate, he was more mad over the fact he gave such a terrible excuse in his eyes. The Long family had one President, two congressmen and a Senator, not including the recent loss of uncles George and Earl. Perhaps he could go back to Louisiana, resign his seat and run for Governor to honor his Uncle, make sure there would always be a Long in Banton Rouge. But he still had more to give to America, he knew that.

    Russell Long's visit to his father happened just a couple of weeks after the announcement and these last two weeks were more politically active than the last two decades put together in America. Behind the facade of a strong and united government by the people and for the people, the fishes of the pod were slaughtering eachother, forming their own cliques and alliances. He had his own so far with Lyndon Johnson, but the moment the Shark realized there was no chance for Russell, then what would he do? They could try to keep it hidden, but you cannot hide the blood in the water from that man. Russell's political future was uncertain, but at least for now the White House had to wait, he still was a strong choice, however, as there would be no lack of people in the Populist Party who would want someone with the name "Long" in their ticket, a "X-Long" ticket would make a President for sure.

    Indeed the Shark was moving, but while he did smell blood he did not know where it came from. Lyndon was the Master of the Senate, there was no doubt in that, he was not only the Majority leader but he had certain votes in the Republican and Democrat ranks which only he could get. How? Magic of course, he had been speaking with Vodoo sorcerers in the Bayou and Haiti. But history books would never believe that, so he was only a very skilled politician who quite literally towered above his peers and knew how to intimidate anyone, especially with something related to the Boeing 747. In his office, he pondered his options, tapping a finger on the desk as he kept thinking over and over what his options were. He could run himself, threaten to split the convention and force Long's hand to make him the chosen successor. On the other hand, leaving the comfort zone was hard even for the most naturally talented of politicians like him. The Senate has been his home for over a decade, he had a reputation, he had strength, he had his own political game going on, but if not him then who else? He had thought of a ticket between him and Russell Long, the son of Huey would naturally give a boost to compensate his own lack of popular rabble rousing, although not defining yet who would be President and who would be the Vice, now that option was out from the news he had received.

    Sid was an option, but two rurals was not the best choice for a ticket, they were from neighboring states how would that add up to something in the college? They would be swept away from the Midwest unless he picked Hoffa... but what kind of idiot would pick Hoffa? He would settle for nothing more than be President, a Unionist being POTUS would be enough to make half of the South get a stroke. The Republicans would give all they had, and he had to do the same of himself, and while he had many contacts in the Party to launch his name forwards, the Convention required a support he just did not have. He was not hated, but to everyone he was just that rude cowboy from Texas who got into arguments and intimidated his enemies, some liked that, but this was hardly an election-winner by itself.

    Meanwhile, Hoffa was already acting like he was the President of the World and he would make a grand show of strength. On the 1st of May of 1960, in Labor day across America, the Teamsters and several other Unions held a rally in Chicago. At Hoffa's instructions, no red flags were to be raised and the Bufalinos helped to keep that quiet, only red white and blue, only American colors as he came up to stand over a truck and delivered a speech to the crowd below. They all cheered, of course, but he did make a fine speech if he could say so himself, all in the boastful way that he knew very well how to do. But as much as he spoke about the bright future of the workers and the challenges to be beaten in order to get that, he knew that by himself he would not be able to win. First, it would be hard for a mere Secretary to get the blessing of the big boss Long, second, even if Long gave his blessing in person and kissed his feet, the South would not vote for him in a million years. How can someone win an election without Texas? If the Democrats got strong enough this would go to the House and he was not diplomatic enough to win those delegations over.

    A Hoffa ticket needed a balance, but the trucker was not stupid, he knew there were things against him and they would fuss all over his life to find that trash, the surname of his lawyer alone brought him trouble. The Republicans would hate him, the Democrats would hate him and half the Populists might shot him in the head and dump him in Lake Michigan. He had a plan to get both the South and the right-wing to stay in the plane, while also making sure to get a guy so batshit crazy that nobody, not even the Republicans, would want to hand the White House to him.

    In the South, George Wallace spent the weeks between March and May to launch a grand tour in the cities of the "New South", even in South Carolina he paid a visit to Charlestown. Heading north he had a less receptive reception in places like Detroit, too many negroes he figured, they weren't half bad folk but could be very irritating in their marches. Sure, his rhetoric was directed at the south and that was something he had to work on. Wallace figured he needed someone to balance out the ticket to the White House, but there were not many who would want to make an alliance with the Alabama Huey. He did have a strong power base, probably the most solid state-wide block in the Party, the hard part was getting beyond the block. Other than having Huey's blessing, he also needed a moderate voice both in himself and in his VP, and his best choice was someone who disagreed with him completely on the race matter: Sid. He had to look for alternatives, and while he did not trust Lyndon, he was perhaps the most influential man in Washington's politics outside the White House. He could get Russell, he figured, Huey Junior was the best connection to the father, was a moderate who could win over the Liberal crowd for now, but he feared him. It was hard to trust that Huey Long would stay out of politics, and the moment George made a slip, Russell would be there to take the Presidency and America would have another Long decade. As he spoke with Veterans, he spoke with certainty and firmness when his own political future was uncertain and shaky.

    Sid was making a visit to Georgia in the South to expand his own base when he was approached by two figures who had made contact with him, a pioneer black Senator from New York who agreed to hold a speech with him, and another pastor, a native reverend who had been gaining prominence in the Civil Rights movement, a place where Sid was betting his chips on. Perhaps he was naive, he should know Huey was not a man who cared about the Civil Rights matter but at least he was not fully opposed to it either. He was launching his own campaign, maybe he would not win the nomination but he would bring the message he came to support for the masses. And so, on the 14th of April in Atlanta, the three went up to speak in rememberance of the Swainsboro massacre in that state 13 years earlier. Joshua Smith was a Martyr for the Civil Rights movement in that State, as he was the only one to receive the Capital Punishment for the crime of defending his home from three Klansmen and later forming a militia with other veterans to defend their neighborhood when they came back with more of their hateful cult. There were those who did come only to cause trouble, but the speech went on and on that day, Sidney McMath, Adam Clayton Powell and Martin Luther King Jr. spoke to a great crowd of over 50 thousand people in the famous "Unity" Speech, where they shared their dream of a America which would step up over the racial prejudice, an America which would be better than the Reich. (Although the Racial Segregation was widely compared to the Germans by Civil Rights leaders, they were ignorant on the far larger scale of the atrocities and genocide committed by the Reich)


    Sid's visit in Atlanta was part of one of the rallies made that year by the Civil Rights movement, the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) was mobilizing during the electoral year in an attempt to push the matter of Civil Rights to the forefront, claiming the NAACP's legalistic approach was lethargic and it was highly suspected to have been corrupted. The leadership of the NAACP has long been suspected to have been playing politics with Long's government, some being nicknamed as "Collaborators", a mockery that compared them to several ethnicities and groups in Europe which cooperated with the rule of Germania. Huey had a vested interest in keeping the Civil Rights matter to a minimum in the electoral year as he feared the increase in tensions would tear apart his Party while energizing the Democrats to take back the South and giving ammunition for the Republicans to reclaim the Midwest. That is why the President was concerned with the growing SCLC, and once he received the news that Sidney was in the Atlanta speech, he felt personally betrayed by the man who should be well aware that party discipline was crucial in an electoral year. McMath was set aside in the POTUS' consideration for candidates that year, and yet this move put him at the forefront of the Civil Rights movement in the South.

    Long did not tolerate that kind of betrayal because he clearly was not done with politics, he claimed he wanted to retire earlier in the year, but after processing his grief there was the threat that he would run again. This felt like one of his mind games to many Populists, back in 1956 when it was uncertain he would be running again before being shot, the big wings were all starting to scramble to prepare their own campaigns. That was ended when he abruptly ran for a third term and won with a landslide, now who is to say he would not break another taboo and set a new record of a fourth term? The Republicans did try to mobilize a campaign to limit a President to 2 terms and even offered to exclude Long from the considerations, allowed him to keep running without limitations. Huey had none of it and the Populists voted as a block with several dissents in the Republican and Democrat ranks to kill the proposed amendment by choking it on it's crib and throwing the body on the Potomac. Now there was a prevailing notion that, while the President could not easily back down from his promise, he still could play Kingmaker and set the stage for a future return.

    However, for now he was still the President and the United States had to react to events both outside and inside it's borders, namely the rumors of events happening in Germania that could leave even the greatest academic expert confused about the politics of the country. First came the rise of Goebbels and the initial thought he would be a fanatic, a radical from what his speeches could tell. Yet months passed and the news coming in from Europe were contradictory, spy planes saw that a few of the known bases of the SS began to get emptied more and more until a few were caught on fire in April. An assassination attempt on Live television would then lead to the most feared symbol of the Reich, the boogeyman enforcers across the whole continent for 2 decades, had disappeared overnight and several trials showed them as responsible for enormous crimes, mainly corruption charges and treason. The SS was gone, and they were considered the most fanatic of the troops from the reports of the Ural War. Then the ports were opening up and the Linz Pakt engaged in commerce with several countries from Latin America to Asia. The number of army camps had been reduced, with greater sales of German equipment coming in from the Pakt as a demobilization was underway with several officers no longer coming to public. Any further knowledge had been speculation, Europe was a dark fortress where even the CIA found challenging to infiltrate. Then came in more news, with some of the largest companies in the world being nationalized overnight and the Frankfurt stock market being closed down, the last major stock exchange in Europe. Known high figures of the Regime were put on trial, and then came in the news of a large fire in an important building of Germania, some claiming it was the Chancellery or the Volkshalle, but later it was discovered the very Senate of the most powerful figures of the Reich had burned down with dozens of men trapped inside by a mob. Washington was never sure of the kind of insanity that happened in Europe, but they had to proceed with caution, at least that is what Long suggested, he did not want to antagonize needlessly the first German leader to actually negotiate with them in Dublin and show some signal of change, likely he faced opposition from conservative figures.

    In Asia, Huey refused a proposition fluctuated by the Russians of making a formal pact between Russia, the US and the British commonwealth, as well as the exiled governments in Africa. He preferred flexibility, to keep the bilateral agreements between the US and it's friendly nations. That was the Longist approach, he liked to be flexible and leave his peers unaware of what he would do next, of what his decision would be. That is how he treated this election as well, the convention of the Party was set to happen in August and at Huey's request it would happen in New Orleans that year in his native Louisiana. Until that happened, nobody knew how it would turn out, only that the Democrats and Republicans would have their own conventions over July and Long wanted to have his one as the last to leave his enemies in doubt. He would be flexible, one moment he appeared in May Day and praised the work of Secretary Hoffa, he went to a Farmer's convention with McMath in March and announced a new program for agrarian credit, he went to Texas that same month to Lynda Baynes Johnson's birthday, he obviously spoke highly of his son and his skill in economics and tax law, he even shared a podium with George Wallace when speaking with the relatives of victims of the San Diego bombing in 1946. Just like that, he treated the world affairs, avoiding open commitments and keeping open choices until the last moment when he was fully energized into taking the win.

    There was one candidate which was not spoken about, perhaps because he did not hold an office or had grand political connections like the others, but Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith was gaining the television more and more each passing year. For thirty years he had been a supporter of the President, ever since they both were enthusiastic founders of the Share the Wealth Society. Smith was a preacher in a time of growing uncertainty where the people wished for salvation and hope, and he was a man who had learned how to speak over the years. Smith organized charities across the country, running a night show called "Nights with Christ by Gerald Smith" where he delivered sermons that were televised and transmitted through radio. Everyone knew he was a man of Long's trust, a confidant who many times even shared Christmas events in the White House. He was not an official candidate and was seen more as an outsider in the Populist Party, but the growing religious movement in America, fruit of the prosperous times of the 50s, the Christian rhetoric of Huey Long's rhetoric, the reaction to the persecution of Churches in Europe and the widespread access to television, was rallying more and more around men like Smith.


    Going back to the Civil Rights movement, Huey Long became concerned over Martin Luther King's campaign in the South that year, especially as the Rally in Atlanta came close to causing riots, although the new governor Vandiver was cooperative in making sure the situation would not escalate in the State despite his reservations against King. He refused a proposal to detain him over flimsy charges and making a Plea Deal, as he feared arresting MLK would draw far too much attention on him and his campaign. The next stop of King's tour was Alabama, the home state of George Wallace, who Long had been considering as a potential candidate. On the 19th of April, a riot broke out in Birmingham as anti-Civil Rights rioters, including many former Klansmen, fought violently against the Black movement, the racial riot threatened to spiral out of control until Governor Wallace dispatched the National Guard... and everything became worse. No, it was not George Wallace, it was his wife Lurleen Wallace who was governor at the time, but it is undeniable that reflected terribly on the First Gentleman of Alabama. The National Guard descended mostly on the Civil Rights activists and deaths began to tally up as some guards used live ammunition on the protesters. The Birmingham Massacre that day made National Headlines and killed Wallace's campaign in the eyes of Huey Long. Most embarrassing and hypocritical of all was the condemnation coming from Germany, with Goebbels showing it as an example of the decline of Law and Order in America due to Jewish influences.
    "I never keep a man waiting, you don't keep a man waiting, the only time you do is when you wanna say something, when you wanna say fuck you." Hoffa complained to his attorney William "Bill" Bufalino as they waited in that cold afternoon in Chicago, it had only been fifteen minutes. And yet he had to wait, because through that door came in a man who could make or break his campaign. "You can't trust these guys from the Bayou, Bill. They are swamp people, they don't know the smell of shit because they are always covered in it." He again complained and again Bill had to calm him down, and just as Hoffa was about to stand up and leave, a man came in with an impeccable white suit, a man in his 60s that all in Washington had to know if they wanted to chat with the President. It was Seymour Weiss, who was the President's Chief of Staff, a man who was once a hotel owner when he met Long in his campaign and had his hotel converted into his headquarters. The man had been turned from a hotel host to one of the richest men in Louisiana over the years, holding the "Vice-Presidency", which was practically THE presidency, of the Win or Lose Corporation, which had quickly swallowed up the oilfields in Louisiana after Long chased Standard Oil from the State. Now here he was, and that meant nothing to Hoffa who did reply with "You are late" when he did not even apologize for the delay that he blamed on traffic.
    Thankfully, Bufalino prevented the Trucker from running over the man from Louisiana, you can't just hope to keep an electoral campaign running by punching the President's right-hand man in this dark political world. Weiss was a man who had contacts from the Mob to the FBI, rumored to be in the run of the "War Chest". Hoffa knew that chest existed, the mob knew the chest existed, and they all wanted the big Kingfish to open the chest and make the next President. They had a long negotiation that afternoon and despite the initial hostility and resistance, Hoffa agreed with the terms Weiss gave, or rather the terms Long gave. Nobody knows when exactly the meeting happened, only that it was during the winter in Chicago shortly before the Convention. When the "guy from the Bayou" left, Hoffa felt a bitter taste like he had sold the little soul he had, but who cares so long as you are President? He had made his deal and should be grateful, but the idea that he had to humiliate himself to that "Jackass in the White House" left him resentful. Perhaps if it was not the presence of the almighty Bufalino crime family, in the person of his lawyer Bill, that meeting would have ended differently and American history would not have been the same.
    The Democrats held their "National" Convention first on the 11th of July, but it could hardly be called National when there were Confederate flags everywhere. The Birmingham riots were a boon to the party and they hoped to achieve greater gains to "Take back the South". Knowing they stood little chance in the National level, nonetheless the Democrats hoped the Populists would choose a Northerner or a progressive candidate that would allow them to reclaim Alabama and the Mississippi region, perhaps even Texas. That way, if the Republicans performed well enough, they would play as Kingmakers in a Continguous election similar to the 1952 election, although hopefully with better results. Herman Eugene Talmadge, former Georgia Governor and one of the leading figures in the Southern Opposition to the Civil Rights movement born after the 1955 "Heatherston v Board of Education" case ruled the Segregation of Education as unconstitutional, was named as the candidate for the Democrats. The Convention reflected the decline of the Party, now associated only with the "Trinity", Richard Russell, Harry F. Byrd, and former POTUS Strom Thurmond, who largely dominated the party and consolidated it as a regional force to push for the South's interests. Namely they felt threatened by a recent SCOTUS decision which allowed the Federal Government to strike down on Electoral Laws, especially on Southern States, which disenfranchised the population and prevented a "Fair and Equitable electoral process". It was yet another trend in the strengthening of the Executive Power ran by Long's machine.

    The Republican convention was more hopeful, with the assumption that Long would not run, it was expected that there would be a lower turnout amongst the Longists, and no candidate in the Kingfish Party would match the Kingfish himself. Even if they could not win, they would run the most energetic campaign possible. There were many ideas of a coalition between Democrats and Republicans that year, but most of them were shot down in the Leadership negotiations and were buried after the Birmingham riots as both parties had far opposite reactions. The Republicans endorsed the Civil Rights movement, yearning to call back on the Legacy of Lincoln. There were many candidates, from the Massachusetts Governor John Fitzgerald Kennedy, to the Governor of California Richard Nixon. There were also some prominent figures such as Illinois Senator and former actor Ronald Reagan and Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, although the latter was considered far too extreme in his opposition to Welfare programs, he was backed by the growing "Society of the Defenders of Liberty". The Convention was held later in July, the names of William Knowland and Nelson Rockefeller quickly fell out of favor in the first round of voting and the names of Reagan and Kennedy were rising up. One of the events in the convention was the appearance of former candidate Joseph McCarthy, a man who had his health declining due to alcoholism since 1956, he still used his energy to call upon the Republicans and Democrats alike to unite against the "Fascist Dictator in Washington" and "Save American Democracy before the tyrant gives it's deathblow". He would be found later drinking himself into collapsing in the aftermath of the convention while falling further into depression over his failure. Ultimately, the Republicans picked someone young, someone with great charisma with a War Hero from a traditional Republican family to propel the ticket forwards. Ronald Wilson Reagan became the Candidate for President with former US Colonel and son of the late Theodore Roosevelt, Archibald Roosevelt, as his Vice-Presidential candidate after Richard Nixon dropped from the race. Both Nixon and Kennedy did not wish to run that year and instead focused on finishing their terms as Governors. The Republicans decided to bet on boldness and popularity to match the populists after the lethargic 1956 campaign.


    All of that paled compared to the Populist convention from the 8th to the 12th of August of 1960. The grand ceremony at New Orleans gathered from Civil Rights leaders such as Senator Powell to even opponents of Civil Rights such as Congressman Carl Elliott from Alabama. In the great Conventions center, Huey organized a farewell ceremony to himself that would put the grand ceremonies of Goebbels to shame, starting with the National Guard escorting the Presidential Car with an enormous presence of FBI and Secret Service agents to ensure his safety amongst the crowd. As some of the most powerful figures in American politics gathered under one roof, all rose up in applauses while the band played "Hail to the Chief" once President Long arrived. Never before had one single man held such a powerful sway over the American political scene, in some ways the cult around made him a larger-than-life figure. Schools were named after him, government books spoke highly of him in history and culture, statues were built in his homage, roads, railroads and airports were named after him, and even the grand project in Mount Rushmore had been expanded in his Third Term, and together with Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Roosevelt, now there was the head of Huey Long.

    In his grand and long-awaited speech, he did not mention names, he did not endorse a candidate, but his mere presence showed that he had already chosen the next candidate for President. A prayer was made, and then Huey arrived at the podium to make his speech. He walked with a cane and a hat, in a full white suit that gave him an air of experience, although the makeup did hide most of his aging in the last years, the cane was more to show the physical toll he paid for America as it was a result of his attempted assassination four years prior. Now he spoke of the country and himself, comparing the trajectories of both. He then spoke of the challenges, he spoke of the American people and all the great accomplishments of the last years, how the old oligarchy was crippled and the American people now enjoyed more rights, more welfare, more prosperity and happiness than ever before. Every man had truly become a King in his vision of the perfect America, which he exposed in this grand farewell speech that brought even grown men to tears. The country did still have issues that he did not expose, because this was a moment where he painted his legacy of turning the country into a new nation in the last decade.


    The election was rigged from the start, naturally, because in the month prior while the political world was distracted with the convention of the two parties, Huey and his agents moved behind the scenes to ensure his candidate won the vote. He could have made any man into a King, but he knew he would need to pick one of the big men of the party and do everything to keep it United. He did so, discarding first Russell who would continue in the Senate, then Lyndon Johnson who also continued in the Senate Leadership, he would discard Sid and Wallace due to their breach in Party discipline, or rather his commands, for stroking the growing flames of Civil Rights, and finally he had only one man left with whom he already made a deal: James Riddle Hoffa, Secretary of Labor, head of the powerful International Brotherhood of Teamsters, was choosen as the Successor of the President after only two rounds of voting by the delegates. Most surprisingly, however, was his vice-Presidential candidate who would also be elected in a landslide: Gerald Smith, the Televangelist.

    It was a tactical choice: A Northern man who commanded the powerful Unions of America as well as holding the sway of the Industrial heart of the Country in the Great Lakes, balanced by a popular preacher connected with the rural America and would balance out the fears of Hoffa's unionism. Both being very charismatic and bombastic speakers, both agreeing on Social Welfare and placing a heavy emphasis on the Populist fight against Corporate interests. Despite many differences as Smith was still far more socially conservative than Hoffa, truth is that this ticket was perhaps one of the epitomes of what the Populists represented: A union of very divergent interests which rallied around Huey Long as a political leader. While Hoffa was a very ambitious man of his own, Smith practically worshipped Long, which added to the agreements in the cabinet that Hoffa had to make and his more anti-political style not earning him many friends in the Party on his own, ensured that Huey would hold a strong sway even in "retirement", which showed that was no retirement at all.

    The reactions were immediate: Communism, an easy scapegoat for Reagan and Talmadge to both throw at Hoffa. Hoffa still was able to be savvy, he avoided the use of red colors, publicly condemned Maoist China in his campaign, and wanted to show himself as the epitome of the American Workingman. The campaign was nationwide and all of the Party mobilized for it including even Wallace and Johnson. McMath and Wallace both went on a podium together at Long's insistence to showcase unity in Missouri, Johnson moved to unite the Party in Congress to back Hoffa in their own counties and States, Long himself avoided campaigning actively to make himself look impartial but he did officially and publicly endorse Hoffa, which was enough for most of the "Longists". Between August and October, the campaign season took America by storm, becoming the main source of talk across the country as the foreign scenario was mostly peaceful, at least to the public who were unaware of the great purge ongoing in Germany.

    A televised debate was held nationwide in October as the three main candidates were given a platform, and that is where the three showed the types of oratory involved. Talmadge was adequate, he was an experienced politician who spoke with an air of wisdom and competence, a relic of old America before Long's rise. Hoffa was of the bolsterous type, he dominated the debate on Talmadge by being aggressive and speaking in a more accessible way to the people. Reagan no doubt dominated the two, he had a way of speaking which was greatly helped by his acting career, he condemned the overreach of Government in the last years, claimed Hoffa was an unreliable man with a dangerous ideology, and while he spoke calmly compared to Hoffa, he was easier to understand. Hoffa was also defensive on allegations of corruption during his time in the Union, which did not paint the best image, although Reagan's lack of experience was played against him by Talmadge, it was clear both Talmadge and Reagan focused their attacks on Hoffa, but Talmadge ended up acting as if he was debating against Long at times, even slipping his name when addressing Hoffa by mistake once. Overall, Reagan had been the most charismatic, but that was not enough to win this game.


    The results came out as expected, although the overall share of the popular vote was reduced, the Longists still had the majority of the needed votes, with Hoffa carrying a heavy weight in the Midwest and the Party machine fully mobilized, from enormous spending to blackmail and favors called with local machines, as well as large-scale rigging through gerrymandering, it was set that Huey would win yet another election. Despite that, Hoffa still could not win a single state from the Eastern Seaboard, which remained beyond his reach even in Maryland now. Would the results have been better in a 4th term for Long where he would bring in a greater turnout? Or would there be a burnout over more 4 years under Long? Either way, the result was recognized and the President knew his future was secure, at least for now he would enjoy his retirement. Hoffa held a grand celebration in Chicago, with truckers across the country parading through the streets and honking for all to hear overnight.

    On the 21st of January of 1961, after 12 years of Presidency, Huey Long finally left the White House, meeting up with Hoffa before taking a plane back to Louisiana, from there he would watch the inauguration of the next President of the United States. His reaction was not as much of a relief as he thought it would be, even if he had won all he wanted there was always place for more in the heart of the Kingfish. On the other hand, he could feel the weight on his shoulders becoming lighter from not sitting on that chair, and even the most ambitious of men have to get a break. In the end, Huey Long can be said to be a very complex character, raging from a true hero of the people, to a benevolent dictator, to a power-hungry autocrat, or simply a President with questionable methods for a greater good. Was he ever genuine about his ideas or were they all just for sake of power? None but him could tell, even Russell Long could not, but this was still far from the last America would hear of the Kingfish.
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    Pforzheim was not a great city in the Reich, certainly not to the scale of Germania, Hamburg, Munich, Vienna, Köln or even Linz, but it was still a home for Gerhard Becker and his family. He was the proud father of four children, the eldest Adolf was 15 already and being home from his time in the Hitler Youth for the weekend. It was Sunday, the 31st of July, and differently from Germania the city looked calm. Pforzheim was not a place for great confrontations or coups, it was a more humble city that had it's shaky moments the last months, but which place in Germany hasn't? Life goes on and it seemed like they would be getting better, Gerhard was able to open up his bakery at last, the State officers have been working double time to open opportunities for small business like his' to open ever since the local factory was closed down temporarily following a fire during the purge. Life was getting better, even if at a shaky rate, but he could still feel like there was something different in the air, a sense of dread and fear as if people were watching him on the streets.

    Few people in the town would really bother remembering that, but before the war he was not the man he was now, he was a man of doubts in National Socialism, he was a voter for the Zentrum, as any good Catholic was back in the day, and even after Hitler took over, he had remained unchanged in his convictions. He attempted to disguise that, naming his firstborn son "Adolf" was a form of redemption, he hoped, after he had returned from his military duty. His convictions were not so easily changed, the war did show him that Hitler himself was a great man, a conqueror, but he did not trust National Socialism and those who surrounded Hitler. When he saw the church he used to go to all day being ransacked during the night by a mob of thieves in 1956, that only confirmed more to him that this cabal in charge was not of good men, he had mourned the passing of the Great Führer not because he was saddened to see him go, but because he knew that criminals would be taking his place.

    He had considered going east sometimes, the Dresdener bank gave a very generous loan in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and the SS, and his cousin was an SS member so getting land in there would have been an easy task. But as much as he knew how to use flour and wheat, he did not know how to plant them, and after all he saw in the east he was convinced that the land there was evil, soaked in blood, the bread would not taste good after so many good soldiers died in it. Gerhard was a stubborn man, perhaps that is what spared him after he saw what truly happened in the East. First his cousin had been arrested by the Volkssturm when the Headquarters of the Security Service was attacked, and then it was revealed that him and the SS as a whole was involved in a great scandal. He did not want to see him die, maybe detained for a while, stripped in rank, but death? And everyone cheered for that, even people who had known him for a long time, he did not cheer when he was in the court house, no matter the crime you just cannot wish for the death of someone in the family.

    The 31st of July was not just another Sunday, this day a year ago was the calm before the storm, tomorrow would be one year since Hess had threatened the world with nuclear war and panic had spread, and it seems that yet again this would be their last normal day. There was news from yesterday in the morning, in the Volkisher Beobachter the news showed the picture of the Small Senate in flames and announcing that the Führer Goebbels would address the nation this morning. He was old-fashioned, did not like Televisions much, even the Radio was pushing it, but Gerhard turned on the TV at the insistence of Ilse and their children, the one they had just brought earlier this year and cost him the chance to have the new Volkswagen Bettle model. Young Adolf insisted that the whole family should watch but he was still just drinking coffee at the dinner table by himself when the live coverage began, turning off the radio so that the sound of the two transmissions at once wouldn't make his ears bleed.

    "Volksgenossen!" Began Goebbels, as he always did, and the rest of it was something he did not bother paying attention to, it was just politics with some extra fire by now, that's why he did not want to join the party like other veterans of his age, so he can just enjoy his coffee without worry. "Ja!" Adolf shouted, to the TV at something it said, with his siblings joining up one by one at each "Ja!", fools, are children so gullible to the point of shouting at a screen that would not even hear them? But then he could hear the same synchronized "Ja!" in other houses, most of the voices were all of the young who convinced him more and more that he was living in a Lunatic Asylum. He finally was bothered enough by his thoughts being interrupted that he stood up and went over to the living room where everyone but Ilse was standing, but even her looked as if she was in a trance, looking at the TV. Goebbels was there, the image focusing exclusively on him and despite the receding hairline showing his age, his voice was still as strong and angry as it was 30 years ago when he was some street thug in Berlin.

    "The decadence will be purged from the Reich, the stench and rot left behind by these Jewish agents has infected us for far too long! We shall finish the work of our Great Führer Adolf Hitler and purge our sacred land from the milennia of corruption laid by the Jews!" Why was Goebbels always so obsessed about the Jews, didn't Hitler already get rid of those people, he has not seen one of those rats in the streets for years and now he is telling that they were back? And yet he did not see any wandering around with their noses and yellow stars, were they not all in Jerusalem and New York? In Siberia and in London? "Heil Goebbels!" Adolf shouted to his heart's spook, you don't just shout at the top of your lungs when alone at home and he had to talk that to the boy's head, and worse is that everyone was doing the same thing, shouting with their arms raised in a salute, he could see something like that in the neighbor's house through the window, since when did Pforzheim become a Mad House?

    Later that night they were all dining except for Adolf, who apparently had left over some weekend activity from the Hitler youth. Louise wanted to go to the Girl's league but he was yet to write up her name to join it, she was already 12 but he has been delaying it for a while, it just felt like she was too young to leave her house yet. Klein was as enthusiastic with all the flags and uniforms as his older brother, but he was still only 9 and living under his roof. Little Martha was only 4, she only did whatever to fit in and act like her siblings when some parade happened or Adolf did something odd like he did today. But he stopped midway through his beans when he heard something outside, with some bright orange light on the streets, Gerhard stood up from his seat and raised up his hand for them to stay seated, Ilse looked at him concerned, she was a few years younger than him but even she remembered the days where the SA marched down with torches for ellaborate ceremonies. But the SA was all but gone, the SS was no longer even around, there was only one militia who would be marching down the streets singing that dreadful song, a song about killing priests, killing nobles and even a whole part of the song was about what they would do to the "nobleman's daughter", it was terribly violent to his liking, only back in the war had he seen such bloodthirsty mob.

    "Wir sind des Geyers schwarze Haufen
    Hei a ho ho!
    Und wollen mit Tyrannen raufen
    Hei a ho ho!"

    He thought he could just ignore the men, but that was impossible, they were just so out of ordinary that you could not help but watch them march, maybe that was the intention. He saw the men marching uniformly, wielding torches and rifles, each one having an STG strapped to their backs, holding it with one hand and a torch with the other, which made it seem like they were a single column of fire when seen from above. They had dark crimson uniforms, not black or grey like the SS used to have, or even brown like the SA, this color was the color of blood when at it's darkest, and ahead of the torches was a single bannerman who used a different flag. It was not the flag of the Reich, but a different Swastika, one which was centered on a white field and was stained with dripping blood, making it very clear what was their purpose. White was the color of purity, the Swastika was meant to purify the Reich with the blood of the traitors being the water to cleanse Germany and the swastika was the weapon they would use. That, at least, was what he was told, but he did not like such obvious comparison to blood.

    Then he saw something else, from the column there were many from the mob coming out to some of the houses and dragging the people outside, kicking and screaming in some cases, in others it was just plain confusion. He felt tempted to go upstairs and reach for a gun, but he knew there was no chance against those STGs and it would only end up with a shootout that could hit his family. So when he saw those men coming to his door, he only opened it, that is when he realized those men were not the Volkssturm that were in the streets, but the Hitler Youth, and worse, one of them was his own son Adolf. "That is him." Adolf told an older man dressed in the crimson uniform standing behind, patented like a soldier but probably only a veteran from the Urals at best. As the chanting continued on the background, the man did not even respond, only gave a nod and the two Youth members dragged Gerhard outside while Ilse came and stood by the door, shouting for her son, but that was no longer their son.

    "Our homes must be clean!" Shouted the man in front of the Town Hall as more columns had arrived, each one of them dragged a crowd of other men and women like him who were all thrown into a Semi circle with the Volkssturm raising weapons in case they did anything stupid. "As our Great Führer has taught, we shall purify our Fatherland of it's sickness, cauterizing the bleeding wound with fire and striking with righteous fury at the snakes in our midst! The lies of the Eternal Jew have infected our homes for far too long!" He had hardly noticed at first, but it was impossible to not realize that now. A pile of books, most of them being old bibles that were not the new "Aryan Bibles", a blasphemy of the highest order and he was not even a cleric, you don't have to be a cleric to know removing all of Paul's letters and cutting whole chapters was a heresy. There was the stench of gasoline and soon enough the man threw a torch at the pile, burning it as the Volkssturm and the Hitler Youth raised their hands in a salute. He did the same, of course, like most of the others brought here, because he was clever enough to understand his chances of survival. And he was right, during the whole burning the men were watching, and soon enough they dragged the few who did not raise hand, around twenty, lined them up close to the fire, and the bullets began to sing.

    He was allowed to return home, for now, but he knew that his son had gone too far. Had he not been quick in showing his loyalty by shouting "Heil Goebbels", he would have been one of those bodies shot and thrown into the burning pyre. But just from being dragged in there, he knew he could not sleep safe, all it took was a whisper from his own son and he would be one of those corpses as the Volkssturm began to make such parades and ceremonies at least once a week, and even if it did not burn a book, there was always someone who ended up dead, and on the next morning their body was burned down in front of the Townhall under a lamp post where they were hanged with a cord that was burned down with the body. But that man of the Volkssturm had already seen his face, Gerhard knew he would have to live out in fear from that day onwards. But it did not take long, a couple months later he was dragged outside, because he gave that brat a well-deserved punch, and his body joined with the others who were cleansed by the flames that burned across the Reich.


    "The men who have changed the world never succeeded by winning over the powerful, but always by stirring the masses. The first method is a resort to intrigue and only brings limited results. The latter is the course of genius and changes the face of the world."

    -Napoleon Bonaparte

    Magda Goebbels had finally achieved her decades-long dream of becoming the First Lady of the Reich, a title which had belonged to her in the eyes of the people until the fateful day Adolf Hitler married Eva Braun. For obvious reasons, Magda became a jealous woman, having her ambition twarted by the presence of a woman of a lesser intellect who did not care about her position at all. Even before she married Goebbels, she held close contact with Hitler, and much to Goebbels' agony it was rumored they had an affair, but that is a questionable line of thought as Joseph was always the more adulterous party in that marriage. Either way, she had worked tirelessly behind the scenes after Hitler's death, throughout the entirety of Hess' rule, to improve the image of her Husband in the circles of the Party, which was hard considering his narcissistic personality. But it worked in the end, the politics of the Third Reich proved too deadly to men who were ahead of Goebbels, and now it would only become worse.

    She was in the Volkshalle on the 31st of July of 1960, when Goebbels launched his great war against all that he saw as wicked and degenerate in Europe, an almighty effort to cleanse the Continent. She had seen the men who entered alongside him and stood behind him, new faces and new ministers, some old ones who were still standing for now, and over a hundred thousand souls of a carefully prepared audience to give the most electric reaction possible. It was not hard to find people who were enthusiastic and fanatic, all you had to do was go to a classroom, she joked. Hans Luddin was there, the new Foreign Minister handpicked by Goebbels, as well as Werner Naumann, Goebbels' long-time second hand in the Propaganda Ministry. She did not know Luddin as well as Naumann, the man had lived most time in diplomatic postings across Europe, although he knew diplomatic protocol she did not find him the most adequate to deal with countries that you cannot invade within hours. Werner was a close acquaintance, they knew one another since he worked at her Husband's ministry, but his loyalty was not as strong as he wanted to show.

    More unnerving were other additions. No longer was the Reichsführer-SS around, Kempka took that position as Goebbels saw fitting that a useless bodyguard leads a useless force, in his place came Günther Schwägermann, a former-SS aide to Goebbels who decided to pick the winning side after Himmler's demise, relying on her husband for protection and in return becoming his enforcer as leader of the new Volkssturm. Schwägermann's eyes nowadays just showed insanity within them, and seeing the methods of his paramilitaries further convinced her that this man should not have been given this high position, at most he should have been a Major in that force. Then came in the new Minister of the Interior Hans Sommer, a man who once had been rejected from the SS for burning synagogues against orders. While his Zeal was admirable, was a man who disobeyed orders the right man to be in charge of the Police? But perhaps she underestimated him, loyalty to National Socialism was always the first priority, which the new "Capos" certainly had, but she could clearly see some men as not having that same loyalty. The head of the SiPo was now a man she had never met before, and yet was one who Goebbels had found quite adequate due to his background in the Gestapo as a competent leader in purging out the rot of the Reich, Hans Krueger was now head of both the German Intelligence and Secret Police, although in practice the foreign division of the SD held a great autonomy and was fully controlled by it's director von Bolschwing, and it was no secret her husband did not like men who had a "von" before their surname.

    She did not stand like the men, there was Goebbels ahead of everyone, the Ministers, the security and then her, but being on top of this great structure while her husband spoke to the crowds had it's very own thrill. Once he was done, she was awaiting with a proud smile, although how much of it was sincere is anyone's guess, hard to be impressed when this is what he has been doing for three decades, but at least now his words mattered more than ever. "A wound needs to be burned to kill the germs", a great justification, true in every sense of the word, and how exactly could she apply to that the fact her husband has been on an adulterous and degenerate spree across every movie studio of the Reich? She had reason to be paranoid, the diaries he published were not even the entire story, where was his infatuation for that Jewish woman Else? With Anka? With that prostitute Baarová, which was perhaps the sole reason those Czechs were considered anything more than the subhuman scum they truly were? He never had any right to complain about her own affairs when he had started his own far before she did.

    The aftermath of what came to be known as "The Night of the Pure Flame", the great burning of the Small Senate building that shocked even those ruthless experts in German politics, was nothing sort of a "Revolution of Destruction", the true epitome of all the destructive tendencies of the ideology of National Socialism, preaching for a radical social darwinian society suppressing individualism and exalting violence and wrath. "Der Angriff", or the Attack, was the name of Joseph Goebbels old pamphlet since he began his work as Gauleiter of Berlin, meant to be short and concise, easy to read and distribute en mass, going around the monopoly of the Strasser Brothers over the NSDAP's Press office at the city. It was a paper full of vicious attacks, namely to the Deputy Chief of Police Bernhard Weiss, although the paper did not directly attack him due to libel suits and instead nicknamed him "Isodore". While the publication was eventually turned into a more daily and "normal" newspaper after Goebbels took his ministry, it began to ramp up it's old aggressive style during the Ural War, although always careful not to insult party leaders, it did point out certain matters in the Reich that further discredited Wegener's hold over the Party and enabled his removal in 1959. Goebbels took back direct control over the edition of the Newspaper after becoming Führer and now it practically directed the German Revolution, overcoming the Volkisher Beobachter in sales as the Volkssturm eagerly distributed it to the people on a daily basis.

    But what happened on the 31st of July could be considered a divider of what differed Goebbels from his predecessors. Hitler had once made his own purges, his most famous one being the Night of Long Knives against the SA leadership and many former Politicians of the Republic. Hess never directed a purge by his own command, but his underlings certainly did under his authority, such as when Heydrich purged the Wehrmacht and many German political leaders in an opportunistic "Second Night of the Long Knives" following the attempted Putsch in 1951, which got rid from old Aristocrats and dissidents of the army such as Beck, to even some people who were theoretically allied with Hess such as Klopfer. Wegener was never as bloodthirsty as Heydrich, bureaucracy was his strength and that is why he usually purged his enemies by reducing them to small office jobs away from power, some speculate he planned a purge following the Ural War but that is unlikely as he had to give Heydrich the command of the police by allowing him to form the SSK, leaving him with few tools other than his own inate dominion over paperwork. Goebbels had made three purges within four months, first the SS, then some of the most powerful corporations in Europe, and finally his opposition within the NSDAP the previous night, all of that could very well be considered one long consolidation of power against his greatest rivals which allowed him to do what he did next.

    Karl Gerland was the Gauleiter of Hesse, a man in his 50s, was Goebbels' man who now became Party Chancellor. Gerland was a loyalist who was in close contact with Goebbels for years, feigning hesitation and coming in contact with Kaufmann as a mole, who told the Führer of the grand plan of the Party Chancellor. Goebbels was tempted to abolish the position and the Small Senate altogether at first, but he instead had used his power as the Führer to fill all positions with his own. Gerland was part of the Propaganda Ministry, who also was Department Head to Hess for a time so he was not unaware of Party politics, he was considered by the Führer to be sufficiently loyal to the task at hand, which was to bring back discipline to the Party and end factionalism. There were so many positions to be filled and a general reorganization was necessary, which is why on the 31st, following his Speech, Goebbels enacted his "Führer Directive N7", also called "Order for the Reorganization of the Greater Germanic Reich and Territories".

    The borders were changed, officially Germania abolished the General Government in order to fully integrate the Polish territory as part of Germany, considering it "sufficiently assimilated" into the Greater Reich. Although there was a relatively large Polish population in the countryside, the previous two decades were devastating to the Urban centers. Warsaw no longer existed, rather it was Hermannstadt, named after the dead Reichsmarshall Hermann Göring, officially said to have been assassinated by Polish partisans in 1945. Cities such as Lviv were an example, although it was mostly an Ukrainian city in the past, neither the Poles nor the Ukrainians won the struggle for it, now it was Lemberg, a city where over 90% of it's citizenry was German. While further assimilation would continue under the new Gauleiters of the regions (Krakau, Hermann, Lublin, Galizien, Radom), the centralized authority once held by Frank would be destroyed and there would be much dismay that the idea the Governor-General was giving of a pacified and germanized countryside was being greatly exxagerated for his own propaganda. Polish was not an extinct language and neither were the poles fully submissed to their role, although many in the newer generations were raised in precarious position and bombarded by propaganda of their racial inferiority by the Reich, there were still many "bandits" across the countryside, although the main resistance guerrillas had been long gone, such as the Polish Home Army, which mostly existed in the hopeful dreams the government in exile sold to the western population to justify their continued existence.

    Next came the Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia, a nominally independent government under the oversight of a German overseer much like in Denmark, but differently from Denmark the local government did not possess any minimal autonomy. Ever since Heydrich was made protector in the 40s, later being replaced by the equally ruthless Kaltenbrunner, the assimilation process of the region was intensified and the Czech resistance was crushed into submission over the last 20 years. The local Czech collaborators knew they existed on a borrowed time, especially once Heydrich became leader of the SS, although the internal disputes and inactivity of the Hess government did prevent the feared annexation for a time, it would finally come under Goebbels. Kaltenbrunner, as a former SS officer, was at risk of being purged, but he was among the first officers of the SS and perhaps it's highest ranking member, to collaborate with the Volkssturm and been allowed to remain in his office after swearing a personal oath of allegiance to Goebbels. With Order n7, the Protectorate was dissolved and formally annexed into the Reich without resistance, with the two regions being split for two different Gauleiters appointed by Goebbels to hold. Kaltenbrunner would be rewarded for his services after the death of Heinrich Müller later on.

    Although officially a part of the Reich, the Status of the Reichskomissariat of the Netherlands was never formally decided, first Seyss-Inquart and then Hanns Albin Rauter would rule the territory as a colony, although in practice it was far different from the colonization made in the East. The Dutch were considered a Germanic people, and so the German control was considerably softer, limiting it to a radical grammatic reform to extinguish the Dutch language and make it into essentially a form of German. The long-delayed order to dissolve the Reichskommisariat outlasted it's first leader as Inquart was killed in the attempted assassination in the Tag das Sieges of 1960 and then it's second leader as Rauter did not escape the SS purge, the local administration was handled to Willem Stuckart, a high-ranking member of the Ministry of the Interior and the creator of the Nuremberg Laws, which represented the bureaucratic transition that was finished with the fragmentation of the Netherlands in five different Reichsgau thanks to the Order. Belgium's military occupation had long ended in 1943, and the local Reichskommissariat that was formed for a while under Grohé would also be dissolved, which also meant the direct incorporation of Pas de Calais into the Reich's administrative agenda.

    Furthermore, Ostland and Ukraine would see changes as their longtime leaders, Rosenberg and Koch, would be removed. Although Rosenberg's death would only happen later on the 7th, which meant the reorganization of Ostland was delayed, Ukraine was ripe for the taking to Goebbels and he began to access what happened to the territory under the "Brown Stalin", a man he remembered mostly for a joke about his limp foot in the late 1920s that later was one of the more spiteful reasons for the Führer to want him dead. The Reichskomissariat was divided as the former territories of Crimea, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Donetsk were directly incorporated into the Reich and given to different Gauleiters. Although in practice those territories have been long controlled by the SS for a special project as part of General Plan Ost. Motivated by the fertility of the land, the strategic position in the black sea, old racial and pseudo-historical ideas over the Gothic peoples, and the perfect location for Tourism, this region, which was nicknamed by some in the SS as "Gothia", would bear some of the harshest measures of the Plan, being severely depopulated with the vast majority of the local Tartar, Ukrainian and Russian populations being either starved, deported or killed through several atrocious methods, with the land being settled by around 2 million Germans over the following decade, which led to it becoming one of the models of the success of the Lebensraum. The reality, as exposed earlier, was that many who moved to these territories, especially in the rural areas, ended up as indebted farmers, enslaved to corporations such as the Dresdener Bank and Krupp Industries. Goebbels ended the predatory policies and annexed these lands directly into the Reich, much to the celebration of the local Germans who now believed would be treated equally to the ones of Metropolitan Germany, although nothing changed to the few natives remaining who were left to be enslaved in the future plans of the Goebbels government.

    Still in Ukraine, the Dnieper river and the rich farmlands made the territory attractive to German investors, who engaged in collaboration with the local Ukrainian collaborators. While the Administration continued German, now under Reichskommissar Fritz Dorls, a former History teacher and veteran from both the World War and the Ural War who rose up by directing the Volkssturm's seizure of the Krupp complex in Essen, there was a large collaboration effort with the local Ukrainian movement OUN which has existed since the days of Barbarossa. Koch's heavy-handed brutality was reduced by the new Kommissar who was interested in co-opting the Ukrainian nationalists and make them the "Model Subjects" among the several ethnic groups of the East. This also served to place perhaps the single greatest food producing territory of the Reich at the hands of the Volkssturm, which quickly began to co-opt the local elements of the old party apparatus but primarily recruiting from the younger guard of the party.

    In a similar way, Goebbels would rid himself of Alfred Rosenberg in Riga when the Volkssturm commander Ludwig Hofmann found the man already dead in his office, and so the bloodlust of the crowd was satiated by offering up his family as sacrifice, namely his daughter who would be killed that night as said commander justified it by claiming the Jewish corruption had spread over the family home. While that excuse was apparently a small act of fanaticism then, it would have terrible consequences over the Continent. For now, Kaltenbrunner would be moved up to take control over the territory to prepare it for further integration, being highly commended after his work in Bohemia-Moravia, he found out that Rosenberg had made an elaborate system of racial castes which included Germans and Estonians over Lithuanians and Belarussians, indeed many Estonians had been made into a high level racial caste inside the Kommissariat, one of the reasons for the relative stability was the fact Rosenberg, while still following the Directives of Germania to clear out much of Belarus and Lithuania, has used the relatively grey area on the other ethnicities to induce collaboration and cultural assimilation within the Reich.

    Another of the reorganizations made by Führer Directive n7 was the creation of the Reichskommissariat Don-Wolga, extending from the former cities of Luhansk to Saratov, with it's administration centered around the City of Adolfsburg, former Stalingrad, perhaps one of the main settlements of Germans in the region, including also the former Rostov. The Reichskommissariat Don-Wolga was created in order to provide land for the 1 Million Germans deported from the Russian Empire following the Ural War, naturally the remaining locals of the region would be deported to the Russians as a Quid Pro Quo. Controlling a fertile land with substantial coal reserves and the exit of the major Don river, Don-Wolga was a prized possession given to the local Volkssturm Division formed by the Volga Germans, although most of them were not exactly faithful National Socialists. Karl Asmus was a a local born in 1921 in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution, in 1941 he would narrowly avoid deportation and escaped west to Rostov in a daring escapade as the city fell to the Wehrmacht during Barbarossa. Afterwards he served as a spokesman for the Volga Germans exiled in Siberia and underwent the education of the Party, serving as a Major of the Wehrmacht during the Ural War and joining the Volkssturm after the War, he would now be responsible for the Settlement and assimilation of his people into the core values of National Socialism. He was very well connected with Goebbels as his efforts were part of his Propaganda Ministry and the Führer believed he could be the model for the leadership of Aryan communities as part of a romantic vision of the Lebensraum.

    Moscowien on the outside did not have any changes from Order 7, Siegfried Kashe and the SA were a dominant force in the region and Goebbels preferred them over the SS, what had changed was the inside of Moscowien. While the territory was under a unified administration for Germania, on the inside it had been fractured into large territories with a mix of Germans and Collaborators in charge of them, mainly the goal was to continue the ideological plan of destroying the Russian national identity on the west of the Volga river. The divide was emphasized for more than mere administrative purposes: Muscovites, Ryazans, Tulans, Smolenskians, all made up of false identities with a heavy emphasis on ideological and linguistical domination. If you lived in the former city of Tula and happened to be one of the lucky middle class Russians who worked as collaborators to the German State, you would be taught during education to speak a different language which was formed completely by German doctrinators, the Tulan language which was associated with ancient states during the Russian middle ages, taught to be an enemy of Moscow's old domination which was now represented by the Empire in the East. The Germans were taught to have been liberators from the Judeo-Bolshevik rule and living standards were better than they ever were before. The degree of success of these policies was limited and it was mostly a ruse for many Russians to act as if they were even listening to German instructions. The Language experiment was practically killed by the Ural War, which was a point of pride amongst the Russians west of the Volga as many expected the Reich to shatter the Russian State for a second time, but even before that it had a limited reach as during the late Hitler years and especially under Wegener's control of the Party Chancellery, the primary concern over the Slavs was to spread illiteracy and poor medical care, including denying all but the most basic of vaccine policies.


    Karl Schöngarth a former Brigadier-General of the SS and officer of the SD, was kept in charge at first after a personal oath of allegiance similar to Kaltenbrunner's and so also would intensify the low-level conflict in the Caucasus. The Reich had conquered this territory during the war and since then it became one of the main supplies of vital resources from Iron and Tungsten to Oil, being the main supplier of oil to the Reich alongside the Ploiesti oilfields from Romania. As for the locals, many were opposed to the Red Army, indeed Stalin's brutal policies in the region had made many Chechens welcome the Germans as liberators in Grozny. Arno Schickedanz, the former Reichskommissar and one of Rosenberg's strongest allies, had been implementing doctrines similar to the ones in the Ostland during Hitler's years, namely using the Russians in the North as scapegoats and utilizing the existing rivalries in the region for his own benefit. The Azeris were considered as descended from the Aryan civilization similarly to the Iranians, which led to a more benefitial treatment coming from the central administration, especially since the Germans needed their cooperation to ensure the protection and Operation of the Baku Oilfields. Other than some fertile lands in the north, the Caucasus were never meant to be a territory settled by the Germans, in time the local resistance was shown to be lighter than in other territories despite the distance as the Reichskommissar preferred the use of Carrot and Stick tactics, contrasted to the brutal policies of Koch in Ukraine or Frank in Poland.

    Of course that all changed with the rise of Rudolf Hess, a man who despised Islam and considered it the product of a savage culture. Hess ended the cooperation with the Chechens and Dagestanis in the Caucasus, leading to the start of a brutal pacification campaign that later led to Arno's removal as Reichskommissar, being replaced by Schöngarth under Heydrich's orders when he was Deputy Führer in 1952. Upon arrival, Schöngarth desired to fully pacify the "Frontier" of the Reich, while the Caucasus was also becoming an important logistical route towards Iran, another of the main suppliers of Oil to the German State, which led to the efforts to expand the Baku-Tabriz railroad and later it's expansion towards Mosul and Damascus after the alliance between the Syrian and Iranian nations. Powerful Industrial ventures had vested interest in the Caucasus' resources and the previous Kommissar invited said industries there, Schöngarth kept said policies and he ended up earning a name in Goebbels' list for his association with the IG Fabien in the manufacturing of Petrochemicals and by giving preference to the Krupp over the Reichswerke on the extraction of Iron. The deals greatly benefitted Schöngarth who staffed the Kaukasus with his own stooges and used the Chechen conflict as an excuse to request more and more supplies from the Ministry of Production, most of these weapons would end up being sold to the Black Market in the Middle East and ironically that led to even Israeli soldiers using STG 45s against the Syrians during the 12-day war.

    That corruption during the 50s under Schöngarth, as well as the failure of the RK in protecting the Oil Pipelines from partisan strikes during the Ural War, reduced his own credibility and while he had been shielded by Heydrich's control of the SSK and RSHA, as well as the general apathy of the Hess' government over the affairs of the East, that was no longer the case under Goebbels. Schöngarth first supported Speer in the succession after Hess' demise, but after the creation of the Volkssturm, his diminished faith in his SS' credentials capabilities in shielding him after Heydrich would lead to him joining that organization and leaving the SS right on time of it's purge. Afterwards he adapted as a survivalist, distancing himself from Speer and attempting to burn evidence of his corrupt deals in the region as Goebbels purged the Industrials, using his new Volkssturm credentials to discover the blow ahead of time and save his own skin. Finally he denounced the leechers of the Reich and claimed the Caucasus to now be a model colony. On the 15th of August, he would be dead as well as his family as they were seized by the Volkssturm and denounced publicly of their crimes in the Angriff. And so he would end up hanged on a lamppost in Baku in the front of his own office until the arrival of his successor who ordered his body burned. Before his death he would also give away the names of several collaborators inside the Kommissariat, which led to Germania launching a brutal crackdown on the local bureaucracy. As a form of punishment, parts of the Kuban region and the cities of Oral and Astrakhan would be given to the Don-Wolga.

    The government of the Kaukasus would then be given to Rolf Karbach, a Hitler Youth leader and loyalist to Goebbels, known as one of the most devout members of the Volkssturm and for having previously denounced the corruption of several Party leaders, which made him unpopular until said leaders ended up dead and Goebbels, his protector, gave him his first task in power in the East. Also being an expert in Guerrilla Tactics, Karbach would come in decided to end the guerrillas in the Northern Caucasus, especially around the oilfields of Grozny. In a series of brutal campaigns, he fully utilized the resources given by Germania to crush the Chechen guerrilla while restoring the previous collaboration status with loyal Chechens. Furthermore, Karbach would also first implement the idea of "Blood Debt" on his draconian punishments on corruption or anything less than absolute zeal for Goebbels and his orders. The families of officers considered guilty of corruption were to be forfeit of their Aryan Status by German law and excluded of German citizenship for three generations, they were to be taken to work out the debts made by their criminal relative in precarious factories or in extraction facilities for the Reich, being promised redemption in return of good service, although the majority would end up dying before that happened, especially in the brutal conditions of the "Model Colony".

    Finally came the matter of Scandinavia and even that would be covered by the General Reorganization order, Vidkun Quisling, a name synonym with collaboration, has ruled the local Norwegian government for 20 years in a confusing limbo as the territory was a Reichskommissariat under Josef Terboven, but unlike in the east that did not mean the land was initially meant to be annexed into the Reich. Quisling was made the Prime Minister of Norway by Terboven, keeping the role without interruption despite his unpopularity and lack of political connections, perhaps it is only the fact Norway was mostly isolated from the Power struggles in the Reich which allowed him to remain in charge for so long. Finally that Status Quo would be broken as Goebbels made his move towards Scandinavia. Sweden was led by Reichskommissar Curt von Gottberg, who was a high-ranking officer of the SS, with Sven Lindholm as Prime Minister. Gottberg was killed during the SS purge in April which led to a new Reichskommissar being appointed, Goebbels' loyalist Alfred Ingemar-Berndt, which was a preparation of what Goebbels planned with the reorganization in Order Seven. With the Strike of a pen, Sweden and Norway would be unified into the "Reichskommissariat Scandinavien" under the full authority of Ingemar-Berndt. Lindholm and Quisling would both be retired from office and Terboven was transferred back to Germania as the new Gauleiter of Galicia. There would not be a local government and autonomy as previously afforded, Goebbels intended to eventually integrate the territory as a part of Germany itself in the future, concentrating the efforts of the new Administration in reforming the Swedish and Norwegian "Dialects" and Language, as well as studying the further exploitation of promising oil and gas reserves off the coast of Norway.

    Finishing off the reorganization came the matter of Denmark, a Protectorate and perhaps the most autonomous territory occupied by German forces, which would now be absorbed as a a part of Germany itself by order of Goebbels, within an hour, the government buildings and the Royal palace were seized by the occupational forces with minimal resistance. King Frederick IX would abdicate from the Danish throne, ending the rule of House Glücksburg over the country on the 1st of August of 1960. Jutland and Zealand would be turned into two separate Reichsgaus while the Island of Bornholm would become a naval base directly administered by the Kriegsmarine under Karl Dönitz. And so, with the stroke of a pen, Danish independence had officially ended.


    The German Youth was a long investment of the Party since before the takeover of Germany, it was a common saying even by Hitler that the control of the youth would determine the fate of nations and nowhere was this more clear than what happened in Germany. While the youth in places such as the US became increasingly agitated in favor of civil rights or being generally dissatisfied with the Status Quo, in Germany that youth's rebelliousness was controlled by the Party and monopolized by Joseph Goebbels and Max Axmann ever since the years before the war (Although Axmann was not the initial leader of the Hitler Youth, most of the time in the early years of power, that task belonged to the deceased Baldur von Schirarch). There was plenty of reason to dislike the Status Quo, ever since 1933 the German youth was taught of it's own inherent supremacy, encouraging a darwinian mindset of the triumph of the Aryan volk which was vindicated by the triumph in the Great War, the first generation of German children who never knew the leadership of the Weimar Republic came of age officially in 1951 (Although the effect could be seen in previous years as one should not expect toddlers to have memories of the old Republic) and they saw the rule of Rudolf Hess. While the economy had shown several signs of stagnations prior, the brunt of it's problems were exacerbated during the rule of Hess. Suddenly, as they came of age it was hard to find jobs, the bright future was not so bright, and the supposed superiority of the German people was questioned by the fact their living standards appeared worse than they were in the "Golden Hitler Years".

    Goebbels was the solution, a charismatic man, from the generation who knew the great leader personally and who was not involved in the increasingly obvious corruption of the Establishment in their view. He would speak the truth, galvanized the youth and made them trust him, he provided hope and used the full control he held over the German Media and Press to shape these minds. From early on, he also made an alliance with Axmann, and soon enough his reach had extended to Education and the ideology became ever more obvious in the curriculum, especially in the medical and humanities fields, with complete deturpations in history being seen in history books smuggled out of the Reich at the time such as the romantization of Arminius, Luther, Frederick the Great, Bismarck and of more "Volkish" leader such as Florian Geyer and the old Peasants' Revolt, portrayed as a great rising of the German people against the corrupt clergy and aristocracy with nationalist and racial tones that would baffle historians in London. And so, when the Ural War began, many in this Youth went in hoping to see the glories of this past, the much romanticized struggle of the Second World War which was a sharp contrast to the realities of the Frontline.

    While the Youth within Germany itself was taught from birth to prioritize loyalty to the Führer and the Reich above all, the older youth who had become dissatisfied with the Status Quo would fight in the Ural War and return without their promised victory, these veterans would come back to see their home completely changed. The Economy had become stagnant with a rising inflation due to the autarky and the enormous chokehold that a few major companies held over the entire Industrial and corporative sectors that strangled small business. The Social unrest was rising and even in the leadership chaos reigned as the leaders of the Reich all were turning on one another and the infallible Führer had brought the world to the brink of anihilation. But hope came through Goebbels, the new leader of the Reich, and soon enough came in some improvements such as the opening of ports for foreign products, the demobilization of the Wehrmacht bringing a great relief to the budget, and a generally more optimistic atmosphere given by a far less reclusive and more supportive leader who spoke to the German people on a weekly basis. He then gave the scapegoat that this youth needed, not merely Judaism but the Jewish corruption of the nation, which was allowed by the bickering and moral bankrupcy of the previous leadership, exposing vile plots which enslaved hundreds of thousands of Germans into debt slavery, crushed German workers and businessmen. He exposed the SS, once considered the paramount knights of the New Order, as a hive of degeneracy with diseases raging from alcoholism and greed to homosexualism and vice, the image of the SS itself had been in decline as Heydrich concentrated more and more power on himself during the 1950s while they proved incompetent in stopping terrorist attacks by Russian partisans such as the Rostock bombing. Finally there was the stagnant party bureaucracy, the real status quo of this "rebel" youth to fight, the bureaucratization that sapped the strength and dynamism of National Socialism and replaced it with soulless legalism and corruption.

    It is no wonder the Volkssturm already numbered half a million members by August after only a few months since it's inception, those were the true representation of the people and it's wrath. German society had become so desensitized by violence, at least amongst it's youth, that if studies were made it is likely it would find an above-average number of psychopathic behaviors. Now this youth was taking the streets, blaming anyone and anything that the Great Führer pointed for the hardships of the last years and especially the pointless slaughter of the Ural War, not because it was an unfair war of aggression but because it was ill-prepared and destroyed by the self-sabotage of it's leaders. The Song of Florian Geyer was chosen as the official song of the Volkssturm, although the Horst-Wessel song was also very popular, due to it's violent nature which mirroed the bloodlust of the Volkssturm, as those who caused Germans to bleed should bleed tenfold, and the blood of traitors, corrupted by the Jew, could very well trickle down and result in further degeneracy. Some compared it to the decline of Rome as corruption and backstabbing had led to military disaster and degeneracy trickling down to the population and being increased more and more at each generation. That was the comparison drawn by the Reichskommissar of the Kaukasus, Rolf Karbach, and soon enough it was an ideology Goebbels himself adopted after seeing how factionalism destroyed Hitler's dream so completely that even the might of the Wehrmacht had been humiliated.

    But before he fully unleashed his terror from the leadership roles to the masses, there was one place left: The Wehrmacht.

    Walther Wenck had become the new Chief of the German Armed Forces following the Ural War, he was a safe choice at the start, a committed National Socialist however still a professional officer, capable of being a flexible leader both in the battlefield and in his office work. Heusinger, after his initial dismissal, was made Chief of Staff by Wenck and since then the two worked on reforming the Wehrmacht over the last year. He was apprehensive about Goebbels, but also glad he listened to his proposals and gave him a blank cheque to do what was necessary to learn the lessons of the war and reform the Wehrmacht. Wenck saw many flaws in the war, namely that the German army had lost it's more experienced and professional edge, taking it for granted and refusing to adapt to the new realities of warfare such as the use of better infantry tactics. It was ironic that perhaps the best example of early squadron tactics was German, the Stormtroopers, and now the Germans had suffered when their advanced tank spearheads were caught by these same small arms tactics. The Air Power was another issue and while Kesselring worked in the previous year to phase out the Göring-style multi-role planes for more specified roles, he was unable to properly adapt the Luftwaffen's doctrines beyond purely supporting the Army, the destruction of infrastructure and industry was secondary when the bombing of the logistical network connecting Western Russia and Siberia could have been harrassed to great effect during Operation Sutur in the Autumn of 1958. Finally there was the Navy where the elderly Karl Dönitz was relieved that Hess was gone, as his Anglophilia put a stop on many plans of naval expansion and now he planned to expand not only the autonomy of submarines with a greater emphasis on nuclear and stealth models based on the evolution of the experimental U-480, but also to expand the surface fleet with a strong force of destroyers to harrass shipping lanes and even the construction of a Third Aircraft Carrier, a rather ambitious proposition as there was no real need for another carrier. But all were celebrating the end of the Waffen-SS which not only had restored the autonomy of the military from the NSDAP and solidified it as a State institution, but also freed up funds for the other three branches.

    But while these reforms were underway between 1959 and 1960, the Armed forces were seeing another issue rising in the Official staff: When the army was downsized and WWII veterans such as Manteuffel and von Epp left, it showed the rise of a new type of younger officer corps, led by Otto Ernst Remer, as well as including other figures such as Joachim Peiper, a former Waffen-SS leader who now joined the regular Heer as a war hero from the east. These two men had their reservations against the new High command as they deemed them insufficiently committed to the National Socialist Cause, both began to use their credentials as heroes of the Ural War and approached Joseph Goebbels in July about the ongoing conspiracy by Karl Kaufmann and his attempts at reaching out to Wenck. Although Wenck had refused the offers, the mere fact that he was considered as someone who could possibly betray him was enough for Goebbels. Moving against the Wehrmacht was difficult with the SS being culled, but after the armed forces were downsized after the war, Goebbels did have the excuse to lay off several of the more resistant officers to what he would do. Reaching out to the head of the SiPo, Hans Krueger, Goebbels planned the purge of the Wehrmacht.


