"Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor" - A Michael the Brave Romania Wank

Table #11. Relative Military Strengths of the World's Countries
  • Zagan

    Because of an (interesting) prior discussion about (relative) military strength and later about its correlation (or lack thereof) with population, I decided to make a more comprehensive table in Excel and upload it here.

    Relative Military Strengths of the World's Countries

    Military 1652.png

    1. Most of the population data outside Europe are estimations and some of them may be way off. If you have better population data, please tell me.
    The military strength values are invented by me and correspond to the presentation in the TL.
    3. The military strength values are presented in arbitrary units, obtained by setting the strongest European Army (Germany) to 100 and the strongest European Navy (Britain) to 100.
    4. The Air Power column is unnecessary now, because besides a few Romanian Balloons there is obviously no real Air Force. I arbitrarily set Romania to 1 and all the others to 0.
    5. Only Independent Countries (ex. China), Protectorates with sufficient leeway (ex. Levant) and Independent Peoples with no unified State (ex. Mongols) or no State structures at all (Australians) are included. Dependent territories (ex. Croatia) or Colonies (British North America) are included with the Power they depend / belong to.
    6. Country Name = Unified Country; People Name = Lots of Countries or no State structures.

    If anything is still unclear, please ask.

    (1 KPosts so far in thread :))

    EDIT: As @Sian had correctly pointed out, the Scandinavian Navy should have been a little stronger.
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    I.64. Half a Century after Mihai's Dream
  • Zagan

    Just half a century after their 1601 branching,
    our two parallel Universes were already vastly diferrent.
    Werner Heisenberg, Academy of Romania, Michaelia, 1949 [1]

    Half a Century after Mihai's Dream

    [1] If this motto seems ASB is because it actually is ASB. Since we are not in the ASB Forum, please be kind and ignore it and focus on the (non-ASB) Chapter Body below.
    This motto is a teaser for a future ASB spin-off from TTL called "The Thirteenth Cycle" which will be available in the ASB Forum in the near future.

    "Fifty Exceptional Years", essay by an unknown author, published in an obscure historical almanac in 1751 in Nurenberg, Germany, rediscovered and published in Romania in 1911.

    History is unpredictable and moody. Sometimes it languishes for ages like on old and grumpy man, with little or no visible progress century after century, as it had been the case during most of the Dark Ages and some other times it is quick and alert like a naughty young boy, with revolutionary changes and momentuos leaps forward in a relatively short time frame, as in that extraordinary first half of the 17th century.

    In 1601, Europe looked and felt completely different from 1651, almost as if being another continent altogeher.

    There was no Great Powers Council and almost no international law, cooperation and syncronization but only mutual distrust, scheeming, internal fragmentation and international alienation.

    There was no National State in Spain but only a loose and fragile union of the three Crowns of Castille, Portugal and Aragon.

    There was no Britannian Kingdom but a loose union of the English and Scottish Crowns with a partially subdued Ireland.

    There was no Powerful United Germany but a so called Holy Roman Empire, a monstruos disfunctional conglomerate of hundreds if not thousands of semi-independent microstates frequently at war with one another and obviously prone to increasing foreign intervention and domination.

    There was no prosperous and peaceful Scandinavia but two mortal enemies -- Sweden and Denmark-Norway -- fighting with each other instead of working together like brothers for a common purpose.

    There was no Unified Sarmatia straddling Europe from the Baltic to the Black Sea but only an almost land-locked Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth surrounded by frightening enemies and mostly disloyal loose dependencies.

    There was no Independent and Unified Italia but a warring playground for Spain and France with dozens of small states changing allegiances like worn clothes.

    Islam was not only not completely extirpated from the Christian Continent but was steadily advancing and menacing Europe's very core.

    And, most shockingly of them all, there was no Romania whatsoever and seemingly no hope and no future for the massive Romanian Nation lying dormant under the heavy oppression of the ruthless foreign Ottoman conqueror.

    Instead of a harmonious concert of nine strong Great Powers with stable borders and significant internal cohesion, Europe was divided in a seemingly endless mess of unstable and everchanging statelets, most of them totally lacking any raison d'être.

    In 1601, Europe seemed destined to continue its senseless fragmentation, predation by the forces of Islam and endless petty internal wars.
    In 1651, Europe was consolidated into nine powerful, cohesive, Unitary National States, had already pushed Islam towards its birth place rendering it uttlerly toothless and, after two catastrophic European Wars, had ushered in a seemingly endless era of unparalleled peace, prosperity and scientific, technological and cultural progress.

    All of these are undisputed, verifyable facts. One intriguing question remains though: Why? What event was powerful enough to unleash such revolutionary changes sweeping Europe like a tempest and changing it forever?

    Was it the German Unification Wars? While responsible for bringing the new ideas to Western Europe, the explosive German National Revival was preceded by smaller, sublter changes in the East of the Continent, starting with the Unification of Little Romania and continuing with the coalescence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth into the Unitary National State of Sarmatia.

    Analyzing all the European phenomena from that crucial times, one element keeps sticking out of every one of them: the immense power of Nationalism, transceding class boundaries and arbitrary state borders, embraced not only by the rulling elites but by the hitherto neglected masses of the ordinary people.

    It was those ordinary people which, under the enlightend guidance of their learned ones and with the invaluable aid offered by the printing press, turned their peoples into full-fledged Nations, veritable backbones of the European Nation States of the Modern Era.

    Unlike the older States with inherently weak foundations based upon a King or a Prince ruling over an arbitrary and often frequently changing territory, a Modern Nation State is based upon a living Nation providing it with a rocky foundation, strong, stable and dependable even in times of poor leadership.

    So Nationalism was the spark that ignited the European-wide revolution from the first half of the 17th century. But how did Nationalism itself start? After millenia of gestation, what was the trigger that had finally induced its birth?

    It may be counterintuitive, but everything had started in a previously God forsaken part of Europe, inhabited by a small and hitherto completetly unexceptional and poorly known people suffering for centuries under the yoke of the Muslims -- the Romanian people, previously known as Wallachians.

    It seems counterintuitive only if we fail to grasp the geopolitical reality of those times a little deeper. If we do, everything gets clearer.
    Where could Nationalism have started after all? In a strong, united and cohesive large state like France where its people faced no existential threat and the King feared any possible change or where it would have been most needed lest the people itself risked total annihilation like in the continuously battered Romanian Principalities?

    Yes, Nationalism as we know it today was birthed in Transylvania from the mind of a still controversial figure, a Romanian Voivode called Michael, the future Emperor Mihai of the Romanians.

    Was Mihai a true revolutionary which despised and hated the former regime and wanted change for the sake of it? Probably not. He simply did not have any other chance to free his people and unite them all in an powerful Empire streching all over the Balkan Peninsula.

    What is rather strange is that the future Emperor realized that he had no other chance but to empower his own people and kickstart their National Consciousness, that he actually managed to do it and, finally and most extraordinarily, that his plan worked and the an Empire got into being, seemingly out of thin air!

    To understand what really happened, let us do a short recapitulation of Mihai's feats.

    In August 1601, Mihai was about to regain control of Transylvania and Wallachia, two of the semi-autonomous Romanian Principalities under Ottoman suzerainty, the first step of his grand plan of reuniting all the three Principalities under his rule.
    The problem was that the task looked to be all but impossible, with the Ottomans, the Habsburgs, the Poles and the Tatars all against him.

    Despite this, in less than a year, Mihai had humiliated Austria, had unified Transylvania, Moldavia and Wallachia, had conquered additional territory, had gotten it internationally recognized and had rendered the Ottoman suzerainty largely symbolic, thus already placing all the foundation stones of his future Empire.
    In the following 50 years, the Ottoman Empire had been repeatedly vanquished out of existance with the Romanian Empire gradually taking its place as the undisputed hegemon of the Orient!

    Did Mihai foresee all of these? Was his mind really that powerful? Was it all about luck? Or did he indeed receive a revellation from God Almighty as he claimed?

    We may never know. But, either a fantastic genius, a lucky gambler or a veritable modern Prophet, nobody can deny today that the first Emperor of Romania and father of the Romanian Nation was one of the most extraordinary men that have ever walked the face of the Earth!

    In conclusion, from the German State that nourishes and shelters us to the whole modern World as we know it, we now know whom we have to thank: an extraordinary man born a century and a half ago in a faraway little country who had a short prophetic dream and acted upon it -- Saint Emperor Mihai I the Brave of the Romanians!

    Whoever the author of the essay was, it looks like he had chosen well not to sign it, judging be the copious amount of abuse received by the article, of which we shall provide only a short example:

    Only a lunatic or a traitor could not see that the creation of the German Empire was driven by a powerful internal necessity and not by some external factors.
    I wish I could bet that even if the Romanian Voivode were to get killed that night the German Empire would have been born on time! Sadly, history does not allow us definite answers to "what if" questions.

    Well, we know that the detractor would have lost his bet. In his World, however, they may never get the chance.

    Only one statement from the unknown author's Essay was cleary unquestionable -- that in 1651, Europe was about to enter a long age of peace of prosperity.
    Even if God did not send Mihai's Dream, it seemed that He really favoured the Continent of Europe!

    This was the last Chapter from Part One of "Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor" - A Michael the Brave Romania Wank.

    A series of small posts summarizing important facts about various countries and a short fantasy Epilogue will close Part One. I promise that I will not end the story and Part Two is underway.
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    Flag Map #1. Europe in 1652
  • Zagan

    And, before the country summaries, a little bonus...

    Flag Map of Europe


    Note: For individual flags, check the three consecutive posts starting with this one.
    Animated Map #2. Romania (1600 - 1652)
  • Zagan

    ... and another bonus:

    Animated Map of Romania (1600 - 1652)

    Note: This is an animated GIF. Middle-click to open in another Browser Tab.

    Sea Blue: Sea (who would have thought that?)
    Grey: Other Countries
    Red: Romania
    Pink: Romanian territory under foreign occupation / Foreign territory under Romanian Occupation / De facto but not de jure Romanian territory / other not clear-cut situation
    Light Orange: Romanian Sphere of Influence (Protectorates, etc)
    Other Colors: Romanian Principalities before the 1601 Unification


    • Romania.gif
      266.8 KB · Views: 2,108
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    Data #6. Line of Succession to the Romanian Throne
  • Zagan

    The narrative portion of Part One is already finished (with Chapter 64).

    The following posts will contain various data in summarized form about Romania & the Empire of the Orient, then the rest of Europe and its Colonies, and finally the Islamic World and the rest of the World, as well as about the main protagonists of this story.

    Line of Succession to the Romanian Throne

    - Before 1599, in the Romanian Principalities: (more or less) Arbitrary Succession -- the new Voivode was chosen from the local ruling family (usually the most capable member of the voivodal family, whatever that was supposed to mean).

    - 1599 - 1601, in the Romanian Principalities: Mihai (Great Voivode and Lord), (1) Nicolae (Crown Prince).

    - 1601: Unification of the Romanian Lands of Transylvania, Wallachia and Moldavia.

    - 1601, in the United Romanian Lands: Mihai (Great Voivode and Lord), (1) Nicolae (Crown Prince).

    - 1601 Law of Succession to the Throne (in force, with amendments, until TTL present day).

    I find it difficult to clearly formulate the law, so I will only provide an example:
    Ruler (0)
    --- Female (5)
    ------ Male (6)
    --------- Female (8)
    ------------ Male (9)
    --------- Male (7)
    ------ Female (10)
    --------- Male (11)
    --- Male (1)
    --- Female (12)
    ------ Female (17)
    --------- Female (19)
    --------- Male (18)
    --------- Female (20)
    ------ Male (13)
    ------ Male (14)
    ------ Male (15)
    --------- Male (16)
    ------ Female (21)
    --------- Male (22)
    --------- Male (23)
    --- Male (2)
    ------ Male (3)
    ------ Female (4)
    Plus, anyone marrying into a foreign ruling dynasty loses the right to the Romanian Throne for themselves and all their descendants.

