
  1. 1999: The Year All Hell Broke Loose (REDUX)
    Threadmarks: Introduction

    Over two years ago, I started a timeline on this site called "1999: The Year All Hell Broke Loose". I was primarily inspired for it after reading several other "chaotic year" TLs such as @Mad Bad Rabbit's A Very Bad Year (1973) and @Osakadave's Some Very Bad Years (1989 and beyond), as well as...
  2. The Malouines War: France in the Falklands Redux
    Threadmarks: Preview

    May 3rd, 1982 Silently beneath the waves, the FS Agosta and his crew stalked their prey. Captain Celice had the light cruiser, and its accompanying ships in his sights. And with a terse command, ordered a spread of 4 ECAN F17 torpedoes. Watching through his periscope all 4 torpedoes ran...
  3. America Be Watching With The Popcorn Redux- The Search For A Higher Reaction Score
    Threadmarks: Foreword

    Foreword: ABWWTP as nobody calls it was my first major TL project, before it fell off the rails. Then again, I should have expected nothing else from a timeline I started writing when I was finishing seventh grade a few years ago. Therefore, I will be 'redux-ing' the Turtledove-eligible...
  4. Waltzing Brunhilda

    Britannia Rules the Stars-REDUX
    Threadmarks: Opening post

    Yeah the first version was shit so I'm making it a graphics TL sue me. With two major prior to the Stargate being found PODs and a couple of minor trends earlier. POD 1 POD2: Where the Stargate was found. POD
  5. Napoleon53

    "What Madness Is This?" Volume II: Prophecies in the Dark
    Threadmarks: AN INTRODUCTION

    I want to thank the countless readers and commenters that have fueled my imagination in the original 2013-14 WMIT and the Redux that was written from September, 2018, to present day. Without these posters, none of this would have been possible or close to as much fun. I especially wish to thank...
  6. The United Americas: A More Perfect Union Thread
    Threadmarks: Prelude

    You may recognize the above title as the United Americas timeline, written by NK_Ryzov, all rights reserved to him. It has detailed chapters and an array of maps over on Reddit. All that can be found here: For the sake of simplicity, this is a...
  7. Napoleon53

    The Star-Spangled Expanded Universe of "What Madness Is This?"

    THE STAR-SPANGLED EXPANDED UNIVERSE OF "WHAT MADNESS IS THIS?" Due to an almost constant output of little bits of fiction written by fans of WMIT Redux: The Union Forever, dare I say one of the darkest - yet really fun and intriguing - dystopias you'll ever read (I hope you agree, at least)...
  8. Napoleon53

    "What Madness Is This?" Volume I: The Union Forever
    Threadmarks: CHAPTER 1

    FORMERLY KNOWN AS "What Madness Is This?" Redux: The Union Forever, Volume I here is the first in the planned WMIT Redux Trilogy, which will feature Vol. II: Prophecies in the Dark, and Vol. III: The Pinnacle Future. WMIT, as of July, 2022, is still going strong, thanks in large part to the...