
  1. RedKing

    WI: Henry VII was less paranoid?

    As is well known, Henry VII was a paranoid King and understandably so (having spent years in exile and with his life at risk). But what if, for some reason, Henry VII was less or not paranoid at all? Let say this starts from the start of his reign and lasts through it. What changes? His early...
  2. WW1 negotiated peace: What about the economy?

    WW1 concluded with a negotiated peace in late 1917/early 1918. In the peace treaty, neither side was required to pay any reparations/indemnities and both sides pledged not to introduce new punitive tariff barriers post-war. The US never entered the war and never provided unsecured loans to...
  3. The most powerful European attack on Algeria, he promised extermination but threw his crown into the sea.

    This was the saying of the Great Emperor Charles V of Europe, so what’s his story? After the fall of Andalusia in 1492 and after its Muslims fled to the coasts of Tlemcen, Oran and some Moroccan cities European Christian monarchies encouraged more and began conducting naval raids on these coasts...
  4. Alternative names for East Germany?

    Excluding Prussia, what could have been some alternate, other names that would have been used to represent east Germany? (Basically if it was referred to as something else rather than just East German Democratic Republic)
  5. Helmuth's WW1 (base) maps

    For my alternate WW1 threads I made some maps, which I really like to do. Sometimes I get the question whether my base maps can be used for someone's own ATL. I have no problem with that, but a reference would of course be greatly appreciated! In this thread I will post my (base) maps for...
  6. ronaldo

    If Brazil maintained its union with Portugal, how soon would slavery be abolished?

    Let's say the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves survived and Brazil continued to be the capital of the Portuguese Empire. With the passage of time the colonial empire would be more and more Brazilian than Portuguese. So how long would slavery in Brazil survive and how would it...
  7. SunZi

    The Childs of the Salamander - TL of the Francis I's death

    The Childs of the Salamander TImeline of the death of Francis I in 1525 On 24 February 1525 in Pavia, in Lombardy, the army of Francis I, King of France was defeated. More than a military defeat, this meeting saw the king captured by the armies of his great rival on the European scene, the...
  8. Russo-German Alliance and the WWI. Who will win?

    Recently I've been pondering a funky alternate WWI scenario in which Germany allies with Russia, which I believe is not as far fetched as it sounds. As part of said pondering I formed the two opposing sides accordingly: Germany - I assumed they never got their relationship with Austria-Hungary...
  9. SunZi

    The Auld Union - TL of a French-Scottish dual-monarchy

    The Auld Union Timeline of a French-Scottish dual-monarchy On 5 July 1560, Edinburgh signed a peace treaty. This treaty put an end to a civil war between the Catholic and Protestant Scots supported respectively by France and England. More than a civil peace, this agreement puts an end to one...
  10. How will medieval Europe and modern Europe be if Europeans stayed pagan up to modern times and never converted to all Abrahamic religions?

    So what if this is what happened? All Europeans never converted to all Abrahamic religions. They ignored all Abrahamic religions and stayed pagan up to modern times. What are the things that will happen to Europe especially medieval Europe? What will the medieval Europeans and the modern...
  11. More British influence and colonies on mainland Europe

    It's always boggled my mind how the United Kingdom, one of the largest colonial empires in history barely controlled any territory in Europe with the exception of Cyprus and Malta. So, what if the British actually, say had more colonies or territories on mainland Europe? My first idea is a...
  12. A Storm Blows and Europe Changes: An Experiment With Enhanced Butterflies in 1170 Ireland
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Richard de Clare, Earl of Pembroke was sailing to Ireland to claim the Overlordship of the Kingdom of Leinster granted to him by his Majesty, Henry II. That Henry II did not own Leinster to portion out was irrelevant to Richard's mind. He intended to seize the Norse-Gaelic port towns of Dublin...
  13. Friedrich der Große

    New Netherland remains Dutch

    So what if New Netherland remained Dutch after the Second Anglo-Dutch War. Let’s say Johan de Witt press harder conditions with the English and so the Dutch regains New Netherland. How would this colony develop, what effect would it have on the Dutch Republic/Empire and what effect would it...
  14. World Mapping

    Political map of Europe, sans Napoleon.

    Hello. I have a timeline in the works involving no Napoleonic Wars, and I need to figure out Europe. What would Europe look like politically without the Napoleonic Wars?
  15. AHC : Western romance speaking europe united

    Your chalenge, with a POD not earlier than the fall of the WRE, is to have a state with this borders in AD 2022. Bonus point if there is a common lenguage spoken by the vast majority of the population.
  16. Martin lancaster

    What if Europe established a Matriarchy?

    Point of Divergence: Battle of Waterloo and the second and last exile of Napoleon Bonaparte when it seems the King will return again and continue the bourbon restoration a group of female peasants rise up and kill the king leading a new revolution resembling the one of the original French...
  17. A richer Italy post-1947

    Could Italy have risen to the same level of development as the Rhine region? Northern Italy is doing excellent in terms of economic development, but the Italian average is drawn back by southern Italy and Sicily. Could the south be in a better economic state post-WW2? Could the years of Lead and...
  18. Catalan attempt of independence ( 2017-present )

    2017 , The now famous Catalan Independence referendum is held , it controversially passes , the Catalan Government declares independence, Spain sends in it's martial forces and the Catalan Government flees to Brussels. Till this point, it's the same as in our timeline. What if , Spain's...
  19. How could the "Western World" & Warsaw Pact countries become dictatorships or have very hard right wing governments post-1945 ?

    By the Western World I mean : Canada France West Germany Scandinavian countries Iceland Finland Benelux countries Italy I know France had a few attempts due to the Algerian War of Indepedence, Italy had two, one was planned ( ) the other was...
  20. More slavic countries in eastern europe

    Make albania, romania and hungary slavic. Thats all I'm asking for.