
  1. Dyl7atalthist

    What would happen if the Indo-European Invasions never occurred?

    So I was interested in this for a bit, and I really want to hear what you think. The Indo-European invasions were large migrations in the Bronze Age which went west to Europe and East to Iran and India. It destroyed the local civilization there and had a varying degree on the local genetics.
  2. No Avignon Papacy

    Seen plenty of threads about a longer lasting Avignon Papacy, but none about a it never happening, so what if the Avignon Papacy did not take place? As I understand it, the Avignon Papacy began due to conflicts between church and state in France, so let's say that something happens Philip IV is...
  3. Oba Cahokia

    Longships in the Niger: The Vikings in West Africa (A Viking and West Africa TL)

  4. Continuing after Sufetula 647; Muslim Europe

    In 647, outside the temporary capital of the exarchate of Africa, Sufetula, the Muslims crushed the Roman army, killing the exarch Gregory. Leaving the rest of the Roman Maghreb defenceless. Commanded by some of the most senior of companions of the prophet: But instead of pressing on, they...
  5. European politics with catholic England and Scotland

    Assuming that both England and Scotland will stay catholic, and enter XVII century as major catholic powers (I think the best POD is to have Henry XVIII beign succeded by his son by Catherine of Aragon - that should also change James V's fate and), how different the balance of power in Europe...
  6. kasumigenx

    Kasumigenx World Gazetteer

    This is a collection of my ideas that I don’t really have time and patience to make a full timeline. Some of these are parts of my TL’s already.
  7. Rcousin

    L'Europe Socio-Républicaine
    Threadmarks: Outline

    Summary: in 1799, Napoleon dies in battle against the Royal Navy when he is on his way back from the Nile. Sieyès is able to successfully conduct his coup d’état and establish the constitution he had in mind fully. The country is more amenable to moderating constitutional arrangements, and even...
  8. the Israeli Stalin

    What if the German attack in May 1918 was successful?
    Threadmarks: Part 1- war continues

    The German offensive in May 1918 is successful. After four years of fighting, the Germans manage to reach the suburbs of Paris. France and Great Britain are forced to recruit more fighters in order to repel the attack and restabilize the front which is claiming thousands of lives every day...
  9. Crusade of Nicopolis not on 1396 but after Ankara on 1402

    What if the crusade of Nicopolis didn't happen on 1396 but after the Battle of Ankara on 1402. Would the crusaders throw the Ottomans out of Europe and Asia Minor . Would Hungary take a lot of former Ottoman lands ? Would it under the Hunyadis be able to do what Ottomans did to the balkans ...
  10. Majority Frisian Speaking Low Countries

    Just need a few ideas for a plausible way to unite the low countries under a nation that has Frisian as the most spoken language. POD can be any year, it just has to be something that lasts into the modern age as well. Bonus points if it owns land down to Alsace, if plausible.
  11. What if NATO was an economic union?

    What if NATO was basically a militarized EU how would this affect economy,Cold War, relations and whatever
  12. the Israeli Stalin

    divided West alternative cold war

    I'm new here on the site, so sorry in advance if there are any mistakes, I'm not very good at English or American politics and I don't know how to make an infobox (if someone makes an infobox in my place kudos to him), but if there's a subject I really like it's the Cold War and its history, so...
  13. WI/AHC : The Franco-British Union as a proto-EU ?

    What if the Franco-British Union wasn't as the it was proposed in our world but more on the lines of post-WW2 EEC ? How can it be achieved ?
  14. Belgian Caliph

    Alternate History of Belgium: 1787-1899

    Chapter I. Para Bellum Jan Frans Vonck and his faction within the Austrian Netherlands, the Vonckists are arrested by austrian authorities, in the years leading up the 1789 Brabantine Revolution. Meanwhile, Henri Van Der Noot, is in exile in the Dutch City of Breda, and is amassing an army of...
  15. I need help making an alternate geography map.

    Presently, I'm working on a rather unusual alternate geography project in which I am attempting to connect the entirety of Patagonia to Europe. Here is a rough representation of what I am trying to achieve: It's impossible for me to tell if the image overlay of Patagonia in the linked...
  16. Oba Cahokia

    How does the existence of a surviving Confederacy effect Europe or Global Geopolitics in General?

    So I heard it was a bit of cliche for the CSA to join the Allies and for the US to join the Central Powers in WW1 but one of things I keep hearing is "the world would be radical different". How exactly does the Confederacy effect the political of the globe in not just North America and the...
  17. Xænder

    Libertas per Fraternitatem - 1887 Danubian Revolution and its consequences

    In the last weeks I suddenly started writing and drawing about an ATL which the main PoD was that instead of a Soviet Union, some decades before a similar revolution won in Austria-Hungary. The main "actual" year of the ATL is 1959, and its still heavily WIP. Apart from maps of Europe, a map of...
  18. ItsMeAutopilot

    The Hanza By The Hyldreth: An Alternate Black Death Timeline
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Heya folks! I'm completely new to this website, but I'm not new to Alternate History. I've been making small scenarios for some years now with some friends of mine. I made an account here because I wanted to post a little something I thought about a few weeks ago, so let's get to it. This first...
  19. Gabingston

    AHC: Keep Europe Religious

    I made a thread in the Future History section last month challenging you guys to devise a scenario where Europe has a Christian revival within this century. In the opening post I stated that I may create a sister thread to that. Well, here it is. With a POD no earlier than 1900, make a scenario...
  20. Arberia

    More successful Arbanon

    So in 1190, the first medieval Albanian "state" known as the principality of Arbanon is formed by Progon of Kruje. At first, this "state" is merely a Byzantine vassal, but after the 4th crusade, it gains full independence with Progon's son, Gjin, as its head. Gjin dies shortly after, in 1208...