The Trouble with Tariffs

Its not just Polk and Houston....its that nearly every Jackson supporter seems to develop an anti-jackson stance.....and follows Calhoun.:confused::confused::confused:

EVEN TENNESSEE of all places. The state that is the most Diehard Jackson place in the US at that time.

Its that old philosophical question - is ASB for the flat-out impossible, or does it also apply to situations that would require a brain-ectomy for all involved?
Did Freehling ever said anything about Cottolvania or Spartandia? Also, did you ever try calculating, say, how many soldiers Jackson and the U.S. government could raise? Because that's not really reflected in the TL at all.

Not every U.S. solider could be raised to fight the South - some were preoccupied by the Indian Removal. Also, the U.S. had just been in a war with Indians and didn't really need another one.

Its not just Polk and Houston....its that nearly every Jackson supporter seems to develop an anti-jackson stance.....and follows Calhoun.:confused::confused::confused:

EVEN TENNESSEE of all places. The state that is the most Diehard Jackson place in the US at that time.

Not every Jackson supporter was located in the South - some of them were in the Northeast, such as Van Buren and Woodberry.

Its that old philosophical question - is ASB for the flat-out impossible, or does it also apply to situations that would require a brain-ectomy for all involved?

I think the second one, but I'm not sure.
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A new chapter that I call:


Louis Philippe II, King of the French. He ruled from 1850 until his death in 1896.​

The Great Italian War had ended in early 1839, but there was still some work to be done. Louis Philippe I and Ferdinand II wanted to make sure that Spain and Sardinia got what they deserved for causing it. They decided to write the Treaty of Paris in 1840 that included the following:

Concerning Sardinia:
- The Kingdom of Sardinia will recognize Piedmont, Savoy, Nice, Aosta, Montferrat, and most of Genoa as part of the Kingdom of the French (with the Duchy of Parma getting therest of Genoa).
- Charles Albert will no longer be the King of Sardinia, as he would be exiled to Elba. François d'Orléans would be the new King of Sardinia.
- Cagliari would become the new capital of Sardinia, as Turin would now be under French.

Concerning Spain:
- The Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico would now belong to the French (The British were unhappy about that decision).
- Spain would give up the Balearic Islands to France, the Canary Islands to Morocco, and Galicia to Portugal. This made Spain even less important.

Concerning the Two Sicilies:
- Sicily would gain the British island of Malta, making the British angry at their expanse.

Ferdinand was also upset that he only got Malta - he wanted Sardinia as well. Louis Philippe then made a decision - he would give the Papal States to Ferdinand when Pope Gregory XVI died. Ferdinand also didn't want Sardinia to turn into a French puppet like Tuscany - he wanted the kingdom himself. He decided to stir up an anti-French revolt in order to get rid of François and claim the island for himself. However, his plans were dashed as, even though François escaped to Corsica, Charles Albert's son, Victor Emmanuel, came to be crowned as King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia.

François d'Orléans, the supposed King of Sardinia​

Victor Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia​

Spain, however, was harshly hit by the 1840 Treaty of Paris. Although Carlos V still ruled Spain, he had to pay a royalty to the French for dragging them to war. Carlos gained notability by famously stating, "I would never submit myself to the House of Orléans! I am a Bourbon and a Carlist, not some Spanish person who would listen to the French every day just because of a war I didn't start on my own." Furious, Louis Philippe decided he would personally oversee the invasion of Spain himself.

To be continued..
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Louis Philippe II, King of the French. He ruled from 1850 until his death in 1896.​

The Great Italian War had ended in early 1839, but there was still some work to be done. Louis Philippe I and Ferdinand II wanted to make sure that Spain and Sardinia got what they deserved for causing it. They decided to write the Treaty of Paris in 1840 that included the following:

Concerning Sardinia:
- The Kingdom of Sardinia will recognize Piedmont, Savoy, Nice, Aosta, Montferrat, and most of Genoa as part of the Kingdom of the French (with the Duchy of Parma getting the rest of Genoa).
- Charles Albert will no longer be the King of Sardinia, as he would be exiled to Elba. François d'Orléans would be the new King of Sardinia.
- Cagliari would become the new capital of Sardinia, as Turin would now be under French.

