
  1. Improved wood for aircraft ?

    I seen the discussion related to improved wood (actually wood-phenolic plastic composites with phenolic contents above plywood) in Improved wood (densified wood, engineered wood) was advocated for fighter production...
  2. AHC : How pre-1900 technologies could have been pushed further while remaining realistic?

    The idea behind this comes from a fair amount of tropes found in steampunk that are way beyond plausibility ("oh Zeppelins everywhere in 1890..."), but nevertheless show that there is potential in a lot of technologies of the time. The topic in itself is fairly broad, since it can cover any...
  3. perfectgeneral

    What if: Green lives and publishes Kant in English 1786 onward? Could the early publication of his works bring Kants philosophy to the fore in Britain? OTL published in English only in 1900, how could Georgian and Victorian Britain have differed? Might Kant have been taught comparatively alongside Hume...
  4. Don't Lick that Stamp . . .

    What if the U.S. Postal Service decided to provide an E-Mail for every citizen, Ie. JohnSmith2468@USPS.USA. As a follow up they set about using telephone poles as wifi hotspots across the country? Basically someone at the post office early on goes "E-Mail? Hmmmmm, Mail . . ., Wait! That's Us!"...
  5. Real world possibilities for schizo-tech.

    So I was interested in why alternate tech pathways are rarely used in alternate history. LTTW and "A martian stranded on earth" are prominent examples of alternate technologies used in alt-hist. Some things I was interested in were wired music, eugenic breeding of animals for task (purposely...
  6. AstroRangerBeans

    The True Divided Nation: History of the World
    Threadmarks: Main

    FOREWORD In this pursuit of knowledge, historians have long debated among themselves over the interpretations of historical events. This knowledge finds itself in an existing manner and the grand enlightenment would have been thrived more but there's more making their event as a fact while...
  7. Latitude & Weather : Is Industrialisation generally easier in temperate (vs. hot) climates?

    That's a fairly broad question, but considering the factors of industrialisation, beyond the availability of resources and the existence of knowledge and expertise, would the climate also impact the likelihood of developing industry? Part of this interrogation stems for instance from the...
  8. Japanese-German air bridge through Arctic (with in-flight refueling)

    An offshot from IOTL, northern route of air bridge between Germany and Japan was considered, but rejected because range of existing aircraft required an overflight of Soviet territory, which was...
  9. Why aerial refueling came too late for WWII?

    From wikipedia, seems the ideas and technology for effective aerial refueling was available even before WWII (in 1938 looped-hose refueling was operational technology, at least for British). The understanding of benefits of aerial refueling...
  10. Byzantine fanatic

    What if the bicycle was invented in 1600?

    Given 17th century clocks and carts, did the technology exist for bicycles in the 1600s? How could that have changed history?
  11. Christory

    AHC: Largest presence in space by 2018

    So, my challenge here is rather simple, basically what it says on the tin. Here's the specific conditions: - POD in 1901 or later - I'm specifically looking at the total off-world population in 2018, and the number of nations with space colonies - Mäps give extra points, either of Earth or of...
  12. Coal in California

    Hi all, California's San Francisco Bay area is the perfect place to build ports and cities on because of its unique geopolitical shape. The Sierra Nevada squashes up the low lying lands making the elongated 'Great Valley', thus the San Francisco Bay is huge but only inset into the American...
  13. In Search of Better Things - Worldbuilding Thread

    ______________________________ ______________________________ 'In search of better things, Over the Ocean we sailed, In search of the light bright, We built our new homes.' From the shores of great lakes, To the shores of east and west, From the frost of the north, To the scorch of the...
  14. WI: France doesn't adopt metric system?

    France adopting and codifying the metric system obviously had a profound impact on the continental powers when it came to scientific research. Before adopting the system, France had regional weights and measures, often times with the same names, but differing somewhat in application. What would...
  15. Could the Romans Have Invented Graphene?

    This scenario is inspired by this article. Long ago, it was thought that this super-cool, extra strong material called carbon nanotubes is a recent invention. After all, what ancient culture could have thought up of something as complex and complicated as a piece of metal as thin as an atom...
  16. GameBawesome

    18th century forever

    I am a huge fan of the early 18th century-late 19th century, and I've talked about 18th century technology in my threads: In an alternate...
  17. Zyobot

    Science and Technology In A Modern Nazi Germany

    Throughout World War Two-oriented media, Nazi Germany is depicted as a powerhouse, especially in the fields of science and technology. From advanced spacecraft to superheavy tanks, their alleged mastery of engineering is displayed for every consumer of such media to see. Judging by internet...
  18. How early could Chinese inventions have gotten to Europe?

    Pretty self explanatory, how early could major Chinese inventions have reasonably gotten to Europe? Who would link the two civilizations?
  19. mad orc

    Earlier Zepplins and Machine guns .

    This thread is based on a similar thread which i read a few months back on this site . In it ,the author hypothised that Germany reformed earlier in 1850 during the Luxembourg crisis and as a result , Zepplins ,steam cars and rifle technology came quicker than OTL . Now the thread seems to...
  20. An Exciting Turn of Events (POD 1999, Tech/Pop Culture)

    I would like to hear suggestions as to what I should cover next, as there are likely many aspects of history from this time I wouldn't think to include. An Exciting Turn of Events December 17, 1998 As he often did, Tom Jermoluk browsed tech news sections of many local newspapers and news...