More slavic countries in eastern europe

Make albania, romania and hungary slavic. Thats all I'm asking for.

Well, Romania and Hungary aren't all that complicated. In case of Hungary, probably more sizable population of Pannonian Slavs should do the trick, Hungarians would assimilate into them a'la Bulgars (heck, even IOTL there are lots of Slavic influences on Hungarian language and culture). In case of Romania, Slavic Hungary is half of a solution already (Transylvania was part of Hungary in middle ages), the other half is somewhat limiting destructiveness of Black Sea nomadic tribes.
Albania is nearly impossible tho, and I'd strongly suggest replacing it with Austria, who in early Middle Ages was Slavic and if native Carantanian (name of a Slavic tribe which inhabited Austria) princes managed to succesfully impose Christianity and thus not provoke further Frankish interventions, it's likely that "Austria" will end up like Bohemia - dependent on Germany and with heavy German influence, but Slavic nonetheless.
More Pannonian Slavs in Hungary, with the settling Magyars being less numerous. This could be perhaps achieved with a stronger polity uniting a good chunk of the Pannonian plains lastingly. Then during the Hungarian conquest, parts of the Magyar tribes could remain on the other side of the Carpathians.

In Romania's case, simply prevent the Vlach migration North of the Danube. During the Slavic migration, the Byzantines could pursue an active resettlement policy and settle the misplaced Romance population to Anatolia.

I don't see a way to make Albania Slavic, however.
In Romania's case, simply prevent the Vlach migration North of the Danube. During the Slavic migration, the Byzantines could pursue an active resettlement policy and settle the misplaced Romance population to Anatolia.

Well, actually Byzantines did settle Slavs in Anatolia, so maybe ITTL Byzantines will settle Romance in Anatolia (that could have interesting effects on the future, maybe there would be Eastern Romance speaking Orthodox nation in Anatolia calling themselves: "Romans" nowadays) and push Slavs beyond Danube? Some of them could even end up in Pannonia, boosting Slavic population there.

I don't see a way to make Albania Slavic, however.

Well, that's why I suggested replacing it with Austria, where at least numerous Slavs lived.
Well, actually Byzantines did settle Slavs in Anatolia, so maybe ITTL Byzantines will settle Romance in Anatolia (that could have interesting effects on the future, maybe there would be Eastern Romance speaking Orthodox nation in Anatolia calling themselves: "Romans" nowadays) and push Slavs beyond Danube? Some of them could even end up in Pannonia, boosting Slavic population there.
Perhaps we can have Galatia be resettled by Slavs instead which looks interesting.
Maybe have Greek shifting from Romans/Hellenes to Slavs by much more Slavization.
I was thinking about Albanians becoming hellenized instead of slavicised. Also I like how everyone just made entire eastern europe slavic, you guys overextended this beyond what I wanted and I like that!
sorry for a dumb question, but why is it "nearly impossible" to make Albania Slavic?
Aside from the coastal area, it was rather undeveloped, it was far from main migratory routes and later the South Slavic core areas. There was little incentive to settle there, especially in the mountainous areas. This is merely my understanding of the situation, I could be wrong.
Aside from the coastal area, it was rather undeveloped, it was far from main migratory routes and later the South Slavic core areas. There was little incentive to settle there, especially in the mountainous areas. This is merely my understanding of the situation, I could be wrong.
Taking into account greeks and romans failed to assimilate them too I would say specific groups like albanians and basque seem to really benefit from their undesirable landscape