Concerning Spain:
- The Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico would now belong to the French (The British were unhappy about that decision).
- Spain would give up the Balearic Islands to France, the Canary Islands to Morocco, and Galicia to Portugal. This made Spain even less important.

Concerning the Two Sicilies:
- Sicily would gain the British island of Malta, making the British angry at their expanse.

Ferdinand was also upset that he only got Malta - he wanted Sardinia as well. Louis Philippe then made a decision - he would give the Papal States to Ferdinand when Pope Gregory XVI died. Ferdinand also didn't want Sardinia to turn into a French puppet like Tuscany - he wanted the kingdom himself. He decided to stir up an anti-French revolt in order to get rid of François and claim the island for himself. However, his plans were dashed as, even though François escaped to Corsica, Charles Albert's son, Victor Emmanuel, came to be crowned as King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia.

François d'Orléans, the supposed King of Sardinia​

Victor Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia​

Spain, however, was harshly hit by the 1840 Treaty of Paris. Although Carlos V still ruled Spain, he had to pay a royalty to the French for dragging them to war. Carlos gained notability by famously stating, "I would never submit myself to the House of Orléans! I am a Bourbon and a Carlist, not some Spanish person who would listen to the French every day just because of a war I didn't start on my own." Furious, Louis Philippe decided he would personally oversee the invasion of Spain himself.

On June 30th, 1843, the French Army under Camille Alphonse Trézel invaded Spain and reached Madrid on March 3, 1844. Trézel then ordered his soldiers to burn the city on March 5. Most of the Spanish royal family escaped to Seville, allowing France to occupy the city, as well as northern Spain for two years.

General Camille Alphonse Trézel​

On October 11th, 1846, the French withdrew from Spain, having killed Carlos V two days ago. The king had been caught by Trézel and his men and, as a result, was sent to Paris to become a political prisoner until his death. His son, Infante Carlos, was crowned as King Carlos VI of Spain on December 28th, 1846. Louis Philippe had removed Carlos V from the throne, but the Carlists still held power.

King Carlos VI of Spain​

In the meantime, Louis Philippe I had problems of his own. In 1839, French Republicans led by Armand Barbès tried to overthrow the king from power. Barbès was caught and sentenced to lifetime in prison. He would die in 1867, after serving almost 30 years in prison. Then, in 1845, Great Britain had planned to invade Normandy in order to restore "glory," but it didn't work out due to the British being allied with Cottolvania, who was also allied with France. After that, Louis Philippe I lived for five more years until his death in 1850. His son, Prince Louis, became King Louis Philippe II and was crowned King of the French on November 2nd, 1850. The "July Monarchy" would live on...
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Preview of a new chapter:


Vice President Sam Houston of Cottolvania​

In 1840, Henry Pinckney became President of Cottolvania. Now, according to the Constitution of Cottolvania, the President may nominate a senator or a Cabinet member if the Vice Presidential spot is vacant due to death or sucession. That was what Pinckney did on September 21st when he nominated Secretary of State George McDuffie to the Vice Presidency. Robert B. Rhett then became Secretary of State a week later.

In the early 1840s, the Conservative Party was gaining ground, and in 1842, they nominated James K. Polk as President and Sam Houston as Vice President. When the 1843 elections came around, they faced off against President Pinckney and his running mate, Secretary of the Navy William R. King. Polk would win the election and become the 4th President of Cottolvania. King would eventually become Governor of Alabama in 1849.

William R. King, the Secretary of the Navy​

As President, Polk would lead his country into the Second Mexican War, eventually gaining Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Arkansas...

Vice President Sam Houston of Cottolvania​

In 1840, Henry Pinckney became President of Cottolvania. Now, according to the Constitution of Cottolvania, the President may nominate a senator or a Cabinet member if the Vice Presidential spot is vacant due to death or sucession. That was what Pinckney did on September 21st when he nominated Secretary of State George McDuffie to the Vice Presidency. Robert B. Rhett then became Secretary of State a week later.

