Harald Hardrada wins the crown: Collaborative timeline

If we have this disease carve out an area in north east asia, then maybe that area could remain sort od empty after the Tuvans and the mongols flee west and south.
Say the Tuvans flee west over the northern edge if the gobi desert while the mongols flee south along the eastern edge of said desert. The Tuvan horde could then box the Muscovites and the Kievan in so they cant expand as east as OTL.
while the Mongols will flee south, ravaging china and other states how south could they get?
If we have this disease carve out an area in north east asia, then maybe that area could remain sort od empty after the Tuvans and the mongols flee west and south.
Say the Tuvans flee west over the northern edge if the gobi desert while the mongols flee south along the eastern edge of said desert. The Tuvan horde could then box the Muscovites and the Kievan in so they cant expand as east as OTL.
while the Mongols will flee south, ravaging china and other states how south could they get?

Mongols try to outrun the plague go further and further south, It couldnt get past the Himalayas. Would the mongols be crazy enough to try and face the mountain passes or try and go toward the Assam Valley?
It depends how desperate they are, imagine modern archaeologists finding a trail of desperate and diseased mongols going over the mountains, eventually the mongolian group dwindling down to just a couple of individuals.
ooh ooh maybe they reach a village in northern india and spread the plague south, causing a epidemic there :D
and the Tuvans, they could possibly migrate to the ukraine/south russia region. A pocket of Asian DNA in europe perhaps?
It depends how desperate they are, imagine modern archaeologists finding a trail of desperate and diseased mongols going over the mountains, eventually the mongolian group dwindling down to just a couple of individuals.
ooh ooh maybe they reach a village in northern india and spread the plague south, causing a epidemic there :D
and the Tuvans, they could possibly migrate to the ukraine/south russia region. A pocket of Asian DNA in europe perhaps?

That depends on where the disease starts, right? I thought we had said the disease was a south-east asian one that was "discovered" by the mongols in their conquest of china, and then spread along the robust mongol infrastructure?

If that's the case, heading south doesn't make too much sense, but southwest into, say, persia/the middle east does, ALOT.

the Tuvan Confederation into russia totally works.
the Tuvan Confederation into russia totally works.

A Tuvan nomad overlooking a village in the upper Tartary

Sorry to burst your bubble, but WHY? It's COLD up there, their horses won't do well, and they'll DIE (also, being up there basically relegates them to the waste bin of history. :( )
Eh, there are muslims in North America! That's different and worthy of strength. Also, Mongols moving into persia will likely assimilate fairly quickly.