Context: The Battle of Lepanto is said to be one of the greatest Victory of Europeans over the growing Ottoman Empire in the 16th Century. It is pointed to be the decline of the Ottomans, which isn’t really true, but we’ll get there. The Holy League failed to capitalize on that victory, and in the end the Ottomans won the war, and Venice loosing Cyprus.

Still, the Battle of Lepanto did make a lot of people famous, like John of Austria, Sebastiano Venier, who became Doge of Venice, and Alexander Farnese.

What if the Battle of Lepanto, the most famous naval battle in the 16th century never occurred?

The main POD, is that the Fourth Ottoman-Venetian War never happened, with diplomacy winning out.

Without this Famous Naval Battle, what could occur?
If it means that a less competent man than Farnese becomes the governor of the Netherlands, it could mean that the Dutch revolt will be more succesful.