Which style should be predominant?

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Pre-War levels? No, not for a LONG time, but with their birthrate raising to between 4-5 children per family on the average after two generations have been absolutely indoctrinated by the State, including a generation of German women, plus the now vast lands in the east which can be sold cheap for settlement in the idealized "Blood and Soil" lifestyle, it will be very common for these Eastern Germans to have some 8 children per family. It will take a few decades, maybe up to 3 generations with added immigration out of large cities in the west, but it is certainly possible for the Germans to consolidate their hold on more of their Eastern lands in time.

If you are speaking of the attached map, it's not precisely a perfect fit but I would call it adequate enough (except the Germans own Georgia and Armenia which they don't here for some reason), the Iranians also own a little more of Turkmenistan. The problem is that I'm really awful at map making, if anyone wants to volunteer, be my guest.

Yes, it will be a fun Easter egg to find.

I can definitely see the Germans offering "nice job opportunities" to the rest of Europe while working up their propaganda for the Pakt. I wouldn't say they would be sent to the East, but French workers going daily to Alsace or Cologne to work in factories under better conditions than the slavs was already something the Nazis did in our world. They likely would involve them more in menial service sector jobs or, as another user wrote, as housekeepers or babysitters, provided they show themselves loyal to Nazism to the SD.

The Russians weren't pushed back behind the Volga across the border, much of Eastern Moscowien plus the lands beyond the Volga in the south were still theirs. The war ended with the frontline as a new border. The Volga Germans mostly fled westwards during the war as the Don region was a bloody frontline, those captured by Russia mostly ended up killed.

If it's a French, I'm sure the Nazis would spin it as more acceptable, but Mediterraneans? Yeah that would be a problem for the party.

But generally there is a lot of social stigma on having relations with non-Germans in Germany. And I'm not talking the usual "they are icky" stigma that happens in most of history from xenophobia. I'm talking straight up terror, not even wanting to risk it. The German people just saw around 2 million neighbors, friends, families and colleagues being lynched publicly on the streets with their children and spouses most of times being put to death with them by a mob of fanatics. People who married part-Jewish people who were considered "fine" before 1962 ended up being slaughtered because the Führer decided they were racial traitors who had to pay some sort of blood debt.

Who's to say a future leader won't do the same to Italians? Or Hungarians? Or Spaniards?

Better safe than sorry, when it comes to relationship it's better to be sure to pick someone that Germania considers safe, Germans are in theory above any risk.

It isn't going to stop everyone, but it will stop a majority of potential relations between Germans and Non-Germans, a generational trauma of sorts which is mixed in with the racial theories and indoctrination, don't be surprised if most German weddings involve making a blood test in the future.

Thailand during the war went through a conflict, a civil war of sorts in 1945-46 when the Japanese were being pushed back and they attempted to pull an Italy. The Japanese created a puppet government to continue the fight and it carried on until the allies took Indochina and gave independence to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, I don't see Siam keeping the lands the Japanese gave while the Allies are going through their territory to reclaim Malasya and Indochina.

Well, if you guys like Romance, you will like what's coming, a little break from all the grimdark levels of history that this decade is bringing.
I'm talking about the end of the Ural War. Russia, having gained nothing, should have exchanged the Voga Germans for Slavic slaves. At least Russia would gain more people and gain something from the war.
The border should have been like it is now since the Ural War. Germany took the initiative and asked for an armistice, but Russia had nothing outside of its pre-war borders. At least one million Volga Germans should be exchanged for ten million Slavs. As the Nazis liked to boast that one German was worth ten Slavs, at least Russia would save more people.
If it sounds confusing, I'm sorry. I'm not good at English. I used google translate to write it. Your timeline is great. For the first time, I felt a strong hatred for the Germans, especially Joseph Goebbels and his Cultural Revolution


