A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia

Axumite Judaism is similar to the form of Judaism practiced by the Beta Israel IOTL.
The Jews and Christians of Italy and Iberia mostly keep to themselves and stay out of the eyes of the authorities. Relations with their pagan neighbors are cordial at times and persecutors at others, depending on who happens to be in power at the time.
Interesting. And the Judaism in Persia will certainly be Rabbinic Judaism, since Persia controls the great OTL Rabbinic Acadmies of Sura and Pumbedita, where the Talmud was written.

What happened on the Temple Mount? You mentioned that Persia built a !Church of the Holy Sepulcher when they controlled it, but without Islam there will be no Dome of the Rock. Will a shrine of some kind be built there? I doubt that any Christians, Persian or otherwise, would be OK with letting Jews rebuild the Temple because of Mark 13.

And I'm looking forward to hearing how the new religion in Scandinavia and Abu Yusuf's empire shakes out!
The concept of Europe as separate from Asia predates the POD, so probably yes. However, “Europe” ITTL is likely seen as a purely geographical term rather than a cultural one.
Neat! So a European subcontinent in Eurasia, like the Indian subcontinent.
What happened on the Temple Mount? You mentioned that Persia built a !Church of the Holy Sepulcher when they controlled it, but without Islam there will be no Dome of the Rock. Will a shrine of some kind be built there? I doubt that any Christians, Persian or otherwise, would be OK with letting Jews rebuild the Temple because of Mark 13.
The Temple Mount will still be a sacred place for Jews ITTL, but there will be no Al-Aqsa Mosque due to Islam not existing. The Temple will not be rebuilt.
Neat! So a European subcontinent in Eurasia, like the Indian subcontinent.
Europe’s global influence ITTL will likely be much more marginal than IOTL.
What I love about this TL is that the implications of its POD are so staggering as to render the whole world entirely unrecognizable even if the cultural touchstones remain. Really great work, @Merovingian
The Temple Mount will still be a sacred place for Jews ITTL, but there will be no Al-Aqsa Mosque due to Islam not existing. The Temple will not be rebuilt
So Christians will not build any shrine on the Mount? What will it be, an empty green space in the middle of the Old City?
That's some big Lamentations 5:18 energy, but I'm not sure how realistic it is.
So Christians will not build any shrine on the Mount? What will it be, an empty green space in the middle of the Old City?
That's some big Lamentations 5:18 energy, but I'm not sure how realistic it is.
Some sort of shrine is likely to be there, although I’ll have to think more about it. Nothing is going to be built as long as the Palmyrenes control the city.
Axumite Judaism is similar to the form of Judaism practiced by the Beta Israel IOTL.
So I've been thinking about this. If ITTL Axumite Judaism is similar to OTL Beta Israel ("Haymanot Judaism"), that means they do not have the Mishnah or Talmud! Unlike Samaritan Judaism, which postdates those texts and is a rejection of the authoritative precedent that Rabbinic Judaism claims they have, the split between Haymanot Judaism and Rabbinic Judaism predates the development and/or codification of the Oral Torah.

Haymanot Judaism is more similar to the Sadducees than the Pharisees, in that the religious leaders are Kohanim, priests (kahens/qäsis), and they maintain a High Priest (Liqa Kahanet). Their religious practice is more centralized than either Rabbinic or Samaritan Judaism is. Some of their holidays are different. Their kashrut rules are different. Their textual canon is (slightly) different! They may, if they develop like OTL Ethiopian Christianity did, claim to have the Ark of the Covenant!

This has absolutely insane implications for the development of Judaism in Africa. Haymanot Judaism will likely be centralized by the Negus of Axum and the Liqa Kahanet. They may build synagogues that look more like the Temples, even if they do not perform animal sacrifices. Due to the centralization of religious authority under the Liqa Kahanet and it's adoption by the Axumite Empire, it may claim that Axum is led by a Davidic dynast (compare to the OTL Solomonid dynasty). It will likely spread following the influence of the Axumite Empire; if Axum can dominate East Africa and spread it's soft power west and south, it will spread Haymanot along with it, but if it doesn't, it risks losing ground to various denominations of Christian missionaries from Egypt, Arabia, Persia, Persian South Africa, or elsewhere.