    - 1601 - 1604, in the Principality of Romania: Mihai (Great Voivode and Lord), (1) Nicolae (Crown Prince), (2) Florica (Princess).

    - 1604: Princess Florica marries King Sigismund III Vasa of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (future Sarmatia), becomes Queen Flora and forfeits the rights to the Romanian Throne for herself and all her descendants.

    - 1604 - 1615, in the Principality of Romania: Mihai (Great Voivode and Lord), (1) Nicolae (Crown Prince).

    - 1615: Princess Iulia (second in line) is born to Crown Prince Nicolae and his wife, Princess Maria.

    - 1615 - 1625, in the Principality of Romania: Mihai (Great Voivode and Lord), (1) Nicolae (Crown Prince), (2) Iulia (Princess).

    - 1625: Death of Lady Stanca, Mihai's first wife.

    - 1625: Proclamation of the Imperium.

    - 1625 - 1627, in the Imperium of Romania: Mihai (Emperor of Romania / of the Romanians), (1) Nicolae (Crown Prince), (2) Iulia (Princess).

    - 1626: Emperor Mihai weds his second wife, Princess Christine of France (sister of King Louis XIII of France), who becomes Empress Cristina of Romania.

    - 1627: Princess Maria (third in line) is born to Emperor Mihai and Empress Cristina.

    - 1627 - 1628, in the Imperium of Romania: Mihai (Emperor), (1) Nicolae (Crown Prince), (2) Iulia (Princess), (3) Maria (Princess).

    - 1628: Death of Crown Prince Nicolae, Mihai's only son.

    - 1628 - 1642, in the Imperium of Romania: Mihai (Emperor), (1) Iulia (Crown Princess), (2) Maria (Princess).

    - 1641: Iulia becomes Empress of Greece / Basileos Autokrator (Emperor) of the Greeks (first crown of Iulia).

    - 1641: Death of Emperor Mihai (anounced to the public two months later, in 1642).

    - 1642: Coronation of Imperatrix Iulia of Romania / of the Romanians (second crown of Iulia).

    - 1642 - 1648, in the Romania and Greece: Iulia (Empress), (1) Maria (Crown Princess).

    - 1648: Iulia becomes Empress in Constantinople / Empress of Rome / of the (Eastern) Roman Empire, later renamed as the Empire of the Orient with Iulia as Empress of the Orient (third crown of Iulia).

    - 1648: Princess Alexandra (second in line) is born to Crown Princess Maria and Prince Frederick from the House of Wettin (the ruling German Imperial Dynasty).

    - 1648 - 1650, in Romania, Greece and the Orient: Iulia (Empress), (1) Maria (Crown Princess), (2) Alexandra (Princess).

    - 1650: Prince Mihai (second in line) is born to Crown Princess Maria and Prince Frederick.

    - 1650 - 1651, in Romania, Greece and the Orient: Iulia (Empress), (1) Maria (Crown Princess), (2) Mihai (Prince), (3) Alexandra (Princess).

    - 1651: Death of Empress Iulia.

    - 1652: Prince Cezar (second in line) is born to Empress Maria and Prince Frederick.

    - 1652: Coronation of Empress Maria of Romania, Greece and the Orient.

    - From 1652, in the Oriental Realms (Romania, Greece and the Orient): Maria (Empress), (1) Mihai (Crown Prince), (2) Cezar (Prince), (3) Alexandra (Princess), (4, ...) the other children (and later grandchildren and grand-grandchildren, etc) of Maria and Frederick.

    1. Prince Frederick did not become Emperor but remained merely a Prince Consort, in order to highlight the fact that Maria was Empress Reignant.
    2. Empress Maria continued to have children up to a total of three boys and four girls (more information in Part Two), thus forever solving the problem of the succession to the thrones.
    3. Maria lived until [wait for Part Two, please].
    4. The Dynasty founded by our first Emperor, Mihai, continues to reign in Romania to this day (TTL present, 2016).
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    Family Tree #2.
  • Zagan

    Family Tree of Emperor Mihai
    (version 2)

    Family Tree 2.png

    Note: The Family Tree will be upgraded as the story progresses. New versions will be usually available twice a century.

    Double Border
    : Present in the Succession Line during all or part of their lives
    Red Border: Emperor / Empress Reignant of Romania (and other realms)
    XX / XXX: Year unknown (yet)
    ?: No information (yet)
    Multiple connections: Several (less important) Issue grouped together in one box for simplicity

    Everything clear? If not, please ask.
    Mini-Wiki (Start)
  • Zagan

    This post and the following ones are short summaries for the lives and deeds of various characters (OTL and invented) significant to TTL.
    These are trying to emulate the wikipedia style, but sadly without actual infoboxes, as I am not good at making those -- hint: help needed and highly appreciated.

    Emperor Mihai I of Romania

    New! TTL Wiki setup by @fluttersky.

    TTL Wiki Article
    : Mihai I of Romania

    OTL Wikipedia Article: Michael the Brave
    Infobox Picture (the one used in the first post): Link

    Emperor of Romania (of the Romanians)
    Title: Io Mihailŭ (Mihai), Împĕratul României (Românilor)
    Reign: 12 August 1625 - 4 December 1641
    Coronation: 12 August 1625, Alba Iulia
    Predecessor: Himself (as Great Voivode and Lord)
    Successor: Iulia I

    Great Voivode and Lord of Romania (of the Romanian Lands)
    Title: Io Mihailŭ, Mare Voevod și Domn al României (al Țĕrrilor Române)
    Reign: 12 August 1601 - 12 August 1625
    Coronation: 12 August 1601, Alba Iulia
    Predecessor: Sigismund Báthory in Transylvania, Simion Movilă in Wallachia, Ieremia Movilă in Moldavia
    Successor: Himself (as Emperor)

    Prince of Transylvania (Voivode)
    Title: Io Mihailŭ, Mare Voevod și Domn al Ardealului
    Reign: 1 November 1599 - 18 September 1600
    Predecessor: Andrew Báthory
    Successor: Sigismund Báthory

    Voivode of Wallachia
    : Io Mihailŭ, Mare Voevod și Domn al Țĕrri Românescĭ
    Reign: 11 October 1593 - 30 October 1600
    Predecessor: Alexandru cel Rău (the bad)
    Successor: Simion Movilă

    Voivode of Moldavia
    : Io Mihailŭ, Mare Voevod și Domn a toată Țarra Moldovei
    Reign: 6 May 1600 - 29 September 1600
    Predecessor: Ieremia Movilă
    Successor: Ieremia Movilă

    Voivode of Slovakia
    : 10 September 1601 - 30 April 1602
    Predecessor: None (Position established)
    Successor: Prince Milan I

    Born: 1558, Târgul de Flocĭ, Ialomița, Wallachia (now Muntenia, Romania)
    Names: Mihailŭ Pătrașcu, Mihai Viteazul [miˈhaj viˈte̯azu(l)] / Mihai Bravu [miˈhaj ˈbravu] (Michael the Brave)
    Died: 4 December 1641 (83 years old), Jerusalem, Holy Land, Romania (now Israel)
    Cause of death: Stroke
    Burial: 20 January 1642, Patriarchal Cathedral of Alba Iulia, Romania

    Venerated in: Romanian Orthodox Church, Greek Orthodox Church
    Canonized: 27 February 1642, Patriarchal Cathedral of Alba Iulia, Romania
    Feast: 5 January, Saint Emperor Mihai (Sfântul Împĕrat Mihailŭ)

    Spouse: Lady Stanca
    Married: 1584, Proeni, Vâlcea, Wallachia (now Oltenia, Romania)
    Widowed: 13 March 1625
    Issue: Prince Nicolae (1584), Queen Flora of Sarmatia (1586)

    Spouse: Empress Cristina (Princess Christine of France*)
    Married: 1 November 1626, Prague, Bohemia, Germany
    Issue: Empress Maria (1627)

    House: Drăculeștĭ of Wallachia (Draco), Imperial House of Romania (after 1625)
    Father: Pătrașcu cel Bun (the good) of Wallachia (claim disputed)
    Mother: Teodora Cantacuzino
    Religion: Romanian Orthodox
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    Graphic #3. Coat of Arms of Romania
  • Zagan

    Coat of Arms of Romania

    Coat of Arms.png


    Top-left: Coat of arms of Wallachia - Roman Eagle (Aquila) with cross in beak, Sun and Moon;
    Top-right: Coat of arms of Moldavia - Moldavian Aurochs (Bos Urus), flower, star and Moon;
    Left: Coat of arms of the Aromanians - Macedonian Vergina Sun and Capitoline Wolf (Lupa Capitolina);
    Right: Coat of arms of Transylvania - Roman Eagle (Aquila), Sun, Moon and the Seven Castles (Siebenbürgen);
    Bottom: Coat of arms of the Orient - Emperor Constantine I's Chi Rho, Roman Motto SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus) and Romanian Motto DEP (Deus et Patria).

    Coat of Arms of Romania - Half Size


    Coat of Arms of Romania - Quarter Size

    Coat of Arms 4.png

    Romanian Flag (standard)


    Romanian Flag - Vertical (on buildings, etc)

    Flag Vertical.png

    Romanian Flag Defaced with the Coat of Arms of Romania (very rare)

    Flag with Coat of Arms.png

    Romanian Flag Defaced with the Coat of Arms of Romania - Vertical (rare)

    Flag Vertical with Coat of Arms.png

    Romanian Flag - Waving in a Breeze (photograph)


    Romanian Flag Variant (rejected as it did not fit the description from Emperor Mihai's Dream)


    Flag of the Orient (Empire of the Orient)


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    Data #7. Internal Structure of the Realms
  • Zagan

    Internal Structure of the Realms

    Before 1601

    - Wallachia (Țarra Românească) - Principality under Ottoman Suzerainty
    --- Greater Wallachia (Muntenia)
    --- Lesser Wallachia (Oltenia)
    ----- Județe
    --- Territories under Ottoman Occupation
    ----- Turnu / Turnu Măgurele
    ----- Giurgiu
    ----- Brŏila / Brăila

    - Moldavia (Moldova) - Principality under Ottoman Suzerainty and Polish Influence
    --- Upper Moldavia (Moldova de Sus)
    --- Lower Moldavia (Moldova de Jos)
    ----- Județe
    --- Territories under Ottoman Occupation - Bessarabia (Basarabia)
    ----- Qŭilia / Chilia / Kiliya
    ----- Cetatea Albă / Akkerman / Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi
    ----- Tigŭina / Tighina / Bender
    --- Territories under Polish Occupation
    ----- Hotin / Khotyn

    - Transylvania (Transilvania) - Principality under Ottoman Suzerainty and Foreign Rule (Hungarian / Szekely / German)
    --- Transylvania Proper (Ardeal)
    --- Partium (parts of Banat and Crișana)
    --- Maramureș
    ----- Counties, Szekely Seas, German (Saxon) Seas
    --- Territories under Ottoman Occupation
    ----- Most of Banat
    ----- Parts of Crișana
    --- Territories under Habsburg Occupation
    ----- North-Western corner of Transylvania (Someșana, parts of Maramureș)

    1601 - 1625

    - United Romanian Lands / Romania (Țĕrrile Române Unite / România) - Principality under nominal Ottoman Suzerainty
    --- 12 (initially 11) Provinces - Old Romania (România Veqŭe)
    ----- Județe

    - Balkan Romanians / Aromanians (Armânŭĭ) - Some level of internal autonomy in the Ottoman Empire