    The night of the 27th, from Sartuday to Sunday, of August, the GESTAPO made it's move under Krueger's and Müller's directive, the residence of military officers all around the Reich were raided. Even those heroes of the German nation had not escaped the wrath of the Empire they created, with officers being dragged out in pajamas by the Secret Police and quietly taken to be executed in the countryside or sent to Concentration camps, even those in the reserve were not able to escape. A great conspiracy was revealed and the People's Court was put in session, with Wenck confessing to have been aware of the plot made by the Reactionaries and naming several other officers of the Wehrmacht who had more reserved loyalties to National Socialism as Goebbels interpreted it. Wenck and Heusinger were both dismissed, and not by coincidence they would be replaced by Remer and Peiper, the latter now being a Volkssturm leader. Karl Lorenz was removed from the leadership of the Heer and replaced by Hubert Meyer, a former SS officer who was also a Hitler Youth leader, which was quite the scandal but Goebbels had also made him a Volkssturm member and he wanted to ensure the Military would not interfere in the actions of the coming times. Korten was removed from the Luftwaffen and, as a propaganda boon, Goebbels made the famous Flying Ace Egon Mayer the new Head of the Luftwaffe, hopping he would also bring his experience as pilot after proving himself superior in his victories. Dönitz remained in charge of the Kriegsmarine as he had been a committed National Socialist, never implicated in the coup attempt, other than the higher leadership of the armed forces, it was actually a fairly smaller purge compared to the previous ones, most of the officers who Goebbels deemed "Unreliable" had already long since retired or died.

    The neutralization of the Armed Forces was the final step, while the first signals and demonstrations were spontaneously starting with Volkssturm commanders launching local purges, Goebbels would soon task Krueger, Schwägerman and Sommer, the Head of the Secret Services, the Volkssturm and the Interior Ministry respectively, to prepare for the great Attack, he claimed that a grand awakening would come for the Aryan peoples of the Continent. He contacted Remer and ordered him, in his new office as Chief of the OKW, to prepare the German military for the possibility of further "Interventions" across Europe, for he planned to call a meeting of the Linz Pakt in the nearby future and the events at home would no doubt provoke external reactions. He especially requested updated reports on the Anti-Nuclear defenses of the Reich, the capacity of delivering a First Strike, as well as the possibility of coordinating a joint intervention with neighboring states if it came to it. The Mountaineer divisions of the Wehrmacht were never downsized, rather they were expanded and put under secretive training in the Caucasian Mountains and in Norway. He knew that if Operation "Alaric" had to be launched one day, speed was of the essence, but for now those plans were being kept in the shelf, he instead made new plans, lists and quotas to be delivered to the Volkssturm. If the Reich had to be pure, if it had to be strong, he had to keep the momentum going and seize the opportunity with complete implacability. There would be no mercy or quarter given and even those who were previously forgiven now would have to be re-examined once more, for there could be no quarter for the corruption, for the intrigue, for the backstabbing and betrayal, for the greed and degeneracy all those coming from the rot of the problem: The Jew. Naturally, he would also dispatch officers on a secret mission to Syria, because as soon as the Reich was pure and strong again, an efficient war machine would begin to run as it once did, but for the machine to work, there must be blood.

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  • I have thought of how to best approach the German "Purification" by Goebbels and I decided that making a standard chapter detailing it is not the best idea now for sake of mystery. So instead there will be snippets and mentions that "leak" out of Germany and will culminate in one main German chapter about the Angriff itself.

    As for now, the main foreign event in the world will be the Nagasaki Crisis between Japan and the United States which will come on the next chapter.

    Afterwards, we shall go on and see the Hoffa Administration and all the chaos surrounding it from Labor and Civil unrest to Mafia wars and political machinations.

    There will then be a chapter focusing on France and will be used to see Goebbels' chaotic revolution across the Pakt in Europe and the tensions between Rome and Germania.

    I do plan a chapter on the Communist world (China, Korea and Vietnam) which will include the situation in Southeast Asia without a Vietnam War and the growing regional block of China, India and Indonesia beginning to pressure the British Empire.

    There will be the events of South America that will include the Lobster crisis between France and Brazil, the expansion of the Integralist influence in the area, the change of guard in the Vatican, and expanding upon the Pacto del Plata (Silver Pact).

    There will be a chapter dedicated to the Angriff and it's socio-cultural impact on Germany, as well as Goebbels' foreign policy within the Pakt to tie down it's members further within his orbit as he wants to apply to them the same logic that led to the purge in Germany.

    There will be a chapter about a Conspiracy to topple Goebbels, it may or may not be merged with the Angriff but generally it is about the biggest threat to his rule in Germania.

    There will be eventually a chapter on the Middle East after the 12-day war which will include the showdown between Shishakli and Saadeh in Syria as well as the aftermath of victory in Israel and their confrontation with Goebbels.

    Finally a chapter on Africa which includes the rise of the Apartheid Republic in South Africa as a German ally, the beginning of the Ethiopian insurgency which will spill over on British territories, the Exiled colonial governments being confronted with dwindling resources and increased local unrest, the Free French attempts at a Nuclear program, and the stubborn clinging of Britain to it's colonies and doubling down on crushing the Pan-African movement. All of this culminating in the Mumbai Conference of 1963.

    Will all of these chapters be made? I hope and intend to do so, although there might be merges (such as the Angriff and the Conspiracy chapters about Germany and the Nagasaki Crisis could be merged with the Hoffa administration). I do intend to pick up a better pace once the major world powers and actors are established so it does not take too long for the story to go on. I will say a few events and the years they will happen below, avoid it if you wish to avoid spoilers.


    [Pakt] Der Angriff, Fall of Darnand's regime in France;
    [United States] Start of the Hoffa Administration, Mafia War in the US, Civil Rights Tensions;
    [Catholic World/South America] Death of Pope Pius XII, The Lobster/Guiana Crisis;
    [Asia] Start of the Great Leap Forwards, Nagasaki Crisis and the death of Japanese Democracy;
    [Middle East] 12-day War aftermath, Syrian Crisis;
    [Africa] Start of the Ethiopian Insurgency, Congo Riots, Formation of the African National Congress;


    [Pakt] The REDACTED Conspiracy, German-Italian Tensions, German interventions on the Linz Pakt;
    [United States] Midterm Elections, Hoffa-Long dispute, Labor unrest, "Black Winter", Civil Rights Act of 1963;
    [Catholic World/South America] The 30-Hours War, Goebbels' excommunication, the Decree against Nazism, Pope's flight to America;
    [Asia] Mumbai Conference, Restart of the Korean War, Restoration Coup in Japan;
    [Middle East] Aden Insurgency, Sudanese Uprising, The Sudan War;
    [Africa] Mumbai Conference, Congo War, The Brazzaville Uprising;


    [Pakt] The Shadow of Bonapartism, Operation REDACTED;
    [United States] The REDACTED Administration, 1964 Elections, Black Belt "Insurgency", The 1964 Crisis;
    [Catholic World/South America] The Council of Salvador, Assassination of REDACTED, Brazilian Nuclear Program;
    [Asia] Rise of Indira Gandhi, Death of Ho Chi Minh, Sakoku Question, The 1964 Crisis;
    [Middle East] Israel and Goebbels, Fourth Levantine War, Death of REDACTED;
    [Africa] Zimbabwe Insurgency, Second Mumbai Conference, Rise of the German-Afrikaan Bund.
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  • With the help of @Kaiser of Brazil I've created the current map (1960) of the Greater Germanic Reich. The map is too large to upload directly so I am doing it via imgur and it can be seen full-size there.

    Some notes:
    1) Cities in the conquered territories in the former Soviet Union are split somewhat evenly between being renamed and keeping their original name.
    2) Kazan is a divided city, centred on the river Volga
    3) The Marinestützpunkte along the English Channel, as well as the islands of Gotland and Bornholm, are regions controlled directly by the navy.
    4) Gothia (former Crimea), Prinz-Eugenstadt (former Yugoslavian Banat/Belgrade), and Haldersburg (former St. Petersburg/Leningrad) are all exclaves ruled directly from Germania.



    "When Jimmy won, we knew things were gonna change, just never thought it would be that way." The Presidency of James Riddle Hoffa was known as a turbulent period in American history, also perhaps the greatest epitome of corruption ever seen in a Western Nation. Hoffa was seen from the outside as just a strongman, a union boss who knew how to connect with workers and entered with a great agenda. He spoke of solidarity, of pushing for worker's rights and continue Long's fight against monopolists and cartel interests in America, truly ensuring the government would be by the people and for the people. He was born in Brazil, not the country but the city in Indiana, descended from Germans on his father's side, Irishmen from his mother's side, and married a woman of Polish descent, it was the ultimate Midwest mix from immigrant families that worked relatively low-paying jobs and was active in the Labor movement. Hoffa did indeed grow in the Teamsters Union, the largest in the country, and soon enough he was leading it during the Long era despite never driving a truck before. His bombastic style and activity during the Strikes in the Thurmond Administration would gain him admiration in the Great Lakes region and soon he became connected with Huey Long, both sharing strong and ambitious personalities, a fighting spirit and a loud articulate voice that could captivate the crowds.

    Huey did have certain corrupt habits and connections since his days in Louisiana, he was more careful and subtle about it, they always targeted a greater political control rather than self-enrichment, but Hoffa went further. Hoffa was intrinsically connected to the Mafia, namely to the powerful Bufalino Crime Family headed at the time by Russell Bufalino. Recently recognized by the Commission as the Head of the Family, Russell was an Italian immigrant who quickly rose up to power and greatly benefitted from an alliance with his cousin William Bufalino, long-time representative attorney of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Hoffa's organization, and was also personal attorney of Jimmy. No doubt Russell had risen up in the scene in the late 50s when Hoffa became Secretary of Labor and mediated deals with Unions all over the country, naturally skewed towards their side, but especially to the Unions which were friendly towards him. The IBT grew more, with the government infrastructure programs expanding roads as a national priority and giving them a greater leverage. There were no strikes by the truckers during Long's Presidency thanks to his alliance with Hoffa, and the connection of Russell and Hoffa would lead to the former coming to dominate the Great Lakes region, starting with smuggling routes of Alcohol from Canada, expanding to extortion rackets, shadow companies, and especially the control of the billion-dollar worth pension fund of the IBT to give cheap loans to Mob projects such as Cassinos in Las Vegas, Miami and Havana.

    But while Hoffa was President-Elect and Huey was preparing the transition of power, one last crisis struck America from across the Pacific, again coming from the city of Nagasaki. The new Japanese Prime Minister, Baron Takeishi Nishi, once known as just an Olympic Medalist of Equestrian Jumping, had risen with a new government that desired to restart the negotiations over the return of the Port-City which were paused during the Ural War. Unknowingly to the American government, he was part of an Imperial Restoration Conspiracy which included from Yakuza chiefs to Police commanders and led all the way up to Akihito himself. For now he was seen as just another government from the several that already went through the Japanese political scene since the end of the occupation, one that would be lucky to last a year at most. But on the 19th of November of 1960, the Japanese government, using connections with criminal and terroristic elements, orchestrated to spark another uprising in the city as two Japanese women would be found dead in the American quarter near the harbor. While the American Military Police was quick to start an inquiry, the scandal drew the ire of the city who blamed the Americans once information began to be leaked that those women had been raped and killed by an American soldier, and while nothing indicated that, the people brought any excuse to start another wave of violence against the American part of the city. Citizens blocked the streets leading to the port, shutting down shops which sold to American soldiers, and protesting for the Americans to leave, or at least that the Japanese police should handle the investigation.

    Nishi understood that Japan had a short window of opportunity to return Nagasaki, and failing to do so would result in the fall of his own government as the Nationalist backers he had in the Diet could become impatient. Huey Long, after over a decade in power, could be predictable in how he would react, he cared for his Legacy, otherwise he would not have retired when he was at his peak in popularity, he also would not wish to end his government with a failure. What was a failure to the American people? Surrendering and Capitulating to Japan was an unacceptable humiliation to the millions of veterans and their families, but even more of an insult would be to start another war with Japan, the very notion of it being shown in the American media. Movies such as the drama/action "To the Last Man", depict how American society generally saw Operation Sunset: The movie accompanies the story of a squadron which was part of General Patton's drive to Capture Nagano, namely to seize the Prince-Regent Yasuhito and force an end to the war, after bloody days of tension and shootouts as the squadron is slowly picked out by guerrillas, the protagonist, Sergeant Leroy, would reach the Imperial Bunker only to find out all was futile, the Prince was dead and the Emperor escaped, which would end up leading to the Nuclear Bombing of Sendai a month later. In the end, while the war was seen as a necessary struggle, it was a struggle nonetheless, a bleak waste of life from both sides. While other movies had more heroic depictions, such as "Semper Fi", which heroically depicts the capture of the Imperial Palace, the fact that "To the Last Man" was cemented in the popular culture shows not only the great technical job of the team behind it, but also that many shared the same thoughts on Operation Sunset.

    Huey Long would never have tarnished his legacy at that point, just as he was on his way out, by starting a war over Nagasaki despite the pressure from the Naval command to retaliate to the aggression on American troops. But he would not have fully capitulated, not after his great score in the Ural War, an attempt of redeeming his name from his previous isolationism. Secretary Rusk would go to Tokyo in December and soon the protests stopped as an agreement was reached, the Treaty of Yokohama, a revision of the Treaty of Kyoto that fully readjusted Japan as a more equal partner to the United States: Nagasaki would be returned to Japan, as well as several Air Bases which became obsolete after the expansion of American Air Power in the Jeju Island and the lesser concern over the actions of China compared to the Reich. The Japanese Navy and Air Force had their limitations reduced, and while Japan still could not produce or possess Long-range striking capacities such as bombers, carriers or nuclear submarines, the Army was allowed to expand into a self-defense force of 500 thousand men. It was a concession, of course, but Huey was able to spin it by announcing new opportunities for American business in Japan, selling Industrial machinery and fertilizers to Japan, as well as agreeing on a "Friendly Nation" relationship and mutual cooperation against China. The terms of this treaty would last 4 years.

    "This has to be a joke, Frank, if those cocksuckers think I will have these spies in my Cabinet, they don't know who they are messing with!", Hoffa exclaimed in frustration as he sat in his office in Chicago. Everything in his room has been more messy than it usually was, rather than his usual standards there were boxes all around which had to be packed up and taken away, all to prepare his move to Washington when January came. Still, Hoffa was doing his double journey of starting to act like a President of a Country and the President of a Union at the same time, he was seated alone with his bodyguard and friend, Frank Sheeran, an Irish-American Teamster who grew to become a man of his trust. "Look at this, am I supposed to have that Jackass Morrison in the FBI? Heck, half my Cabinet is from those Bayou Swamps. What are they leaving me to indicate? Postmaster General?" He tossed over the paper he received in frustration and Frank picked it up, knowing Hoffa would ask for it later anyways.

    That was just another day in the frustrating transition that just made the deal they made with Weiss just sounded as it was going to be more costly than they thought. Frank let out a sigh, he was not a man to know much of politics but he could tell what kind of man Long is, the guy wanted to control everything, as if Hoffa was just meant to be a seat-warmer. Jimmy did not listen to him, of course, he wanted to be President and got it, there was a whole party that night and he was there in the Union with Jim, but now Hoffa just kept expecting Frank to say "I told you so", he never said it of course, but Jim could see it in his eyes. "Jimmy, the guy is not stupid, he knows stuff and that is why he wants to keep the FBI with his guy." "I know that Frank, look, can't you talk with Russell and reach out to the Bayou guy? It's not like he will be arrested."

    They would be interrupted as the door opened and a fat Italian came into the room, from the looks of it he had been in a hurry to get here, but not quick enough because the first thing Hoffa did was look at his watch and tap on it while directly staring at William Bufalino's eyes. "Four minutes." "They are moving so much stuff around that I could hardly find your office." "Alright, but don't go behave like that in my Cabinet, if I even have one to make." Bill would sit by Sheeran's side as the two faced Hoffa who remained on his chair, he was about to ask Frank to get the list again, but Frank, already guessing that would happen, gave the list to Hoffa before he opened his mouth. Jim gave a sigh from grabbing that paper again and gave it to the Bufalino, who became more incredulous as he read.

    "So keep Morrison, Noe, what is this..." "This is me warming the seat of that Bayou fisherman!" That was merely a list of recommendations but a recommendation from Long was enough to put the whole party backing those. Bufalino would lean back on his chair and set down the list, with Frank being in the same silence as the other two until Hoffa broke the silence again. "I am no warmer, you gotta talk to Rus, Bill, this was not part of the deal with that cocksucker Weiss!" "Jim look, I will talk to Rus, but you have to be calm, you are not the President yet. After the inauguration, you don't have to listen to Huey anymore, he will be a nobody." "A nobody? I wish the guy would retire, but you know he won't Bill, those people don't ever take a rest, they have to hold on to everything they hoard until it drowns them!" Hoffa emphasized with his fists, and as much as they would continue to talk about the Cabinet, nothing would come from the meeting with Bill, the Bufalinos could not help with Long, at least not yet.

    In January, Huey was about to take a plane to Louisiana, his last flight in the Presidential plane, a L-1049 Super Constellation, the fastest propeller-plane in civilian use, when he stopped to meet with the incoming President at the terminal of the Washington National Airport, named as the "Cordell Hull International Airport" after it's 1957 expansion. Hoffa would go out of the car, the two met and waved over to the press before going in by themselves and their security inside the VIP area. Frank Sheeran was in there, as well as two officers of the Secret Service who always accompanied Long. Looking up close, the President looked younger than he was before, as if a great relief was lifted from his shoulders, while Hoffa was tense after the humiliations he took to get in this place took it's toll. Hoffa did not trust the Secret Service, he saw them as nothing but Long's "SS" and even joked about the two organizations serving as bodyguards and with the same acronym, Frank was the only bodyguard he trusted over all the others.

    Nobody knows what Huey and Hoffa spoke that day, but the entire country and the world knew what happened on the next one, for the first time in a Dozen years there was a new President to the United States, the 36th of this nation, and Washington would see a crowd unlike any other. Sure, in numbers Long did match Hoffa's inauguration, but one thing that Hoffa overdid was in trucks. An enormous fleet of trucks went down Pennsylvania avenue on the day of the inauguration, with honks awakening the city to see as the first Union leader in American history became President just little over a decade after the Thurmond Administration's crackdown on the Unions. Hoffa would take the center stage after swearing the Oath of allegiance and giving a speech that few could match, in fact it was a shock to many who watched it. The stock markets were concerned, because right now Hoffa publicly swore that he would decisively turn the State to support the "Workers of America" and the "Common Man" in terms more decisive than Long ever did, he was relentless in his assault on how workers were exploited in America and the time had come for a new agreement, promising the creation of a New Labor legislation and a board to mediate disputes linked to the Secretary of Labor. The day ended with Hoffa going around the City on top of a truck and waving around to the crowds before going back to take residence in the White House.


    "When Jimmy Hoffa became President, the talk of the town was that Russ now had the Justice Department in his pocket", Frank Sheeran went to Northern Pennsylvania to meet up with his benefactor Russell Bufalino, and in there the conversation was about Hoffa. Of course they could not call him directly on the phone, but Sheeran was someone that Hoffa trusted and who worked as his bodyguard since his time as President of the IBT. The message which was given to Hoffa was to congratulate him for his victory and to not forget those who put him in there. Great moves would soon begin in the underground of American Mobster scenes. Salvatore Giancana had recently become the boss of the Chicago mob, son of Italian immigrants as one might expect from the Italo-American Mafia. He was one of they key supporters of Hoffa's political campaign and stood to gain a lot with his Presidency, as well as with his alliance with the Bufalinos from Pennsylvania and Upstate New York. Russell was a man the mob could trust, he always kept to his word and was conciliative between factions when they came over to him, and overnight he had his cousin as the Attorney General of the United States.

    There were limits that the underworld could not go, Louisiana was one of them and Carlos Marcelo was the best example of what happened when crime went too far during the Long era. Marcelo was the "Godfather" of New Orleans since the late 40s and in fact he did support Huey Long's Presidential campaign and even before he did make deals with him as Governor and Senator. But Marcelo also began to give a bad reputation to Huey's Home State in the early 50s and the relationship between the two became strained. When one of Earl Long's associates ended up killed by one of Marcelo's men following a bar fight in 1953, despite the promises of Marcelo to punish the involved, Long unleashed the FBI to make him an example for the Cosa Nostra to see. Carlos Marcelo would be arrested and summing up all his charges he ended up sent for over 30 years in prison, later reduced to 20. But it goes to show that the Government, especially the FBI, had their limits with where crime could go because politics always took precedence. Added with the end of prohibition, such measures led to a decrease in criminality during the late 50s which contrasted drastically with the crime wave that hit the United States during Hoffa's administration.

    Giancana was an ambitious man, after years of smuggling alcohol from Canada, he grew in power in Chicago and even when the Prohibition ended he was still a man too powerful to be taken down by the local authorities. The National Commission organized by Luciano and the Five Families in New York, probably the most powerful criminal syndicate in the world outside of political parties, began to be worried about the growth of the Chicago mob again to a level unseen since the feared Al Capone's reign. The East Coast crime families such as the Bonnano and Luccesse, the Five Families as a whole, backed the Republican Party, the Jewish mob, including the Legal Counsel of the Commission Meyer Lansky, had a great deal of interest in backing a stronger standing against the Nazi regime across the Atlantic too. Meanwhile, Giancana made the best bet and supported Hoffa, who was his ally and a partner in the schemes to use the money of the Teamster's pension funds to expand the operations on the Mob in places such as Las Vegas and Havana.

    But why did the crime families become so particularly involved in the 1960 election? The fact Huey Long would not run another term left open the vacuum of power to be filled and it could either lead to a Republican comeback or Hoffa's ascension, and there were many in the criminal world who desired Reagan as President. With his more militant rhetoric, he could undo, they believed, what was perhaps their greatest loss in the previous year, the fall of Lisbon. Lisbon had been the entry, the safe harbor for criminal activities within the European Continent which had been closed shut by the Linz Pakt and their policy of Autarky. Not only using American companies was no longer a way in due to the American Protection Act ensuring that said companies would sooner bankrupt themselves than open shops in Europe, but the connections in Mainland Italy were gone thanks to the Brutal persecution by the Fascist Party against the Italian mob. Lisbon had been their main port for smuggling as Portugal was not an official member of the Linz Pakt, but that was gone once the Wehrmacht rolled in and the SS was crippled by Heydrich's death. The SS, ironically, were some of the main benefactors of the Black Market schemes and used the Italian mob as a form of connection within Italy for plans which were still undisclosed, but now using that was impossible thanks to Goebbels' fanaticism.

    The Chicago mob rising up meant a change in priorities, Giancana had little to gain in pressuring the government to reopen Black Market routes to Europe as the main benefactors were the New York Families who had just lost a great deal of revenue from there. Which is why he backed Hoffa who not only was in his pocket list but also had a more internal agenda which would benefit him. The ambition of "Sam Gold" knew no bounds, he was ecstatic with Hoffa's win and soon he had talked with Russell who would serve as his mediator. Russell Bufalino was a cautious man, he had to be careful about not upsetting the New York City families too much by overtly backing Giancana, and Bill's actions in Washington would reflect either positively or negatively on him and his reputation. As for the New York families, they trusted Russell due to his own calm demeanor and conciliation skills and hoped he could control Giancana's ambitions, some believing the Chicago Boss could decide to imitate Salvatore Maranzano and claim himself as "Boss of the Bosses". Of course, he would not do so while Luciano was still alive with all his influence in the crime world, but the boss of the Genovese family and creator of the Commission, was already catching up with his age in a world where few grew old.

    The White House, for some, just changed portraits as it was the case for a few figures who remained from the Long Administration, from former New Orleans Mayor and now Secretary of Budget and Management (A recently created office during Long's Third Term) Robert Maestri to FBI Director James Morrison, both Louisiana men and allies of "The President" since his days as Senator if not earlier. They held two key positions for Long's continued influence in the Federal government, one was responsible for elaborating and sending the State budget to Congress, the other was responsible for one of the most powerful organizations in the country and everyone knew who they were and who put them in there. If a proposal for the budget went for Congress, the Populists all knew it came from Long and voted with it, the Kingfish was far from retired, he was only having a vacation in their minds.

    For Jimmy, that was agony, he felt like he was constrained, stuck inside a cage where he had Long's sycophants everywhere, even his Secretary of State was still Long's Dean Rusk. But he still had a job to do and promises to keep, the first one being his major act during his 100-days: The American Labor Relations Act of 1961, an ambitious project made by him during his time as Secretary of Labor which would further upset the current Worker-Employee relationship in America to a radical extent. Not only did it propose to fully repeal the existing laws made in the Thurmond era, it was a more radical push for the American Labor Relations Act of 1947, which passed Congress in a thin margin only to be vetoed by Thurmond. When the proposal reached Congress, many Democrats and Republicans cried out against Hoffa as if he had shot their mothers and tossed her corpse in a Shark tank, especially loudy were the members of the Society for the Defense of Liberty, calling out that this was the first step in a Communist regime.

    The Law, which passed thanks to the Populist majorities and a defection from key Republicans and Democrats in the Senate, courtesy of Johnson, repealed all the State-level "Right-to-Work" laws which allowed workers to not contribute to Union funds and forbade Union membership from being a requirement to enter a job. Furthermore, Hoffa would establish the National Labor Board which was meant to mediate Union agreements and disputes with their companies, which obviously was completely biased towards the Unions as Hoffa gave the Presidency the power to appoint it's members. Republican Congressman Barry Goldwater, a staunch supporter of Economic Liberalism, pushed the question of the Constitutionality of the Law to the Supreme Court, where he was defeated in a 9-2 vote, as many expected since Huey Long staffed the Court throughout the 1950s not only by adding two new seats but by secretly pushing opposition Judges to resign and even favorable Justices to do so in favor of younger candidates which would last for longer.


    Now, pushing this act through the Populist Party demanded political capital and negotiation skills from Hoffa, a man who knew how to bargain and strongarm opponents from his time in the IBT. But his greatest challenge was to deal with a man even better than him in the "High Clergy" of the Party: Lyndon Johnson. LBJ had an interview on CBS that month where he did express his opinions on Hoffa, claiming he was a good and committed Union leader and had a good tenure as Secretary, however he did subtly cast doubts if he was the best choice. Of course, he could not openly go against Huey Long, enough of the Party worshipped the man enough that it would be a shot on his own feet, but Lyndon was still resentful over having his higher ambitions curtailed by the rise of the "Trucker". Winning him over was crucial for sake of Party Unity and for governability for Hoffa's White House, which is why Hoffa would have a meeting with him on the 28th of January, a very tense meeting.

    The two personalities could not be so similar, which is a terrible thing when it comes to Politics. Both ambitious men who pushed their own agenda, strongarming opponents, counting on questionable connections and even more questionable tactics. Hoffa would be a victim of the Johnson treatment, of LBJ using his towering height and atitude to intimidate his opponents in a close conversation. Thankfully for Hoffa, he was used with dealing with Frank Sheeran, his bodyguard, enough that height was not something that scared him, and he was used to dealing with mobsters too. The Conversation spanned the afternoon, both of them meeting at a precise time to start and a precise time to end. LBJ's positions and influence in the Party were reassured, furthermore, Lyndon would have Hoffa's support to become the National Director in the coming Party elections in 1962 before the Midterms, all in return for pushing Hoffa's labor agenda. Jimmy also spoke with Johnson on the matter of Civil Rights, both concerned over splitting the Party, which meant they would have to eventually deal with Wallace and his southerners.

    Lyndon held the Senate at bay, with a rigid discipline in the Populist Party which was built over a decade by the "Shark" and with dire consequences if one went out of line. Such was the case of Senator Henry Wallace, former Secretary of Agriculture in Long's first term who returned to politics later as a Senator for the Populist Party, although he did claim himself as an Independent. When he voted against the National Security Act in 1954, he would be forever tainted in the eyes of LBJ and finally time came for payback in the Senate Election of 1958 in Minnesota, where the scandal broke out where Wallace was accused of financial appropriation of funds during his tenure as Secretary, as well as an enormous slander campaign in the Press which spread over his secret connections with astrology and occultism that were being kept a secret by the Long Administration for a decade. He lost his seat, with the more agreeable Eugene McCarthy rising in his place.

    With his understanding with LBJ, which included a potential slot for Vice-President in 1964, Hoffa pushed and approved his act and soon Unions celebrated across America. This was not only about the right-to-work and the Board issues, but further entrenchment of Labor rights gained during the Wheeler and Long Administrations was ensured, as well as the minimum wage being increased in over 50%, set to be adjusted annually according to inflation, which many economists protested. Yet, Hoffa's America was seen as a symbol of progress in social rights with a greater emphasis towards Urban workers than the Long America did, they were in the front when it came to pushing Labor rights, and yet suffered when it came to Civil Rights.

    The death of Lucky Luciano could be considered the start of the Great Mafia War in America, others claim it was the murder of Frank Costello a week later, finally there are those who claim it started when Giancana declared himself "Boss of the Bosses" and started his conflict against the Commission. All of these events in September of 1961 can be attributed as the starting point for the greatest wave of violence ever seen across the United States by organized crime, a conflict which extended from years and it was a result from the enormous growth in the power of the American Mafia during the previous years, and the sense of impunity thanks to their agreements with the FBI and the Federal Government during Long and Hoffa's Presidencies. Either way, no matter which of these events began it all, what matters is that this was one of the events during the 1960s which characterized what some contemporaries called an "Age of Strife", both in America and abroad.

    Lucky Luciano died in a plane trip from Cuba to New York of a heart attack, the plane landed and he was already dead by that time. Thousands would go to his funeral on the 6th of September, 3 days after his death, including some of the highest members of the Italian-American community in North America. A respectable businessman with grand ventures in places such as Cuba, across the East Coast, and even in Portugal until the German invasion. He dreamed of one day visiting Italy after the war, a dream which was never achieved. But mostly he was a vile man who headed the largest criminal organization in North America as the esteemed founder of the Cosa Nostra Commission of the Sicilian Mafia in the 1920s after Marazano, his former boss, was replaced by him and he abolished the title of "Boss of the Bosses" in favor of a decentralized organization uniting the Five Families of New York, the Buffalo and Chicago branches of the mob, and later expanding to Florida and sometimes losing such as was the case in Louisiana after Marcello's prison.

    Frank Costello, one of his greatest allies and new head of the Luciano Crime Family, sought the expected confirmation by the Commission of his leadership of Luciano's family. That was the expected outcome, after all Costello, together with the Jewish Lawyer Lansky, were the main figures allied to Luciano in the family with Costello being his Consigliere. There was the matter of Genovese, the Underboss, who would have been the ideal successor, and even the expected one, but he was only recently released from a 2-year Jail sentence and lost a considerable influence. Resentful, Genovese reached out for allies to stop Costello from taking the family he claimed for himself, which is where Giancana came in. The two met during Luciano's funeral and while they apparently only had a short conversation away from most onlookers, it was enough to reach an understanding as the ambitious Giancana was about to make his own move and needed an ally in New York.

    On the 10th of September, Frank Costello was shot in the head outside his apartment by Vincente Gigante, a boxer who turned to ally with Genovese. The death of Costello also coincided with the assassination of his major ally and enforcer of the Commission, Albert Anastasia, known as "The Lord High Executioner" of the Mafia. With Costello being killed, Genovese became the head of Luciano's family, one of the most powerful in New York, all while chaos was already starting as a meeting was called by Giancana in Chicago, a high level meeting of the Mob that included representatives from the West to the East coast, including Santo Traficante from Florida, who recently allied with the Chicago boss. The FBI was aware of the meeting, but the Attorney General, William Bufalino, ordered Morrison to not interrupt it.

    The Grand meeting of Chicago was made under the excuse of splitting the loot from Anastasia's operations between the families, while Genovese wanted to legitimize his takeover of the newly named Genovese Crime Family. However, on the 17th of September, Sunday, when the meeting happened Giancana changed subjects, and with the backing of the Florida branch and Vito Genovese, who happened to have already been legitimized at this point of the meeting, shocked the others. Traficante backed the name of Giancana to end the Commission and be named Boss of the Bosses, a title abolished 40 years earlier by Luciano himself. Genovese backed him as well as Carlo Gambino who had taken over Anastasia's family in that meeting, and Gambino's ally Thomas Lucchese. The other crime families either remained publicly neutral, such as the Bufalinos from Scranton, while the others such as Joe Profaci, the Buffalo branch in Upstate New York, and the other New York families would stand against Giancana's power grab. The Mafia War had started.

    The year of 1961 would not be as eventful as the years which would later come in America, but one crucial event that year would happen that had officialized what has long been delayed by the United States government, a geopolitical matter neglected for a long time. In September that year, the events happening in Europe brought back the tensions from the Ural War, a new wave of refugees was coming, this time with a substantial amount of German citizens. The Pakt was beginning to turn against itself with the death of Darnand in France and the change in command leading to renewed tensions between Italy and Germany, for the first time being brought to the Public as Almirante condemned the destruction of the Cathedral of Cologne. The Death of Pope Pius XII would lead to a change in the command of the Vatican and a decisive turn of the Catholic Church against the forces of the Reich led by Joseph Goebbels. Furthermore, in South America, the fall of Darnand was seen as an opportunity by Brazilians and Germans alike as Goebbels began to make plans to turn the French Department of Guiana into a base for Nuclear missiles. But while the Guiana crisis had still not happened, Hoffa made what Dean Rusk has pleaded for Long to do for years.

    The meeting happened on the 9th of September, Saturday in Washington D.C. and representatives of the United States, United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Nations, French Republic (Free France), the Governments in exile of Belgium, Portugal, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Poland etc, as well as the Russian Empire and the State of Israel, would sign up an agreement which is considered the stepping stone of a larger alliance. Hoffa did not promise a guaranteed protection, however all members of the alliance pledged their resources to one another in case of an attack by the Pakt. It was the first meeting of the COALITION OF NATIONS which publicly stated their goal to protect it's members against the repeated aggression of the German Reich, pledging to share a common pool of military knowledge and technology, with Hoffa swearing publicly to raise the American Military spending for the next year.

    The response of the Pakt was a renewed aggression in it's rhetoric, but Joseph Goebbels was elated with the declaration, the former Propaganda Minister had his beliefs "Vindicated" of a grand Jewish conspiracy of the Reich's enemies which justified his violent actions for sake of keeping the unity of the Pakt and of the Reich. Besides, he saw the possible fragilities in this new alliance, not only did Hoffa refuse to include a pledge of direct military intervention in the case of aggression, London refused the idea of a United Military command as King Edward kept the Commonwealth under his direct leadership only, which meant that essentially the Coalition was not as united as it claimed to be due to the last decades of cold relationship between Washington and London. But nevertheless, the Washington Conference in September of 1961 would mark the first time since Cordell Hull that America had firmly established a Geopolitical strategy in response to the Pakt's continued aggressions in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The United States pledged to financially support the Exiled governments, while nations such as India, Mexico and Japan gained an Observer Status within the organization. Hoffa refused to lower Tariffs, after all the interests of the American Unions were still a priority to him, and he feared that if other members of the Coalition began to reduce barriers, it would cause a capital flight from the United States due to the Anti-Communist histeria and the anti-business positions of the Populist Party.

    Nevertheless, Hoffa would still have to endure the coming storm at home, with the Civil Rights movement soon to blow up it's campaign in 1962, a rising crime wave beginning to grip the Nation, a growing resistance against his Labor Policies and his own coming fight over the FBI caused by the Mafia War, which would lead to his clash against Huey Long himself who observed the movements and acted less and less as a retired old man, and more like a Political manipulator. Furthermore, he still would have strong headaches thanks to the mouth of his Vice-President. Finally, the Latin American Continent would see the Platine Pact imposing itself as a powerful regional force as the ambitions of the Brazilian leadership would only rise with time, preparing to challenge Washington itself over their supposedly secure long-time control and influence over their "Backyard".

    But soon, both the Coalition and the Platine Pact would have to join forces as the Pakt made it's first major military move in South America.

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    "Gaulliste!" was the word that the crowd paid the most attention to in that afternoon in Paris, a word which meant betrayal, a word which meant treason. Yet it was not Charles de Gaulle, Pauline thought, who came to Paris with the Swastika by his side, it was not Charles de Gaulle who was sending soldiers of the Waffen-SS down the Arc of Triumph. But she kept to her thoughts as she watched three men being dragged up the platform as if this was some sort of revolutionary idea, to cut off a man's head with a blade. The analogy seemed lost to the Fascists, she thought, because the Guilloutine was a symbol of the old Revolution, the one they were doing all to erase. Killing the person would not kill the idea, because as long as the German set his foot on France's neck, France would fight back, she knew that it was never the natural behavior of the French men and women to stay idle while injustice and oppression reigned.

    And yet she did not look around, she did not want to see the face of the crowd, who all became bloodthirsty savages seemingly overnight. She still remembered when the people of Paris used that instrument on the greatest of traitors, Laval, when they stormed into the Palace, dragged him and his sellout bureaucrats out, and exacted their justice on him for all the crimes of the last decade. Now that same crowd seemed content in watching the Milice do the same to those few "ring-leaders" they found, condemning them with the same intensity that was once used to enact real justice. Pauline did look around now, there were differences, she thought, this crowd was younger.

    "Avant-Garde" they were called at first, now divided between two organizations within, one for boys and one for girls. "Charlemagnes" was how the boy's section was called, with their deep blue and black uniforms, armed with a holstered pistol in the case of older teenagers who finished the weapons training. "Jeannes", named after Joan d'arc, was the name the girl's section was known for, all of them with their deep blue and white uniforms, their leaders also having guns of their own as Darnand considered that every Frenchman should be ready to go at the first signal of attack, and even the women should be thrown in as a last resort. This is what Pauline did not want to see, they were little more than toddlers when France fell, raised by the Marshal Petain and now by Darnand to be their great leader, led to believe that Germany freed them and the Pakt was all a great European family with the Reich as their Big Brother. She did not want to see them because there were so many of them, and all of them seemed to believe what they were told, all of them were now cheering, all of them came into the city with Darnand and the Wehrmacht to crush their Liberation.

    She recognized one of the men going to the chopping block, it was Armand, and nobody can blame her for not cheering because he was her boyfriend once. It did not work out, his activities with the resistance always kept him away and the few moments they had together were spent talking about politics, sure they agreed with most things, but a relationship is not built only on that. The resistance government, as de Gaulle's Africa was known by some, was truly desperate if Armand's talks of him being one of the best was true, because she had never seen a "spy" with such a loud mouth before. That is why the Milice took him, because the crowd did not have any true ring-leaders that day, they just seized the most loud, attention-seeking idiots that they could find to be publicly chopped off.

    She did not look when the blade fell and left when she heard the uproar of the crowd, still gave a glance back for sake of giving her mind some peace in a way, to tell herself that he was gone. Pauline walked away before the other two executions of two nobodies she did not know, she was pretty sure most of the crowd did not know them either, they just knew those three were "Gaullistes", that they were supporters of de Gaulle, the man she hoped would save France. But hope was hard to keep when you see the children, the future of your nation, grow up to despise everything that is French, and to think if she was a few years younger she probably would be in that crowd, cheering for the death of "Gaullistes". It was sickening and it was hard to go around and not see one execution in the days after the Wehrmacht came down upon them, in the days after the rise of Darnand, and while they would wind down in the coming months, never truly went away. In fact, unknowingly to Pauline at the time, far worse was happening across the Mediterranean as the new Overlords of France learned much from their Masters.


    Joseph Darnand became the new leader of the Third most powerful member of the Linz Pakt, although it was a country which suffered greatly over the past decade. He took on the new title of "Grand Marshal of the State" (Grand Maréchal d'Etat) and his first decisions once the Dakar crisis ended was to consolidate power over what was left of France, a country which had spent years being ravaged by the Germans and the West alike. Initially, he opposed the German invasion, an opinion which quickly changed with Operation Barbarossa, where he saw as France's duty to stand by the Reich against Bolshevism, and then became an enthusiastic collaborator by joining the SS, rising to the rank of SS-Standartenführer, the equivalent of Colonel, within the SS-Charlemagne division, a force compromised by French adherents of the German ideals. Hitler and Hess both saw France as an old enemy which needed to be humbled, brutally if necessary to never rise again, and then restored as an ally and part of their plans for a New Order in Europe. Darnand was the one responsible to see the rise of France into this new order after Laval's failure, being entrusted that duty by Germania and backed by Rommel's forces in crushing the Paris Commune uprising in 1951.

    France was not completely irrelevant to the German plans, they still held a strategic location and possessed the control of Algeria, Morocco, French Guiana, as well as a few scattered islands in the Caribbean which the United States and the United Kingdom did not seize yet such as Saint Martin. The control of North Africa was also crucial to ensure the Mediterranean would remain a "Lake" controlled by the Pakt from Gibraltar to the Suez, which was practically ensured after the Suez War in 1952 and the fall of Cyprus. Israel alone was a sore thumb sticking out in the map as an obviously anti-German State. Besides, Hess was generous in lifting several military restrictions imposed by the Treaty of Versailles (Purposefully made in the same halls as the infamous treaty which started Hitler's rise to power) and scaling back the deployment of German forces in the French coast enormously due to his belief in a Detente with the British Empire.

    The first priority of Darnand's regime was to deal with none other than the French Fascist groups led by Jacques Doirot and his French People's Party, which was part of the overthrow of Laval during the chaos of the Paris Commune. The backing of the German army overwhelmed the PPF's paramilitary force which had exhausted itself fighting an open war against communists and other revolutionaries. Doirot and Darnand were different in their goals, the former approved of a more "French" version of Fascism that would hold a more traditionalist approach while the latter prioritized cooperation with Germania. Obviously the Wehrmacht under Rommel was under orders to support the latter, Darnand would not accept two leaders in France but he did know that Doirot's ideas were not as fringe as his', in fact he possessed a strong base of support in the French Right which the French Leader wished to co-opt for his regime. An agreement was reached and while Joseph would retain the sole leadership of France and the PPF would be dissolved as a political Party, Doirot was named into the Council of State for a permanent chair and given the role of Minister of Propaganda.

    A new Constitution had been made in 1951, it would be finished in June and published quickly as a more simplified document which mostly served to just reaffirm the almost Totalitarian powers of the Grand Marshal (Who could only be removed by an elaborate process). The restrictions of the previous authoritarian French State would only be radicalized with a liberal implementation of the Death Penalty for those accused of treason or espionage to "Enemy States" (which meant that sending State secrets to the German government would not fall under this definition of treason), as well as the usual centralization of powers and measures which would later inspire the German Constitution itself. Truthfully, the law acted more as a guideline than as a rule, Grand Marshal Darnand could do as he wished through decrees, including anuling the Constitutional provisions at his will. It was a level of power that no French ruler ever possessed, at the possible exception of Louis XIV and Napoleon Bonaparte at their most excessive.

    Between 1951 and 1961, Darnand would rule over France as it's "Führer", yet much of his power resided in the fear that the French population and it's leadership had of a second German intervention, one which could result in further humiliations and restrictions that were only recently lessened. He wished to have a power base of his own, which led to the expansion of the Milice and it's roles between 1951 and 1961, propelled in part due to the threats of Algerian terrorism. From around 30 thousand members in 1951, the organization would expand to 200 thousand by the end of that decade. Darnand's militia was compared to the SS, in fact many pointed out to France as an example of what Heydrich wanted, the takeover of the Party by it's paramilitary. The Single party adopted by the State as official was the "French National Popular Action" (ANPF), merging the movements of Deát, Doirot, Deloncle and Bucard, as well as several other Fascist groups and even open National Socialists. Darnand would move to consolidate his possessions following the disastrous Dakar debacle where the West African colonies were lost, namely the French mainland, the Caribbean possessions, Algeria and Morocco.

    France itself was suffering many difficulties in the aftermath of the 1951 Uprising, there were departments where resistance fighters were still launching attacks, protests were not fully quelled, there was active resistance against the new regime in Southern France. Every port city was a risk, it was a point of entrance where foreign assets could infiltrate the French State, or worse, where de Gaulle could land and rally supporters for himself, the ghost of 1815 was still haunting the Parisian regime: A foreign-imposed government which promised a return to the old status quo before a revolution that ended up with the last leader losing his head? An exiled popular General with the ambition of returning home and who had the popular appeal within many sectors of French society who longed for the days before the war? History could repeat itself in Darnand's mind, which is why he sent the army and the Milice on brutal crackdowns from Brest to Toulon, focusing on securing the port cities before quelling insurrections in the interior. In that he had the backing of the Wehrmacht and the Kriegsmarine, who still held bases in the French coast such as St. Nazaire. Holdouts would last until 1952 when the last rebel guerrillas and resistance groups who were practicing open warfare in the French mainland were crushed at Romandie.

    He also had other mechanisms other than fear to crush the population, Darnand would paint Pierre Laval, his predecessor, as a corrupt bureaucrat and crypto-socialist (ignoring the fact much of the French Fascist leadership were ex-socialists themselves) while he would be the savior of France from the corruption of Laval's regime which was perceived as widespread. He did launch a purge on the French bureaucracy, targeting many of the "corrupt", most of them being just apolitical opposition figures to his own takeover and in most cases he only replaced Laval's schemes with his own to strengthen the Milice and it's funds. But the press would paint it as a positive move and to many people, in the short term, Justice had been achieved. As for the German "domination", it would become less apparently with Hess in command as the new Führer pushed for the Detente with Britain and scaled back enormously on the military deployments in France and in the French coast during the 1950s, a process accelerated following the Suez War.

    For the Caribbean, Darnand's main challenge were the Anglo-American forces, and while the timely presence of the French navy on naval exercises in the Caribbean, which was scheduled in preparation of Hitler's resumption of the war, did dissuade Huey Long enough as to not seize the Caribbean possessions of the State, Darnand knew that was an exposed area. Help would take days at best to arrive from across the Atlantic while being harassed by the superior Anglo-American Air Force, and the Dakar Crisis showed him that Hess would not stand with France against the British if it came to blows over a Caribbean territory. That is why, out of the Linz Pakt members, Darnand's France was perhaps the least anti-American in rhetoric and action. Using the old French "Special Relationship", he wanted to paint himself as the legitimate French leader over de Gaulle, as Huey was skeptical of the French general like most American leaders at the time, he promised not to militarize the Caribbean or establish new naval bases through informal channels established in Lisbon. While he did not have much power in practice to stop the Germans from doing so, thankfully that coincided with Hess' rule, possibly the most inept leader who ever held authority in matters of foreign relations in Germany since Wilhelm II.

    What happened to Algeria and Morocco, however, was far more brutal and revealed the most vile aspects of the French regime, comparable only to the German conquest of Eastern Europe.


    For Karim, there was little difference between the French. From the south came tradesmen across the desert who gave news about a new "General de Gaulle" who claimed to be fighting for freedom against traitors. From the north came other visitors who came in the name of some "Marshal Darnand" who claimed to be fighting for freedom against traitors. What difference could you expect a boy to make, while he always thought himself more clever than his peers, he still did not understand what this hassle was about. Just that sometimes came men claiming to be fighting for Algeria and for freedom against both of those. And while the southerner and the northerner spoke about freedom to the French, they spoke of freedom to Algerians, some saying they were all "Arabs", so one in his town, a man who he always called Uncle Faisal despite never being his uncle, would go with them.

    Now his house was burning and the butt of a Rifle hit the back of his head, he fell forwards with his face hitting the gravel hard enough to make a cut, not like he noticed, Karim has been hit everywhere these last minutes. Now he was pulled by the arm and shoved against a rock wall, with other townsfolk, most of them women, including his mother and sisters, were all there. In front of them there were a few men speaking in French, he could tell they were French as they spoke just like the visitors who spoke of de Gaulle and Darnand, but he could not hear well what they were saying over the cries of the others. One of them pulled a pistol and shot upwards, making them all silent while Karim wiped his tears and blood from his face with his wrist.

    "You will be a message to those who support the terrorists", was what he could understand, Karim could understand the language but not the meaning. What message? They were supposed to tell others about what happened? But why would they want that? Aren't criminals supposed to keep their crimes hidden? Would the police come for them? Although by what they were wearing on their arms, perhaps they were meant to be the police, then who arrests the police? Those french were all holding weapons, larger than the pistol that man had fired, for a moment he looked them in the eyes, he looked him in the eyes, and Karim looked him back. But he could not tell why he saw that, why did the man look so full of hatred? Who were even those terrorists? The man looked away from him and stepped back, with Karim's mother holding him tight. "Close your eyes, Karim" she had said, and when he saw the guns aimed at them, he understood finally what that was, and he started to cry.

    The last thing Karim heard were the cries of his sisters as they were shot, and then the bullets got to him. That was the message.


    The Algerian War, also known as the "Pacification of the Maghreb", was at first considered a war, even if an unconventional one, but by the end of it there was nothing happening in there other than mindless, senseless slaughter. There are different phases for the war, some claim it had started in the 1940s, but the cause for it's final explosion into an Armed conflict were the new policies by the Darnandist regime and the rise of Nasser in 1952, with a wave of Nationalism renewing across North Africa. It was not limited to Algeria either, with Sultan Mohammed V's imprisonment and the end of the protectorate serving as catalyst for an insurgency in Morocco as well. The French forces were inadequate to fully pacify the population of both territories and the guerrilla campaign had started to strike the French hold at it's core, all while terrorist attacks were made by Nationalists in Mainland France to forment unrest against Darnand. It was very well possible that his regime would have ended with Algeria, but Darnand learned much from his time in the SS, and with the support of the Germans, the repression of Algeria would turn into the extermination of the Maghrib, with concentration camps employed in a scale unmatched by any nation other than the Reich itself, the active racial and religious extermination of the Muslim and Arab peoples, the empowerment of Pied-Noir militias as death squadrons, the forced settlement of hundreds of thousands of Frenchmen over the decade as well as radical "natalist" policies which saw the use of mass rapes and forced weddings by French forces similar to the German Lebensborn program. But in the end, what set this apart from other genocidal programs was the liberal use of nuclear devices by the German Reich under the guise of "Tests", used to eliminate from villages to rebellious concentration camps. The Saharan sands would turn red in blood and be littered with the corpses of tens of thousands of refugees who would die in the attempt of reaching De Gaulle's "Free France".

    How did the conflict begin? One could trace it back since Charles X conquered Algiers, initially an expedition against the Barbary pirates that soon became a colonizing mission. Of all French Colonies, Algeria held a special place in the hearts of the leaders in Paris, it was their first colonial adventure in large scale after the sale of Louisiana and the loss of Haiti, it symbolized a return of French prestige following the defeat in the Napoleonic Wars, it was also the final conquest of the Bourbons before the July Revolution in 1830 and even the following "Liberals" and "Revolutionaries" always saw Algeria as a part of France as integral as Corsica or Normandy, at least most of them did from Socialists to Reactionaries. From Algeria came the conquest of Morocco, of Tunisia, of West Africa, Equatorial Africa and so many others, and although practically all the others were lost, the French were determined not to lose this one.

    The population of Algeria was a mixed bag, numbering just above 9 million by 1952, with between 15 and 20% of those being made up by Ethnic French and their descendants, named as "Pied-Noirs"(Black Feet), as well as a substantial amount of "French" Arabs who followed the Catholic Faith, and a population of Jews who were among the first to flee after the war, by 1948 most Jews in Algeria had migrated to Israel. But the great majority of the population, overwhelmingly so in the countryside, was made up of Muslim Arabs who were heavily discriminated by the French Code de l'indigénat, the code of rights and law for Colonial natives which heavily discriminated against this majority in favor of allowing a dominance of the Pied-Noirs. By 1952 that hardly made a difference as France was essentially a single-party state with voting cells decided by the Grand Marshal in Paris, but the grievances were still the same for the Muslim Algerians who, if anything, were treated even more spitefully by the growing Milice.

    Some suspect that Darnand was already planning a genocide of Algerians from the start due to the correspondence exchanged between him and Reinhard Heydrich both before and in the aftermath of his rise to power, but it appears Darnand had his reservations on the plan, considering it a radical solution and instead proposing a harsh assimilation policy to be implemented, a cultural rather than racial genocide. He also believed that co-habitation to a certain level would be possible similar to the Italian Libya, however the proportion of Italians and Libyan natives was never as weighted as the difference between Pied-Noirs and Muslim Algerians. Nevertheless, those plans and intentions came more out of concern both of his own image and on the costs of such program, which was seen as unnecessary due to the relative peace in Algeria during Petain and Laval's regime. All of that would vanish within a couple of years.

    The eruption of Arab Nationalism which was brought by the rise of Nasser did not hit only the Middle East or regions such as Jordan, Sudan and Yemen, but it also spread across North Africa and into both Morocco and Algeria. Sultan Muhammad V, differently from his Egyptian, Iraqi and Jordanian counterparts, fully endorsed the movement for National Independence and even made appeals in favor of international support to it, using the official status of the country as a protectorate rather than as a direct French territory as was the case of Algeria, as well as the division between French and Spanish protectorate zones. Laval refused to grant that independence despite the growing nationalist movement and while Muhammad met with Cordell Hull during the founding of the United Nations, promises of American support died with the POTUS in 1946. He scaled down on his public appearances in favor of independence as the grip of the French State grew, but in 1951 he used the chaos following the deaths of Hitler, Franco and Laval to publicly call for Independence and signing a declaration co-authored with the local nationalist movement Istiqlal, hoping that Rabat would be the next stop of De Gaulle's troops after capturing Dakkar. Those hopes were dashed with Darnand's ascension and the Grand Marechal now aimed to punish the rebellious Sultan.

    In 1952, events unraveled fast, first in Egypt the Pan-Arab revolution incensed the Algerian Nationalist groups and the Moroccans, then came the coup against Muhammad V and the Civil War in Morocco, then the massacre at Oran which led to the start of the Algerian War itself. While Nasser's rise to power was already been previously discussed, there is the relationship between the Pan-Arab movement and the Maghreb uprisings which happened at the time. Nasser made no secret that he supported Algerian Independence, in fact many volunteers and weapons came to Algeria through Egypt following the Suez War. However, he was quite restricted on what he could and could not due to the fact the main patron of his regime was, ironically, the Italian Empire. Mussolini did not wish for "his Libyans" to gain ideas, it was a vested interest for the Italians to ensure Pan Nationalism in the Arab would would be fully diverted against Britain, rather than backfiring against the Pakt. However, in the interest of ensuring the French State would not usurp their own interests over Tunisia, Nice or Corsica, smuggling routes across the Libyan desert were kept under "watch" and occasionally some weapon deliveries were "lost", it was a part of the Italo-French rivalry within the Pakt which at some times flared over the Treaty of Verdun. Naturally the French had never spoken of the unfairness of the German demands, so the Nationalist rhetoric was directed at Italy. Similar to the Romeno-Hungarian, Croatian-Serbian, Hungaro-Slovak and even Romeno-Bulgarian relationships, Germania did leave vague borders arbitrated under their command between two nationalist states as a form of "divide and conquer" since the days of Hitler.

    In Morocco, Thami El Glaoui, Pasha of Marrakesh, offered himself as a French loyalist alternative to the outspoken separatist Mohammed V and the Alawi dynasty, which was a very convenient ploy for Darnand to get his own loyalist in charge of Morocco, strengthening the French authority to repress the growing insurrectionist tendencies in the population. Thami, a powerful aristocrat who became alienated by the Sultan's support of the modernist and unruly Independentist leadership and their breaches in the traditional protocols, was willing to act in the name of French interests and offered to Empower the Council of State around the Sultan, led by the head of the French Administration, the recently appointed Marshal Alphonse Juín. It all began in April, even before the Suez War, when Thami made a public declaration to swear his eternal loyalty to the French Administration and condemned the Independentists, with an uprising being used as an excuse by Juin to seize Mohammed. But while many spoke of replacing him with a relative, including Alphonse himself, Darnand disagreed with any "compromise" and claimed the Alawi dynasty had condemned their right to rule by themselves. Thami El Glaoui, now known as Thami el Mezouari, became the Sultan of Morocco and declared illegal the Istiqlal movement.

    But on the 18th, a few days later, there was a break in the prison of Casablanca where the Sultan awaited transport to France, Mohammed V would be smuggled out by loyalists denouncing Thami's coup. Thus began the Moroccan Civil War between supporters of Mohammed and the Independentists, against Thami el Mezouari and his loyalist Berbers, openly supported by the French garrison. Primo Rivera ordered the divide between the French and Spanish protectorates to be closed and strengthened the garrison, fearing a repeat of the Rif War from 3 decades earlier. Internationally, there was ample support for Mohammed in Britain and Free France, with de Gaulle supporting him as the "legitimate representative in the eyes of the French government and the World", it was an important declaration which saw some men in the French garrison support Mohammed, meanwhile the British under Butler would give credence to the Moroccan struggle and supplied armaments by sea. Huey Long would make a declaration in support of Moroccan Independence, reminding of how they were once the first nation to recognize American Independence, but it was a mostly symbolic gesture.

    With Morocco and Egypt rising up, it was only a matter of time before the same issue came to Algeria, in that case there was already a strong movement for Independence established in exile, the Algerian People's Party, which had been politically active in Pre-War France. Of course, that was one party which was not acceptable in Petain's framework, even less so now under Darnand who refused any compromise with Separatists or even with autonomy. A clandestine force, the Party would move to De Gaulle's Africa, who agreed with their plan of giving autonomy to the Algerians in return for a united front against Paris' regime. There were those who disagreed, those who would form the National Liberation Front (FLN), refusing compromise with any of the French factions, and with the growing repression from Paris, their appeals were heard more than those of the Algerian People's Party which remained in Dakar. Led by Ahmed Ben Bella, a Nationalist living in Cairo under the protection of Nasser, the movement began to establish a network of resistance cells within Algeria, connected with others in Morocco and soon receiving a flux of weapons and funds from the Nasserite government.


    The Catalyst for the uprising was the Massacre of Oran on the 21st of August of 1952, a strike which was called by local nationalists to block the transfer of a weapons shipment to Morocco in the local railroad station would quickly grow into a large protest with the erection of barricades on the streets. Following years of increasingly repressive policies and the alienation of the Muslim Algerians by the Code of Indigenat would lead to an uprising in the city, calling for a repeal of the Code and full equality before the law, with others already shouting for independence. The local police was deployed to contain the uprising and soon enough the Milice took matters in their own hands, under the command of the local Department Commander, Raoul Dagostini, would unleash the military-grade arsenal given to them over the last year by firing live rounds and mortar shells at the crowd, considering them as separatist rebels in open conflict against the State. Dagostini's Milice would not stop at dispersal, but he ordered his men to chase and shoot down the panicking crowd after a shot was fired from it, likely from one of the nationalists, which turned the massacre into the deathliest "retaliation" in Algerian territory up to that moment, over 400 would be dead and many more wounded, with over a thousand prisoners, of which less than a hundred would survive the next three years.

    In retaliation, the FLN would declare on the 29th the formation of the Algerian Provisional Government in Cairo, leading to the start of the Algerian War. With several coordinated attacks being launched by the Front from the shore to the Atlas mountains and even raids in the desert, the war had officially begun with Darnand declaring a State of Emergency (Which is why the Algerian War is also called the Maghreb Emergency in France) and placing General Marcel Peyrouton in charge, a former Minister of the Interior and ambassador who advocated for a harsh repression of the Rebel groups. And yet, Peyrouton's time as Governor-General was still considered relatively peaceful and contained compared to his successor's and it avoided some of the worst of the brutality which came afterwards.

    "They made a desert and called it peace!"


    As the war began in Northern Africa, the mainland in France would see the beginning of a shift in power, with the different collaborationist forces centralized under Darnand's command, he set to rid himself of his main rivals in the party, Doirot and Déat. Not only did he believe himself as a French version of Adolf Hitler, who was meant to introduce France into this New Order as a strong partner of it's own, but many of these other collaborators had ideas misaligned with his own. Between 1951 and 1956, The Grand Marshall would work to consolidate his power in the French State while using the Maghreb Emergency as a way to rally the people against a common "foreign" foe. The Bureau of Anti-National Activities, now headed by Henri Devillers, a former soldier who was recruited in the Abwehr and was instrumental in the dismantlement of the "Combat" Resistance Group, after controversies with Laval he would stay in Germany and later returned as Chief of the Internal Security Services, which was quite telling of how much the strings of the Reich showed at Darnand's government despite him attempting to keep up appearances more than Laval did.

    The war would also lead to an upsurge in Terror attacks until the declaration of a Quarantine in 1955 following the Lyon bombings, if simply because Algeria was considered a part of France proper and therefore Algerians were able to quite easily reach the French mainland in order to launch terrorist attacks, and sometimes even cooperating with De Gaulle's resistance cells against high level military targets and depots. The idea was to provoke the French people against the Darnand regime and showing his incapacity of keeping order in France, forcing him to enter legitimate negotiations which could be mediated by the Italians. One thing the FLN did not consider was that Darnand completely disregarded civilian losses and in time he would call support from the Germans to fully "Pacify" the Maghreb, which would lead to the genocide of millions of Algerians and Moroccans until the death of Darnand.

    What did come to bring the first attrition between the French Regime and the German Reich was the start of the persecution of Catholicism by Wegener's Party Chancellorship. Despite a history with anti-clericalism and the close ties with the Hess regime, the Council of State, responsible for advising Darnand, cautioned him against such policies in France as potentially bringing the wrath of the French people, mere 5 years after Laval's execution and with the ongoing Maghreb insurgency causing a sink in resources and in the already low popularity of the collaborators. While Darnand distanced his rule from the Catholic Church compared to Petain, it was still a very sensitive topic to tackle, and the risk of instability more likely would cause the Panzer divisions to move on Paris once again and replace him with a more flexible puppet.

    There was no large-scale persecution of the Catholic Church in France during the German Kirchenkampf of the late 1950s, yet the same cautiousness Darnand had would later be used against him by Goebbels to paint him as an unreliable leader to "pacify" the French Race. Ironically, it was the suggestion of the German government itself that he should not pursue to imitate their own "internal struggle" for pragmatic reasons, although the Grand Marshall was quite willing to turn over fleeing priests across the border. Reinhard Heydrich, his superior in the SS (now SSK after Heydrich's agreement with Wegener), conversed with him over the matter in a meeting at Verdun, both of them speaking also on the matter of Algiers and the worrying results of the rebel resistance, which included even a recent terrorist attack in Paris which killed 14 Frenchmen in a Cafe. Angered at Darnand's incompetence, Heydrich opted to send an "Advisor to the Governor-General", a man who represented the German government and it's interests, ensuring he had a final say in the "Pacification of the Desert" as Heydrich called.


    Klaus Barbie, nicknamed as the "Butcher of Stockholm", an SD operative who was responsible for the Gestapo activities in Sweden between 1946 and 1951, credited with the destruction of the Swedish resistance and the capture of thousands of German emigrees and escaped Jews during the occupation, including personally being part of the torture of prisoners at times. Shortly before Hitler's death, he was meant to become an overseer in the occupation of Manchester during the planned occupation of Great Britain. Thankfully to the citizens of Manchester, that did not happen, rather he was now being sent to Algiers as the main responsible to oversee the "Expulsion of dangerous elements", an euphemism to what came to be nicknamed as the "Algerian Holocaust", although calling it the "Maghrebi Genocide" would be more accurate as it's operations were extended to Morocco as well.

    The war in Morocco had lost any pretense of a Civil war with the death of Tamil el Mouzari in 1955, after 3 years of protracted conflict which mainly had devolved into a sectarian war between different tribes and with the French forces struggling to keep control of the countryside. Tamil, already an elderly man, came to deeply regret his actions, being made a puppet by the Council of the Sultan and the Governor-General while having much of the country destroyed by the years of war. Detailing the campaigns of the Moroccan Civil War is a challenge for historians as there were few open battles between both forces after 1952 when the Nationalists attempted to seize the Capital of Rabat, administrative center of the French protectorate, only for the city to be later retaken by a French marine force. Mohammed V did control much of the countryside and used the harsh terrain to his fullest advantage, appealing to the proud tradition of Independence his people possessed since the defeat of the Ottoman attempts to conquer them.

