When I was browsing some ideas on Northern River Reversal for my little project, I found this proposal (from OTL North America) to divert rivers from Alaska and Canada to Southwestern US. Imagined, if the RU managed to bite Alyeska off the Loomies, I could see this comes into reality, given how insane and disregarding the Yankees are: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Water_and_Power_Alliance

Still, a very big IF since I don't know how the hell they can take Alyeska if that means going to war with a country roughly their powers. Buying off is no-no, especially when the Loomies start to dig oils from there.
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Gone Fishin'
When I was browsing some ideas on Northern River Reversal for my little project, I found this proposal (from OTL North America) to divert rivers from Alaska and Canada to Southwestern US. Imagined, if the RU managed to bite Alyeska off the Loomies, I could see this comes into reality, given how insane and disregarding the Yankees are: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Water_and_Power_Alliance

Still, a very big IF since I don't know how the hell they can take Alyeska if that means going to war with a country roughly their powers. Buying off is no-no, especially when the Loomies start to dig oils from there.
I think in the Pinnacle Future, Alyeska was American territory, and Pinnacle Future stuff is still going to be canon I believe
Is it possible that one John “Jack” Parsons could be featured in this TL? He seems almost made for this TL: a Thelemite occultist, close friend of L. Ron Hubbard, and major pioneer of rocket science. Could work as a high-ranking engineer in the early days of the Space Force, and possibly also as a Worm Cultist?
Until Hendrick strangles him to death to prevent heathenry from spreading in his personal fiefdom
Hendrick singlehandedly bringing down the Worm Cult is a VERY exciting prospect (Who would win: cult of people playing up their craziness and how they don't care about conventional morality vs. an actual crazy person who doesn't care about conventional morality lmao).

It would also add to the number of independent actors prowling around in Oswald's kingdom. Hendrick seems likely to be trying to lead a sort of Steelist opposition from within-- like he's smart enough to not break publicly with Oswald but he attracts discontented people and promises to protect them if they help the Space Force perform a few missions on Earth
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Hendrick singlehandedly bringing down the Worm Cult is a VERY exciting prospect. Would also add to the number of independent actors prowling around in Oswald's kingdom

Who would win: cult of people playing up their craziness vs. an actual crazy person
I'm not sure he could take out the whole thing, but as Space Marshall or whatever he'd certainly have the authority to leap across the table at a staff meeting and murder Parsons for un-American activities in front of everyone.
Just a little map of WMIT before and after the Great World War. I didn't try anything too difficult just simple so everyone knows what Europe looks like.
Are ethnically french people considered inferior? I know that they are mostly catholic, but if a french persob converts to the AFC will they be at least tolerated in the RU?
Are ethnically french people considered inferior? I know that they are mostly catholic, but if a french persob converts to the AFC will they be at least tolerated in the RU?
I think by this point in the story the RU sees religion and ethnicity as one and the same, so probably not. If you are useful they might say that you are actually part of some other ethnicity and just didn't know it though.
I think by this point in the story the RU sees religion and ethnicity as one and the same, so probably not. If you are useful they might say that you are actually part of some other ethnicity and just didn't know it though.

Probably could claim you were Jewish-turned-Protestant and get away with it. Jews seem to be considered Betters by default even if they come from places like Russia.
Are ethnically french people considered inferior? I know that they are mostly catholic, but if a french persob converts to the AFC will they be at least tolerated in the RU?
Ethnically french people are considered Inferiors, even if they converts. I think there was some acceptance of French protestants like the Hegonots, Calvinists and Lutherans but by the 20th century, the twisted pseudoscience racial policies of the RU society and its allies means the French people are perceived as completely corrupted and irredeemable. The RU probably justifies its support for its early support of French protestants with some BS about how they were actually actually secretly of Germanic heritage and had to hide it for fear of persecution. Even then, you'd probably need to prove your religious heritage going back to at least your grandparents if not further.

I do wonder if there's a collaborator class of Inferiors, people who willingly cooperate with ORRA, AFC, etc to improve their meagre lot by sacrificing and selling out their fellow oppressed comrades or are either so broken they honestly come to believe in the doctrine of the AFC and Pinnacle Blood.
Are ethnically french people considered inferior? I know that they are mostly catholic, but if a french persob converts to the AFC will they be at least tolerated in the RU?
They aren’t, according to this chapter from part one:

”Even though many Cajuns lived in Lewisiana as Protestant citizens and it was not inherently "Inferior" to bear a French surname (unless you were Catholic),”
Yeah French people probably aren't considered inherently inferior, but given most French are catholic (an infee religion) they're usually assumed to be inferior in nature, so if you are French and Protestant and want to immigrate to the R.U., most will just opt to probably anglicize their names to avoid any stares from their neighbors. They'll also probably be tightly monitored by ORRA for the rest of their life in case of any possible secret "infee" behavior.
Quick answer: They are strongly advised to Anglicize their names, denounce Catholicism, convert, and speak only English. The Spanish are considered to be a mongrelized crossed between Arab and African Muslims and French and are completely inferior. French are still white and the Normans were French so they can't explain that away. Also, way too many Americans have distant French ancestry from colonial times so they don't want to cast the net too wide. They need enemies to keep people in line, not to purge their own.


These are still very much canon, and thoroughly enjoyable for all WMIT fans! If you haven't listened, you're missing out on everything from commercials to sightings of the Trinity City Apeman. I plan on making more episodes as Graham ascends to Prophethood.

Is there a way to read transcripts of the radio broadcasts?