I loved this second part, it's basically like NO, I hope that in a few years Germany recovers from all that and can successfully conquer all of the Western Urals, and that Iran, Afghanistan and most of China join together, it could start with China taking advantage . of the situation and invaded Russia in the 70s and Germany, Iran and Afghanistan took the opportunity to invade Russia and end the Russian state once and for all, and Germany raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg and China annexed Eastern Siberia and parts of Central Asia and also Iran and Afghanistan have more influence in that region, that Germany hopefully launches a revenge attack in the 70s together with China, Iran and Afghanistan and that the Nazis manage to annex the entire West of the Urals, that is my wish in Iron Eagle, that Germany finally arrives and conquers the Urals as in Patria or AVROE, and takes revenge for the devastation that the Russians did to them, since I believe that in TNO in the 70s they invaded from those same positions to the Urals but were rejected, and I hope that when it happens this time the Nazis will win completely by reaching Yekaterinburg and that the Chinese will invade as I have wished along with a German attack, and that the Nazis and the Maoists will divide Russia like a pie, and that they will end the russian state

You are the best writer of Alternative History that I have read, you have written my favorite Nazi victory and I have been following your story since September 2022, I hope you make Germany once completely recovered from the invading war, probably in the 70s, to finish once and for all with Russia and conquered everything up to the Urals, and raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg, the capital of Russia, to avenge those who fell from the Slavic invasion. I do not believe that after that disaster Russia will recover like in the Ural War, and even less that the tsar and the Russian leaders will remain in power after that, and I believe that there will be a collapse of Russia within a few years that will be taken advantage of by Germany and China and they would launch a total invasion together with Iran and Afghanistan to end the Russian state that has hindered them both for decades, perhaps Germany under Remer, being more practical and less ideologized, will strengthen ties with China Maoist by having a common enemy in anticipation of a future invasion of Russia to end the risk of a new invasion, and I would like to see a meeting between Remer and Mao to coordinate a future invasion of Russia in the 70s when Germany recovers, surely long before Russia, and China has a more mechanized army
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I loved this second part, it's basically like NO, I hope that in a few years Germany recovers from all that and can successfully conquer the entire West Urals, and that Iran, Afghanistan and Maiost China join together, It could start with China taking advantage of the situation and invading Russia in the 70s and Germany, Iran and Afghanistan taking the opportunity to invade Russia and put an end to the Russian state once and for all, and Germany hoisting the swastika over Yekaterinburg and China annexing Eastern Siberia and parts of Central Asia and also Iran and Afghanistan have more influence in that region, that Germany hopefully launches a revenge attack in the 70s together with China, Iran and Afghanistan and that the Nazis manage to annex the entire West of the Urals, that is my wish in The Iron Eagle, that Germany finally arrives and conquers the Urals as in Fatherland or AVROE, and takes revenge for the devastation that the Russians inflicted on them, since I believe that in TNO in the 70s they invaded from those same positions to the Urals but they were rejected, and I hope that when it happens this time the Nazis win completely by reaching Yekaterinburg and that the Chinese invade as I have wished along with a German attack, and that the Nazis and the Maoists divide Russia like a cake, and that they end up with the Russian state
You do realize that if the Nazis finish their invasion of Russia, they will kill millions of Slavs and try to wipe the rest out of existence. China will likely turn Russia into a big Mongolia. Also the Germans started this war when they invaded them in 1941. The devastation wasn’t even at the German core it was all settlers. Why would Afghanistan and the rest of Central Asia want anything from Russia? Being independent is all what Central Asia would want, and Afghanistan wants nothing from Russia. Iran at best would want Azerbaijan (not sure if it’s still in Russian hands), but nothing else besides good relations (I doubt they’d want to see Russia destroyed). If Germany destroys Russia, Israel is next, and then a nuclear war where everybody dies.
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I loved this second part, it's basically like NO, I hope that in a few years Germany recovers from all that and can successfully conquer all of the Western Urals, and that Iran, Afghanistan and most of China join together, it could start with China taking advantage . of the situation and invaded Russia in the 70s and Germany, Iran and Afghanistan took the opportunity to invade Russia and end the Russian state once and for all, and Germany raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg and China annexed Eastern Siberia and parts of Central Asia and also Iran and Afghanistan have more influence in that region, that Germany hopefully launches a revenge attack in the 70s together with China, Iran and Afghanistan and that the Nazis manage to annex the entire West of the Urals, that is my wish in Iron Eagle, that Germany finally arrives and conquers the Urals as in Patria or AVROE, and takes revenge for the devastation that the Russians did to them, since I believe that in TNO in the 70s they invaded from those same positions to the Urals but were rejected, and I hope that when it happens this time the Nazis will win completely by reaching Yekaterinburg and that the Chinese will invade as I have wished along with a German attack, and that the Nazis and the Maoists will divide Russia like a pie, and that they will end the russian state

