OTL, after the German invasion of Poland, France briefly rushed the Rhine but nothing came of it and until Germany broke through Belgium, the war just... kinda wasn't happening. There were naval clashes, especially in the north sea due to Germany wanting scandinavian resources. This is because no one really wanted a war.

But what if the Franco-British forces mustered up the morale to mount the biggest offensive possible, perhaps pointing out that Hitler wanted revenge for all the Entente did in ww1? Bursting over the border (and maybe the british invade through Schleswig or something, unless they invade through the border with france but that seems like it would require a lot of transport).

Would this decimate the Germans, or bring Western Europe into the Reich as Germany's air power over the fatherland lets them bomb the allies back? Bear in mind that Italy hadn't joined the war and Japan was still a few years away from their pacific assaults.

Alternatively, what are some post-rhineland PODs that could prevent the scale of otl ww2, while still ending Appeasement?


Since France was still believing in the methodical battle doctrine, use WWI Bite and Hold tactics to gradually take over the Saarland, rather than giving up German Ground taken before Poland Fell.
Since the actual timeline goes about as bad for France as is realistically possible, it seems likely that this would end up at least being less bad for the Allies. The French actually sent pitifully small probing attacks against the Westwall, which predictably went badly. I don't know if penetrating the Westwall would have been possible with a much larger and more determined attack, but it is my understanding that the Westwall was not nearly as impressive as the Maginot line, so, possibly?


And beside of just being tiny probing attacks, read reports of troops withdrawn on sighting a minefield, and I mean sight, they saw the 'Achtung Minen' sign and then went the other way.

I mean I totally get they didn't have the plans for an Coup de Main for an 'On to Berlin', or the fire in the Belly to try for that, but taking and holding abandoned villages is not that rough. I'm embarrassed on reading those weak efforts in 1939