    - Slovakia (Slovacia) - Personal Union with Romania under Voivode Mihai in 1601 - 1602

    1625 - 1641

    - Romania - Independent Imperium / Empire (Imperiu)
    --- Romania Proper (România Propriu-Ḑisă)
    ----- 28 (initially 30) Provinces (Provinciĭ) - Old Romania + New Romania (România Nouă)
    ------- Județe
    ----- Venetian Corfu - Romanian Occupation and Civil Administration from 1628
    --- 5 Colonies (Coloniĭ) - from 1630
    ----- Lebanon (Liban)
    ----- Holy Land (Țarra Sfântă)
    ----- Jerusalem (Ierusalim) - split in 1635
    ----- Sinai
    ----- Canal Zone (Zona Canalului) - split in 1632

    1641 - 1648

    - Romania
    --- Romania Proper
    ----- 30 Provinces (former 28 Provinces + Capital District / Teritoriul Capitalei + Marmara)
    ------- Județe (new - Michaelia Iulia, Corfu, Valona, Cattaro, Ragusa, Galipole, Euxin, to various Provinces)
    --- 3 Autonomous Provinces (Provincii Autonome) - de jure Principalities under Romanian Protectorate
    ----- Dalmatia (Dalmația) - Romanian Occupation from 1641, Civil Administration from 1645
    ----- Croatia (Croatia) - Romanian Occupation from 1642, Civil Administration from 1645
    ----- Hungary (Ungaria) - Romanian Occupation from 1642, Civil Administration from 1645
    ------- Județe
    --- 5 Colonies (the same)

    - Greece (Grecia) - Dynastic Union with Romania from 1641
    --- 11 Themes (Themata)

    1648 - 1653

    - Romania
    --- Romania Proper
    ----- 30 Provinces
    --- 4 Autonomous Provinces - de jure Principalities under Romanian Protectorate
    ----- Dalmatia
    ----- Croatia
    ----- Hungary
    ----- Bosphorus (Bosforul) - Constantinople + Nicomedia
    --- 8 Colonies
    ----- Lebanon
    ----- Holy Land
    ----- Jerusalem
    ----- Sinai
    ----- Canal Zone
    ----- Asia Minor (Asia Mică)
    ----- Sinope
    ----- Syria (Siria) - from 1649
    ------- Județe

    - Greece - Dynastic Union with Romania
    --- 11 Themes
    --- Cilicia - Greek Colony

    - Empire of the Orient (Imperiul Oriental) - Dynastic Union with Romania, no territory defined (yet)

    - Turkey (Turcia) - Protectorate

    - Levant - Protectorate (only nominal) - from 1649
    --- Arabia Petraea - Leventine Colony - from 1649, annexed / disolved in 1652

    - Armenia - Protected State
    --- 5 Provinces
    --- Cappadocia - Armenian Colony

    - Georgia - Protected State
    --- 4 Provinces

    - Slovakia - Protected State - from 1652
    --- 12 Counties

    After 1653

    - Internal reorganization - please wait for Part Two
    I.Epilogue: Watching from the Heavens
  • Zagan

    "There are many worlds and many systems of Universes existing all at the same time..."

    Watching from the Heavens

    CAVEAT: The following piece of text abounds with fantastic and religious elements.
    As its presence or absence does not impact the story in any way, it can be ignored or considered non-canon.
    If you are disturbed by this kind of content, you may safely skip it.
    If you think you can handle it without yelling "ASB", please do read it because, while not adding anything new to the story, it does offer a new and intriguing perspective on both TTL and AH in general.

    5 January 1652, Paradise

    Voice: "Congratulations, you have been admitted to Paradise. You got lucky. Enjoy your eternity!"
    Iulia: "Umm, who are you and why did you say I got lucky?"
    V: "Who am I is irrelevant and I said that you had gotten lucky because of your rather low score."
    I: "What score and what was wrong with it?!"
    V: "You will have plenty of time to learn about all these. However, my time is rather limited and we have already arrived to our destination. Is there anyone in particular you would want to interact with?"
    I: "You mean, dead people?"
    V: "Well, certainly. No living human is around here. Let me see... Your parents did not make it here..."
    I: "What! Do you mean they are in Hell now?"
    V: "They are not on Earth and they are not here, so..."
    I: "But what did they do? And what about my granddaddy?"
    V: "I do not know and I really have to go now. Your paternal grandfather, Mihai, is here. Do you want me to call him?"
    I: "Yes, sure, I can't wait to see him again!"
    V: "It's all settled then. Wait here for your grandfather. Good bye."
    I: ... (whoever Iulia had been speeking with wasn't there anymore)


    Mihai: "Iulia!"
    Iulia: "Granddaddy!"
    M: "I'm sorry that you had to die so young, but I'm glad that you managed to get here. It's not so nice down there..."
    I: "Yes, probably... Shoudn't we hug?"
    M: "What is left of our bodies is slowly turning into dust back on Earth. It's only our souls that inhabit this place. We can still think and our minds can interact with each other, but there is no way we could possibly hug. I'm sorry, my dear."
    I: "That's it then, no hugs. Although it bothers me a little... But I have so many things to ask you..."
    M: "We have an eternity in front of us. An eternity of thinking, learning, watching and communicating with each other. We shall have plenty of time for everything."
    I: "Who else is around here? And watching... what exactly?"
    M: "Grandmother Stanca and... Actually very few people which used to be close to you. It's usually like this when one dies very young. Most of the people you knew and were fond of are still alive on Earth. You will encounter some of them in the future, though."
    I: "Oh, I do remember grandmother. I look forward to see her again! Where is she now?"
    M: "She is waiting for us at home. Do you want to live with us or..."
    I: "Of course I want to live with you! What kind of question is that? And you did not answer my question about watching. What exactly are we going to watch? There does not seem to be anything worth watching around here. And when will we go home?"
    M: "I failed to answer your questions only because there are so many of them at the same time! Remember, my dear, there is no need to hurry. We have all the time we will ever need. And now the answer to your questions. We can watch the Earth, obviously. It is the most popular pastime we have. And we'll be home well, soon. Time does not have any relevance here. We'll just keep talking and we'll get home."
    I: "But that's wonderful! Can we intervene if we see something we don't like? I mean... give some advice to someone, or..."
    M: "Certainly not. It is explicitely forbidden. Did I intervene to stop you when you were rampaging through Europe and the Orient with no clear purpose and no tangible gain for our Country? Have I given you any advice? Because believe me, I would have if I were allowed to!"
    I: "Was I... so wrong? I hoped that you would be proud of me. I tried to emulate you. To be a great warrior and conqueror like you."
    M: "You were not like me. Yes, you were a great warrior, in fact you were the greatest warrior the Romanians have ever fathered. The only problem with this is that being a warrior is not a good thing. It is not something to be proud of. Yes, you got that right, Iulia. War is bad. War is awful. People suffer."
    I: "But you were a warrior yourself..."
    M: "I have only waged war against those who attacked my Country and mistreated my People. When I became Voivode, the Romanians had four enemies outside and four more inside our Realms. I had vanquished the Austrians, the Tatars and the Ottomans and forged a durable alliance with the Poles. As of the the inside foes, the Hungarians, the Szeklers, the Saxons and the Greeks, I treated them fairly while neutralizing their power and the threat they represented."
    I: "I see. But you have never taught me these things..."
    M: "Because I have never thought that you would actually go to war and invade Greece, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Sarmatia, Russia, Turkey, the Levant, Arabia! Did I miss anything?! Really? I just thought you were joking with you warmongering fantasies! I should have forbidden you to go to the Military Academy!"
    I: "But I won..."
    M: "What did you win, my dear granddaughter? What did Romania win? Please enlighten me."
    I: "I conquered more territory than you..."
    M: "I had only conquered the lands where the Romanians lived! Well, mostly. There were very few Romanians, if any, in Oriental Thrace, for example, but it was badly needed for its strategic value. The colonies were only intended to bring revenue, the Holy Land from pilgrims and the Sinai from the Canal fees. I have never fathomed how on Earth have you come to the conclusion that absorbing all the Orient into Romania was somehow a desirable outcome! And this is not all. You made lots and lots of other mistakes..."
    I: "Like what?"
    M: "The Aromanians for example. Was it normal the way you treated the Aromanians which have chosen to stay in Greece?"
    I: "But... They were traitors! They wanted to be Greeks!"
    M: "They were mistaken, not traitors. You should have persuaded them to return to the bosom of the Nation by skillfully using propaganda, not coercion! What have you really achieved by... Should I say it? By kidnapping more than twenty thousand people from the country they thought was theirs... Yes, wrongfully thought, but still... Now, instead of learning to love Romania and become Romanians again, they hate us. You just made the task of reconquering their souls much more difficult!"
    I: "I understand now, granddaddy. You are right to be mad at me. But I was alone, I had no one to advise me! Had you still lived..."
    M: "Had I still lived you would not have been Empress. But you could have taken advice from Cristina or from our counsellors. Only that you had chosen to ignore them. Pity. But we'll continue this conversation later, because now we have arrived home. Stanca!"


    6 January 1652, Paradise

    Iulia: "It's very nice to see all these people mourning me. But I'm a little confused. How does this window work? Is it by magic? Because I thought that magic does not exist."
    Mihai: "Of course magic does not exist. It's science. But it's very difficult to explain. I have been trying to comprehend it myself, but the ten years since I have been here were not enough to learn all the science behind it."
    I: "And what about the other window, the one with black curtains?"
    M: "Oh, that one. You should leave it alone. It's rather depressing."
    I: "What is it, granddaddy? You had just made me more curious. I'm a tough girl, you know that."
    M: "It is a window to another world, another Universe, different from our own."
    I: "I don't follow you."
    M: "Yes, it's complicated. Let me try to explain you this way... Imagine that you have a sheet of paper and draw a world on it. And then you draw another world on another sheet of paper. The two worlds are completely separate, because they are on different sheets of paper. And they do not ever intersect because, while infinite, they are parallel. This works because the drawing has only two dimensions but you have three. It's the same with these Universes, they have three dimensions, breadth, width and height, but the Creator has more than three! You can have an Infinity of three-dimensional parallel Worlds stacked together like sheets of paper in a multi-dimensional Super-World!"
    I: "I am dumb. I do not understand a thing of what you're telling me."
    M: "No, honey, you are not dumb. I did not understand these concepts either when I had first arrived here. But I was curious and I started to learn some Geometry... You don't have much to do around here and we have to find something to entertain our minds with. You don't need to work, to sleep, to eat, to drink, you don't have any worries and you are not in any danger, plus you have an endless amount of free time and access to all the knowledge there is!"
    I: "And how many of these parallel worlds are there?"
    M: "There are more than an Infinity of them!"
    I: "What does that even mean? There is nothing bigger than Infinity!"
    M: "How many points are there on a line?"
    I: "An Infinity, of course."
    M: "And aren't there more points in a plane than in a line?"
    I: "You got me! Now, please, tell me about this other world!" [1]
    M: "The Creator made His first World a long time ago, but His Infinite Mind got bored with only one World to watch and manage, so, from time to time, He branches it."
    I: "Oh, Granddaddy, please speak more clearly!"
    M: "I mean, all the Worlds are somehow related like the branches of a great tree. At some moment, when something happens in one of the Worlds, the Creator asks Himself: «What if this happened differently?» Then, He branches the World into two Worlds, each with a different outcome of the event in question."
    I: "This I can understand. Somehow. And to see if I understood it, I will ask you another question. Which was the event and its two different outcomes that separated our world from this other one?"
    M: "See, you are not at all dumb, but very intelligent! The event that prompted the Creator to branch our World in two happened in the early hours of the 9th of August 1601 on a remote war field in Northern Transylvania. A group of assassins got into my tent to kill me and strangle from craddle the bright future of our Nation. In our World they failed. In the other one, they succeeded."