You are the best writer of Alternative History that I have read, you have written my favorite Nazi victory and I have been following your story since September 2022, I hope you make Germany once completely recovered from the invading war, probably in the 70s, to finish once and for all with Russia and conquered everything up to the Urals, and raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg, the capital of Russia, to avenge those who fell from the Slavic invasion. I do not believe that after that disaster Russia will recover like in the Ural War, and even less that the tsar and the Russian leaders will remain in power after that, and I believe that there will be a collapse of Russia within a few years that will be taken advantage of by Germany and China and they would launch a total invasion together with Iran and Afghanistan to end the Russian state that has hindered them both for decades, perhaps Germany under Remer, being more practical and less ideologized, will strengthen ties with China Maoist by having a common enemy in anticipation of a future invasion of Russia to end the risk of a new invasion, and I would like to see a meeting between Remer and Mao to coordinate a future invasion of Russia in the 70s when Germany recovers, surely long before Russia, and China has a more mechanized army
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These last chapters were crazy,but both Israel and Russia survived,and even gained regained land and people in the case of Russia,are the gains significant compared to their previous territory post 1 Ural War?

Well, that was a psychological shock for both sides, even if Russia had more of a gain in the war they have to accept that the west is lost forever
The west is lost,for now. Tens of milions of slavs were killed ,making way for the Germans to colonise much of the former Slavic core land,their population will grow making them part of the germanic world. The Russian Empire is spent both military and demographically,with not much gained, millions of soldiers dead and 15 millions refugees that have to be fed ,clothed etc. But Germany has lost much of its slave labor, the land was burned to the ground by the Russians. The Russians had gained a better strategic position. For now, the Empire must rest, rebuild its population industry etc.Maybe the might not regain their territory ,but thet can help other nation opossing the Linz Pact,sending volunteers and assistance to whoever fights fascism (Free France especially).

Go read the Death of Russia, that ''story'' 🤮 has all the russian death porn you want.
ฉันชอบส่วนที่สองนี้ โดยพื้นฐานแล้วมันก็เหมือนกับไม่ ฉันหวังว่าในอีกไม่กี่ปีเยอรมนีจะฟื้นตัวจากทุกสิ่งและสามารถพิชิตเทือกเขาอูราลตะวันตกทั้งหมดได้สำเร็จ และเมื่ออิหร่าน อัฟกานิสถาน และจีนส่วนใหญ่ร่วมมือกัน ก็อาจเริ่มต้นด้วยจีน การใช้ประโยชน์ ของสถานการณ์และรุกรานรัสเซียในทศวรรษที่ 70 และเยอรมนี อิหร่านและอัฟกานิสถานถือโอกาสบุกรัสเซียและยุติรัฐรัสเซียทันที และเยอรมนียกสวัสดิกะเหนือเยคาเตรินเบิร์ก และจีนผนวกไซบีเรียตะวันออกและบางส่วนของเอเชียกลางด้วย อิหร่านและอัฟกานิสถานมีอิทธิพลมากกว่าในภูมิภาคนั้น โดยหวังว่าเยอรมนีจะเปิดตัวการโจมตีแก้แค้นในช่วงทศวรรษที่ 70 ร่วมกับจีน อิหร่าน และอัฟกานิสถาน และว่าพวกนาซีสามารถยึดครองพื้นที่ทางตะวันตกของเทือกเขาอูราลทั้งหมดได้ นั่นคือความปรารถนาของฉันใน Iron Eagle ที่ ในที่สุดเยอรมนีก็มาถึงและพิชิตเทือกเขาอูราลเช่นเดียวกับใน Patria หรือ AVROE และแก้แค้นสำหรับการทำลายล้างที่รัสเซียทำกับพวกเขา เนื่องจากฉันเชื่อว่าใน TNO ในยุค 70 พวกเขาบุกจากตำแหน่งเดียวกันเหล่านั้นไปยังเทือกเขาอูราล แต่ถูกปฏิเสธ และฉันก็ หวังว่าเมื่อมันเกิดขึ้นในครั้งนี้ พวกนาซีจะชนะได้อย่างสมบูรณ์โดยไปถึงเยคาเตรินเบิร์ก และจีนจะบุกตามที่ข้าพเจ้าปรารถนาพร้อมกับการโจมตีของเยอรมัน และว่าพวกนาซีและพวกเหมาอิสต์จะแบ่งรัสเซียเหมือนพายและพวกเขาจะจบลง รัฐรัสเซีย

