native american civilization

  1. Plausibility Check: Pre-Columbian Sao Francisco River hydraulic empire?

    The Sao Francisco is a long river that flows from the southeast to northeast region of Brazil, linking the southeastern mountains to the northeast coastal plain via the dry cerrado and even dryer caatinga environments. Historically, it was navigable for much of its length, making an important...
  2. Mozer

    The Aztec Dream

    I just wanna preface this beforehand, this is my first post and I'm no professional. My research and what I say here isn't gonna be perfect, but I would appreciate some criticism on anything that seems implausible or downright wrong. That's all, now history. On August 13th, 1521 the Aztec...
  3. How advanced could native South American seafaring become if the Moche had invented the outrigger canoe around 250 AD?

    This is my other Native American seafaring POD (might do another), as Native American seafaring is something deeply fascinating to me, and I personally think that the South Americans were the most advanced, due to both their sail use and their potential contact with Polynesians. And yet, I...
  4. Beleriond

    What if Horses Never Went Extinct in North America?

    As we know from fossil and genetic evidence, modern wild horses first evolved in North America before migrating to Eurasia through the Bering Land Bridge. They unfortunately went extinct in North America sometime around 10,000 BCE, likely due to predation by humans. This thread is to discuss an...
  5. Aluma

    WI: An Universal Norse Religion on the Americas

    I've seen a couple threads on "Viking Islam" - or to describe it more accurately - scandinavian paganism being reworked into a evangelical religion like Christianity, Buddhism & co Though the focus tend to be, as its often the case, Europe and wheter this religion - should it exist - be able...
  6. Sarthak

    Wolfborn: A Native American Timeline
    Threadmarks: OP

    Wolfborn A Native American Timeline I am the wolfborn, the spirit of history, the core of today, and the heart of tomorrow. I am wolfborn of this land. - Old Sioux Poem. Welcome to Wolfborn: A Native American Timeline! Where Natives are given the due focus they deserve with a chance to...
  7. WI Diseases kill all Native Americans?

    Kind of a dark idea, but what if smallpox and other diseases were a lot more deadly to Native Americans, resulting in virtually all of them dying before Europeans venture into the continent? The Americas are now empty of humans, there's no one to oppose the Spanish once they return with the...
  8. EmperorOfTheNorthSea

    Long term developments of a moderately successful Vinland colony? (read OP post please people)

    Another Vinland WI thread I guess, but rather than the endless discussions (if you could call them that) of whether Vinland would become a veritable China overnight that bypasses Newfoundland altogether or forever be condemned to be a bunch of poor fishermen and shepherds, there was even that...
  9. TheDoofusUser

    Several Questions about a Unified Native American Empire upon Contact with the Old World

    So this question, where how a Civilization could develop along the Mississippi, has been done to death and it seems the general consensus is a less ornery species of Bison (Woods Bison perhaps or a made up species needs to evolve) followed by the Three Sisters heading North earlier and a...