How many states does the union even have as they have got to be past 50 due to the sheer size of it.
I counted roughly 41 or maybe 42 states. A lot of the RU’s states encompass are composed of several of OTL U.S and Mexican states and Canadian provinces. Dakota for instance seems to be composed of OTL North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska.
I counted roughly 41 or maybe 42 states. A lot of the RU’s states encompass are composed of several of OTL U.S and Mexican states and Canadian provinces. Dakota for instance seems to be composed of OTL North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Nebraska.
Yeah the Union generally seems to make states much bigger than OTL states, which makes sense given its history TTL, especially since the North and South weren’t competing for Senate representation in the number of Slave States vs Free States. If it reaches 50 states it will likely be from the sheer amount of land annexed from South America, but for a LOT of reasons many of those potential states will likely take a long time to colonize successfully, so many annexed areas are proboblly going to be territories for a long while until they have enough of a Better population and enough control over the majority of their territory for the Union to admit them as states.
I was reading a W40k fic about the Death Korps of Krieg, and I began to wonder: could the RU have a similar unit, a batallion made up of people who desperately want to atone for a sin and show an almost suicidal combat attitude? And what could it be called?
I was reading a W40k fic about the Death Korps of Krieg, and I began to wonder: could the RU have a similar unit, a batallion made up of people who desperately want to atone for a sin and show an almost suicidal combat attitude? And what could it be called?
The original WMIT actually had these units; they consisted of brainwashed political dissidents organized into so-called "Zealot Brigades".
The ORRA trucks came in the middle of the night. Brown-coated troopers sometimes arrested whole extended families just on hearsay. The reeducation camps became so packed that Midas Goldstein just simply started to execute those considered too weak for forced labor, and then incinerated the bodies. Some actually did come out of the reeducation camps, however. Those not deemed racially or religiously unfit or society were released often. These people, dubbed "Blanks" for their near emotionless faces, were so completely brainwashed that many didn't recognize their own families. They didn't even remember the dozens of hours of torture inflicted upon themselves. All they knew was "One Nation! One People! One Flag! Under the President!" They couldn't even grasp or comprehend the very idea of questioning the government. Many were drafted into ORRA's infamous Zealot Brigades, suicidal berserkers who were probably the most unquestionably loyal, yet unintelligent, soldiers in the entirety of the armed forces.

Philadelphia, in mid-1937, knew full-well that Acme Ashton was on his way to Steele's ash-heap if he didn't do something quickly. Acme Ashton knew this. As his forces pressed further into South America, the successes there were made negligible by the ongoing crisis in Cuba, where Inferior laborers and political prisoners were attempting to set up an Infee republic. When Steele took the drastic action of signing Executive Order 12, following the seizure of the Panama Canal, and nationalized the Holy Order of the Sons of Tobias, the winds of change were finally blowing on the Cuban battlefield. HOST was one of the most elite and highly-trained private paramilitary units in the entire world and consisted exclusively of the many sons and grandsons of the Blind Christian Gentleman, Mr. Tobias. They were lead by Howard Lovecraft, the formerly insane seer of the Tobias Institute, as having a Tobiason lead HOST was considered too much of a national security risk and devoid of the checks and balances the Union lacked in its leadership but had, in abundance, with its bureaucratic nightmare of a political body and military. The loyalty to the Union was actually unquestionable, rivaled only by their loyalty to their own blood-brothers. HOST had never been used in an active war zone, but they had all been training for this moment, and each Tobiason considered his life the property of the Republican Union and Jehovah. In the summer of 1937, the Holy Order deployed in Cuba, landing at Point Pierce, still a stronghold of Union power on the island. Using their own self-funded weapons and equipment, and chanting their Enochian hymns, they declared Cuba to be the site of a black flag operation, meaning all Inferiors found resisting would instantly be executed.
There are the Redemption Battalions in 2.0.
Those were basically the OTL Soviet Penal Battalions. Since Manifest Climax was grinding through manpower the Union decided to give prisoners the chance to 'volunteer' to be sent into the worse areas of combat with minimal support and ORRA behind them just in case.
Sorry if this sounds a little off topic, but what would the RU's stance be towards other evil regimes like TL-191 C.S.A., DoD *U.S.A., or OTL Third Reich be? Like if a bunch of portals connecting these universes were opened would the RU just ignore the racial aspects and feint friendship with them until the democracies were defeated or would they find them too repugnent to associate with?
Sorry if this sounds a little off topic, but what would the RU's stance be towards other evil regimes like TL-191 C.S.A., DoD *U.S.A., or OTL Third Reich be? Like if a bunch of portals connecting these universes were opened would the RU just ignore the racial aspects and feint friendship with them until the democracies were defeated or would they find them too repugnent to associate with?