คุณเป็นนักเขียนประวัติศาสตร์ทางเลือกที่ดีที่สุดที่ฉันได้อ่าน คุณเขียนชัยชนะของนาซีที่ฉันชื่นชอบ และฉันได้ติดตามเรื่องราวของคุณตั้งแต่เดือนกันยายน 2565 ฉันหวังว่าคุณจะทำให้เยอรมนีฟื้นตัวอย่างสมบูรณ์จากสงครามรุกราน ซึ่งอาจอยู่ในทศวรรษที่ 70 เสร็จสิ้นกับรัสเซียเพียงครั้งเดียวและพิชิตทุกสิ่งจนถึงเทือกเขาอูราลและยกสวัสดิกะขึ้นเหนือเยคาเตรินเบิร์กเมืองหลวงของรัสเซียเพื่อล้างแค้นผู้ที่ตกลงมาจากการรุกรานของชาวสลาฟ ฉันไม่เชื่อว่าหลังจากภัยพิบัติครั้งนั้นรัสเซียจะฟื้นตัวเหมือนในสงครามอูราลและยิ่งไปกว่านั้นซาร์และผู้นำรัสเซียจะยังคงอยู่ในอำนาจหลังจากนั้นและฉันเชื่อว่ารัสเซียจะล่มสลายภายในไม่กี่ปีนั้น จะถูกเยอรมนีและจีนเอารัดเอาเปรียบ และพวกเขาจะเปิดฉากการรุกรานโดยรวมร่วมกับอิหร่านและอัฟกานิสถานเพื่อยุติรัฐรัสเซียที่ขัดขวางพวกเขาทั้งสองมานานหลายทศวรรษ บางทีเยอรมนีภายใต้การนำของเรเมอร์ ซึ่งปฏิบัติได้จริงมากกว่าและมีอุดมการณ์น้อยลง จะกระชับความสัมพันธ์กับ ลัทธิเหมาอิสต์จีนโดยการมีศัตรูร่วมกันรอการรุกรานรัสเซียในอนาคตเพื่อยุติความเสี่ยงของการรุกรานครั้งใหม่ และผมอยากเห็นการพบกันระหว่างเรเมอร์และเหมาเพื่อประสานงานการรุกรานรัสเซียในอนาคตในทศวรรษที่ 70 เมื่อเยอรมนีฟื้นคืนชีพ อยู่ก่อนรัสเซียมานานแล้ว และจีนก็มีกองทัพยานยนต์มากกว่า
There is no way that Russia will fall in the future. Russia has a population of over a hundred million and enormous resources in the Urals and Siberia. It is one of the great powers. that had enough nukes to turn Germany into a radioactive wasteland If Germany reaches the Urals and if China thinks about doing something to Russia, this time Beijing will see a mushroom cloud of smoke. Plus, America, India, Japan will definitely not let Russia fall. Afghanistan is not worth talking about and Iran will probably be hit by an Islamic revolution soon. Now that Russia will be peaceful for a while, it's time to strengthen the economy.
These last chapters were crazy,but both Israel and Russia survived,and even gained regained land and people in the case of Russia,are the gains significant compared to their previous territory post 1 Ural War?

The west is lost,for now. Tens of milions of slavs were killed ,making way for the Germans to colonise much of the former Slavic core land,their population will grow making them part of the germanic world. The Russian Empire is spent both military and demographically,with not much gained, millions of soldiers dead and 15 millions refugees that have to be fed ,clothed etc. But Germany has lost much of its slave labor, the land was burned to the ground by the Russians. The Russians had gained a better strategic position. For now, the Empire must rest, rebuild its population industry etc.Maybe the might not regain their territory ,but thet can help other nation opossing the Linz Pact,sending volunteers and assistance to whoever fights fascism (Free France especially).