    [1] Not all statements made by Mihai and Iulia are mathematically correct.


    Iulia: "So, they did manage to kill you and now, fifty years later, the Romanians are still divided and still under the Ottoman yoke! It seems so wrong! I cannot understand it, why did God create such a cruel world?"
    Mihai: "The Creator does not directly intervene in His Worlds. We, the humans, have free will. The Creator simply watches us and hopes that we make the good choices. Some times we do, some other times we do not. What purpose would existence have if the Creator decided to force us to only do the good deeds and eradicate sin altogether?"
    I: "Yes. It would be like here. Endless."
    M: "I have never thought like this. You may have a point here."
    I: "But which of the two worlds is the original one, the stem, and which one is the branch?"
    M: "It is always the grim one which is the original. The better one is the branch."
    I: "Why?"
    M: "Bad things do happen. The Creator, in all His Infinite goodness, wants a better world. He does not destroy the one that had failed Him, but rather makes a new one and watches both of them developing separately from that moment on."
    I: "And what happened to me in that other world?"
    M: "You were never born in the first place."
    I: "Why??"
    M: "One reason may be that, in a disunited Romania, your father, a Wallachian, had never met your mother, a Moldavian."
    I: "I got it. It is really depressing. Let's put the curtains back. You had them for a reason."


    10 January 1652, Paradise

    Iulia: "Granddaddy, can we look in the past or in the future?"
    Mihai: "In the past, sure. In the future, no way because the future does not exist! It has not been created yet, but rather unfolds as we speak."
    I: "But God does certainly know what will happen. He is omniscent."
    M: "Umm, no. God does know everything that had happened and nothing of what will happen."
    I: "And why is that so?"
    M: "Free will, again. Each second, half a billion humans decide what to do based on their own free will, thus deciding how the future would look like. Had the Creator known what the future is like would imply that us, humans, cannot override the Creator will, id est we do not have our own free will."
    I: "Yes, it is obvious now, when you explained it to me... You are so smart!"


    Stanca: "Iulia, you have a guest..."
    Iulia: "Who is it, grandmommy? I don't know anyone around here."
    S: "We have invited Jeanne d'Arc to come and hang up with you. I hope that you do not mind..."
    I: "Nonsense! I adore Jeanne d'Arc! Thank you very much, grandmommy. You are the best!"


    9 February 1652, Paradise

    Iulia: "So they did stop the war after all... Less than two month after my demise. We were winning! They are all nothing more than a bunch of cowards!"
    Mihai: "Iulia!"
    I: "Yes, I know, war is bad, et caetera..."
    M: "Don't mock me, young lady. They wouldn't consider war bad per se but, by now, almost everyone in Romania understands three obvious facts. One, that there is no more money for your oversized armies. Two, that conquering parts of Arabia is both useless and untennable. And three, that an armistice is like a gift from God, as Romania was going to lose that war and lose it very badly."
    I: "We were winning..."
    M: "No, we were not. The army was overextended in a far away hostile territory with inadequate supply lines while losing almost a hundred men each day to disease, hunger, thirst and heat! Please, try to think about it for an instant. Even if you were winning, was it worth it? So much death and for what? For a patch of Sun blasted lifeless desert filled with savage nomads?"
    I: "Yes... Perhaps it is better like that. Even if a little dishonourable..."


    4 June 1652, Paradise

    Iulia: "Granddaddy, you had lied to me!"
    Mihai: "When, my dear. I do not remember. Even if I did, it was not on purpose."
    I: "You told me that we are not allowed to interfere with the living."
    M: "And isn't that so?"
    I: "No, Jeanne told me that she had a World created for her [2] in which she is immortal and continues to fight for France and God, long after her untimely death in our own World!"
    M: "It's an issue of semantics. She does not interfere in an already existing World, but in a new one, created especially for her, like a playground."
    I: "I want my playground World as well!"
    M: "Ask the Creator. Maybe He will make one for you. But make sure to have the right answers if He asks you about your plans... Skip the illogical wars, obviously!"
    I: "Do you actually advise me to lie to God?!"
    M: "No. I am simply advising you to change your views before attempting to speak to the Creator!"

    [2] This wonderful TL by @jeandebueil: I will burn with a light of my own. A Joan of Arc TL.

    Note: An ASB Spin-Off will be about an Iulia-insert wreaking havoc into OTL. When online, a link will be provided here.

    Link to story: We Will Conquer the Entire World!


    19 November 1652, Paradise

    Iulia: "You were wrong with something else..."
    Mihai: "What now, my dear?"
    I: "When I arrived here, you told me that these parallel Worlds do not interact in any way."
    M: "This is correct."
    I: "Well, it is not. Our World and the Grim World are indeed parallel three-dimensional spaces in a four-dimensional hyper-space, but the distance between them varies in time."
    M: "Go on, please."
    I: "The variation is similar with the length of the day during an Earthly sideral year. From the minimum point it increases slowly, then faster, then slower again until it reaches a maximum. Afterwards, it decreases slowly, then faster, then slower again until it reaches the next minimum. It is periodic."
    M: "You may say that it is a sinusoid. I told you that I have learned a good deal of mathemathics since I arrived here."
    I: "Yes, granddaddy, sure. A sine curve. The inter-Universe distance is a sine function of time!"
    M: "And where exactly is the interaction?"
    I: "Near the minimums, the two Universes are very close to one another and a very powerful and sudden release of energy can break the separation between them and transfer energy and matter between them!"
    M: "How powerful? I mean, how much energy are we talking about here?"
    I: "A lighting bolt in 1630 transferred a sphere of air about ten fathoms in diameter between the two Universes!"
    M: "That is very interesting. So, our descendants will somehow get a clue about this, then calculate exactly the moment of the next minimum distance, create a lighting bolt or pray that one strikes at the exact place and time needed and send a message or maybe even a messanger to the other side. Very simple!"
    I: "And now you are mocking me..."
    M: "Because, even if this phenomenon is indeed possible it is extremely unlikely to be ever harnessed by men."
    I: "Or by women."
    M: "Whatever, you understood what I meant."
    I: "Our descendants may be able to create an explosion which releases more energy than a lightling bolt!" [3]
    M: "It may be possible, just don't count on it, though!"

    [3] An atomic bomb would do the trick if exploded at the right moment, as it can be thousands to millions of times more powerful than a lighting bolt.

    Note: Another ASB Spin-Off will be about a human induced ISOT between TTL and OTL. When online, a link will be provided here.


    29 May 1653, Paradise

    Iulia: "Hey, granddaddy, grandmommy, come to see this, quick!"
    Mihai: "What is it, my dear?"
    I: "After two hundred years, Constantinople is once again under Christian rule! The Mahomedans have been finally expelled!"


    28 May 1653, Constantinople, Earth

    A Christian mob numbering more than three thousand very well armed and organized men marched on the Topkapı Palace beginning a very tense stand-off with the admirably restrained Ottoman defenders.

    29 May 1653, Constantinople, Earth

    After a civil war inside Constantinople had been narrowly averted the previous day, the Romanian Army marched unopposed into the City and placed it under direct military rule.

    Murat, the last Ottoman Sultan, abdicated and received a nice castle with a good manor in Maramureș, together with a decent pension, courtesy of the Romanian State.

    The Principality of the Bosphorus was abolished and all its area was directly annexed to the Empire of the Orient, under the dual Protection of both Romania and Greece.

    Two centuries after the greatest blow ever suffered by the Christendom, all of Europe was under Christian rule, for the first time in its history! [4]

    [4] Almost all, as Persia still had a small penhandle on the Western Shore of the Caspian Sea, North of the Greater Caucasus Mountains, an area which we consider today to be inside geographic Europe.

    The END of Part One.

    Thank you for reading, commenting, asking questions and giving helpful hints and advice.

    Part Two will commence this month.

    Part One, Part Two... I have to find names / titles for the Parts as well. Any ideas anyone?
    Last edited:
    Data #8. 1653 Internal Administrative Reorganisation of the Realms
  • Zagan

    Another small post...

    Although I had posted this:
    The END of Part One.

    ... I had also posted this:
    28 May 1653, Constantinople, Earth

    A Christian mob numbering more than three thousand very well armed and organized men marched on the Topkapı Palace beginning a very tense stand-off with the admirably restrained Ottoman defenders.

    29 May 1653, Constantinople, Earth

    After a civil war inside Constantinople had been narrowly averted the previous day, the Romanian Army marched unopposed into the City and placed it under direct military rule.

    Murat, the last Ottoman Sultan, abdicated and received a nice castle with a good manor in Maramureș, together with a decent pension, courtesy of the Romanian State.

    The Principality of the Bosphorus was abolished and all its area was directly annexed to the Empire of the Orient, under the dual Protection of both Romania and Greece.

    Two centuries after the greatest blow ever suffered by the Christendom, all of Europe was under Christian rule, for the first time in its history!

    ... Which was initially planned for Part Two, as you could see from this:
    Internal Structure of the Realms


    After 1653

    - Internal reorganization - please wait for Part Two

    So, I have to continue this post with the:

    1653 Internal Administrative Reorganisation of the Realms

    - Empire of the Orient - supranational confederacy

    --- Constantinople (including the surrounding area) - Imperial Territory, the only one directly administered by the Empire of the Orient

    --- Romania - Founder Member State, Dynastic Union
    ----- 30 Internal Provinces
    ----- 4 Autonomous Provinces - Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia, Lebanon
    ----- 3 External Provinces - Asia Minor, Sinope, Canal Zone
    ----- 3 Colonies - Holy Land, Syria, Sinai
    ------- Județe

    --- Greece - Founder Member State, Dynastic Union
    ----- 11 Internal Provinces (Themes)
    ----- 1 External Province - Cilicia

    --- Armenia - Member State from July 1653, different dynasty
    ----- 5 Internal Provinces
    ----- 1 External Province - Cappadocia

    --- Georgia - Member State from November 1653, different dynasty
    ----- 4 Internal Provinces

    --- Slovakia - Protected State, did not apply for direct membership (yet, as of 31 December 1653)
    ----- 12 Counties

    --- Turkey - Protectorate
    ----- 5 Provinces

    --- The Levant - Protectorate (not enforced)
    ----- 7 Provinces

    - The Empire of the Orient got actual territory: the City of Constantinople (its Capital) and the immediate surrounding area;
    - The short-lived Principality of the Bosphorus was disolved;
    - The main part of the Constantinople part (European side) of the former Principality of the Bosphorus was annexed to Romania Proper (as the third Județ of the Internal Province Marmara);
    - The Nicomedia part (Asian side) of the former Principality of the Bosphorus was annexed to Romania (as the fifth județ of the External Province Asia Minor);
    - Romania, Greece, Armenia and Georgia became member states of the Empire of the Orient (the position of Romania inside the Empire of the Orient was similar to the position of Prussia inside the German Empire or of the Russian SFSR inside the Soviet Union);
    - The Colony of Lebanon became an Autonomous Province, alongside Croatia, Dalmatia and Hungary;
    - The Colonies of Asia Minor, Sinope and the Canal Zone became External Provinces (a new category);
    - Jerusalem was merged back into the Holy Land;
    - The Autonomous Provinces, the External Provinces and the Colonies were administratively divided into Județe;
    - The Greek Colony of Cilicia became a Greek External Province;
    - The Armenian Colony of Cappadocia became an Armenian External Province;
    - The Protectorates over Slovakia, Turkey and the Levant were symbolically transferred from Romania to the Empire of the Orient;
    - The Levantine Colony of Arabia Petraea was directly annexed to the Levant Proper as its seventh Province;