They would probably despise the C.S.A. and *U.S.A. for oppressing Betters and feel they needed to show them the light of the Prophet, especially since the C.S.A. would be taking up rightful American land. They might be willing to work with the Third Reich, at least until they get the bomb, at which point they nuke them and pick up the pieces.
Sorry if this sounds a little off topic, but what would the RU's stance be towards other evil regimes like TL-191 C.S.A., DoD *U.S.A., or OTL Third Reich be? Like if a bunch of portals connecting these universes were opened would the RU just ignore the racial aspects and feint friendship with them until the democracies were defeated or would they find them too repugnent to associate with?
The Third Reich would be the regime that the R.U would work with the most, based on their alliance with the Mittleafrikan Reich. Considering the near absence of any blacks in Europe at that time, the R.U could easily turn a blind eye to Nazi Germany's Aryan supremacist ideology, saying that Germany is after all eliminating the scourge of the Mongoloid-Slavic Inferiors. However when Germany conquers everything up to the Urals and unites Europe and potentially parts of Arabia (this is assuming a Fatherland-esque Nazi Victory) the NUSA and the Reich will turn on each other, with the NUSA decrying Germanic neo-paganism and atheistic elements and the Reich screaming about American race mixing.
So I know we have already kind of moved past this discussion, but well re reading the Cleansing Month and "Here comes the boom" chapters, I found something that might be relevant to the discussion on the Infee reserves.
While much of Magnum was a war-torn wasteland populated by a few whites and mostly a bunch of Indian tribes, this sold as well. The natives, what few survived the war and the Cleanse, were expelled to reservations.
This was in the immediate aftermath of Cleansing Month, but reservations still seem to exist for remaining Natives. Now, I imagine these are far, FAR worse then OTL Reservations, especially with what we saw from Wounded Knee earlier in that thread, but despite the much more genocidal policy of the Union compared to OTL reservations still seem to be a thing. I wonder if any are still around, and if so, if that might serve as a partial inspiration for the Infee Reserves latter on.

Also, another thing regarding South America that is somewhat related. As Napo pointed out earlier, it is very unlikely that the Union would be able to kill all of the Inferiors in South America, simply due to the sheer amount of them if nothing else, which could be part of what leads to the Reserves in addition to the motive of convincing the world "Of course we aren't killing every South American. They're safe and happy, we promise". Although it's (obviously) not a one to one comparison, the closest comparison to what the Union wants to do to South America is likely a combination of Nazi plans for Eastern Europe and (obviously) Manifest Destiny. However, the Nazi's, despite their VERY genocidal plans for Eastern Europe, concocted bizarre justifications to Germanize parts of the Slavic populations of their occupied territories, with Generalplan Ost planning to Germanize something like 50% of Czechs, 35% of Ukranians, 25% of Belarusians, and Gauleiters Albert Forster and Arthur Greiser and Arthur Greiser reported to Hitler that 10 percent of the Polish population contained "Germanic blood", and were thus, in their view, suitable for Germanisation. They concocted basically the entire Deutsche Volksliste category pretty much for this exact purpose, where they would get people of German Ancestry to register as one of 4 categories within that, with the goal of turning them into German Citizens and using them as local collaborators. They also kidnapped a large amount of children who they believed had "desirable Racial Traits" for the sake of Germanizing them, often with some made up explanation of them being supposedly Slavicized Germans. So what I'm wondering is, to what extent might the RU do something similar? It would be much harder than in Mexico or California to completely exterminate all the population, and there are large amounts of people who, if they aren't Catholic or someone the RU can come up with some excuse to allowing conversion of, might be usable as collaborators if America can find some excuse to declare them Betters, or at least "suitable for Americanization". For example, I can see a lot of the Black Latin Americans being treated as betters as long as they cooperate with America, especially since they would likely be at the bottom of South American society anyway, and I can easily see similar things for groups like Jewish South Americans, members of any equivalent of something like the Y Wladfa, Protestant German or British descended people (or those who can be passed off as such). We saw at least some extent of this in Canada with the various Protestant Canadians who cooperated with the Union and were awarded for it (including Oswald's family, pretending they were Scottish), and I feel like, even if at first the RU tries to take a similar approach to the one in places like Mexico, practical realities are likely to lead to something like this as things go on.
Sorry if this sounds a little off topic, but what would the RU's stance be towards other evil regimes like TL-191 C.S.A., DoD *U.S.A., or OTL Third Reich be? Like if a bunch of portals connecting these universes were opened would the RU just ignore the racial aspects and feint friendship with them until the democracies were defeated or would they find them too repugnent to associate with?