Go read the Death of Russia, that ''story'' 🤮 has all the russian death porn you want.
Germany can do it, Russia can do it, it's still not too late to avenge a hundred years. The opportunity would come one day, and when the Russians regained control of their territory, the Germans had to walk to camps in Siberia to work to death or enter the gas chambers and evacuate the Slavs back to their original land again.
Germany can do it, Russia can do it, it's still not too late to avenge a hundred years. The opportunity would come one day, and when the Russians regained control of their territory, the Germans had to walk to camps in Siberia to work to death or enter the gas chambers and evacuate the Slavs back to their original land again.
Most probably Russia will never recover any significant territory if any in the future,as the Germans become too entrenched and established, but this doesn't mean all is lost. Maybe in the far future if the Napoleonic empire survives and thrives, a Bonaparte with a more brown complexion asks a question, what is a Bonaparte without Paris and prepares to shake the world like his ancestor.
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All these talks assume that Russia will just have Germany to worry about. China is still a massive player and even if they fuck up like OTL they will likely still reach major heights. By that point Russia can no longer push for its reconquest of their lands since it's most likely going to cause a massive war.
Maybe in the far future if the Napoleonic empire survives and thrives, a Bonaparte with a more brown complexion asks a question, what is a Bonaparte without Paris and prepares to shake the world like his ancestor.
How is this any different than Germany colonizing the east? I mean by that point in the future its possible the French will be more German and have been so entrenched that trying to conquer them is going to be near impossible or take German like efforts to ethnically cleanse the population.
China is still a massive player and even if they fuck up like OTL
China is a threat and will be more frightening in the future. but I assume theoretically that they would not invade Russia because of American interference, Russian nuclear weapons, an unwillingness to share a border with Nazi Germany, and if a Mao dies a more pragmatic Chinese leadership might mend relation with Russia for the sake of stability.And if all fails city busting nuclear weapons are a powerful deterant.
How is this any different than Germany colonizing the east? I mean by that point in the future its possible the French will be more German and have been so entrenched that trying to conquer them is going to be near impossible or take German like efforts to ethnically cleanse the population.
Such a Napoleonic empire would be more African than French both culturally and in language,with french Africa becoming distinct from European French.Why would our wanna-be conquerer would want European France when he has never been there, the people there hate him for his skin color, maybe personal ambition, a wish to restore his dynasty to the old capital etc.
How is this any different than Germany colonizing the east?
I didn't say it would be different, Cultural genocide would be committed at the least to make mainland France align the African definition of French .
As a whole I just find it amusing to see the so-called lessers defeating the wanna be master race.
I loved this second part, it's basically like NO, I hope that in a few years Germany recovers from all that and can successfully conquer all of the Western Urals, and that Iran, Afghanistan and most of China join together, it could start with China taking advantage . of the situation and invaded Russia in the 70s and Germany, Iran and Afghanistan took the opportunity to invade Russia and end the Russian state once and for all, and Germany raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg and China annexed Eastern Siberia and parts of Central Asia and also Iran and Afghanistan have more influence in that region, that Germany hopefully launches a revenge attack in the 70s together with China, Iran and Afghanistan and that the Nazis manage to annex the entire West of the Urals, that is my wish in Iron Eagle, that Germany finally arrives and conquers the Urals as in Patria or AVROE, and takes revenge for the devastation that the Russians did to them, since I believe that in TNO in the 70s they invaded from those same positions to the Urals but were rejected, and I hope that when it happens this time the Nazis will win completely by reaching Yekaterinburg and that the Chinese will invade as I have wished along with a German attack, and that the Nazis and the Maoists will divide Russia like a pie, and that they will end the russian state

