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  1. Republican Spain in WW2 and the Cold War

    Germany definitely uses the momentum after 1940 to invade Spain and overthrow the Republic. Even with the Spanish terrain the invasion has no chance of being repulsed; Spain would be too weak and divided to stand up. What happens after would be interesting. Do they put Franco in charge? Maybe...
  2. How Cooked was Rhodesia Actually?

    The general consensus seems to be that things were okay, if not necessarily fantastic, while Portugal was still in control of their colonies. It closed the border and also gave a discreet lifeline to the rest of the world. Once that went, it was a slow decline until they tapped out. You could...
  3. AHC: better behaved Red Army

    Very difficult since the fury that was unleashed on the German populace was a direct result of the German army and government's genocidal plans for the East. Horrible, of course, but it's a clear cause and effect. To truly change it you would need to reduce the amount of brutality that the...
  4. DOWN THESE MEAN STREETS: Accounts of alternate crime, mystery & thriller adaptations.🕵️‍♂️

    I always thought it was a missed opportunity to not do at least another Lloyd Hopkins movie with James Woods. Cop, the adaptation of Blood on the Moon by James Ellroy is in many ways better than the novel. The 2nd novel, Because the Night, is also just okay. However, the last Hopkins book...
  5. WI: Vichy Without Petain

    Oh absolutely. France's defeat in 1940, in a nutshell, was a failure of national will. The collaboration stains the Vichy government, but it was 100% the legitimate successor to the third republic in 1940. Hell, Free France only got traction since the British supported them to take the French...
  6. Could fascism survive to the present without WW2?

    It definitely could, and might even have had a fertile ground to grow in the third world once decolonization hits (and it will, eventually) It would help to note that Fascism wasn't really that common even before WWII. Italy, of course, is the main example, but the Iberian countries were too...
  7. How "should" WWII in 1940 have gone?

    Starting a 1940 French reenacting group, so been reading a lot about the period. I've only read about half of the sources I had planned to read so far, but the overall takeaway I am getting is that France had everything it needed to beat Germany in 1940. The issue was not material things like...
  8. What if Dune popularized role-playing games?

    Dune already gave us the Real-Time Strategy genre, wouldn't be fair to give them two whole genres of game :p
  9. Global economic effects of a non-Dengist China

    I was actually thinking about this the other day. Mind you it was just me talking to myself, but I think that any form of China that is unified and has its shit together is going to be an export powerhouse regardless of the government in charge. KMT, dengist or hardliner, I do genuinely believe...
  10. When Did JFK's Infidelities Become Public Knowledge?

    Professional dirt hound Freddy Otash says the affair happened in this interview in the mid 80s, so it was on the public's mind since then, if not earlier.
  11. Fate of Austria-Hungary without WWI?

    It's worth mentioning that the oft-dreades nationalism problem really only came to a head after 3 and 1/2 years of a new form of warfare no one had experienced before. It is very likely that Austria not only survives, but begins to thrive as pre-war investments pan out and the economy grows...
  12. Selig Sind Die Toten - Scheubner-Richter's Reich

    Whoa, weird. I was literally just reading about this guy last night, and then I find this TL. Great start! Very excited for updates
  13. Viewing the “80’s” as a politically long “decade” from 1978 to 1992?

    Honestly I would consider the '80s as we know it's a really only begin in 83 or maybe even 84 when the economy finally shook off the last of the '70s doldrums. The '70s malaise had legs after all Culturally, the early '80s is also very much '70s flavored outside of a few new wave pioneers who...
  14. Plausibility Check: Japan (temporary) Victory - Fu-Go-Ri Balloons

    The main issue with that is that essentially all of the major powers were command economies during the war. They would be far less vulnerable to currency shocks when the government is exercising so much control over the direction of the economy . Assuming the Japanese did manage to sneak in...
  15. JFK not shot, escalates Vietnam

    Reading American Tabloid by James Ellroy, and the preface to the book has him positing that JFK died at the exact right time to be made into a legend. Without him getting ventilated by LHO, Kennedy escalates vietnam and gets all of OTL LBJs drawbacks without the great society.
  16. TLIAW: Gödel's Loophole(s)

    Cool stuff!
  17. What former colonies would have been most plausible for European nations to hold on to up to the modern day?

    Bit contrived but Portugal was doing shockingly well in Angola and Mozambique during their independence wars. While Guinea Bissau was virtually independent by 1974 and the fall of the Estado Novo. Guinea-Bissau is also several times smaller than Angola or Mozambique. Maybe Portugal decides...
  18. Seven Days to the River Rhine: the Third World War - a TL

    Grim times for NATO. Props to this Reagan for going for an ultimatum instead of lobbing the nuclear football
  19. Soviet artillery question - was Lend Lease essential for Soviet artillery effectiveness?

    Like all lend-lease, it was appreciated, but the majority of it arrived after the crisis days of 41-42. It would only delay the Soviet victory, not stop it if LL was not given.
  20. What It Took: A TLIAW by Enigma and Vidal

    Excellent slate of alt presidents! The guy who lost in 84 is a shoe in, I bet