I had this one idea that I want to do if I could get other people behind it and make it collaborative. It's basically Battle Royale. Rather than an ISOT, several different nations from various Alternate Histories are thrown onto one Earth but their backstories are tweaked so that they're native to that Earth. And then we basically just do a Map Game. For example let's say the game begins in 1936. TL-191 C.S.A. is in the game but also includes the backstory of DoD U.S.A. and New England is independent. The RU is active in the US as well led by Joe Steele but since they don't own the Continent, they would have to fight for it with the added backstory that they had previously lost several Civil Wars and are now determined to crush the C.S.A. Meanwhile in Europe, the Kaiserreich rules large parts of the continent but there's like a Civil War bringing the Third Reich into this world was well so the two could battle. Other Nations that could possibly be included could be the Draka and Italy from the Footprints of Mussolini. Post World War II I feel like it would turn into adding elements from timelines like President Disney.


I think Huey Long showed up as a member of the Redemption Battalions who after his successful "Redemption" went on to found a chain of supermarkets called Kingfish Stores (or something similar.) He later bought a property in New Antioch (formerly known as New Orleans) that was known as "Kingfish Kastle" until his death, at which point the Apostle Andrew bought the property. (unless that is retconned when we get to that point, if we get to that point because people keep s***posting memes and things like "LOL Die Infee Scum".)
I think Huey Long showed up as a member of the Redemption Battalions who after his successful "Redemption" went on to found a chain of supermarkets called Kingfish Stores (or something similar.) He later bought a property in New Antioch (formerly known as New Orleans) that was known as "Kingfish Kastle" until his death, at which point the Apostle Andrew bought the property. (unless that is retconned when we get to that point, if we get to that point because people keep s***posting memes and things like "LOL Die Infee Scum".)
I think that's all accurate.
I think Huey Long showed up as a member of the Redemption Battalions who after his successful "Redemption" went on to found a chain of supermarkets called Kingfish Stores (or something similar.) He later bought a property in New Antioch (formerly known as New Orleans) that was known as "Kingfish Kastle" until his death, at which point the Apostle Andrew bought the property. (unless that is retconned when we get to that point, if we get to that point because people keep s***posting memes and things like "LOL Die Infee Scum".)
All the stuff in those prose parts is canon, and as for memes and infee humor we should be fine, WMiT has a much more energetic fan culture than a lot of other threads and the in-universe racism is built on such a drastically different foundation that it's supremely hard to accidentally be taken seriously.
There are the Redemption Battalions in 2.0.
I thought it was Redemption Maniples 🤔
The Third Reich would be the regime that the R.U would work with the most, based on their alliance with the Mittleafrikan Reich. Considering the near absence of any blacks in Europe at that time, the R.U could easily turn a blind eye to Nazi Germany's Aryan supremacist ideology, saying that Germany is after all eliminating the scourge of the Mongoloid-Slavic Inferiors. However when Germany conquers everything up to the Urals and unites Europe and potentially parts of Arabia (this is assuming a Fatherland-esque Nazi Victory) the NUSA and the Reich will turn on each other, with the NUSA decrying Germanic neo-paganism and atheistic elements and the Reich screaming about American race mixing.
I'd say the antisemitism would be a severe turn off for the RU government, it's the same reason that Germania and Mittelafrika are very much looked down on in the League
I'd say the antisemitism would be a severe turn off for the RU government, it's the same reason that Germania and Mittelafrika are very much looked down on in the League
That's true, but it's not like it's the first time the RU has concocted some bizarre explanation for allowing a group that would otherwise be betters to be persecuted by it's allies. Plenty of time was spent convincing people that the Black inhabitants of Africa were actually inferiors so as to allow the alliance with Mittelafrika and Carolina despite their brutal genocides in their colonies. I can easily see the RU ignoring the anti-semitism for the sake of realpolitik and either going along with Nazi narratives about their not being a Holocaust and turning the state propaganda organs towards convincing the citizens of that, coming up with yet another bizzare unsubstantiated bit of racial "science" to convince people that "Actually, the Jews of THIS world are Infees!", or arrange some kind of deal to take in German Jews, which would be convenient for both the Nazi's and the RU.
Back to the post Manifest Climax world. I see the problem with the Union trying to exploit the resources of the New Territories. They may offer immigration and land grants to selected people but that will not be enough. Therefore the Industrial Clans may set up a series of resource or prison colonies staffed by local Trustees. The Trustees receive better rations and goods and are housed away from the general population. The Clans provide their own security but are watched by Orra and the Army. Executives here receive bonus pay and many see it as a fast track for their careers. Civilans sent here are reminded that they are surrounded by hostile wilderness and hostile natives.

The Armed Forces have bases also composed of those who have disappointed the party and command but are too valuable to kill. This is the last chance to redeem yourself. Orra considers the best place to purify its warriors for the final conflict.