    He would die on the 4th of April of 1955 of a heart failure, but instead of passing the throne to his heir, the French Resident Alphonse Juin would announce the end of the protectorate, using a previously made agreement with the Spanish which allowed Primo Rivera to seize Tangier in return of consenting to the French annexation of Morocco as part of France proper as much as Algeria was. It was a bold move which alienated many Moroccan allies who served under Tamil, that led to the most successful year in the Moroccan rebellion, with Governor Juin's forces being pushed back to the costal areas after the fall of Marrakesh. It appeared by 1956 that the Moroccan insurgency was on it's way to an eventual victory.

    In Algeria, the French presence was stronger, but they still would suffer pushbacks with the Atlas Mountains Insurgency, the Algerian "Front of National Liberation" would make great gains between 1952 and 1956, especially thanks to several factors such as the favorable geography, the alienation of the Muslim Algerians under French control, and the supply of weapons from Egypt coming through smuggling routes in the desert. Governor Peyrouton would be assassinated in February of 1953, from there on at least three other governors would come and go after successive failures. Peyrouton had prepared a system similar to the British suppression of the Malay insurgency by forcing the population of rural areas into concentrated "Hamlets" to contain the insurgents and keep vigilance on sympathizers. One problem was that the brutality of the French soldiers in such areas led to them becoming the perfect ground for recruitment by FLN agents, another was that the French forces would suffer with the chronic lack of manpower. One commander did openly question his superior in a report as to how he was expected to keep control of 900 Algerians with 15 men in 1954, and most of times Algeria was deemed as an exile by French officers who were sidelined in the political games of Paris.


    The meeting with Heydrich, the fall of Marrakesh, and the FLN's offensive towards Algiers would finally provoke the change in policy seen in April of 1956, Governor-General Raoul Salan and Governor-General Alphonse Juin were both replaced by the end of the month and a new strategy was adopted. Instead of treating the insurgency in military terms, the Emergency became an "Ideological struggle" for the French State. For that, the Emergency greatly empowered the Ministry of the Colonies, now under the recalled Charles Planton, former minister under Petain who was removed due to a rivalry with Laval, an ideologue and fanatical anti-semite who desired to export the ideals of the French State to the colonies and enact a plan of industrialization to compensate the losses from the French mainland and deconcentrate industry. Algiers now also became the seat of the "Commissariat for Pacification of the Maghreb" under Louis Darquier, former Commissioner-General for Jewish affairs and the main responsible for the deportation of French and Algerian Jews to Germany in the 1940s.

    Klaus Barbie went with Darquier's team which arrived in Algiers in May, immediately working with the Bureau of Anti-National activities and using intelligence collected by the RSHA/SSK with their deep infiltration in the French State affairs. Not only was a large degree of corruption found to be hampering efforts, there was also the issues of low morale and lack of manpower in the combat of the insurgency. The Germans would then become more directly involved in the region, interested in the mineral deposits of the Atlas mountains, the potential of the Moroccan possessions for naval bases, and of course the growing number of oil fields in the region was of vital interest of the German State. The French Foreign Legion, an instrument created by Louis-Philippe over a century earlier, was one of the methods the Germans found to covertly support the French efforts, as an influx of thousands of German veterans would oin the legion to combat in the Maghreb between 1956 and 1958. During these two years, the tactics would have a drastic change as Heydrich believed the "demographic imbalance" and the "savagery of the Algerians" were the main responsible for the situation.

    The Pied-Noirs, who by and large supported the French forces, were radicalized by propaganda, painting the terror of what were to happen if the Algerian "terrorists" were to win. Meanwhile, the French armed forces were expanded and the Milice would be actively involved in "pacifying" the territory by sheer brutality. The Ministry of Propaganda painted the Algerian terrorist strikes as an "Attack on Europe", with the German assistance being praised and the effort being painted as a defense of the "Mare Nostrum", the Mediterranean, from the Judeo-Bolshevik Algerian terrorists, as well as the savage Sultan of Morocco and painting the rebellion as a covert effort by the United States and the "Perfidious Albion", playing on the anglophobia which returned in France following the events of 1940.

    The "Hamlet" Strategy was the perfect situation for the Germans, as with a terrifying level of experience, Barbie and his advisors began to build up infrastructure through forced labor, connecting the small villages into larger camps, Concentration camps closer to the coast. The Luftwaffe began to use incendiary ammunition against rebel holdouts and the targets became more and more indiscriminate even compared to the already very thin restrictions on the French Air Force. As the German involvement grew, the Italians, fearful of the possibility that their "faults" were found to be more than incompetence, shut down the smuggling routes between Egypt and Algeria, and with Nasser building up his forces to strike Israel and with the arming of insurgents in Sudan, little could be spared to the FLN that had to resort more and more to raiding French military depots, which left them more exposed to the enemy.

    But Concentration was not what the French intended, while the previous governors desired to restore a semblance of control and the previous status quo, that was not the intent of Darquier or the RSHA. The infrastructure of three camps, "El Harrouch" and "Zahana" in Algeria, and "Moulay" in Morocco, was made specifically in the design of camps such as Treblinka, Auschwitz, Chelmno and Belzec. With at least 13 "Concentration" camps which worked with the "Extermination through Labor" system. It is morbid that the largest logistical infrastructure buildup in Algeria happened during the period when Paris was most focused on exterminating the local inhabitants. The populations of urban areas would be separated in ghettos, which was helped by the existing infrastructure that de-facto segregated natives and French citizens and their descendants from the Muslim Arab majority. In the countryside, the plans moved in first with the forced relocation through forced marches by the German and French units, which arrived in growing numbers by the day. Many Algerians and Moroccans believed, wrongfully, that extermination was not the goal of the arriving forces, merely they would be going through another relocation process, as several happened in the years prior during the war.

    The German concessions were not only economical, but biological, the French authorities did give the Germans permission to do the "necessary actions" to end the Emergency in collaboration with the French forces. That meant the arrival of many doctors, with German geneticists, full of fresh ideas for experimentation following the discovery of the DNA, now had fresh subjects to be used. One novel field in exploration, for instance, was the effect of radiation on the human body, and while the Germans already began to conduct such tests in the Arctic circle, near their traditional test sites, the Sahara presented an new environment for the experiments, with members of a different race, which for the eugenicists in the Reich was a fascinating prospect. As many Sephardic Jews shared traits with the Algerians and Moroccans, the three living under the Almohad Dynasty centuries earlier and with a substantial Jewish population having previously lived in North Africa, this also served for many as an opportunity to test the effect of radiation on the "closest-kin" of the Jewish people of Israel, as many of the post-war generation of "doctors" never had the opportunity to make tests on Jewish subjects before.

    The Wehrmacht would also use the Sahara as a test for nuclear weapons, ranging from the "Artillery" type of shells to Thermonuclear devices such as the "Ludendorff" device, dropped near the village of El Bayadh in October 1957, measuring 28 Megatons. The village was caught within range of the radiation fallout and the survivors were taken by the Germans to a nearby concentration camp at Marhoum, being observed and suffering with forceful tests and experiments that included the peeling off the burnt skin, the tests with iodine pills which were considered by many as a "cure" for radiation, and proximity to other prisoners to see if the radiation would spread as an infection would. The results were that all of the subjects died, even those who did not get killed by the effects of the radiation. There was also the use of portable, small nuclear devices which were used similarly to the Panzerfaust, although the device was still in a prototype phase by the time the Ural War started and did not see action during the conflict, one of these was the "Atomfaust" (Atomic Fist), a small device mounted into a Rocket Launcher-type gun that fired a device with the explosive yield of 25 tons of TNT, although it was considered largely inaccurate, more to be used as a morale weapon or used in mass against a fortified position.

    The Franco-German collaboration, as the leading role of the French authorities must not be minimized, would lead to the end of the FLN's campaign. As commented by Mao Zedong, fighting an insurgency could be efficient if you did not care about killing civilians, "drain the pond to catch the fish" was taken as a guideline by the "Pacification" forces. Muhammad V of Morocco would be murdered in a German commando raid on the 27th of December of 1957, fragmenting the Moroccan resistance after years of pushbacks from the Franco-German forces. The Algerians found themselves lacking in manpower and ammunition, many of them opting to fight to the death, others fled across the Sahara to West Africa or back to Egypt. Tens of Thousands of Algerians would make the daring trip across the largest sand desert in the world under scorching heat and cold nights to arrive at places such as Timbuktu, using old caravan routes, from there they would be received by the French Republic of Charles de Gaulle, who used the event to attack the French State and denounce it's genocidal policies. But many did not even believe that such a scale of attrocities was being perpetrated in the region. Many more Moroccans would flee to the Spanish territory or reach De Gaulle's Free France, with others using Spain as a springboard to reach Portugal and cross the Atlantic, daring trips in the straits of Gibraltar leading to tens of thousands of deaths or disappearances as the desperate Moroccans and Algerians made the crossing, knowing the alternative was death. By 1960, 2 in every 3 Moroccans in Rabat were killed for example, as well as the great majority of the local intelligentsia with them, out of 10 million Moroccans in 1953, only 3 million natives were left by the end of the decade. In Algeria, the population of Algerian Muslims dropped from 9 million in 1952, to closer to a million by 1960.

    As the Ural War began, further German reinforcements were halted, being supplanted by coming Frenchmen as the government on the mainland, seeking to imitate the German eastern colonization, would begin to settle the costal areas of Morocco, sometimes by forced means, with Frenchmen and Pied-Noirs. Forced sterilization campaigns, as well as forced marriages and conversions to Catholicism were perpetrated by the French in an attempt to cull the numbers of the Arab population and prevent further growth in the future. In 1959, the Emergency was declared over, but that meant little as the French policies that continued as brutal as they were and the continued oversight by the SSK ensured that the administration was "well-guided". Darnand was proud of his achievements, which ensured that rebellion was unheard of in the Maghreb, claiming that the region would be "as French as Corsica and Normandy" through forced assimilation of the remaining inhabitants. He had hoped to have solidified his name in French History as their own version of Adolf Hitler, propagandizing the success as a return of France into a role of prominence, painting a future of a French North Africa, with it's enormous potential used for industry and propelling forwards the French economy to make it a vital member of the Pakt, of the New Order in Europe.
    Two years after that, he would be dead.

    There was an odd silence in Europe following the Ural War, a silence which was broken by a thousand screams, by the shouts of a marching song and furious crowds, of torches and ropes, of burning buildings and monuments. The old Continent, which had it's apogee 50 years earlier, had declined since then, mutilating itself with wars and fanaticism, until the final monstrosity, the cost to be paid for the past opulence, finally came. The rise of Joseph Goebbels was an event that the Grand Marshal of the State had feared, and with the death of his patron Reinhard Heydrich, left him exposed, vulnerable. Everything came down so quickly, there was an odd belief that Goebbels meant well, that his fanaticism was appeased and he would be another Hess, a loud speaker while the Party ran the show, agreements have been made with Albert Speer over German investments on the port city of Casablanca, but it all came to naught. Within weeks all of it came down, the SS was destroyed, the SD subdued, the Volkssturm was now here to take it's place. The investors were gone, Speer was gone, and all the great industries of Germania now belonged to the Führer, a level of control unseen since the Bolsheviks.

    And yet, something more sinister was happening, there were people fleeing into France and they were not the usual "untermenschen" who would be easily sent back, those were Germans. They were German civilians fleeing by the hundreds, or at the thousands, into France, enjoying the terms of the Linz Pakt which privileged the movement of German citizens to it's members, only to seek refuge in these countries and never return. Eventually they began to speak the stories, of the fear they went through, some just for wearing a crucifix on their necks, another had a grandfather who was a member of the Social Democratic Party, another had a distant cousin who sheltered Jews during the war. News came that the Jews were back, that some were caught in Hermannstadt and it was revealed that a grand scheme was being run in collaboration between the United States, the United Kingdom, the Russian Empire and the State of Israel to sabotage the Reich, spread false propaganda and arm terrorist groups to launch attacks such as the Rostock bombing in 1958.

    And now Goebbels was showing his true colors, and during an entire year, Germany has been bursting in flames. From Party leaders to children, nobody was safe when the song was heard, when the torches were seen, the youth was gripped with a fanaticism like never before, as if they were saving the world by hanging families on lamp posts for all to see, anyone ever suspected of having a Jewish ancestor thousands of years ago was a target, any blood could be tainted, anyone could have been manipulated. It was paranoia, with the racial beliefs and antisemitism taken to it's most illogical extremes, the idea of Ideological purity was the rule, nobody wanted to be seen as lacking in fevor in following the Führer, so obviously they all wanted to show how eager they were, with public lynchings equally moved by hatred and by fear. The Volkssturm roamed the streets, the crowds all raising in salute, and if a child failed to properly doing so, it was seen as their family indoctrinating them in Jewish teachings and led to the child taken to a foster home for ideological education while the parents would never be seen again.

    Now Goebbels came down on Darnand, who he always saw as a man devoid of true belief, a man who had refused to properly control the clergy in France as was done in the Reich, one who was suspected to even be in contact with the resistance. All of which was illogical, but truthfully, Goebbels hated Darnand, an SS man to the bone, and had already chosen a replacement. It was very convenient, really, all of the measures made by Darnand, from hiring a former Abwehr officer as head of his intelligence service to freely allowing German officers to reach high levels of information and all the open collaboration, all of that made him extremely vulnerable, especially as he rid himself of other rivals during the 1950s, including less sycophantic men who would otherwise have opposed Goebbels' move. The SD was still functional, and still in a very close position to influence the Council of State and the Ministries, to influence the Party, to influence the French higher levels of politics as they saw fit, as Goebbels saw fit.

    It was the 27th of September of 1961, Joseph Darnand was leaving the Élysée and headed to Lyon when his car exploded, killing him in instants. Further investigation revealed that the car was reviewed by a French Pied-Noirs, a man whose brother was rumored to have an affair with an Algerian woman. Immediately the link was made and there was even a convenient Algerian terrorist group, a small remnant cell that nobody even heard off called "Secret Army" (AS), ready to claim the authorship of the attack. This also showed that Darnand's "Pacification" was still incomplete, or at least that is how it was painted, and finally the Party gathered to elect a new leader, a man who was relatively low compared to the larger politics and yet he was also exactly what Goebbels seeked: Jacques Schweizer.


    (Jacques Schewizer)


    (Marc Augier)

    Schweizer, aged 57, was a lawyer but also leader of the militant group "Youth for New Europe", a movement calling for a greater cooperation between France and Germany, a youth organization which grew in numbers to over 80 thousand members after the German victory and thanks to the rising of a generation more sympathetic with their ideas under the Darnand regime. He abolished the title of Grand Marshall, claiming it's overtly militarist title was a relic from Petain and Darnand, the new France would have to be one which understood that this new order was the status quo, that De Gaulle and the exiles were not an equal opponent but rather an old aspect of the old Europe which would die in time, this New Order, which he firmly believed in, required cooperation without giving up independence. By his side was also Marc Augier, his former superior in the movement who passed it's leadership to Schweizer, Augier became Prime Minister, with Schweizer becoming President as the old titles and governance of the Petain government had apparently returned, but the State was no less Authoritarian as before, and no less committed to Germania than Darnand was. Goebbels saw great potential in the "Young Europe Movement" if properly commanded by the Reich, a form to mask the servitude that the Linz Pakt imposed, and France would soon be the role model for all of Europe in his vision.


    But the change of power in Paris came with a new demand, Goebbels saw a coming war with the United States as inevitable, as his mentor once did, and for that reason he desired to break the limitations (self-imposed by Hess' insanity and also contained by Darnand's cautiousness) on the Caribbean. A Brazilian patrol vessel would spot a German cargo ship which mistakenly entered Brazilian territorial waters on Amapá, headed to the French Guiana. The ship fired a warning shot from a deck gun on the approaching Brazilian vessel and, after a short standoff and the arrival of the Brazilian airforce, raised the white flag and allowed an inspection. The ship was seized and taken to Brazil, where it was found to have enriched uranium used in Nuclear Weapons. The CIA discovered the incident, which happened on the 12th of November and soon the messages were sent to the Dutch government in Suriname and to other members of the Coalition of Nations, an emergency meeting being called by Hoffa as soon the crisis became apparent: French Guiana was being militarized.

    Guadeloupe, Saint Martin, all islands still owned by the French Government would find American ships and planes surrounding them, while French Guiana was put under a Quarantine by the US Navy that shut down all traffic in and out of the Island on the 15th of November, which began the Guiana Crisis. The French government answered in outrage with denial over the claims that nuclear weapons were being stored, instead they claimed the United States interfered with the Free navigation agreements it was signatory of. However, images from American Spy planes soon revealed the extent of the crisis, there were rocked launching bases and possibly even nuclear warheads in French Guiana, as well as a naval base near Cayenne which was being used for German U-Boats to ressupply, as well as possibly new bases being built over in Guadeloupe, or at least the material for them was already set up with a clearing area.

    The German government answered in outrage, with Hans Luddin protesting the borderline illegal movements made by the American fleet and announcing boldly that the Kriegsmarine was willing to defend the French possessions, and that an American attack on a Pakt member was an attack against all of them. Goebbels denounced the American movements but he mostly remained quiet, he knew the Reich was not "ideologically" ready for a war, he still believed that a conflict during Der Angriff would risk destabilization, opening the way for Jewish agents to provoke another "Stab-in-the-Back". Yet, he would still show strength, and did so by sending in an armed escort, led by the Aircraft Carrier "Europa" and the propagandized Battleship Bismarck, as well as an assortment of destroyers and U-Boats meant to escort a convoy to bring further equipment into Guiana.

    Due to the conflict in the Maghreb, the French forces in Guiana were understaffed, mostly made up of recruits with a few German officers to oversee the construction which included the forced conscription of several tribesmen into forced manual labor. That was a move which would backfire terribly as a factor neither the United States nor the Germans considered would enter in action. It was the 23rd of November when the German fleet came across the American one, with the 72-year old Admiral Günther Lütjens commandeering from the Bismark the incursion into the American naval containment zone. The American fleet, under Admiral Arthur Radford, moved aggressively to show force, keeping up the Blockade of French Guiana while the USAAF flew planes dangerously close to the range of the German fleet, which made Hoffa furiously demand Radford to be removed over his excessively aggressive actions, but Radford was not and Lütjens, firm believer in the supremacy of the German navy in this specific situation and still supporting the old Battleship doctrines, would make his own show of force by having the Bismark lead the escort and force a breach in the Blockade, an even more aggressive move.

    Both sides had essentially lost control of their own admirals as each one of them was making one aggressive move after the other, with American destroyers even dropping depth charges near the U-6323, a Nuclear-armed submarine which attempted to breach the blockage. The crew came close to a mutiny when the veteran captain refused to fire the nuclear torpedoes, Captain Walther Schröder was accused of lack of National Socialist zeal by his crew and the Volkssturm commissioner, Adolf Brückner, being less than half Schröder's age, demanded him to fire the torpedo, as the consent of both was necessary, but Schröder refused. The situation escalated and a firefight would break out in the ship, only ending when Schröder made the sacrificial decision of opening up the Torpedo tubes and sinking the submarine, although not before sending a transmission to Lütjens in order to prevent him from believing the submarine was sunk by the Americans. The transcripts would later be salvaged by the American fleet and published, becoming the main plot of several movies over the years, the most famous being "Pressure: The Story of Captain Schröder".

    What ended the blockage was a move which none had seen coming, on the night from the 24th to the 25th of November, Cayenne came under assault, overwhelmed not by a sea invasion as the garrison expected, but by a land invasion which struck them from the rearguard. One of the greatest feats in the history of warfare and an example of Infiltration tactics as the Brazilian army, allied with a coalition of native tribes in the region and coordinating with captured natives using signal codes, invaded French Guiana using the jungle trails. The French conscripts deserted while the enslaved broke into a revolt, attacking with an almost suicidal determination the air field and the radio tower. Operation Cabralzinho, nicknamed after the Brazilian general who beat a French invasion into the Brazilian Guiana in 1895, was a phenomenal success aided by the distraction of the German forces, the overwhelming number advantage of the revolting natives, the passive support of the population of Cayenne, intelligence provided by the tribesmen and by Brazilian scouts, as well as the familiar terrain to the Brazilians (which was practically foreign to the German officers in charge of Guiana), led to the success. Heavy casualties were inflicted on the natives by the German guards, but the arrival of a Brazilian paratrooper force which took off from Belém was well-timed in ensuring the success of the revolt. It was also aided by the sheer racial arrogance of the German commanders, who did not believe the natives to be intelligent enough to coordinate an uprising. By the night of the 25th, the resistance holdouts had fallen and the Brazilian government formally announced the annexation of French Guiana. Salgado would also claim that the Germans dismantled their nuclear armaments during the battle for Cayenne, although that would later be seen to have been a lie, for the Brazilian State had acquired crucial pieces for their own nuclear program.

    The reaction of the other two involved was nothing less than shock, an enraged Lütjens called back to Germania for permission to launch a nuclear strike on Rio de Janeiro, or at least the nearby city of Belém, but the message arrived in Germania at the same time as news of Free French forces, transported by the British Royal Navy, launching a coordinated assault on the other French possessions in the Caribbean. Paris was willing to go to war as they claimed French Guiana as part of France proper, but Washington quickly shut down the idea by calling back on the Monroe Doctrine, despite their differences with the Integralist regime in Brazil, they claimed them to be under their Nuclear Umbrella. With the last base of the Pakt in the American continent being eliminated, Goebbels was willing to negotiate, as he still believed the Reich to be unprepared. On the 26th, again through the Dublin connection, Hoffa and Goebbels would come to an agreement where the United States would not interfere with the Linz Pakt's affairs in Africa and the United States would remove it's nuclear long-range missiles from Iceland, reducing their coverage over the Northern Sea. This way, the Germans promised to no longer interfere on the Western Hemisphere, a promise that Hoffa was very suspicious of being empty, as any agreement with the Nazis was, but he agreed for sake of ensuring Goebbels would order his nuclear submarines away from the range of the American coast for the moment. Either way, publicly, the Reich had been humiliated, and Goebbels now knew who he would blame, and the consequences would bring in one of the most dramatic events in European History.

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    "Pro Hominibus Constitutus", appointed for the people, that was his motto, and he knew what tragic age it was for a man to be appointed for a people who had no voice, sent like sheep to the slaughter. Josef Richard Frings, the Archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal of the German Bishops, and now the most Holy Pontifex of the Catholic Church, did not have an enviable task when Pius XII died in 1961, specifically on the 9th of August of that year, because he knew that now he had a responsibility to be the voice for all that he had seen, all he had witnessed. He was there, a recently appointed Archbishop when the first Day of Victory march happened, and he knew all that had happened under the surface in Cologne. The arrests, the euthanasia, the forced divorces, the forced abortions, the infanticide, the camps... dear Lord the camps... he did what he could to help, but he always felt like he could have done more, like he could have saved one more. But it just became worse as the time passed, and even when Adolf Hitler passed, his successors did not stop, with a man who claimed to speak with spirits ruling the most powerful nation in the Old World, and his vile ambitious underlings fighting for power and using the lives of millions in their greedy schemes. His position was protected for a time when the persecution began against the Church, when they seeked to destroy the very teachings of Christ with their perverted religion. No, that was not Christianity, that was never Christianity, for how can a man take the words of Christ and use them as a way to exterminate others?

    "Neither Jew nor Gentile", that is what Apostle Paul wrote for the Galatians, and now that became truer than ever, because for the vile hooked cross, there was no more a distinction of Jew or Gentile. Sure, they never spoke ill of the Germans, it was always the Jew, the enemy was the Jew, but in actions they had started to go even after their own. He still remembered how he himself was arrested like many others, and how he heard stories such as the one of the Priest of Viechtau, a man who stayed in his burning church, or of nuns who were humiliated in public by the thugs of the SSK and of the Hitler Youth. He was released from prison after a couple of weeks, like most of the priests who were considered too influential to be just eliminated. The people of Cologne signed up a letter in his support, and Pope Pius himself asked for him to be spared, an honor he did not deserve, a humbling experience that showed just how different this time would be. Because Rudolf Hess was a weak man, one even Frings believed to have a soul tormented by demons and who did not share the same type of wickedness that came from the predecessor he worshipped.

    Joseph Goebbels was not Rudolf Hess.

    The white smoke came up on the Sunday, August 13th of 1961, and to a great crowd, came the rise of Pope Stephen X. The name made it clear already what the situation of the Catholic Church was, by taking the name of the First Martyr of Christianity, a man who was stoned to death by a crowd, the new Pope was seeing the situation of the church across the continent where crowds attacked priests and mass lynchings became an encouraged practice in the Reich. After that day, Josef Frings was never able to set foot in Germany, for he swore that he would not set his foot on the same country that flew the Hooked Cross. He appeared before this enormous crowd after a short but tumultuous Conclave, where the Church debated what their stance on Nazism would be, where he unfortunately saw many men who were among his colleagues becoming nothing more than puppets that spoke the words of the Devil incarnate. It was perhaps his heated human flaws that spoke, but in Goebbels he saw an evil unlike any other except perhaps of Hitler himself or Joseph Stalin, he saw the spirit of the Antichrist.

    He knew his actions could lead to his death, but as his name showed, he was not hesitant to be a Martyr, because he knew that is what he should have been, he should have died like so many priests and servants of God who died in the persecution in 1956, he should have been killed for his actions, but better men than him had achieved that level of self-sacrifice, because the truth is that he was afraid. He was afraid during the persecution, otherwise he would have done far more than he did to oppose Hitler, Hess and Goebbels, he was afraid of the climate of terror, and he felt the responsibility bearing down on him, that he should lead by example but he also could not set an example that would cost more lives. He understood better than any other the dilema of Pope Pius XII, that if the church stood more firmly, they would earn their Martyrs, and if they did not, then they would be silent during the greatest of injustices. He would not be like Pius, he would not be like he was until these last days, he was God's Vicar, and he would have to speak for the people, for those who no longer had a voice.


    Between 1959 and 1962, Italy would go through a short and tumultuous rule led by Giorgio Almirante following the death of Benito Mussolini and the aftermath of the fall of House Savoy when Emperor Umberto's coup failed against the Fascist forces in Rome. The escape of the Monarch after the disaster would lead to the rise of the Italian FascistRepublic, although they still called themselves an Empire, yet another case of the PNF seeking to imitate the Roman legacy by including the apparent Paradox of calling themselves a Republic and an Empire at the same time. For sake of simplicity, many prefer to call this as the Fascist Republic, a time where the Fascist Party was still trying to find a unifying figure due to Almirante's divisiveness. Differently from Germany, where the position of the Führer was firmly established, and only solidified by Goebbels' rule, in Italy the Duce was not unchecked in his power, as despite publicly being a Totalitarian leader, the Grand Council of Fascism many times would prove to be a challenge for Almirante to deal with.

    Italy as it was on the 7th of June of 1959, when the Fascist Republic was declared and Almirante rose to power, was in an enviable position. The first Nuclear test had been considered a declaration of Independence from Germania by many Fascists, the Italian Imperium ruled a vast territory in both direct and indirect ways across the Mediterranean, the wealth from the Libyan oil fields flowed to the Peninsula, offsetting some of the worse effects of the overall economic stagnation brought by the Autarky policies which Mussolini enforced strictly until his death. Almirante would even have a chance to showcase Italy's strength during the coming Olympic games in 1960, Italy was living what many consider a golden age in Sports, even including their victory against Germany in the 1958 Europa League, the major football event of the Linz Pakt and the last one where both Rudolf Hess and Benito Mussolini attended as the Ural War began mere days after the finals, where the Italian National Team would defeat the German one with a 3x2 score.

    Of course, there was the concern if Italy would even remain in the Pakt to begin with, and how that could affect sports was the last matter concerning the minds of the Fascist Party. There was a window of opportunity between June and August as Hess' continued insistence on continuing the Ural War, with fears of new controversies after the invasion of Portugal and the possibility that Germania would demand "cooperation" within the Alliance, something which the Italians adamantly refused during the entire period of the conflict. But leaving the Linz Pakt was something which went beyond the already great threat of German retaliation, as there was no goodwill between Italy and London and until 1961 the United States was still following Huey Long's lack of commitment on the international stage. There were probes between diplomatic services of the United States and the Italian Fascist Republic and Washington lacked the pragmatism of protecting Italy, especially as Almirante was outspokenly committed to Fascist ideals and many feared London would see a betrayal, considering that Italy was formenting insurgencies in Sudan and Yemen through Pan-Arabism.

    The Ultimatum and Goebbels' rise to power had been a change of perspectives, especially with the end of the Ural War on the 18th of September of 1959. Goebbels, and especially his new foreign minister Hans Luddin, would be a breath of fresh air compared to the paradoxal policies of the Hess' government, and despite the cold meeting and even aggressive remarks made by Goebbels during that event, there was a sense that the worst of the Italo-German relationship died with Rudolf Hess as the Reich again reaffirmed their commitments against Britain and support for Italy, even proposing joint operations to support the United Arab Republic's military reconstruction following the end of the 12-Day War in the previous year. There were many within Italy who still believed that German-Italian cooperation and a shared European "Destiny" was meant to be the continued policy of the Italian Empire, although those were a minority in the overwhelmingly Catholic population (at the very least in name only as many in the Fascist Youth have grown increasingly Secular under Mussolini's rule), they did hold strong positions in the party, especially in the Blackshirts.


    Roberto Farinacci was a man who had by many years been praised as the Fascist ideal, Loyal to Mussolini and to the movement from it's early days, known for his ruthlessness and Germanophile ideals. In 1956, him along with Carlo Scorza would lose much of their hold on power, to the point of not being considered a serious candidate for Mussolini's succession, following the German persecution in that year against the Catholic Church which led to backlash against Germanophiles in Italy. But he kept a crucial position, the one of being Mussolini's "man" inside Germania, being the de facto ambassador to the Reich in an special position to be held for life. Between 1956 and 1959, he would stay in Germania during the troubling years of Hess' rule, watching closely the vicious power struggle between Heydrich, and later the "State Faction" against Paul Wegener and the "Control Faction". He resented Wegener, despising him as a bureaucrat sapping the energy of National Socialism and fearing something similar happening in Italy if a weak man was to succeed, plus his resentment of the Grand Council of Fascism, which did have the power to overthrow the Duce himself. During this time, he grew close in his contacts with the State Faction and Reinhard Heydrich, using the latter's command of the SSK/RSHA to reestablish his own influence in Italy. However, he lacked the strength to succeed Mussolini due to the destabilization of the SD following Heydrich's demise and the height of Anti-Germanism of the time that led many of his supporters being reluctant in pushing his name into power. He expected to be made the Duce if Umberto's coup were to succeed, as Kaufmann, in no uncertain terms, declared that it would be intolerable to allow an Anti-German nation in the Continent, the idea was to avoid a "Jewish Foothold" in the South.

    Pavolini's death left a power vacuum in the leadership of the Blackshirts which led to the most crucial error in Almirante's entire rule, as on the 10th of June he recalled Farinacci to have the leadership of the PNF's paramilitary arm. The reasons are unknown, although Almirante claimed to have been a conciliatory gesture, it was a decision many were hesitant to support. While Farinacci's credentials in the Blackshirts were practically unmatched in the ranks of the Party, he was a man known to be supportive of the Reich while Almirante did publicly state his goal of defending Italian interests and a reconciliation with the Catholic Church. Either way, Farinacci accepted the job and became the new Chief of Staff, the de facto commander, of the Militia. While some consider that Almirante sealed his fate with this decision, that was merely the first step in a road of many paths, it just so happened that the new Duce chose the one path that would lead to his death and the suffering of his people.

    It is quite debatable that one might even use the term of "Good Fascist" as some claim Giorgio Almirante was, but it is only when contrasted with his successor that one might claim him to have positive merits greater than his terrible ones. While Italy did continued to be a Fascist State, there were efforts made by Almirante to provide a sense of stability and normalcy to the Italian people, as shown by his sense of optimism following the end of the Ural War and the belief that it was possible to repair broken bridges, namely he did have an interest in expanding the Italian commercial links by phasing out the policies of Autarky and allowing the market to manage the system by promoting privatization and reducing the Fascist price controls that reached almost draconian areas in sectors such as wheat (still as a result of Mussolini's policies enacted in the 1920s) and grains. Trade agreements would be pursued alongside a controlled opening of the Italian market to other nations beyond the Middle East and the Pakt, Latin America being the main target of Italy's overtures.

    The Platine Pact and Rome had a complicated relationship of a cautious friendship which was always tempered by the Italian membership in the Linz Pakt, always seen with resentment by the Brazilian Integralists, although Peron had less concerns over the "friends of his friends" in his agreements. Almirante's tone with the Catholic Church was received positively by the Latin American nations and this led to a series of meetings between July of 1959 and February of 1960 that established new commercial agreements where the Italian State was able to diversify it's exports, especially in regards to oil and other petrol products, in return for agricultural and other primary goods that Italy lacked, which allowed Rome to keep the price of many food produces low amidst the fears of inflation as the price controls were lifted on said products in early 1960. The fact nations like Argentina also had a large community of Italian immigrants and a good percentage of their population had Italian ancestors led to close links between the two States being reinforced by Almirante's diplomatic campaign.

    As Goebbels moved to Nationalize the assets of the largest industrial conglomerates in Europe, Almirante would use the opportunity to seize the assets of the IG Farben and Krupp industrial empires within Italian borders. These were not as substantial as they were in places such as France or Romania, since the creation of the Pakt in 1945 included the permission for Mussolini to raise certain protectionist barriers that shielded the Italian industries from the overwhelming "competition" and straight up control of the currency of some nations through aggressive policies under the guise of "cooperation". Either way, that led to an expected attrition with Goebbels as those industries were under the direct control of the German Ministry of the Economy now, but seeking to avoid further deterioration of the relationship between the two countries, Almirante reached a compromise where he agreed to further expand the military cooperation between the two nations by preparing a joint military exercise in Libya scheduled to 1962 between the three branches of the Wehrmacht and of the Italian Armed Forces, it would be the largest military exercise of the Pakt after the Ural War and an opportunity for the German forces to to gain experience in desert warfare, which was part of Goebbels' long term plans. A few concessions that seemed minor at the time included the replacement of a few of the more outspoken anti-german figures in the Italian government and the relaxation of border security in Southern Tyrol.

    Croatia was perhaps the biggest dilemma in the Italian government due to the fact it was still led by the overthrown Savoy Dynasty through Tomislav III, also known as Prince Amedeo and former Duke of Aosta, who has ruled Italy since his father's death in 1948 and wrestled control of the country from the German-aligned Ustashe following the death of Hitler and the death of Pavelic by a communist partisan. After a vicious conflict against the self-declared Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia led by Tito and his partisans, the Monarchy was initially found to be a relief and the far more moderate rule of Tomislav would endear him to many Croats, although most of the country still resented the foreign monarch, Amedeo worked to endear himself to the Croat people and appealed to the Catholic population as a support base by standing up against Goebbels' persecutions and sheltering escaped German priests, even receiving a blessing from Pope Pius for his actions. Now, Almirante desired to continue the favorable relationship with Zagreb, despite the personal animosity Tomislav held for the Italian Fascist leadership. Croatia, once one of the most radicalized states within the Linz Pakt, was now seen as a moderate alternative, keeping a Royal Dictatorship similar to the Bulgarian Kingdom, although it is still important to emphasize that many Anti-Serbian and Anti-Muslim policies were kept, prioritizing the Catholic Croat population to the detriment of the Serbians and Bosniaks, although nowhere close to the genocidal persecution led by the Ustashe.

    The days that preceded the death of Pope Pius XII in August of 1961 were calmer than Goebbels' purges in the previous year showed, in Italy there were many Germans who sought refuge from the actions of the Volkssturm, many who fled fearing for their lives. And yet, this was still far from the worst of the persecutions that would be unleashed later on, the purges had reduced and the public demonstrations had ceased since the end of 1960. The Volkssturm still made their marches, but now they were not only more contained, but they also rarely ended with an execution, and no longer in public. Goebbels desired to project a new image of a purified Germany after the deaths of thousands of people, it was meant to be a stronger and rejuvenated Germany similar to the first years of Hitler's rule, and that included new agreements. The Italian Nuclear program had reduced it's growth since 1959 and in 1961, an agreement was made where the Reich would subsidize several Italian ventures such as a program of military modernization in return of a limit of their stockpile. Mussolini had an original design of creating 100 atomic bombs by 1962, but by the start of that year, only 12 were made and they lacked modern delivery systems, limiting themselves to Heavy bombers. The cap set by the German government in these negotiations was of 20 weapons, which Almirante foolishly believed would be enough of a deterrent from a German invasion. But Germania was far more insidious than he expected them to be.


    At the age of 83, came the end of the Papacy of Pius XII, a controversial and yet stable ruler during the darkest times of the Catholic Church in centuries, a time where Nazism left it's permanent mark on Europe and set the stage of what was to come in 1956. Pius attempted to appease Germania while also keeping firm positions of the Church and help the victims of Nazism when it was possible, his relationship with Italy being even more complicated as he would be forced to tolerate Fascism for sake of the Vatican's survival. His death was registered on the 10th of August, but he already had expired during the night of the 9th, in a night where he would depart with a troubled soul. Perhaps he did not do enough, perhaps he did what was expected, perhaps he did more than others would have, but either way he had died and the looming shadow of the Reich continued to suppress the Catholic Faith. Goebbels, still as propaganda Minister, had greatly reduced the aggressions on the Faith for sake of Unity during the Ural War, but the damage was done, the precedent was set of parishes and monasteries being ransacked, of cathedrals being invaded, of churches being burned. Just as it was with the Jewish people after the Kristallnacht in 1938, there was a limbo, a silence before the storm struck with full strength.

    When the Conclave was called, both Germania and Rome were watching closely the events, Goebbels knew that the leadership of the Catholic World could be a determinant factor on his next moves, and Almirante knew that Goebbels would seek to interfere when possible. But the Cardinals proved hard to sway, many of them did not trust the promises made by Germania for very obvious reasons, and as such the SD would resort to threats in some cases. There was an attempt to ascend a friendly Pope, a German one, and while the end result was the election of a German, it was hardly one Goebbels would have preferred. Josef Frings was the head of the German Bishops, the former Archbishop of Cologne, and while that in theory should have given Germania more of a say, as many naively believed in the Reich, any deeper knowledge of the kind of man Frings was would immediately sweep that aside. Goebbels believed he could be intimidated, as he had once been arrested in 1956 and the threat of an intervention would keep him in line, but Frings' convictions only became stronger. He was a man of Faith, and for that he was willing to go to the last resorts, the first signal of that was the fact he took the name of Stephen, the first Martyr of Christianity who refused to silence himself and was stoned to death for it.

    Stephen X would be acclaimed Pope and he knew that the events of the next months would be crucial in the Christian World. He was congratulated first by the Italian government, with Almirante hoping to restore the relationship between the State and the Church, swearing to uphold the Lateran Treaty. Next came the Brazilian government, alongside many others from Catholic-majority states such as France, Spain and Croatia. Goebbels' message was a veiled threat, he expected the German Pope to be "An example of the faith of the German Volk" and the "Aryan Spirit", pledging to support the Church and protect the Vatican from threats coming from the "Jewish" world. Stephen had no intention of fulfilling such goal and while his Secretary would write replies to the other governments, the Pope wrote by hand to Goebbels in a letter he kept a copy of. Stephen showed humility in his letter, thanking Goebbels for the congratulatory message and yet also he would mention the letter of Galatians, where Apostle Paul claimed that all were equal in God's eyes, and so he rebuffed the idea that he should behave as an "Aryan", for that word had no more meaning to him than the words of other peoples, claiming that the Jews too had souls. Finally he would finish the letter by giving a cautionary warning to the Führer, perhaps as a last attempt of reaching out to his soul.

    "For the wages of sin is death", those are the words of the Apostle to the Romans, I have seen your works, and while I do not dispense judgment beyond the reaches of the Church of the Apostles, the Lord does to all peoples. He sees your works, and he will stand by his faithful in their time of need, may you forsake the spirit of the Antichrist while there is time, Leader of the Germans, for the Lord can save even the greatest of sinners, but so will he dispense his righteous judgment on the unrepentant sinner.
    The Führer did read the letter, and yet his heart would never repent of his own sins, in fact the letter would fill him with wrath as he saw that the Pope was not one who would bend easily, as a matter of fact his very rise and refusal to submitt to National Socialism was the living and breathing proof that the Germans were not as united as Goebbels claimed them to be. And for a man who was nicknamed by his followers as the "Great Apostle" of National Socialism, with many comparisons being made between his relationship with Hitler and Saint Peter's relationship with Jesus, it was almost meant to be that Goebbels would be the one who was meant to strike at his rival. The confrontation of Stephen X and Joseph Goebbels would change the fate of the world's biggest religion, with shockwaves felt around the world, and from this confrontation, Goebbels would forever earn himself another name, one his opposition would greatly exploit. But as of now, the relationship was cold and tense, but the Vatican was still safe within the confines of the Italian Fascist Republic and under the protection of Giorgio Almirante, who Goebbels long planned to overthrow.

    But the work had to be slow, and Farinacci was the key to it, he established his contact with Goebbels during his time in Germania as Mussolini's representative, and in there he would come to both despise but also admire the German leader. Goebbels was racially inferior in the belief of Roberto, and it is not hard to see why he would be the last German in the world to be considered an Aryan, "If Goebbels is the example of an Aryan Specimen, then the Jews are not the bottom caste" he ironically mocked in private. And while some men such as Erich Koch would die for these types of jokes that afflicted the fragile narcissist ego of the Führer, this Italian agent was a man who Goebbels still depended upon for his reshaping of the European Order, which started with his own purges in Germany and was followed by the death of Darnand in France. Besides, Farinacci did express admiration for the Reich's propaganda machine and Goebbels' desire to impose Ideological purity into the German people, a thing he saw lacking in Almirante's rule.

    Almirante, in the view of the radicals and Germanophiles of the PNF, was seen as the "Italian Wegener" or the "Italian Bormann" by some, a Secretary of the Party who took power through a bureaucratic process and desired to change fundamental aspects of Fascism. In the case of the new Duce, the reconciliation with the Catholic Church, diplomatic probes with the west, the opening of the market and skepticism towards European cooperation within the Pakt were seen as a start of a possible decline. Of course, the Italian leader never had any intention of weakening the Fascist rule as Farinacci's own appointment to the leadership of the Blackshirts demonstrated, but he did desire to adopt a more conciliatory tone both within the party and towards other sectors of Italian Society. Almirante denounced corporatism in January of 1962, claiming that the old model had caused a stagnation of the Italian economy and while he did not support a fully capitalist free market, he defended further privatizations and the complete end of Price controls by 1964.


    This speech, which happened in Milan on the 20th of January of 1962, was nicknamed as "The Birth of Neofascismo", New Fascism, Almirante advocated for a modernization, an evolution of Mussolini's vision into the new Europe. He spoke favorably of the "New Europe" movements rising in nations such as France, fruit of the first post-war generation of politicians who took the idea of the Linz Pakt and a Fascist European Order as a "Fait Accompli", which was a way of seeking further cooperation with Germania, but on more equal terms than the existing Economic and military domination that the Reich exerted on the rest of the Continent, speaking against most brutal policies and occupations or further annexations, instead seeking a United European front against Liberalism and Marxism as a whole, avoiding the more radical anti-semitic tones to give the appearance of a more "civilized" alternative to the existing order. While Almirante did not fully lay out this vision in this speech, he did lay many of it's guidelines, including a reduction on the overwhelming state command economy in several sectors to become more friendly with companies, especially towards small companies and corporations. He also advocated for a common military policy based around consent and the reinforcement of the mission to defend "European Societies" against foreign cultural influences.

    Ironically, many of these principles were taken from the Linz Pakt's foundation, it was a vision shared by figures such as Hermann Göring and, to a lesser extent, Albert Speer. Even Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich did lay plans for the further integration of European militaries and did partially accomplish that to a certain level through the Waffen-SS which recruited several divisions out of volunteers from other Pakt members. Of course, in practice none of these figures ever fully agreed on equality, all of them believed in Germany's supremacy in this Order, but Goebbels himself feared that they should not appear as overbearing tyrants to the rest of the continent, fully exploiting it while giving nothing in return, that is partially the reason Goebbels sponsored the rise of Schweizer in France and his "Young Europe" movement. But there was never any belief in Goebbels' mind that the relationship should or even could be equal as that was distinctly opposed to the Racial ideals he fanatically believed in, which is why he saw Almirante's speech as a challenge, despite the fact there was no desire from the Italian Duce to be antagonistic towards Goebbels in Milan that day.

    The continued alienation of radical sectors, which he mistakenly ended up empowering, as well as the weakening of the Italian Army in the aftermath of Umberto's coup, was setting Giorgio to a path which could only lead to his grave. The Reich saw him as a threat to the established German supremacy of Europe and the ideals of National Socialism, there was the fear that his attempts at opening further diplomatic channels and to even end the Embargo with the west could lead to a "Jewish infiltration" or, worse, that Italy would turn towards the west one day. After all Goebbels still remembered in his youth when he read about Italy's "betrayal" during the First World War, and there was still a substantial German minority in Southern Tyrol that Goebbels many times advocated war for in his early writings during the 1920s. Now, without Hitler to serve as an ideological model, Goebbels' ideas would have over a decade to refine themselves and appear more independent, and with complete power over Germany, some of his old beliefs about the Italians began to return.

    Throughout 1962, the relationship between Germania and Rome merely appeared amicable from the outside, but from the inside the SD would work to create a formidable network that even reached high levels within Italy's own security services. After all, 20 years of Italo-German partnership would not amount to nothing, ever since the war, the RSHA and now the SD worked tirelessly to create a spy network, one which is believed to have delayed the development of the Italian Atomic Program in 3 years at the very least. With Farinacci as a German agent, the SD would be able to work in the ranks of the Blackshirts, the main security force in Italy following the purge after the attempted putsch in 1959 by the military. Of couse, the Italian Army still existed, but the Italian peninsula itself would see itself garrisoned mostly by Blackshirts, equipped fully in military equipment, while the army was seen more as a force to project power in the foreign theater and defend Italy only at last circumstances. Only token garrisons were left in the main Italian cities and military bases. Which meant that the work of Germania was made a lot easier, the only risk was the Italian Air Force.

    But that matter would be solved in time, between January and April, the pieces were moved in place and Almirante ignored several warnings on the possibility of a coup. The Duce is seen by many as an inept politician, as it was the case that Mussolini replaced his stronger underlings with less than competent replacements, Almirante's replacement of Carlo Scorza was meant to weaken the PNF's secretariat for good reason, Giorgio was promoted far above his station by Mussolini and only was able to seize power due to the chaotic circumstances that were specific of June of 1959, such as the deaths of Pavolini and Balbo, as well as Ciano and Grandi dividing his opposition, which led to Almirante being chosen as a compromise in a hurried way to counter the putsch being launched by Umberto by showing a unified leadership to Italy in the morning. Truth is that, despite having ample opportunity to reshape Fascism and even taking it's first steps away from Mussolini's strict economic agenda, Almirante lacked in the proper skills to ensure the Party would be united around him, and his conciliatory gestures only strengthened the hardline of the Fascist party which was now led by Roberto Farinacci and was already plotting his downfall. And like in 1956, the spark would happen on Easter.


    The Victory day of 1962 was a grandiose celebration as it was in the year before, in Germania there was one thing that could never be used against Goebbels, he knew how to make a spectacle. But even the grand event where legions marched before the crowds under the watchful eye of Television Cameras would be dwarfed by the Pope's service in the Easter weekend, specifically the events of the 22nd of April of 1962 which would determine the fate of the Catholic World for generations. As Stephen X came to celebrate the Morning mass, only one thought remained with him, as he spent long hours in prayer for guidance before the decision he would make, his consciousness simply could not bear that his first Easter went by without him remembering the Easter from 8 years before. He was sweating, knowing perfectly well what this action would cause, however he had prepared for this moment for months, ever since he sent the letter to Goebbels he knew that a punishment would bear down on the Vatican, and he had enough contacts throughout Italy to notice what Almirante could not. But he could not stand any more second of silence.

    And so, when Goebbels received the news, he knew the time had come for the putsch in Rome. Because a grave insult was laid to the Reich, perhaps the greatest challenge to the Führer's authority within Europe since the death of Adolf Hitler, Stephen X martyrized all the priests killed by the purge of 1956, even laying down an example of faith in the Priest of Viechtau, speaking of his story as he knew it. Stephen spoke of the man who gathered his community in prayer for Easter, and when ordered to vacate, he let the people leave but remained alone in the building when a Hitler Youth group burned down the Church with him inside. The enormous Sermon, where the Pope cited the true extent of the hatred of Nazism, where he spoke of the atrocities which he witnessed and even mentioned his own arbitrary imprisonment, shocked the crowd at St. Peter's, in fact the transmission was sent across the world and even the largely Protestant Americans and British would be glued to their Television and Radio sets that morning. The Pope spoke passionately about the darkness consuming Europe and warned the faithful about harder and harder times, speaking that Joseph Goebbels inherited Adolf Hitler's sins and amplified them, speaking of how Goebbels spread nothing but hatred and destruction with every word, finally claiming that he had the had the "Spirit of the Antichrist".

    Nazism was compared to the great enemy of Christianity on Earth, of the end of times when before the Second Coming, there would be a man surrounded by Messianic Charisma who would deceive the masses and set them astray, a great test before the end of all things. It is said he would unleash the greatest persecution ever seen and have the desire to control the entire world until all worshipped him. It is not hard to see how many could see Goebbels in that way and while the Pope did not directly claim that he was indeed the Antichrist, the listeners could make the links. In Germany, Christianity was being corrupted from it's original teachings, in practice Nazism was it's own religion, with the almost mythical status of Adolf Hitler being worshipped and the last links of old Germany being torn down by Goebbels' regime. The current Führer himself was considered, if not the Antichrist, then as the False Prophet who accompanies the Antichrist in the Book of Apocalypse and spreads his words, which matched perfectly with his "self-proclaimed" status as "The Great Apostle of National Socialism" as his followers called him, although Goebbels never claimed such title. And when the Sermon was over, Goebbels turned off his television in fury, standing on his feet while holding his cane and being tempted to throw it at the apparel, but he was more self-contained in his wrath, rather his wrath would be the utter destruction of all that Stephen X stood for, he saw this Sermon as a declaration of War and would act accordingly, reaching out to the SD to launch "Unternehmen Alaric", the downfall of Italy.


    The Cathedral of Cologne was quiet during the night of the 23rd, a Monday, the attendance numbers over the years had dwindled, either out of fanaticism or fear, many had distanced themselves from the church. Yet it still stood tall in the night until that night, because that night, Goebbels set in motion his retaliation for the Pope's speech. Everything appeared normal at night until torches light up the streets, the Volkssturm was on the march and they chanted their hymn of terror, repeating their call for the burning of Monasteries as they stormed the building. Goebbels did not want Martyrs, but he wanted the message, as such the Volkssturm was ordered to empty the building by force and drag all the personnel of the church outside as the torches set the great Cathedral ablaze to the cheers of the Volkssturm. There were no other attacks that night, only at Cologne, only at the church that was once under Stephen X before his papacy, the message of repudiation was absolutely clear, and while the fire was claimed to have been an "accident" and that the Volkssturm was acting to investigate rumors of Jewish agents hiding within the building, few outside of Germany ever believed that version as the date was just coincidential.

    Goebbels provoked and he would have the reaction he wanted, he backed Stephen into a corner as he would either have to remain silent or retaliate, but while Goebbels did expect that the Volkssturm members would be excommunicated, the reaction from the Vatican was even better than he hoped. The Pope, on the 24th of April of 1962, declared the excommunication of all members of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (NSDAP) from the Catholic Church, not even limiting himself to the Volkssturm or to Goebbels, but to all members of the party who at least publicly had links to the Catholic Faith. There were not many left who were open Catholics after 1956, but perhaps the most prominent one was the the councillor to the Ministry of the Interior, Hans Globke, a former Zetrum politician and Catholic who joined the Party in 1944. He had been shielded from most of the pressure by managing to remain neutral and few could deny his commitment to the Party after being the mind behind several laws which pushed for Anti-Semitism since before he became a Minister in Prussia in 1932. Goebbels was looking at Globke with suspicion, but he still had many plans for the Church after Operation Alaric which would require Globke's contacts to be used.

    The excommunication would apparently change little in regards to Goebbels' plans as soon came the expected War exercise in the Libyan desert where both Almirante and Goebbels were expected to appear. It was the 5th of May, a saturday when the exercises were meant to start on the 6th, the day when the first signals of the coup began. Goebbels informed of a change of plans to Almirante where the two would have to arrive through different planes rather than the flight both were meant to take in Milan due to repairs on the railroad coming from Munich, which meant Giorgio Almirante would take his plane to Libya himself at 20:00 PM. The plane would take off with no problems as German units also would head to ports such as Turin, Genoa, Anzio and Venice to take transport ships to the Italian colony and participate in the exercise. Fallschirmjäger units would move into airfields before the scheduled time for the transportation to Africa, only for them to disarm the local garrisons with the help of the Blackshirts. By the time Almirante's plane was confirmed to have disappeared, Operation Alaric was well underway with the major ports and airports of the country being seized by both MVSN and German units, which was helped by the fact many crucial army units had been moved into Libya before this night.

    Farinacci would come forwards to the Grand Council of Fascism near midnight and at that point, it became clear to many what was happening. He informed the council of Almirante's plane disappearing and that a German U-Boat reported an explosion near the coast of Sardinia where the Duce's plane was supposedly flying over at around 23 PM, which led to an uproar in the chambers, but as the building was being under the protection of the Blackshirts, the power transition went smoothly even before the confirmation of Almirante's death in the morning. Roberto Farinacci would become the Third man to become the Leader of Italy, the second of the Fascist Republic, he would then secure the control of the Peninsula with the help of German troops which already held major cities under their command and, most crucially, the port city of Anzio. While the control of mainland Italy was secured, there was tension in Libya as several units of the Italian army were to participate in the war exercise near Tobruk, until they would be disarmed by the German forces. There was a high level of tension, but most units desired to avoid the start of a potential nuclear war with Germania. Furthermore, the Italian nuclear arsenal was the first to be taken under German control right after it was confirmed that Giorgio Almirante's plane had taken off and was over the Mediterranean. In perhaps the greatest feat in the history of the German Intelligence and a demonstration of the enormous level of influence that the Reich held over all of "Festung Europa", Italy had been essentially conquered without major bloodshed. Except for what happened on the Vatican during that night between the 5th and the 6th of May of 1962.

    "In the name of our Holy Father, as long as we draw our breath, you shall not pass!"

    -Oberst Franz Salzner, Swiss Guard

    They had lost their home, in 1946 when the German legions crushed the last of the Swiss resistance, and it was only by the mercy of Pope Pius that they were allowed to remain. Franz Salzner was not the commander of the Guard then, it was Oberst Heinrich, member of the prestigious von Altishofen family, but he remembers how the day was when war broke out. The Pope had allowed for the Swiss Guard to live in the Vatican in order to shelter them from any persecution which could fall on their homeland, and for that they were grateful, they held a personal sense of loyalty to the Holy Vicar and even escorted his body during the funeral. The end of Switzerland made it so the Swiss Guard came to be regarded as a dying institution, with the Palatine Guard taking up most of it's functions as the Swiss retained a symbolic role as bodyguards to the Pope. In time they would grow old, some of them would leave for new lives, others left after the death of Pius, but Salzner remained, now as their new and possibly last commander. But the dying institution would be tested one last time.

    They knew this day would come, Stephen himself had warned them of what would come, he told how Goebbels was a man who accepted no equal to himself, much less a superior, that his beliefs were superior to his religion, but he also said that he could not remain silent. Ever since Stephen became Pope, the existing defenses of the Vatican were reinforced and reforms were made to prepare them for the day the crackdown would inevitably come. They did not expect it would happen tonight of all nights, but they knew their role and they knew what they were meant to do. There was a tense climate in the Vatican since the burning of the Cathedral at Cologne, there was a sense of calm before a storm, and tonight the storm would come. The Swiss were only a few dozens at most, the majority of the defense came to the Gendarmes, the Palatine Guard and the Noble Guard, the latter two were theoretically ceremonial, but they have stopped being mere decorations ever since the ink was dry on the Treaty of Lisbon in 1943. In a way, both Pius and Stephen knew that Germania would come down to them, and while they had no intention to die, they had no intention of staying silent either.

    The bells of the Vatican began to ring loudly as the lookouts saw the Germans arriving, Goebbels wanted to ensure the work was done by Germans and that the Pope would be under no risk of breaking free as many Italians would obviously stay loyal. The plan to Kidnap the Pope required a quick assault upon the Vatican with a mix of Fallschirmjägers and other special forces, with logistical support from Italian ground units such as the Blackshirts who were carefully selected by Farinacci in the days before to keep the garrison of the city. It was necessary to ensure that Stephen was kept under control and not to be harmed, Goebbels did not wish the same level of publicity that his "statements" usually carried in Germania, no burning buildings and no public executions. In charge of this Operation was the SD veteran Otto Skorzeny, a man who knew well how to operate special groups and carry out operations, such as he did in Hungary.

    The German planes were flying on the Vatican and searchlights were lit up to show the paratroopers landing at Saint Peter's Plaza and at the Gardens, the Pope was quickly warned by the men, interrupting his prayers before his sleep at 23:57 PM, at this point Salzner would quickly begin to escort the Pope out of the Vatican through a secret exit, while the rest of the civilians were evacuated to the Apostolic Palace and the first shots began to be fired as the Gendarmes began firing at the Germans at the Plaza, as one of the Germans APCs came in, it's wheels were blown up by a rocket, as it was quickly shown that the Vatican had been far from idle, the situation began to escalate into a war with reinforcements being called up. Air support was restricted to helicopters without any rockets of their own and the German troops were not equipped with heavy equipment to avoid damages to the Holy City. The Blackshirts limited their intervention, many even having reluctance at striking at the Vatican itself, a reluctance which the German troops lacked as they quickly began to force their way into the Apostolic Palace.

    The Firefighters of the Vatican set up water hoses against the invaders, the Palatine Guard was armed more heavily and joined the Gendarmes in defending the Apostolic Palace itself as the fight for the building entered the 6th of May, the defenders held behind sandbags which even included 6 machine guns brought forth to strike the assailants. The capture of the Palace was a priority and several paratroopers landed on the roof while the guards shot at them as they were still landing, which technically constituted a war crime, one of the many being committed that night as the German troops, which were frustrated by the hard resistance, began to shoot at surrendering and injured Papal troops. The Vatican became the center of all the bloodshed in the city which alarmed the people, fearing that if they lost momentum the situation would escalate with the involvement of the locals, Skorzeny authorized the use of mortar shells against the entrance of the Apostolic Palace, forcing a breach through one of the doors.

    The fighting continued now inside of the Palace as the Germans searched for the Pope himself, capturing several civilians who were forcefully interrogated on his location, none would speak and even if they did, they did not truly know where the Pope was. Finally the German forces assaulted the Palace and began to head to the Pope's quarters, only to be blocked by a group of the Swiss Guard which confronted the Reich's enforcers. The German Lieutenant ordered them to stand down, announcing that the fight was already over. Salzner would then fire back his challenge which led to a shootout that came to hand to hand combat, where the Germans were at disadvantage, but it was a doomed fight, none of the Swiss Guard survived the battle except for the ones who left without uniforms, escorting the Pope out of the Vatican much to the frustration of the Germans. There are secrets deep within Rome that not even the SD knew about, and Salzner and his men had sacrificed their lives merely to buy time as Stephen X had already left the Vatican. At 1:53 AM, the last resistance inside the Vatican had died with the Swiss Guard.

    The Pope's escape of Europe in the following days could be described by many as a miracle, by others it was a demonstration of the power the Church still had, and to others it was a great example of international cooperation against Nazism which involved from the Coalition of Nations to the Platine Pact and even to members of the Linz Pakt. When morning came, the announcement was that the Pope had been kidnapped by rouge elements in the Vatican and for the moment Italian forces would guarantee the safety of the City until Stephen X was found. All while Farinacci was sworn into the office of Duce and declared Martial Law across Italy, ordering all planes to be grounded, all ports to be closed and all borders to be shut down. A Manhunt began to search for the missing Pope while many expected him to go to the city of Anzio, the nearby port just a few kilometers away from Rome where he could take a ship to leave the Continent, or perhaps to the south where many in rural Italy would be willing to help him, but he had gone north.

    The Pope was dressed as a common man and so were his three remaining guards, the Vatican tunnels had safely taken him away from the fighting and into a car which headed North from Rome and headed towards Croatia, avoiding checkpoints with the help of none other than a former Mafiosi named Emilio Bellini who led him across old smuggling routes, avoiding the expected checkpoints for days before finally crossing through one of the Alpine passes and into Croatia itself. It was the 9th of May when the Pope was taken to the port of Novalja and loaded inside a cargo ship meant to Cadiz in Spain, the Spanish vessel "Santísima Trinidad", the merchant ship would cross the Mediterranean while the German authorities gave the warning for all members of the Pakt to suspend aerial and naval operations for 12 days, which meant the Pope would be stranded if he were to dock in Spain as expected, and so the captain would make a harsh decision to escape the Mare Nostrum.

    The CIA and the MI6 were well aware of existing plans of the Vatican for Papal evacuation and as soon as news of the Pope's disappearance came, the British Home Fleet would dispatch an Aircraft Carrier to the Azores, the HMS Indomitable would be stationed at the archipelago and, as a diversion, the British navy would mobilize two destroyers from Port Sudan in order to deceive the SD into believing the Pope would escape through Israel. That led to the Italians mobilizing assets at the Straits of Aden, as well as Crete and Cyprus, only for the Spanish Merchant ship, commanded by Captain Francisco de Vivar, who was also an asset of the MI6 in the Iberian Peninsula, to be able to reach the Straits of Gibraltar, which were currently being put on the lockdown. During the night, the Spanish vessel cut off all lights, it was the 17th of May, near the 18th, but the Commander of the Gibraltar garrison would be able to spot the merchant vessel leaving at the distance through binoculars thanks to the moonlight. A patrol boat would be dispatched to intercept the merchant ship and boarded it, at this point the crew knew that the Pope was the one in the vessel, and yet none of them turned him in. Finally, the Spanish captain would order a complete inspection of the vessel and the Pope would be found, with the Captain coming down to see for himself. In an act of defiance, the Spanish captain would put his own life on the line as he returned back ashore and informed his superior that the ship was cleared, inbound to Cadiz when the lockdown was issued and Vivar did not receive the news due to a malfunctioning radio. The Spanish captain would then be given the order to take his patrol boat and escort the ship to Cadiz.


    But the Captain did not take the ship to Cadiz, the patrol boat would arrive empty-handed and the Captain was willing to take the court martial alongside his entire crew before ever speaking of what happened to the Santísima Trinidad. As for Captain Vivar, he accelerated the ship towards the Azores and finally would be under the protection of the Royal Navy as a jet fighter located the ship and escorted it to Ponta Delegada. From there, the Brazilian ship Tamandaré, a Brooklyn Class sold in 1947, would now be the one the Pope would take to his new residence. The reasons were obvious enough, Brazil was far from any German bases, it was the largest Catholic State in the world, the ruling government was... very favorable towards the Catholic Church to say the least (if not outright fanatic in some cases), very generous terms including the permanent concession of territory to a new Papal State, government subsidies and protection, were all offered to Stephen. Of course, the United States, Britain, Ireland and Mexico were all shown as offers, but Stephen had his concerns over each of these states, from proximity towards the Reich and even the atitudes of the local governments and population towards the Papacy, which was less than favorable in Protestant countries and the fact the Mexican PRI did launch a harsh campaign against the Catholic church within living memory according to their secularization program. Argentina was another option but ultimately Stephen X would choose Brazil, despite a few reservations over the Integralist doctrines in a few aspects that looked aesthetically similar to Fascism.

    The Kriegsmarine soon was aware that the Pope had escaped the Continent through the brutal interrogation of the Spanish Captain that led to the deaths of both him and his crewmen in Spain. But little could be done as a joint American, British, Brazilian and Argentine fleet would escort the Pope southwards to Brazil from the Azores, which led to Goebbels coming to the verge of sending Skorzeny and "half of the SD" to a concentration camp. Ultimately that meant the news would be given that Josef Frings abandoned his duties to the Catholic Church, as such a new Conclave would be called on the 27th of May and led to the election of Pope Eugene V, who took on the name of the Pope who first ordered the creation of Jewish Ghettos in the mid-15th Century, it was a very obviously intimidating election due to the fact the German forces were still occupying the Vatican for the power transition. The Election of Eugene V would also mark the beginning of a Schism as no Diocese outside of Europe recognized the election of Eugene V.

