
  1. Kurd Gossemer

    King of Kings by the Grace of God: A Christian Persia TL
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Dreams are Made, Winding Through My Head

    “Shapur… Shapur my son, I ask of thee to once again free my flock.” It was that same ethereal voice again that Shapur had been hearing louder and louder in his dreams, it was a powerful but still very gentle voice and it reminded the monarch of the archery lessons with his father Ardashir...
  2. A Light Shines East: The World of a Christian Persia
    Threadmarks: Foundations of the Church

    From “History of the Apostolic Church” by Afshin Khorrami Even after the death(and some say resurrection) of that certain man from Nazareth, the young religion of Christianity continued to gain new members in spite of official persecution. The young church ran into increasing issues with its...
  3. WI: Odaenathus survives

    What if Odaenathus hadn't been assassinated in 267 CE?