    - Internal Province: simple administrative unit with no special status;
    - Autonomous Province: language, religion, culture and customs of the local population are safeguarded (Hungarian in Hungary, Croat in Croatia, Croat and Italian in Dalmatia, Maronite in Lebanon);
    - External Province: no autonomy, but not all laws apply; intended to be transformed into an ordinary Internal Province when certain conditions are met (Asia Minor, Sinope and the Canal Zone for Romania, Cilicia for Greece, Cappadocia for Armenia);
    - Colony: little or no autonomy, no intention to annex it to the metropole due to its foreign character;
    - Member States (Romania, Greece, Armenia, Georgia): theoretically equal constituents of the Empire of the Orient; in practice, Romania was by far the most powerful and influential of them, prompting the foreigners to usually say "Romania" when talking about the "Empire of the Orient" (a case of pars pro toto);
    - Protected State (Slovakia): a benevolent Protectorate, actually desired and asked for by the Protected State;
    - Protectorates (Turkey and the Levant): unwilling Protectorates; significant internal autonomy, foreign policy alligned to the Empire;

    OTL Examples:
    - Internal Province: French Départements;
    - Autonomous Province: Spanish Catalunya;
    - External Province: US Territory of Alaska;
    - Colony: Italian Libya;
    - Member State: Prussia of the German Empire;
    - Protected State: British Ionian Islands, modern Microstates;
    - Protectorate: Spanish Morocco (Rif);

    1. Unlike most OTL asymetrical federal structures where the Federal Capital coincided with the Capital of the strongest Federal Subject (German Empire, Soviet Union, etc), the Empire of the Orient and Romania maintained different Capitals (Constantinople and Michaelia Iulia, respectively).
    2. Slovakia preferred the loose and multiethnic structure of the Empire of the Orient to the centralized Nation State of Germany or the weaker power of Sarmatia.
    3. The structure of Empire of the Orient will continue to change over time (will be covered in Part Two).
    4. Not all the changes were internationally recognized, but the Romanians usually did not care.
    5. The Empire of the Orient will collapse before present day (will be covered in Part Two).
    Last edited:
    I.Contents: Chapters and Images (Maps, Tables, etc)
  • Zagan


    Tables of Contents
    for Part One: "The Birth and Growth of Romania"


    Introduction: The Dream that Forged an Empire
    Chapter 1. The List That Shaped the Future
    Chapter 2. Diplomatic Letter Send to Poland
    Chapter 3. Romanian Language Standardization
    Chapter 4. Dealing with Treason
    Chapter 5. Alba Iulia
    Chapter 6. The Romanian Lands
    Chapter 7. Reactions in the Romanian Lands
    Chapter 8. And Reactions Abroad
    Chapter 9. The Prague Storm
    Chapter 10. The Making of a Country
    Chapter 11. Overview of 1601 Romania
    Chapter 12. The Path to War
    Chapter 13. The Romanian-Habsburg War
    Chapter 14. The End of the War
    Chapter 15. Pressburg Peace Conference
    Chapter 16. The Aftermath of Pressburg
    Chapter 17. A Period of Peace
    Chapter 18. The Tatar Question
    Chapter 19. The Tatar War
    Chapter 20. Treaty of Perekop
    Chapter 21. Sigismund III Vasa
    Chapter 22. Poland-Lithuania (Sarmatia)
    Chapter 23. Holy Roman Empire
    Chapter 24. The German War
    Chapter 25. Europe in 1622
    Chapter 26. Tensions in the Balkans
    Chapter 27. Mihai's Speeches, 1622
    Chapter 28. The Anti-Ottoman Crusade
    Chapter 29. First Romanian-Ottoman War
    Chapter 30. Peace of Alba Iulia
    Chapter 31. The Second German War
    Chapter 32. About Measures and Weights
    Chapter 33. Europe after the Wars
    Chapter 34. The Imperium
    Chapter 35. Europe before the Great Powers Conference
    Chapter 36. Mihai before the Great Powers Conference
    Chapter 37. Romanian Historiography
    Chapter 38. The Great Powers Conference
    Chapter 39. Mihai and Christine
    Chapter 40. Ups and Downs
    Chapter 41. Annus Horribilis
    Chapter 42. Empress Cristina
    Chapter 43. The Greek-Ottoman War
    Chapter 44. The Second Romanian-Ottoman War
    Chapter 45. The Horrors of Modern Warfare
    Chapter 46. The End of the Ottoman Empire
    Chapter 47. The Imperial Family
    Chapter 48. Remapping the Middle East
    Chapter 49. The Unofficial Regency
    Chapter 50. The Powder Keg
    Chapter 51. The Fall of Greece
    Chapter 52. The Italian Imbroglio
    Chapter 53. The Chaos
    Chapter 54. In the Holy Land
    Chapter 55. Still in the (Un)Holy Land
    Chapter 56. Requiescat in Pace
    Chapter 57. The Working Anarchy
    Chapter 58. The Little Princess
    Chapter 59. Iulia Imperatrix
    Chapter 60. The Warrior Empress
    Chapter 61. The Romanian Revolution
    Chapter 62. Peace in Europe
    Chapter 63. War in the Orient
    Chapter 64. Half a Century after Mihai's Dream
    Epilogue: Watching from the Heavens


    Romanian Flag: Waving, Flat.
    The Romanian Lands in September 1601: Post, Map.
    Romanian-Habsburg War of 1601: Post, Map.
    Pressburg Peace Treaty: Post, Map, Map (result).
    Romania after the Pressburg Peace Treaty: Post, Map.
    The Tatar War: Post, Map.
    Partition of the Crimean Khanate: Post, Map, Map (result), Map (detail).
    Romania after the Tatar War and the Treaty of Colomeea: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1604: Post, Map.
    Poland-Lithuania (Sarmatia) in 1619-1622: Post, Map, Map (result).
    Germany in 1612, just before the start of the German War: Post, Map.
    Germany during the War: Post, Map.
    Germany During the Ceasefire Period: Post, Map.
    Lisbon Treaty: Post, Map.
    Semaphores Chart: Post, Image.
    The Anti-Ottoman Crusade: Post, Map.
    Administrative Map of Romania after the Anti-Ottoman Crusade: Post, Map.
    Romania and Neighbouring Lands after the Alba Iulia Peace Conference: Post, Map.
    Alba Iulia Peace Conference Aftermath: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1626: Post, Map.
    1625 Census Data: Ethnicity: Post, Table.
    1625 Census Data: Religion: Post, Table.
    1625 Census Data: Status / Occupation: Post, Table.
    1625 Census Data: Citizenship: Post, Map.
    Brussels Peace Treaty Map: Post, Map.
    Germany after the Brussels Peace Treaty: Post, Map.
    The Iberian Empire, the Italian Confederation and Croatia in 1627: Post, Map.
    Flags I: Post, Iberia1, Iberia2, Iberia3, France1, France2, Britain1, Britain2, Germany, Sarmatia, Romania1, Romania2.
    Flags II: Post, Scandinavia, Russia, Slovakia, Croatia, Greece1, Greece2, Italy1, Italy2, Italy3, Hungary.
    Flags III: Post, Georgia, Armenia, Ottoman, Persia, Morocco, Egypt, Arabia, Israel, Peace-Truce, Europe.
    Northern Europe around 1630: Post, Map.
    World Map ~1630: Post, Map.
    European Countries in 1627: Post, Table.
    Pie Charts: Post, Ethnicity, Religion, Citizenship, Europe by Population, Europe by Area.
    The Political Structure of the Population of Romania: Post, Venn Diagram.
    Europe during the Great Powers Conference (1626-1627): Post, Map (overlay), Map (plain).
    Family Tree of Emperor Mihai: Post, Image.
    Old Map of Europe: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map.
    Exclusive Colonial Rights for the Great Powers I: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map.
    Exclusive Colonial Rights for the Great Powers II: Post, Arctic, NW Africa, N America.
    Territorial Evolution of Romania (1601 - 1630): Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Greece (1625 - 1630): Post, Map.
    The Ottoman Empire in 1630-1631: Post, Map.
    The Ottoman State and Its Neighbours in 1635: Post, Map.
    Romanian Theatre of the 1629-1630 Romanian-Ottoman War: Post, Map.
    The Orient in 1635: Post, Map.
    Administrative & Ethnographic Map of Romania: Post, Map.
    Romanian Colonies in the Middle East around 1640: Post, Map.
    Comparison of Romania in 1625 and in 1640: Post, Table 1625, Table 1640, Map 1625, Map 1640.
    The Italian War: Post, Map (before), Map.
    Michaelia Iulia - Capital City of Romania: Post, Map.
    Second European War - Greek Theatre: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1640: Post, Map (overlay), Map (plain).
    The Second European War: Post, Animated Map.
    Summary of Europe's Countries around 1650: Post, Table.
    Administrative Units of the Romanian Imperium: Post, Huge Table, Text Version.
    Romania and its Empire around 1650: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map (overlay), Full Map (plain).
    The Wars and Voyages of Empress Iulia during the 1640's: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of France: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Iberia / Spain: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Germany: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Italy: Post, Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Sarmatia: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1650: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map.
    Territorial Evolution of Romania, Minor Powers: Post, Map.
    Decline and Disolution of the Ottoman Empire: Post, Map.
    Europe in 1650 (plain & labeled): Post, Thumbnail, Full Map.
    The World in the Second Half of the 17th Century: Post, Thumbnail, Full Map (overlay), Full Map (plain).
    Population of Romania (1602 - 1652): Post, Table.
    European Countries and Their Dependencies in 1652: Post, Table.
    Relative Military Strength of the World's Countries: Post, Table.
    Flag Maps of Europe (1652): Post, FlagMap.
    Animated Map of Romania (1600 - 1652): Post, Animated Map.
    Family Tree of Emperor Mihai (version 2): Post, Image.
    Coat of Arms of Romania: Post, Coat of Arms, Half Size, Quarter Size, Vertical Flag, Defaced Flag, Vertical Defaced Flag, Flag of the Orient.
    1652 Wiki-Like Summary Posts: Mihai, Cristina, Nicolae, Flora, Iulia, Maria, Spain, France, Britain, Germany, Scandinavia, Sarmatia, Russia, Italy, Greece, Armenia, Georgia, Slovakia, Oriens, Turkey, Levant, Bosphorus, Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia, Persia, Egypt, Arabia, Morocco, Romania.

    [End of Part One]

    Note: The same Tables of Contents can be found in the opening post of this thread, hidden inside SPOILER tags. They have been there for many months.
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    Map #53. Administrative Map of the Empire of the Orient
  • Zagan

    Administrative Map of the Empire of the Orient
    (Romania, Greece, etc)

    after 1653

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    Map #54. Ethnographic Map of the Empire of the Orient
  • Zagan

    Ethnographic Map of the Empire of the Orient
    (Romania, Greece, etc)


    Blue hues: Romanic (Romanians, Italians)
    Red hues: Germanic (Germans)
    Green hues: Slavic (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Ruthenes, Russians, etc)
    Violet hues: Hellenic (Greeks) and Albanian (Albanians)
    Yellow hues: Finno-Ugric (Hungarians)
    Cyan hues: South Caucasian (Georgians, Armenians)
    Purple hues: Iranic (Persians, Kurds)
    Orange hues: Turkic (Turks, Azeris, Tatars, Turkestanis, etc)
    White: North Caucasian (Circassians, etc)
    Greyscale: Semitic (Arabs, Jews, Assyrians, etc) and Hamitic (Berbers)

    Approximative ethnic composition
    - Solid Color: 80-100%
    - Wide Lines: 50-80%
    - Narrow Lines: 20-50%
    - None: 0-20%
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    Map #55. Religion Map of the Empire of the Orient
  • Zagan

    Religion Map of the Empire of the Orient
    (Romania, Greece, etc)


    : Christian Orthodox (Romanian, Greek, Russian, Armenian, Georgian, Oriental, Coptic, Maronite)
    Blue: Christian Catholic (Roman, United)
    Purple: Christian Protestant (Lutheran, Calvinist, Hussite)
    Yellow: Muslim (Sunni, Shia, Druze, Alawite, etc)
    Grey: Mixed Christian (many denominations) + Muslim (many denominations) + Jewish

    Monastery Map Glyph: The Heptarchy (seven Patriarchates of the Empire of the Orient)
    1. Alba Iulia -- Romanian Orthodox Church
    2. Constantinople -- Greek Orthodox Church
    3. Erevan -- Armenian Orthodox Church
    4. Tilfis -- Georgian Orthodox Church
    5. Jerusalem -- Oriental Orthodox Church
    6. Alexandria -- Coptic Orthodox Church
    7. Antioch -- Maronite Orthodox Church

    Note: The eighth Patriarhate (Moscow -- Russian Orthodox Church) and the ninth (Rome -- Roman Catholic Church) were outside of the Empire of the Orient and are not shown on this map.