    Meanwhile, Stephen X would arrive at the city of Salvador, which translates to "Savior", on the 28th of May and publicly would take residence at the Cathedral Basilica of Salvador, a much more modest residence which belonged to the Archbishop of Salvador, which was meant to be a temporary hold until the construction of a new Cathedral by the Brazilian government. Plinio Salgado would meet the Pope at the city in a much propagandized event and later made a speech denouncing Nazism as the epitome of Anti-Christianity and Paganism, he was also accompanied by Plinio Correa de Oliveira, leader of the Catholic Legionaries in Brazil who swore to protect the Pope and defend the Church without conditions for the time the Pope remained in Brazil. These were quite overwhelming shows of loyalty and propaganda to an exhausted Stephen who spent most of the month on the run. On the 29th he would make his first ex cathedra declaration by invoking Papal infallibility and the Authority of the Chair of Saint Peter to speak a fundamental aspect of the Catholic Church, a radical measure by all accounts and yet one which was more needed than it ever was.

    Damnatio Odium "Condemnation of Hate" was a declaration made by Pope Stephen X which reinforced Christ's message of compassion and equality, with Stephen reinforcing the idea of the equality between peoples and condemning Anti-Semitism and Racial hatred in general. He declared the complete incompatibility of all ideas based around "Hatred, Cruelty and Inhumanity" to be essentially anti-Christian. Furthermore, in another declaration, he reinforced his condemnation of Nazism and all "Beliefs of hatred that have risen and may one day ever rise". In a slightly more controversial act, he would also declare as Martyrs all those who died to defend the Vatican during the Assault on the City and condemned the Conclave of 1962, claiming Eugene V to be an Antipope and excommunicating him from the Catholic Church. In return, Eugene's first decision was to excommunicate Stephen X and declare all of his acts as null and void, claiming him to have forsaken his duties as Holy Father by abandoning the Vatican and his seat as Bishop of Rome.

    By June of 1962, the Catholic World was split into two, with the Catholic Church in Europe being finally submitted to the will of Joseph Goebbels. Within one month, the Reich had taken control of both the only organized institution which still resisted it's influence, and the only Nation in Europe which could pose a threat to the German Homeland. Farinacci would meet with Goebbels in Linz on the 6th of June of 1962, reinforcing Italy's "Eternal Commitment" to the European Order and Cooperation, ending de facto the Italian Independence and the last hope of the West to breach into "Festung Europa". The Grip of the Swastika over the Continent was now completely secure from the coast of Norway to the Mediterranean, and if there was ever a hope that Italy would turn against the Pakt and provide the breach into Europe that the Coalition of Nations needed so much, that now was lost, maybe forever. Only one territory remained away from the grip of Nazism from Gibraltar to Baghdad: The State of Israel. And while Goebbels had plans to crush the little Jewish State, those plans would have to be postponed as the greatest threat to his rule emerged within the Reich, and the effects of this attempt would lead to the most violent period in German History since the 30-years war: The Angriff.




    Magda was enjoying the breeze in those last spring days of 1962, it was June and it has been almost 3 years since all of this began. The Schwanenwerder was beautiful in this time of the year and Joseph had insisted on them taking a little vacation there after the entire "Roman" affair. He was in a celebratory mood, thankfully, if anything had gone wrong it is possible they would have been dead by now from some Italian nuclear bomb. She hated this, this kind of fear that always came up whenever her husband had to deal with dangers on the outside, politics could be predictable in Germania but you can never predict how those Untermenschen can react when backed into a corner, but the bomb went off without a problem, and even if it did not, the jets would have blown him in the sea before he reached Libya. From the way Joseph explained, it was as if everything was so well planned, some big scheme made over the years where the enemy was like a trapped rat, but she had seen before how plans could go out of control.

    They were not alone, they practically were never alone with one another and even the pictures felt more like an obligation to the people, today Werner Naumann was here, as well as his family. There was Horst Huisgen, who was accompanying Axmann, the Minister of Youth, and there was Remer, the head of the Wehrmacht. Goebbels has grown tired of trying to talk her out of staying in these meetings and instead opted to ignore her presence while discussing his business. And she was clever enough to remain silent while Goebbels spoke about his ambitions, or about something smaller like the results of a recent football game. But today there was something he talked which made her drink her coffee with her hand shaking in terror, only to remain quiet and watch the reaction of the other four men who were just as good in hiding as she was, or worse would be if they were truly considering that madness.

    "I intend to sign an new conscription law, Otto, and you will do well to prepare the men to march in the next 6 months. I intend to fulfill our Führer's last wishes."

    Everyone knew what that was implying, everyone knew what was Adolf Hitler's last great crusade, and while they all respected the Führer, even Magda understood that times had changed. Nuclear weapons made it impossible that they could win, it was just as it happened with Rudolf Hess, the madman who almost destroyed the world, and Goebbels was making the same mistake now. Liberal Democracy was a weak system, one that was bound to fail, and by Germany's own success, Americans and Anglo-Saxons, both peoples of substantial Aryan lineage, would one day cast off their shackles and destroy their Jewish overlords. But a War was just not an option against them, not anymore, and Magda did not wish to see her family and nation burning into ashes.

    "We cannot delay it anymore."

    Naumann was a man who had sense in his head, a great man too, far more romantic and attentive than her husband ever was, they had started off with loving poems, something small and sensitive which grew into an affair. Even at her age, she still sought some sort of human care from others and she found that in Naumann and he found that in her. But quickly their little romance had grown into something dangerous, yes it was always risky when it came to a man as narcissistic as Goebbels, but now they spoke of a conspiracy, and Naumann and Magda both knew what had to be done to save the Reich. This was not the first time Naumann had approached her, he spoke about it before Kaufmann attempted his move against Joseph, claiming that he could find a way to spare her family, but his worries were always exagerated, Magda has seen her husband triumphing against many odds, but he could not triumph against himself. The two were alone in the House while Goebbels retreated with Remer for a walk away with most of his guards. She knew which guards she could trust and which ones she could not and now it was a safe moment to hold a quiet conversation.

    Naumann's face was tense, he was aware of what he was asking her to do and also knew that had to be done. Asking a woman to stand aside while her husband is killed is already a tall order, asking her to participate and be an accomplice is even worse, but Werner knew there was little choice after today. Magda saw in his eyes that sense of survival, a callous and primal instinct of self-preservation that so many who came before him had, and those men were always survivors, and her husband did not have that look, he was a man willing to be a Martyr, Werner was not. She was not doing this for Werner Naumann, she was doing this for her own family, for the Sacred Germany and the Führer's legacy, and yes there was a little of resentment for Joseph's treatment and all his affairs, but that was secondary compared to the greater vision.

    "I will see to it that your name is in his will."


    There was no man in Germany that Joseph Goebbels trusted more than Werner Naumann, and there is no other figure who came close to his power in the inner circle of the Führer in 1962. He was his Secretary in the Ministry of Public Enlightenment for close to 30 years, an accomplished bureaucrat who graduated in political economy and joined the Party in 1928. He was truly the apprentice of his master, a great public speaker and competent administrator who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to connect the usually reprehensible Goebbels with powerful political figures, seeing the rise of his Mentor as his path for a personal rise to power which he had now achieved. The Ministry of Propaganda had an enormous funding and virtual control of all media, press and entertainment distributed in the Reich after 1960. Besides, his close connection with Goebbels also meant that he would constantly have the Führer's ear even over more powerful figures within the German Government.

    It was no wonder that Goebbels would make him his successor in his testament, in case he were to die unexpectedly, he saw Naumann as a man devoted to see his vision to the very end, an able politician who would see through that the corruption of the party would not rise again as it did in the days of Rudolf Hess. But for a long time, the student has had ambitions to overcome his teacher, and when he was assured that his name was in Goebbels' will, he knew he could act to bring down the Madman. Why Goebbels decided to make his succession in that way? He sought to imitate Hitler's image, he wanted to have his succession be up to his own decision, losing faith in the democratic methods envisioned in the 1955 Constitution that was centered on the Small Senate, which he saw as a corrupted institution by it's very nature. Although he did install new representatives following the events in July of 1960, he would never allow them to be more than a rubber stamp for his ultimate authority.

    Goebbels in every way desired to follow Hitler's example, but Hitler never allowed any of his Ministers to amass the amount of power and influence that Naumann did, as the Propaganda Minister was far from alone in this conspiracy. Even Goebbels' own wife was involved in the plot and was instrumental in assuring that Naumann's name was in her husband's will as the selected successor in the office of Führer of the Reich. The German political scene was perhaps the deathliest in the world, as shown by the deaths of men like Röhm, the Strasser Brothers, Todt, Göring, Bormann, Himmler, Klopfer, Wegener, Heydrich, and Kaufmann, and now it was time for Goebbels to leave the scene in the same way he entered: With a conspiracy to stop a madman from destroying the world.

    Why did Goebbels plan to start a war in 1963? That will be explored further, but it boils down to his belief, and the belief of most of the NSDAP's old guard including Hitler himself, that the reason Germany lost the First World War was the internal disunity that allowed for a stab in the back by socialists and Jewish agents within the old Reich. During his rule, Adolf Hitler was paranoid that his own population would turn against him if the war front harshly affected the Home Front, which is why in Germany, great efforts were made to minimize the news of losses and even the official number of casualties during the war was manipulated to exclude hundreds of thousands of wounded men and even many deaths. That is also another reason why the Home Front in Germany did not suffer the same "War footing" mentality that happened in Britain, the Soviet Union or even the United States. But Goebbels went further, he believed that only by ensuring the ideological purity of Germany, united by National Socialism and carried by the zeal of a young vanguard of a Hitler Youth-raised generation, could the risk of such betrayal ever be avoided.

    He saw first hand how the Ural War became unpopular, how Paul Wegener fell from his power because of his Eastern Gamble and how the German people actually made protests and avoided conscription. He utilized that movement to reach power at the time by manipulating the popular dissatisfaction, but he also knew that the same sentiment could go against him unless he ensured the destruction of all corruptive influences in German Society and brought it to a new level of Ideological loyalty, that he restored their belief in the "Endsieg", the Final Victory of National Socialism against the Jewish enemy. He first did that by destroying the "Elitist" SS and consolidating power through a new fanatical organization, the Volkssturm, then by destroying the "Greedy" Industrial class of the Reich and placing the economy under ultimate control of the State, and finally with a destructive purge of the "Corrupt" Party bureaucracy. Following that, for months the German society would see an afterpurge affecting several "suspicious" individuals by the Volkssturm through shocking demonstrations of violence which were meant to incite the hatred and wrath of the German people against internal subversive elements and saboteurs. But by 1961, most of these demonstrations had ended, and with the final control of the Catholic Church achieved in May of 1962, Goebbels saw fit to begin preparations for the final campaign.

    The plan was hardly a new one, based around old plans from the Second World War such as the invasion of Britain, properly modernized and new including new frontlines (such as Israel) and advanced technology. It would be meant to be a war that starts with a crippling and overwhelming strike against the United Kingdom, as well as the use of Nuclear armaments through the newly developed "Intercontinental Missiles", high-altitude rockets with heavy payloads which were virtually impossible to shoot down with the technology of the time, a step ahead in a nuclear war that Germany possessed and the United States did not in 1962 (Thanks in great part to the reduction in the military spending in the last year of the Long Administration and during Hoffa's). The idea was to cripple the American nuclear delivery capacity and their main ports in the Eastern Seaboard such as Norfolk and Newark, delaying an American intervention and allowing a window of opportunity to invade the United Kingdom following a similar (but in much larger scale) strike through air and naval nuclear payloads against the main assets of the RAF and RN. Naturally the assumption would be that the United States and the United Kingdom would have limited or no retaliation against strictly military nuclear blasts due to the supposed "indecisiveness" of the American government and the British strikes would be fairly limited thanks to German defenses (although the plan did greatly underestimate the British striking capacities). Furthermore, these strikes would be followed by an invasion of the British Islands within 48 hours under favorable weather in the Channel and an overwhelming advance backed by tactical nuclear armaments and Air Superiority, with the belief that the capture of England itself would happen within two weeks at most, which would lead to the surrender of Britain and, inevitably, that the United States would seek peace.

    It was a wildly unrealistic plan that even the Wehrmacht did not put faith into, especially with it's wrongful assumptions on the reactions of the United States' apparent reluctance after suffering nuclear attacks within it's territories. Otto Ernst Remer would comment privately that the Operation would end with nothing less but the destruction of both Continents within the first 72 Hours following the first nuclear detonations. However that was Goebbels' plan for a war in the west, one that considered Nuclear Weapons as nothing more than just another weapon, comparable with a ballistic missile or a bombing raid at best or an anti-personnel armament in a tactical setting at worst. The complete carelessness of what was nicknamed "Operation Kaboom" or "Plan Armageddon" (by some German officers behind the scenes) was enough to motivate Werner to push for his coup after Goebbels announced to Remer that he expected the complete mobilization of the German military for "Operation Sealion II" to be ready by 1963, just 12 years since Hitler almost launched a similar plan and roughly 4 years since Hess planned an even more reckless assault on the world.

    But before that, Goebbels believed in testing the waters, and for that the Wehrmacht had to secure the control of the Mediterranean and ensure the Reich could not be attacked from the South, which was one of his main motivations to launch the coup against Almirante in Italy and to draft the plan for "Operation Titus", named after the Roman General and later Emperor, Titus Flavian. The plan to strike Israel was one that was long in Germania ever since the creation of the Jewish State and was briefly considered by Paul Wegener in 1957 before it was settled that the Wehrmacht should strike Russia as a preemptive assault against the rebuilding Empire. With there being little desire in Germany for a renewed Ural War, Goebbels directed the attention of the German people against a much easier and more hated enemy than the Slavic Empire: The Jewish State. Operation Titus was meant to be one of the opening moves before Operation Sealion was launched, as Goebbels expected that the "Jewish-controlled" governments in London and Washington would intervene in favor of Israel. He was not far in believing that the West would support Israel, but he first desired to strike a quick victory in crushing the Jewish State to prevent it's agents from spreading dissidence and provoking sabotages within Germany when it's eyes are turned to the west. Even Goebbels understood that Sealion II would be a sensitive operation which could lead to heavy casualties and even a strike against a missile base could be crippling in a Nuclear Conflict (Not like it would make much of a realistic influence).


    The Linz Art Gallery, also known as the Führermuseum, was part of the great complex of Neo-classical buildings in the "Jewel of the Danube" that was meant to transmit the grand scale of the German, and European culture as a whole. It was the greatest art center the world has ever seen, with a collection which far overshadowed it's previous rivals in London and Paris, a gallery which could only be conceived by a leader who saw himself as an artist. Goebbels was a man of the arts, or so he liked to view himself, as he walked down the great gallery, he was realizing that the kind of art he admired was not this one. Statues and paintings could tell a lot, but he saw writing as a greater form of art, as well as the Cinema, but it was still the great work of his leader and that is why he was here. It was the anniversary of the creation of the Führermuseum, which happened while it's namesake was still alive in 1948, even if the man was no longer at his peak at that time.

    Linz represented the Reich more than any city, it was one of the select cities after the war which was meant to be reshaped and expanded to suit the purposes of Speer and Hitler's visions of a new Germany, proud and majestic, and Linz was Hitler's childhood city which was yet another reason why it saw so many investments. Even if it did not have the population of Munich or Vienna, this city was seen as greater than both in the eyes of Hitler and his successors. Especially with the "Adolf Hitler" Complex, which included not only the gallery, but a museum dedicated to him, and an enormous Mausoleum where his embalmed body laid at rest with an honor guard of the SS always on the watch, although Goebbels replaced them recently with his own "Volkssturm" troops, replacing the black with the crimson uniform, but their functions remained the same.

    It was an annual pilgrimage that Goebbels made every year since 1951, which is something Rudolf Hess started, the custom of a Führer to visit Hitler's tomb at least once a year, there was no exception even during the Ural War or during the 1960 purges. Now Goebbels was visiting the gallery, accompanied by an entourage which included The Minister of Education and Culture, Arthur Axmann, and his wife Magda Goebbels. Werner Naumann was meant to join, yet he failed to attend due to a supposed sickness, Goebbels did not question it as he had no reasons to doubt Neumann's loyalty at the time.

    That day was the 8th of July of 1962.

    Naumann had a powerful friend to ensure that the bomb would explode, a certain Otto von Bolschwing who just so happened to be the Director of the German Security Service (SD), who changed the guard in the Gallery and planned the attack with the support of Magda Goebbels, who knew of her husband's whereabouts at all times and the visiting procedures planned for that day. It is unknown if Arthur Axmann also was aware of the assassination rumors but it is safe to state that he did not know the visit to Linz would be the opportune moment and time for the strike. The Führer entered the Art Gallery at 10:30 AM, with the explosion going off on the west side of the building at 10:48 AM, causing part of the construction to collapse due to the detonation. And from this moment on, the coup was in motion.

    "Magda, are you positive that he is dead?"

    "I saw the rubble falling, and if he was not dead from the explosion, the rooftop did."

    "But did you see his body? Did you see the damned carcass?!"

    "He is dead! Mein Gott, he is dead! Be a man and do something you filthy bastard!"

    The conversation on the phone lines was as heated as the flames, Naumann has been awaiting for the news, but now that he had it he felt overwhelmed, and when he could not waste a second he was already wasting. These plots have their time, it was not meant to happen so soon but he had no other choice. Brushing his hair, he took a deep breath and stood up in his office, the office of the Minister of Propaganda, the office which belonged to the man he just killed. But the Reich could not await, every second was crucial after Hitler's death, every second was crucial after Hess' death, and now every second would count for Goebbels' because as soon as his fanatics received the news, this country would burn without a proper leader.

    He grabbed his coat and ran out where his driver awaited, and from there he would head to the Reich Chancellery where the chaos was just starting as the phones were ringing and the officers were rushing. When he came inside with his bodyguards, everything felt more chaotic, because everyone knew what Neumann's presence meant, nobody stopped him from heading to Goebbels' office until the Chief of the Chancellery stepped out. Neumann's face was tense, as one might expect from this situation, and that could only be matched by the confusion in the eyes of George Müller, a man who was once an officer in the Propaganda Ministry just as Werner was. Müller was confused by the avalanche of information, being kept unaware of the conspiracy and now too afraid that he was committing treason to decide which action to make.

    "Open the damned testament or I swear I will call up Sommer and you can explain to the Gestapo why a Secretary is keeping the Führer's Will a secret, you better not try to be a Bormann, I have heard they squeal a lot when hanged and I would hate to see it to you, George."

    It took a minute of discussion for the conversation to reach this point, it was 11:09 AM of the 8th of July of 1962, but with that threat, Neumann had his wish and the Head of the Reichskanzlei would enter Goebbels' office with Neumann alongside him, The Testament would be opened and the Will was declared: Werner Naumann was to be the 4th Führer of the Greater Germanic Reich. There was a relief washing over the Minister's face when he was finally able to open it, all that was left was to present it to the small Senate and to the Ministers. He already had his contacts, Bolchswing and Gerland were the main accomplices, Axmann was an unfortunate victim of the rushed plot and could not be approached with the details, Sommer and Remer would rein in the Volkssturm if Schwägermann decided to challenge the Will, at least as long as their offices were confirmed. The transition had to be smooth, and he needed to announce to the nation the death of their beloved Leader.

    But first there were moves being made, he needed to contact the security apparatus to rein in the chaos that would come inevitably by the death of Goebbels, and he had to get Magda back in Germania, or at least to make a public statement in Linz. He expected her to have done so already, but you can never rely on women to do so, fragile and emotional creatures that would never be able to act decisively at a moment of crisis unless he directly gave her the order. He folded back the testament, looking at Müller who raised his arm in a salute "Heil Naumann", words which he would have to get used to, but there was no time for salutes, there was much to be done.

    Paul Joseph Goebbels did not lose consciousness fully on the way out of the building, he could remember the explosion, he could feel the shockwave and then the ashes as if something crushed him. Words cannot explain the odd numb feeling he had at first, or how long it took for him to even regain his senses. But when he did, he saw a light as the rubble was removed, he could not stay awake much longer than that until he was taken outside. But he still regained enough strength to raise a hand and order the paramedics to stop, and no oaths to the medical profession stood above the oath to the Führer. Other than a concussion, several cuts, bruises, a bleeding gash on his face, and a piece of rubble breaking his leg, the Führer was indeed alive, and he was incensed with a rage that no pain could sideline completely. There was someone by his side, his wife Magda, who had a look in her eyes that Goebbels caught, a look which showed the shock that he was alive, a dreadful realization that he noticed. She was a dead woman, and as the paramedics proceeded, he realized why she had that look of an animal looking at it's butcher.

    Paul was taken into an emergency room, but he refused any attempts of giving him an anesthesia, he refused to stay asleep and at the mercy of the doctors when he saw what was happening on Television, a television which was left on and it showed the figure of a well-dressed reporter announcing his supposed death in an explosion, and that by his Will and testament, Naumann had become the new Führer. Goebbels let out a scream of both the anger and pain he felt, the betrayal was as piercing as his shattered bones in his leg. Now was not the time for him to be tended to by doctors, instead he demanded a phone.

    "You recognize my voice?"

    He spoke weakly, but his voice was undeniably his' and Otto Ernst Remer heard on the other side. Goebbels had to calculate who to call, the Volkssturm would be loyal, but their effective would be too little if the Wehrmacht sided with the damned traitor, and if the Wehrmacht was by his side too, then the Police would, even if Sommer also betrayed him. Truthfully he did not know if he could trust Remer, but there was no choice now, he needed the Army and the Air Force, and the Missile program if the situation went out of control, he would never allow the Reich to be taken over by that Judas, that leecherous Jew. How could Werner? How could Magda? Did Müller and the Chancellery get involved? Did Gerland get involved? Was the entire Ministry and the Party compromised by those corrupt figures?

    "I want Werner alive when I return."

    Magda had a mortuary semblance on her face, as much as she thought she could hide it, she had seen in his eyes that he knew... he knew I did it was what she could think of all the time. How could she have been so stupid? How could she be such a tremendous fool? She was just so desperate when he began to plan for a Nuclear Conflict, was it a failure in her faith in National Socialism? If even Adolf Hitler did not fear the American bombs, then why did she fear them? Why was she driven into such a desperation that she let Werner manipulate her? She knew her part in the plan, but she also knew the plan was over, all that was left was for her to beg for mercy, to play as the foolish woman who was tricked in a passionate moment, that facade might persuade her husband to let her live, if she blamed all of it on Werner then-

    "Frau Ritschel, I am sorry but you are to be detained by the Führer's orders."

    Ritschel, her maiden name before she wed Quandt, before she wed Goebbels, there was no doubt her husband gave that command personally. She looked at the Volkssturm officer, a certain high-ranking one named Hoffmann who came to accompany her husband and was the highest ranking man left of the Volkssturm in Linz after the bomb. Her tearful eyes looked up to the man, who must be half her age, and she felt like getting on her knees to plead to the man but she knew her words would be wasted on him. All she could give was a silent nod as she stood up and let the Volkssturm take her away to a secluded area of the hospital while her husband underwent his surgery.

    In the meantime, Werner believed he still had a chance, the nation was informed of Goebbels' death and the first man to come to the chancellery was Bolschwing himself, and the moment he saw the head of the Secret Services pale as a ghost in the winter, he knew that the dreadful rumor was true. It was 11:27 AM when he threw a vase at Bolschwing's direction and it crashed on the wall, he was a dead man and he knew it, unless another man was dead first. Walking around the room, he had Müller by his side, a man who just as dreadfully realized that his life was forfeit merely for standing aside and opening a safe, and Gerland was on the phone line, listening to everything as a minute of silence came down as if the four men were all mourning for themselves. They gambled, but by just a few steps, just because that goblin decided to appreciate some French painting instead of an Italian statue or something like that, they failed, then came a second of clarity that comes only to the most desperate of minds.

    "Call me up with Peiper, have him tell Remer to stand down and cut all communication in and out of Linz, give them whatever they ask for. Hell, I make him my named successor, deputy, Reichsmarshall, whatever they want, just get that city shut down!"

    "He already called Remer."

    Müller said with dread as he looked out the window, not even listening to Naumann's desperate orders, instead the almost-Führer would walk up to the window and go pale as he saw the APCs approaching the entrance, going down the Volkstrasse, and with them would come in their deaths. The next moment of consciousness after the flurry of activity was him holding a gun on his temple, a gun he pulled out of Bolschwing's own holster. But no man ever had the guts of pulling the trigger after they realize what they are about to do for only a split second. It was over, but maybe he could still come out of this, he could still live, maybe by blaming Bolschwing, who no doubt was thinking the same about blaming him, or by saying whatever Goebbels' demented mind wanted him to say, he could get away with a 10-year sentence like Albert Speer, if Speer was even alive, did anyone who name names even get to live? Eichmann would beg to differ, but now it was too late for him to pull the trigger, the mad courage had already passed and he would have to deal with the consequences of his actions. Within an hour, the coup was ended.


    That was the largest audience to ever enter the Volkshalle, a week after the attempted putsch that was nicknamed as "Naumann's Conspiracy", the great hall would be filled with over a hundred thousand souls, even above it's maximum capacity as the people of the Reich would, for the first time in a week, see their Führer as he was now. Goebbels was no longer the man he was, physically speaking. His right leg fully lost it's mobility and he leaned down on his cane with an arched back, his face was still heavily scarred and those behind him could see that his left hand would shake slightly. He had lost a lot of his hair and vigor, but the strength of his voice remained, and now it was stronger than it ever was, fueled with hatred, fueled with anger, fueled with paranoia and betrayal.

    He had believed Naumann, he had given him everything he had, he had made Magda the First Lady of the Reich, a Matriarch for National Socialist Women to look up to just as she had wanted, but none of that stopped them from betraying him, and if his own wife could betray him then how could he believe anyone? In a way, he had died in Linz, at least a part of him did, and now what was left was a spiteful and furious shadow of a man who commanded one of the greatest powers in the World. He had thought Germany was pure, that Germany was finally unified, but only now he realized how truly rotten the German people itself had become. Müller, Gerland, Bolschwing, all betrayed him, all had become those same corrupt bureaucrats and backstabbing intelligence officers who he had thought Germany was rid of 2 years ago. He saw no other alternative but to truly bring justice to Germany, to bring a purification like never before seen, the German people was not meant to believe in the Propaganda, they had to be the propaganda, they had to become the idealized vision that was shown to them. Only by creating a people fully rid of the degeneracy and the damage caused by the Jewish influences on society over the last thousands of years could the Thousand Year Reich be a reality, otherwise National Socialism would die and he would have failed his mentor, his Führer, his Messiah.

    And so began the great speech of 1962, a turning point in the history of Germany and Europe as a whole, where National Socialism would go beyond even their standard atrocious levels of brutality to unleash it's wrath not on "lesser" peoples, but on it's own people. In one day, Goebbels announced the dissolution of the Small Senate and the Office of Party Chancellor, claiming that the NSDAP only would answer to it's leader. Then he announced the end of the German Constitution of 1955 and of Constitutional Law as a whole, giving no replacement other than the Führer's commands and decrees, he declared said law, elaborated by Paul Wegener, as an instrument for the continued decadence of National Socialism, claiming that the Führer, as the embodiment of the Nation, could not be contained by any written law (although the Führer was already declared as a figure above any responsibility by the Constitution). He spoke of the great attempt on his life, how enemies loomed in the shadows of the Reich, for the first time he would openly speak of a flaw, the flaw that he was deceived by such elements but now it was clear that he would not allow his guard lowered against assassins again. He mourned the death of his wife, Magda Goebbels, who perished in the explosion, as well as Minister Arthur Axmann and others who would be declared as posthumous heroes and martyrs for the movement. He spoke the names of the traitors but centered the Conspiracy on Werner Naumann, comparing him to Judas, the embodiment of Jewish greed and betrayal.

    Then finally, the man, who looked more unnatural and disturbing than he ever was, would hold the podium firmly launch a declaration with a contained fury, and nobody could question the fact that he believed and meant everything he said. Once Goebbels spoke of National Socialism with a smile and showed himself as a friendly and populist face, but now when he spoke, he spoke about National Socialism with eyes of hatred, as if he was speaking to the Israeli Knesset or the US House of Representatives, as if he saw traitors everywhere in the crowd.

    "Our Angriff (Attack) must be furious and filled with righteous zeal against those who seek to destroy our Sacred Germany, against those who stand against the principles of National Socialism. Our beloved and Eternal Führer, Adolf Hitler, once prophesied the end of the Jew, and it is up to our generation to eliminate their rot as it is our Holy Duty to our Martyrs, for those who built the ground we stand. Let none claim innocence, let none stay idle, let none be neutral, for if you are not with Germany, you are against it, and as long as one vermin lives, a garden is not safe. We shall seize their evil by it's roots and cleanse it with our Sacred flames. No links or loyalties are greater than the loyalty to our Aryan Blood, to the Greater Germanic Reich, and the German Volk will show the world the true meaning of loyalty to our blood creed, will show the true meaning of what is to be a German. I declare today as the beginning of an New Order, an new Pact of Loyalty of our Race and State, Sieg Heil!"
    The crowd erupted in a wave of euphoria that was unmatched, not only because many attending, such as members of the Volkssturm, truly believed the words of their Führer, but because many knew that, from this moment onwards, anything less than unmatched fanaticism would be seen as a betrayal. And so the people competed as to who could shout higher, who could show the greatest emotion or shed the most tears, and the effect of that mix of fear and zeal spread into a mass hysteria in the largest assembly that Europe has ever seen. That would be the day of the Death of Europe, as rivers of blood would flow, as fire would burn cities and citizens alike, as thousands of years of culture and history would be erased by the paranoid whim of one man and an entire cadre of fanatics. What started as a fringe society in Munich over 40 years earlier, now became the largest mass movement in European History, and this movement would bring the end of a Civilization. Parents and Children would turn on one another, households would be torn apart, entire lineages would be wiped out as part of an action of Wanton brutality unseen since the 30-Years War.

    On the 15th of July of 1962, the Revolution of Destruction had begun.



    "Germany as a civilised state, is one of the chief exponents of our Western culture, which can be maintained only by white peoples, and preserved only by the united co-operation of all. Today, more than ever, when the rising tide of the coloured races is reaching higher and higher, the active help of a strong Germany is more than ever necessary."

    -Oswald Pirow

    Perhaps the weakest link in the British Commonwealth during the years preceding the World War was the South African Union, not because of any weaknesses of it's territory and industry, but by the dubious loyalty to one of the main groups of settlers inhabiting it, the Afrikaners, or Boers. Descended from the Dutch settlers and forming a strong cultural identity of their own in the 19th century, the Boer Republics were finally defeated in 1902 after years of guerrilla conflict with the encroaching British Empire, but their existence could not be ignored by London, and soon they became one of the foundations of the new Dominion in the form of the "National Party", which formed a de facto two-party state with the Anglo-led "South African Party" during most of the Pre-War period.

    Undeniably, there was sympathy for the German cause among the Boers, although the Calvinistic settlers had some apprehension over the German distaste for organized religion, what was seen after 1933 was what many saw as an awakening. No one was more fascinated inside the ranks of the National Party than Oswald Pirow, a member of Barry Hertzog's government and the founder of South African Airways, who met with Adolf Hitler and later went on a tour in Germany in 1938 during the eve of war, advocating for neutrality in 1939. He was not the only one impressed by the German ways, a small movement named the "Gentile National Socialist Movement", known as the "Gryshemde" or Greyshirts, was founded during the time with the support of the foreign session of the NSDAP led by Hess and Bohle. The Greyshirts were rejected by the National Party of the time in an official way, but it was undeniable that many within it's ranks shared sympathy for their racial ideas, only really expressing reservations in regards to anti-semitism. During the war, neither Pirow nor the Greyshirts were shut down by the British authorities, however, the larger movement of the Ossewabrandwag (OB), an Afrikaaner nationalist group far larger than the Greyshirts, would be heavily suppressed with the incarceration of it's leader Johannes van Rensburg, an action by the government of the British loyalist and Prime Minister Jans Smuts.

    The National Party itself had divisions, the main one happening in 1935 as the movement was split between those who supported the merger led by Prime Minister Hertzog with the South African Party, a move which formed the so-called "United Party", while the hardline of the Boer movement rallied together under Daniel François Malan in the "Purified National Party", and even more hardline factions from said party formed an internal split in within the Purified party itself as those advocated for Neutrality during the conflict. It was assumed that they would be nothing more than a small movement during the war, but the British terribly miscalculated their own chances of success, and each new conquest of the Germans led to further impact in the psyche of the Boers, who were considered "Germanic" settlers after all in the German definition.

    Nazism represented the strength of a movement that within one decade took a defeated and broken nation and made it into the rising superpower of the world in the mind of millions across the world, which is why there was a certain goodwill towards Germania in the immediate post-war years and admiration by certain world leaders even from small nations such as Paraguay and the Dominican Republic. In South Africa, the once fringe movement inside the National Party that called for the use of the German methods suddenly could no longer be ignored or rejected, suddenly they had credibility, suddenly they were speaking the words of the victorious in the greatest war mankind had ever seen, of the greatest conqueror since Napoleon and of the greatest Empire since Rome. That is what Marlan saw, and the Purified National Party now faced a change in it's policies as the Boer population in South Africa saw the triumph of their "Ancestral brethren" as a signal of changing times, which was further proven by the collapse of the seemingly invincible and terrifying boogeyman in the Soviet Union and the humiliation of the British Empire itself as they had to sue for peace once German tanks reached the gates of Cairo.

    "They have won."

    That was all that Victoria Dawkins could think of in dread as she heard of the news on the Radio, the year was 1948 and she knew that this could change everything. It was a tight election and she did her duty, but it was not enough to detain the Reunified National Party from winning against the United Party, and for the first time the radical Afrikaaners had the lead, there were already preparations to form a government in coalition with the odious and traitorous "Afrikaaner National Brotherhood", a party led by Oswald Pirow which looked more and more like German soldiers coming straight from Germania to crush the nation under their boots.

    She did not know what to do, or what could even be done now, move somewhere was the safer alternative, but to where? Britain seemed to be just a couple of days away from being invaded and destroyed by Hitler's unstoppable armies at any second, America was the only option they could could truly see, or maybe Canada, but South Africa would no longer be a home for the loyal supporters of his' Majesty King Edward VIII. The Boers had opposed the war at every chance and when the soldiers returned defeated, they only used that as propaganda, and while she did lose her father, she never once doubted that he was a honorable man, not a cannon fodder, and he would have never stood for this rhetoric. She had lived in her uncle's house with her siblings since then, thankfully he was a man of great resources, but that might be even worse, material possessions could be an anchor for anyone without a bigger instinct of self-preservation.

    God only knows how they could have won, and God only knows what was left to do, because now Victoria needed fresh air. She walked down the stairs, already dressed for this cloudy afternoon, and when she began her walk, her thoughts wandered. Maybe she ought to think less about politics before completely losing her own mind, she thought, there was no way that this government would be as apocalyptic as she thought. The Afrikaaners were still subjects to the King, all of this was only rhetoric to win over votes, but she did not spend ten minutes outside of her house before she heard a sound coming down from the streets. She stopped, thankfully before going any further, as she could clearly distinct the sound to be the language of the Boers, a language she knew and understood well enough to know how they were celebrating. Those were members of the Stormjaers, the paramilitary of the Afrikaaner National Brotherhood, and apparently they did not even await for the inevitable lifting on the government ban to start parading again. She saw them before during the war when she was younger, and even then she knew that these men were not someone you got to be close with, no matter if you were White or not, they cared if you were an Afrikaaner or not.

    They were coming her way on the streets, and despite the attempt at looking disciplined like their German inspiration, at least half of them could not even walk a straight line with how drunk they were. They were all dressed in white shirts, some were wielding torches, no doubt those were the few ones who were forced to be sober by the commander, others were waving around flags of the National Brotherhood, waving them around when Victoria was just praying that one of them would hit one of the torches to burn them all. And a few of them were going in with some sort of cattle brander in their hands which they used the torches to heat up. Her father died trying to stop men like that from reaching her home, and here were they, with the woman only now realizing what a stupid idea it was to take a walk today. Her instinct was to flee, and she tried to walk away at a hurried pace, but unfortunately they were already too close for her to be ignored, but thankfully she was wearing an orange and white dress. One of them looked over and broke the formation to intercept her.

    "Raise the banner, woman! Today we finally are free!"

    He said in Afrikaans and she knew it was a test, so she replied in Afrikaans, with a local accent that she was too nervous to properly disguise and the man was too drunk in his success to notice.

    "A march is no place for me, but my prayers will be with you, the time is ripe for us to have our Freedom from the Anglos."

    The man looked her up and down, as if debating to himself what he was going to do, thankfully the commander of that battalion blew a whistle and the men all began to sing a song and had to go into formation. So the man gave her a grin that said "I will catch up with you later" and walked back out of fear that he would be left out of the group. She breathed out a breath she did not know she was holding and walked down the opposite way that battalion was going, which is when she walked past one of the places they went through, the place they seem to have violated before. It was a store, one which she knew belonged to one of the few blacks who lived in this quarter of the town. He was actually a Coloured, his mother was a black woman, but that was not enough to save him. The front door was broken down, the streets smelled like the perfumes he hanged and now were all thrown down. The man himself was still living, but it was clear that he was not healthy, and just like his store he had been broken.

    His wife was crying, on her knees by his side, she was a white woman, and from the looks of it she did not go unpunished either, she was in pain and her arm was exposed, completely red and still with blood on it, but she could distinguish the burn mark, made with some cattle brander, the same she saw before. "Verraaier" or "Traitor" is what was written, that woman was a Boer, she knew, who had wed a coloured man, a rare sight and yet one that sometimes happened, and she could see very well why that was rare, there was a lot of stigma to it. She herself would never marry a black man, but she was not without pity for what they would go through after the new government was formed. As soon as the Stormjaers turned around the corner, she hurried back the way she came as quickly as she could and returned back home, with nothing but pure terror in her eyes.

    They had to leave, she knew, and she told her uncle all that happened. Of course, he scolded her for being a fool, for walking alone even in what was usually considered a safe neighborhood, he blamed her for her foolishness but agreed with her judgment. There would still be many discussions and, for a time, it seemed as if things had calmed down following the election and the Dawkins could remain in safety, but once the government began to actually show it's true face in the following years, they had to leave, paying a "Tax" in return and then taking the first ship leaving Cape Town to Miami. But even away, Victoria still remembered that couple, she still remembered the grin and madness in that man's eyes, she still remembered the jackboots and the destruction of that perfume store. But above all, she remembered her shame, the shame she felt, that her mother felt, that her siblings felt, because her father sacrificed his life to keep the Germans from their home, and they could not fight even a fraction of that to keep it.


    The National Party, once split by the adherence of many of it's members in backing Jan Smuts in September of 1939, was vindicated by the German victory in April of 1943, suddenly neutrality was seen, in hindsight as the correct decision. The policy of the Smuts government to continue in the war and provide support for the war in the East only worsened the popularity of the British authorities in South Africa as many saw little reason to fight against the Japanese and, indeed, die by the thousands to fight the Eastern Axis Power. While the fall of Gibraltar meant that South Africa was practically the only transit route from Britain to Asia without risk of wandering into the areas of the Linz Pakt, which did benefit the economy of places such as Cape Town, the truth is that the war, which was already controversial, had become deeply unpopular. The government postponed elections and continued wartime restrictions which included the arrest of German sympathizers such as Johannes van Rensburg, leader of the OB and it's paramilitary wing, the Stormjaers. The arrest of van Rensburg was kept after the peace with Germany which only caused greater dissatisfaction as he began to be seen as a martyr figure in the Afrikaner community, vindicated in his support for neutrality against Germany. Indeed a substantial British garrison would be dispatched in 1945 to keep control over South Africa after a wave of protests which led to Smuts pardoning Rensburg, however keeping him banned from political affiliations and continuing the ban on his paramilitary organization.

    The creation of the Afrikaner National Brotherhood (ANB) was during an event in April of 1946, 3 years after the end of the war, with Pirow rallying together members of the OB, of the National Socialist groups, and dissenting members of the "Reunified National Party" (Which was reunited in 1940 under Malan's leadership) into a single force. Furthermore, this movement would advocate for an Independent Boer-led South Africa under a strong Presidency with almost dictatorial power. The political situation in South Africa, by the time the war ended, was one of unrest with a rising anti-British sentiment over the war and the continuation of the war in the Pacific. Jan Smuts still would attempt to calm the situation in the country through certain economic incentives over the province of Transvaal as well as lifting the wartime restrictions on the dissents, although keeping the ban on Paramilitary organizations. At the time, all of this was merely a calm before the storm, and many voters considered it "too little, too late", but nobody expected the impressive results of the elections in May of 1948. Many argued over fraud and irregularities, that the police in Boer areas allowed the paramilitaries to roam unpunished to intimidate voters. In total, of the 153 seats, the three Boer parties gained 91, just the Brotherhood went on to hold 23 seats despite having a relatively small portion of the votes due to the biased electoral system towards Rural areas where the Broederbond had established a strong foothold over small and middle towns. Malan soon became the Prime Minister, inviting Pirow into his government alongside Havenga's Afrikaner Party, with Van Rensburg having his restrictions lifted and joining the Afrikaner National Brotherhood, restoring the Stormjaers once again.

    But despite that move, for a decade the Afrikaner government would remain as a British Dominion in name, although in practice the exports of resources such as Uranium, Platinum and Chromium had already started towards the Linz Pakt despite London's Embargo. But while the collaboration with Germany is something that will expand further in the 1950s, in the very same year that Malan became Prime Minister, South Africa began to move using the existing sentiment and structure against the black inhabitants from tribes to cities, ethnicities such as the Xhosa and Zulu would see the intensification of the previous system of racial discrimination into a radical segregationist policy which was named "Apartheid" or simply "Separation", which went a step beyond even the measures of the American South in the terms of the law (it is debatable how different they were in practice at least in regards to the early stages of Apartheid Pre-Republic).

    First came the classification of the South African people within distinct categories that were elaborated by the Boers: Afrikaners, Anglos, Coloureds, and by the insistence of the Brotherhood, Semites. Anti-Semitism was a growing feeling in South Africa, as the German victory in Europe not only legitimized those views, but the arrival of thousands of Jewish refugees in places such as Natal and Cape Town would spark the growing irritation of local shopkeepers over increased competition. By far, the Coloureds were the majority of the population and it did not only include the local African tribes and the black population in the cities and countryside, but also included racially mixed individuals and Asians such as the rather prominent Indian community that arrived in much of British Africa during the last 100 years. While the priority of the Marlan government, the first one responsible for pushing the "Apartheid" policies, was the discrimination and segregation of the coloured peoples, restrictions imposed on marriages by the "Morality Acts" of 1949-1950 were also imposed on the marriage of Jewish individuals with non-Jews. The definition of Jewish was more restrained than in the German Reich, which considered 1/4th of Jewish blood enough to be considered of "Mixed Race", in South Africa, 1/4th of Jewish blood was not sufficient to classify one as Jewish, one reason for it was the concern by the National Party to not aggressively push it's anti-semitic agenda in a large-scale until the "Coloured" matter was solved.

    It was also important to consider that the majority of South Africa's relatively modest Jewish population was supportive of the Union Party or more Liberal groups, which meant that it formed a group of opposition against the new government. But it would be unwise to consider that the eventual increase in anti-semitic policies of the Brotherhood was motivated by political or economic factors as it was feared even then that the push for anti-semitic policies would provoke sanctions from the Western World. And the persecution of Jews in South Africa, during the 1950s and 1960s, although should not be minimized, is still not the focus of the atrocities committed by the Boer regime which was still in it's early steps, as since the very start of it's governance, the National Party always focused it's wrath on the Black and Indian population of South Africa, which composed between 60% and 70% of the country's population.

    The racial classification, which was first applied in a census made in 1950, would exist within the context of the Apartheid that first declared the illegality of racially-mixed marriages in 1949, followed by the creation of the "Department of Racial Affairs" which was placed under the leadership of Oswald Pirow, leader of the National Brotherhood, as was his condition to enter a coalition with the National Party together with the Afrikaner Party. Pirow was allied with hardliners within the National Party such as Johannes Strijdom, Hendrik Verwoerd, and the members of the "Greyshirt" militia Johannes van Rensburg, Louis Weichardt and Balthazar Vorster. This clique would be known as the "Orange Circle" by some, 6 men who would push for the implementation of radical apartheid policies in South Africa based around the Principles of Afrikaner Nationalism and their supremacy, the "Baasskap" or "Boss-hood" did include most of the National Party members, but these 6 would be the central leadership which pushed, through the empowered Department, to segregate the Black population and, eventually, push for it's extinction.


    British Authorities were obviously not oblivious to the growth of the German Influence in South Africa which was better show by the pardoning and permission of the Greyshirt militias by the National Government at first, and then by the pardoning of a German agent from the Abwehr (before it was subsumed into the RSHA) Robey Leibbrandt, a former athlete who was arrested for espionage and now was released as part of an Amnesty program made by the National Party over individuals who were detained by Smuts' government during the war, not only that, he would be praised as a Folk hero. The worrying number of Afrikaners using the flag of the National Socialist movement, tweaked with the orange and blue colors of South Africa, was a rather obvious sign that the situation was becoming concerning. There were proposals in London to push for the Governor-General to dissolve the government, however it was feared that doing so would lead to further radicalization and even open conflict between London and Pretoria. King Edward detested the inaction of the government, and South Africa was but one of the many reasons that led to him launching the coup against the Bevan government in 1959 and install Mountbatten as Prime Minister.

    One group that did attempt to fight the rising regime was the Coloured population which not only was seeing their already limited rights being extinguished, many literates and immigrants knew well the rumors of atrocities made by those who wielded the same flags with the hooked cross that the Brotherhood wielded in rallies. Nelson Mandela and Oliver Tambo, members of the Youth Wing of the African National Congress in South Africa, the main organization promoting greater rights for black citizens, would rise up in a Congress in Bloemfontein to call for a national resistance campaign against the increasing legal discrimination of the "Apartheid" laws, neither Mandela nor Tambo would live until the end of the decade, and instead their movement would suffer the ruthless violence of the Government forces and the Greyshirts alike.


    The ANC called for a campaign of civic disobedience and strikes against the Apartheid laws, one such example being in 1951 when the ANC members refused to use the passports the government issued to control the movement of the Black populations and ANC-sympathetic whites refused to fire black employees in their businesses. The result was that Pirow would call for a police crackdown on the ANC members defying the laws of Segregation with the authorization of Malan, but the police were not the only ones sent, but the Greyshirts would also be recruited as an "auxiliary" force to suppress the protests, which would result in the Stutterheim Massacre of 1952, which was solely blamed on the mostly weaponless ANC protesters. Mandela and Tambo would both be arrested in that same year with the campaign being violently crushed, especially thanks to the complacency of the vast majority of the Anglo community who, if not sympathetic to the Afrikaner government, still did little in regards to supporting the black protests in a meaningful way, that left the National Party believing to have a blank cheque to push any policies they so wished on the Coloured groups.

    Disenfranchisement was the next major step in Apartheid by stripping the vote of the Coloured group, which would also serve to further entrench the Afrikaner parties into power, and while Malan would move for it, it was his successor who would push for a stronger stance and face the High Court of South Africa. Malan died on the 26th of October of 1952, murdered by a member of the ANC in retaliation for the Apartheid policies pushed by his government. He did not die immediately, instead the bullet wound was infected and he would die four days later in the Hospital. With that would come the rise of Hendrik Verwoerd, one of the main ideologues of the Apartheid regime which also would drift the National Party into an increased radicalization as a reaction by the Boer communities to the Assassination of the Prime Minister. An State of Emergency was declared and Verowerd would push for the creation of the "Bantustans", imposing the full segregation of not only Coloured and Non-Coloured neighborhoods, but of entire regions of the country with the Coloured population being designed "Special Areas" for settlement and, alongside the demolition of black neighborhoods under the guise of "Illegal squatting", would begin a process of ethnic cleansing within the country itself.

    Verwoerd's fight with the High Court is considered to be one of the last moments where the rise of the ANB in the country could have been stopped, although at the time the ANB was the junior party in the government coalition, it is undeniable that the precedent set in that clash would lead to the unchecked power that later allowed the rise of a dictatorship. The vote for the "Separate Representation Act" was successful in 1953 and at first the Court upheld the vote, yet upon a further analysis by the Court of Appeals, the vote was declared null because it did not possess the required 2/3rds majority to be established as such an act would attack the Entrenched Clauses of the Constitution. The Parliament attempted to push for an act in 1954, the High Court Bill, which was declared null by the court, an act which would have allowed the Parliament to overrule the resolutions of the court. The result was a conflict which led to Verwoerd approving the expansion of the Appeal Court from 5 to 11 Justices (a move which is compared to Huey Long's expansion of the SCOTUS in the US around the same time) and, with that, passed the Separate Representation Act that segregated the voters in racial categories, as well as the Senate Act which doubled the number of seats, the overwhelming majority being taken by Afrikaner Nationalists.

    Verwoerd had a dispute with Pirow and the ANB on the Status of both the Anglos and the Jews as the radicals began to push for the isolation of the Jewish community in South Africa, as well as to push for a full independence from Britain, and while Hendrik was not without sympathy of the latter, he also feared alienating the Anglo population, seeing them as an ally in the Apartheid. The idea of a general "White" movement in South Africa was also ironically pushed by Rudolf Hess during those years, which caused the ANB to slowly come to support Verwoerd's idea of an alliance with the British settler population, however they refused to abdicate the idea of a Germanic supremacy in said union. The Labour movement would also come under heavy suppression due to their previous support of the ANC's campaign in 1951-52. In 1953, the ANB gained several more seats, even to the detriment of the National Party and the extinction of the Afrikaner Party, mostly due to the fallout of Malan's assassination. The 1958 election had given the ANB roughly a third of the seats in Parliament, but their greatest boon in popularity would happen a month later with the start of the Ural war sparking up the fears of a conflict in Europe, which provoked the reaction of several sectors in South Africa advocating for neutrality by radicalizing the Anti-British sentiment.

    Three events in 1958 would lead to the radicalization of the Afrikaner movement and, ultimately, to the rise of the South African regime, the Ural War, the ANC trial, and the Edwardian Coup in London. First would come the reignition of the threat of war in May, just a month after the elections, which led to a wave of protests organized by the National Party itself, it was more of a public rally in support for Neutrality that ended up placing the local government even more at odds with the London government that was at the time led by the Labour Party. The fear that South Africa, as a member of the Commonwealth, could end up dragged into an European War against an enemy the South African government was openly sympathetic towards was the main motivator for the renewed push for a "True Independence" which the Prime Minister supported. Governor-General Jansen was also a man which London was losing patience with as the Afrikaner Governor openly refused to swear loyalty to King Edward and was perhaps the one bearing the most responsibility over the extremely lax policy that allowed National Socialism to establish a foothold in the Dominion.

    Just a week after the Ural War started, the government of Prime Minister Bevan fell to the coup launched by King Edward and Lord Mountbatten, a shocking turn of events for the Anglosphere and the Western world as a whole, and while most of the dominions did not express many strong reactions in 1958 due to the threat of a Third World War, especially after German troops launched a nuclear device in Perm, the reaction from Governor Jansen and Prime Minister Verwoerd can be described as nothing less than cynical outrage. The National Party did have a dubious claim over supporting the democratic process by itself, the Afrikaner National Brotherhood did not even pretend to care, and yet the government made up by both these parties decried the coup and refused to recognize Mountbatten as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and a refferendum for the creation of a Republic would be scheduled for September 1958. It was an opportunistic maneuver by the Afrikaner government to capitalize on the fact many in the Anglo population felt alienated by the coup in London, perhaps just enough to push for a Republic.

    Finally there was the trial of Nelson Mandela and several leaders of the ANC. After his 5-year sentence was finished for the "disruption" caused in 1951, Mandela returned to his activist moves in 1957, starting to mobilize further support for the ANC, even gathering the help of dissident Afrikaners and Anglos who were alienated by the authoritarian push of the Government in the mid 1950s. The growing movement would continue it's calls to boycott Apartheid policies and even held rallies in the early months of 1958 in an attempt to support the United Party in the coming elections, however the electoral system had already been slowly dismantled over the years to ensure the supremacy of the Boers. Mandela was imprisoned on the 16th of April, during the elections, after an accusation of High Treason. His trial would begin in June and it was an event covered massively by the media, with the Activist leader being imprisoned and several protesters calling for his release, only for counter-protests to be organized by von Resenburg's Greyshirts calling for his death and assaulting Mandela's supporters on the streets with little to no interference from the Police.

    Mandela would take the stage and refused to confess to any of the charges of supposedly planning a Communist revolution, his lawyers held little hope that the due process would be observed as Verwoerd and Pirow both were pushing from above to have Mandela indicted, which he was, sentenced for life without parole. In his last deliberations, Mandela would take the stage and launch accusations against the government, claiming that justice was subverted in the name of Racial Supremacy, that the South African government would stop at nothing to raise their "Swastika" over the Country and that the fate of "those who do not fit in their supremacist view" was dependent on what would happen in the next few months. It proved to be a quite prophetic statement, however Mandela's fate after the trial was already sealed, he would never be publicly seen again and was just one of the first victims of the rising new order in the country. One statement of his' would be remembered "Segregation is just one step before extermination", a view which would be shared by many activists worldwide including in the United States.

    Mandela's trial ended by the end of August of 1958, just two weeks before the Republican referendum, and the call for resistance issued by Mandela during his trial led to a wave of unrest, strikes and protests that spread the so-called "Black Terror". Oliver Tambo, leader of the ANC, called for a general strike and a mass rally in support, ironically, for the Monarchy. Not because King Edward was a friend of the workers, hardly, but because Sisulu feared that an unrestrained South African Government would ally with the German Reich and bring the possible extermination of the Black population. Of course, the Communist leaders in the ANC actually advocated for a support for a Republic, believing that the South African government would be more vulnerable without London's support, that led to a split between Tambo's more moderate forces against Walter Sisulu's radical group, which formed a paramilitary militia in the wake of Mandela's arrest that fought street battles with the Greyshirts in the weeks preceeding the refferendum. The White population, especially the Boers, feared the growing violence of the Black militants, which led to many seeing the Greyshirt militias and the government as one of the few symbols of strength left in the nation and continued advocating for a Republic.

    The Referendum was tight, in fact it was merely a 53,73% vs 46,27% vote, and yet the Republican group won, not only because of intimidation tactics by the Greyshirts and the disenfranchisement of the Coloured voters, but by the inclusion of Namibian voters, many being descended from German settlers, and the putsch launched by King Edward that led to many of the more reluctant Afrikaners come to support the Republic out of fears of a renewed British Imperialist stance. Verwoerd also pushed the claim that the changes would be minimal in Constitutional terms, merely to replace King Edward with an elected President. But those who remembered the draft proposed by the newspaper Verowerd himself edited at the time, Die Transvaler, knew that there was little accountability in the powers of a Boer President. And so, the South African Constitution of 1959 gave such an overwhelming authority to the President that it was called as a "copy of the Führerprinzip", where the President had almost unlimited authority and the Parliament was relegated as an advisory body and, as part of the agreement in the ruling coalition, the First President would be Verwoerd himself and Pirow, leader of the ANB, would be his Vice-President. This State of affairs would last only two years.

    Leaving the Commonwealth was the simple part, but the new Republic had to deal with a new dilema in the foreign arena as, while Verwoerd pushed for a Neutral South Africa, Pirow and Rensburg both called for a greater alignment with the Linz Pakt, which ran contrary to their previous claims of backing a Neutral South Africa. In fact, that was already far from a reality as uranium and other minerals were sold in large quantities to Italy and Germany during the 1950s and it was crucial for the Italian Nuclear Program. The Ural War continued and eventually would lead to the panic caused by the Ultimatum in August of 1959 and then the death of Rudolf Hess later that day. The panic in South Africa was mostly contained, as many believed that a Nuclear Exchange coming from Germany would not target South Africa due to the partnership between Germania and Pretoria. While Verwoerd was in charge, that slightly biased neutrality would remain as the Status Quo, but that hope of neutrality was dashed in 1961.


    Hendrik Verwoerd, the Architect of the Apartheid system and First President of the Republic of South Africa, was assassinated on the 13th of March of 1961 after a black militant, belonging to the ANC's paramilitary uMkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation) led by Walter Sisulu, shot him during a speech in Cape Town. His death sent shockwaves throughout the nation and Oswald Pirow, now the President of the Republic, declared a State of Emergency, enacting the "Decree for the Safeguard of National Institutions", declaring the illegality of all Labour and Black associations, criminalizing all activities linked to Communism and expanding the definition of Treason to an almost comical level. Pirow, who was already sickly at the time, launched a complete crackdown of several institutions, with Oliver Tambo also being arrested. The government would also crackdown on several institutions in both Cape Town and, especially, in Natal, as Verwoerd's tolerance for English-speaking settlers was overturned by Pirow at the time who instead favored a decisively pro-germanic settlement. While the English population did not come under the same level of scrutiny as the Black, Jewish or Asian population, indeed a large number would be a part in the coming governments, they were seen with suspicion by Pretoria in the context of a world largely split in the competition of the Anglosphere and a German-led alliance.

    Pirow's measures would spark protests and, with them came a harsh and brutal crackdown, especially aimed at the Black population. In Bloemfontein, over 121 people would be killed in a massacre after the police intervened in a confrontation between Greyshirts and Black protesters by firing at the black protesters. The Greyshirts were armed and held rallies across large cities as a show of force, launching attacks on Jewish businesses that soon would suffer the same discrimination that "Coloured" businesses came down upon since the late 1940s. These actions drew condemnations across the world and soon Pirow set sights at ensuring South Africa's survival. Hans Luddin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the German Reich, visited Pretoria in August of 1961, received by a pompous ceremony by van Rensburg's paramilitaries. It did not quite impress Luddin, as later he reported to Goebbels the crude lack of discipline of the local movement, but he saw potential in South Africa as, with the Mediterranean under the control of the Pakt, South Africa had become the key of Britain's connection to Asia, and soon that would be put to the test.

    Simonstadt, or Simon's Town, was the largest and most crucial naval base in South Africa and it was held by the British Fleet in the heart of Cape Town. Despite previous attempts to negotiate the transfer of the base to the local government, London had completely reversed course following the rise of Mountbatten and, instead, began to fortify the town as an "Atlantic Gibraltar". While the South African Fleet had been transferred, the British Naval assets moved into the area during the Ural War, and when Pirow became President, he made it his priority to seize back the Naval Citadel. There was not a lack of recent precedent, as Goa, Macau and East Timor were taken from the Portuguese without a declaration of war, he believed the same to be possible against the British, clearly underestimating the importance and the naval power of the British Empire at this time, with the British dealing with growing unrest in their African colonies.


    On the 9th of November of 1961, the South African government retaliated to the sanctions imposed by the British in the aftermath of the Bloemfontein massacre by cutting all food, water and electricity supplies in Simon's town, furthermore, military units would be moved to be positioned on the hills overlooking the city. The threat was quite clear and the South African Government demanded that a referendum was to be called "in the spirit of the Self-Determination of peoples" to transfer the city to South Africa. Many, including Rensburg, claimed that instead of the blockade strategy, Pirow should have moved to quickly and violently seize the relatively small city, as London would consider a "Fait Accompli". But Pirow refused, instead attempting a less aggressive method out of fear of a larger retaliation, which proved to be prudent considering how Mountbatten reacted to the event, London was not Lisbon.

    Mountbatten did not call for support from the recently founded Coalition of Nations, rather he wanted to show British strength in dealing with a former colony, which is why the Royal Navy squadrons in East Africa and in the Azores would be mobilized, and despite the hunger already spreading in the settlement, the Royal Navy would arrive on time to ressupply the base. The importance of the base was such that an unit of Royal Marines had been installed permanently and only bolstered in strength following the election of Verwoerd, and soon they would be put to the test as, on the 25th of November, as the British fleet ensured the failure of the blockade with a system of convoys directed to the Town, Pirow finally acquiesced and ordered the South African military to seize Simonstadt, stubbornly refusing to back down.

    Simon's Town War was the name of the conflict which happened between the 25th and the 27th of November of 1961, as the South African military, bolstered by Greyshirt forces, launched three assaults in an attempt to seize the settlement against the Royal Marines, backed by Air Support provided by the HMS Eagle and the HMS Prince Albert, named after the King's deceased brother and the first of a modern carrier class made to compete with American designs and especially equipped for long-range operations. The War ended with a British bombing raid of Cape Town on the morning of the 27th that led to Pirow finally backing down from the blockade, retreating the army units from the area and ceasing all attacks, resuming the flow of supplies from land, fearing that further strikes could lead to an escalation of the conflict as the British showed clear determination that they would not give up such strategic location. Afterwards, at least one carrier of the Royal Navy would be stationed at Simon's Town at all times, with a bolster in the number of marines and an agreement being reached with Pretoria for the demilitarization of much of the Cape Peninsula.

    This humiliating affair would only spark outrage in the Boer Population against Pirow's leadership as many radicals considered him as a weak President, and with that came the final step in the takeover of South Africa as Johannes van Rensburg, on the 2nd of December of 1961, a Saturday, launched a coup in Pretoria, with very little resistance coming from Pirow himself who publicly announced his resignation over health concerns. Considering his public appearance and the fact he died three months later of a heart failure, it is likely that it was a real health problem that the President kept covered. With Verowerd dead and Pirow resigning, the South African Constitution stated that the Parliament would elect a New President until new Elections were called, it just so happened that the Greyshirts were responsible for the security of the Parliament building since 1960 when they were officially made into a Police Force. Van Rensburg would become President of South Africa and kept the State of Emergency, keeping the almost unlimited powers of the Presidency centered around himself as he would soon begin to reshape the country as he saw fit, inspired by the example of the victorious Reich, and ready to bring his own brand of Afrikaner National Socialism into power, which would lead to one of the largest atrocities in African History.




    He straightened up his tie in front of the mirror, a double Windsor knot as befitting of a Prime Minister of a Windsor King, then he looked at his watch another time and wondered for another time how the military life made him used to a punctuality that could not be expected for the civilian life. It was a long time that he spent in the armed forces, from the navy back in the Great War, to his time as the aide of King Edward in naval affairs where he grew more fond of the Monarch after he became a more mature man, and of course there is Burma, where his fame came from. He had experience in the civilian government, he was the last Viceroy of India and had to thread a careful path to ensure the crowning jewel of the Empire was not shattered while being handed over to Nehru, and since then he had seen catastrophe after catastrophe coming from the esteemed and honorable gentlemen of Parliament, Atlee, Eden, Butler, Gaitskell and Bevan, all men who tore the country within a decade in a way unseen in perhaps centuries, he scoffed at the thought that he was the one nicknamed to be a disaster.

    Now, Albert Victor Nicholas Louis Francis Mountbatten, or just Lord Mountbatten for shorts, would meet a foe fiercer than a Hun, a Jap, or an Irishman, he had to face Arthur Horner, the damned Communist sent by the Miner's Union to negotiate the end of the strike before winter came with a coal shortage in British homesteads. Horner was a man who could be reasoned with, even if he was a red, even if he was one of Bevan's foremost supporters, even if he was against what Mountbatten represented: An aristocrat placed in Parliament at the whims of a King with an army at his back. But still Mountbatten was sympathetic to the workers, he was a backer of the Labour movement and many times gave support to their interests, which is why some, mainly the backers of the deceased Gaitskell and Crossland's wing of the Labour Party, agreed to join the National Unity Government he held, and for a long time the government was able to survive if only because of the German war machine in Europe and the sparks happening in places such as the Middle East and South Africa, which both were proving to be headaches for him.

    Horner arrived at the room for a closed-doors meeting, the two had the usual pictures taken and formalities exchanged, but when all was done, what mattered is what they would both discuss inside. "We understand the need for solidarity with the State in this trying time, but this time is over, the deal was made in Dublin and we want you out, Mr. Mountbatten, with all due respect to your person, what you represent is the end of our democracy and all we fought for, the strike will not end while you sit this chair." The entire conversation before was a waste of time, this is what they wanted, this is what it all led up to and he knew it from the start. But he would not have accepted the King's command if he was not sure that he could succeed. Of course there was the possibility of what a few officers were calling for to declare Martial Law and turn all of Great Britain into Northern Ireland, if he could catch Horner breaking the Treason Felony Act or the Defense of the Realm Act, he could arrest him then and there, but he would have to be a fool to do that to the leader of a strike in Britain, it would be a sure way to ensure the looming General Strike would happen tomorrow.