In the early 1840s, the Conservative Party was gaining ground, and in 1842, they nominated James K. Polk as President and Sam Houston as Vice President. When the 1843 elections came around, they faced off against President Pinckney and his running mate, Secretary of the Navy William R. King. Polk would win the election and become the 4th President of Cottolvania. King would eventually become Governor of Alabama in 1849.

William R. King, the Secretary of the Navy​

As President, Polk would lead his country into the Second Mexican War, eventually gaining Texas, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Arkansas. He would also help create the Polk-Buchanan Agreement, which eased tensions with the United States. He would die on June 15th, 1849, and be replaced by his Vice President, Sam Houston, who became the 5th President of Cottolvania with Senator George Troup as his Vice President.

On August 3, 1850, Houston was with Secretary of State Archibald Dixon, Secretary of the Treasury Robert J. Walker, Secretary of War Walter T. Colquitt, Attorney Gerneral Howell Cobb, and Secretary of the Navy Solomon W. Downs onboard the CVS Pinckney for John C. Calhoun’s memorial service (Postmaster General William H. Haywood, Jr. had declined to go, while Vice President Troup had to stay back in Spartanburg). Calhoun had died a few months earlier, with a funeral for him on May 5th. On the day of the memorial service, however, an explosion ripped through the hull of the Pinckney, killing 3 people and injuring 14 more. Walker, Cobb, and Colquitt were all dead, while Houston and Downs were among the injured. Dixon was one of the few to survive the explosion unharmed, and helped bring Houston and Downs back to Spartanburg. Both of them would eventually survive. Following the incident, President Houston signed a law that led to ships having stronger hulls.


Secretary of State Archibald Dixon, who would later become the 6th President of Cottolvania

On April 26, 1856, Vice President George Troup died. This was a problem because Houston had become much weaker following an accident two weeks earlier. On June 1st, Hosuton made Kentucky Senator John C. Mason his Vice President, and then decided to not run for reelection in 1858. Secretary of State Dixon became the Conservative candidate, with Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Johnson as his running mate. They won the 1858 election by 30%, and Dixon became the 6th President of Cottolvania on September 18th, leading the country to great times.
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I Think . . .

The Chapters, like this whole TL, make no sense at ALL. The U. S. becoming a dictatorship under Andrew Jackson? A whole southern nation called Cottonvalia? What nonsense.
A new update:

The Battle of Dresden​

In the early 19th centrury, the Austrian Empire was a great power, stretching from the German Confederation to the Balkans. Emperor Ferdinand I was popular among the citizens of the empire. However, it all changed in 1852 when a group of Hungarian anarchists assassinated the emperor and threatened independence from Austria. The new emperor, Francis Charles I (formally Archduke Franz Karl), didn’t realize that Hungarians were vowing for independence. Instead, he thought that Prussia was responsible for the assassination and declared war on the kingdom on April 27, 1852.

Emperor Francis Charles I​

The Prussians had figured that with the war on Austria would give them an excuse to form a “German Empire” based in Berlin. In fact, General Otto von Bismarck had planned to desmantle the Austrian Empire with “blood and iron” - even going so far as to try to destroy the Austrian Royal Family. Meanwhile, Archduchess Hermine of Austria was named Queen of Hungary by Hungarian nationalists on June 3, 1852. Hungary then decided to declare independence from Austria on July 21, beginning the Hungarian War of Independence. Austria would now be fighting on two fronts - the Prussian front and the Hungarian front.

Prussian General Otto Von Bismarck​

Archduchess Hermine of Austria​

At the Battle of Dresden, Prussians began to hold off Austrian soliders near the Saxon city, but the Austians held on - that is, until news of the Hungarian revolt came to the frontlines on August 31. Soliders from the Prussian/Saxon front (Saxony had allied with Prussia by this time) began to move toward Hungary in order to fight the nationalists there, but it wasn’t easy. Bavaria then declared war on Austria on September 9th and began to invade Bohemia on September 15. Prussia and Saxony then won the Battle of Dresden on October 1st and began to invade Bohemia as well. Austrians also lost some battles to Hungarians as well, and it didn’t look good for Francis Charles. Riots were spread across the Empire, espically in Lombardy and Croatia.