You are the best writer of Alternative History that I have read, you have written my favorite Nazi victory and I have been following your story since September 2022, I hope you make Germany once completely recovered from the invading war, probably in the 70s, to finish once and for all with Russia and conquered everything up to the Urals, and raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg, the capital of Russia, to avenge those who fell from the Slavic invasion. I do not believe that after that disaster Russia will recover like in the Ural War, and even less that the tsar and the Russian leaders will remain in power after that, and I believe that there will be a collapse of Russia within a few years that will be taken advantage of by Germany and China and they would launch a total invasion together with Iran and Afghanistan to end the Russian state that has hindered them both for decades, perhaps Germany under Remer, being more practical and less ideologized, will strengthen ties with China Maoist by having a common enemy in anticipation of a future invasion of Russia to end the risk of a new invasion, and I would like to see a meeting between Remer and Mao to coordinate a future invasion of Russia in the 70s when Germany recovers, surely long before Russia, and China has a more mechanized army
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This is legitimately the most fucked up racist thing I've ever seen on this site.
I loved this second part, it's basically like NO, I hope that in a few years Germany recovers from all that and can successfully conquer all of the Western Urals, and that Iran, Afghanistan and most of China join together, it could start with China taking advantage . of the situation and invaded Russia in the 70s and Germany, Iran and Afghanistan took the opportunity to invade Russia and end the Russian state once and for all, and Germany raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg and China annexed Eastern Siberia and parts of Central Asia and also Iran and Afghanistan have more influence in that region, that Germany hopefully launches a revenge attack in the 70s together with China, Iran and Afghanistan and that the Nazis manage to annex the entire West of the Urals, that is my wish in Iron Eagle, that Germany finally arrives and conquers the Urals as in Patria or AVROE, and takes revenge for the devastation that the Russians did to them, since I believe that in TNO in the 70s they invaded from those same positions to the Urals but were rejected, and I hope that when it happens this time the Nazis will win completely by reaching Yekaterinburg and that the Chinese will invade as I have wished along with a German attack, and that the Nazis and the Maoists will divide Russia like a pie, and that they will end the russian state

You are the best writer of Alternative History that I have read, you have written my favorite Nazi victory and I have been following your story since September 2022, I hope you make Germany once completely recovered from the invading war, probably in the 70s, to finish once and for all with Russia and conquered everything up to the Urals, and raised the swastika over Yekaterinburg, the capital of Russia, to avenge those who fell from the Slavic invasion. I do not believe that after that disaster Russia will recover like in the Ural War, and even less that the tsar and the Russian leaders will remain in power after that, and I believe that there will be a collapse of Russia within a few years that will be taken advantage of by Germany and China and they would launch a total invasion together with Iran and Afghanistan to end the Russian state that has hindered them both for decades, perhaps Germany under Remer, being more practical and less ideologized, will strengthen ties with China Maoist by having a common enemy in anticipation of a future invasion of Russia to end the risk of a new invasion, and I would like to see a meeting between Remer and Mao to coordinate a future invasion of Russia in the 70s when Germany recovers, surely long before Russia, and China has a more mechanized army
Cry, cope and seethe.
You do realize that if the Nazis finish their invasion of Russia, they will kill millions of Slavs and try to wipe the rest out of existence. China will likely turn Russia into a big Mongolia. Also the Germans started this war when they invaded them in 1941. The devastation wasn’t even at the German core it was all settlers. Why would Afghanistan and the rest of Central Asia want anything from Russia? Being independent is all what Central Asia would want, and Afghanistan wants nothing from Russia. Iran at best would want Azerbaijan, but nothing else besides good relations (I doubt they’d want to see Russia destroyed). If Germany destroys Russia, Israel is next, and then a nuclear war where everybody dies.
He realizes it, and he loves it.
I would say that thinking that Russia will reconquer the West is a fantasy in the same way as the Germans conquering Siberia. The Ural mountain range is a great barrier between the two powers, there will be times when Russia will expand beyond this barrier and there will be times when they will be pushed back towards them. But imagining a great Russian reconquest is fantasy. Germany at the moment is in a bad state, but that is infinitely better than the situation in Russia. As a whole I would make a comparison between the Reich and Russia with the Roman Empire and the Persia. The border has always been more or less in the same place for a long time (basically until the arab expansion).
@Kaiser of Brazil I had tears by the end of the second part of Ostkrieg. Terribly grim.

The eastern conflict seems like it’ll just go on forever - on and off as it suits the parties. If either state lasts as long as 2013, they may go to war over a damned meteor.

It would be darkly hilarious if Russia claiming the meteor was a German weapon is what ultimately triggers WW3 here.