    It was, in many ways, a matter of trust, the only reason Louis was not being dragged into the streets for tar and feather before being hanged is because the people knew him to be a dedicated officer towards Britain, and the people relied on the military in these times more than ever. Britain lived like one does in a barrack, with a rationing scheme ongoing for two decades, constant drills and exercises, the construction of bunkers, the paranoia over anyone speaking something even remotely German, it came to a point where the fear of a German invasion, or worse, of a Nuclear War, became one of the driving concerns in voters, a whole generation coming of age that never knew a world without the Hitlerites ruling the Continent. When Rudolf Hess made public his plan for a nuclear assault if an unconditional surrender was not made by the Russians, thousands were protesting in the gates of the Russian embassy out of panic in the first few hours, but after that there was not a single soul in the streets, everyone awaited for the hours to pass in either a church or bunker, or inside their homes. He had to make a decision on a preemptive strike and if Hess' had died minutes later than he did, he would have launched it. The people trusted the military, and nothing suppresses the ideas of democracy and liberty more than terror. That is why there was not a single protest outside of the first few weeks of his takeover, that is why the Unions remained silent after the Nuclear bomb went off in Perm, because everyone realized that the end was near and only if they stayed united could they weather the storm. But now the storm had passed, and the people began to return to their mostly normal lives.

    An agreement was reached, the end of the National Unity Government and the scheduling of a General Election for December, a Christmas Election as it was called, even if it was on the 23rd of December, in return the workers would return to home and, "emboldened by a sense of national solidarity", continue to provide coal for homes in this winter. That solved the most urgent matter, and it took a few favors for Mountbatten to not resign outright. Edward was not satisfied with this agreement, claiming that Mountbatten was deserting his duty, but the Prime Minister stood his ground and the King would come to understand his reasoning that afternoon. They were not expecting to win, this experiment was meant to be over and while Mountbatten did not particularly wish to retain his seat, he saw the need at that moment for a strong leadership, one that had to be found in him. The Labour Party and the Conservative Party each made their campaigns, the Labour Party almost placing Bevan as a Martyr in their campaign, despite the fact the government had nothing to do with his death, everyone could see his health was long past it's prime during the First of May rally in 1958. The Liberals also made a good showing, advocating for moderate policies and a general pro-Democracy motto. The National Unity Government of 1958-1959 seemed to be remembered in history as just one of those few strange moments in political history, as a limbo, with some detesting it, others cautiously supporting it, most seeing it as a necessary evil.

    But then he had received the news and was shocked with the results, leaving his home and heading to the Buckingham Palace for a private meeting with King Edward VIII, what many expected to be a defeat... was not a defeat. The MPs supported by the government were winning across the country in several instances, to the point there were enough in the Parliament to prevent anyone from having a majority. Edward was not alone in the room with Mountbatten either, there was someone else sitting near the King, a young man who was carefully reading some book while they all listened to BBC news. Louis knew who that was, the Prince of Wales and King Edward's only child with Queen Ingrid, Richard of Windsor, and despite his quiet nature that sharply contrasted with his father's more charismatic style, there was some undeniable intelligence in him, the question is where that intelligence would be applied. "Now if we get the Tories, the ship will keep sailing, and this time with legitimacy. It will be my honor to call upon you to form a government again." Edward spoke to Mountbatten and the Prime Minister nodded in understanding, knowing he would have to get in direct contact with a few unsavory people for this to work, but if it worked, then Edward's credibility would be saved, the future of the Monarchy itself depended on this bet, and all chips were on him. Yet, he could not help but question what was in Prince Richard's mind, acting as if that was a test of sorts to the boy. "What says the Prince of Wales?" Mountbatten asked and Edward turned to look at his son, who closed his book and looked at them with his mysterious blue eyes. "It will be delicate, but doable, just be sure that the military is loyal, it is always good to have a fallback line if the attack fails".


    How did the government that took power in what was essentially a coup, or at the very least an open conspiracy, manage to reform and continue after the 1959 elections? There are several reasons and the first of them was the fact Mountbatten was never running on a proper political party, even if he was a member of Labour, he was not openly campaigning on a government of National Unity, it was the people who elected members from the Conservative, Liberal and Labour parties who backed Mountbatten. The discipline within the Labour Party was fractured due to the former split between Gaitskellites and Bevanites which was radicalized following Gaitskell's and Crossland's assassinations, the former wing being far more collaborative with Mountbatten's emergency government than the latter which was overthrown in the coup. The Conservatives, who were still recovering from the crushing defeat during Butler's government, began to advocate a more militant line against Germany which fell in line with Mountbatten's ideals. It also became more tolerable to join in a coalition with Labour Party members due to the existing economic consensus advocated also by Mountbatten, with a few outliers who rejected the continuous push for Nationalization, Government intervention and Rationing policies. Few Liberals advocated for Mountbatten, but their numbers were far too little to be a threat. The previous year was also spent with the government sidelining the Bevanite wing of the Labour Party and running what was essentially a purge in the list of candidates for the 1959 election.

    But while this explains the political conditions in Parliament that allowed the formation of the Government, it does not explain the public feelings in the aftermath of the Ural War and the chaotic couple of years under the Mountbatten leadership: The invasion of Russia, the liberal use of nuclear weapons by the Wehrmacht, the invasion of Portugal, the rising possibility of an alliance between Asian powers (or at least the fear of one), the continuous unreliability of the Long administration in America, the 12-day war in the Middle East, and of course the events of August 1959, a period of geopolitical turmoil at the doorstep of Britain which made National Security become the foremost concern of voters even beyond partisan lines. There were still problems when it came to the leadership of both parties, the Conservatives and Labour, which were more open to cooperating with the National Unity government. The Labour Party still had very understandable grievances when the Parliament Act was repelled and the House of Lords empowered, with many in the party still keeping faithful to the charter to abolish the House of Lords, and even if one were to believe Bevan died of his illness, which was not far fetched due to his declining health in 1959, Mountbatten still had launched what was essentially a military coup backed by the King to strongarm the Parliament into accepting Bevan's removal by Edward. The Labour Party's previous faith in Edward's rule was shaken and they still declared that Mountbatten should not keep the leadership of said government.

    The Conservative Party was more welcoming, despite Mountbatten and Edward being both more heavily weighted towards the Labour Party, it was almost natural to the British right-wing to ally with the King and the Military under the threat of both a renewed German aggressiveness in the Mainland and the Worker's unrest at home. There were dissidents, such as MP Margaret Roberts, a low clergy member of the Tories who disagreed with the current economic consensus in Britain over the Nationalized economy that was accused of being Communist, there was also Enoch Powell, another MP, who opposed the increased Authoritarianism that Edward turned into an established precedent which was essentially validated by the electoral results of an election surrounded by fearmongering. He ironically would remark "You expect to call an election in the middle of the rain and for the people not to vote for an umbrella", since then some mockingly called it the "rainy election of 59", although it was not raining in London that day. Powell did agree with many policies of the new Establishment when it came to the military expansion and strength of the British Empire, but he still did join the ranks of dissenters who left the Conservative Party to create what came to be known as the "National Conservative Party", who called themselves "True Tories".

    In the Labour Party, the split was more contentious as, while the vast majority of the Conservatives did join the call for National Unity, the Labour Party was roughly split between the former Bevanite wing led by MP Harold Wilson, with an uncompromising stance against Mountbatten and even calling, not openly, for the abdication of King Edward, and the former Gaitskell/Crossland wing that was now led by the alcoholic George Alfred Brown. Perhaps Brown's rise would not have happened if not for interference from the government, Mountbatten was assured that he would be a more "acceptable" leader for the "Loyal Labour" wing, specifically because his alcoholism was an exploitable weakness by the government (in many places, due to the three decades of American prohibition, Alcohol was seen poorly by the War generation due to the effect in popular culture). The schism would lead to the formation of the "Worker's Party" by Harold Wilson, who named themselves as the "True Labour", in contrast to the mainstream Labour Party which was named the "Loyal Labour". Despite the Labour-Conservative coalition which formed the National Unity government under Mountbatten still possessing the majority by 1960, the two parties would suffer schisms that allowed for the creation of a robust, although disunited, opposition made up by the Worker's Party, the National Conservative Party, and the Liberal Party.

    The Mountbatten Cabinet was a mix not seen since the Halifax Cabinet, with the Parliament split mostly between supportive or opposing to the new Prime Minister, the party lines became more blurred and the Ministry was a mix between Conservatives, Labourists and Military officers. "Our policy is to Protect" said Mountbatten in the first meeting of the new Cabinet, "the protection of our Nation and it's people must stand above all politics, I hope that this government is able to reach a consensus on the protection of the Homeland and Empire". The Prime Minister desired to avoid the divisiveness of the previous government despite he himself being a polarizing figure who came into power through polarizing means.

    One of the basis for Mountbatten's rule was the British Home Guard, formed in 1940 as a citizen militia against a possible German invasion by Halifax's cabinet, a force made up of volunteers across the nation which was formed in the aftermath of the loss of much of the British Expeditionary Force at Dunkirk and it's material. While several army units had to be used in fronts such as Egypt, East Africa and Burma, the Home Guard was mobilized for the immediate defense of the homeland, from the construction of bunkers and other defensive structures to the manning of anti-aircraft guns and the conduction of drills, with ample training and armaments being made available to the population. Said institution, even if diminished in the subsequent Atlee and Butler cabinets, still remained a relevant organization in the planning of military defense, it quickly became a tradition for young men, mostly children of former Guard members, to serve in the Home Guard. It's relevance would grow after the assassination of Prime Minister Gaitskell as the Northern Irish Unionists in the Home Guard would be deployed by the military to secure the internal order.


    The Home Guard after Mountbatten's coup would be greatly expanded and it's structure was centralized under the authority of the British Army, ironically many called it as "our SS", although a comparison to the Volkssturm would be slightly more relevant. The Home Guard did have it's functions expanded and served as more than a reserve force, with it's membership being mostly compromised by Loyalists to King Edward and supporters of a stronger authority to lead Britain against the Reich, many times the Guard would be deployed as an auxiliary police to suppress unrest against the new government, some even accusing members of the Guard of "supervising" the electoral process of 1959 in some counties. It did little to reduce the fears of the opposition that Britain was descending into a Dictatorship. As the guard was also made up mostly by the youth, many of it's members grew up with the siege mentality that had overtaken the British isles, seeing any sort of compromise with Germania as treason, volunteering to hunt down supposed spies and infiltrators, it is not hard to see how Britain became a nation living under the fearsome grip of the Reich's shadow in the continent, one just had to look at the Home Guard and see it's membership, most of them being the next generation that was now coming of age.

    Mountbatten's time as Prime Minister can be seen mainly through the external and internal problems he faced, not only those he inherited but also those that came as a consequence of his policies. Externally, his renewed Imperial policy had to face the resistance from millions of subjects who were dissatisfied with the Status Quo, his credibility in the Commonwealth was harmed by the coup, the renewed expansion of the United Arab Republic in Sudan and Yemen would plunge the nation into a gruesome conflict over the last British bastions on the Red Sea, the Syrians began to threaten the British control of Kuwait, South Africa was not only disengaging from the Commonwealth but also turning against London in favor of Germania, and that is not even including the Religious-Nationalist conflict over Northern Ireland which considerably escalated at the time. Furthermore, pressure continued to grow in Asia as the Indonesian Republic under Sukarno would begin to target Malaya, one of the most strategic and lucrative British dominions, with the love-hate relationship between London and New Delhi pressing Mountbatten into a situation very much familiar to him as India, despite being nominally supportive of Anti-German expansionism, also was hostile to the continued existence of the British Empire. And of course none of that is including the matters with Germania.

    Internally, Mountbatten would face not only the dissatisfied opposition fearing his rule to be the beginning of a dictatorship, but also the problems inherited from his predecessors such as the shrinking economy due to the disproportionate military spending (which would only be exacerbated by the new government), the dissatisfaction over the rationing policies and the risk of inflation spiralling out of control despite said rationing, all added up to indicate the coming decade as a looming time of strife in the United Kingdom. Naturally one must add the King himself, as Edward came to demand growing results from Downing Street that had to match his expectations, much credibility and centuries of precedent were broken by an exercise of Royal Power unseen since the 18th Century, the fall of Mountbatten's cabinet could spell an unrecoverable failure for the Monarchy as a whole. Edward gambled the fate of his family in a reckless power move and now would reap the consequences, be they good or bad.

    The government almost died with it's start as Louis faced his first major loss in February of 1960, during a visit to Washington alongside the young Prince Charles, desiring to meet President Long and Secretary Hull in the White House, the Prime Minister received the news of his wife's passing at the age of 58, he came close to cancelling the Tour and even thought of resigning altogether. Charles going on the tour with his grand-uncle, gave him support, later describing to his mother, Princess Elizabeth that "he looked like the weight of the world was upon him and the only pillar to share his burden had crashed". President Long gave his condolences, already dealing with two recent deaths in his family, this event further made him aware of his own mortality and might have been one of the incidents that led him to step down from running a Fourth Term, which did serve well in Britain's favor as Long's successor, President Hoffa, created the long-awaited Coalition of Nations and granted Britain with much needed subsidies.

    The visit to the United States would precede a tour across the Commonwealth made by Prince Richard, the Prince of Wales, who was only 20 at the time, between April and July of 1960. Richard was accompanied by his cousin, Princess Elizabeth, the two showed quite contrasting personalities in public as whereas Elizabeth appeared charming and friendly with the locals, Richard spent more time with army officers, local troops and showing a martial inclination and concerns over the Imperial defenses. He insisted on changing the tour and headed to Sudan, believing his presence would dissuade the local Egyptian-sponsored rebel groups and serve as a morale booster. Thankfully there were no major incidents, but Edward and Mountbatten would be both enraged by the Prince's bold move, Richard still was not dissuaded and went on to serve in the Royal Navy that year. Elizabeth, the second in line to the Throne, remained contained in her opinions, but she did have a personal distaste for Richard's mannerisms, that appeared to her as a "frightening unison of his father's boldness and an unholy ambition in his soul, with none of the hedonism that sated his father's worst impulses".

    The Tour was a probe on the local humors from Canada to Singapore that led to the draft of a new proposal to replace the outdated Commonwealth system, "the dangers of the post-Lisbon world order demand a further layer of protection to the Anglosphere for sake of the world's liberty" as Mountbatten put it. Following his tenure as Viceroy of India, the Prime Minister would come to realize that Britain's old Imperial system would require a growing expense of blood and money that could be ill afforded and either a local compromise or an intensification of the colonial exploitation was required, with the latter being almost immediately dismissed in favor of trying the former. One of the first of the reorganizations made in May, considering the recently crushed Mau Mau uprising and the border with Italian East Africa, East Africa was seen as a crucial region, made into a new Dominion that merged Kenya, Uganda, Zanzibar and Tanganyika into the Dominion of East Africa. Another addition was the Dominion of Rhodesia, merging Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland, later Bechuanaland was added to Rhodesia. These two large mergers, following the British pattern, did not require the consent of the locals, perhaps with the Prime Minister taking his Indian precedent and seeing larger multicultural states as a plausible solution, there was an increase to the local autonomy, including the fielding of local armies, but there was never any notion of full Independence, which dissatisfied local separatist groups.

    The Imperial Conference of 1960, which happened over the month of August in London, gathered all Commonwealth members to a reorganization, and while some hardliners did raise the idea of an Imperial Federation, formerly quashed in 1937, the consensus was only to further entrench the ties between the Dominions, as many saw London and it's nuclear arsenal as it's sole protection against the Reich or other threats such as China. The concern that guided the meeting was a closer cooperation between the commonwealth nations, with a Supreme Armed Command being created to combine the efforts of the members of all armed forces in the case of an Armed Conflict against the Reich (although most considered that it would be mostly a formality as a conflict with Germany would likely end with Nuclear Annihilation of the entire world), the Dominions did emphasize closer cooperation between it's members in regards to the economical and military fields. Mountbatten most importantly would also be seen as a more legitimate leader after many Dominions showed reluctant reactions to his "coup" at the best in 1958. Last but not least was the concern over a study ordered by Mountbatten in 1958 on a War scenario between the Commonwealth and the Linz Pakt without the interference of the United States or Russia beyond Material support, the results were concerning as the naval forces of the Pakt, as well as the expected Aerial superiority of the combined Air Forces of the continental powers, would overwhelm the British defenses and allow the possibility of invasion, which in turn would lead to the use of Nuclear Armaments.

    Another report that would be decisive in the coming years was the "Templer Report", named after General Gerald Templer, a veteran once held captive in the Continent after the failure at Dunkirk, released following the Peace of Lisbon, served in the Southeast Asia Campaign under Mountbatten following his return home, following that he would be promoted as a General and his advice was instrumental in the suppression of both the Malay Insurgency and the Mau Mau uprising. Templer was made Secretary of Defense by Mountbatten, tasked with supporting the program to estabilize the Imperial hold over it's remaining possessions as further insurgencies were expected, especially following the Mumbai Conference. Templer proposed a "Hearts and Minds" campaign mixed in with population control and brutal suppression of militant insurgents through an adaptation of the "Templer Plan" which was given to the Malay government. It was considered an enormous expense, but initially many of it's measures were adopted such as the easing of restrictions in colonial office, the overhaul of taxation and economic restrictions in the Dominions, as well as a reform in the local educational systems. Finally, Templer also called for the relocation of locals in high insurgency areas to "New Villages" that would be kept under watch, cutting off and starving insurgencies of support in the countryside. Such measures would be implemented in places such as Nigeria, Ghana, Sudan and Yemen to counter local insurgent groups in the early 1960s to varying degrees of success.


    Between 1958 and 1962, the main priority of the Mountbatten government in the British Isles was, without a doubt, the matter of the IRA and the war over Northern Ireland, the assassination of a Prince-Consort, who just so happened to be the Earl of Burma's nephew, and of the first murdered Prime Minister since Spencer Perceval in 1812, Hugh Gaitskell, gave all the popular will for a revenge campaign on the area by the British Public. The climate of insecurity brought by the Irish Terrorist group was also one of the factors that led to a greater acceptance of Mountbatten's military-civilian rule by the average British voter. The IRA was believed by many to be supported by the German Reich as an infiltration group to destabilize the British isles before an invasion, some even claimed the Irish Republic itself was supportive of Germania out of paranoia. The fears were not unfounded, the IRA was supported by the Linz Pakt, but not by the Reich (other than through a Black Market connection between the SSK and the IRA at the time that happened without Hess' knowledge), rather it was by the Italian Empire under Mussolini and later Almirante, as well as elements in both the Spanish and French governments who backed the militant Catholics. The main reason was the intense rivalry over the Middle East during the 1950s between Rome and London, the possibility of the Fascist governments to appease their Catholic supporters following the Reich's purge against the Catholic Church in 1956, as well as the intense Anglophobia shared by these three nations. The Portuguese, despite the historical partnership with London, gave a blind eye to the egregious amounts of weapons supplied between Lisbon and Dublin, due to fears of invasion (which eventually came to happen) by the Pakt, but Salazar's regime refused to give any support of their own to the IRA despite the urges of Integralists. It is also believed that the Brazilian government, due to the increased influence of Catholic militants and the takeover by the Integralist movement, gave their support to the IRA during the 1957-1962 campaign.

    The Defense of the Realm Act, passed following Bevan's overthrow, was greatly used to suppress communists and Labour agitators of the Bevanite left, however the stated goal was to suppress the Irish terrorist movement in Northern Ireland. The "Restoration of Order Act" made by Gaitskell had established a precedent and not only was the Martial Law kept, but Mountbatten would further the military involvement by deploying the Royal Army on the border of the Irish Republic where several of the attacks were launched from. De Valera's government collaborated with Mountbatten in the campaign against the IRA at first, in fact the movement came close to being crushed in the late 1950s as De Valera's opposition to the IRA-Controlled Sinn Féin was used to London's advantage. There was still tension between both sides, especially from the British mobilization and the Irish insistence on maintaining neutrality during the Ural War. Obviously Dublin also refused to allow the British police to dismantle known depots of the IRA in Irish soil, the refusal leading to a rise in rhetoric between militant members of Parliament and in the Armed Forces for a "Border Incursion" to destroy the depots. Mountbatten forced said groups to "behave", but there was still considerable tension between the two nations in late 1959 when the Ural War ended through secret negotiations in the Treaty of Dublin between the German, American, Russian and British embassies.

    One concession Mountbatten had to give once the "Military" phase of his rule ended following the meeting with Arthur Horner was to revoke the Restoration of Order Act in Northern Ireland and allow Irish voters greater liberty to ensure no voter suppression would be made by London, and while the Army scaled back it's commitment and Martial Law was revoked, the Northern Irish Catholic population had no trust in the British Army, many being radicalized by the brutal crackdown measures that ranged from targeted searches against the Catholic population, suppression of Irish organizations and even the raid of churches in the search of IRA weapons or sympathizers. Meanwhile, many in London saw the discovery of many German and Italian weapons as proof that the Irish were conspiring with the Pakt to cause instability in Britain. The 1959 elections led to the election of at least 7 Sinn Féin MPs in London, and the restoration of the Northern Irish Parliament also led to a record number of IRA-supportive MPs being elected, calling for a separation from the British Empire, although they were not the majority, it formed a significant block in Belfast. Meanwhile, many Conservatives and even some Labour MPs who were recently elected were now fierce supporters of a radical suppression of Irish separatism.

    Of course that is to say nothing of the Unionist militias and radicals who did take power in the Northern Irish Parliament, some of them with London's backing through electoral funds, Northern Irish Protestants and Unionists were emboldened by the assassination of Philip and later of Gaitskell, the rise of Mountbatten also allowed them access to weapons and funds unseen since the 1920s through the local Army units that many times recruited them as auxiliaries. Two groups, the "Ulster Volunteer Force" (UVF) and the "Unionist Anti-Fascist Front" (UAFF), saw the fight in Northern Ireland as the next step in the fight against the Pakt's encroachment and "Siege" of the British Isles, where the Irish separatists represented the interests of Rome and the "Fascist-controlled" Catholic Church. The conflict gained a renewed religious view after several members of the IRA, following the fall of the Soviet Union, distanced themselves from Socialist ideals to embrace Catholic Integralism. Naturally, both groups were overwhelmingly made up by men who served the British Home Guard between 1940 and 1960, receiving military training and armaments which were kept during and after the war for Home Defense, in fact, the possession of fire weapons became widespread in the United Kingdom due to fears of a German invasion.

    As for the IRA, the years following the war and the wave of radical movements spreading across the world did not go through the organization without affecting it, there were many who saw Hitler's victory as a signal of the end of the British Empire, only further signaled by the loss of India and the growing anti-colonial movements. The Republican Army did not have a central ideology besides the general goal of pushing the Union Jack out of the Emerald Island, with a range that went from Socialists to Fascists joining the group, however, in preparation for his planned invasion of Britain in 1951, Adolf Hitler broke this delicate balance. Within the IRA, contacts with the RSHA would strengthen the more Pakt-aligned wing of the party, at the same time as the Soviet collapse caused a temporary setback on the Socialist movements with the loss of the Moscow International. Hitler's death put a halt on the planned operations of these groups, meant to launch a series of terror attacks in Northern Ireland and in the island of Great Britain, but it did not take long for the first help from Rome to arrive following Nasser's uprising and the Suez War, with Mussolini now having a vested interest in weakening the British Empire and profiteering out of the exploitation of the growing Libyan Oil Fields. By 1955, the IRA would have an new leader, Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin, or John Gerald Cunningham, a man who converted to the Fascist Ideology following the Second World War and was sponsored by the Italian government. Cuinneagáin also was very supportive of the Integralist ideas of a Corporatist Catholic Dictatorship, even meeting Plinio Salgado in 1956, expressing his admiration for the ideas of this system, although he was not necessarily hostile towards Protestantism.

    The very first day the new Parliament was opened, it would end and the State would collapse into Civil War between the two groups, due to death threats sent by the UVF and UAFF, the Catholic Parliamentarians arrived to take their seats while escorted by members of the IRA, it is unknown who first started the conflict, but a brawl began between the two groups that led to a shootout, the Ulster Constabulary, made up overwhelmingly by Unionist Protestants, cracked down by unilaterally striking at the Catholics. The shootout ended up with the deaths of 3 MPs and over 9 others, most of them Catholics, including one bystander. Following these events, the Republican Army called for revenge, the Catholic MPs boycotted the Parliament and the Governor, Lord Wakehurst, dissolved the Parliament in response by using the precedent set by King Edward two years prior, citing the generalized climate of disorder and incapacity of the Parliament to fulfill it's duties. An new election was called and boycotted by the overwhelming majority of the Catholic community, which meant the Unionists gained over 95% of the seats. Considering the elections as illegitimate, several Catholic associations and Nationalist groups called for a strike, all of this only further spiraling the situation out of control and showing that the military control was not strict enough to restrain the IRA and the Unionists, and neither was it lenient enough to avoid the radicalization of both groups.

    In London, as October approached, the crisis in Northern Ireland turned into open street battles that left the current status quo unacceptable, months of growing tensions and isolated incidents turned to terror as an overwhelming offensive by the IRA was launched. With few options left, the Prime Minister once more would make use of his extraordinary powers to interfere in the region, the "Restoration of Order Act" was now the "Pacification of Ulster Act", with several clauses which, added to the "Defense of the Realm Act", gave the armed forces dictatorial authority over the region and abolished the local government by bringing it under Home Rule, Martial Law was declared and British troops would once more be sent in large numbers at Belfast. Helped by the propaganda and paranoid mentality of the British population, especially following Goebbels' purges and the rise of Giorgio Almirante, many feared that the Pakt's invasion of Britain was only starting, as a result, thousands of volunteers from the Home Guard would request to join the effort in Northern Ireland, and veterans began to pay out of their own pockets to head to Belfast, many ended up joining the UAFF, an organization more open to receive supporters from the main island than the UVF.

    De Valera's government was caught up between a rock and a hard place, as the new President of Ireland was concerned that the harsh British measures would only weaken the Fianna Fáil's support in the Irish Republic due to the government's seemingly "Collaborationist" stance towards the UK at the same time as Mountbatten was sending tanks to crackdown on the Irish population. He firmly and openly condemned the uncompromising measures made by London and the "Military Regime" imposed on Northern Ireland, but did little more than that out of fear of alienating the British and Americans alike. Hoffa's new government would, in January, be supportive of negotiations between both groups, as Jimmy wanted to win both the trust of London and the sympathy of Irish-American voters. Fierce condemnations were given by the Pakt, Goebbels was enthralled by the opportunity of placing the Irish as possessing a mighty "Warrior Spirit" in their race and fighting an uphill battle against the Jewish-controlled London government. Despite the harsh crackdown, the IRA showed itself a more disciplined and well-organized force, especially as the death of Rudolf Hess led to the opening of the Reich's robust military apparatus to the Irish, including with many members going to Germany for training and instructions. One such example was the Irish Free Brigade, a force of volunteers which joined the Reich's war effort in the Ural War, many coming into contact with Russian partisan tactics and possessing more practical military experience than most of the Home Guard ever did.

    The de-escalation of the conflict would only come with the events in Rome, as Pope Stephen escaped from the Wehrmacht's grip just moments before capture and condemned, in no uncertain terms, Nazism and Fascism as a whole, this led to a complete disruption within the IRA as many Catholics were now left between following Pope Eugene and the new Roman Branch, or Pope Stephen and the Salvador Branch. Such split also left the IRA in doubt over the continued links with Farinacci's Italy and Goebbels' Germany, with the so-called "Latins" or the followers of Pope Stephen, condemning the "Germanics" who were followers of Pope Eugene (which is ironical considering Stephen was German) and supporters of keeping links with the Reich. The IRA was split with several of it's members abandoning it to form the "Assault IRA", members of the Irish Brigade led by the veteran Seamus O'Donovan, a man who held contacts with the Reich since the World War, a group formed up by extremists who remained loyal to their alliance with Germania and saw London as the main enemy of the Irish people, mostly distancing themselves from the religious aspects to a radical nationalist mindset, while Cuinneagáin kept the IRA leadership and announced himself as an Integralist, loyal to Pope Stephen X as the true Pope elected by the last real Conclave, denouncing Eugene as an Antipope controlled by the Reich to destroy Christianity. While this split did not bring peace, the division of the two groups allowed for the MI6 and the British Forces to tear the movement apart, weakening both sides while appeasing moderates by suppressing the Unionists (which in turn led to hostility between the British army and the two Unionist militias).

    When 1964 approached, Downing Street was still as divisive as ever, many still seeing Mountbatten's government as being illegitimate, the economic situation being only relatively improved if compared to 1959 (mainly due to newly-approved loans from the United States and an increase in the military burden of the Americans thanks to the Coalition of Nations), the Nazi threat only seemed more atrocious as the Angriff was going at full swing and reshaping the Continent, the Pakt appearing stronger than ever with the fall of South Africa and the continuous warfare in places such as Sudan and Yemen (in fact, Aden was the only major city in Yemen under secure control of the British armed forces). The major achievements in foreign politics came mostly in the rekindling of the alliance with the United States, a strong partnership with nations such as Russia and Israel, and the relatively stable maintenance of the Empire thus far. The living standards continued stagnated with the continued rationing and conscription policies for the first years, however following a Free Trade agreement signed up with the United States and as result of the Imperial Conference of 1960, the restrictions were far more relaxed than they were in 1958. Overall, Britain was in a better and stronger position than it was in 1958, with several Colonial holdings remaining relatively stable and Northern Ireland being mostly pacified. The Home Guard was strengthened and crime was reduced, especially with the fight against the Black Market made to circumvent the rationing system.


    As for the House of Lords, the strengthening of the organ by the repeal of the Parliament Act of 1911 was initially seen by many as a setback, but the reality soon dawned that this only weakened the institution by placing it fully under Royal Control, as Mountbatten would pass the 1959 "Life Peerages Act" which introduced an new class of nobility allowed to sit the House of Lords, however not possessing any hereditary transmission of titles, to be appointed solely at Royal discretion, which allowed Edward, a man far more politically active than his predecessors, to achieve his payback on many conservative aristocrats who derided him when he was the Prince of Wales due to his political activity and lifestyle. Furthermore, an act passed in 1961, although either not publicized or minimally so under a positive agenda, introduced the "Royal Orders", as a replacement for the "Orders-in-Council" which allowed for the Monarch to pass decrees without previous consultation with the Privy Council and without being subject to any Judicial Review, having the effect of essentially a Constitutional Law. Finally the Treason and Felony act of 1848 would be ammended into the Treason and Felony act of 1962, shielding Edward of criticism in the press and public by the force of law, although the law was mainly publicized as an act against German spies, as the main provisions of the act were directed towards Treason against the country.

    The Monarch's authority was strengthened to levels unseen since the 18th century, if not before the Glorious Revolution, with the King as head of the Armed Forces, fully controlling the House of Lords, capable of enacting laws at will, replacing and appointing Prime Ministers as he saw fit and also by placing him essentially above critique and law. While the view of the Constitutional Sovereign was still propagated, it began to diminish in favor of Royal Propaganda (ran through BBC and other press agencies) which placed Edward as a warrior King, greatly bolstering about supposed achievements of his during his time in the navy, exalting his work as an unified leader of the country through dark times and a defender of Great Britain against Nazism, there was even an expectation around Prince Richard as there were stories about his exploits during his time in the navy including serving in the Siege of Simon's Town in South Africa and in the war on Yemen (although obviously there was great care to not place the Prince of Wales in the thick of the danger). In many ways it seemed that Britain was returning to an old time, with tales such as King Arthur's or Alfred's fight against the Vikings being revived in the media through films and books, which is quite ironical considering Edward was married to a Swedish Princess and the Royal families of the Nordic countries lived in London due to their exile.

    Mountbatten did not wish to continue as Prime Minister, expressing his wish to resign in private to Edward and arguing that his own public figure was still controversial despite the stabilization, he expressed a distaste for politics but claimed he was not deluded with it, as that would imply he had any delusions of what it was. Edward was adamant that Mountbatten had to remain as Prime Minister, not only due to the fact he held the loyalty of the armed forces, but because Mountbatten was able to impose much needed "disciplinary policy" through the implied threat of harsh actions against the opposition by his presence. Naturally Edward was benefitting over the fact the opposition focused their attacks solely on Mountbatten while the Royal Authority was being strengthened at enormous levels on the background, this way the King would have a safeguard if the government failed. Finally, Mountbatten was convinced, this time there were widespread rumors of voter suppression and even fraud, especially in Northern Ireland. The Home Guard was given the task of overseeing the voting booths due to a supposed "overload" in the policial workload, and as the Guard at this point was a fiercely loyal part of the British Armed Forces, the results gave an expected victory for the Conservative and Labour Parties while the Worker's Party, National Conservative Party, and Liberal Party all saw losses to varying levels, giving the National Unity government yet another term. The campaign focused on the threat of Germania (made ever more visible as Goebbels was publicly showing atrocities from cultural to individual levels), the continued terrorism of the two IRA branches (although naturally the press overemphasized the "Assault IRA" to paint the movement as a Nazi force within Britain), the relative improvement in economic and living conditions through the cooperation with the United States and the Commonwealth, the relatively stability of the Empire outside of the Red Sea and South Africa and Mountbatten's personal prestige in enduring Britain's safety during the tense years of the Ural War and the IRA's offensive.

    Slowly but surely, it appeared the new status quo was consolidating itself in Britain above party lines through the cooperation between the King, the Military, Nationalists, Conservatives and Moderate Labourists. The election of 1964 was the result of 25 years, of an entire generation of British men and women living under Siege, fearing spies at each corner, an aggressive genocidal enemy that at one hour would appear to seek terms and on the next threaten Nuclear anihilation, Goebbels' rise would also lead to renewed aggressiveness towards London and the remilitarization of the relatively demilitarized channel coast in France and Low Countries. The fear brought in by the wave of terrorism in Northern Ireland and the assaults on the Empire in places such as South Africa and the Middle East just reinforced the need for a strong military leadership, with images such as of the Viking Invasions being evoked by the people and in the cultural world. The Country, in desiring to protect it's democracy against a Totalitarian enemy, was losing it's democracy for sake of a stronger hand to protect itself, the fight was more muddled and became less over political ideology, and more over national survival, especially as the Ural War showed that the Reich had no hesitation in pulverizing civilian centers with atomic weapons just out of convenience, that any promises of Detente and peace were merely an illusion, as it was in the Pre-War years, no deal with Germania could ever be trusted. Despite Hoffa creating the Coalition of Nations and extending an olive branch, over a decade of American isolationism and the disappointment during the World War over the American role in it kept the relationship shaky, the British people could not rely on Washington for their own protection, only on themselves.




    Louisiana had a weather much like Washington's during the Winter, Winnfield being a prosperous little town which right now was sitting on an enjoyable evening at 44 Fahrenheit, it was comfortable for the old man walking for a stroll. Huey Long enjoyed these walks, it made him feel healthy at this age, it made him feel some vigor and an enjoyable fresh air better than the one in his humble propriety. Of course there was the fact he was a living tourist attraction in the town, the mayor was overjoyed with the news he would be returning here and made sure everything was in order, he was a Democrat, one who was just too old to care for changing parties, besides, everyone who came to him claimed to be a Populist anyways. As the former President of the United States was walking down the street, dressed up with his trademark white hat and suit, he was accompanied by a man just a little younger than him who seemed to take more time writing in his bloc of notes than admiring the calmness of the humble county. It was a professor of the State University, one who Huey was beginning to wonder if he had a life of his own after a whole year.

    Writing a biography for a man like him is not a small task, his life was so eventful and there was always one detail he would later recall and then a whole chapter would have to be added or changed. So far it was so big that Williams doubted it would fit a single volume and they just reached the time of the 1956 election, when the 2-term tradition was broken, and the professor was sounding more like a damned reporter than an academic. "Why did you run" was the obvious question and Huey has had to answer it at least three times in these last weeks, each time there was a little change in the difference. He did not mind, after all the professor was paying to do him a service, the former POTUS was being paid by the professor for these almost daily sessions but eventually Long would waiver the payment, he already had plenty of money, what concerned him was that the writer should be a friend, should be someone he could trust to write down his legacy. It was hardly the first biographer who approached him, but at least those were the polite ones, the unpolite ones just wrote down hearsays to paint him as the American version of Adolf Hitler.

    Huey then stopped at the park, taking a seat on a bench to rest his leg while watching the occasional car passing by the street, staying under a tree as the professor took a seat by his side and followed up with another question. He did not pay much attention, rather he interrupted him with a question of his own. "Tom, how many chapters you think are left?" The professor thought that question well, he was thinking of an ending but how to end the biography of a person who was alive and sitting right besides him? He did not want to sound morbid, adjusting his glasses to give a response as he closed the note bloc. "With the end of your Presidency, Mr. Long, and add an epilogue of your retirement." That was the safe answer, ending on a high note with his achievements and finish in an epilogue of Winnfield, Louisiana with the President living peacefully in a manor, it was the same challenge that biographers of former Presidents Wheeler and Patton faced, at least it was not as bad as Hoover's as the man still had a relatively eventful life after leaving Washington. But this was not an answer that Mr. Long really seemed to like, it just felt like he was a ghost listening to his own story, he did not want to reach this end. He lost two brothers within months of one another, Rose kept saying how the retirement was for his good and yet he never felt more dead as when he was "out". He loved the crowds, the speeches, the rallies, the politics, to feel like he was the boss, that is why his best moments were when Russell or one of his contacts returned to speak about how things were in Washington, or when a politician came to his "pilgrimage" to Winnfield to pay tribute to him.

    But this? All this damned year was a waste, an epilogue, the end of his history, his achievements, his life, and even with a high note to end it, of succeeding in all odds and leaving in his terms with a strong legacy to never be forgotten, it was still an ending. No, this could not be his end, he was never a man made to just sit down and take a beating from someone even if that was death itself, he could not end like an old man in a glorified retirement home, he would end in his own terms. "I would not write an epilogue just yet if I were you, Tom, you never know what the next chapter will be". Huey would then stand up on his own feet, a little faster than usual, his posturing more straightened up, he had letters to write, calls to make, it was just a year away from the election and he would be damned if he let that trucker keep running the country like he did not exist. "You know why I ran in '56? Because I see America as my child, no matter how grown up she is, how much you can see'em walking around and doing everything right, you don't leave'em hanging if she gets hurt, you are there for her. Well, I don't leave my kid in need when I can do something about it."


    Between 1962 and 1964, America would see a turbulence unseen since the mid 1940s, if not since the Civil War, as the country would witness transformative years under the Hoffa Presidency that ranged from Civil Rights, Labor Rights, Mafia Wars, Foreign Crisis, Economic Turmoil and Political Crisis, much of it could be blamed on long-standing problems since the foundations of America, other problems could be blamed on something as recent as Hoffa and Long themselves, two men wrestling for control of an enormous Political organization, the Populist Party. Two personalities who were practically equal in ambition, ruthlessness, corruption and charisma, two men who came from nothing and used of their own oratory and political gifts to rise up. It is not hard to see why these two, when working together, held a strong grip on America in the late 1950s with one praising the other's deeds, publicly being the best of friends and now the worst of enemies.

    Hoffa despised the idea that he was restricted, that he was controlled and had to hear and obey the whims of the Kingfish in Louisiana after he became President, he looked around and saw many in his cabinet to be Long's stooges, especially FBI Director Morrison, that is still less pervasive than Long's manipulation of the Supreme Court. Huey, as a Lawyer, was described as the most talented attorney to ever come before the SCOTUS by Supreme Justice and Former President Taft, no wonder that once he was President, Long spent his entire rule making sure the Supreme Court was filled with cronies who were, as he once said in private, "the best judges money could buy". Not necessarily because they were just corrupt, but they also had personal loyalty towards Long, at least 4 of them, including Supreme Justice John B. Fournet, was from Louisiana. Out of 11 justices, 9 were appointed by the Kingfish. Still, there was the legislature to consider as the House held a Populist Majority and that party was outspokenly defining itself as "Longist", in the Senate, much of the Party was under the sway of LBJ, one of Long's Protegees and President Pro-Tempore of the Senate, thanks to Huey of course. Even his Vice-President was a man so devoted to Long that he had portraits of him in his house and always included him in his prayers.

    Hoffa had his own allies, and soon enough he planned to have his own clique and expand it, the elections of 1962 were fast approaching and Hoffa saw it less as a chance for the Populists to retain their majority and more as a chance to rid himself of those disloyal to him in the party and to endorse backers, mainly labor-friendly candidates and others who adopted his style across the Steel Belt where his electoral base was located. No doubt Hoffa's greatest win was in having Bufalino as Attorney-General, a man with shady connections who was also the leading attorney of the Teamster's Union during Hoffa's rise. With the ongoing war in the criminal underworld, the rising violence seen in major urban centers would put under pressure the Federal Government and investigation agencies such as James H. Morrison's FBI, which despite being nominally under Bufalino, was controlled by one of Long's "Louisiana Boys", which was also the problem of the Supreme Court, several government agencies and departments. "Huey came to Washington and brought in the whole Bayou" was a joke that many credited to Hoffa himself at the time.

    But Jimmy was still the President of the United States, and while behind the scenes his power and authority had to constantly clash within his own party, publicly he was still THE President, not Huey Long, not Lyndon Johnson, not George Wallace or anyone else but himself. He traveled around the country with his own style, being close and in contact with the people, even going to a rally in San Francisco where he and his supporters went through the Golden Gate bridge with a convoy of trucks and it ended with him making a speech on top of the truck on the 15th of June of 1962, in the 19-year anniversary of the San Francisco raid which included one of the three Japanese planes hitting the bridge. It was a common theme that, no matter the place, if Hoffa had a rally, there would be truckers following him, it served as a show of force and popularity that worked well in urban areas and impressed those in rural areas when a convoy of trucks passed by.

    1962 did not start as a bad year, but from there forwards it would only become worse and the crime spree was only the start of it. The war between Giancana and the Commission divided many families from Maine to Hawaii, there were reports of shootouts even in Anchorage that involved a hit from backers of one side against backers of another, the murder of Joe Profaci in Cleveland also raised worries in Washington that the situation was outside of an usual dispute between mobsters, the hit on the head of a family was a declaration of total war for Giancana and the Commission answered in turn with the brutal assassination of Carlo Gambino in May when a bomb exploded his car in the middle of New York City, which also killed two "civilians" and wounded ten more. There were even calls for the National Guard to be mobilized following that incident, although the Attorney-General recommended caution to Rockefeller.

    Most of all, the Civil Rights movement caused worries to the Populists, perhaps the greatest threat to the unity of the party was the conflict over Segregation and the rights of black communities in the South, a point of dispute which put Alabama "First-Gentleman" George Wallace in one extreme and Arkansas "Farmer" Sid McMath on the other extreme, it was almost baffling that both belonged to the same political party and even more so that there was a reasonable consistency of both wings voting for the same issues. Truth is that the Populists were a hodgepodge of different sectors of society which were all gathered up by Huey Long and all defined themselves as "Longists" above any political divide, as to what Longism is? That is complicated, even Long himself defined his ideology as "Sui Generis".

    As 1962 started, the Presidential agenda for Hoffa was busy with new proposals for Congress, in his "State of the Union" address to Congress, the President would speak of the great achievement of his first year, not the Coalition of Nations or the handling of the Guyana crisis, not the negotiations with the Japanese government or the commercial agreement with Britain, but rather of his labor reform which greatly empowered the unions and ensured better rights for his voters, the average workingman in the urban centers. He did not give the same primacy to the countryside that Long did, instead, in the first State of the Union delivered by Hoffa, he was seeking more to campaign for himself than to speak of the future struggles in America. He dedicated almost no time to speak of the Civil Rights movement building up in the south other than giving a nod to avoid violence, his State of the Union was considered by many Republicans to be propagandistic, with Senator Reagan declaring that "Even Mao doesn't have such a red tongue", which gained the attention of the American right as the skepticism of Hoffa's Union background was flared up with the POTUS spending more time on live TV talking about the "Worker's struggle" than your average Socialist.

    The State of the Union was just the start as the new budget for 1962 showed a growth in spending which continued to worry many economists, Huey Long's era, despite the considerable growth in the tax rates for the top levels of American society and in corporations, also saw the highest level of spending during peace time in American history. Between 1949 and 1961, there was not one year where the country was not in a deficit, and while the GDP growth and the cuts in military spending after the Thurmond government did well to starve off a crisis, Hoffa promised only increased debts while growing the burden on companies with his minimum wage proposal. There was the cyclical effect that a larger inflation-adjusted minimum wage would lead to a general growth of inflation, which in turn would increase minimum wage. Hoffa also would begin to subsidize Unions with a considerable amount to support the "maintenance costs" which were not fully covered by membership fees (or so he alleged). Furthermore, the Bank of America, which has managed to carefully manipulate interest rates during the Long Era to avoid the growth of inflation, but now with Hoffa's Secretary of Treasure having hands on it, the fiscal policy was changed. Hoffa pushed for higher interest rates in order to offset the inflationary costs that his deficit spending policies would bring, bringing them to new heights, which was also a way to balance his own protectionist policies.

    Despite his agreements with the United Kingdom and a few other nations such as Canada and Russia, Hoffa was in essence as much of a protectionist as Long was, if not more, his Union background brought with it a worry of prioritizing American industry and workers over foreign products. Dean Rusk, Secretary of State since Long's second term, would face many frustrations with the policies of the Populist Party that ran opposite to his warnings that economic protectionism would distance America from it's natural allies, especially Britain, and while he came close to resigning several times in Long's government, he saw more of an opportunity with the far more inexperienced Hoffa, who gave Rusk more of a leeway in foreign affairs such as in allowing the creation of the Coalition of Nations and being convinced on the need of a "Friendly Nation Agreement" with Britain, an economic agreement which exempted several products from London's sphere of influence from American tariffs. To many Republicans, these policies were half measures of a constrained and stubborn government that refused to engage with the outside world despite the hostile reality that many countries, even in the American Continent itself, had distanced themselves from the US and saw little benefit in partnerships with Washington.

    Naturally, Hoffa cared little for that compared to the real ambition of the ambitious Union man, which was to take over the Populist Party and forge his own legacy free of Long's shadow. As described before, the Party was an amalgamation of factions united mostly by their common admiration for Huey Long and his own political skills in gathering them together under a general banner of social welfare, protectionism, anti-corporatism and varying degrees of opportunism. It was naturally unstable, however it was not as if their opposition was faring much better, as without Huey Long, their "Anti-Longism" agenda lacked a common man to attack and the differences grew between the Republican right, represented by the increasingly influential "Society for the Defense of Liberty" which in turn included from relative liberals like Goldwater to more authoritarian figures, and the Republican left, represented by men like Governor Kennedy.

    All of Hoffa's policies had the ultimate goal, at least in the internal arena, to build his own coalition based around the American left, specifically the Labor left represented by Unionists and Urban workers, that brought many fears in the right wing of both the Populists (represented by Wallace and even Hoffa's VP, Gerald Smith) and of the Republicans (which ranged from Goldwater to Knowland and Reagan) that Hoffa had links to communist groups. It is true that there were many communist figures in the American Labor movement, as expected of a Labor movement, but Hoffa never described himself as a Communist, although the ambiguity was kept so he would not lose the support of the existing left-wing forces to other figures of the Populist left such as McMath who were gaining momentum thanks to the Civil Rights movement. Hoffa attempted his best to divert the attention from the Civil Rights movement as Long did, but as he did not have a fully dedicated political apparatus centered around his will, he would have to do so by further pushing the issues of organized labor to the forefront, which only heightened the fears of the Anti-Communist American right which spent years being brutalized by Huey Long's administration through the FBI, the Far-Right having to readapt to the destruction of the Klan in the early 1950s and the end of the Moral crusade over Prohibition.

    1962 was an active year in the international scene, from the breaking of South Africa from the Commonwealth, the fall of Almirante's regime, the Catholic schism, the wars in Sudan and Yemen threatening the little hold the Coalition held over the Red Sea in the Straits of Aden, the announcement of the 3rd 5-Year Plan in China and of course the effects of the Neumann Conspiracy over Europe. America abstained from several of these matters other than issue general statements against the advance of Nazism and promissing support for the British forces in Sudan where a Proxy war against the UAR was being fought. Attempting to win over the votes of Catholics, Hoffa offered Pope Stephen to relocate to America, some suggesting the city of Saint Louis due to it's central position and a substantial Catholic population. Stephen thanked for the offer however he would establish himself firmly in Brazil, a Catholic Nation with a government that heavily emphasized it's Catholic identity and was not under immediate threat from the Reich, plus it's connections with the overwhelmingly Catholic Latin America. Still, Hoffa would announce that Stephen was under the protection of the United States of America, with the American Dioceses unanimously condemning Eugene as an Antipope.


    More controversially, Hoffa did offer moral support to the Irish against Britain in private statements which were deemed extremely controversial by the Mountbatten government, however both that and the support for Stephen had one goal in mind: John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The Governor of Massachusetts was one of the leading figures of the Republican Party, representing a breath of fresh air compared to the previous control of the Roosevelts. A former Democrat, Kennedy would join the Republicans following the disastrous 1954 midterms, a man who was known as a national celebrity who would later easily win the election and re-election as Governor, being famed for killing Emperor Hirohito, avenging his brother's death at the hands of the Japanese during Operation Sunset. Kennedy represented a liberal wave that broke several taboos, such as the fact he was a Catholic and that many knew him to be a womanizer, with whispers of affairs with actresses and models. He was charismatic and a rising star, who was heavily endorsed to run for President in 1960, which he refused as he did not expect that a victory against Long's candidate, whoever it may be, was possible with the POTUS still in charge. Kennedy condemned Long for many authoritarian measures and executive overreach, claiming he broke the balance of powers in the Republic. Despite that, he refused to associate with the Society for the Defense of Liberty like Goldwater and Reagan did, and despite endorsing Reagan, he did so believing the actor would be more of an adequate spokesman for a greater cause rather than having a serious chance at victory.

    Kennedy heavily hinted that he would seek the Presidency in 1964, competing with Senator Goldwater for that mainly due to their division of the Civil Rights matter, because while Kennedy was openly endorsing it, Goldwater rejected it out of Principle due to his belief that the authority of the Federal government has already reached "Dictatorial levels" and a return to a proper "Federal System" was in order by strengthening the 10th amendment, which was mostly ignored or weakened by the Long Presidency. Hoffa, who also planned a re-election, expected Kennedy to be his future rival, he believed that Goldwater would be an opponent easier to defeat due to his radical positions and lack of a proper "Political Touch" such as the fact Barry openly spoke about fighting all the measures made by Long and Hoffa to expand the authority of Washington, even if it meant striking the American Healthcare System and the Bank of America. As such, Hoffa planned to co-opt a large part of the urban supporters of Kennedy through the strengthening of the labor movement while painting the Irish-American governor as elitist, using the example of his father's fortune and claiming him to be out of touch with the common American.

    It also helped the fact that New England was struck by the crime wave caused by the Mafia War, which Hoffa, through his Attorney-General Bill Bufalino, was stroking the fires of in order to show Kennedy as a weak candidate who could not properly command his own State. The Mob in the State was strictly under the control of the Patriarca Family which was attempting to stay out of troubles in the ongoing conflict only to be dragged into it as Joe Gallo, known as "Crazy Joe", would commit an assassination in the family territory in June of that year, killing the prominent boss Joseph Bonnano, known as "Joe Bananas", who was visiting the State incognito for unknown reasons, although many believe the information of his location was leaked directly from the office of the Attorney-General through the Bufalino family in order to provoke a bloodbath in Massachusetts and mine Kennedy's momentum in his home area. The Mafia Wars not only were spreading without intervention from the government, as the Attorney-General was literally a cousin of a crime boss, but Hoffa quietly encouraged the conflict, something which the mob did not appreciate either as any form of intervention from the government other than to continuously deny the existence of the Mafia was considered a breach into their interests.


    The Civil Rights movement, however, refused to be ignored and soon would begin another event to bring awareness, this time by a march to Washington itself on the 22nd of September, to celebrate the 100 years of the Emancipation Proclamation (although the law was only effective on the 1st of January). While the march on Atlanta made in 1960 was considered the birth of the mass movement in the Civil Rights marches, including it's composition that included from civic leaders to high-level politicians, the one at Washington attracted thrice it's number and the enormous rally calling for an end to Racial Segregation, support for Black Communities, and a vast array of other issues which included from Women's rights to general Anti-Nazism statements, would be finished with speeches of Sid McMath, Adam Clayton Powell, Henry Wallace, Joseph Kennedy, George McGovern and finally Martin Luther King Jr. which all called for active government measures against Racial injustice, claiming that America had "No right to judge Goebbels on his crimes when they do the same to their Black Citizens", an obvious hyperbole for anyone who knew anything of what the Reich was truly implementing in it's Lebensraum, however it was a phrase used by Malcom X during his own speech.

    That march so close to the Midterms hurt Hoffa's hopes of sidelining the Civil Rights movement and it's candidates, but the President's efforts were not in vain either, the Labor movement was stronger and many expected that the left in general would push for a great victory in this election both for Kennedy's Republican left and Hoffa/McMath's Populist left. The Republican right was also not yet recovered from it's defeat in the 1960 election, but the Populist Right would actually grow stronger due to the Civil Rights movement. Polarization was the natural outcome of such conflict and George Wallace planned to collect the prizes as he strengthened his anti-segregationist rhetoric, added in with the Populist ideas which appealed to the White poor population of the Deep South and other areas. Wallace also planned to be more than just the "First Gentleman" of Alabama, running for a seat in the Senate where he expected an easy victory, because while Long's measures did strengthen the Populist gerrymandering and the fight against the poll tax meant that the White Poor could vote, the literacy tests which were biased against black communities remained.

    However, all of these matters were dwarfed in Hoffa's eyes compared to the shock he would receive when the results came in.


    Speaker of the House, this was the first time Huey Long actually served in the House of Representatives after his "surprise" election in Louisiana, all by the spontaneous vote of write-in ballots which gained him a seat as an Independent, the first Independent candidate to serve as Speaker of the House. Huey was not surprised, although one can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction after any victory, he knew that this was already the expected result, the Kingfish always wins. Not only the vote was unanimous among the Populists, but there were Democrats and Republican defectors who all helped increase his margin to a safe victory against the Republican... what was his name again? He couldn't even be bothered to know the name of his opponent, perhaps it was a lapse in judgment, complacency, but he was so joyful that he was back in Congress, back in Washington, that his election as Speaker was an afterthought.

    Now he was there, announcing the name of James Riddle Hoffa as part of the formal invitation for the State of the Union Address, it felt different to be in a different seat announcing someone else's name, but even if the President was meant to be the center of attention, everyone knew that Hoffa was a secondary character, and when Hoffa came in he knew it. When Hoffa came in and spoke, waiting applauses after each pause, after each achievement, something inside him made him want to explode. He noticed that the members of his party, or at least most of them, all looked just slightly behind him rather than at him, he noticed that they all awaited just the slightest second, they awaited for Long to start applauding behind Hoffa before they would applaud by themselves. It took every ounce of sanity he had to not lash out and yell "I am the President here, you cocksuckers" at the US Congress. There were those among the Populists who did applaud him instantly, but even the Republicans would give applause just the slightest moment before the rest of his party did. To most the pause was almost imperceptive, certainly it was like that for the Television, but for him, that pause felt like an eternity, it felt like a reminder that he was only a puppet.

    Hoffa had not spoken to Long until that day, in fact since his election he had wanted to forget Huey Long even existed, but that was no longer something he could ignore. As the session ended, he wanted to leave immediately, but even at his age, Long was fast enough to come limping with his cane and come greet Hoffa. There were smiles and pictures all around, the picture of Jimmy and Huey was the front page of every single newspaper in America reporting that speech, no pictures of him, only him with Long, as if he was nothing without the Kingfish, it was as if this was the return of the King to Washington. "I had hoped to retire from Politics", Long said in his speech following his victory, "but I believe I still have the energy for my country", some joked to say he did not refer to his country as in him being a part of America, but as in America belonging to him.

    "You drive Frank", Hoffa would say as he went to the car, practically shoving aside the rest of the Secret Service so he could be having a private talk with his long-time bodyguard. The talk became more of a rant, Hoffa was furious, so much so that all other achievements of the election were ignored. He did get a third of the Populists in congress to be his supporters from the left of the party, he did not see wins, he only saw defeats, he only saw Long undermining his own authority and that was killing him inside. "Is it too much to ask for a geriatric cripple to stay in his nursery house?!" Hoffa asked Frank, and he would have to be calmed down, being reassured that he was not the only man who could "see through" what Long truly was and what he was doing in Washington. But they would have to be cautious, as Speaker of the House, Huey Long could call for an Impeachment, that is what frightened the POTUS, and it was made worse by the fact his vice-President was so loyal to Huey Long that he had a portrait of the man on his desk.


    The year of 1962 was a calm breeze before the storm of 1963 and 1964, because until the election, from the foreign arena to the domestic one, there would not be a single moment of truce or break for the United States Government.

    The Baron's Putsch in Japan that led to the Imperial Restoration would bring back the specter of war while throwing a bomb into the delicately built balance of power in the Far East. Germany and Europe as a whole would go through a radio silence of sorts as the Angriff accelerated and the news that came out was atrocious, from the destruction of monuments to a wave of devastation and destruction unseen in the Continent since the War, with a new wave of refugees which would also include German citizens, even members of the NSDAP itself would risk their lives in boats to cross the channel, all while the Wehrmacht began to mobilize itself for the looming war. In Africa, Free France would see new developments as the fighting against rebels within it's borders reached a climax that threatened to collapse the enormous French colonial juggernaut. In the American continent itself, new developments in South America would place the United States at odds with the Platine pact as Uruguay fell to Brazilian forces within hours, challenging openly the Roosevelt Corollary and the Monroe Doctrine.

    Within America itself, the President would begin to fight against the influence of the returned Huey Long within his own Party while rallying the forces of the American left against his supposed "enemies". The Civil Rights movement would escalate into a battle in Congress for the approval of the Civil Rights Act which tested the limits of the Longist Status Quo while blood flowed in the streets and both sides grew more radicalized following brutal assassinations, shootouts and lynchings that led to an State of Emergency. The Economy would be shaken as the enormous debt and the inflationary policies of the Longist system finally put enough pressure to leave the country in a technical recession while it's government fought against itself as Hoffa would resort to Executive Orders to push his policies. To make matters worse, the wave of criminality of the Mafia War would lead to a sense of insecurity and a loose end would begin to lay a trail of evidence leading directly to the Department of Justice.

    How can one start to study these chaotic two years? Better to start from the beginning and explain the reason as to why the US government would be shut down in the fight between two ambitious and egomaniac men. Hoffa and Long had two very similar personalities if one looked from afar, both had this rousing and flamboyant style of calling the attention of enormous crowds through speeches on social causes, both had their own niche bases of strong supporters, both painted themselves as common men fighting the good fight against a powerful elitist establishment that threatened to return. And yet one could not bear to see the other having "their" country, in fact they could barely see an America without them, most of all being Huey Long. The two were powerful figures that gained popularity by acting like the underdog and fighting the good fight for the American people, but there can only be one champion. Hoffa believed Long's time to be over, he was a relic who joined politics 4 decades ago and was now an old man walking with a cane. Long deeply regretted making Hoffa his successor, he regretted ever retiring and not running for a fourth term, he came to love the politics, the legal fights, the authority, the victories against an elitist establishment that he has been fighting since his younger years as a lawyer, he could never retire, he was not a man who could be satisfied away from politics after so many years in Washington, not ever since the early 40s did he feel so miserable as in the time of his retirement, and he would do anything so that the epilogue of his life was not rotting in some fancy manor in Winnfield Louisiana.

    There was a dinner following the State of the Union address between Hoffa and Long, who was now the Speaker of the house after Rayburn's retirement due to his old age, the contents of the conversation are less known but one witness was Robert Maestri, although a biased account considering he was Long's ally since his days as Governor, serving as Mayor of New Orleans in the 1940s and was part of Long's inner circle alongside his Chief of Staff Seymour Weiss and Secretary of Treasure James A. Noe. Maestri was a millionaire, like all men that surrounded the Kingfish for so long, and he was certainly loyal to him, although his accent never made him very popular in Washington. Robert was present at the dinner and he did say the climate was "tense" once Hoffa arrived, Huey expected him to be upset as his return would naturally upstage much attention, but he planned to reassure Hoffa that he had no intentions of running for the Presidency in 1964. Together with Long was also the National Secretary of the Populist Party, who received this position after giving up the race for Presidency, Lyndon Baynes Johnson, a man with his own ambition but wise enough to not attempt to sideline Long. Hoffa thought the meeting was meant to be an ultimatum, that the dinner would end with him out of the White House and he was going to fight to keep it. Despite this initial worry being pushed away, the situation did not get any better as Hoffa acted with a certain level of paranoia, then he said he would "allow" Long in Congress so long as he could reshuffle the Cabinet with his supporters and especially remove the FBI from Morrison's hands. The mention that Hoffa was meant to "allow" Long to be in Congress irritated the Kingfish, although he kept that to himself at the time, he did come to see Hoffa as an enemy. Long was willing to give Hoffa some concessions such as replacing the Secretary of the Interior with an Union man, but he absolutely refused to give up the FBI which held considerable information about the enormous "War Chest" system. The meeting ended with Hoffa almost coming into a fist fight with Long out of sheer frustration before his bodyguard, Frank Sheeran, calmed him and led him back to the car. "Jimmy is our enemy here", Weiss would say, and the other three men were all in agreement.

    What followed were several conflicting attempts of one side to interfere at the other's job, Long many times came to be the voice of figures of the Party across America when asking Hoffa for an intervention, Hoffa delayed them or never did them, all on purpose. In return, when one of Hoffa's congressmen proposed a bill that was meant to easily pass Congress, the filibusters would take in hours and hours until the bill was either rejected or other matters which had nothing to do with the original content were included for approval, that is if the law was not neutered to the point of irrelevance. It would take five months for one of the Supreme Court seats to be filled after the death of one of it's Justices as the process was deliberately delayed in the Congress, which was not helped at all with Hoffa refusing to compromise on his choices. When Hoffa attempted to replace the Secretary of Agriculture, his appointment was rejected by Congress for being considered "Unqualified and Unprofessional", all just one of many examples of the kind of stagnation that the feud of the two men generated. When interviewed, the two rejected the idea that there was a dispute, even if it became obvious to the Republicans and Democrats, especially to the Populists who received conflicting instructions between following the Party line or the Presidential line, although both were dubious in a democratic context.

    Perhaps it was a symptom of that political stagnation that led to the economic stagnation, or arguably it was the Longist style of economic policies which skyrocketed the spending of the US government to a level unmatched before in peacetime. The GDP figures have been slowing down from the average of 6-7% per year in the previous decade, to only 1% in 1962, which was blamed on foreign developments after the Ural War. The Bank of America has pushed for an enormous interest rate that grew steadily in the previous years and only increased following the Ural War in an attempt to contain the inflation brought both by Long's protectionism but also by the deficit spending. The rising spending was only partially remedied by the higher taxes but the programs could not be fully sustained without a Tax reform, as advocated by Long's son Russell, who was successfully implementing these needed, although unpopular, changes in Louisiana. The use of the Bank of America for political purposes also mined the trust passed to the private sector, as if Long's anti-business rhetoric and Hoffa's left-wing rallies did not scare investors enough, the interest rates certainly did as spending was curtailed in favor of savings. The Economy was cooling down into a recession and while inflation was under control, unemployment would end up rising, affecting mostly black communities in the Deep South, and Hoffa's push for a higher minimum wage would also help in increasing the unemployment rate to a record not seen since the Post-War recession.

    Naturally that increased the volatile environment domestically, that would add up to the fires of the Civil Rights movement to a worrying level. The rising unemployment among black communities left many even more marginalized not only in the South, but on large urban centers. In Detroit, a protest against unemployment, which had nothing to do with the Civil Rights movement at the start, would start to grow into a local movement that mostly consisted of black citizens who went to the region during the Industrial boom of the Gilded Age. The response was a counter-march made up by White radicals denouncing the so-called "Black Communists", forming a local militia and many of them dressing up as Klansmen. The situation would escalate into the Detroit Riots of 1963 in April as the White League spread around rumors that the blacks planned a rebellion on the May Day, leading to a raid and a shootout. Governor Swainson, a supporter of Hoffa who was elected by the backing of the Labor Unions, deployed the National Guard and Declared an State of Emergency, and despite his instructions to suppress and prosecute the White League as the aggressors, many of the mostly White National Guard would launch indiscriminate acts of repression even against Black bystanders. Cries of "Gestapo" were thrown and Governor Swainson almost resigned due to his failure in properly controlling the riots which ravaged Detroit for a week.