    Approximative religious composition
    - Solid Color: 70-100%
    - Horizontal Lines: 30-70%
    - None: 0-30%
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    Map #56. Political Map of the Empire of the Orient
  • Zagan

    Administrative Map of the Empire of the Orient
    (Romania, Greece, etc)
    after 1653


    as requested by @Amber

    , Orange, Magenta, Green-Yellow: Romania - Internal Provinces (Romania Proper)
    Cyan, Blue-Cyan, Blue, Green-Cyan: Romania - External Provinces and Colonies (Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia, Asia Minor, Syria, Lebanon, Holy Land, Sinai, Canal Zone)
    Yellow, Purple: Other States of the Empire (Constantinople, Greece, Armenia, Georgia, Slovakia);
    Dark Grey, Light Grey: Protectorates (Turkey, Levant)
    White: Countries and territories not part of the Empire of the Orient

    Different shades of the same color: Județe (for the Provinces and Colonies of Romania plus Slovakia) or Provinces (for Greece, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Levant)
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    Part Two: The Empire of the Orient
  • Zagan


    Io Mihailŭ, Împĕratul Românilor

    Part Two

    The Empire of the Orient


    (Very) Short Synopsis:
    The Empire of the Orient, a sui generis federal structure dominated by Romania, controlled large territories in South-Eastern Europe, Western Asia and Eastern Africa during its centuries-long existence.

    Administrative Map of the Empire of the Orient (after 1653): Post, Map.
    Administrative Map of the Empire of the Orient (after 1653, variant): Post, Map.
    Ethnographic Map of the Empire of the Orient (1650 - 1700): Post, Map.
    Religion Map of the Empire of the Orient (1650 - 1700): Post, Map.

    Family Tree of the House of Romania (version 3): Post, Image.
    The Romanian-Islamic War (Military Alliances 1683): Post, Map.
    The Romanian-Islamic War (1683-1711): Post, Map.
    Romania after the Romanian-Islamic War (1712): Post, Map.
    The Levantine Area after the Romanian-Islamic War (1712): Post, Map.


    Part One
    The Wiki

    Diacritics: . Â . â . Ê . ê . Î . î . Ô . ô . Û . û . Ă . ă . Ĕ . ĕ . Ĭ . ĭ . Ŏ . ŏ . Ŭ . ŭ . Ḑ . ḑ . Ș . ș . Ț . ț . Ä . ä . Ö . ö . Ü . ü . ß .

    Superscripts / Subscripts: . ⁰ . ¹ . ² . ³ . ⁴ . ⁵ . ⁶ . ⁷ . ⁸ . ⁹ . ₀ . ₁ . ₂ . ₃ . ₄ . ₅ . ₆ . ₇ . ₈ . ₉ .

    BigGrin | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/biggrin-gif.275106/[/IMG]
    Confused | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/confused-gif.275107/[/IMG]
    Cool | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/cool-gif.275108/[/IMG]
    Eek | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/eek-gif.275109/[/IMG]
    Frown | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/frown-gif.275110/[/IMG]
    Mad | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/mad-gif.275111/[/IMG]
    RedFace | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/redface-gif.275112/[/IMG]
    RollEyes | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/rolleyes-gif.275113/[/IMG]
    Smile | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/smile-gif.275114/[/IMG]
    Tongue | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/tongue-gif.275115/[/IMG]
    Wink | [IMG]https://www.alternatehistory.com/forum/attachments/wink-gif.275116/[/IMG]
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    Data #9. Ethnic and Religious Minorities and their fate in TTL's 17th century Europe
  • Zagan

    The rise of nationalism came ITTL in a period less... tolerant, and since Europe is less fragmented, the centralized power blocks have more freedom to impose their view of society, strengthening their nation by integrating (sometimes forcefully) a number of minorities and conquered/occupied populations. There also may be another reason: nationalism may work both ways. A strong nationalist sentiment may manifest in the minorities as well, and the ruling governments try to stamp (and stomp on) the problems ahead of time.
    There are ways to pull this off. the Roman Empire was especially efficient. An Roman from Tracia didn't think himself less of a Roman than one from Latium especially since many provinces were seeded with veterans.

    After this talk about minorities, I think that a summary is needed here...

    Ethnic and Religious Minorities and their fate in TTL's 17th century Europe

    1. Spain / Iberia
    - Iberian Nation - partially cohesive
    --- Portuguese (including Galicians, etc) - content
    --- Castilians (including Leonese, Andalucians, etc) - no troubles
    --- Catalans (including Aragonese, Valencians, etc) - no troubles
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- Basques - language suppression - no troubles
    - Religious Minorities - none

    2. France
    - French Nation - theoretical
    --- French - content
    --- other Romance (Occitans, Provensals, Catalans, etc) - no troubles
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- Basques - no troubles
    --- Bretons - no troubles
    --- Germans (including Flemish and Swiss Germans) - being sent to Germany (all Population Exchanges are going to be completed in about a decade)
    --- Italians - being sent to Italy
    - Religious Minorities
    --- Huguenots - attempted conversion, suppressed - very unhappy
    --- newly acquired Protestants in Suisse - no policy yet
    --- Jews - tolerated

    3. Britain / Britannia
    - British Nation - theoretical
    --- English - content
    --- Scots - content
    --- Irish - no troubles (in the national aspect, for the religious aspect, see below)
    --- Welsh, Cornish, Manx, etc - no troubles
    - Ethnic Minorities - none
    - Religious Minorities
    --- Catholics - heavily oppressed, forced conversions - frequent revolts

    4. Germany
    - German Nation - cohesive
    --- High Germans - content
    --- Middle Germans - content
    --- Low Germans - content
    --- Swiss Germans - content
    --- Dutch - unhappy
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- French - being sent to France
    --- Italians - being sent to Italy
    --- Danes - content
    --- Poles - being sent to Sarmatia
    --- Slovenians, Sorbs, Kashubians, Silesians, etc - assimilation - content
    --- Czechs - assimilation - low level of unrest, mainly formented by Slovakia, starting to see themselves as Slovaks
    --- Hungarians - no troubles
    --- Croatians - low level insurgency - suppressed
    - Religious Minorities
    --- Catholics - slow conversion to Protestantism - some degree of unrest
    --- Jews - being sent to Romanian Holy Land

    5. Sarmatia
    - Sarmatian Nation - theoretical
    --- Poles (including other West Slavs) - content
    --- Lithuanians (including Latvians and other Balts) - no troubles
    --- Ruthenians (Ukranians, Byelorussians, Russyns, etc) - various attitudes (from content to marked discontent to rebellion)
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- Germans - being sent to Germany
    --- Tatars - some troubles
    --- Estonians (including other Finnic Peoples) - no troubles
    --- Armenians - content
    --- Russians - being sent to Russia
    - Religious Minorities
    --- Protestants - slow conversion to Catholicism - some troubles
    --- Russian Orthodoxes - forced conversion to Eastern Catholicism (United with Rome), expelled to Romanian Asia Minor - various attitudes (see above, Ruthenians)
    --- Muslims - conversions, expulsions - some troubles

    6. Romania
    - Romanian Nation - cohesive
    --- Daco-Romanians (Wallachians, Moldavians, Transylvanians, etc) - content
    --- Traco-Romanians (Aromanians) - content
    --- Macedo-Romanians (Aromanians, Meglenites) - mostly content
    --- Illyro-Romanians (Aromanians, Morlachs, etc) - content
    --- Istro-Romanians - retrieved from Istria - mostly content
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- Germans - protected, content
    --- Szeklers - protected, content
    --- Italians - protected, some unrest
    --- Hungarians - unrest - suppressed
    --- Croats - unrest - suppressed
    --- Slovaks, Poles - no trouble
    --- Ruthenians - assimilation - no trouble
    --- Greeks - being sent to Greek Cilicia
    --- Armenians - being sent to Armenian Cappadocia
    --- Bulgarians (including Slavo-Macedonians) - assimilation - no troubles
    --- Serbs (including Bosniaks, Montenegrins) - assimilation - some unrest, starting to see themselves as (Orthodox) Croats
    --- Albanians - assimilation - some unrest
    --- Turks, Tatars - being sent to Turkey
    - Religious Minorities
    --- Catholics - protected
    --- Protestants (mainly Lutherans) - protected
    --- Other Orthodoxes - conversion or expulsion
    --- Muslims - conversion or expulsion
    --- Jews - being sent to the Holy Land

    7. Scandinavia
    - Scandinavian Nation - cohesive
    --- Danes - content
    --- Norwegians - content
    --- Sweds - content
    --- Icelanders, Feroese, etc - content
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- Germans - content
    --- Finns - no troubles
    --- Lapps - no troubles
    --- Russians - some unrest
    - Religious Minorities
    --- Catholics - ongoing conversion
    --- Russian Orthodoxes - attempted conversion - some unrest
    --- Pagans - rapid, forced conversion

    8. Russia
    - Russian Nation - theoretical
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- various peoples (mainly Turkic and Mongolic) - no data
    - Religious Minorities
    --- Muslims - mainly left alone
    --- Pagans - forced conversion
    --- Jews - mainly left alone

    9. Slovakia
    - Slovak Nation - partially cohesive
    - Ethnic Minorities (Hungarians, Germans, Romanians, Poles, Ruthenians, Jews) - content
    - Religious Minorities (Catholics, Lutherans, Calvinists, Hussites, Anabaptists, Orthodoxes, Jews) - freedom of religion, content

    10. Greece
    - Greek Nation - cohesive
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- Albanians - forced assimilation
    --- Turks - insurrection - heavily oppressed
    --- Armenians - being sent to Armenian Cappadocia
    - Religious Minorities
    --- Muslims - forced conversions, oppressed
    --- Jews - being sent to Romanian Holy Land

    11. Croatia and Dalmatia (Romanian Occupation)
    - Croatian Nation - cohesive
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- Italians - trouble, encouraged by Romania and Italy
    --- Romanians - trouble, encouraged by Romania
    --- Hungarians, Serbs, Germans - no trouble
    - Religious Minorities (Protestants, Orthodoxes) - freedom of religion - content

    12. Italy
    - Italian Nation - partially cohesive
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- French - being sent to France
    --- Germans - being sent to Germany
    --- Slovenes, Croats, Albanians - assimilation - no trouble
    --- Greeks - being sent to Greek Cilicia
    --- Jews - being sent to Romanian Holy Land
    - Religious Minorities - none

    13. Hungary (Romanian Occupation)
    - Hungarian Nation - cohesive
    - Ethnic Minorities (Germans, Slovaks, Croats, Slovenes, Romanians, etc) - no trouble
    - Religious Minorities (Protestants, Orthodoxes) - freedom of religion - content

    14. Georgia
    - Georgian Nation - theoretical
    - Ethnic Minorities (not enough data) - no trouble
    - Religious Minorities (Muslims) - oppressed

    15. Armenia
    - Armenian Nation - theoretical
    - Ethnic Minorities
    --- Greeks - being sent to Greek Cilicia
    --- Turks - insurrection - oppressed
    --- others - no trouble
    - Religious Minorities (Muslims) - oppressed

    Something like that.
    Some minorities fare better than others. There is no clear rule here.