By early 1853, Hungarian nationalists had gain full control of the Hungary (of course), Galicia, Transylvania, and Lodomeria, along with parts of Moravia. Bavaria, Saxony, and Prussia had split up Bohemia among themselves and had begain to invade the rest of Austria on March 4th. By early 1855, they had occupied much of Austria except for Croatia and Lombardy. On August 15, 1855, Francis Charles abdicated, and the Republic of Austria was proclaimed by Count Karl Ferdinand von Buol on August 17. By this time, Hungary had gained full independence, along with Croatia and Lombardy–Venetia. the nationalists had proclaimed Hermine’s brother Joseph Karl as King Joseph III of Hungary on January 1, 1855, since Hermine had died in July 1854.

Count von Buol​


King Joseph III of Hungary

On October 21st, 1855, delegates from Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Lombardy–Venetia, Prussia, Bavaria, and Saxony signed the Treaty of Prague, which was located in Saxon-occupied Bohemia. The treaty went as followed:

- Prussia would gain control of Silesia and Moravia.
- Bavaria would gain Vorarlberg and northern Tyrol, plus Liechtenstein.
- Saxony would gain control of all of Bohemia.
- The German Confederation would be dissolved, and replaced by the League of the Three Kings, headed by Frederick William IV of Prussia, Maximilian II of Bavaria, and John I of Saxony.
- Independence of the Kingdom of Croatia, ruled by Prince Charles of Prussia (who became King Charles IV of Croatia), and the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia, ruled by Prince Luitpold of Bavaria.
- Austrian payment of about 2,000 Thalers each to Prussia, Bavaria, and Saxony.

King Charles IV of Croatia​
Prince Luitpold of Bavaria, King of Lombardy–Venetia​

The treaty would drain Austria economically, and would eventually lead it to civil war in 1864...
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New update:


King Francis II of Italy, who was responsible for uniting most of Italy under the Two Sicilies​

When Louis Philippe I died in 1850, the country went into a period of mourning. However, his son Louis Philippe II put the country into a period of greatness called the French Golden Age. After becoming king, Louis Philippe set out to improve relations with Spain and the United Kingdom.

By this time, Pope Gregory XVI had died, and Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti had been elected as Pope Pius IX and had prohibited Ferdinand from taking over the Papal States or Sardinia. The deal only lasted until Ferdinand II died in 1859. His eldest son became King Francis II of the Two Sicilies and started making plans for a “Kingdom of Italy” ruled from Naples. The plan was worked out out for about a year, and on June 23rd, 1860, Francis II began invading the Papal States. During the invasion, the Pope called on Spain, France, and Austria to help protect Rome from invasion, but France decided to support the Two Sicilies in their effort.

On October 9th, 1860, after losing a few battles, the Sicilian army under Giosuè Ritucci was pushed back to Chieti. There, on October 25th, the Sicilians captured ten Papal soliders and the eastern part of the Papal States was annexed onto the Two Sicilies on October 29th. Next, the Sicilian army invaded San Marino on November 16, with the centuries-old republic getting annexed on November 17th. Another army went into Sardinia, taking over Cagliari in December the kingdom in January 1861.

Also in 1861, the Sicilians began to invade Croatia. Despite the Croatians fighting as hard as they can, they would eventually get annexed in 1862. By this time, the Two Sicilies had also annexed Parma and Modena and had become the “Kingdom of Italy” under Francis II.

One of the battles fought during the Invasion of Croatia​

Meanwhile, Spain had begun to change in a different way. In 1861, King Carlos VI and his brothers died from a mysterious illiness. His uncle Francisco was crowned King Francisco I of Spain on March 10th, 1861. Francisco decided to change some things in Spain, but kept the old Imperial flag to honor Carlos V. Francisco would die in 1865 and would be suceeded by his son Francisco II, who eased tensions with France.


King Francisco I of Spain

King Francisco II of Spain​

In 1868, King Francis II of Italy began to make plans for an invasion of Lombardy, opening up a new chapter in European history...
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Here's an infobox for Martin Van Buren, the guy responsible for the Tariff of 1828 - and therefore, the secession and independence on Cottolvania.