    That was hardly the worst case, merely the first of many as similar marches and riots, which spread from places such as San Francisco all the way to the Harlem in New York, the riots would only worsen and the peak of them would follow the 1964 elections. But for now it is important to consider that such riots were more than just the expression of an economic dissatisfaction, although the unemployment and economic stagnation served to provoke the riots, the long-standing issues of racial zoning in cities, racial segregation, socio-economic marginalization and the growth in further hostile racial atitudes not only nationally but internationally would lead to the conflicts. Soon would come a proposal in Congress that was as a nuclear bomb, the Civil Rights Act of 1963, drafted in the weeks following the Detroit riots. Huey Long, as well as Lyndon Johnson and several senior members of the Populist Party would meet in June to discuss the proposal and the need for an urgent measure to calm down the nation with the prospects of the 1964 election in mind. Hoffa was not invited to the meeting, in which Long and Johnson would see the bill, pushed by the Republicans, as a bomb made to further the divisions of the Populist Party, which was in fact one of the reasons why the Republicans desired to capitalize on the current crisis. The Proposal would be passed in the House with Long presiding the session, however in the Senate, Long and Johnson would cripple the Act by having the Populists introduce an amendment to retract and essentially cripple the provisions which enforced the equal rights clauses, it would make the amendment a "Toothless Tiger" as Senator Powell, ironically a Populist, described. Still, Johnson and Long would run a strong campaign to enforce discipline within the Populist ranks, the result was that the amendment was passed despite the opposition of the Republicans due to the abstention of several left-wing Senators of the Populist party.

    Everything was on it's tracks for approval when suddenly, as the Act came to Hoffa's table, the division between the President and the Speaker became obvious. The Act was vetoed, and in a televised interview, Hoffa would claim that he would never pass the Act with what he called the "Crippling Amendment". Instead, he said, he was planning an offensive with the Attorney General to use the same SCOTUS precedent which subjected Gerrymandering to Judicial Review over "Inequality" to argue that voting restrictions that led to such unequal treatment of citizens was unconstitutional. Long knew that Hoffa could use the White House's legal team and the Federal Government's enormous weight to bring down the hammer on the courts of the Southern States. Hoffa also said he was open to sign a Civil Rights Act which gave true equality and was willing to address the matter head on instead of giving empty words. It was a surprisingly progressive move from Hoffa that suddenly put the President at the forefront of the legal Battle for the Civil Rights act, and in order to pass this act, Hoffa knew he had to win over Johnson in order to approve the Act against Long's wishes.
    It was a bold move, but Hoffa was eager to jump into the fight for Civil Rights for sake of spitting Huey Long even if it would dynamite the Populist Party. And he was not alone, he did have the support of the left-wing of the Populists, of the Labor Unions, of the Republican Party and even a few southerners. Obviously Wallace would see the threat in Hoffa, and also the opportunity as such an open split had exposed the divisions within the Party, George Wallace would use that to approach Huey Long, to be closer to him in hopes of winning over the primary for 1964. Meanwhile, Johnson was divided, he admired Long but he saw that the country was becoming increasingly polarized over the Civil Rights matter, and that it was better to solve the matter now than let it linger and tear the Populist party to shreds. There was still time to run a campaign for fire damage within the Populists, but either way, the process of approving the amendment to the Civil Rights act already almost tore the Populist left away from the Party, and to reject them again when they now had the open support of the President was going to cause chaos as soon the date was approaching for the Senate to override the veto or not. They did not have the votes to override Hoffa unless an even greater scheme of bribery and extortion was used, and while he was no stranger to that kind of Politics, Johnson did not want to bring in more heat for sake of keeping Wallace in check. He knew the only alternative for the right wing of the Party was to join the Democrats, and while that would be a loss, it was also very much possible it would not happen due to Wallace's feud with the Dixiecrats over his populist policies and his betrayal of them for sake of Long.


    A meeting was made between LBJ and Hoffa, but before that Hoffa would invite Reverend Martin Luther King to the White House, inviting the de facto leader and public face of the Civil Rights movement into the White House, shaking hands and openly speaking of how much he had in common with a black man was an even bolder move typical of Hoffa. This would happen in September, exactly a year after the march on Washington of 1962, and while that time the Movement was attempting to gain a voice, this time they had one and it was speaking with the President himself. Hoffa spoke of his disappointment with the work in the Senate and even implied that there were shady movements to suppress Senators who would vote against the travesty that the "Crippling Amendment" was. He spoke of how his legal team planned an offensive on the Southern States if the Senate were to override his veto, and how he planned to send the act back in again and actively lobby for it's approval. The message was given, he merely repeated in more vulgar terms to Johnson behind doors and the two strongmen would make an agreement. In return for the position of Vice-President in the next election, Johnson was willing to back the Presidential Veto, everything was in order but Long did not stay idle.

    The day of the voting started with a shocking move in American History, because right before the session started, Vice-President Gerald Smith was in the Congress building and, in his position as President of the Senate, he took the chair from Johnson, an unspoken signal for both LBJ and the Populists that Huey Long was taking personal charge of this situation to preserve the unity of his party. Then, Republican senators began to call for an override of the veto, especially from the Republican Right, who claimed Hoffa was imposing his authority in an almost dictatorial way and attempting to intimidate Congress. Then there were many Senators from the Populists who backed the override when LBJ expected them to vote against, including Powell who argued that "It is better for the Congress to make an Statement and further work on enforcement measures than to leave our citizens with nothing for another cycle". Johnson would see Republicans, Populists and Democrats all agreeing in overriding the veto as a grand statement against Hoffa, against executive overreach, against inaction on the Civil Rights matter, others argued it was even a favor for Hoffa, claiming that the act would make it easier for his so-called "legal team" to go on the offensive. The Veto was overridden and Johnson's back was broken, all while the Kingfish, once again, prevailed, through his enormous coffers and the FBI's files under Morrison, Long was able to extort the votes from 2/3rds of the Senate, keep the unity of the Party, approve a Civil Rights Act, and embarrass Jimmy Hoffa in front of the whole nation, as well as the traitorous Lyndon Johnson.

    The reactions in the nation were lukewarm at best, no substantial changes came from it, it was considered too radical by White Supremacists and Segregationists, it was considered toothless by the Civil Rights leaders and an insult by Black Supremacists. If anything that would only provoke further divisions in a country already dealing with several internal problems that were only made worse by the news across the Pacific in November. After years of build up and consolidation of it's powers, the Japanese government would tear apart it's own Constitution through a self-coup, with the military being back in power through the leadership of Baron Takeishi Nishi and Emperor Akihito, who both refuted the very idea of a Constitution by instead granting all powers to the Emperor, with the Baron becoming essentially a Shogun in his name. Panic spread once the news arrived of the coup in Japan and the CIA grew concerned that the new government would seek to reclaim it's Imperial possessions. The Japanese embassy in Washington would be closed down and the new government in Japan, which installed radical leaders once considered as terrorists, demanded the retreat of all foreign delegations, consulates and embassies from Japan, as well as seizing the assets of all foreign companies. The US Navy at Guam and Okinawa was put on high alert and Hoffa began to worry that, when America was at it's most divided, an old enemy would rise again to seize the opportunity, and after the defeat in Congress, he could not afford to look weak.




    James Warren Jones, or Jakob, as he called himself now, was a talented young prodigy in the Volkssturm for many who saw him from afar, nothing that was unusual in him. However, you only had to approach him to notice his rudimentary German, you only had to listen to his attempts at making a German speech to know he did not belong there. Not in the sense that a Dutch German or Austrian German had a different accent, he quite literally was not from there. Jones was born in America in 1931, fitting just around the range of most Volkssturm officers when it came to his age, but the difference is that he was so devoted to the cause that he came from across the sea to join it. He grew up in what should have been the last place where one would find sympathizers for Nazism, rural America, with a celtic heritage which had nothing to do with the Germans, yet his admiration for Hitler was something fostered early on. He identified with the fact both him and the German Führer grew up in a poor household with marital problems, and he admired the order and authority that the Austrian-born German could instill on others, many times he ordered the children of his neighborhood to march in a goose step and salute him, while openly speaking of how Hitler became his personal hero during his teenage years.

    Hitler's victory solidified his place in Jones' mind, seeing how he conquered an entire continent as a great conqueror inspired Jones that he could do the same in America and cemented his views on racial supremacism. Although at first he held some sympathy for the black population of Indiana, Hitler's influence and the powerful influence of the Indiana Klan under Stevenson would draw him into the beliefs of a White Supremacist mindset. His father was a member of the Indiana Klan and soon he would join the local chapter in 1947, believing them to be an easy access into positions of power for himself and an excuse for him to commit violent acts as he saw many such cases in Indiana where the "White boys" could get away with henious crimes due to the organization's power. Ironically he also supported Huey Long in the election, believing in his ideals to fight poverty such as the one he had been subjected to and even thinking he could be America's own Führer. It did not take long for him to be deluded as the Klan was crushed by Long's FBI and he found himself without a group, and worse, he would be put under watch by the local authorities after openly writing an eulogy for Hitler in the occasion of his death in 1951.

    He moved to Germany in 1957, perhaps because he heeded the call of Rudolf Hess who believed in a solidarity of the "White Race" in Jones' eyes, although in truth Hess only wished for solidarity with the Anglo-Saxons. He used his savings to take a ship to Lisbon and used a known contact that was given to him in his time in the Klan to move across Spain and into Germany. A few days later he would be caught by the RSHA and, after a long interrogation, he was released and allowed to stay in Germany. He was considered too inoffensive to be an spy and an investigation revealed no major links to the CIA. Jones eagerly would change his name for a German name and moved into Potsdam, although he did suffer discrimination by the locals due to his American origins that became obvious whenever he spoke in his amateurish German. Seeking to prove himself, and also eager to find an outlet for his own violent impulses, he was one of the first volunteers to join the Waffen-SS, one of the few organizations known for recruiting foreigners, and in it he would partake in the Ural War. The shock of the war was seen more as a calling for Jones who considered it his divine mission to purge the Jews for the murder of Christ and saw Nazism as the next evolution of Christianity through the messianic figure of Adolf Hitler, seeing himself as one of his Apostles. He was known for having participated in events such as the massacre of Almetievsky in 1958 where around 5.700 people were rounded up and shot in a ditch by the SS.

    Naturally, when the war was over he was left to join the Volkssturm, heeding Goebbels' call and believing the idea that the German army was stabbed in the back by the Party officers, Industrials and even the SS itself. Now he was a member of the Potsdam unit of the Volkssturm, in fact he had gained some of the admiration of the recruits as he compensated his foreign origins with a callousness and zeal that overcame the differences, such as when he would personally execute the children of a local party officer during the purge in July 1960. However, among the leadership, while they found uses to a rabid dog, they often found him unreliable and saw him as committing an excessive level of violence, they did not wish to see the Volkssturm using a non-German to brutalize German citizens. There were plans to rid the Volkssturm of the "Zealots" in 1962 as Goebbels greatly reduced the scale of violence since the 1960 purges in preparation for a war. He would be part of a special "Frontline" unit of the Wehrmacht at the start of the conflict, or he would be part of one of the units responsible for handling radioactive material for the incoming cleanup operations following the war. But the Naumann Conspiracy changed everything.

    Now Jones had all he dreamed about, he had a blank cheque to do as he wished as he was given his own unit within the Volkssturm, leading a force of twelve men responsible for the patrol of a neighborhood in Potsdam. Following the attempted assassination, Goebbels was left a scarred and paranoid man who saw enemies everywhere. During the "Führer's day", made to celebrate the birthday of the current leader, the 29th of October, Goebbels would make a speech publicized by Radio across Europe where he called upon the destruction of the "rodents" among society. The following day, by Führer directive, he would edit the contents of the Reich Citizenship law and further expanded the definition of a "Jew", as a result, even one Jewish grandparent, which was enough to consider one only a "Mixed-Race", was now enough to consider one a full Jew, while one Great-grandparent was enough to consider one as mixed, as a result there were now "Jewish" citizens in Germany who beforehand were reasonably protected from the worst of the measures of the Holocaust.

    Jones was now after one of them, a family to be specific, and while his men were headed to the house, he could not help but feel the joy that now the goose-steppers were truly and officially under his command, it was more than a kid's game and he was being useful for the Aryan volk, which he considered himself a part of, as deserving of Aryanship. They reached the door of the house with the men being in formation behind him, although calling them as "men" was excessive, most of them were not even 20, just two of them had been actual veterans from the Ural War like he was. But they had zeal, they were warriors and zealots who would fulfill their sacred mission, soon he would not even knock at the door, because it was decided that this would be the first purge night. It has been 24 years since the Kristallnacht and all across the country the Volkssturm was starting a great bloody purge to innaugurate the anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch. He did not wait for the door to be answered after the first knock and soon they would barge inside, there were screams, there was panic, but any resistance was subdued as the family was seized and dragged out of the house while the rest of his unit went door to door, calling up the neighbors to watch. The men in dark crimson uniforms wearing the bloody swastika, the symbol of their purity and willingness to shed their blood for the fatherland, would gather up around the family: One man, the Jew, the wife, the Jew-lover, and the four children, the Mixed-race which would grow up to try to destroy the Reich if allowed.

    "Come and bear witness, rejoice and see our sacred duty, as we rid our pure and glorious Reich from the filth of the untermenschen, of the killers of Christ!" Jones always had a little more religious language than his peers who would rant endlessly about blood before their job, but first and foremost he saw this duty as sacred and there was nothing in his eyes other than joy. The crowd wanted blood, or at least some of them did, this house had broken windows already after the announcement in October which declared the mixed race as Jews, they turned on their neighbors and came to hate them like a switch was flipped. They started off with the father, who was dragged to a lampost where a noose was already tied and a chair was grabbed from the house to put him in there. The wife tried to release herself and rush to help her husband, only to be hit in the face by one of the torches, screaming in pain as the embers burned her head. As she screamed, her husband was hanged, left to choke for a full minute before his legs were pulled down and his neck snapped. The wife was already burning, so there was little need to kill her, in fact she had died before her husband.

    The children were the problem, it was there that many in the crowd turned away because of their primal instincts, and Jones knew that they should be allowed to avoid looking, at least until new orders came from above. The blood debt had to be paid, that was the Volkssturm's policy, the Jew who drained the blood of the fatherland had to be purged, and his entire lineage eliminated so that they would not polute the Aryan blood. After all, this mixed-race man was allowed to live and the result was that he villainously corrupted a German woman and spawned four tainted beings who would grow to spread their weakness to unsuspecting Germans. No, that would not be allowed, the Führer had his vision and it would be enacted. So the Volkssturm dealt with the children appropriately, in a merciful way they were merely shot in the head, quick and clean, Jones has done that dozens of times already in the Urals and while some non-veterans in the Volkssturm winced and having to do so, they still did, and would be made stronger by it like all of Germany would. He remembered the words of Hitler: The World is one of eternal struggle, if you are unwilling to fight then you don't deserve to live.

    Jones himself would be dead in two years as the regime that exploited him as a killing machine for over half a decade would purge it's own ranks to ensure that the Volkssturm remained pure, and contrary to his psychopathic delusions, Jones was never worthy of being an Aryan in Goebbels' Reich, he was never worthy of this "sacred mission". When the men of his own unit grabbed him in the middle of the night and hanged him in a lamppost in Potsdam, the same crowd which once saw him as an eccentric, albeit zealous, executor of the Führer's will, saw him as no better than a Jew, they called him a degenerate American, a Jewish puppet, a Celt of tainted blood, and conveniently his unit blamed all their worst attrocities on him. He had married in 1963 with his wife expecting a child that year, a German woman named Eva, which had become a very prominent name such as the name "Adolf", he had planned to name his child "Adolf Joseph". But now, as he choked and begged for air, he saw his wife being taken away by an ambulance, where it was announced that the "Untermenschen" in her belly would be eliminated and she would be later reintegrated into German society. So no one would be left to carry out his name, and just as he killed children, his child would be killed, just as he killed the impure, he was killed, and the bloody Swastika continued to turn and claim more and more lives.


    Between 1962 and 1965, Germany, and Europe, would undergo it's most radical transformation. Processes which took centuries to build up, the construction of cultural and social identities, would be destroyed by the use of overwhelming violence, with thousands of years of legacy beling left to be destroyed by the total annihilation preached by Germania. It was the final step in the consolidation of National Socialism in the Continent which went beyond the control of politics or economy, but it went deep to ingrain itself in the minds of the people. Thirty years of construction would lead to this and that can be exemplified in the events on the 30th of January of 1963, when Goebbels called for the celebration of the 30 years of the Machtergreifung, the seizure of power. Goebbels did not appear publicly on television, as he avoided doing so following his attempted assassination, rather he spoke on the radio and made a new Führer directive read on the Reichstag which officially proclaimed the new German calendar to be implemented across all territories of the Reich.

    No longer would years be measured over the BC/AD division, but rather the declaration of Hitler as Chancellor would serve as the year one of the Reich. The months also were changed in their names, mostly with the names of movement martyr's, such as February being renamed as "Horst-Wessel" due to the martyrdom of Horst-Wessel which was widely celebrated in the Reich's propaganda on the 23rd of February, giving the dead SA trooper an idealized status as the perfect follower. April was now the month of "Hitler", due to the 20th of April being not only the Day of Victory but also Hitler's Birthday. Goebbels received the month of October, the month of November was given to Scheubner-Richter (abbreviated to just Richter), Martyr of the Beer Hall putsch to whom Hitler dedicated Mein Kampf to.

    After only two weeks of "adaptation", the Volkssturm and the Police would now be allowed to enter houses in order to ensure the new calendars were in place, in case of a first offense, a warning was given and, if a week later, the old calendar was still in use, it could lead to an accusation of betrayal of National Socialism which led to up to 10 years in a Concentration camp for Germans, and death for non-Germans. Any citizen could request a copy of the new calendar in the local office of the NSDAP or it could be found in most of the stores in early 1963 while mass burnings of the old calendars were organized in public by the Volkssturm for the people to rid themselves of the "excess paperweight", a service to the People's Community. Not only was it an arbitrary measure but the consequences were described as draconian, which proved to be the rule for Goebbels as he was determined to fully force not only the German society but even history itself to conform to his will.


    Goebbels also would work to enforce a strict German cultural unity around National Socialism, not only it was a process which was undergoing since the reorganization of regional governments into the "Gau" units in the 1930s, but now it would reach even the historical sphere. Ludwig II of Bavaria was a victim of such process as, throughout 1963, he would be denounced as a "Degenerate sexual deviant" and an opponent of German unification, which led to his legacy being erased by the Reich, nowhere is this more obvious than the architectural legacy. Castles and Palaces such as Neuschwanstein and Linderhof would be destroyed in public events where the buildings were demolished and torn apart by the Volkssturm, the century-old buildings were still relatively "new" compared to the destruction of old monuments such as the Cologne Cathedral. In the former Austrian and Bohemian territories, the old buildings which served as seats of the Austrian and Czech governments were demolished as well in order to further entrench the cultural identity of a unified Germany. The Castle of Prague, perhaps the largest medieval building in Europe, would be destroyed under the command of the local Gauleiter as he followed Goebbels' directive, with the crown jewels of the Bohemian crown being taken to Linz to be exhibited at the Führermuseum.

    Said Directive was Führer Directive number 71, which changed the general directives of Education and Culture to promote a process which Goebbels called "New History", the idea of reviewing German history to rid it of old misconceptions and "Jewish influences", which gave a clean excuse for the new Minister of Education and Culture to, under Goebbels' orders, reshape German history as the Führer saw fit. Hans Wilhelm Hagen, one of Goebbels' old protegees, a highly educated man, senior professor on the Department of German Studies at Griefswald and responsible for the literature session of the Ministry of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment. After Axmann's demise, Hagen would take up the office meant to completely reshape the future of the German people and how Germany itself was seen and, in 1963, he published thesis on the "New History" which was taken up by the local party leadership as a gospel to direct the education facilities.

    Needlessly to say, it is easy to see why even committed National Socialists in the German Academia had been shocked by the contents they were now meant to teach: Racial theory was ingrained in history with the teachings of Germany once possessing an advanced civilization before Rome which extended from the Rhine river to the Dniper river, as well as Scandinavia and Britain. This unnamed "Proto-Reich" was fruit of the research on "Aryan historiography" made by men such as Rosenberg (ironically as he was Goebbels' rival), Darré (Goebbels' Minister of Agriculture) and several influences in the previous century. This nation was said to have fractured into small tribes by the time of the Romans due to the influence of both their millenial Jewish enemy and Asiatic foes who were used as puppets of said Jews. However that fracturing led to a diaspora of sorts that spread the Aryans, some of them being founders of the Achaemid Empire, others founding the city of Troy and eventually Rome. History was then seen as an eternal racial struggle which was ultimately to be decided between the "Aryans", who remained pure, and the Jews alongside the races they puppeted such as "Asians". Even Rome was analyzed racially with the ancient Romans depicted as Aryans and triumphing over the "Asiatic" Carthage. Furthermore, the Assyrians were considered to be Aryans, as well as whichever nation just happened to be an important ally of Germania at the time.

    While this... odd view of history was always present in the party since the days of the Thule Society, now they were being used by Goebbels to form a common German mythos and justify the Germanic supremacy over all world nations. For that reason, a great effort was made to spread the "New History" thesis across the continent, especially through a book by Professor Hans-Günther Thalheim published in the 18th of Axmann (July, renamed due to the official history of Axmann becoming a martyr by using his body to shield Goebbels from the debris in the explosion caused by the Naumann Plot) called "The Pure History of Europe", translated to English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Hungarian and other languages. The book was amply distributed across the Linz Pakt and was even praised by the French leader Jacques Schwarzer, promoting the common origins of Europe's greatness under the Aryan civilization and serving to reinforce the German Supremacist ideals over the rest of the Pakt. It was obviously not as popular as in Germany, but it became an obligatory read in the curriculum of all members of the Pakt in the following years.

    Not only the rewriting of history and culture, but language itself would be affected, one example being the extinction of the Cyrillic alphabet which was finally banned in Bulgaria, being linked to the old slavic and orthodox culture that was considered foreign in the New Europe. Tsar Simeon's government saw little reason to provoke Germany following the interventions of the Reich over Portugal, France and Italy in recent years. The Greek Alphabet would also be "Latinized", with a great effort being made over the following years to translate documents into the latin alphabet and burning old documents. It was considered a measure to ensure the unity of European alphabets by the Reich, however the Germans also began to popularize German graphic rules such as the use of the umlaut in centralized vowels. There were also plans in place for the creation of a proper German alphabet but those were considered secondary by the Minister of Education which instead worked on the 1964 Dictionary of the German Language. Besides minor corrections in the ortography, there were some glaring differences in the meaning of words to define ideological, phylosophical and sociological words such as "Liberal", "Liberty" and "Democracy", with all books made before 1964 being considered obsolete and demanding correction. The definition of Jew was expanded to essentially signify an "enemy", not restricted only in the racial way but even in a behavioral way.

    Goebbels and the NSDAP believed that the "taint" of the jew was not restricted only to race, but also in the education and even a pure-blooded German could eventually become a Jew if influenced enough. The discovery of the DNA and it's investigation by German Racial Science was going opposite to such a belief but the departments still subscribed to the central directive that the "taint" could be transmitted through behavioral and educational ways, looking for a pseudo-scientific justification through Lamarckism and Darwinism. Because of that, another policy would be instituted which ended a practice that was fairly common among middle and upper class families in Germany since 1939. Slavic women were many times recruited as "Foreign Workers" for domestic tasks which German women considered beneath their own stature and, as a result, it was common to see Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, and especially Czech workers in houses which, Goebbels believed, led to a bad influence on the youth of those homes that could be "raised" by said workers in the abscence of their parents. The high living standards of the "Golden Years" in the late 1940s was in many ways associated to the capacity of German middle class families to have more free time not only due to the demobilization but by handing out the burden of raising children to foreign workers, and that would also allow for larger families and, allied to the enormous indoctrination in the Hitler Youth, helped foster the post-war population boom which raised the fertility rates from around ~2.5 children per family to roughly 4 by 1955.


    Goebbels' own personality cult was shrouded in religious imagery, perhaps consciously or subconsciously caused by his catholic upbringing, he constantly declared himself as an "Apostle", as a follower who was meant to found a solid foundation upon a rock by using Hitler's words to set the "canon" of National Socialism. Rudolf Hess was sidelined and ignored in history, his portraits removed and his death being seen as just a minor celebration held in the Reich to merely recognize him as a Deputy Führer, but National Socialism had to be continued by Goebbels, whose role was exagerated and boasted to the point where he was seen as Hitler's closest confidant and member of the inner circle. Hitler's "true" will was made public in 1961 on the 10-year anniversary of his death and in it Goebbels was declared as Hitler's only successor, which led to Hess' entire rule being described merely as an "interregnum" in the grand scheme of things where corruption festered and Germany was weakened, only for Goebbels to now have his role again and rid the Party of it's weaknesses by a method of "bloodletting".

    Goebbels' portrait was to be placed to the right of Hitler's at every public building, Goebbels officially would also launch a portrait where he was placed ahead as the Führer with Hitler's shadow behind encouraging him and that portrait could be used as a replacement for both the Hitler and Goebbels portraits. It was a symbol of continuity, and it helped the fact that practically all other members of Hitler's circle were either dead, missing or purged. Speer was in many ways compared to be the Judas to Hitler's Jesus by selling out his own soul and legacy for greedy corporate interests that exploited the German people and were used by the Jews to weaken the Reich by corruption, all while Goebbels was seen as the Saint Peter, the loyal follower willing to fight for Hitler and his legacy, setting the foundation for true National Socialism to flourish. In 1963, in the occasion of the 40year anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch, Goebbels published a book of his own writing that was meant to be compulsory for members of the NSDAP and in education: "Unser Kampf" or "Our Struggle", which defined, in Goebbels' thoughts, what was the true meaning of National Socialism, setting down his beliefs as if they were Hitler's own through a series of "Dialogues" similar to Plato's "Republic", made between Hitler and Goebbels, where apparently a young Goebbels would question Hitler on the principles of National Socialism before Adolf's rise to power during a private meeting on the day before he was made Chancellor. It spoke of Hitler's plans and visions, showing the idealized and fanatical image that Goebbels had of Hitler which only gave more fuel to the cult of personality behind the founder of the Reich.

    This wave of propaganda around Goebbels was not restricted to writings but also in the big screens, as the Ministry of Propaganda under Johann von Leers would work tirelessly in producing films and TV shows detailing Goebbels' life in an idealized image or which depicted him as a positive character. One example was the movie "The Beast of Senegal" which depicted the French occupation of the Rhineland, a Senegalese French officer would abuse the town of Rheydt through criminal acts and even with a scene depicting the sexual harassment of a German woman by the Senegalese officer. In the end, a young Goebbels leads a militia of the local inhabitants that kills the French officer and the incident leads to the French retreat of the Rhineland and the movie ends with an imprisoned Adolf Hitler receiving such news and expressing his admiration for this unknown militia leader. Obviously the entire story was invented and used the commonly propagated idea of the French occupation of the Rhineland leading to several cases of sexual harassment, while such incidents happened, it was generalized and overblown by the NSDAP in the following years for their own purposes to portray the Africans as savages and the French as a malicious occupier.

    This was all made to make up for the lack of public appearances by the Führer himself following the attempted assassination which would not only heavily scar his face, but also worsened considerably his right foot, which was already limping, and by 1965 he would have to use a wheelchair to move and spent most of the time seated. While it was not a life-threatening injury, Joseph Goebbels feared how his image would be seen by the public if he appeared in such a weakened state. He was spotted few times between 1962 and 1963, mostly in the Reich Chancellery or in other major cities to deal with regional leaders of the party. Those all ceased by 1964 and he was restricted to living in the Schwanenwerder, his private island near Germania which started to be compared to the Island of Capri during the reign of Tiberius, not as much in the idea of a decadent lifestyle, but more in the sense of a paranoid tyrant living in it and issuing orders for all to hear. The comparisons between Goebbels and Tiberius were practically inevitable and perhaps that was one of the reasons why a TV series launched in 1965 detailing the lives of the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Nero had a positive depiction of Tiberius' reign and showed Tiberius having a much closer relationship with his adoptive father Octavian than he actually had. A more friendly comparison would be between Goebbels and Hitler as Adolf spent much of his last years in the Berghof, away from Germania's disputes.

    Goebbels' reclusive life had a few exceptions, the presence of outsiders was heavily restricted, and being allowed in the island required a level of trust that few had. One of the few occasions where life was more active was during a birthday, in which some high ranking and trustworthy members of the party and State Ministers were invited, and if for any reason you were not, it led to fears that you would be the next one to go. One such example was of Hanns Ludin, the Foreign Minister and one of the few who was a part of Goebbels' original cabinet. By 1964, Ludin had lost much of the trust that Goebbels placed on him, ironically it was because of his previous success in establishing contact with the United States through the Dublin Connection that led to the Führer starting to believe he was corrupted by the CIA, an idea encouraged by von Leers who coveted the position of Foreign Minister. Goebbels was not satisfied by Ludin's lack of success when it came to solidifying the Arab cooperation with the Reich for his planned campaign against Israel as reports from the SD showed a growth in the skepticism in the UAR over their current alliance with Germany since Farinacci's rise to power, and the UAR was vital in order to reclaim the Suez Canal as the loss of it severed the connection between Italy and it's rebellious Ethiopian colony. He believed that Hans was unable to keep the trust of Nasser in Germania not by incompetence, but by deliberate sabotage as he came to be corrupted by his "Western contacts".

    Ludin would not be invited to Hedwig's 26th anniversary in the Schwanenwerder on the 5th of Göring (Paying homage to the Luftwaffe and knowing Göring's known popularity among the German public, the month of May was renamed after him as a concession by Goebbels to some of his supporters and considering Hermann's own historical significance), and on the next few weeks he grew increasingly worried that he was not being summoned to meetings anymore and had to deliver his reports through the Chancellery. then, on the 29th of that month, Hanns Ludin would be arrested by the Volkssturm and executed alongside his family following a show trial where he was accused of being granted bribes by the United States government and the State of Israel to sabotage the German relationship with the Arab World. Leers would move from the Ministry of Propaganda to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and would now be in charge of winning over the Middle East into the Reich's Sphere. Hans Hinkel, another of Goebbels' men and one of the leading responsible for the "De-Jewification" of German culture in the 1930s would be promoted as the new Minister of Propaganda, a man who was trusted to continue the work in the Ministry.

    The purge of Hanns Ludin was far from the only one, Goebbels had already shown he had no qualms in destroying his enemies in humiliating and public ways, and for a man like him, anyone who did not give him enough praise was considered an enemy. A pathological narcissist with an endless hunger for praise and approval, he built around himself a circle of men who were too terrified of telling him bad news and even more terrified of hiding news from him. The German intelligence suffered with Goebbels' purges, however they would still be able to identify supposed internal enemies if only because the slightest suspicion was enough to consider a member of the Party as a traitor. The Führer built a network of spies which was led by the head of the SiPO Hans Krueger, who ironically would end up falling victim of his own network as he expressed doubts in private and the information led right back to Goebbels. Krueger would commit suicide on the 26th of Halder (August, in homage to the deceased head of the Wehrmacht Franz Halder, killed in 1941, ironically Goebbels was unaware of Halder's private disdain for Hitler and the NSDAP as a group of gangsters) in an effort to spare his family from the incoming purge. Hans Rössner was chosen to head the SiPo in his place, a surprise as he only officially joined the party after the seizure of power, but as he held the leadership of the Cultural department of the RSHA under Heydrich, Goebbels believed that his resume as a true "National Socialist" could not be questioned and he would bring a much needed "Ideological renewal" to the Internal Security Service to better guide agents in identifying divergences from National Socialist thought.

    Perhaps one of the most gruesome acts committed by Goebbels on a personal level was what he did to the Hitler family, both Klara and her mother Eva would be a target following the death of Magda in the unfortunate assassination attempt committed against him, although in truth he ordered her execution upon learning she contacted Naumann and was involved not only with the conspiracy but also in a romantic sense. Klara Hitler would be of particular interest to Joseph beyond only her usefulness in propaganda, which he dearly exploited, but also he had the interest of using her in a blood union, seeing her as the last remaining link between him and the man he worshipped, it was perhaps inevitable in a regime so obsessed with blood supremacism and the almost divine status given to Hitler that Adolf Hitler's only child would be an object of desire as being of a "pure" bloodline, for being a perfect Aryan. There was also Adolf Hitler's nephews Heinz and Leo, who were described as being favorites of the former leader, were not less of a target to the current leader, after the death of Paula in 1960, in which Hitler's sister was given a State funeral, Heinz and Leo were now the only remaining members of the family in Germany. That was said because, ironically, there was a branch of the Hitler family living in the United States, the son of Adolf's half-brother Alois, William Patrick Hitler, had left Germany in the 1930s after a failed attempt of extorting his uncle by threatening to spread infamous family stories, he served in the US Navy in the Pacific and gained some fame around his peers by telling supposed family stories about his uncle, most likely being invented, after his stay in the navy he would be obviously targeted during the Grey Scare and changed his name to William Stuart-Houston and moved to another city, although he remained under the close watch of the CIA for any supposed connections with Germania.

    Heinz Hitler was a veteran of the World War and was considered a war hero, having received the Iron Cross from his own uncle after the Battle of Pskov, but also was the definition of nepotism, Heinz was known for driving drunk and using his name to get away from any crimes during the 1940s, he had remained single and enjoyed his privileged status until his uncle's death in 1951. Following Adolf's death, Heinz would spend the next decade living under the graces of the Hitler Estate ran by Eva and started living on the Berghof, some believing he even had a relationship with the widowed Eva according to rumors. But Goebbels' rise also was something that heavily affected the Hitler family as, contrary to Hess, Heydrich, Wegener or Kaufmann, Goebbels had his interests in using them as pure propaganda. Finally, the 42-year old Heinz would be married off to the 24-year old Holdine Goebbels, the favorite daughter of the Dictator.

    Leo Raubal Jr. was similar case where Goebbels married off the Hitler family with his own, Leo was closer to his uncle than Heinz was, spending a long time in the Berghof with him during the post-war years and even being present in the birth of his cousin Klara, but Leo also had more reservations in regards to him. He was aware of the atrocities committed in the name of Hitler and he still felt some hesitations, with rumors that his uncle was related to his sister Gelda's death in 1931. Perhaps that is why he did not change his surname to Hitler even when it would have benefitted him enormously to do so. In one curious occasion, he did act as Hitler's double in 1945 when the Führer was worried about a possible assassination following Göring's death, living a few days in the Chancellery when people believed him to be his uncle and he was overwhelmed with the amount of paperwork and orders given to him, some suggest that he might have been the one to sign down the order for the destruction of Warsaw. However, such rumors, despite being curious as a trivia, do not find a good basis for support other than the fact Leo looked much like his uncle and did serve as a double in a few public events. Goebbels married off Leo's son, Peter Raubal, with his daughter Heidrun in 1963 (Peter was 30 at the time and Heidrun was 23).

    Of course, all of that paled compared to his own marriage policy with Klara, a girl who was only 3 when her father died, then her stay at the Hitler Youth where she was more feared by other children than anything, believing that one wrong word could get their parents taken as was the case of two girls who physically assaulted her. In her teenage years she would live between Germania and the Berghof where her mother lived and both Goebbels and Eva would wrestle for the control of the child. Magda, who Klara saw as an aunt-figure, would die and that left Joseph Goebbels free to remarry and, instead of setting Klara with one of his sons or even grandsons, he set sights on her himself as the ultimate symbol of his allegiance with Hitler. Was there a better way to be connected to his predecessor than marrying his daughter? On the 6th of October of 1963, in the 16th Birthday of Klara Hitler, she would receive Goebbels' visit in the Berghof, as her mother was able to convince her to avoid traveling to Germania where the Führer offered to host her party in his island. Eva was alarmed by the Führer's proximity to her daughter and knew well that she was becoming a woman who would get the unwanted attention of other men, especially of Goebbels considering how he arranged two marriages of Hitler's nephews with his daughters, she thought that Klara would be wed to the 28-year old Helmut Christian, his son, but the truth was far more creepy. Alarmed, Eva would start to restrict Klara's almost routine visits to Germania and attempt to enroll them in the Munich University. Of course, she could not outsmart the SiPo, the Secret police was always well alert to Eva's movements and had agents within the Berghof, and knowing that the girl's mother was attempting to distance Klara, Goebbels made a drastic decision.

    Eva Hitler, formerly Eva Braun, would die on the 9th of Ley (named after Robert Ley, who died of an alcoholic coma in January 1956), following a mysterious illness which started at the end of Eckart (December, named after Dietrich Eckart, named by Hitler as a spiritual founder of Nazism who died in 1923, Hitler dedicated his second book to him) and led to her hospitalization on the 2nd of Ley and her death ust a little later. Klara would become the sole heir of the enormous Hitler Estate and the royalties of Hitler's books and the generous payments of the government for the use of his image. She had overnight become the richest teenager in the world and it did not take long for her to move permanently to the Schwanenwerder that month at Goebbels' invitation. That year, in the 17th birthday, Goebbels named her the President of Honor of the Bund Deutscher Mädel, the League of German Girls, as a demonstration of their closer proximity, although Klara had her suspicions about her mother's death and the fact Goebbels had moved her to his private island on the day of Eva's funeral in Linz where she was buried in her husband's mausoleum.

    On the 6th of October of 1965, on the day of the 18th birthday when she legally came of age, Klara Hitler was married officially to Joseph Goebbels, there was no religious ceremony and rather there was a private one on the Island with a select group of Ministers and witnesses, mostly to keep Goebbels' own crippling of his right foot as hidden as possible, there was only one picture to officially celebrate the wedding which was circulated. The 67-year old Führer had makeup applied and braces under his pants to stand upright together with his 18-year old bride, he attempted to look younger and did the best possible to hide his scars by the use of camera angles to hide the most scarred side of his face. Klara was never asked her opinion on the marriage arrangement and, deep down, she felt an enormous repulse for Goebbels in a physical way. The marriage was portrayed as a fairly tale across Europe with Goebbels wanting to show himself as a protector to Klara, and of course of her father's legacy, solidifying his image as the true inheritor of National Socialism. But in less censored societies, specifically in the West, the grotesque age difference and the dubious nature of how much Klara could consent or refuse consent to the orders of the Führer was placed more in attention.


    Ludwig Hoffmann never expected that his improvisation in Riga would have turned out so successful that it became the official policy of the Volkssturm, he was not really sure how proud he should be of that. He killed Rosenberg's daughter because, after whipping the mob into a frenzy, they needed an outlet before he had a riot in his hands, now the idea of a "Blood Debt" was praised as innovative, as the true spirit of a National Socialist dedicated to the Reich. His fame reached the office of Goebbels himself and in 1961 he would be promoted to become the Kommandant of the Volkssturm in the Gau Nieder-Schlesien, with his seat now being the city of Breslau as he suddenly was put in the highest position of authority he ever held in his life. It was overwhelming, he was proud of himself, rising more than anyone in his family did, but it felt like he had to step on eggs to remain in there. There was a SiPo officer, he knew he was in the SiPo, who had the keys to his office and, more troubling, of his house, that is still not as worrying as to how he had to execute every command from Germania.

    For a time it was quiet, the year of 1961 and most of 1962 was calm with just the occasional rally or command, the most noteworthy event was his own ascension ceremony, first one in Germania where Goebbels himself gave him his rank, and then in Breslau as the local unit organized a parade. He used that time to apply the lessons he learned from his time in the Wehrmacht, seeing the difference between those who were in the Hitler Youth groups and those who were either older volunteers or Ural veterans like him. The latter had the discipline, the former had the zeal, it was his mission to combine both so that the elders could command their batallions with discipline while the youth could push their commanders to rekindle a sense of fanaticism that was lacking in the more cynical veterans, especially when they could not execute orders properly.

    The Führerprinzip was clear, they all answered to him, and he answered to Schwägermann, and Schwägermann answered to the Führer, it should be simple enough to have this strict hierarchy but the complications began to arise. He had first to impose respect and did so by launching an attack against a man suspected of being a Jewish sympathizer and who was of mixed race himself, when they attacked his house, he commanded his children to be killed as well due to the policy of Blood debt and the idea of purifying the race from any taint of Jewish blood, but the officer he gave the order to refused to comply. Ludwig would then turn to his underlings and asked them who would be willing to fulfill the order, in the end it was a Hitler Youth volunteer, he could not be older than 17, who stepped forwards, he did not take the pistol and instead took a baton and whacked the head of the two children to their deaths while shouting "Jew" repeatedly, as if to satisfy his consciousness if he had any. Truth is that the young man had no consciousness at all, because right after he shot his commander when Ludwig ordered him killed for desertion. Ludwig saw fit to promote him to lead that 12-men unit and the result was that said unit lacked the previous discipline, but it was so ferocious that he saw no need to reprimand them and could count on them to make do with tasks more sensitive than the others.

    Hoffmann had his orders, his consciousness was clear, he was merely doing the Führer's will, which meant it was Germany's will and it was necessary for their own survival, even killing children was considered a matter of life and death. He knew from his lessons that one day they would grow up and never forgive the Reich for killing their parent, it would breed a generation of resentful rebels if they were not careful, even the justifications and teachings of the Hitler Youth could only weed out so many. So why not just rid themselves of the risk? Even better, they involved the mob when possible, so nobody could claim innocence, the leaders of the Volkssturm were all trained in oratory to invoke the sacred hatred of the people, that not only made sure that their martial spirit would continue alive, that they would be willing to be violent when necessary, but it was an exercise for the community, it helped bond and unite them against their eternal enemy. This way any foe who dared to face the Reich would not only deal with the soldiers, but the entire community of the people, if the Slavs, the Jews, the Liberals or any enemy tried to breach into Europa, they would face an enemy that was taught how to fight and hate them from the crib.

    That is why it was so important for the Angriff to be the real test, he believed, Hoffmann was delighted when him and the other Kommandants were summoned to Germania after Naumann's treacherous conspiracy, they all had expected new instructions and he truly was delighted to receive them. Hoffmann would now have a task to fulfill and cleanse traitors, there were many more Jews in the Reich than he ever expected, and it should have been obvious, otherwise there would not have been so much corruption and decadence, there would not be such stagnation and weakness. They received lists from the headquarters in Germania, with quotas linked with the last census in 1961 that was meant to identify the enemies. He was astonished by the number he was meant to fulfill at first, but Silesia was an Industrial region, it was clear that the higher population meant a higher quota and he would do everything to fulfill it.

    He fulfilled his annual quota within 9 months, but then again he did take shortcuts, the Quotas were meant to include only those above the age of 12, a few dates and birthdays were moved, but that was not all it took for the number of eliminated enemies in Breslau alone to reach 85 thousand. The people supported them, many turned over suspicious behavior in return of giving a proof of their own loyalty. Over 9 thousand were eliminated over the calendars alone in 1963 across the entire Gau, the Gauleiter was another problem to deal with as he made a protest over the state of "Anarchy" that the Volkssturm was causing, he was considered guilty after a trial in the People's Court which lasted a grand total of 7 minutes. After that, the Gauleiters no longer were a problem for the regional commanders and the Volkssturm had a free reign to purge Germany of it's treacherous enemies. There were those who attempted to protest in some cases and protect a few of the targets, that also helped fill in the quota.

    Hoffmann felt Schwägermann's envy, his quota was only increased in 1964 as if it was meant to be impossible to fulfill, but Hoffman fulfilled it in 11 months. He bet on his trooper's fanaticism, their zeal and violence dedicated to the cause. There was a sense of comradery, they all came from the same Gau, a sense of pride as they were always given the highest order of the Reich and constantly were appraised by the Führer in all his speeches, finally there was the sense of duty as they made their oaths and vowed to rid Germany of it's enemies and nobody could deny that they were doing that to their fullest extent. Hoffmann himself received the medal of Blood Order from Schwägermann, on the 20th of Hitler of 1965, the Victory Day, that was what he thought would be the highest moment in his life, seeing the face full of envy of his superior when he was forced to give him a medal. He grew to detest Schwägermann, over the course of their interactions he found him as a man too distant from the necessary zeal to lead the Volkssturm and to be truly worthy of this honor, a leader had to have Zeal above all.

    Schwägermann died just a few days later when it was discovered that he had entered in contact with the Israeli services and apparently leaked crucial plans, he was a man who lacked devotion, lacked conviction, no tears were shed when he was trialed and executed alongside his family on the 4th of Göring. What surprised Hoffmann was an invitation to the Schwanenwerder on the 3rd, before the execution of his predecessor. Yes, predecessor, upon arriving there, Ludwig was left to await in a solar when a man approached, limping while using a cane with his face filled with scars and marks, a true warrior, a true National Socialist, Hoffmann had no words to the ecstasy he felt when Goebbels came, almost child-like. He gave him his best "Heil Goebbels, Heil Hitler!" salute and the Führer smiled to him, an energetic smile that only made him more excited for whatever came out of his mouth next. Goebbels would speak with him for a few minutes and, during that conversation, praised him on his efforts in Silesia, which led to a conversation where the Führer asked what was the greatest quality of the Volkssturm that set it apart from the rest of the Reich. They were Zealots, Ludwig answered without hesitation as if it was on the tip of his tongue, and he spoke with so much dedication about the Principles of National Socialism and how he read Goebbels' book 7 times, that he felt he impressed the Führer.

    "We will need men like you for the times to come", and with that he became the leader of the Volkssturm, Hoffmann truly believed to have reached the highest moment of his life then and there. His years of dedication propelled him so high that he forgot his family, the shame and disappointment they all had when he joined the Volkssturm, what had happened to them? He did not know as he cut off all contacts years ago, but now they would have to see him as one of the most powerful men in Europe. He was young, relatively speaking, belonging to the post-war generation, but that was the generation raised by Goebbels and Axmann, they were the the torchbearers of National Socialism who were destroying the old and building the new. When the meeting ended, he still spotted on the corner of his eye a young woman who had been listening to the conversation, and he did not recognize her at first before seeing those steel blue eyes. That was Klara Hitler, the daughter of THE Adolf Hitler, he did not interact with her at all and returned back to Germania later, all he could truly think about was... why were her eyes so saddened?


    Over the course of his entire rule, Joseph Goebbels was preparing Germany for what he saw as it's final struggle, interrupted by the corruption and infighting following Hitler's death, a great war to engulf the world and destroy the enemies of the Aryan people, a final struggle for the domination that they truly deserved, for the course they were set to go through by their founder. He had planned to do so in 1963, 12 years after the attempt was abruptly interrupted, but his internal worries over the future of Germany delayed those plans, he knew there could be no corruption, no impurity, no infighting, no hesitation in the soul of the Fatherland when he gave the order. Now, he believed, that had been achieved, the grandiose celebrations for the 9th of Richter of 1964, the Beer Hall putsch anniversary, at Nüremberg had convinced him that his plans were ready for execution. It was part of the reason why he pivoted for a more pro-Arab policy, the reason why the Continent had been brought under Germania's tight control by the elimination of anyone who could pose a challenge such as Almirante.

    Israel was the symbol of everything the Reich hated, of everything Goebbels hated, a Jewish state in the Cradle of Civilization, a Liberal State in the Mediterranean which was choking the Suez Canal and repeatedly stopped the previous attempts to destroy them, an ally of the Coalition of Nations with agents within the Reich itself. Destroying Israel would be a test, not only it would consolidate the Mediterranean and the Red Sea, it would also see the willingness of the West to fight for the cause of their Jewish masters in their homeland. His rhetoric grew more and more focused on Israel as time passed, weapons were smuggled to Arab groups in Palestine, officers would train the Syrian and Arab forces, the control and influence of the Reich grew and that was shown in the creation of a Railroad line linking the Reich with Damascus by going through the Caucasus and Turkey. Syria would see it's forces bolstered with an unprecedented level of investments coming to their ports and the growth of the Homs Industrial district. As a clear show of favoritism, the Germans would undo the French concession of Hatay by returning the territory to Syria in what was known as the "Aleppo Award". Furthermore, the Wehrmacht and the Volkssturm would both be mobilized and a force was put under the command of Wehrmacht Chief of Staff Joachim Peiper. This "Kampfgruppe Peiper" formed the largest essemble of German forces in the Mediterranean since the Afrika Korps.

    The "Wotan" was perhaps the greatest indication of the danger Israel was, one of the limited canons that the Reich had built and which was deployed during the Ural War, an Atomic Gun. The Wotan had a change in it's design in 1960 to account for the nuclear shelters in order to fire more destructive shells which measured it's power in megatons. It would take four months for the gun to be shipped both by rail and by ship into Syria and assembled in 1965 to be used as a "breakthrough" gun to shatter the Israeli defenses at the Golan Heights and Southern Lebanon, but it's unspoken purpose was that it was meant to destroy large settlements from Kibbutzims to cities such as Haifa and Tel Aviv. It was also the main reason as to why the Homs-Damascus railway was modified by German engineers, and why an entire corps of engineers was meant to be stationed at Syria to modify or build up existing railroads with resources from Europe to move the enormous canon. The military ran exercises and training in the late months of 1965, the Syrians and Germans training as a combined force despite the German standards being far superior to the Syrians. In total, 7 Infantry divisions would be stationed on the Syrian-Israeli border where the main attack, alongside 2 armored Panzer divisions, the Luftflotte 5 would be stationed in Syria and Cyprus, as well as the Kriegsmarine and the Italian Navy running exercises near Crete, furthermore, an amphibious invasion force would begin exercises in the Aegean Sea.

    The Luftwaffe would constantly fly over Israeli airspace, at first by probing the limits, but then going deeper as a force of bombers flew over Haifa on the 10th of Richter of 1965, the Israeli Protection Force was in high alert, but the Mossad's reports from Syrian agents was trusted, those bombers were not carrying bombs, instead they would drop a more terrifying payload: Papers and Cloth. It would fall down on Haifa either by spreading through the air or by falling in packages, and the papers were written in Hebrew and German, which said "The Blood of our Martyrs will be avenged", showing the images of matyrs of National Socialism who were killed throughout the years, especially from the wars, blaming the Jewish people alone for their deaths. And the clothes was a psychological tactic, those were uniforms, stripped uniforms which were used by camp prisoners, marked with the Star of David and serial numbers. Goebbels' idea was to spread terror and encourage more Israelis to seek to flee in despair in order to weaken their resistance, but it also had an opposite effect on others: It showed what would happen if they lost, and while some fell into the despair and panic that Germania wanted, most just had their resolve strengthened, such as Anne Frank, who once fled occupied Europe and kept a journal since then, who fought against the Syrians when Haifa was first attacked, lying about her age, and as she held one of those pajamas, she knew she would never let herself be forced to wear it, and if she would die, she would die facing Joseph Goebbels, not falling like and led like a sheep to the slaughter.

    And soon, during the 18th of the month formerly known as December, a Saturday when Hannukah started, Israel struck first, this time not against a minor detatchment, but against the full strength of the Wehrmacht.

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    In the city of Dakar, existed a government which was a living contradiction, perhaps moreso than the majority of the nations of the world. Hypocrisy may be a word to describe it, because in Dakar there was a Government which claimed itself to be the "Free French", a government based around democracy, but one where a fraction of it's people was allowed to vote, and that was led by a military dictator since it's inception. It was a government which called for a war to reclaim it's homeland from the rule of a foreign invader, while also being the one which occupied hundreds of nations from the Saharan desert to the jungles of Congo and the island of Madagascar. How can one justify this behavior? There were excuses given, some more valid than the others, some were plausible and others were arguments that could have been made from the mouth of Joseph Goebbels, but the official line of Dakar was to ignore it.

    Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle, the ruler of one of the largest territories in the world over the last 2 decades, and yet it was not a place he wanted to be. He has spent so long in Brazzaville, in Dakar, away from his home, that he feared forgetting it like so many others did, even among the old soldiers, his Grognards as one may call them. He lived in the former Governor's mansion in Dakar ever since the city was retaken in 1951, after a tense standoff which almost led to a war. But looking back at it, he feared that day was the last chance they had to return, a chance they let pass because of Washington, because of him, the coward of Louisiana, a man who had no respect from the French President. He has always been suspicious of the Americans since the Presidency of Wheeler, there was hope under Hull, then it was left in a limbo under Thurmond only for Long to shut down any hope that Charles had on the Franco-American friendship.

    There was Britain, perhaps the one reliable ally that Free France had, alongside those others who were invaded, such as the Belgians and Dutch. But by themselves there was little hope in facing the Reich, until the Ural War happened. Portugal joined the ranks of what some mockingly called the "League of Exiles", but other than that, there was hope that the German War Machine could be stopped, something de Gaulle argued for years from his experience in 1940 when his battalions scored some of the few French Victories in those fateful 6 weeks. The Russian Empire, which reignited the old Franco-Russian Entente before the Great War, held back against even Nuclear Hellfire by pure determination and the relentless support of it's people and of the Free World, even from the Bayou Salesman. The hosts of the Führer were halted at Perm, at Orenburg, at Aktau, and if they were halted there, they could be halted anywhere. The only danger was the enormous Nuclear Arsenal of the Reich, which Rudolf Hess almost unleashed upon the world during those fateful 48 hours in August of 1959 until the German leaders themselves stopped that madness.

    Petain, his former mentor, Laval, the treacherous sellout, and Darnand, the German's vicious hound, have all ruled from Paris with a tightening grip against all that France once stood for, and all of them were dead, one dying from his age, one killed by the French people, and one killed by an "Algerian Nationalist", or rather by his own Masters. He would not blame the Algerians from killing Darnand after all the stories he heard, after seeing the waves of starved and dehydrated peoples crossing the Sahara and arriving in cities like Tumbuktu through old Caravan routes. If even a fraction of it was true, which was likely the case, then the government of traitors in Paris has forever solidified themselves as the worst criminals in French History. His heart was heavy when hearing the stories, and even in his old age his spirit was only further incensed in the call for Resistance.

    But the chance had passed, deep down he knew that was true, and at most they would be lucky to cross the Sahara and into Algiers, but only through the end of the world would Paris be retaken, because not only was the "Festung Europa" impenetrable logistically for the Franco-British alliance, but if it was ever breached, nuclear weapons would begin to be used and there would be no way to back down from that point. So while the rhetoric was still needed, that a flame of hope had to be kept alive, the French government in Africa had to be pragmatic, had to make compromises and not act like it's current territories were only a temporary setback for the French Republic, more likely was the fact this was becoming the new Status Quo, and there would be blood to keep it.

    France was not the only nation in the Continent, and Africa is far too vast to cover during the 1960s to fit within a single chapter. While the British Empire will be abridged in the future, for now the matters of De Gaulle's government and the Belgian Congo will be the focus of the current writing as both nations faced the same dilemma with it's native populations during the first half of the decade. Furthermore, the experience in Portugal shares a common fate with the heavy intervention of the Platine Pact in Angola during the decade. And South Africa shares far more traits with the experience of the Linz Pakt in Africa. Finally, the Ethiopian conflict is known for the involvement of both India and China in Eastern Africa, as well as the Anglo-Arab conflict in Yemen and Sudan, the Red Sea conflicts would also prove instrumental during the climatic Fourth Levantine War when Israel would be struck by a coalition of neighboring countries and the fanatical offensive of the German Reich upon the Jewish State. For that reason, the African experience during the 1960s will be covered in different chapters that will at times give focus on nations linked to such conflicts.

    Overall, the African Continent at the time can be better described as a clash between Neo-Colonial forces under the Linz Pakt, Old Colonial forces of the exiled governments and Britain, and Anti-colonial forces led by several movements that ranged from Monarchists to Communists. Neocolonialism, as described here, was born out of the new reality of world affairs after the signature of the Treaty of London, which consolidated the rule of National Socialist Germany and Fascist movements throughout Europe, with nations such as the French State and the Italian Fascist Republic controlling vast swatches of territory in Africa, while also inspiring groups in regions such as South Africa and Rhodesia. The ideals of Neocolonialism extended far beyond the "Civilizing Mission" and the resource extraction mindset of old colonial forces, but it also included the effective colonization of the African Continent similar to what was done to the American Continent in the 16th and 17th centuries. After the success of the German "Lebensraum" in the conquest of Eastern Europe and the colonial policies of the Reich, both in Italy and in the French State there was a belief to further expand their own "living space". While Nationalist groups could not challenge the German dominion in Europe, they saw lands ripe for settlement in their colonies.

    Not only was extermination used in an unprecedented scale in order to cripple local nationalists, the racial beliefs held by the "Neocolonialists" held a strong sway over the policies in not being satisfied just by sidelining and exploiting the locals as was done before, but by driving them into extinction and replacing them with mainland settlers. Such was the policy of Joseph Darnand in the 1950s, brutally implemented in Algeria and Morocco, leading to the deaths of around ten million people, but also was a policy implemented by Farinacci's Italy to varying degrees, and later in the South African Republic. Neocolonialism was a policy greatly endorsed by the German leader Rudolf Hess, who was personally interested in ensuring the destruction of the Arab populations which he considered as "Desert savages" and in diverting the concerns of French Nationalists over the subservient status held by the French State within the European Order. Local groups of settlers also many times were influenced by such policies in what many believed as a "self-defense" mechanism against African Nationalism, which was also the main argument of the South African government for the brutal "Bantustan" policy, a "either us or them" belief alligned with the Siege mentality of the South African State.

    The Old Colonial regimes struggled to establish legitimacy in the aftermath of the Second World War that led to many clinging to their old colonial prestige as a form of self-preservation against the New Order in Europe. Britain is a separate case, as the British Empire was still left relatively intact by the war on the outside, but for the French, Belgian and later Portuguese governments, there were fears that they would eventually fade into irrelevance as the hopes of returning to Europe had essentially vanquished by the mid-1950s. For De Gaulle in Dakar and the Belgian Parliament in Leopoldville, there was a sense of hopelessness driving the inertia, as the changing world in both demographics, sensitivities, geopolitics and ideologies was arriving into the Continent and driving both States into a tipping point where the Old Colonial forces would eventually have to compromise with either the Neocolonial mindset or the Local Nationalists. In the case of Congo, the Figure of Patrick Lumumba would be crucial in attempting to bridge the Belgians and Congolese after the brutal past of those people, calling for an alliance of both to oppose the encroaching Neocolonial States, fighting an uphill battle both against the old establishment and radical neocolonialists. In Free France, the State would have to confront it's inherent contradictions and a ghost from the past would reemerge to attempt to bridge the gap between the Locals and Free French elites.

    But for now the year is 1960, Huey Long is on his way out of the White House, Joseph Goebbels is brutally consolidating his rule over Europe, China begins it's ambitious modernization program, and there was the risk of a war in the heart of Africa.


    Patrice Émeri Lumumba, as Isaïe Tsaumbo Tawosa came to be known, is perhaps the most well-known African leader of his time, praised or hated depending on who is asked. A prominent intellectual who was born from the Tetela people in Congo and took an interest in the ideals of the enlightenment during his youth, being educated in a Catholic school and later working as a salesman before becoming a postal clerk in Stanleyville, dedicating his free time with studies and in other projects such as founding and participating in diverse intelectual associations. He was what was classified by the French Government as an Évolue, an "Evolved African" who adopted European ideals and intellect, but it would be wrong to consider Lumumba as an "European African", for he still held a strong connection to his people above all and never was a supporter of the continued colonial status quo, in fact he would create in 1956 the "Congolese National Movement" with a group of like-minded intellectuals, many members of the Belgian Liberal Party, advocating for the self-determination of the Congolese people. Although he repeated many times to hold no ill intentions towards the Belgian authorities and wished to work within the system to push for a peaceful transition, that did not stop the Belgian authorities from harassing his movement, forbidding it from using radio or television stations, shutting down several newspapers, and arresting several party members as "Separatists". None of that would stop the Party from achieving a considerable base of support in the Parliament on the next year.

    It is important to contextualize the Belgian situation between 1940 and 1958 before proceeding to explain the Congo Crisis and Lumumba's career. The Belgian government in exile, established following the surrender of King Leopold III in May of 1940, was sheltered in London for much of the war while the Congolese Territory was placed under the command of the Minister of Colonies Albert De Vleeschauwer, who retained full authority over the colony until the Treaty of London in 1943. Congo stayed as a vital asset to the allied cause due to it's enormous mineral and rubber production, while also would be sheltering thousands of refugees in the coming years, including Jewish communities. Vleeschauwer would also clash with the government in London over the role of Congo, as Pierlot, the Prime Minister, would attempt to push the colony further into backing the allied cause while the Minister further desired to entrench his hold over Congo. Ultimately it was the allied defeat that caused Vleeschauwer to overcome the government in London as Pierlot resigned and a new Belgian government would be established in Leopoldville.

    As peace came, the fate of Belgium was sealed, and Leopold would be sent into exile by the new Reichskommissariat. The Monarchist Vleeschauwer would welcome the Belgian Monarch with open arms as he went to Congo and a new government structure would be formed. Over the years, refugees from Belgium would be settled further and soon the White Population overall would number between 170,000 and 200,000 in 1951 when the death of Hitler and the Dakar Crisis meant that the only opportunity to free the mainland was lost. A new Parliament would be called and, for the first time since 1918, the King himself would preside (as Leopold was known to have a distaste for Pierlot and his cabinet) which was technically not illegal and accepted due to the emergency of the time. In 1944, the first elections would happen, however the Franchise was expectedly just a fraction of the population. De Vleeschauwer's "National Alliance" won a majority of the votes, followed by the New Liberal Movement, which allied many liberal groups and associations including African intellectuals of the time.

    The support of Britain, and of the United States for a time, helped kickstart a program for the modernization of Congo, using the high demand for rubber and minerals for the Pacific Front between 1943 and 1947. There was a general concern from the new government in improving the infrastructure of the rich territory and further connect the large settlements and extractive regions. Industry was also a necessity due to the concerns over supporting a future war with the German Reich if it came to it, there were even worries of an Italian invasion from the East. Between 1944 and 1958, the Congolese territories saw an upsurge in the urbanization and economy that was not seen before, and from a 9% level of urbanization before the war, by the time Lumumba went into scene, the rate had increased to 37% by 1960. Naturally, the benefits of this growth were sustained by the back-breaking labor of the indigenous population through the extraction of resources to fuel the export economy and support the growth of industry.

    The New Liberal movement, however, would continue to grow throughout the 1950s and Lumumba gained prominence within it as the leader of the local nationalists, gaining a seat in Parliament in 1956 despite the party failing to secure a majority. Prime Minister Vleeschauwer has held the mandate over Congo for over a decade, and despite the economic growth and his grand promises and propaganda over Congo serving as a the "Healthy heart of Africa", the inequality in the distribution of assets from this growth, aligned with the rising literacy rates and the general political mindset of the population created a time bomb in the overwhelmingly poor local population that felt little connection towards the Belgian leadership. This would manifest itself not only in occasional protests and strikes that started to grow in an alarming frequency during the era, but in the growth of militant movements in the countryside which began to harass the Force Publique and overextend the police units. In an hyperbolic report, the Minister of Defence, Baron Victor Jean Clement, claimed that the control of the armed forces against "rural banditry" in the majority of the country was "an illusion", submitting it to Vleeschauwer and King Leopold in 1954, some suspect he did so in order to increase funds for the military in the budget of that year.

    How did Lumumba become Prime Minister and how did the transitional period of 1958-1960 develop? The elections of 1956 did not give the New Liberals a majority but it gave them a plurality, and the loss of power from the National Alliance was becoming more and more apparent, which led to questions arising in Vleeschauwer's cabinet on the course of Congo and it's future. This cabinet meeting held in November of 1956 would be the first of many where the elderly Prime Minister began to discuss with the King and his own ministers about the rising unrest among Africans and the political mobilization of the New Liberals, the concerns only grew as Lumumba was elected the leader of the Liberal movement and took office in 1957 with a speech calling for a truly equal treatment between Belgians and Non-Belgians, he did not call for an "Independence", as he claimed that Belgium no longer existed, there was only the Congo and they had to make a common pact for a future free of discrimination, fascism and tyranny.

    "A military crackdown with our strength alone is not a practical solution", said the leader of the Public Force Auguste-Édouard Gillaert, that argument came during the debate when the example of South Africa was given, it was proposed that a change in the voting laws and districts would allow for the disenfranchisement of the majority of the black voters who formed the base of the Liberals. Vleeschauwer considered that, however he also believed it would never pass in the necessary constitutional vote and it would require what was essentially a coup, he also feared that doing so could radicalize the dissidents, with Gillaert being in agreement. This led to a meeting with Lumumba mediated by the King in 1957 where the agreement to form a new coalition government would be formed, and while Lumumba would become Prime Minister, the majority of the cabinet positions would be retained by the National Alliance and the African leader would have to publicly swear an oath of loyalty to King Leopold III and his descendants, compromising himself publicly in keeping the Constitution and the Monarchy.

