
  1. Sphinx

    Long Live Sacred Germany: The Oster Conspiracy | Alternate Timeline
    Threadmarks: TOC: Prologue

    Long Live Sacred Germany: The Oster Conspiracy "He who would live must fight. He who doesn't wish to fight in this world has not the right to exist." - Adolf Hitler "Do not forget, brothers, that dagger which was plunged into our heartland one hundred years ago, the bastard state of Britain...
  2. RangrimRumneheim

    WI: An Anti-Appeasement Popular Front in Interwar Britain

    About a month ago I made a post related to my brainstorming PODs for a timeline about pre and post-WW2 Britain. In short that post’s idea ran aground in relation to the premise of...
  3. AltoRegnant

    How To Prevent The Narrative of Versailles Being Too Harsh From Spreading In Anglophone Countries?

    Inspired by this thread: OTL, during the interwar period, Germany naturally felt betrayed and humiliated by the treaty of...
  4. PakistaniGuyUK

    WI Hitler makes peace by 1939 and turns his focus to the ‘Final Solution.' Would the West deem the Holocaust irrelevant and turn a blind eye?

    OTL: In March 1939, Lithuania proved to be the last territorial acquisition for Germany before World War II. Up to this stage, the United Kingdom and France followed a policy of appeasement, while Italy and Japan openly supported Germany. But instead of continuing his policy of expansion, what...
  5. AHC – Pre-War UK Chamberlain (Tory) vs Chamberlain (Liberal) Rivalry

    Depending on whether their father Joseph Chamberlain manages to become Prime Minister himself (via some a few pre-1900 PODs) from around the late-1890s to early-1900s, the challenge is to lay the groundwork for a rivalry between Austen (who possibly merits living another year or few) and Neville...
  6. AltoRegnant

    WI No Phony War?

    OTL, after the German invasion of Poland, France briefly rushed the Rhine but nothing came of it and until Germany broke through Belgium, the war just... kinda wasn't happening. There were naval clashes, especially in the north sea due to Germany wanting scandinavian resources. This is because...
  7. WI: Nazi Germany continued peaceful expansion instead of invading Poland

    As proven by the 1939 German annexation of Memelland, France and Britain felt fine ignoring Germany's territorial growth as long as the territory was small enough and the victim country was unimportant enough. So, what if Germany kept on with peaceful expansionism instead of invading Poland? For...
  8. Churchill dies in auto accident in New York in 1931

    I've done several searches and surprisingly cannot find this as a PoD for any new TL. Apologies if I'm missing something obvious. ACCIDENT TO WINSTON CHURCHILL. New York, December 15 Mr. Winston Churchill, the British statesman, who was knocked down by a motor car in Fifth-avenue on Sunday...