    Specific cases will be discussed in the corresponding chapters of Part Two.
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    II.Introduction: Another Dream
  • Zagan

    Another Dream

    1. I decided to have no more mottos. There are already too many of them (66) and they serve no clear purpose. I may bring them back though if I hear (energetic) protests.
    2. This Introduction does not convey any new information but rather sets up the scene for the following chapters. It is actually unrelated to the Epilogue of Part One. Not everything will happen as dreamt, of course.
    3. The Chapters of Part Two will be a little different from those of Part One. Each of them will cover a specific topic or country rather than a fixed time period.

    Warning: The text below may or may not contain spoilers.

    30 May 1653, Imperial Palace, Constantinople, Empire of the Orient

    Maria woke up in the middle of the night. She had had a very strange dream. This was no ordinary dream. I have to talk to someone about it.

    Maria lit the gas lamp and ckecked the clock. It was almost four in the morning. It is so hot in this country. And it's only May! She went to the window and opened it.
    Now that the Coronation is over, we shall go home as soon as possible. I don't want to languish anymore in this gigantic City! The Coronation had been magnificent, though... Maria the First, Empress of the Romanians, of the Greeks and of the Orient... Yes, it sounds nice.

    Then she opened the door to Frederick's bedroom. It was emply and the bed had not been slept in.
    So far from home and he still manages to sleep around... I will have to do somethnig about that some day.

    Maria entered the hallway. The guards sprang to attention and gave a military salute. Leftovers from Iulia's reign...
    Maria smiled and returned the salute. I am not only Empress but Commander in Chief as well. Whether I like it or not.

    A short knock on her Mother's bedroom door... If she's sleeping tight she won't hear me and I won't enter her room uninvited lest she stabs me like she stabbed Iulia!

    Cristina: "Yes, dear, come in. I was awake as I usually get up early in the morning, but why aren't you asleep during these small hours?"

    Maria: "Mother, Fred is missing. Again!"

    C: "I see. These things do happen, you know. No, it shouldn't be like that, of course, don't misunderstand me, but... Men are men. It's in their nature."

    M: "And what should I do about it, Mother? Talk to him? Threaten him?"

    C: "Are you really so upset, my darling?"

    M: "Yes, Mother. I fear that I will end up divorcing Fred."

    C: "A divorce will give a bad example to our people, the hundreds of thousands of our Catholic subjects will be appalled and even the newspapers might speculate..."

    M: "What should I do then?"

    C: "I don't know, Maria. Look the other way, I suppose. It's not as if he actually taunts you, isn't it?"

    M: "Of course not, but... Mother, what did you do... If... When... Were you ever in my situation?"

    C: "Oh, no, honey. Your father really loved me and Cosimo, well, he was very sick and died soon after marrying me."

    M: "Then Fred does not love me."

    C: "I'm sorry, my dear, I did not mean that... But is this all? Because I think that you have something else to tell me..."

    M: "Oh, Mother, sure, yes. I had a very strange dream."

    C: "Well, this is surely going to be interesting. I'm listening."


    M: "I saw Father. And Iulia too. They were both in Heaven."

    C: "Naturally, Maria. Where else should they be?"

    M: "Father yes, sure, but Iulia... Do you think that she was righteous?"

    C: "Maria! How can you say something that wicked? Iulia was pure at heart, fair and loving. She confessed her sins every other week and built countless churches and monasteries. And she fought for Christendom more than anyone before her!"

    M: "I'm sorry, Mother. I was wrong... Did you love her so much?"

    C: "Sure, honey. I have loved Iulia since I first met her, since she was a little girl. She was so lovely!... Iulia was like a daughter to me, like your elder sister! And she loved us very much, although she did frighten us a few times with her martial attitudes... Anyway, now Iulia is in Heaven and we should remember her fondly and have nothing but prayers and good words for her."

    M: "Sure, Mother, I was wrong. And I will confess more often. About my dream..."

    C: "Yes, I'm sorry, I will not interrupt you anymore."


    M: "They talked to me and showed me the future! Father advised me to always put Romania first and keep it separate from the other countries of our Empire for it to remain forever a true reservoir of endless and unadulterated Romanianness. Father was very forcefully against this idea the Greeks have, to completely merge our realms into one. He wants us to remain distinct from the Greeks."

    C: "I believe that your father is right. We do already have too much ties with these Greeks."

    M: "So, do you hate the Greeks like Father did?"

    C: "No, my child. I do not hate anyone and neither did your father. We do not have to hate the Greeks. We just have to love the Romanians more and always act with the interest of the Romanian Nation in mind. That's all. The Greeks are a very fine people... as long as they stay in Greece."

    M: "I see. But Iulia seemed to like them..."

    C: "She liked that they had gived her a crown. Her first one. That's all. Now, please, go on."

    M: "Yes. He also told me to continue to encourage patriotism and literacy, the sciences and, you know, all those things that make people smarter. He said that the people must be educated enough in order to have a say in the matters of the State."

    C: "The real question here is whether the people should have a say in the matters of the State."

    M: "Father thinks so. Do you?"

    C: "I don't know, I am not sure. Mihai had told me about the sovereignty of the people, democracy and other concepts like these which sound nice in theory, at least with an educated population, but all these should probably be attempted sometime in the far future. And what do you think about that? Because you are the Empress, after all."

    M: "I don't know, Mother. I am the Empress, but it seems that I am not very good at it. I don't know if I could manage to reign alone, without your help. You are so much better than me!"

    C: "You are not trying hard enough especially because you know that I am always here to do your job. But you'll get uset to it. Reigning is difficult but it can be very rewarding. Until then, let's say that I am your Counsellor, or Minister if you prefer."

    M: "But I have lots of Ministers! You are, I don't know, special."

    C: "Prime Minister, then."

    M: "Yes! You are my Prime Minister! Now... Father did also say that conquering more Mahommedan countries serves no purpose."

    C: "I don't understand. Why would he say that?"

    M: "Me neither. Anyway, Iulia disagreed with Father here. She thinks that we have to build our military strength closer to the Southern borders and slowly but continuously advance Southwards in Arabia and in Africa, all the way to the Southern Seas. I think that her reasoning is sound here. All I want is to send capable generals and not go to war myself like she did! I don't want to die so young in God knows what wilderness!"

    C: "That is beyond any discussion. Of course that you will never go to war. Never! Yes, sadly you are Commander in Chief. But you can and should delegate power and responsability to those who are both capable and eager to fulfill it!"

    M: "And Iulia said that all Mahommedans should be expelled from Europe. What do you think about that?"

    C: "This may be necessary for the security of our people and for our own peace of mind."

    M: "I thought so as well. See, I am not dumb."

    C: "Honey, no one said you were dumb! Please!"

    M: "Fine, Mother."

    C: "What about the future?"

    M: "What future?"

    C: "You said that they had shown you the future!"

    M: "Oh, yes. It was not very clear, but I could see glimpses from the future. Like wars, lots of wars, not only with the Mahommedans, but also with the Chinese!"

    C: "That is indeed very strange. Are you sure? Is it possible that you were mistaken?"

    M: "Mother... How could I be so mistaken? I know how a Chinamen looks! I would never take one for a German!"

    C: "Yes, sure, but... China?! It's so far away! Why should we ever go there?"

    M: "I don't know. But the battlefield did not look like being in China, but rather somewhere here, in Europe!"

    C: "That is even stranger! I cannot fathom the idea of Chinamen invading us! Anyway, that cannot happen in the near future, so we'ld better think about more current issues, don't you think?"


    M: "And another strange thing... I saw fighting, not only on the ground and on the sea, but also in the air!"

    C: "That's understandable. The science of ballooning is already progressing quite fast."

    M: "I know, but those... things did not look like balloons to me."

    C: "When dreaming, images can get distorted my dear. You should not take everything at face value."

    M: "Sure, Mother. I also saw ships sailing under water and huge explosions and..."

    C: "It was only a dream, Maria. Please, don't get too excited. Better tell me, what about here in Europe? Will there be any wars in the near future?"

    M: "It seems that we shall have peace for a hundred years!"

    C (smiling): "I find ships sailing under water a little more believable than a century without wars! I don't think that even a decade had ever passed with no wars between any European Powers. It was pure fantesy, my dearest."

    M: "But Mother, I saw Father... and Iulia."

    C: "That is very good and I envy you for it. I'd cherish a dream like that but not believe everything in it. Oh, Maria, I miss Mihai so much..."

    M: "Me too. What about Iulia?"

    C: "Yes, I miss her too. Do you?"

    M: "Yes, I suppose so."


    C: "Look, Maria, the Sunrise from the Bosphorus!"

    M: "It's wonderful! But we can see the Sunrise from the Sea at Constanța too, in Romania."

    C: "Do you miss Romania? Already?"

    M: "Yes, Mother, Romania and the children. I'd like to go home."

    C: "As we do not have anything else to do here, we can very well leave tomorrow, I presume."

    M: "Very good then. I'm glad. Now I'll go to see if Fred has returned."

    C: "You'd better not. Don't let him know that you care... Yet."

    M: "Fine, Mother. I'll see you later."

    C: "See you later, Maria."


    Frederick was sleeping and Maria did not wake him up. She needed a plan.


    A new day had begun and with it a new Era in the history of Romania and its Empire. An Era of peace, prosperity and progress, the best there ever was.
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    II.1. The Romanian Imperial Family
  • Zagan

    The Century of Peace
    The Romanian Imperial Family

    1. The chapters of this part (Part Two: The Empire of the Orient) will be organized by time period (the first line of the title, common to several chapters) and subject (the second line of the title, specific to each individual chapter).
    2. Before we start discussing the reign of Empress Maria I, a short recapitulation of the previous Emperors seems appropriate.

    Ancient and Medieval History

    Romanian historiography is adamant that the Romans (Latins) and the Ancient Balkan peoples (Dacians, Moesians, Thracians, Macedonians, Illyrians, etc, considered closely related) are the ancestors of the Romanians and, as a logical consequence, the States and the Empires created by all these peoples are predecessors of the Romanian Empire.

    The fact that the Macedonian Empire and its successor States were culturally Greek (not Macedonian) did not seem to deter the Romanian historians and propagandists.

    The Empires of the Romanians' forefathers in Antiquity:
    - Macedonian Empire (the first Empire) -- Alexander the Great (Alexandru cel Mare);
    - Seleucid Empire (frequently downplayed for some reasons);
    - Ptolemaic Egypt (the title Pharaoh was considered equivalent to Emperor) -- Cleopatra*, etc;
    - Dacia (considered an Empire due to its large size) -- Burebista, Decebal (Decebalus);
    - Roman Empire (the archetypal Empire) -- Julius Caesar (Cezar), Augustus, Trajan (Traian), Constantine the Great (Constantin cel Mare), etc;
    - Romanian-Bulgarian Empire (aslo known as the Second Bulgarian Empire) -- Petru Asan** (Peter Asen IV), Ioan Asan** (Ivan Asen I), Ioniță Caloian** (Ivan II Kaloyan), etc.