    In January of 1958, after 18 years of power in Congo, 14 as Prime Minister, Albert De Vleeschauwer, would announce his resignation and Patrice Lumumba would lead a Unity government in order to address the concerns of the population. He promised that he had no "revolutionary" ideas, publicly rejecting republicanism and the idea of expelling the White Population of Congo, instead he called for what he called an "Evolution", promising to retain the government institutions and, including, the name "Belgium" in the country. While some radicals saw that as a betrayal and others in the White minority were frightened at the mere idea of a black Prime Minister, the majority of the population would be optimistic of the country's future, and soon Prime Minister Lumumba, the first Black Man to head the government of a united Congo, would set his program for "Evolution".

    Émile Janssens was one of the officers who most detested the change in leadership, as one of the highest ranking commanders of the Force Publique, he protested one of Lumumba's first policies which was to push the desegregation of the armed forces. While the army did not issue a strong protest, the much larger Force Publique resisted the change in the commanding positions. Despite being mostly composed by Black men, the garrison did not have a single black officer in it's ranks due to the several restrictions put in place over the decades. Once Gillaert retired, Janssens was promoted in his stead and, as the proposal was approved in Parliament in May of 1958, he quite simply refused to comply, the officers promoted were stripped of rank and a mutiny would begin in the Force Publique, the first major crisis of the Lumumba Cabinet.

    The Force Publique crisis was solved without as much trouble, Janssens expected the military to side with the Colonial forces to remove Lumumba's cabinet from power, what he did not account for was King Leopold refusing to go along with the putsch and the military standing loyal in Leopoldville, leading to the arrest of Janssens and the mutineers. However, despite defeating this first challenge, Lumumba's "Evolution" program also clashed with an existing structure that was not necessarily racial in it's nature, but economic. As a sympathizer of more left-wing ideals, Lumumba was an anathema for the most powerful corporate interest in Congo, the Mining Union of Upper Katanga was perhaps one of the wealthiest mining companies in Africa, a company which was granted the concession to exploit the wealthy copper belt during the late years of Leopold II's reign and not only held a brutal exploitation system in the region, but also financed the Vleeschauwer government and his National Alliance.


    After the Mutiny, the interrogation of Janssens and his associates led to the discovery of several links between the Force Publique and the corporation, not only was the Company bribing public officers to avoid the enforcement of labor legislation, but it's lobbyist practices extended beyond the parliament and even into the armed forces to a certain extent. Patrice knew that fighting the company would be the greatest test of his government, especially as he would have to face the opposition of his own cabinet, and so he would secure his own base by calling for a new election in 1958, using the boost in his prestige and popularity following the Mutiny to secure a slim majority and form a new cabinet, which was seen as a betrayal by the National Alliance. Furthermore, he would send a survey into the Katanga region to investigate abuses and monopolist practices made by the company, surprisingly this delegation, which was led by many locals of Lumumba's choosing, was not bribed or "disappeared" despite the attempts of the Union. Once their report was delivered in August, it was widely publicized by the government to build up a campaign with popular support, even among the whites, to crack down on the company to the fullest extent of the law.

    On the 18th of August, just a week after the publication of the report, the Prime Minister would be ambushed with his escort while visiting Katanga to give a speech, but despite his wounds, which included two bullets being shot at him, he would survive, with the Force Publique, now under the leadership of Maurice Mpolo, the first Black leader of the group and a close aide to Lumumba, uncovering those responsible. A Katangan nationalist group was both armed and financed indirectly by the Mining Company in an attempt to destabilize the government and prompt King Leopold III to dissolve the Parliament in a coup, inspired by the events in Britain where a left-wing Prime Minister had been recently removed from power in a technically legal way and a Military-Civilian government was put in place with Martial Law restoring order. Lumumba began to fear that King Leopold could be attempting to interfere with the political process in order to discredit his government and weaken Congolese Nationalism.

    In September, after leaving the hospital, Lumumba made his most hostile speech yet, denouncing the Mining Union and blaming them for his assassination attempt by making public the findings of the investigation. The wave of uproar caused by it led to a series of protests and riots targeting the company's assets across the Congo, this heightened the fears among the right-wing circles that the Prime Minister was taking a country to a revolutionary chaos, intending on expelling the White Population from the country and declare a Congolese Republic, the Army, still faithful to the King, as well as several sectors of the Force Publique, were willing to dissolve the government "by force" at Leopold's request. However, the Belgian King wavered between supporting his Prime Minister or supporting the military, fearing a revolution in case force was used. Finally he relented as in January of 1959, fearing a continued escalation, he signed a Royal Decree Nationalizing the Mining Union, taking the decision off Lumumba (although the Prime Minister gladly signed up the decree as the King could not unilaterally issue such decision under the Belgian Constitution).

    The King's backing of Lumumba, bringing with it the armed forces, was a death blow to the Katangan company as it's assets were seized under State control and several judicial actions would now be taken to investigate and sue the company's board for the unsanitary conditions the underpaid workers were forced to go through. The exposition that the company suffered in the press and radio would uncover some of the worst aspects of the existing establishment and further strengthened Patrice's mandate, now fully backed by the Royalists. Although this would also lead to several members of the White Belgian community to see the act as a betrayal by the King, and bringing up his previous collaboration under the German occupation, they claimed Leopold had once more "capitulated" to a "savage horde". Leopold III would be assassinated on the 21st of June of 1959 by a White nationalist, who claimed to have been inspired to do so in order to stop a "White Extermination" in the nation.


    During his father's funeral service, the now King Baudouin I would carry his father's coffin alongside the Prime Minister, both would speak of the King's assassination as a "coward attack by the Nazi forces that have taken hold over a fraction of the population". Baudouin would later be crowned not only as King of the Belgians, but also take the title of King of the Congo. Despite Baudouin's personal distaste for Lumumba and his "socialistic" ideals, he was pragmatic enough to not alienate the popular Prime Minister and approved the change of name of the country to the "Kingdom of Belgium-Congo" in October. Besides, King Baudouin would also virulently attack the groups of what he called "Nazi Sympathizers" who he blamed for the death of his father. The King and Lumumba would never have a good relationship, one example of why is the former's praise of King Leopold II, which had obviously not endeared him to his Congolese subjects, it was a tone that was reduced in time as it was simply impossible to keep ruling over millions of subjects while considering their brutal former overlord a "genius", those options would have to be kept private.

    In 1960, the "transitional period" would end with the signing of the 1960 Constitutional revision, called the "Additional Act", which would abolish all forms of discrimination against the black population of Congo, and while the country did not abdicate it's goal of one day recovering Brussels, a new status quo would be put into place in the meantime. The Monarchy was firmly entrenched as a compromise, with the Constitution vetoing any changes to the "Monarchical nature of the head of state", as well as several provisions being given to protect the White population and ensure a minimal representation of 1/3rd of the assembly to White voters, which was still disproportionate considering the overall difference between the black and white numbers, however it was one of the several compromises needed to be made by Lumumba in order to approve the Act in Parliament. For the moment, the Kingdom of Belgium-Congo would be pacified from the tensions gripping Africa, the worst was considered to be over and, despite many Congolese groups advocating for harsher measures, Lumumba's Liberal Alliance, which was now renamed as "National Solidarity Movement", kept a strong majority in the popular opinion.


    To some he was Louis Blanchard, to others he was Louis Monnier, but now he was Louis Jérôme, Prince Napoleon. The fall of France changed many laws, the most important of them being the Law of Exile of the old Republic which forbade former royals of even entering the nation, but that restriction did not stop Louis from joining the French resistance, serving as a volunteer during the war in the foreign legion, he would join the resistance following the surrender to the Reich, and after escaping captivity in 1942, he would continue acts of sabotage until the end of the war. His family had never recognized the republic installed by the overthrow of Napoleon III during the Franco-Prussian War, as such he was technically Napoleon VI now, an Emperor only in name, but that name alone provoked fears in the old government that a Monarchical restoration would happen, although the main threat came from the Action Française and the Orleanists. The Bonapartes did not have connections with the Catholic Church or a large political movement, but it was inevitable that the story of his ancestor, Napoleon I, would not be brought up by those who were hopeful of returning from an exile to reclaim their homeland.

    Charles de Gaulle was a star in decline in the 1960s, after his high point during the reclamation of Dakar in 1951, the hopes of a returning had dwindled and his rhetoric became tiresome, and to make matters worse he refused to accept that, at the very least, changes had to be made for the Free French territories to even survive. One example was the loss of Madagascar, which Louis saw well and wrote down in a Journal he kept during his time as Governor of Sudan. In contact with his cousin Joachim, descended from Joachim Murat, he learned of the conditions the French Legions would be going through in the Island during the colonial struggle that ended with the independence of the Island in 1961 and the formation of the Republic of Malagasy. The fight in the island had been a low-level resistance since the end of the World War, which only grew more in the 1950s as both China and India began to give support for the local guerrilla groups. De Gaulle attempted different tactics from negotiation to force, and yet he would have to give up the French control of the Island and granted the Republic Self-Rule in 1961.

    The truth is, as Napoleon came to realize, there was little incentive for the average French soldier to continue the fight in these colonial conflicts. He experienced so himself when he had to deal with a local insurrection in Upper Volta as an officer, the White troops and French-born officers had no trouble when it came to their morale, however the local troops were reluctant at best to continue to serve De Gaulle and his ambition of returning to Paris. However, he would find that the Foreign Legion many times proved themselves as superior in engaging hostiles, as such a group, despite it's enormous diversity from languages to origins, was able to form a cohesive and professional force with a strong sense of discipline and duty in their roles. It was clear why: Service in the Foreign Legion granted a French citizenship, which made the distinctions between the volunteers essentially null in the eyes of the law, even if not so much in practice.

    Soldiers require an incentive to fight, the Esprit des Corps, the morale and the strength of a unit which was the key to every battle independently of logistics or strategies, had to be the priority. France had every strategic and logistical advantage against Germany and yet they lost after the units lost cohesion and panic spread among the officers, even if not necessarily the rank-and-file, following the breakthrough of the Ardennes. Louis dedicated himself fully to military studies following the loss in the war, and alongside his practical experience both as a soldier and as an officer, it gave him an understanding of the conflict. His book published in 1954, in which he used his name "Napoleon" in a public way for the first time since the law of return was revoked, called "On the defeat of 1940", blamed the defeat on a series of factors which included a lack of inovativeness, a stagnant and indecisive officer corps, and a break in the morale of the armed forces following the Ardennes breakthrough that led to panic and paralysis. De Gaulle approved the book and gave his own commentary to it, with the Prince Napoleon praising the General as one of the few officers who showed "tactical initiative" during the war, although some suspect Louis did so only seeking approval to publish his writtings.

    It is not hard to imagine why Louis Napoleon gained so much popularity in the armed forces. The younger officers saw him as a member of the Young Guard who fought bravely and understood the defeat, many being enamored by the stories (many dramatically overblown) of his actions as part of the War of Resistance between 1939 and 1943. The Colonial troops appreciated him as he never showed discrimination towards colonial officers during his governorship of Sudan, both improving their loving standards and quarters, and also sharing their plight during the Sahara campaign. The old guard grew to respect him for his achievements, even if many were still firstly loyal to Charles de Gaulle. Civilian leaders saw him as a hope to end the growing colonial unrest following the example of his "Pacification" of Sudan and also to end De Gaulle's dictatorial rule over West Africa. And of course his name and title was already an eye-catcher for the people's attentions when France was seen as being in a dark hour and many claimed for a savior, a role that de Gaulle failed to fulfill in the decade after 1951, and who better for that than a man named Bonaparte?

    All he had to do now was seize his moment.

    The Fall of Charles de Gaulle in 1963 was not the inevitable conclusion of his failure to retake Paris as many historians and contemporaries claimed, many believe that if he was able to adapt to the new status quo instead of treating his 20-year stay in Africa as a "temporary setback", he would be able to consolidate a formidable power structure across the enormous territory, utilizing it's resources and manpower to truly threaten the rule of the French State. However, despite a few measures made to remedy the more urgent problems, the General refused to adapt to it, he could not accept that the loss would be final and the status quo would reign. White the unrest could be quelled by the old colonial structure, it could not be by the new one, the loss of the mainland and Northern Africa, the most important sources of troops and resources, meant that the loss of the remaining colonies was only a matter of time and exhaustion unless a change came.

    Napoleon VI was first accepted as a French Citizen in 1952 when the Law of banishment was repealed by de Gaulle, before that he still served in the Free French officers and even reached the rank of Chief of Battalion in the French Foreign Legion as a Belgian citizen under the name Louis Monnier. Expulsion was a luxury the Manpower-starved French army could not afford, the optics of sending away a hero of the resistance who fought for France and risked his life in the resistance because of his name could risk far too much for what was, at the time, just a minor inconvenience at best. He would take on the name of Louis Jérôme only after the reclamation of Dakar and he was able to join the French armed forces fully, although he would have to start off as a private at the insistence of the government. He still did and soon ended up as an Army Colonel in 1956, stationed at Mali, known as French Sudan, when he organized escorts to Algerian refugees fleeing from the Maghebi Genocide.

    The effects of the "Pacification of Algeria", started off in the 1950s by Darnand was felt fully by the Free French as hundreds of thousands of civilians, who nominally were french citizens, would make daring crosses in the Sahara desert using caravan routes in an attempt to reach the city of Timbuktu, whose population increased enormously as it served as one of the main entry points for the Algerian and Moroccan refugees crossing into West Africa. That worsened the already growing crisis in the water system of the city and the crisis caused by the drought led to de Gaulle replacing the governor in 1956 with none other than Louis, perhaps expecting that his time there would curb his rising popularity when handled an impossible situation. What the government in Dakar did not expect was that "The Prince", as he was known at first in a mocking way by his superiors, would prove himself a capable and energetic leader, gathering a team which included several local experts alongside French ones, placing Sudan under Martial Law and starting to conscript locals into working projects to enlarge the water canals leading the Niger river to Timbuktu, as well as the construction of a railway connecting the old city to Bamako, the local capital whose population grew from around 150 thousand inhabitants to over 400 thousand by the next decade.

    The Sahara Campaign, or Sahara War, was a minor conflict that was part of the conflict between Free France and the French State which was never officially ended, a conflict in which Napoleon VI was placed at the forefront and greatly utilized his growing propaganda machine for. As the Pacification of the Maghrib continued in the North, Algerian Nationalists would consistently lose terrain and even the population pool in which they were meant to draw their support from as the Franco-German forces went above and beyond what the old French Republic did in their own repressive policies. However, there were concerns in Paris that the growing columns of refugees, at first considered a boon as it helped the work of the local authorities to cull the Muslim population, was made up by Algerian nationalists to establish bases in Free French Africa and continue their insurgency from a safe location. That led to a series of runs both by the French Air Force and by army units to stop the flux of civilians fleeing south. Napoleon would use his authority as governor of Mali to organize the main effort to protect the Caravan routes.

    The Free French Air Force, despite being outnumbered and lacking the modern jets available to the Luftwaffe, would make a heroic effort as they crossed into the Algerian desert. New pilots would begin to be trained among locals and natives under the promise of citizenship, with a wide recruitment pool of eager volunteers being found among the Algerian and Moroccan refugees. Furthermore, the Free French would organize units of Tuaregs to rescue downed pilots and capture pilots belonging to the French State, which gave them an advantage against Paris as the latter did not spare many resources to recover lost aircrews in the Sahara. Most famously, a mission of 38 bombers by the Luftwaffe meant to strike French Sudan would be successfully intercepted thanks to a recently created Radar system, scrambling for fighters and preparing anti-aircraft defenses, the largest aerial battle of the war would be fought over Timbuktu, with the Franco-German air forces losing 29 of the 38 bombers, the remaining ones returning with heavy damage and 3 of them falling on the way back across the Sahara, most of those planes shot down before dropping their payload. While the forces of the Pakt possessed a few advanced jets for the escort, the bombers were mostly compromised of 1940s propeller bombers which were loaded with extra fuel for the journey across the desert, which ended up making them especially vulnerable to the French SAM anti-air defenses which were purchased in the weeks prior from the United States. The 4th of April of 1958 marked this as the greatest victory of Free French forces against the Pakt since the Sahara war, and no further missions were made by the Germans due to the start of the Ural War that year.


    Not only the aerial defense of Mali, but the new tactics of the French forces would also put more attention not only of the Free French population but by also foreign observers into the Sahara. Napoleon VI was not perfect militarily like Napoleon I was, but he could recognize talent, and he saw potential in the use of helicopters in order to quickly position forces across the battlefield. The Helicopters themselves were well armed and, despite earlier models struggling to adapt to the desert weather, adaptations to it's systems would increase the survivability of the equipment in the Sahara, allied with the knowledge of the locals about sandstorms and the geography of the hostile environment that the French State lacked. The Free French were able to launch strikes as far north as the Atlas mountains at times in order to harass the Pakt, and those strikes would have a mainly propagandistic nature to show Louis Napoleon as leading the fight against the Pakt while de Gaulle, in contrast, restricted himself to rhetoric in Dakar.

    A new policy implemented at Sudan would also serve as a model for Free France, as Napoleon took the example of the Foreign Legion and applied it fully into the territory, offering full French Citizenship and legal protection to every adult male willing to serve either 3 years in the armed forces or 4 years in a non-combat duty such as the agricultural projects across the Niger river or in the construction of local infrastructure, extending this offer even to refugees. Furthermore, the Governor would also offer citizenship to women in return of working 2 years in a non-combat duty as a volunteer for the local community or working in less physically-demanding jobs. By this policy also, wounded soldiers would be granted citizenship, as well as the immediate family of a deceased soldier alongside a government benefit. Those who underwent the service, inspired by the Legionaries, would also be considered legally as an "Aspirant of Citizenship", which granted equal rights and representation under French law during the period of the service as a "temporary" citizenship. Through that, Louis would gain an enormous pool of eager volunteers, especially from refugees who were all too happy to have a chance to fight back against the Pakt during the Sahara war and protect their countrymen from assaults to the caravans made by the Pakt. The Governor would also gain the name of "The African" for his apparent sympathy for the locals, along other less... sympathetic names such as "The goat-herder" and others.

    But the policies worked, the region of Mali would experience an enormous growth under Napoleon's leadership, it became the largest contributor of forces towards the Colonial Army, also receiving the most military resources due to the ongoing conflict. He gained contacts with other governors and civilian leaders, and especially with the French Foreign Legion, as his status as a former Legionary officer, his constant appraisal of their unit, as well as his inspiration on their policies gained him a soft spot in the hearts and minds of the most important core in the French Army. He was not without his own ruthlessness, he did not tolerate dissent neither among his subordinates or his civilians, promoting local loyalists to positions of power as a tactic to divide the nationalist groups. At the request of the governor of Upper Volta in 1955, in his position as Colonel, he would pacify the region against a local nationalist guerrilla through a mix of carrot-and-stick policies, local appeasement, but also of brutality against rebels, one example being the public execution of 34 men in November that year in the town of Korsimoro without trial.

    As Governor of Sudan he would cripple in an irrecoverable way the local nationalist movement led by the Modibo Keita, following his methods of employing positive reforms in the region allied with brutal suppression of local nationalism. The Martial Law gave him an unchecked power and Napoleon started it by forming a local assembly in 1957 elected by the suffrage of citizens, including those who were Apirants of citizenship. When Keita, a socialist and known supporter of independence who had been previously imprisoned by the government, gained a seat, he gained a platform to form a National Movement against French rule and criticize the military regime. However, Keita would quickly lose this platform, not only the sessions of the assembly were not transmitted through radio or press, but the basis of his party was struck with the government arbitrarily shutting down newspapers which gave a voice to nationalist groups, forbidding public rallies and even suppressing those, through the infiltration of agents within the Movement that provoked deliberate infighting and division, as well as the culling of financial contributions through the occasional attacks of "bandits". Keita himself saw that the assembly was a fully controlled environment, with Napoleon later, in 1961, staffing it with loyalists through a change in the local election laws and the creation of a "Senate" compromised solely of politicians hand-picked by him. He lost his seat in that campaign and his farewell speech was not recorded, he would later be arrested under the accusation of forming a Nationalist group financed by the Reich, he would be arrested and denied any martyrdom from a public execution.

    That was only one case of several, showing how Louis Jérôme Napoleon, through a mix of reforms, improvements in living standards, a creation of a loyal military core, the suppression of any opposition, and the use of a powerful propaganda campaign showcasing him as a defender of defenseless citizens against the hated Germans and their puppet regime in Paris, completely controlled the French Sudan in his position as governor. He would be recalled by de Gaulle to Dakar, being promoted to the rank of Marshal but dismissed of his position as governor as the French leader feared the growing network of supporters that was gathering around Bonaparte. But if Charles de Gaulle expected him to be satisfied with a Marshal's baton, he did not know the history of pathological ambition that his family had. Louis himself had gained far too much momentum to accept the demotion easily, and with his new authority he instead worked to undermine Charles de Gaulle in the shadows, preparing for his own putsch.

    It all happened on the 8th of September of 1963 as Napoleon was supposedly on a visit to Bamako, but instead his plane landed at Kayes, closer to the border with Senegal, and in there Napoleon had a force of veterans awaiting for his command, with the use of helicopters and armored cars, his troops crossed Senegal through the night and seized the Airport of Dakar, landing troops into the Capital city and isolating it by seizing communications and using paratroopers to capture key crossings in the city by the sunrise. The Foreign Legion, stationed by Dakar, was led by none other than Joachim Murat, in a ironical twist of fate in which the descendant of one of Napoleon I's marshals would, like his ancestor, support a coup led by a Bonaparte. General de Gaulle was awakened from his sleep and, rather than fleeing with the navy and heading south to gather loyalists, he instead refused to resist the putsch and peacefully announced his retirement, declaring Marshal Bonaparte as his successor in all his offices and titles. The coup happened in a very smooth way as the old General refused to put up a fight which would further divide the Free French resistance, especially as he had to deal with the crushing sense of failure in the years after the Dakar crisis, it is believed that Charles de Gaulle was suffering of a severe case of depression which also led to the inaction in the years before the coup.


    And so, on the 9th of September, Napoleon VI became the leader of the Free French resistance, with the local governors and the majority of the military leaders swearing loyalty to him, he gained the recognition of King Baudouin of Belgium-Congo first, as both were cousins, and following that he was recognized by the British government and later by the American and Russian governments. The lack of a proper organized resistance against his takeover come from both de Gaulle's inaction, ironic coming from a man known for his "resistance", the indifference of most local leaders, and the hope of the Coalition of Nations that he would prove a more willing ally than Charles de Gaulle was. Naturally, in a referendum scheduled for the 15th, Louis Jérôme would also be proclaimed as Emperor of the French, with an approval of 89% of the voters, swearing to uphold the call of resistance while continuing his struggle to protect all citizens of France. He would soon embark on an ambitious program to fully reform and remodel the vast French territory and evolve the nation to bring it to this new world as a true inheritor of French values. As the regime in Paris grew more and more obsessed in identifying a person as French only according to the race, borrowing the Germanic ideas of racial science, Dakar would prove that being a Frenchman was not a matter of blood, but a matter of patriotism, it was a matter of duty towards France and dedication to it, serving France, no matter your background, is what truly defined a Frenchman.

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    Before the sun rose, they were supposed to take flight, none were expected to even return from this mission, and the fact it was the Shabbat, the first day of the Hannukah, made this feel like this was a day of fate. "Domino Ben" is how he was called by his peers, the squadron had a way to find nicknames, for Benjamin it just so happened that he got that for winning a game of Domino when he first joined the 106 squadron. Now he could hardly believe he was receiving this call, they were supposed to take part in an operation no one knew existed that was set to take flight within the hour. The target? North, into Syria, into the lair of the Nazis themselves to destroy the Wotan Gun.

    Everyone knew about that gun, it started with whispers from Russian Jews who moved into Israel five years ago, telling how the Nazis had made a canon which could shoot a nuclear bomb, which could devastate an entire city with a shot, reload, and then fire again. Some of the stories almost sounded like fantasies if every man, woman and child in Israel did not already know the kind of evils that were made in the heart of Germania. To children it was like a boogeyman story before sleeping, he recalls how he told his son Yakob how his grandmother, his aunt, his great-grandfather, how they all had been taken by the Germans, how he had managed to escape before the war and tried to convince them to come, but his grandfather was always stubborn, Ben's mother did what her father told her and stayed, and his sister was too young to come with him, far too young.

    Why did he tell that to a child when it brought him so much pain to talk about it? Simple, because this enemy was still around, and even when they all celebrated when Saadeh called for a ceasefire in 1959 after what felt like a miracle, they knew Saadeh was still there, taking orders from Germania, and when the news that Rudolf Hess was about to destroy the world spread around, they all ran to the bunkers because one could feel like they would receive the heaviest blow. There was hardly any relief when they heard that Joseph Goebbels was now in charge, the man who was the most outspoken about his hatred, the one who rallied the German people on a daily basis and destroyed his grandfather's store in 1938. His father listened and fled, Ben's grandfather called him a coward for abandoning his wife and his children, but now Ben could see his father was the smart one and wished he had not spent so long cursing his old man for fleeing. Yakob ran, now he was old enough in his teenage years that he could make the decision and, despite him trying to insist, Ben was able to talk some sense for him to run away and leave with the others, because they both knew what would happen next was something that could be the end of Israel.

    Ben was determined to not run, even if the option was given in his unit, his superior tonight was a man he had never seen personally and who came directly from Tel Aviv, he had said any man willing to walk out could walk out and would not be condemned in any way, they would relocate him to another unit which would not take action. But nobody stood back, they were selected and chosen to do this mission, and they knew that if it meant giving the people even a single day without worrying about the Nuclear Holocaust, then they would do it, and they would not be alone. At the briefing they were told what would happen, the canon was at Saassa, south of Damascus, after months of buildup the German forces of Kampfgruppe Peiper were preparing a strike from the north during the Hannukah, the news coming after the Mossad caught documents from some drunken Syrian officer and immediately sent them back to the IPF. They also knew that, after the 12-day war, the Syrian Air defenses were far stronger with a better detection system in their radars, the Wotan itself protected by a dedicated SAM battery, and that is not including the Luftwaffe which far outclassed their jets, and outnumbered them. The Wotan was there, within sight from the Golan Heights, a shot from that gun could breach a hole in the defensive lines which they would not be able to plug back before the Wehrmacht and the Syrians poured in.

    Their mission was to destroy the Wotan and return, on the ground, a group of Commandos was set to signal the location of the gun with flares as they would only stand a chance by striking just before the sunrise when the guard would be switched. They were not the only ones to launch attacks either, there were planned opperations to strike all throughout the front and the IPF was ready to launch an attack by going down the Golan heights and attempt to reach Damascus in order to cripple the Syrian morale, even if the Wehrmacht was determined to not let that happen. They were outnumbered, the Germans had far superior equipment, many of their troops were veterans from the war in Russia, their tanks... their tanks were their symbol, it was what frightened every IPF soldier, because it felt like an unbreakable pile of steel with a gun which could destroy bunkers. Their attack was vital not only to prevent the Wotan from crippling their advance to Damascus, as the canon was positioned between the Golan Heights and the City, but it should be a signal, if the greatest weapon the Nazis have built could be destroyed, so could their tanks, so could their planes, so could their soldiers, they COULD be defeated.

    The signal was given and they all ran to their jets, parked on the Air Base at Ramat David, his jet used to be called "Domino" after his nickname, it was an American design, the F-106, altered specifically for ground assaults like this one, but now the name was #122342. When the Luftwaffe airdropped the clothes over Haifa and other Jewish cities along the coast, the IPF was quick to use that to avoid panic, the weapons, the planes, the ships, all were given a serial number from one of the pieces of cloth. A few soldiers even made patches and emblems to attach to their uniforms with the Star of David, a few even would wear those clothes under their uniforms as they fought. He did not know who 122342 was, but whoever that was, he had received that uniform as part of the IPF campaign when the clothes were collected, he would wear that under his uniform, even if it was a little tight. It was probably made for a young person, maybe a woman, maybe his sister, he thought, that is what he liked to think, he liked to think that was a part of his sister that he would carry with him to avenge her.

    The planes took off and within minutes they would have the dangerous crossing of the Golan heights, it took all of his skill and the limits of his plane's maneuverability to be able to go across the hills at such a dangerously low altitude, and even then they did not know if the Nazi radars would catch them when the Syrians failed years ago. Ben would arrive just as the first signs of the morning were coming. It was the 18th of December of 1965, and this day Israel would throw it's full weight at the Wehrmacht. "Knight 6, standing by", he said over the communications awaiting for the signal, and then it came, there were flaring lights in the sky that enlightened it with red, and even from the skies they could see that monster, an enormous artillery raising it's gun to the skies like an affront to Yaveh. The sirens were sounded and the computer began to detect the launch of missiles, the Germans, Syrians, Persians and Turks were all alarmed and began to shoot at the sky while the cover of the dark would shield them.

    "Knight 6, moving down to the target", Ben would say over the communicators as he used the Infrared system to try to have a better idea of the ground. The planes would dive down and soon enough the comms went live with a terrible news, there was a squadron of Luftwaffe planes which had been running exercises during the night, the Mossad knew that such exercises could happen but those were supposed to be far to the west in Lebanon, they were not supposed to be over Damascus, but the Germans broke their own routine and now there was a force of interceptors coming at them from just a few miles to the North. "Enemy at 9 o'clock, high!" came the dreaded news at the comms and soon they all had to break formation, Ben cursed under his breath, not because he had to break the attack, but because he knew he could not break the attack, every second would give the Germans more planes and alarm more SAM batteries to strike them. He only accelerated to the target, accepting the death which would inevitably come. "Knight 6, what are you doing?!"

    The German rockets began flying at their direction in a matter of seconds after the formation broke up, the F-106 was brought to it's limits, the speed and agility of the machine sometimes felt like it would crush him with the G-forces and doom the mission, sure, the others could strike the target too, but he was the closest one now. He swung the joystick to the right and plunged, releasing flares as he jerked the plane upwards and an explosion almost rocked him under his seat as the rocket exploded behind him. But now Ben had a clear sight, it was locked and he could see the explosions at the distance, as if the commandos were still there, he would not have a better chance than this, those men, just like him, knew what they signed off to do and there was no way any of them would escape alive. He could hear in the comms as his squadron was being shot left and right above him as the sun was rising and the entire battlefield was echoing with explosions. The Wotan was moving it's enormous gun, lowering it to aim at the Heights, he knew that it was now or never and fired.

    But it was jammed, the explosion of the rocket sent shrapnel on the back of his plane, not only was 122342 damaged and leaking fuel, the missile was jammed and he could not fire it. He had seconds, but it felt like an eternity, he never felt so much clarity in his life, feeling as if a voice on his ear told him what to do. "Knight 6 hitting on target, Am Yisrael Chai". Then he plunged his plane and hoped that this was not in vain, that any of this was worth one damned thing. The plane received the full fire of the German anti-aircraft guns installed in the Wotan, but those weapons were not designed to shoot down a pilot with no qualms about sacrificing himself to take them down. It was just inconcieveable to the Nazis to believe that a Jew would ever do anything at the sight of his doom other than try to flee like a rat, but instead "Domino Ben" that day would prove what every single Israeli would prove in that war: They would fight to the very end of their lives. There would be no prisoners, there would be no surrenders, and every person in this tiny strip of land with a Jewish soul would fight to the last to bring at least one German down with them. They would not be sheep to be sent to the slaughter anymore.

    With a rocking explosion, the F-106 would crash into the loaded Wotan gun, it was a magnificent sight which felt like another sun was rising for a second. To the soldiers at the heights, that was a sign, the Wotan was destroyed, the enormous steel monstrosity destroyed and turned into a pile of metalic scrap surrounded by the radiation of it's broken ammunition, the canon fell apart and the mother of all fires consumed the gun mixed in with the fuel of the jet plane and the other ammunitions laying around. There were chants of of triumph for the soldiers of the IPF as they came down, a reserve kept behind to man the defenses while they left the high ground from the shores of Lebanon to the Jordanian border, hundreds of artillery pieces would fire at the enemy, tanks of different designs from different nations would come down, soldiers who spoke in Hebrew, soldiers who spoke in Arabic, even those of other languages, all would come down knowing that most of them would be likely dead, but they each made a promise to bring down at least one Nazi with them. They went in with something that was not a sense of hatred, but one of righteous justice, as a people descended the hills to slaughter their butchers who thought they would simply run away and die, as several peoples fought in the holy land against the forces of a man so consumed by hatred and evil so great that he would bring war and slaughter for it's own sake.

    And they would rather die than allow Joseph Goebbels to taste his victory.
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    "You know, when I think back of how it all went down, it is really simple, we should never have gotten ourselves in that damned place to begin with. The whole point of an underground operation is to stay away from the cameras, stay away from the eyes, but then you go all the way to the biggest office in America, there will be people fussing at where they shouldn't."
    The year of 1964 would go down in history as one of the most dramatic chapters in America's democratic history since the Civil War, not only the country would see the fall of a President, but also the stealing of an entire election by some of the most debauched and degenerate political classes to ever take seats in Washington. Everyone had links, everyone had flaws, everyone was in someone's pocket and there was a whole trail of corruption in a decadent system completely disconnected with the reality of the American people who elected them. The Machine always existed, and there was always some big man coming out of nowhere to want to tear it down only to replace it with his own, it was like that with figures such as Andrew Jackson, or men such as William Jennyings Bryan, but nobody reached a level of success like Huey Long did, a man who completely corroded American democracy by creating his own machine and tearing down his opposition in such a way that the Democratic party ceased to exist as a national political force and the Republican party lost any political initiative on defining their own agenda other than becoming the opposite of whatever Huey was.

    Then came in "Jimmy" Hoffa, a trucker's union boss who never drove a truck in his life and now was the President of the United States despite never holding an elected office in government before. Hoffa was just as, if not more, corrupted than Huey Long, he was just as megalomaniac in his ambitions and paranoid that every "big man" was specifically after him. He rose up in Long's party as Secretary of Labor and then was chosen as President following an intriguing backroom deal with the inner figures of the President's circle. Following that, Huey Long decided he no longer wished to remain in retirement after being in Louisiana for less than a year and realized soon enough that Hoffa would not accept to play second fiddle to anybody, much less his former boss. Hoffa was forming his own machine, rallying the worker's unions across the nation, with illegal contacts with the Mob that included even placing a relative of a Mob boss as Attorney-General of the United States, a move which would bring his own downfall as Bufalino's position would be shaken by the Mob War across the nation, in which the Government was seemingly doing nothing.

    But first comes the matter of Japan, following the declaration of Baron Nishi's government in the newly restored Empire that American companies were no longer welcome, there was fear and apprehension among many Americans who believed a second invasion of Japan was coming, others were eager to do so such as Senator Goldwater of Arizona. Ultimately, Hoffa decided to not pursue war, despite the millions of dollars in losses from American companies, he saw the political advantage in that: Most of the companies investing in Japan after the war were filling in the space of Admiral Halsey's policy to dismantle the Zaibatzu's assets opened, the majority of these assets were in the hands of companies which just so happened to finance the Republican Party, the main opposition of Hoffa's government in the coming election which was centering around the figure of Governor John Kennedy, who was also quite vocal calling for a war. To appease interventionists and his own base of isolationists, Hoffa met midway by declaring an Embargo of Japan and mobilizing naval assets in Okinawa, Iwo Jima and Guam, furthermore the Coalition of Nations would follow suit with an Embargo, although the Russians had a more liberal definition of Embargo in practice.

    This response was considered as weak by the Republican Party who fiercely criticized the Hoffa administration for not pushing further or preventing the return of the Japanese Nationalists in the first place. However, there were few in America with apetite for a war against the Japanese after 1947, it was still in the popular imagination how utterly brutal the conflict was with tales of veterans becoming movies during the Long Era which, while some were "heroic" action pieces, others were more dramatic and despairing, few offering a positive depiction of the invasion at all, which continued to taint the legacy of the Hull Presidency. Others believed that a blockade would have been enough to bring the surrender of Japan with minimal risk, and this theory became more popular with the encouragement of the Hoffa Administration, with Jimmy justifying his decision to Embargo Japan around this logic, that inevitably the regime would fall to internal pressures if isolated from the International Scene, claiming that Japan was so completely dependent on imports that it would go hungry with an effective blockade.

    But Hoffa's downfall happened just a while later in November, as it officially began the one-year countdown to the elections, the President's bodyguard, Frank Sheeran, would uncover a taping device in the White House which was set to record the President's conversations in the Oval Office. This was kept under the rugs while Frank would go to investigate in the staff, and clearly few were able to resist the pressure of a tall and bulky bodyguard who had the President's ear, eventually someone would confess to know about the tape and, after a few more days, the trail would lead right to the FBI itself. James Morrison, a Louisiana man who became head of the FBI after Hoover left the post during the Long Administration, held the FBI in hands tightly since the investigation on the Assassination attempt in 1956, being a life-long loyalist of the former POTUS and current Speaker of the House. Hoffa always had suspicions of him and the only thing preventing him from removing him from office was the arrangement made with Long in 1960 where several key government positions were kept under the Kingfish.

    Now, the President had his excuse, he would speak with the Attorney-General William Bufalino and talk about the findings, wanting to see Morrison fired after confronting him with that information and sounding for names for the FBI who were not at the pockets of anyone but Hoffa himself. Unfortunately for the President, the FBI director was well aware of Sheeran's investigation and prepared himself for the encounter. On the 29th of November, the FBI director, James Morrison, would be fired for illegally wiretapping the Oval Office, although the official excuse was that Morrison was retiring to run for office in 1964 as a Congressman again. Morrison did not care for losing a job he knew he would likely get back as he had secured the needed files and leaked them through a third party to the office of the Washington Post.

    The next week came in the report in the Washington Post and soon every press in the country was spreading the news on the newspapers first thing in the morning, what everyone saw? The face of Attorney-General William Bufalino and of his cousin Russell Bufalino, with the name stamped: "THE MOB IN THE WASHINGTON". An Anonymous source leaked this information through several classified documents which just so happened to fall on the Press, most of all those who were practically in bed with the opposition such as the New York Times, which was nicknamed as "The Republican Herald". The former director would give an infamous interview on the Saturday, December 7th, in which he spoke about the fact the FBI was building up a case to investigate the recent crime wave which was linked in large part with the Italian-American community in the nation, at first with concerns over links to Fascist groups when in reality it uncovered an enormous network of criminal families and an underground world called "The Mafia", which was currently having a civil war which provoked a crime wave across the country. He spoke also of William Bufalino's close monitoring of the case and how many times the Attorney intervened directly in the FBI's work to divert attention towards "other groups" such as Black crime gangs in New York City or the Russian mobsters in Seattle, Anchorage and San Francisco, but he never once believed that the Italian-Americans would have a large-scale underground system, with a code of it's own called "Omertà".

    The bombastic interview shocked the entire nation and sent both the legal and illegal world in a frenzy, suddenly the opposition had the perfect target to attack the Hoffa Administration: William Bufalino. The reveal of the Mafia's existence was met with such a fierce and determined denial by the government, which labeled Morrison as "Director of the Defamation Bureau", that it only brought up more suspicion even among supporters of Hoffa. As the year ended and 1964 began, another event shocked the country in the very first day of the year, as a mob hitman shot Morrison during the celebration of the New Year as he was scheduled for a third interview in that year. It is unlikely the shooter was acting on anyone's orders as the Mob in general did not wish for more heat to be brought at them, but the fact remains that the former director of the FBI, who still had many men in the organization loyal to him, was shot dead in broad daylight during a celebration after having exposed the influence of the criminal underworld had set the nation in flames.

    The FBI did not take the murder of one of it's men easily, and despite the fact the new direction was technically under a Hoffa loyalist and shut down the very idea of investigating the attorney-general, there were agents taking the matter into their own hands to crack down on the Mob and uncover the corrupt links of Bill Bufalino and the crime world. The Attorney himself began to suffer the pressure of the press and by consequence everything that fell on him also fell on Hoffa, who had Bufalino's service since the Union days and brought him into the government. The growing pressure for the government to investigate and crackdown on the mob contrasted with Hoffa's need to keep the backing of the Mob itself through Bufalino who refused any intervention from the government on their internal matters and much less a general suppression of the mob as a whole.


    The "Bufalino Affair" opened the floodgates for investigations into the Hoffa Administration which circled the news 24/7, not only because of the opposition but because the Populists themselves began to feed it. Long felt insulted with the loss of his man in the FBI and even threatened that files of his own, far larger, potential scandals, especially in regards to his "War Chest" would come to the light of Hoffa had access to them through the agency. He launched a personal vendetta on Hoffa, believing him to be behind Morrison's dismissal and later assassination, and so much of the American press, which was on the pocket of the Populist to varying levels, began to smear Bill Bufalino and, as a subtle hint, most of the pictures published of Bufalino in the newspapers were of him with the President, leaving it implicit that William was a man of Hoffa's trust. Of course there were those who accused the press of running a smear campaign based around the testimony of an unknown leaker and a resentful ex-employee of the White House, that the idea of a mob was so contrived that it would be impossible for such a large organization exist for so long undetected and instead it was the opposition's attempt to smear the government's commitment towards minority groups such as the Italian-Americans after the defeat of Hoffa's veto on the Civil Rights Act.

    A protest was held on the 7th of January, a week after Morrison's assassination, where 30 thousand people held a rally in Washington calling for an end to violence, for the government to hold accountable the "Mafia" for Morrison's death and for William Bufalino to be fired from office and investigated. Of course, Morrison did not have that many friends, there were opposition leaders and congressmen in the rally and most of those around came from other states, usually related to victims of the crime wave, who had their transportation paid for by Republican groups such as the Society for the Defense of Liberty. Still, the rally gained the repercussion the organizers wanted, soon enough there were similar calls as the society in general was protesting the criminality in the country. Russell Bufalino, at the request of the Attorney General, attempted to mediate an agreement between Giancana and the Convention to end the almost 3-year long conflict, but neither side wanted to budge, the proud Boss of the Bosses in Chicago refused any "demands" by the Crime Syndicate and believed that if he showed any sort of weakness now, he would end up shot, there could be no trust or repair between both sides after what happened.

    The Bufalino Affair began to grow in proportion as concrete evidence began to leak to the press over Russell Bufalino's crime schemes in Pennsylvania, the FBI began to search up the connections that the head of the crime family had with William and the White House and that began to mount pressure on Russell, soon they would uncover that Frank Sheeran, the President's bodyguard, had met with Russell several times before and had even become an associate of him. That grew the pressure on Hoffa who began to seek a way to dissociate himself from the Mob, which was becoming a heavy anchor in a challenging electoral year where he believed he would need to form his own political party in order to secure a tight reelection. He was appealing to left-wing Republicans and Populists alike to form a new political faction, but no congressman or senator wanted to publicly ally with a man who was "sheltering" someone who was being in the court of public opinion as a criminal.

    William Bufalino would publicly give an interview addressing the concerns of the people over his reputation and the supposed persecution of rouge FBI agents against his family, he played himself as a victim due to his Italian-American background, claiming that the government still was living in the Thurmond Era and persecuting good American citizens due to prejudice, after all his cousin Russell was born in Italy and this inevitably drew the suspicion that he was a Fascist agent in the eyes of the FBI. He said this came from his concerns over corruption in the agency under Morrison and that he was "cleaning the house" in the Department of Justice, which led to the bold accusations being created to pressure him to cease or resign. Bill was able to masterfully polarize the situation with a substantial group of Americans falling for the lawyer's words that he was being the victim of corrupt elements of the FBI, while others claimed he was only hiding behind his family's background to claim persecution.

    Of course, his interview did not stop the investigation and soon enough there would be a breakthrough in February when an attempt by Russell Bufalino to bridge the two sides of the mob war was uncovered by the FBI and the agents were able to infiltrate men at the meeting who caught Russell speaking with Giancana. With that evidence, and with a strong case built against Giancana that linked him to several deaths in Chicago and Bootlegging operations in the 50s would meant that Russell could be officially investigated by the FBI. Hoffa did not stop the investigation from reaching Russell Bufalino and the publicity around it humiliated the usually introverted Mob Boss and the Attorney-General. Hoffa instead attempted to distract the Press with his State of the Union Address that week in which he called for a more active effort to push for Civil Rights and Labor Rights in that year from Congress, claiming that the House was impairing the nation from achieving the much needed goals of the Government that were meant to "give gas to our economy so we may drive it for the betterment of the laborer".

    The affair took it's toll, Hoffa's popularity in March, despite his rhetoric, had reached an all-time low of 36%, the lowest Gallup result held by the White House since the Thurmond Administration (35% during the Racial Riots) and the second lowest approval of a President in history, even more than Hull's 42% at the time of his death. He knew he had to cut loose the Bufalinos or else he would lose his seat that year, and as such, William Bufalino would be called for a private meeting with the President in the Oval Office on the 13th of March, on the 14th he would announce his resignation from office, claiming he did not wish that the ongoing investigation reflected negatively on the President's image. Sheeran remained by the President's side, but the bodyguard knew that this was far from over, and worse than that, Hoffa had sealed his fate by betraying Russell's support. Despite that, Hoffa trusted Frank to be loyal to him over being loyal to Russell and believed that his relationship with the mob was still "just fine" and they would never dare to challenge the President of the United States of America.

    Of course the investigations, the media campaign, the propaganda, none of it would stop once Bill was out since it was clear there was more to the story if Bufalino went as far as resigning. The sad truth for Hoffa was that he never held any control of the FBI, and now he no longer had the Department of Justice as a whole, the man he picked for the task did not hesitate in turning a blind eye to the investigation and fed Hoffa with lies all throughout the process as the President descended into Paranoia. The paranoia was hardly unjustified, since January, Huey Long had decided to start an impeachment process and began to survey the territory to remove Hoffa from power, the removal of Bufalino now put the Department of Justice away from the Trucker's pocket and into the Kingfish's who was, ironically, collaborating with Democrats and Republicans alike to try to unify the three parties against the POTUS. Hoffa became aware of the Impeachment after his State of the Union address and soon the process would truly start as Long approved the Motion for the House Committee of Justice to start investigating Hoffa for impeachable offenses on the 18th of March.

    Frank Fitzsimmons, the President of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters and one of the staunchest supporters of President Hoffa would end up arrested by the FBI shortly before Bufalino's resignation, he would be later released but, during the interrogation, he would break under pressure and ignored his Lawyer's counsel by "singing like a bird" over the amount of dirt inside the IBT during Hoffa's time as President of the Union. Turns out that one of the largest pension funds in America was being used as essentially a piggy bank for the Mafia in return for the Mob's support for Hoffa and the Union, as well as of course a small slice of the cake. Simmons' testemony was not something the truckers believed and many argued that the process involved torture and was completely unconstitutional, but that did not stop Washington for using that news, published on the 17th, to open an official investigation which could bring down the President.

    Hoffa knew better, no matter what was found the committee would approve an impeachment, and no matter what, the House would approve it with Long pushing it forwards "reluctantly and with heavy heart", bullshit, Long played independent, he was not even elected by the Populist Party, his seat was independent, and yet he was 100% behind the impeachment, the true fight had to be on the Senate. Turns out the Committee uncovered much more than what Fitz said, instead they found archives and files on Morrison's house that uncovered the deep mud the government was in: Hoffa was in bed with the Mafia in the White House, with recorded conversations showing that the President and the Attorney-General were deliberately avoiding interfering in the Mafia War and investigating it's criminal elements on the Federal level through talks with the mob boss Russell Bufalino who served as a bridge between the White House and the Crime Syndicate. Of course, the tapes were illegal and technically could not be used for evidence, but that did not stop one of them from being "accidentally" leaked to the New York Times on the 23rd which played one of the recordings for all the country to hear.

    Hoffa began to be backed into a corner and his attacks and actions became more wild once he was declared impeached in a House vote on the Wednesday, April 1st, by over a 2/3rds majority of those present, the greatest abscence being from the Populists and all rejections also being Populists. The Articles of Impeachment could be delivered at any moment to the Senate and Long used that time to reach out into the Senate where he expected a stronger resistance, especially from those still bitter from the failure of the Civil Rights Act in 1963. He contacted Lyndon Johnson who was also contacted by Hoffa, Johnson, as President Pro-Tempore, had been deeply humiliated by Long's move and at first he thought of siding with Hoffa. Bobby Baker proved to be the tool that was needed to pressure LBJ into backing the Impeachment, as the Senator feared a potential investigation of his deputy for bribery would put a nail in the coffin of his political aspirations if investigated as viciously as Hoffa was being now. If Jimmy Hoffa could not stop the Department of Justice or the US Congress from investigating him, then the threats of Long sending either to investigate Johnson just became more credible. But while Long threatened with a stick, he also used a carrot: The Vice-Presidency of the United States.


    What came next was Hoffa's response to the coming Senate vote meant to happen on Saturday, April 11th, according to his supporters in the Senate, and so he mobilized a wide range of movements from Civil Rights groups to Unions, he called for a rally on Sunday the 5th with over 70 thousand protesters going to Washington as Hoffa spoke before the Lincoln Memorial. The President arrived to the cheers of a crowd made up of his supporters, Civil Rights leaders saw the man who led the American left and fought for them against the Senate months prior as their champion for Civic Rights, against segregation and discrimination. Hoffa would also receive the backing of working men all across the east coast, encouraged by the overwhelming support of the Unions, especially the Teamsters who went down Pennsylvannia Avenue with a convoy of trucks honking for all to hear. It ended with Hoffa speaking of the vicious accusations and slanders thrown against him, he roused the crowd with a furious speech denouncing the press, the "dirty establishment", the corporations, segregationists and the elites for attempting to bring him and all of the laborers of America with him, attempting to bury his fight for Social Justice. But he called upon the people to make their voice heard, declaring that "We are America, if we stop, America stops!"

    For the First time in American history, as the Articles of Impeachment were about to be delivered, the country stopped, a General strike spread across the nation as truckers, postal workers and practically all non-essential categories would halt their activities and began holding daily rallies in favor of President Hoffa and opposing what was nicknamed a "Congress Coup" against him. This act was repeated across the deep south and was combined with mass civil rights rallies pushing for a revision of the Civil Rights Act to make a "real change" as little had actually changed since it's approval due to the lack of proper mechanisms to enforce the act. Hoffa would not only stroke the fires but blow napalm at the fears of the American right of a Communist takeover in the country, with Goldwater speaking out against the protests as a "desperate gamble by a criminal to save himself". While Hoffa did provoke the protests, gave an enormous support from public coffers by using the Bank of America and the Department of Labor, and was the main reason why Unionists turned it into a strike action, the protests were only a more intense repeat of the events of the previous year when it came to the Civil Rights organizations.

    The United States in that month was in dire straits as Long postponed the voting in the Senate by retaining the Articles of Impeachment, he in fact would even suffer the harrassment of protestors while leaving the Capitol. Gas prices skyrocketed, soon would food prices and it felt like the nation was under a blockade as the railroads also stopped, the social tensions kept bottled up were starting to leak because of Hoffa's political gambit as the Police struggled to keep order on the streets as riots broke out over the nation. The "Red April" was an upsurge in chaos unseen before in American history, contrary to the Civil War a century prior, this was generalized and essentially grassroots as a large segment of the bottom of American society, fed for over a decade by the Populist rhetoric of class warfare against the "Elitist establishment" demonized the Impeachment process as an attempt by the Republicans (Long was absolved by most protesters), puppets of the large companies which suffered loss after loss with Long and Hoffa, as well as right-wing forces, to shut down a President who was daring to challenge them. Hoffa became more and more polarizing and soon enough his enemies suffered the wrath of his supporters such as the office of the New York Times in New York which was assaulted and ransacked by rioters. Something had to give in, Hoffa would daily go to the Lincoln Memorial where the camped protesters were campaigning, some have remained there since the first day, others left and were replaced by others, truckers slept in their trucks as they stopped the traffic in the center of the Capital District for days. A week would pass and then two, with Hoffa looking forwards to one "Big Act" on the 1st of May.

    "We did what we could for him, but it is what it is."

    It began as a day like any other at that point in time, but Frank knew that would be the last day of Jimmy in this earth. He obviously could not tell and he was good at keeping a poker face, but the guys already were mixed in with the crowd, it was quite simple, one good shooter standing close and surrounded by tough guys who will stop the civilians from taking the gun away until the job was done, then they would run away and slip out with the chaos. His job was simple: To not be a bodyguard. Frank was usually by Hoffa's side in these rallies and would easily be able to spot a trap like that, he could pull Jimmy aside and shield him from a bullet, but his job was to not do that. He owed more to Russ than he ever did to Jimmy, as hard and as harsh as it was, he knew that was coming since a month ago, this was the Sunday the 19th of April.

    Those people really loved Jimmy, or were stupid enough to believe the bullshit he talked, but it was a good bullshit, people wanted a good excuse if they were going to be believing one side over the other. He did not doubt that Hoffa's enemies were just chasing after him when others did much worse and got away with it, he also did not doubt that Jimmy did most of what was told he did. But it is just how life is, absolutely unfair, he owed to his kids and his wife to stand idly and watch his best friend and the man who trusted him absolutely get shot and pretend he was surprised. No doubt he would get fired by the next guy, Smith and him never went well after Frank refused to convert from the Catholic Church, it did not matter, he would just stay away from the spotlights and life would be better that way.

    The car drove by, not escorted by security but by truckers, two trucks, one ahead and one behind, but today the car stopped just before turning the corner to the Avenue, Hoffa got out, Frank followed him, and the two would be getting into the parade inside a truck with Jimmy driving it, he has been practicing and finally people would stop nagging about the fact he never drove a truck before. "They are gonna love this Frank, I dare you show me someone in Washington who can pull this up without a penny", lots of pennies were being spent to keep the strike going, and this would continue until Long gave up and put the Articles in vote to be shot down after a show of a trial, that is if Huey was willing to budge, otherwise Hoffa was a Union man, and Union men know how to run a strike. How unfortunate that this big picnic was going to end with so much blood today.

    The truck honked and the people cheered as they drove by for a few minutes before coming down, Hoffa did not park the truck, and then him and other guards who were in the other car would go over to the podium following Jimmy. Frank could already spot Russell's men in there, he could do something, point out for the others to pay attention, but they didn't, Hoffa trusted Jimmy so much that he dismissed the Security Service from their main duties and let him pick the security, they would not "spot" anything that day unless Frank spotted first. Hoffa would go up to the podium but not before giving some last words to Sheeran. "Keep your eyes peeled, if that Kennedy shot an Emperor then any of these crooks could have a gun." He was eyeing out the politicians in the back, Hoffa did not trust the politicians, he did not trust the big guys who were meant to be an example to govern a nation, but he did trust the crooked killers he had by his side, Sheeran never understood why Hoffa believed the Mafia would never dare clip a President.

    It all happened rather quickly, it was during a more tedious part at the start of the speech when most of the crowd was just too glued to him to notice a guy pulling a gun, Frank noticed, his lip stiffed as he fought back the urge to tackle Hoffa away, then it happened. Three shots, two hits, a whole crowd in panic running everywhere, and a dead President on the floor of a memorial dedicated to a dead President, Hoffa bled out before they arrived at the hospital, one was right on the lung and the other on the neck, the poor man was scared in his last moments, but even then Frank could see in his eyes that he was not blaming him. Frank's eyes showed, if only for a second, the guilt he was feeling, and Hoffa in his last breaths thought that was guilt over failing to protect him. In a way it was, Frank Sheeran had failed and for that he would get a "good job" from Russell, it is what it is.


    The assassination of President Hoffa on the 19th of April of 1964 was one of the defining moments of American history, the fourth time a President was assassinated in office and perhaps at the most timely or untimely hour possible. Faced with an impeachment and potentially prison, the President of the United States purposefully set the nation ablaze with the fires caused by several socio-economic issues that paralyzed the country for half of a month and spread fears that would lead to a Red Scare and a hard reaction by the right which can be best shown by who his Vice-President was, the new President of the United States of America who was not even in Washington when the assassination happened. While visiting his home state of Wisconsin, Smith was rushed over to the Capital after the shooting and, after Hoffa's death, he was officially declared the POTUS during the flight, swearing on a bible and still overwhelmed by the situation, but also acting as if he somehow expected it, believing that reaching the Presidency was a divine providence long entrusted to him.


    Born on the 27th of February of 1898, the 66-year old Reverend had never held a public office prior to becoming Vice-President, but he has long been politically engaged since his childhood he developed a strong interest in a "Christian Nationalist" movement in America and believed to have found his calling while serving as a pastor in Louisiana when he met Huey Long in 1930. Smith since then became Long's most fervent supporter, he tried unsuccessfully to push for Huey to run for the Presidency in 1936, but Long's ambitions were stopped then and instead he backed Wheeler's candidacy. Nonetheless, Smith continued to try to push Huey Long to the Presidency and during the war he spoke loudly against the Japanese, while also having a quiet admiration for Hitler at the time which faded, but it was part of Smith's overall anti-semitism, which had to be reduced under Long's orders in 1948. After the war, Smith went for the television and enjoyed Long's support in launching a Televangelist crusade across America, appealing to the rising right-wing sentiments following the 1948 labor unrest and with many of the right being left as "orphans" following the losses of MacArthur and McCarthy, many who pivoted to religion as a reaction to the Reich's intense persecution of Christian churches started in 1956. One of the few times he actually spoke against Long was when the President approved the end of Prohibition in 1953.

    He became Vice-President due to three main reasons, first he was trusted by Long to be "his man" in the White House, a second in line who could serve as a looming threat if Hoffa was ever impeached, second he was nationally beloved by the right in America who saw him as a moralistic reaction to the growing criminality and left-wing movements, third he was seen as politically inoffensive by Hoffa and could be used to keep the base of the Populists united and prevent a defection of the Populist right of Wallace to the Democratic Party. No one seriously considered the prospect of the Reverend in the Presidency until 1963 and by March it was considered essentially a fait accompli by the Populists and Republicans alike. The left wing of the party would be forced to swallow him as a President at least until the nomination process which should happen on the 4th of July, where it was expected that Long would play as the Kingmaker and choose someone else, one of the favorites being Louisiana Governor Russell Long.

    But as he took office, Smith immediately went to work to show he was the one in charge for now and despite being essentially mentored by one of the most capable political snakes in American history, he many times showed ideology above pragmatism. Smith began by ordering an end to the strikes, an investigation on Hoffa's assassination, and calling up the National Guard to Washington DC in order to disperse the protesters left within 72 hours and reinforce the security of the Capitol and White House. The scaling back was not something which could be easily done as many remained striking until May 1st and protesters were still left in a few cities by that day, but the majority of the protesters in Washington would leave, as the main reason for the fight, Hoffa's impeachment, became a moot point, although several Civil Rights protesters had to be dispersed by force by the National Guard which led to the arrest of hundreds and even injuries. Peace was restored by force on the Federal and State levels as the military enforced order on the streets and the protection of the Presidency turned into orders from the Presidency for the dispersal of protesters. Hoffa's funeral at the Arlington Cemetery would happen with a sepulchral silence looming over the city while the crews cleaned up the Lincoln Memorial.


    The cost of Hoffa's fall for the Populists was tremendous, while there was little chance that the Party's almost 2-decade long domain over American politics could be challenged in 1960 or 1962, 1964 was a completely different beast. Long rid himself of a rival but that demobilized the Populist left and the apparent betrayal in the Impeachment process made many Civil Rights groups who were still aligned with the party to flock to the Republican banner where a charismatic Kennedy was rising up in the polls. Despite Hoffa's attempts at stealing his thunder by placing himself as a leader of the American left who could appeal to liberal forces in society, as well as the sabotage of his governorship by encouraging the violence of the Mafia Wars to spread over to Boston, John Kennedy's star was a hard one to topple. Now with Hoffa gone and buried, Kennedy was the champion for the forces of change in America, tired of the Populist domination and rhetoric, with their indecisiveness and lack of dynamism by being stuck to Longist ideals.

    The polls all showed that Kennedy could defeat the Populists, no matter the candidate, only Huey Long himself running could provide somewhat of a challenge and yet many expected that John would still win the popular vote if only because much of the "Labor left" under Hoffa, while they would not vote for a Republican, still would not leave their homes to vote for Long or a Longist candidate. President Smith was also another reason why Kennedy's appeal was strong, Kennedy was younger than him and was not an outspoken sycophant of an even elder man, that kind of dynamism was natural and could not be truly challenged for "inexperience" as the Republican has long served as governor to one of the most important states in New England. In fact, Smith probably had one of the worst performances in the polls against Kennedy, many right-wing Republicans, despite being closer to the ideas of Smith than those of Kennedy, refused to vote for a Longist bootlicker, and the Democrats still held a substantial control of the right-wing in the nation, above all in the south.

    Kennedy knew that, while he could not win the 1960 election he had a great shot at the 1964 election due to how the circumstances were changed. Of course, there was a substantial amount of rigging in the game at this point, the Populist party had weaponized the Supreme Court to go after unfavorable gerrymandering arrangements across the nation which favored his party and this led to Populist pockets even in Republican States, that was a substantial share of votes under new local party bosses which had to be faced, especially in swing states. But Kennedy hoped to use the debates as a national platform to defeat Smith, knowing of the man's questionable opinions in regards to the Jewish people and his fanatical zeal for moralistic ideas which were not as popular as he would hope (such as the return of prohibition), baiting him with explosive questions would be crucial to show America that the current President was insane. And if Smith was not the candidate, then he could similarly accuse Russell Long of Nepotism, bait Lyndon Johnson into an explosive temper, challenge Wallace's racial opinions or find a way to isolate McMath from his own base, the challenge would be Long which he could attack mostly by using his age as the man recently turned 70.

    The main problem for Kennedy was uniting his own Party, while the Republicans always had their divisions they only grew over the 1950s, sometimes by deliberate sabotage by the government but mainly because the fall of the Democratic Party from grace made the Republicans the only prominent Anti-Longist alternative, and Anti-Longist could mean anything from Communism to Nazism to Liberalism. His main opponent within the party was the Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, a member of the Society for the Defense of Liberty, an ideologue of a radical group calling for the abolition of the Longist welfare state and authoritarian policies (although he did not represent the views of most of the SDL, he had their backing), he also opposed much of the Civil Rights movement's demands due to his own principles over minimum intervention and in reducing the size and power of the Federal government which grew by an enormous amount since the Wheeler Presidency.

    Thankfully for Kennedy, he would never have to face Goldwater in the primaries, their contrasting policies would no doubt be a bliss to watch, however the Governor ended up dropping out of the race and instead was in a serious danger of being arrested. John Kennedy was a prolific womanizer and it was known that he had affairs with many celebrities, however that became a dangerous game beyond just the risk of diseases and greater and greater scandals, it was a matter of National Security as on the 13th of May, the CIA would arrest one of his lovers, a woman called Elba Bernstein, who claimed to be a Jewish refugee from Germany who fled to the country in 1958. Elba was, in fact, a RSHA/SD agent named Ilse Müller, a spy who posed as a refugee to infiltrate Kennedy's inner circle and soon the CIA uncovered that she had been sending private information which Kennedy leaked to her during their affair which concerned from the inside of the Republican Party and also of which ships were stationed in Massachussetts or Newport at determined times. The news spread everywhere and while Kennedy was still not impeached from office, the man was disgraced as a traitor at worst, or a drunken irresponsible womanizer at best, which gave a silver bullet for the moralistic President Smith to make accusations and unleash the CIA to investigate the leading member of his opposition. The "Ilse Affair" would bring down Kennedy's career for the moment and he dropped out of the race in the Republican Party.


    The Goldwater/Nixon ticket was formed earlier on, the two men shared little similarity other than a desire to strengthen the American military to face the Nazi threat and see Huey Long taken out of power as they saw the danger that America was in, a polarized population which saw it's leadership as increasingly stagnant needed a change from the Long Era and the two desired to show the Republican Party as a united front, defined by professionalism compared to the more "rowdy" style of the Populists. It was hardly a perfect match as Nixon saw the value in a strong executive and desired to use that to ensure a return to law and order after the chaotic April of 1964, they also disagreed on many economic approaches with Goldwater radically pushing for a destruction of the Longist welfare state. But when the primaries came in June, it was a fairly set game, with the former candidate Ronald Reagan, currently Senator of Illinois, together with Nelson Rockefeller, speaking out in favor of this common cause, although neither Nixon nor Goldwater was particularly favorable towards the Civil Rights movement which saw itself as orphaned, abandoned after Kennedy's withdrawal.