This is unlike how ITTL Rabbinical Judaism will likely develop, given the sanction (and support?) that Christian Persia may provide to the Talmudic Academies (Yeshivot). That Rabbinic Judaism will in all certainty maintain direct institutional continuity with those Yeshivot, unless a later Persian ruler decides to turn on Jews. This will mean that the polycentric decisionmaking of the Geonic Period (OTL VI through XI centuries) will continue through the Medieval period and develop into something comparable to Islamic Madhabs: coequal, if differing, scholarly approaches to halacha that recognizes each others' legitimacy while disagreeing on the finer points of jurisprudence. This will allow it to spread organically along trade routes in areas outside the direct Persian sphere of influence. Expect to see thriving Jewish comminities in amenable Eurasian realms, which may develop their own Yeshivot alongside communities of Apostolic Christians (who are supported by e.g. proselytizing efforts of Persia) and perhaps also communities of Zoroastrians and Mandeans. (Compare this with OTL where Jewish communities in India and China appeared along trade routes and then severely diminished due to intermarriage, assimilation, and a lack of support from more established Jewish communities elsewhere.) Expect also for any Jewish communities in Europe to look to Rabbinic Judaism rather than Haymanot Judaism for support.

Regardless, the distinction (and likely relationship) between ITTL Haymanot and Rabbinic Judaism will be more similar to that of OTL Coptic and Catholic Christianity (theological differences leading to political differences) and a little less like OTL Sunni and Shia Islam (political differences leading to theological differences).
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Some sort of shrine is likely to be there, although I’ll have to think more about it. Nothing is going to be built as long as the Palmyrenes control the city.
Yeah that makes sense. Doesn't Abu Yusuf conquer them? I'm thinking about the Medieval Period, which you're starting to get into.
Europe’s global influence ITTL will likely be much more marginal than IOTL.
Oh! Right! Are you planning on the Industrial Revolution happening somewhere else than Britain and Europe? That will be really interesting!
Axum’s conversion to Judaism led to an increased attention towards the faith in Christian Persia. While the Persians saw Judaism as preferable to paganism, they saw it a simply a step before the Axumites became Christian, something that never happened. As Axum developed its trading empire, Persian Jews came to be viewed with increasing suspicion. Despite this, the Axumite and Sassanid Empires generally maintained good relations.
Building off my earlier comment, suspicion by Persian Christian authorities will aid in cementing the differences between Rabbinic Judaism in Eurasia and Haymanot Judaism in Africa. Persian Jews will want to alleviate the suspicion and maintain good relationships in Persia, so they will distinguish themselves as distinct from Axumite Jews. The theological and cultural differences will be played up by Rabbinic scholars, which will be noted and responded to by Axumite religious authorities.
Yeah that makes sense. Doesn't Abu Yusuf conquer them? I'm thinking about the Medieval Period, which you're starting to get into.
Jerusalem will be part of Abu Yusuf’s empire.