    * Cleopatra was very popular in the 17th century Romania probably because it was considered that, as a female Monarch, she would confer more legitimacy to the Romanian Empresses (Iulia and Maria).
    ** Considered ethnic Romanians.

    Between the fall of the Romanian-Bulgarian Empire and the foundation of Romania, the Romanians have lived either under foreign rule (Greek, Ottoman, Hungarian, etc) or in small independent or autonomous Principalities (Wallachia, Moldavia and many other, smaller ones).

    1. Emperor Mihai I (Împĕratul Mihai I Viteazul / Emperor Michael I the Brave, 1601 - 1641)
    Io Mihailŭ, Mare Voevod și Domn al României (al Țĕrrilor Române) / Io Michael, Great Voivode and Lord of Romania (of the Romanian Lands)
    Io Mihailŭ (Mihai), Împĕratul Românilor / Io Michael, Emperor of the Romanians

    Mihai Viteazul marked the start of the Modern History of the Romanians, being the Unifier of the Romanian Principalities (1599 - 1602, officially on 12 August 1601), the Father of the Romanian Nation (the Romanian National Awakening started around 1601), the Conqueror of Ottoman Europe (1622 - 1630) and our First Emperor (the Empire was proclaimed on 12 August 1625).

    All subsequent Romanian Emperors and Empresses were descendants of Emperor Mihai I.
    Mihai I had two children (Crown Prince Nicolae and Queen Flora of Sarmatia) with Lady Stanca and one child (Empress Maria I) with Empress Cristina.

    2. Empress Iulia I (Împĕrăteasa Iulia I cea Războinică / Empress Julia I the Warrior, 1642 - 1651)
    Iulia, Împĕrăteasa Românilor / Julia, Empress of the Romanians
    Ιούλια, Βασιλεύς Αὐτοκράτωρ τῶν Ἑλλήνων / Ioulia, Basileus Autokrator (Emperor) of the Hellenes
    Iulia, Imperatrix Romae / Iulia, Empress of Rome
    Iulia, Orientis Imperatrix / Iulia, Empress of the Orient

    She was the granddaughter of Emperor Mihai I and became the first in the Line of Succession after the death of her father, Crown Prince Nicolae, Emperor Mihai's oldest son.

    Iulia I did not marry and did not have any children. She lead the Romanian Army directly from the battlefields during her entire decade-long reign and fell heroically in battle.

    3. Empress Maria I (Împĕrăteasa Maria I cea Mare / Empress Mary I the Great, 1651 - 1723)
    Maria, Împĕrăteasa Românilor / Mary, Empress of the Romanians
    Μαρια, Βασιλεύς Αὐτοκράτωρ τῶν Ἑλλήνων / Maria, Basileus Autokrator (Emperor) of the Hellenes

    Maria, Orientis Imperatrix / Maria, Empress of the Orient

    Princess Maria was born in Prague on 25 September 1627 during the Great Powers Conference of 1626 - 1627 which was attended by her parents, Emperor Mihai I of Romania and Princess Christine of France (Empress Cristina of Romania).

    On 29 September 1647, Crown Princess Maria (20 years old) married Prince Frederick of Germany (18 years old), the younger brother of the future Emperor Karl Augustus of Germany.

    Because Iulia I died childless and Queen Flora of Sarmatia had renounced her rights to the Romanian Throne by marrying King Sigismund III of Sarmatia, Maria inherited her niece's thrones on 26 November 1651.

    Maria I was crowned Empress of Romania on 25 December 1651 in Michaelia Iulia and Empress of Greece and of the Orient in Constantinople on 29 May 1653.
    The date was important as it marked the 200th anniversary of the fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans, the City being only recently reverted to Christendom.

    Maria I had five children who reached adulthood:

    - Princess Alexandra (1648 - 1665), future Queen Alessandra of Italy (1664 - 1665)***;
    - Crown Prince Mihai (1650 - 1721), predeceased his mother failing thus to become Emperor;
    - Prince Cezar (1652 - 1699), artillerist, matematician, general;
    - Prince Traian (1655 - 1733), natural scientist, astronomer;
    - Princess Cristina (1660 - 1752), future Queen Christina of Scandinavia (1679 - 1704)***.

    *** = More information about the two Queens will be provided in the chapters about Italy and Scandinavia.

    Because of the numerous affairs of her husband, Maria and Frederick became estranged and it is widely believed that at least Princess Cristina was not Frederick daughter.
    Of course, the supposed indiscretions of an Empress Regnant were not important since any children would have been obviously hers and thus of Imperial blood regardless of who the actual father was.

    Both Empress Mother Cristina and Prince Consort Frederick died in the same year, 1680.

    Maria died on 1 November 1723, at the age of 96, predeceased by three of her children, including the Crown Prince, but surrounded by dozens of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Princes and Princesses of Romania overfilling the previously dangerously short Succession Line.

    Maria I was not named the Great because of military victories or territorial growth of the country but rather due to the fact that during her very long reign (72 years) the Romanians became more numerous, more prosperous, more healthy and more educated, living safer and hapier lifes in an increasingly modern, stable, powerful and democratic country.

    Crown Prince Mihai (20 years old) married Princess Mila of Slovakia (13 years old) on 13 July 1670.

    Princess Mila was the only daughter of Prince Albert of Slovakia and the marriage had been practically imposed by Romania in order to finally merge Slovakia into the Empire.

    At first, the Crown Prince was not interested in his child bride but, in the end, they managed to have no less than eight children (including two pairs of twins):

    - Prince Mihai (1673 - 1725), general, future Emperor Mihai II (1723 - 1725);
    - Princess Adriana (1675 - 1756), musician;
    - Princess Letiția (1675 - 1757), painter;
    - Princess Caterina (1676 - 1743), writer, Queen Catherine of Georgia (1699 - 1743)****;
    - Prince Alexandru (1678 - 1750), admiral, inventor;
    - Prince Vlad (1680 - 1711), balloonist;
    - Princess Gabriela (1688 - 1761), politician, Queen Gabrielle of Armenia (1705 - 1707)****;
    - Princess Mihaela (1688 - 1733), poet.

    **** = More information about the two Queens will be provided in the chapter about the Member States of the Empire of the Orient.

    After the death of Prince Albert, Mila became Princess Regnant of Slovakia (1688 - 1726) and, after her death, Slovakia was included in the Dynastic Union of the Orient, Romania and Greece.

    4. Emperor Mihai II (Împĕratul Mihai II / Emperor Michael II, 1723 - 1725)
    Mihai, Împĕratul Românilor / Michael, Emperor of the Romanians
    Μιχαήλ, Βασιλεύς Αὐτοκράτωρ τῶν Ἑλλήνων / Michael, Basileus Autokrator (Emperor) of the Hellenes

    Mihai, Orientis Imperator / Michael, Emperor of the Orient

    On 20 January 1697, Mihai II (24 years old) married his third cousin once removed, Princess Sylwia of Sarmatia (22 years old), Queen Flora's great-granddaughter.

    Their happy marriage produced 6 children:

    - Princess Cristina (1697 - 1772), future Queen Christine of France (1715 - 1740);
    - Princess Raluca (1700 - 1766), poet;
    - Princess Claudia (1701 - 1789), scientist;
    - Crown Prince Mihai (1703 - 1725), future Emperor Mihai III (1725);
    - Princess Melania (1707 - 1730);
    - Prince Liviu (1710 - 1777), polymath, inventor.

    Because Mihai II's father predeceased his grandmother, Empress Maria I, Mihai II acceded to the Thrones on the day of Maria I's death, 1 November 1723.

    After reigning for less than two years, Emperor Mihai II died of pneumonia on 5 August 1725.

    5. Emperor Mihai III (Împĕratul Mihai III / Emperor Michael III, 1725)
    Mihai, Împĕratul Românilor / Michael, Emperor of the Romanians
    Μιχαήλ, Βασιλεύς Αὐτοκράτωρ τῶν Ἑλλήνων / Michael, Basileus Autokrator (Emperor) of the Hellenes

    Mihai, Orientis Imperator / Michael, Emperor of the Orient

    In 1724, Crown Prince Mihai became hopelessly besotted with Theodora Zinca, a 16 years old gorgeous Romanian redhead from an old Wallachian Boyar Family.

    The Imperial Family was displeased because Theodora was not Royal but a mere Boyar and, since the Revolution of 1644, from a legal point of view the Boyars had been considered commoners.
    While Empress Silvia was at least partially supportive, the Emperor forbid them to ever see each other again.

    A few weeks later, it became apparent that the Crown Prince had taken advantage of Theodora as she was already pregnant.
    The Emperor attempted to pay the Zincas for their silence but, somehow, rumours about the Crown Prince's indiscretion started to circulate.
    The Crown Prince threatened to elope with his lover and renounce his dynastic rights, although that was not really necessary as, strangely enough, the Romanian Law did not specify anything on that matter.

    The final straw that broke the Emperor's will was a monumental work published by the Biology Department of the Academy of Romania in which it was clearly stated that the lack of fresh blood is responsible for a decrease in fitness and general susceptibility to various diseases.
    Finally, faced with both a potential scandal and a reasonable scientific backing for his change of mind, the Emperor relented and allowed the young couple to marry.

    Mihai III (20 years old) and Theodora Zinca (16 years old) got married on 10 September 1724, probably the very last Sunday in which a carefully tailored wedding dress could still conceal Theodora's growing womb.

    On 31 January 1725, Theodora gave birth to the fruit of their secret love, a fragile baby girl quickly baptized Cleopatra.

    On 5 August 1725, Emperor Mihai II died and Mihai III acceded to the Thrones of the Realms.
    One week later, on the occasion of the National Day of Romania, he and his beautiful wife were crowned Emperor Mihai III and Empress Theodora in the Imperial Square of Michaelia Iulia.

    From the cheering crowds, one man slowly inched forwards, pulled a gun and shot the Emperor in the stomach.
    The masses ripped the killer apart before the police had any chance to interrogate him.
    The National Day of the Romanians was turned into yet another day of mourning.

    Neither the identity nor the motive of the killer could have been identified.
    While the general opinion of the historians is that is was a senseless act of a madman, conspiracy theories abound to this day.

    One immediate result of the assassination was an important increase in the security measures around the Imperial Family and other important State Officials.

    On the same day, the six months old Crown Princess Cleopatra was pronounced Empress of Romania, Greece, and the Orient.
    The Senate refused to give the Regency to Empress Mother Theodora as would have been customary and nominated Empress Grandmother Sylvia instead.

    After having lost both her son and her grandson in a single week, Mila, Princess of Slovakia and Empress Great-Grandmother of the Realms, fell ill and died less than six months later, on 3 January 1726.

    6. Empress Cleopatra I (1725 - 1XXX)
    Cleopatra, Empress of Romania, Greece, Slovakia and the Orient#
    # = Although the titles were combined, the four Crowns remained separate, at least in theory.

    Born in January 1725, Cleopatra lost her father and became the Empress of almost forty million people before her first birthday.


    1. Because Cleopatra's extremely long reign will extend to the second interval of our historical periodization, I am going to stop here, before spilling any more spoilers.

    2. The TL has not reached 1725 yet. This chapter had only discussed one of many subjects of importance (The Romanian Imperial Family). The following chapters will discuss different subjects (e.g. Religion) during the same time period (The Century of Peace, 1653 - 17XX).

    3. As I became stuck with another TL (which was initially intended to be a TLIAW, but my love for details completely derailed it and turned it into another full-fledged TL), I will have to try and write them in parallel, that is around one update per week for each of them. Thank you for your understanding.

    4. I suppose that a full upgrade to the Family Tree of the Romanian Imperial Family is badly needed.
    I am going to update it and post the new Family Tree as soon as possible.
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