Which style should be predominant?

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1) Perhaps, it's not in my immediate plans but I hope to dwell more on that in the future.

2) The Volkssturm is completely gone, under Remer the Wehrmacht won't tolerate rival paramilitaries.

3) Vietnam and China technically are cooperating as, alongside Korea, they are the only Socialist states in the world. But the Vietnamese have plans for Indochina which the Chinese have been blocking, as well as Ho Chin Minh still being open to a friendly relationship with the United States which Mao isn't open to now.

4) That's more or a general alternate history question, it would require him to not side with the Japanese in WWII for starters.
3) I smell a coup once Ho Chin Minh dies. Is there any chance that Mao and China will annex Korea and Vietnam for “historical” reasons?

What’s the fate of the Arab republic going to be?
3) I smell a coup once Ho Chin Minh dies. Is there any chance that Mao and China will annex Korea and Vietnam for “historical” reasons?

What’s the fate of the Arab republic going to be?
I don't think Mao would annex them, having buffer states is always useful, I don't recall him ever expressing a desire to claim Indochina and Korea.

Nasser is on borrowed time after the Nazi-Israeli War.
And a lot of land did become unavailable for the Germans, it will take years until Baku and the other oil fields in the Caucasus are put back at its previous level. There are many parts of the previously rich Kuban region that now are barren, and that's not even including the areas hit by nuclear weapons which will still have leftover fallout for years to come.
I mean nuclear fallout is mostly a non-issue since the fallout tends to get cleaned up. The harder part is getting the resources to rebuild when you can build somewhere else.
The Russians would lose between 4 and 5 million soldiers, the equivalent of their entire initial invasion force, although their population would end up increasing by the end of the war after the rescue of 15 million slavs from the clutches of the Reich. The Linz Pakt would lose over 3 million soldiers, with the civilian loss of German civilians, mostly of eastern colonists, reaching between 1 and 1.5 million. The Slavs, the local inhabitants of the land over centuries, after two decades being deliberately weakened both physically and mentally into a chaste of serfs by the Hooked Cross, saw the greatest loss as between 20 and 25 million of them would die between 1966 and 1968, only speeding up the German plans to colonize the East.

So I see the US and its allies studying military tactics involving weapons of mass destruction and developing new equipment for future conflicts. There will also be humanitarian aid from various Churches and NGOs to try and help the refugees, maybe even some resettlement and emigration of hardship cases (Only White Christians need apply). Which will be interesting is what will happen to the Pakt since they just lost a large section of the underclass, who is going to work the land and do the dirty work? Not the Germans who have been taught for a generation that such work is 'beneath' them. Now they may be able to 'recruit' or 'request' labor from the Pakt but they will be having problems paying the cost of the war and the wartime losses.

The final shock will be that the Slavs, those people who had been beaten back only a few years ago had taken back land from the Reich. No amount of propaganda or papering over will hide military funerals or rising commodity prices. People will be looking for someone to blame.
So I see the US and its allies studying military tactics involving weapons of mass destruction and developing new equipment for future conflicts. There will also be humanitarian aid from various Churches and NGOs to try and help the refugees, maybe even some resettlement and emigration of hardship cases (Only White Christians need apply). Which will be interesting is what will happen to the Pakt since they just lost a large section of the underclass, who is going to work the land and do the dirty work? Not the Germans who have been taught for a generation that such work is 'beneath' them. Now they may be able to 'recruit' or 'request' labor from the Pakt but they will be having problems paying the cost of the war and the wartime losses
I mean the Germans can forsee certain members of their population to work either as volunteers or as a way to avoid being purged. Also it's not like the Germans haven't seen massive ideological and cultural changes recently so it's not like changes can't be made. This also assumes that this might forse changes in their agriculture and industry due to necessity leading to less demand for a serf underclass.


Gone Fishin'
The final shock will be that the Slavs, those people who had been beaten back only a few years ago had taken back land from the Reich. No amount of propaganda or papering over will hide military funerals or rising commodity prices. People will be looking for someone to blame.
Who's gonna be the scapegoat? Who else is left to purge, now that Goebbels' loyalists are all gone?
I mean the Germans can forsee certain members of their population to work either as volunteers or as a way to avoid being purged. Also it's not like the Germans haven't seen massive ideological and cultural changes recently so it's not like changes can't be made. This also assumes that this might forse changes in their agriculture and industry due to necessity leading to less demand for a serf underclass.
And on that note, the citizens of the satellite states could be used as an alternative source of “guest workers”, now you mentioned it.
Who's gonna be the scapegoat? Who else is left to purge, now that Goebbels' loyalists are all gone?
It was still pretty much the Volkssturm's fault that the defenses in the Volga fell so quickly, it was still the Volkssturm's fault that the Caucasus and the Don-Volga fell. Don't underestimate just how much a German Führer can blame his predecessor.
It's impressive that Siegfried Kasche managed to live this long. He was one of the few SA commanders to survive the purge following Rohms execution, then he lived through the remainder of Hitler's reign and the chaotic transition period that followed. He lived through Hess' increasingly unstable rule. He ruled over Moscow and its surrounding areas over an angry Slavic population and is still living. He was one of the few survivors from the political elite to outlast Goebbels cultural revolution. Man's a real survivor, it's honestly kind of admirable to see him outlive it all, even though he's a ruthless Nazi. I wonder if this latest event will be the one to end his streak of good luck.
It's impressive that Siegfried Kasche managed to live this long. He was one of the few SA commanders to survive the purge following Rohms execution, then he lived through the remainder of Hitler's reign and the chaotic transition period that followed. He lived through Hess' increasingly unstable rule. He ruled over Moscow and its surrounding areas over an angry Slavic population and is still living. He was one of the few survivors from the political elite to outlast Goebbels cultural revolution. Man's a real survivor, it's honestly kind of admirable to see him outlive it all, even though he's a ruthless Nazi. I wonder if this latest event will be the one to end his streak of good luck.
And Erich Kempka survived being the bodyguard of 4 leaders, two of them killing themselves while he stood by the door. His memoirs surely will be a bestseller.
it was certainly one of the most brutal wars, I hope someone can make a map to compare the land changes before and after the war.

Otherwise bravo for your work Kaiser because once again you have succeeded in surpassing yourself, think you do a chapter from the point of view of television news would be a good way to show the different views of the planet in the aftermath of these two wars.
3) I smell a coup once Ho Chin Minh dies. Is there any chance that Mao and China will annex Korea and Vietnam for “historical” reasons?

What’s the fate of the Arab republic going to be?
We’re talking about two states who made their identity on resisting Chinese expansion (in Vietnam case over 1,000 years of occupation). I highly doubt a very mountainous country, and a jungle country would be great places to annex for the long term (ask the Chinese, Mongolians, French, and the Americans about that).

Nasser is basically screwed worse than OTL, he’s an unwilling puppet of Italy and failed the only thing that might have saved his regime. Which is destroying Israel.
Nasser is basically screwed worse than OTL, he’s an unwilling puppet of Italy and failed the only thing that might have saved his regime. Which is destroying Israel.
And I could see post-Nasser Egypt replacing Iran as Exhibit A of an Islamic Republic, with the Muslim Brotherhood and all that.