    The Republican approach to the Election was aggressive, Goldwater and Nixon planned a large-scale campaign and used an enormous fund provided by donors to run campaigns against Huey Long and the Populists as a whole, blaming their policies for the instability and economic recession, blaming them for the criminality and corruption, showcasing Hoffa and Long as nothing less than Mafiosi in their essence. Long's legal team worked hard to launch several lawsuits claiming the Republicans were defaming his image, which they were, but those would never be solved before the election and were more of a play to win over sympathy. Long knew that he needed to show the unity of his own party after Hoffa almost tore it down, but he would not have a Presidential Candidate who could potentially turn the party against him, his pride would never allow the Populists to escape his shadow.

    When the Nomination came around, the Ceremony happened with all the pomp of the 1960 nomination, full of American symbolism with stars and stripes everywhere. President Smith was in the ceremony and Long would later speak what he carefully laid out for weeks in several exhausting meetings, but he found a lot of energy when it came to the political process. Lyndon Baynes Johnson, who was once one of Long's protegees, who turned against him over the Civil Rights debacle and then returned to impeach Hoffa, had become the nominee for the Vice-Presidency while the incumbent Smith would keep his position as the party's nominee. With Johnson as a moderate who had outspokenly backed the Civil Rights movement, Long hoped to gain support from the orphaned left-wing groups who were still bitter from the Hoffa feud. The alternative was, after all, Goldwater, a man who wanted to destroy the health system! The Education system! All conquests made since before the Long Presidency even happened, he would return the nation to the age of the robber Barons and acted as a puppet of corporations to take all the power that the working people had conquered! He was a reaction to the strike and all the conquests from years ago!

    This kind of fearmongering worked well and was used heavily by the Populist campaign, Goldwater was called the "Golden Boy", a play of his name, the man who worked as a champion of corporations, a McKinley to Smith's Bryan, a Hoover to Smith's Wheeler, a Hamilton to Smith's Jefferson. Understandably, this would drive in many who would otherwise abstain to go to the polls and that gave the Populists a better chance in what could have been a certain defeat. Of course, the dirty tricks were only getting started, soon the Goldwater campaign was bombarded with accusations and smearing which ranged from claims of homosexuality to Mossad espionage, none of them were true and yet the Populist Party made sure to difused as many of these claims as possible throughout the media, even with targeted propaganda featuring anti-semitic claims in some areas of the deep south.


    Meanwhile, the Democratic Party ran their campaign based on the platform of "bringing back sanity", needlessly to say, the leadership of the party saw little hope in competing with yet another right-wing candidate other than with the desire to split the vote and play as the Kingmaker, the Democrats ran again the ticket of Talmadge with William C. Cramer, a former Republican from Florida, being chosen as the vice-president. His campaign focused almost exclusively on States part of the traditional south, except for a visit in New Jersey in September, all his campaign rallies were held in the Southern states from Maryland to Arkansas and even Texas, although there was little hope of swaying the states west of the Mississippi from the Longists. Smith could have a greater appeal towards the South than Hoffa did, especially in the so-called "Bible Belt", but the Democrats were at home and greatly played the racial card in their campaign using the fear of many White Southerners brought up by the recent riots and the General Strike, that ensured the vote of their traditional gains.

    The debates were meant to happen between August and October in 3 different rounds, Smith only went into one of them and it was enough for Long to block him from ever publicly going to a Political debate in his life again. The debate on CBS between Smith, Talmadge and Goldwater turned into Smith calling Goldwater a "money-grabbing Jew" at least twice on live television before he took back control of his senses and remembered how he was supposed to hide his personal anti-semitism. Goldwater failed to really capitalize either, as he was asked if he would be dismantling the Healthcare system, an outrageous accusation played up by the Smith campaign which he could easily defend himself from, he instead began a lecture on why the enormous costs of the healthcare system were causing the recession and how Longist socialist policies brought the country to the brink of a depression, therey confirming Smith's claims. In the end it was William Cramer who came out as a sane man in the debate which showed two radicals tearing one another apart, and he was supposed to be the candidate of the Democratic Party that ran an openly segregationist platform.


    For that and other reasons, Smith did not show up on the following debates and instead focused on his Presidential agenda which he had been running since April with the task of "Moralizing" America. His immediate concern was the high rates of criminality across the country with the generalized idea of social degradation associated to it, although he also associated the civil rights movement with it, but with a campaign ahead he wished to show immediate results with a harsh crackdown on organized crime by striking one of it's sources, which was also related to much of the criminality in America as a whole: Drug use. During the days of Prohibition, many searched for alternatives beyond the risk of being caught by the police in a bootlegging location as, even without the criminalization of use, that was still a terrible inconvenience to many. The use of Tobacco and Marijuana was one of the alternatives and, despite government restrictions, there was also the use of other drugs such as heroin and other psychoactives. The end of Prohibition raised alcohol consumption in America, however there was a young generation raised during that time which absorbed the moralistic values of the Temperance crusade and those were one of the bases of the Third Great Awakening which put Smith in the White House.

    These moralists saw the flaws in the Prohibition, specifically the lack of punishment to users who were essentially financing the operations of the criminal elements, in their view the consumption of alcohol and drugs as a whole was as much of a problem as the criminal organization behind with the users being a part of said system. While passing a new Prohibitionist ammendment would be near impossible during a campaign season, Smith would still leverage the situation to his favor. Congress would then approve the "Illegal Substances Act" in June, approving the prohibition of several drugs with a minimal time of incarceration for users in "Rehabilitative Centers". It was in the belief of many of these organizations that the consumption of drugs was essentially a flaw in the moral and spiritual level, therefore the users would not be jailed with the common population, rather the Department of Justice would create the "New Life Initiative", a network of several mental institutions, most of them linked to religious groups, that would be selected across the nation to forcefully rehabilitate dependents of said illegal substances. Alcohol was not forbidden, neither was Tobacco, but both were placed in the "A" Category of the act, forbidding merchandizing and propaganda on media that depicted the use of said substances in a positive manner under the penalty of heavy fines to the companies responsible for producing and distributing both the product and the media.

    This would also be a part of a general campaign against crime which was launched by the FBI as Smith appointed a new Attorney-General and FBI directors in place of Hoffa's appointments. The FBI's ongoing operations against the mob were intensified and with it came Smith's image of a champion of morality and order in a chaotic American society. The high point was the busting of a high-level meeting between Giancana and many of his criminal associates with the Crime Syndicate leadership in an attempt to bring a peace agreement following Hoffa's death. In July, shortly after his nomination was confirmed, Smith affirmed that Justice had arrived to "The agents of Satan" as the Mob's meeting near Detroit led to the arrests of some of the highest level figures of the crime world and, while this did not end the Mafia, it ended the worst of the War as Giancana was put in jail in a 70-year sentence, in fact the sentences of those caught that day would go over a thousand years if combined, a few would also take plea bargains after a harsh treatment by the FBI, leading to many more arrests including the one of Russell Bufalino and the former Attorney General William Bufalino. Frank Sheeran would be put under a manhunt by the FBI, the former bodyguard of President Hoffa had disappeared after the assassination which made him one of the prime suspects and, as the investigation advanced, one of the involved meant to shield the shooter was caught and confessed that Sheeran was aware of the plot. He would end up killed in prison, however the search for Sheeran and the shooter would continue over the following months until October when the shooter was found dead in rural Maryland after a farmer called the police upon finding a corpse, with a gun that matched the caliber used against Hoffa.

    The search for Hoffa's assassin had ended with the discovery of him being an Italo-American man named "Enrico Mazini", an associate of the mob in Pennsylvania, which only brought up more attention towards the Bufalinos. Sheeran himself would be caught later that month as he was identified living in Dakota under the alias of "James O'Brian", living as a farmer alone. Upon being caught he confessed to being aware of the assassination following the interrogation but refused to ever rat out the Bufalinos, either way that was not necessary to keep both Russell and William behind bars, the discovery of the killers of President Hoffa seemed to have been enough for the people, although many wondered if there was not more than just a conspiracy by mobsters involved, after all it is undeniable that many interests were harmed by the strike and the agitation provoked by Jimmy, how many others did not get involved in this?

    There was a considerable decline of the crime rates in America following the arrest of so many mob leaders in 1964, even if the proceedings were not necessarily legal and many defense guarantees and appeals were denied despite there being fair grounds about the violation of the rights of the accused. This made Smith's popularity soar up to a peak of 53% before the election, although that came in ups and downs, for instance his popularity was as low as 38% following the first debate night after his declarations against Goldwater. Smith also had a terrible sense of political timing as, just a month before the election, he announced a campaign for a "Moral TV", introducing the "Protection of Mediatic Decency Act" to the nation. In general, the American film scene was just leaving the age of the Hayes code, which severely restricted profanity, violence, sexuality, racial miscegenation, use of alcohol and others in the movies, although those were self-censorship rules made by the Motion Picture Association, those became largely unenforced for decades through clever loopholes used by directors and studios. Smith went much further by making several provisions of the code, alongside others such as "sympathy for criminal acts", "sympathy towards National Socialism" and "Favorable depiction of pagan mythology", become solidified as a criminal law which could lead from the prohibition of the movie to heavy fines to the studios, directors and actors involved. Furthermore the law also established the "Board of Media Regulation" which in itself was a lawsuit waiting to be made for infringing the 1st ammendment.

    But for now came the elections.


    To nobody's satisfaction, there was no winner, unexpectedly the Populists performed much better in Georgia and South Carolina but Smith was unable to wrestle the south fully from the Democrats, furthermore the Republicans made unexpected gains such as Michinghan and Washington, but failed to make inroads in the South on in more rural portions of the country except for Nevada and Arizona. The setting was perfect for a House election which nobody particularly wanted, Long expected a better performance and the Republicans dreaded the result of State delegations while Long controlled the Congress as the Speaker of the House and could freely articulate the results through meetings and copious amounts of bribery. The Democrats were the only ones celebrating the position of Kingmakers while also dreading that this could be the last election where they could play this role following the results in South Carolina and Georgia, even North Carolina and Virginia were close with the former almost flipping to the Populists by a difference of only 10 thousand votes.

    Talmadge would first meet with Goldwater as both shared a combined goal: The Civil Rights Act had to go, surprisingly the Democrats and Republicans were working on an arrangement, both despised the Populists and Barry Goldwater would go along with a "States' rights" argument despite many in his base opposing that. The Georgian demanded several cabinet positions to be given to the Democrats in return of a Democratic-Republican Coalition which could finally bring justice towards the Populists and bring down Long's political machine in Washington. The meeting would be over with the Democrats swearing to back the Republicans when the elections started in the House, furthermore, Goldwater believed he could convince other Populist delegations from States such as Ilinois, Indiana, Winsconsin, West Virginia and Kentucky to switch to his side and he sent Nixon to secure such agreements.

    But something went wrong, because as the election for the Vice-Presidency began in the Senate in January 1965, the expected race of Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon (in which it was practically a foregone conclusion that Johnson would win), Johnson announced he was dropping out of the race and instead the Populists would ally with the democrats to elect William Cramer as Vice-President of the United States. There was no more time for negotiations, no more time for bribes, no more time for blackmail, the Democrats simply trusted more that a man like Smith would revoke the Civil Rights Act than Goldwater, who had a strong base of Civil Rights supporters in his party, would. The whole Chicanery happened during the New Year as Long, who shamelessly used the FBI to wiretap the conversation between Cramer and Goldwater, used it to pop a champagne and make a deal. Johnson was not happy with the arrangement as he once again was denied the Vice-Presidency, but Long still did not forget the betrayal that Johnson made in backing Hoffa in 1963, "you should consider yourself pleased in being in the Senate as my Senator and not mopping the floors", the Kingfish said in an unusual cold tone. Not only did Nixon's negotiations fail as "somehow" the Populists went ahead of their opposition to arrange agreements, but it was always a long shot that those states would back the Republicans without the Democrats also flipping over.

    And so, Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith, the Protestant Reverend, would be confirmed as the President of the United States and winner of the 1964 election, with William Cato Cramer as Vice-President in a coalition between the Populist Party and the Democratic Party which held a strong majority in both the House and the Senate. During his inauguration, Smith swore to fulfill his duties on a bible and carried on a speech full of biblical references and imagery, promising to restore "The Justice of the Righteous" upon a nation plagued by "vice and sin", promising to expand his program, with the backing of right-wing forces that even included newly elected congressmen such as the Republican George Lincoln Rockwell. The reaction of the American right to the Hoffa Presidency, the Labor movement, the Civil Rights movements and the generalized sense of criminality and social chaos had arrived, wielding both the "sword of the law and the cross of the bible". In his speech, President Smith would say:

    "When I was young, being a Christian and being an American was one and the same to me and to everyone, it was just a common wisdom of a better time that was lost in the wave of decadence brought by humanism, atheism, socialism and feminism. In the book of Psalms it is said "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord", in these last years, many in our nation have abandoned the Lord to seek comfort in the trappings of the Devil, in the vice and sin of alcohol, of drugs, of lust and pride. No more, I say, shall we follow the wide path that leads to damnation. I swear in the name of God, the Lord of all nations and whose justice is infallible, that I shall do everything that is possible to a man to put us back into a righteous path in a world where hatred and sin runs more rampant than ever. America will prosper again, America will be strong again, America will be faithful again! Glory to our Lord and God bless America!"

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    There was a crowd as far as the eye could see in the port of Eilat that morning, people from all across the nation coming in by train, by car, on caravans, on foot, some carrying several bags, others carrying nothing but their children. Rich, poor, in-between, it was a sea of people from different races from different nations who have all come with the desire to have a home, a hope that others would not suffer like they did. That is the same kind of hope that was making many come here and then take the journey back north in the midst of tears and suffering, it was a terrible sight and yet the worst part is that these families, maybe most of them, would never see one another again. They were taking their children and carrying them to the ships, some women would stay, those too old or too young, but the rest of those mothers would leave with the fathers of these children.

    Yakob was looking at that while holding on to his daughter, she was still so young, so innocent, he had hoped that he and his wife Devorah could raise her together, the little Ruth, but that was a vain hope, the men were practically not allowed in the boats, the women allowed in were exceptions, his mother-in-law was with them to take Ruth with her for this reason, they would live, safe somewhere, without fear. The travel was quiet and it took days for them to arrive, at no moment did they ever turn off the radio, if there was silence they would be nervous, if there was a broadcast they knew it was too late. Today was the first day of the Hannukah, and more than in any day there was a crowd rushing in panic to the docks where all those ships awaited to take them across the Red Sea, Operation Exodus it was called, his father Benjamin told him so after the IPF prepared for this great evacuation, he even ensured that Yakob would have a place in the boat with his contacts and Yakob said he would go, but when he found out Devorah would be left behind, he could not bear to go.

    Ruth would be safe with her grandmother, he was sure of that, the problem was getting both of them on the boat, there was supposed to be a line but as soon as the sun was up and the radio announced the start of Operation "Righteous Justice" the chaos began, there were children being tossed at the boats, some of them did not make it and hit the railing, falling on the water of the Red Sea with others trying their best to save them before they drowned. The little Ruth was crying in her mother's arms because of all the noise, Devorah calmed her down the best she could while Yakob was carving a way through the crowd to the nearest ship. There was nothing fancy in them, they were small and just meant to ferry the people to the larger vessels. He remembered the monumental effort it took to transport the entirety of the Israeli fleet by land across the Negev as the Suez was within the aim of the Egyptians, now they were meant to take these children somewhere, nobody was told where they would go, it was just by blind faith that they were meant to willingly give up their children. There was no pain as great to a parent bar one, the idea of seeing Ruth being taken by a German. If anyone else had been invading and threatening them, they would not have gone as far, he would have held on to Ruth for dear life, but that was Joseph Goebbels, that was the spirit of Hitler coming after them and he knew well in his family what would happen if they were taken alive.

    There was a horn, the ship was about to sail out and that just made the people start to panic, they knew the Germans could appear any time soon, they could even hear from the distance the fight happening over the coast where the IPF was attempting to secure the Gulf from the UAR's presence in Al Dorra, from his experience that was the easy part, but Arab, Syrian and German planes could show up at any time. The IPF jets flew over heading south early on much to the crowd's cheering, but he knew the real fight of this war would be on the North against the Syrians and Germans, the Arabs had no taste in fighting this one. He would finally approach the soldier and show him the child and a ticket for his in-law, the soldier did not give more than a glance at the ticket for sake of formality, he was sure to pass them the moment he saw a baby and an older woman. "Wait!", Devorah cried and then held on to her daughter a last time, teardrops falling on the baby's cloth as she gently rocked her back and forth. He almost didn't realize how young both him and Devorah were, yet they were already parents and supposed to give away their child. He hoped in the depths of his soul this would not be the last time he saw his daughter, that taking her from Devorah's arms and giving Ruth to her grandmother was not going to be his touch, but then he remembered the Swastika and dreaded that it was true... if she even made it across the sea, no doubt the Arab air force would start to look all across the Sea, their last hope was to reach Port Sudan, it was the only place in the Red Sea which was still in the hands of people who would not sink their ships.

    He held on to Devorah as they walked away just in time for the ship to depart, she was crying more than he had ever seen her cry before, he put an arm around her shoulder and guided her just as the ferry left, only to hear the screams as he looked above and saw the explosions, the trails of smoke, the battle being fought fiercely in the sky. He could not see the jets at this distance but everyone saw when one of them blew up. He hurried back to the car and turned it on as soon as he could, it jammed, then jammed again, and on the third time it worked. Now he would take the road and drive north, praying in his heart that his daughter would live, that Ruth would live even if he did not, that she would find a home and never suffer what they were suffering, but could anyone ever hope to escape from such a hateful enemy?


    It is rare to ever find two Israelites agreeing with one thing, that was an old joke, even more so when it comes to the Israeli politics with the eternal rivalry of Prime Minister Begin's Right-Wing groups against the Labor Zionists of the late Ben-Gurion. But between 1959 and 1965, there was peace, there was unity, because between the 12-day war and the Nazi-Israeli War, the fear of an invasion grew like never before, the euphoria of the victory, both in the battlefield and morally with the news of Heydrich's assassination, which of course they publicly denied of doing, the State of Israel would suffer a terrible awakening with the Ultimatum and Goebbels' rise to power. Joseph Goebbels was the most public and outspoken enemy of the Jewish people, the rhetoric which was relatively contained during Hess' rule had gone back into the forefront of the Reich's agenda. The fall of Italy and the news of the purges just increased the fear of isolation, with even the Catholic Church returning to more Antisemitic rules under Pope Eugene.

    Operation Exodus was drafted for that in 1961, then it began to be put into action in 1964 after years of planning and intense negotiations with the British Empire. There were roughly 2 million Jews in Israel and a substantial amount was made up of children, the first generation born in the country was not even 18 at it's eldest yet. Yet the agreement was made: Those younger than 12 would leave accompanied by at most one member of the family who is over 50 to watch over them, an enormous task which began in subtle ways, the refugees heading to Port Sudan and then taken by train to Kenya or the French Empire, following the start of the siege of Aden in early 1965, the maritime route was deemed too dangerous and only the route through Sudan was still open, even if said route was constantly under the danger of raid by Pan-Arabist forces fighting in the Sudan War. A small fortune had to be paid to British coffers, but that was an insurance for Israel's survival which they had to afford. The Majority of the refugees would be settled in communities in Sudan or Kenya, meant to be temporary until the Israeli government deemed the situation at home safe for return.

    There were attempts at peace, the Israeli government offered to return the Sinai, Gaza and all territories east of the Jordan river to the UAR in return for recognition, an offer which Nasser did not consider equitable, despite the instability and the crippling of his army in the 12-day war, he could not afford to show weakness by conceding to Israel. Nasser also was being deliberately bribed to refuse any agreements, with the weapons provided by the Pakt by the renewed German support being crucial for the Arab efforts to control the Red Sea, with the wars in Sudan and Yemen fought by Pan-Arabists sponsored by Cairo. Although the alliance with Germania was becoming far more of a detriment than a boon to Nasser, the Algerian refugees who fled with the Nationalists would come to Egypt and speak of the horrors unleashed by the Franco-German authorities, and the fall of Italy also led to the arrest of the Algerian political groups from Egypt at the request of Germania, which made many Arabs see Pan-Arabism as a tool for foreign domination.

    Of course Goebbels was busy repairing the damage of Hess' reputation. Johann von Leers, the Propaganda Minister and later Foreign Minister of the Reich, would work heavily in increasing the German influence over Arab groups in the region between 1962 and 1965. From Anti-semitic conspiracies to the treatment of Arabs in Israel and even Begin's own past were used as a weapon to sway the opinions of locals to a war, those being more effective overall in Syria where Saadeh's regime has ran with a platform of Anti-Zionism since it's inception and grew more and more anti-jewish as the German influence grew. Adib Shishakli, the Commander of the Syrian Armed Forces, became the de facto leader of the nation while the Al-Zaim, Antoun Saadeh, lost control of the movement he himself created and was restrained as practically a figurehead that spent most of time in house arrest in Damascus, left to regret ever allying with the Pakt and inviting German officers to train his own staff.

    The decision to strike first was tactically one of the better hopes for the IPF, which was completely outmatched by the Pakt forces in every aspect from air to under the sea, even from Space there were German satellites which were used to identify the positions of the IPF in December. The Israeli Protection Force by the time of Operation "Righteous Justice", was running a tight ship in it's information channels. Once the United Government (formed in October after the Germans began fly-by missions over the country) gave the authorization, it was just 6 hours for the men to be briefed and launch the assault on the 18th. The IPF, despite being outnumbered around 3:1 and in some places 4:1, lacking the necessary aerial superiority and facing an enemy with perhaps the most powerful army in the world, attacked because they had no other choice. The Wehrmacht could never be given an initiative, otherwise the Panzer divisions would be able to open the way into Israel, the Moshavs and Kibbutzims across the country were alerted for all citizens to seek shelter in the local bunkers and the ones in the northern border have long since been evacuated.

    The IPF counted with a force of between 270 and 300 thousand men in a country with a population of 2.5 million residents, the remaining reservists being all summoned to active duty while the refugees taken in during the previous years would be armed into their own units to face the enemy. Israel sheltered around 200 thousand refugees who fled from Europe between 1960 and 1965, the majority of them being the so-called "Mixed Race", which Goebbels had reclassified as Jews and began to persecute, people with as little as a single Jewish grandparent were allowed into Israel and given citizenship in return for service in the armed forces, a public denunciation of National Socialism and knowledge of basic Hebrew. Those refugees, both men and women, would be armed and called up while children were offered a way out through Operation Exodus. By December of 1965, Israel was a country with no children, where both men and women were enlisted, where men up to the age of 80 volunteered into the military and 60-year old grandmothers were enlisted into the armed forces, that gave the IPF a pool of almost a million reservists.

    The Economy was fully placed under a command system and a military mobilization was declared in October as the Unity government was made in the Knesset. Prime Minister Begin would call for all parties to form a single united government under the threat of Invasion, the stragglers left would quickly fall in line once news reached of the Luftwaffe airdropping the uniforms of those killed in the camps in the city of Haifa. For the first time there was a single leadership in the State of Israel and an oath was made on the Knesset in the morning of the 18th, all members swearing to oppose the threat of Nazism to their very last breath and to not accept any peace which would lead to the end of the Jewish State. Following that, the building of the Knesset was evacuated as the answer arrived from the Reich. There was no declaration of war, there was no warning or ultimatum, Goebbels refused to even engage in any sense of negotiation with a people which he considered little more than animals and deceivers (naturally he claimed the Reich to be a victim of Jewish treachery due to the IPF launching the first strike).


    The Luftflotte V would take flight in Air bases on Cyprus and Syria, despite the IPF's strikes on the Damascus Air Base, the Homs Air Base was protected from much of the enemy assault due to it's advanced radar system, installed in 1964, by the time the Israelites arrived, several interceptors were deployed, overwhelming the outmatched Jewish planes. The German pilots flew incensed with fury, many of them were involved with the Volkssturm or at least fell into the new wave of Antisemitism unleashed by Goebbels, it is no wonder that the majority had no qualms in saying they were fighting a war for the survival of the Aryan race against their eternal enemy. A retaliatory attack was launched in the morning as over 300 bombers would take flight with at least the double of planes serving as escorts, including the Syrian and Italian Air Force. The raid was deemed necessary to cripple the enemy infrastructure and morale, with the mission divided two-fold, first would be a group of tactical bombers striking into the Israeli Airbases, with help from intelligence gathered by the SD, mainly via Palestinean Arab cells within the State of Israel. The Second group was responsible for the morale strike.

    The assault on Tel Aviv was the first time that the forces of the Pakt employed the mass use of Nerve gas against a large civilian center, which was deemed an acceptable weapon by the Führer who had to be talked out by his staff from launching atomic weapons. The city had already been attacked by the time the bombers arrived as Ballistic missiles would be launched from several locations in the East Mediterranean to strike major Israeli cities, furthermore the Kriegsmarine was set to start a long-term campaign of shore bombardment of the densely populated strip of land which went from Gaza to Tyre, a land particularly vulnerable to the long range shots of the German and Italian battleships and with practically no defenses other than meager shore artillery batteries.

    Tel Aviv would be struck by the Luftflotte V at the 0932 hours of the 18th of December of 1965, the evacuation was still underway with a large part of the population yet to head to the underground, gas masks had been distributed, however much of the protection given to the civilians were concerning anti-radiation protection, an attack with the supplies of Tabun and Sarin gases was not the expected strike. The Israeli Airforce, many planes returning from their mission in Egypt, would intercept the bombers and that would start the largest aerial battle in the history of the Middle East up until that moment, where roughly 190 Israeli planes faced almost four times that number in the skies over Tel Aviv, while the Luftwaffe launched similar strikes across the coast. Several bombers would be downed in the city, however the IPF was forced to withdraw it's jets to conserve it's strength, many hoped to use them to better effect at the Syrian front. Despite the inferiority in numbers, the surprise of the assault and the use of new British and American fighter models would give the IPF a tally of 2:1 in victories, which unfortunately still meant that the Pakt had been victorious in that battle.


    The campaign of gas bombardment would proceed, however first the Kriegsmarine would showcase it's power by launching a barrage of shore bombardment, led by the two main prides of the German fleet: The H-44 class ships "Frederick the Great" and "Karl the Great" (not to be confused with the French ship Charlemagne), two enormous ships with a 131.000 ton displacement, measuring 350 meters in length and sporting 8 20-inch guns, serving more as a floating fortress, a show of strength rather than practicality which started construction in the Hitler era and were finished in the Goebbels era, altered with new radar systems and SAM batteries. The two ships, alongside other Battleships and Italian vessels would launch a campaign of terror during the rest of the year, with Aircraft Carriers such as the Italian "Risorgimiento" and the German "Adler" providing escort against attacks from the Israeli Air Force. Added with the conventional bombing which included from rockets to conventional bombers, with the Luftflotte V even rotating planes with other Air groups as part of a "training experience", the majority of the Israeli cities in the coast of the Mediterranean was turned to little more than rubble during the war, although Goebbels would give express orders to not bomb Jerusalem due to the risk of alienating his Islamic allies.

    On land, the situation was not as favorable for the Pakt, the surprise assault by the IPF had caught the Wehrmacht and the Syrians by surprise with both forces losing precious ground on the first day, the destruction of the Wotan Gun and an act of sabotage by Mossad Operatives against German "Atomtruppen" (Literally atomic soldiers) depots also prevented the use of tactical nuclear weapons on the ground until ammunition arrived from Europe. Joachim Peiper, Chief of Staff of the OKW and commander of the German forces in this theater, would forbid, under Goebbels' orders, any attempt to retreat after the first day and immediately pushed Shishakli and the Syrians into an auxiliary role. The Wehrmacht possessed roughly 200 thousand soldiers on the ground, with the Syrians possessing almost the double, yet they were pushed back to the gates of Damascus and Beirut by the IPF with the surprise assault. The plan of the Israeli troops was to try to shatter the Syrian resolve to remain in the war by quickly seizing Damascus and Beirut, two of the most important cities in the country, as well as inflict the heaviest possible casualties in the Persian and Turkish forces in an attempt to force them out of the war. Following that, they would withdraw back to the Golan Heights and use a defense in depth along the coast in an attempt to keep the Wehrmacht split and attrition it into a ceasefire. It was a very far-fetched plan driven by desperation and it hinged on the response of three men: Louis Mountbatten, Gerald Smith and Gamal Abdel Nasser.

    The IPF would manage to reach the gates of Damascus in the afternoon as the Syrians lost more and more ground, the district of Yaffour was taken, cutting off the Beirut-Damascus Highway, one of the most important routes in Syria and dividing the Syrian Army in two, furthermore, the Persian Legion, a force of around 20 thousand men sent by the Shah to honor his alliance with Saadeh, lost roughly half of it's strength during that day. The success of the first day was mostly in routing the Syrian-Persian-Turkish troops, with the Turks and Persians already being reluctant allies of the Reich, these losses would essentially neuter them during the war. Saadeh was evacuated from Damascus to Aleppo, a harsh blow to the Syrian morale, which coupled with the loss of Jireh in the west, made many in the Syrian army panic fearing another crushing defeat in the first day, never before had the Israelis attacked in such a ferocious way, the troops of the IPF had practically no rest from dusk to dawn in an attempt to use their tactical initative in crushing the Syrian Army. However, the Wehrmacht would stop the advances of the Israeli troops in several locations, an attempt to capture the town of Nawa to the west of the Golan Heights was frustrated by the defense of the 87th Infantry division during the whole day. This was the first time the Israeli forces fought the army which once conquered Europe, despite the morale being as zealous as it could be, it could only go so far against an enemy which possessed superiority in most of the aspects in combat.

    The 19th continued the Israeli advances, but the loss of the element of surprise could be felt, the push to Rashaya, located between Beirut and Damascus, would be decisive as roughly 30 thousand IPF troops fought an equal force of Syrians which at first lost more and more terrain, including the town itself, but soon Peiper would order the 8th Panzer Division to launch a counter attack in the town. This was but the first of many strategic counter attacks launched by the Pakt in an attempt to steal the momentum and initiative from the Israeli troops. Furthermore, in the skies, the Luftwaffe contested the aerial superiority held during the first day, the start of the bombing campaign forcing many Israeli jets to be diverted towards the coastline to intercept the bombers. The few bombers at the IPF's disposal were kept in reserve, some being hit when the Airfields were struck, others were shot down on the way to Homs. As the IPF was pinned down in Rashaya, the same would happen in the attempt to encircle Damascus on the 21st when the fight over the recently-built Damascus airport evolved into a large-scale tank duel between the 8th Panzer Division and the 36th Armored division of the IPF. The Germans used the longer range of it's MBT's to weaken the Israeli forces as the IPF attempted to use fast tanks to close in the distance and strike the Germans from where their superior range would not provide an advantage. In the end the IPF suffered a terrible loss, mostly of it's most outdated models from the 1940s, the Germans held control over the destroyed Airport and thus ended the offensive.

    General Israel Talik, commander of the Armored Division, would lose his life during the battle for Damascus, he would not see the effectiveness of one of his prototypes. Since 1954, the IPF had started to search for ways to counter German tank forces and in 1961 the result was the so-called "Merkava" tank. It lacked the armor and speed of the German tanks due to it's smaller engine, however it would be used successfully as a defensive gun in the Golan Heights. A general order of withdrawal was given on the night of the 21st and by the morning of the 22nd, most of the Israeli forces retreated to their pre-war fortifications, attempting to cut the heavy losses of experienced troops of the campaign. In the 3 days of offensive of Operation Righteous Justice, the Syrian-Iranian-Turkish-German forces would suffer around 70 thousand casualties to the Israeli 30 thousand, but that was hardly an adequate ratio, especially as the great majority of the losses of the enemy was made up of non-German forces. Now with further reservists being called up to the point the Israeli Economy was put into a breaking point, the only hope for the Government was of a foreign intervention.

    And soon the answers came to a secret negotiation between the UAR and the State of Israel, the desperate Israeli leadership offered all the lands conquered during the 12-day war back to the UAR in return of simple neutrality, not even a recognition. Nasser was inclined to refuse until the Israeli victory at Al Dorra and news of unrest in the Jordanian territories led to his acquescence, but the determinant factor was the British support for Israel on the 18th. Mountbatten and his cabinet would agree to lend all support afforded by the Commonwealth to the State of Israel with similar declarations from Canada, Australia, New Zealand and even from India, which fiercely condemned the German assault on the Jewish people and declared support. The declarations from the Commonwealth and from the Indian Republic were also determinant due to the control of both these nations in the Persian gulf, forcing the Iranians and Syrians to dedicate forces to protect the region in the case of a direct invasion, the border with Kuwait was particularly tense as many Syrians saw it as a rightful province of Greater Syria, although Shishakli would continuously deny the requests for an offensive there due to the risk of escalation, even with the buildup of British forces.


    The Red Sea would soon become a battlefield in the war as the UAR-aligned militias and the British Empire finally came to a decisive clash over Yemen and Sudan, with a combined offensive by both, orchestrated by Nasser's headquarters in Cairo, planned to capture both Port Sudan and the straits of Aden. In East Africa, despite the Italian army losing control of much of the Ethiopian highlands since the closing of the Suez Canal, the control over Somalia and the Eritreian coast, as well as major urban centers such as Addis Ababa, was still in the hands of Farinacci who planned to use Djibouti as a launching base for the Italian and German Air Forces to close down the Red Sea, the only route of access of the Jewish State to the rest of the world. Despite it's official neutrality and anti-zionist stance, the Saudi Arabian control of Hedjaz was also vital for the strategy to ensure the Red Sea was shut under control of the Pakt. Both German and Italian overtures to Riyadh had failed, as the Saudi Family refused to collaborate with Nasser's revolutionaries in Yemen even if they expressed some sympathy for the Arab cause in the war.

    The Red Sea had become a contested zone for the British forces, which gave support to the Ethiopian guerrillas in the fight against Farinacci's regime, the military buildup had ensured that both Port Sudan and Aden became heavily fortified regions with crucial naval bases protected by the Royal Navy. The UAR and the Italians launched an offensive on the 18th as soon as news of the war's outbreak began, with the de facto siege of both cities by the rebel groups growing into full scale assaults supported by the Italian Air Force. Nasser did not strike from the Suez, rather he was hesitant to join the war against Israel unless victory was assured by cutting off the Jewish lifeline in the Red Sea. The IPF's navy would continue Operation Exodus during those days even with Italian, Arab and German planes scouting the sea for ships to be sunk. The pressure grew in both British territories as the renewed assault reignited what was a slow conflict in the years prior, with urgent requests of assistance leading to the dispatch of the British Naval Squadron in Zanzibar, which became the new base of operations in British Africa after the fall of South Africa.

    Admiral Robert Hichens, a flotilla commander during the Second World War who became highly decorated in the Pacific conflict, would take command of the East Africa Squadron sent to relieve Aden and Port Sudan with a force of Marines, joining with them was the British Gulf Squadron and the Indian 3rd fleet which included the Aircraft Carrier INS Vinkrat, all leading to a total of four carriers being involved in the taskforce. The Battle for the Red Sea began on the Christmas of 1965 as Djibouti became the first battleground, the Ethiopian rebels, with support from the Combined Air Force and the British Marines would launch an assault into Djibouti City, in order to destroy the Italian Air Field and neutralize the threat of the Red Sea being isolated from both sides. The Battle was short with the overwhelming air and naval superiority of the Coalition of Nations being able to break the Italian hold over the city which was captured by the Ethiopians. That would be a short-lived victory as later the italians would reclaim the territory, but this would only happen after the war in Israel was over.

    The relief force was too much against the Yemenites, who had fought the war for years and employed the majority of their own resources in armaments and manpower in an attempt to seize the straits. Perim Island was briefly occupied on the 19th until the relief came on the 26th, leading to the capture of roughly a thousand Pan-Arabists, the battle in the city of Aden itself would end on the 27th with the withdrawal of the Pan-Arabist troops. With the mouth of the Red Sea ensured, the Coalition would also be joined by the US Navy after an unlikely chain of events in Washington. The traditional isolationism of President Smith, who even boldly withdrew the United States from the United Nations, had completely reversed as the crisis in Israel began to escalate in December, leading to an agreement where the US 6th Fleet would be put in Gabon. After the start of the war, without notifying Congress, Smith ordered the 6th fleet to move into the Red Sea and publicly denounced the attack on Israel in the most apocalyptic of terms.

    President Smith, perhaps one of the most fierce anti-semites to ever become President of the United States, had ironically become the foremost crusader in favor of the defense of Israel. Smith would go to Congress on the 18th and speak of the "Attack of the enemies of God into the Holy Land", in a language that would more fit a medieval Pope than a President, Smith called for America to fulfill a sacred duty to protect the land of Israel from the hordes of the Reich, reiterating Goebbels' infamous moniker of "Antichrist" and claiming that allowing the Swastika to be raised on the most sacred land on earth would be akin to spitting on the blood of Jesus. In more pragmatic terms, he would demand that Congress set aside it's differences to support the immediate intervention to stop the full control of the Reich over the Mediterranean and the expansion of Germania's power over the Indian Ocean. He did not mention the Jewish people at no point in his speech or to protect them from massacres although many Republicans, above all Goldwater himself, would call for support of the Presidential call to intervene in the Israeli War. Huey Long, a lifelong isolationist except when it benefitted him, claimed that it would be better to send material and financial help to avoid rising tensions by involving American blood. To everyone's shock, Smith called Huey Long a coward, claiming that failing to defend the holy land from the forces of Satan in the most fierce way possible was nothing less than an act of collaboration with the Devil himself. This was the first time Gerald Smith had ever publicly opposed Long, nevermind in such heated terms, this was a signal that this, just like his morality campaign, was a personal crusade of Smith for sake of what he saw as his Christian duty that no political pressure or force would ever talk him out of. With the exception of several populist figures who backed Long, Congress did overwhelmingly approve Smith's declaration of Intervention.

    Declarations were given around the world in support of Israel, Pope Stephen X, going against the declaration of Antipope Eugene, would call upon Christians to "Pray and support the Jewish people in their struggle against extermination", in response the Brazilian State would dispatch it's own force of roughly 3 thousand volunteers to Israel, the majority of them being members of the Catholic Action, inspired by the crusading orders of the past. In China, Mao denounced the Imperialist spirit of the Linz Pakt, although he did not give support to Israel, he would dispatch the shipment of armaments to the Ethiopian rebels following the fall of Djibouti. In Russia, the Tsar denounced the Reich but did little more than rhetoric, the Empire claimed it could not spare help towards the Israeli struggle. In the Free French Empire, Emperor Napoleon dispatched a force of 9 thousand men, including many Jewish refugees, to join the Coalition of Nations in their expedition. As the New Year arrived, the Assault on Port Sudan was halted by the forces of the Coalition after 13 days of intense struggle by the British forces to combat the Pan-Arabist forces saving the lives of tens of thousands of Jewish refugees, the majority of them being children. The Raids on the Red Sea stopped, despite the loss of thousands of refugees during the month from air and naval raids by Arab and Pakt forces, the waters and the air were secured, with Nasser publicly announcing the UAR's "Neutrality" in the conflict on the 31st, a treason of the highest order to Joseph Goebbels.

    In that very same new year, the Israeli defenses were broken with the first nuclear detonation of the war.

    The German offensive operations began on the 24th of December with a planned assault from two directions, to the North, a force of 5 infantry divisions and the 7th Panzerdivision would drive southwards to Tyre and attempt to invade Israel through the more flat terrain along the coast, counting with the support of naval and air forces in the Mediterranean. To the East in the Golan Heights, the Germans, with the 8th Panzer Division and 2 infantry divisions, would act as a spearhead in collaboration with the Syrian army to break the Israeli defenses, the overall goal of the two attacks was to push the IPF back to the pre-1959 borders and repeat the Syrian invasion in 1947, Operation Whirlwind, by driving down towards Tel-Aviv along the coast and towards Jerusalem alongside the Jordan Valley.

    Aware of that venue of attack, the IPF concentrated it's defenses in Southern Lebanon, with the Golan Heights being able to be defended by a smaller force, the heights were also stripped of all their armored units in favor of the forces in the Lebanese front. Between the 24th and the 31st, a fighting withdrawal was fought over the territory with the IPF attempting to inflict heavy casualties while the Germans were surprised by the tenacity of the IPF. The local arabs in many places such as Tyre itself would greet the Germans and Syrians as liberators, thankfully for the Jews, the local jewish population had long since been evacuated due to the fears of capture under the Germans or of Pogroms. In some incidents, the Volkssturm units would strike against Palestinians, mistaking them as Jews, which eroded further the support for the war in the UAR and within Palestinian rebel groups within Israel, one such cases being the massacre of Mansouri where the Volkssturm seized 29 suspected "Jews" and attempted to incide the crowd into a mass lynching, when the local Arabs protested in horror, the suspects were executed and the Volkssturm would disperse the crowd with live ammunition, earning credence to the Israeli propaganda towards the Arabs that the Germans were an enemy of all the descendants of Abraham.

    Still, the IPF showed results by achieving a 1:1, sometimes a 2:1 ratio of killings on the Wehrmacht despite the latter's advantages which included the control of the skies, the support from the Navy, and the more advanced armaments possessed by the Germans. Still, that was a loss that Germania could replenish, the Israelis could not. As Jabal Balat was taken following a vicious fight over the hill, the Israelis were back at their borders, with the Moshav of Shomera being under artillery range. The Germans would begin to indiscriminately shell the town with chemical weapons, from Phosgene to Sarin gas, routing out the IPF defenders from there while the remaining inhabitants were taken to the south. But this paled to the breakthrough forced in the Golan Heights on the 31st, after three different failed attempts to capture the enemy defenses, Peiper even complained about the quality of the Syrian officers who ordered withdrawals far too early and the lack of motivation of many Syrian troops and that led to him taking matters in his own hands. The Atomtruppen group was deployed in the heights with new ammunition delivered from Trieste. On the New Year, the 8th Panzer Division struck hard into the Golan Heights using tactical atomic weapons as a creeping barrage to break the enemy bunkers and defenses, chaos would break out in the Israeli formations and soon by the first of January, the Heights were under German control, with artillery beginning to shell the villages in the Northern Israeli Plain.

    In January, the Germans continued their offensive in the form of three main attacks to overwhelm the Northern districts of Israel: An attack from Southern Lebanon aiming at Acre and Haifa, another from the Golan heights to Zefat and the North of the Galilee Sea where much of the IPF was located, and one from Irbid, repeating the previous Syrian operation by striking across the Jordan through the South of the Galilee Sea, aiming at Nazareth to cut off the IPF from Jerusalem. The goal of the operation was to encircle the majority of the Israeli armed forces in the North to clear the way to conquer the South. As Nasser announced his neutrality, a furious Goebbels would demand the invasion of Jordan to Peiper, who was much obliged in doing so at an "opportune" time in order to flank the Israeli forces and strike south at the Negev. For now he would order Shishakli, as one orders a subordinate rather than an ally, to start gathering the Syrian army to invade Jordan.

    The Offensive began on the 4th of January after 3 days of rest for the German troops, the Israeli forces near the Golan heights would withdraw immediately, fearing an encirclement and heading south in order to conserve the Israeli Protection Force from being wiped out, General Sharon was caught between the pressure to defend the Kibbutzims and Moshavs in Northern Israel and the pragmatic realities of the field, opting for the later even if it cost the lives of tens of thousands of Israelis in the coming weeks. As the retreat began, the Germans attempted to accelerate the offensive while the Israelis abandoned the North of the Galilee Sea and the city of Acre, instead there would be a new defensive line going from Haifa to Nazareth, then going down along the Jordan river. The Germans quickly occupied the land by the 9th and met the Israelis in their defensive line, starting an intense battle across the entire front which devolved into trenches, barbed wire and chemical weapons. On the 11th, Peiper would launch a full assault against the city of Haifa where Israel unveiled Operation Samson.


    Haifa would be the determinant factor in showing the world just how far the Jewish people was willing to go in order to not be subject of the rule of the NSDAP. The Israeli State, alongside the Russian Empire, the Indian Republic and the Free French Empire would collaborate in a secret nuclear program throughout a decade and a half, the main goal for Israel, France and Russia was to seek a deterrent against the continued German expansion, for India it was about asserting itself as power in the international stage. The program yielded few results for a lot of time, but on the 11th of January of 1966, the State of Israel unveiled their first nuclear bomb. Due to the loss of proper delivery methods by the destruction of the meager bomber fleet of the IPF and the lack of Missile launching sites following the German bombing campaign. Haifa had been reduced to rubble by the German navy and air force, and this pile of rubble was now being fiercely contested by the Germans and Israelis alike as Peiper concentrated his efforts to secure a breakthrough by advancing along the coast rather than pressing the Nazareth line.

    A group of Jewish troops was left behind in the encircled city as the German infantry advanced, by nightfall the majority of the city was taken and the Germans prepared for a final assault on the 12th to capture the costal area. That is when an explosion shattered what was left of the city, a nuclear detonation measuring 60 kilotons would explode at one of the tallest remaining buildings inside a collapsed attic. The IPF units in the city would be wiped out, bringing along the majority of the German troops in the urban terrain, as well injuring and rendering inoperative at least the same amount. In total, the detonation of Haifa was the deathliest explosion by a nuclear weapon since the bombing of Sendai, in fact it was even more lethal with as many as 60 thousand deaths and 70 thousand wounded to varying degrees, including civilians left in the city and nearby German and Israeli troops affected by the detonation, it was also a bomb estimated to be three times stronger than the bomb detonated in Sendai.

    The shocking destruction of Haifa coincided with the arrival of the first Coalition troops at Eilat, a combined force which ranged from 19 thousand Americans and 15 thousand British troops to a symbolic 50 men force from Korea had arrived with a total of up to 50 thousand men. The Carriers at the Red Sea, now totaling round 6, would start launching strikes against the German Air Force as the skies over Israel grew more and more contested, causing the Luftwaffe to suspend the bombing campaign on the 15th after spreading terror and destruction for almost a month all across Israel. Operation Exodus continued with the Coalition of Nations now escorting refugees into Port Sudan or Aden, with American and British destroyers being converted into transport vessels for the refugees which now began to include an increasing flow of Arabs from Palestine after the news of the Volkssturm's massacres began to spread. All across Northern Israel, Kibbutz and Moshav communities were wiped out, despite the attempts at minimizing civilian casualties, the Volkssturm would still be able to capture and massacre thousands of civilians, and if captured by the Wehrmacht instead, the likely fate was to be sent north into Syria where the Germans set up the Homs Industrial Facility, a concentration camp where over 30 thousand Jews would be taken to work for the Syrian War machine during that month, although few were prisoners of war, as a general rule the Germans did not take Jewish prisoners and those who did surrender tried to surrender to Syrian authorities instead.

    Peiper launched his Jordanian offensive on the 14th in junction with the Syrian army and overran the territory at an impressive speed, the superior armaments and numbers, aerial superiority, the surprise and demoralization of the UAR troops and the instability Nasser faced at home following the defeats of his allies in Yemen and Sudan were pushing the nation into a breaking point. Many of the Arab troops would desert, a decade and a half of unity with Egypt only left Jordan sidelined and losing half of it's territory if not more. The loss of Al-Dorra and the last connection to Cairo was just the last straw. The Jordanian assembly attempted to declare independence in Amman with General Nuwar, the man who overthrew the Hashemites and joined Jordan with the unpopular Pan-Arab cause, would be arrested and executed by the popular assembly. That did not save Jordan from Syria and instead only caused further chaos. The IPF would quickly occupy the south of the country, with even Jordanian troops joining them in the confusion to avoid being captured by the Syrians, others joined with the Syrians, the few who fought for the assembly in Aman fought against the Pan-Arab loyalists while the Syrians and Germans closed into the city. The chaotic fall of Jordan was swift and Nasser could do little to stop it even if many urged him to invade the Sinai in response, but seeing as the Syrians and Germans alike announced Jordan's incorporation into the Greater Syria and the Coalition still had forces within striking distance of Cairo, neutrality became the only answer as the formerly firebrand leader of Arab liberation fell into a moribond inaction which doomed what was left of his prestige.

    With the fall of Aman and Haifa, the Nazareth Line became impossible to hold in any practicality and the IPF began to withdraw back to Samaria to cities such as Jenin and Netanya, the danger grew as the Germans pushed south more and more while the IPF worked to hold back the enemy advances in order to prevent the civilian population from being captured. Peiper, fearing a repeat of the first war where a foreign intervention was able to drive the Syrians back, decided to unleash a relentless offensive across the front in order to break the IPF before further reinforcements arrived. He feared that the Jews could have traps similar to the one in Haifa, which caused more German losses than open battles, the urban terrain became treacherous after the devastation of the month-long campaign of bombardments. But he knew one place where the Jews would not detonate: Jerusalem.

    From Aman, a force of 4 Infantry divisions as well as the 8th Panzer division, supported by roughly 40 thousand Syrians, totalizing roughly 140 thousand men, would launch an attack on Jerusalem from the East through Jericho. The assault pushed back the IPF as the concentration of troops and the use of Atomtruppen tactics would force a breakthrough, the Luftwaffe would begin a campaign over the city by dropping chemical weapons which, Peiper argued, would leave the holy sites intact and only eliminate "the festering vermin within the city", the attacks also avoided striking the old city, however the wind could not be controlled. An image which became popularized at the time and widely publicized showcased the Al-Aqsa mosque's golden dome, from the perspective from the Mount of Olives, standing above a cloud of phosgene gas which was blown into the old city. On the 26th of January of 1966, following a furious assault by the Wehrmacht and the use of Fallschirmjägers, the Germans would finally seize the city of Jerusalem and the Hooked Cross was raised in the holiest site of Judaism.

    The fall of Jerusalem brought with it shocking images to all the world, the members of the Knesset who refused to leave would be taken captive by the Volkssturm who took them into the Old City to the Wailing Wall, there, summary executions by firing squad would be carried out by specialized groups of the Volkssturm. The German Army took a ghost city, the majority of the population having fled as soon as the gas attacks had started. The Wall of the temple would be stained in red from the blood of the victims of the Reich, the Syrians would secure the Al-Aqsa mosque with Saadeh being declared as it's protector. It was the darkest hour of the Jewish State, but the fighting was not over, in less than a week the Germans would be forced to withdraw as a joint IPF-Coalition offensive cut off the road of Jaffa, forcing the majority of the Wehrmacht to withdraw with a token force being left behind to remain a garrison in the city. The Battle for Jericho would then start as the 8th Panzer Division fought a combined Anglo-American force of tanks in the road, the infantry from both sides fought in a brutal fashion which showcased the level of fanaticism of the Volkssturm, the units many times lost discipline and charged in blindly against the Coalition to seize supposed opportunities. In the West, the fight was fought in Nablus and the Northern Districts of Tel Aviv, however the devastation the Germans themselves inflicted would delay the push to Tel Aviv and as time passed, more enemies arrived, with the refugees from the Northern Districts volunteering en masse to the IPF and thousands of troops from the Coalition arriving at the Sinai and Eilat every day. Furthermore, a joint force of Israeli and Jordanian troops began to press from the south towards Aman along the shores of the dead sea.

    During the War, there were no German prisoners captured by Israel, the IPF was able to capture Syrians, Persians, Turks, Arabs, Palestineans, however never were Germans captured. The brutality in the conflict between Jews and Germans gave no quarter among either of the two peoples, the soldiers of the IPF gave no mercy to German captives just as German soldiers gave none to Israelis. One example was the capture and execution of 600 German prisoners in Zicron Jaacov on the 17th of January, which was widely propagandized by the Germans as a proof of Jewish barbarity, ignoring their own brutality if not praising it as an example of Justice. Operation Hadrian had so far proceeded as expected, even with some delay, but now the conflict was becoming more and more similar to a stalemate. The North of Israel, under German occupation, began to see preparations for a more permanent occupation as Goebbels would make plans for a Reichskommissariat over Palestine in order to "Cleanse it from the Jewish Influences", engineering crews began the construction of a camp near the Jordan river east of Beit Shehan which was meant to work as an agricultural camp. There were also plans to start settling Germans in the region but those still had to take in consideration the Syrians and the long-term goals of the Reich in the region such as the control of the Suez Canal.

    However, the loss at Jericho would be followed by a counter attack by the Coalition which cut off and encircled Jerusalem, a short and intense battle for the city would follow and by the first of February, the city was freed from the German-Syrian occupation. American Jets soared through the skies at growing numbers and the forces of the coalition would soon number at roughly a hundred thousand and growing. The recapture of Jerusalem would be the beginning of a general counter offensive on the front, the IPF, supplied by the arrival of armaments from across the world, would launch an offensive into Netanya and retake the city while a major blow was delivered against the Reich. The Behemoth Battleship Frederick der Grosse would be struck on the 1th of February by a joint Anglo-American-Israeli force that assaulted the floating fortress, until eventually a tactical nuclear missile was shot, detonating the ammunition cache in the largest explosion ever seen in Naval history, breaking in half the 130-ton battleship within the sight of the coastline which was terrorized by it's guns for over a month with ceaseless bombardment. This caused the Kriegsmarine to retreat it's twin ship, the Karl der Grosse, from the field while the enormous Ship sunk beneath the waves, the largest ship wreckage in the world.

    Using the higher ground at Judea and Samaria and by successfully holding Nablus despite repeated offensives, the IPF was able to use the terrain to it's advantage and trap the Germans between the coast and the hills, a narrow plain of roughly 15 miles of width which became a killing field with vast extensions of scorched earth contaminated by chemical weapons and even of low-yield nuclear bombs from the Atomtruppen groups. Peiper himself would become a victim on the 6th of February, just as he received news of the interception of an attempt of amphibious forces in Ascalon and their failure to establish a bridgehead, his headquarters in Jenin would be struck by a bombing run, he would not resist the wounds as the shrapnel pierced his lungs, dying in the medical hospital and proving once again why it was a terrible idea to command your troops near the frontline. But overall, the German advance had failed, but displacing them was the hard part, with the Wehrmacht and the Syrians alike digging in a line stretching from Aman, going to Jenin and the ruins of Haifa.

    And on the 7th of February of 1966, Joseph Goebbels' patience ran out.

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    The day was February 7th, or rather it was Wessel 7th in the new calendar, sometimes she got the months mixed up. Joseph corrected it at every opportunity, and in every opportunity he made sure to make her remember to correct herself. "The Daughter of Hitler cannot forget our Martyrs", he used to say, but now he just gave a glare, a hateful look that made her feel like she had just killed his mother. She has been making less mistakes now, ever since the last year it felt like he was just another man, he smiled less, he looked at her more, and that look was not the one of a friend, of a caring person acting like a surrogate father, it was a look either to look at her flesh or to look at her flaws, a look to intimidate her, to make her back down and feel miserable. That look sometimes was followed by a word, for her to come closer to him, and then she had her wrist squeezed so hard that it felt like he could break her hand. Then he said what he wanted to say, heard what he wanted to hear, an apology, self-degradation, a promise to improve, then he patted her cheek and kissed her, giving that old smile that used to bring her some warmth and relief, then dismissed her like she was some sort of servant of his'.

    Those were the days of the Schwanenwerder, that beautiful island, that beautiful mansion, and yet a life which became miserable almost as soon as it really started. Sometimes she tried to get a separate bed, to sleep in another room, Joseph allowed it or not depending on his mood, and when he didn't... he wanted a child, one that she has not been able to give yet, he said he would call a doctor any day now to see her to make sure she was... functional. He was the one choosing her clothes, whenever there was a visit he demanded that she appeared before him for him to approve or not what she was wearing, when he didn't he either just told her to stay put or picked something for her to wear himself. He could walk, or rather limp around, but preferred not to in his lazyness, he had her carry him around whenever he wanted to go somewhere even when he could perfectly wheel himself away or walk with his cane. Since the war started against the Jews, he only became worse, now he wanted her to give opinions, which is to say approve whatever he wanted proposed and say whatever he wanted to hear, even when she knew from just basic knowledge that his plans were complete insanity. The worst part was when one night she dared to object his plan, she dared to say no to that nuclear madness that would destroy this country, that would destroy her, and he just said she did not have to worry, that they could stay in a bunker under the island which could last for years, she had seen that bunker and she knew that there was only one bed for both of them to share, that she was not allowed to pick another room.

    She tried to ask for help in her own way, but nobody listened, maybe she was being too subtle, maybe she was choosing the wrong people, but she tried to ask for something to be done, maybe Helmut could talk to his father, or Helga when she visited, or Hedwig, but none of them ever did anything, none of them ever talked to their father... maybe because they knew that nothing could be done. She tried to find moments to speak in private with others, with ministers, with generals, surely these men who served her father and swore oaths under his name would not allow her to keep going through this. But they did nothing, and worse, one of them, Rössner, admitted to already knowing, that the SiPo was well aware of the Führer's actions, but that she was meant to just be silent, he even gave the same look Joseph did by saying she was to blame for any infertility in this marriage. After that she did not reach out to the Ministers or Generals, she just stayed quiet and realized that none of those men would ever do anything against the Führer, that none of them would ever lift a finger for her no matter who she was.

    Hitler, that was the only thing Joseph let her keep, her surname, it was all for his propaganda to display her as a trophy whenever she was allowed to leave the Island in the days before the war, being his representative was what he wanted, he wanted that name and he would not lower himself by having her take his family name. It was like he had this deep sense of pathetic inferiority, she could tell, that monstrous Goblin was a pathetic limp man with a receding forehead, a balding hair, stuck on a wheelchair, short and angry, he was the fartherst thing from a man meant to lead a nation of Aryans and he knew it, that is why he clung to that adoration, whenever she praised him it was like his idol praising him, and whenever she was brought down it meant that he could be superior to a Hitler. But she could tell the difference, Goebbels needed to gather crowds, he had to organize with the propaganda ministry and choose the best locations with the best supporters to have the best reaction, all she needed to do to get cheers was to just go somewhere, because when someone said "Hitler is coming", everyone in Germany was cheering for her, for her father, and not for that mediocre man she was shackled with.

    She hated Joseph Goebbels, she hated him like she never hated anything or anyone ever before, it was a hatred so buried in her heart that it took root in there. If he betrayed her, it would have hurt less, but how can you betray someone you never truly appreciated? All his acts, all his gifts, all his friendship and care over her childhood, over her teenage years, all of that led to that night in October in her birthday when she was married off to that untermensch, and the worst part is how she remembered how naive she was and how everything changed within just a few months of marriage. He killed her mother, she blinded herself to it but it was so obvious now, there were agents of the SiPo with her mother that Christmas, and the next morning she was mysteriously ill, then when Goebbels sent a doctor she just became worse and worse, she became so weak, so frail, she was bedridden and could not speak. She had begged for her to be brought to a hospital or for more doctors to come, but Doctor Zigler assured her that it was better for Eva to stay in her own bedroom to improve her mental state, he did not even tell the name of her illness. Zigler announced her death one day, then on the next there was already a pilot to take her to Goebbels, sent in by Goebbels, and she was so distraught that she did not make that connection until this cursed marriage.

    Today was the 7th of Wessel of 1966, today there would be a visitor summoned by Joseph. She woke up early, trying to wake up early despite sleeping less and less over the last weeks, stressed over the idea that at any moment the war would come here to her home. Klara would ready herself and when she walked out of her room, he was already there, on the solar with that visitor. It was Otto Ernst Remer, the head of the Combined Armed forces, who was discussing something with Goebbels with a few papers scattered on the table, the wind blowing one of them away much to the annoyance of both men, and it was in this moment of annoyance that she came in, wearing a white dress and dressing her hair in a way she knew Goebbels liked, just so he would not scold her before the guest. "Ah, here is my Edelweiss", Goebbels said with that false polite compliment that she used to fall for, calling her "The flower of the alps", she was born in the Alps, she had an entire Estate in the alps under her name, not like it mattered much with Goebbels never ever letting her leave the island since December, oh wait, Eckart, she almost made the mistake of thinking of the old name for that month.

    "Guten tag, my husband, Herr Remer", she said in the whole polite and womanly tone that she was taught to give in these moments, there was an awkward moment of silence as she stood there and Goebbels just went back to talking to Remer, that is until he reminded himself that she was still in there and just snapped his fingers and pointed to an empty chair, calling her up as if she was a dog. Whatever that was, it was something important, he used to call her when something important was brought up to him, and other times he just tossed over the papers for her to explain to him later before he approved or not. But this time she could tell what that was just from viewing, it was a Killed-in-Action notice with the name of Joachim Peiper, as well as a map of Israel with the current borders. "Peiper was a fool, he made his headquarters too exposed and now we are meant to pay for his foolishness. His name shall be wiped for this incompetence, we cannot have such fools in the halls of the Wehrmacht." He just callously said, neither Klara nor Remer voiced any objection, just weeks ago he had been right here and now they are just meant to act like his name did not exist, she used to feel pity for the families, but it has been such a common thing that she was just hollow, if she poured even a drop of her heart for each time Joseph said these words, she would have nothing left.

    "Remer, I want the forces ready to be marching on London in 72 hours, order the Kriegsmarine to dispatch the first group of U-Boats to New York, Boston, Washington, Norfolk, Miami and Philadephia, do not fire until the Americans confirm the declaration, we shall give them a chance to stand down or they will perish with the Anglo-Saxons and Hebrews." She froze when she heard that phrase, looking down at the table, she did not blink and felt like she was having a heart attack. This was it, this really was happening, she thought it was just talk but it was happening, then when she looked at Remer's face... she saw nothing, no hesitation, no sense of disobedience or attempt to preserve himself, only betrayal, betrayal of their fatherland for sake of a madman about to bring it all down. "...don't you think so, Klara?", Goebbels' words were drowned out in her mind and she just heard the end of his monologue, turning her head slowly and feeling her head shaking. All while Goebbels just calmly ate his pieces of toasted bread and butter, all while he drank his tea, he was talking about the end of the world. Her hatred, for so long buried, surfaced like boiling water, and her steel blue eyes stared at him in fury, but she stayed quiet.

    Joseph looked at her, he then gave a snarking smirk, as if he was mocking her anger even here and now, as if he was putting her down like a child here and now, she was a child, she used to be a child until that maniac took everything away from her, until that leecherous, rotten, goblin bastard took away her mother, took away her life, just to keep him around so he would feel like less of a rotten jewish bastard like he was. "She really has her father's eyes, don't you think?" Goebbels looked at Remer and proudly said so, and then, when he was reaching out to pat her cheek like he always did, she could not contain herself and her hatred exploded like a volcano. There were utensils on the table, that was meant to be their breakfast, but the only thing she wanted to carve was that madman's throat. She had no idea she could be so fast, but she grabbed the knife and plunged it right on his throat, the crippled old man croaked and looked with nothing but shock, shock that she would dare to strike him like that, that the girl she had groomed and prepared for years to be the perfect trophy wife would be the one to bring his death. His look of shock stayed in her mind forever, the rest was a blur in her mind, but by the time she stopped, she was on top of him, he was on the ground with so much blood pouring out of this throat and mouth that he died almost in an instant from the shock alone.

    Her white dress was stained with the blood of Joseph Goebbels, she was now a widow at the young age of 18, all she could do was stop, she stopped with her hands soaked in blood and shaking out in fury. Nobody had stopped her, even Remer, a trained military man, was looking at her with surprise. All she could do was cry, not because she killed a man, but because she killed him too quickly, he was meant to have suffered more, he was meant to have suffered more, he was meant to have suffered more...


    She let out a cry out of sheer fury to get that out of her system, his blood still on her face, on her hands, on her dress, on her very soul. She was there on her knees by the side of the most powerful man in the world, crying her heart out and feeling like this moment was too quick, that she was not able to end it properly, that if she could bring him back to kill him again, she would have done again and again. Klara Hitler, the only child of the first Führer, had just killed his supposed "successor", his "apostle". On the 6th year, of the 6th month, of the 6th day since his rise to power, she had ended it all just before he could finish trapping her in that nightmare. What was meant to happen now? She could never undo what he did, she could never break free of him in her thoughts, she felt like he was still there, about to open his eyes and twist her wrist while looking with those hateful eyes. In her rush, she looked at the weapon he had holstered on himself, it felt tempting to just end it all there, this miserable life manipulated all along by that bastard, and now that she was free she did not feel free, she felt like she was robbed of something which could never be given back.

    Then, before she took the weapon, a hand held her shoulder, she looked up to see Remer standing, looking down at Goebbels and the mess that his body turned into. He extended his hand down and Klara, shaking, handed over the knife to him in an unspoken agreement. "The Führer is dead, Frau Hitler, he is dead", he said, as if those words just finished the whole affair in her mind. She stood up, using the table as a support for herself, looking down at her blood-soaked hand, it still felt hot. "And what now?", she said after what felt like an eternity, like if after this her mind had gone blank and she needed some sort of help to bring her down to earth again. Remer would get down, close Joseph's eyes, and then stood up, offering Klara a handkerchief, which she took, cleaning up her face from the sweat, from the tears, from the blood of that disgusting man, then Remer spoke again, as if he had awaited years to say this.

    "Heil Speer."
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