Recent content by Booster Gold

  1. AHC/What If: End the Atlantic Slave Trade earlier

    Population densities aren't big enough to make that viable at this time. If it's that deadly it'll burn itself out.
  2. AHC/What If: End the Atlantic Slave Trade earlier

    That's called malaria and it did little to stop the slave trade
  3. What if prohibition continued to the present day?

    Because the mob would have a hell of a time controlling both and what they couldn't control they would squeeze out. There's a reason people like Pablo Escobar never branched out into the heroin trade, for example, and it wasn't lack of resources
  4. AHC: early to mid-America, Christians start to view Jews as brothers and sisters ?

    Not necessarily. I was thinking of the French revolution as an example. They went really hard on the anti religious stuff (cult of reason, etc.). There's no fundamental reason it couldn't happen in the American revolution, you just need the right atmosphere.
  5. Alternate titles for the President of the United States?

    I believe "God Emperor" was proposed for the last fella...
  6. What if prohibition continued to the present day?

    If Alcohol was still the narcotic de'jure, and prohibition spread (there were temperance movements all over northern Europe and Canada) it might save some developing countries like Colombia from the devastation of the coca trade. Another interesting question that comes from my reasearch into...
  7. AHC: early to mid-America, Christians start to view Jews as brothers and sisters ?

    Maybe you could have a more radical revolution with guys like Thomas Paine becoming more influential, making a bigger, harder push toward secularism, prompting a wagon circling among the religious types. Kind of like the religious reaction to progressivism in the 1970s and 1980s.
  8. AHQ: At what point did England become predominantly Protestant instead of Catholic?

    Aside from all the foofaraw surrounding Henry VIIIs midlife crisis, when did Anglican Doctrine become distinct from Rome?
  9. Secession following Southern Independence?

    Consistency is the first casualty of any political dispute. No revolution that has overthrown a government has ever turned around and said "welp, I guess we have to let everyone else revolt now for fear of being called hypocrites". In this particular case, just look at Virginia. The unionists...
  10. Which non-European nation had the potential to industrialize first?

    It would appear that I was wrong, Japan's coal resources aren't as accessible as I thought so it's unlikely to progress. Southern Song is out because southern China has little coal as well, same for SE Asia. Egypt also has a coal problem as well as a population surplus dating back to antiquity...
  11. Which non-European nation had the potential to industrialize first?

    Japan was very advanced and didn't have a massive labor surplus. As was Korea (I think? Anyone know their 18th century demographics?) They also have the resources. They would need the incentive though. Maybe an expansionist Qing? Apparently Indonesia has some decent resources too.
  12. What if the US exchanged MEK leaders in Iraq for Al-Qaida leaders in Iran in 2003?

    Capturing Al-Qaeda's leaders was pretty low priority for the Bush Administration as evidenced by the missed multiple opportunities to apprehend said leaders (tora bora, taliban offers). The real project was neo-conservative nation building. This deal carries minimal upside for them... which is...
  13. Empires that never were

    I feel like many of the Frankish kingdoms, from the Merovingians on down, could have done a good job of keeping Europe unified if they hadn't insisted on dividing their kingdoms between their heirs.
  14. WI: An Universal Norse Religion on the Americas

    That rarely happened in the medieval period. When it did it was facilitated by trade and along trade routes. There would need to be something worth going all the way to Vinland to trade regularly. Also, writing would help a lot and what little Norse writing there is didn't happen until the 13th...
  15. Question: No/delayed WWI=French recession?

    Could the French start an earlier Maginot line to mitigate the expense or would it just make things worse? Alternatively, how much were they spending on the navy? Surely this could be reduced considering the nature of their enemies and allies.