Oh! Right! Are you planning on the Industrial Revolution happening somewhere else than Britain and Europe? That will be really interesting!
TTL’s Industrial Revolution will be happening somewhere outside Europe.
Building off my earlier comment, suspicion by Persian Christian authorities will aid in cementing the differences between Rabbinic Judaism in Eurasia and Haymanot Judaism in Africa. Persian Jews will want to alleviate the suspicion and maintain good relationships in Persia, so they will distinguish themselves as distinct from Axumite Jews. The theological and cultural differences will be played up by Rabbinic scholars, which will be noted and responded to by Axumite religious authorities.
I could definitely see this happening ITTL. Sort of like how Nestorian Christians IOTL played up their differences with the Roman Christians to the Sassanid authorities.
You know the discussions earlier in regards to the divergences of Axumite Judaism to Rabbinic Judaism and remembering how IOTL the royal dynasty of Ethipopia claims to be descended from Solomon the Wise makes me imagine that a similar claim probably develops for ITTL Axum and how that will effect their views of the Messiah compared to Rabbinic Judaism's views of the Messiah as from what I understand for Judaism the messiah is supposed to be someone who is materilinally descended from King David and that is proven by God and they bring them to the holy land so may perhaps Axumite Judaism claim that their founder was in fact the Messiah descended from King David and Solomon and that the holy land was moved to Axum from Israel as a new homeland of the Jewish people thanks to it being more organized as a State religion compared to OTL?
You know the discussions earlier in regards to the divergences of Axumite Judaism to Rabbinic Judaism and remembering how IOTL the royal dynasty of Ethipopia claims to be descended from Solomon the Wise makes me imagine that a similar claim probably develops for ITTL Axum and how that will effect their views of the Messiah compared to Rabbinic Judaism's views of the Messiah as from what I understand for Judaism the messiah is supposed to be someone who is materilinally descended from King David and that is proven by God and they bring them to the holy land so may perhaps Axumite Judaism claim that their founder was in fact the Messiah descended from King David and Solomon and that the holy land was moved to Axum from Israel as a new homeland of the Jewish people thanks to it being more organized as a State religion compared to OTL?
The Axumite royal family will still claim descent from Solomon. Claiming that their founder was the Messiah and that Ethiopia was the new holy land, however, isn’t going to happen. The idea of the Land of Israel as the promised land of the Jewish people is too ingrained in Judaism for any Axumite king to try to claim that without causing a major religious schism. However, I could definitely see the Axumites saying that the Messiah would come from their royal family some time in the future.
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Ah that's true. I suppose I was being overly excited in my theorizing on the divergences caused by the POD and Jewish Ethiopia.
Fate of the Zoroastrians
From “A History of the Zoroastrians” by Rostam Farokhzadeh

In the centuries after Shapur‘s conversion to Christianity, Zoroastrianism was gradually reduced to a minority in the Sassanid Empire. Initially, Christianity dominated in the cities, while Zoroastrianism was predominant in the countryside, giving rise to the stereotype of the backwards, uneducated Zoroastrian[1]. However, as Christianity began to take hold in the countryside as well as the cities, Zoroastrians were forced to flee to urban ghettos to escape from pogroms. Despite their newfound minority status and increasing persecution from their Christian neighbors, Zoroastrians were able to find a new niche in society.

Christianity strictly prohibited usury, and as a result, Zoroastrians came to dominate banking institutions. After Abu Yusuf’s conquest of Persia, Zoroastrians would begin to spread to urban centers throughout the Arab Empire. After the fall of the Arab Empire, the Zoroastrians had come to similarly dominate the banking institutions throughout the Christian world. This came with drawbacks, however. Zoroastrians were stereotyped as greedy bankers and merchants trying to take advantage of hardworking Christians. In addition to the already existing stereotype of Zoroastrians as backwards and superstitious, the popular conception of Zoroastrianism in Christian culture was broadly negative. It became increasingly common for Christian kings to scapegoat Zoroastrians whenever their kingdoms were in turmoil.

[1]Similar to how IOTL the word “pagan” originally meant a rural person
It makes sense for Zoroastrians to become TTL's Jews, considering that they were a diaspora people IOTL as well (for example, Freddie Mercury was from a Zoroastrian family in India that moved to Zanzibar and then Britain).
It makes sense for Zoroastrians to become TTL's Jews, considering that they were a diaspora people IOTL as well (for example, Freddie Mercury was from a Zoroastrian family in India that moved to Zanzibar and then Britain).
IIRC, Portuguese merchants in India compared the Zoroastrian Parsis to Jews.