Victoria II

It refers to the removal of Turks from Serbian land.

More like "the removal of the Muslim Bosniaks who are in every other way indistinguishable from the Serbs except that they practise Islam instead of Christianity from their own lands where they co-existed with the Serbs up until the 1990s". :rolleyes:

Grey Wolf

It refers to the removal of Turks from Serbian land.

Given that this is an alternate history game, I would feel better about such things if they were choices not automatic events.

Which reminds me, I would like to see a choice NOT to implement a decision, ie not the passive "I won't click it yet" but the ablity to make it go away with a definite "The UK is not interested in doing this" etc

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
They aren't automatic events. They're decisions.

Genocide in the gsg mod will only happen if you choose to make it happen. (And you have to wait 10 years in between your bouts of ethnic cleansing.)

Remove Kebab targets all Unaccepted Cultures, it just targets the Turks more than anyone else. (It kills around 60% of your Turks and around 15% of everything else. I think.)

Remove Undesirables, which is available to Non-Balkans nations, targets all Unaccepted Cultures equally. (It kills around 35% of all Unaccepted Cultures.)


Though apparently the unofficial gsg mod makes genocide a persistent thing you can turn on and off at your leisure.

And . . . It sounds like it doesn't kill people? It just forces Unaccepted Cultures to leave your country? So not really genocide anymore.
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Though apparently the unofficial gsg mod makes genocide a persistent thing you can turn on and off at your leisure.

And . . . It sounds like it doesn't kill people? It just forces Unaccepted Cultures to leave your country? So not really genocide anymore.

Still kinda messed up though, I try to not do the Trail of Tears decision in a US game unless I absolutely have to.
Pretty sure you have to do it if you want to preserve the Cherokee.

Even though it affected more than just the Cherokee, the Trail of Tears decision specifically transfers Cherokee POPs to Oklahoma. After doing so, Cherokee becomes an Accepted Culture of the United States. (Very few tribes are separated from the generic Native American Minor Culture.)

If you never enact the Trail of Tears, then they never stop being assimilated. In other words, you're actually doing more to destroy their culture by refusing that decision. (As an Accepted Culture, they wouldn't be subject to Assimilation as it is portrayed in Victoria 2.)



Another decade behind me, and with it another update.

A few minor things worth noting in Europe as of the Year 1890.

The Ottoman Empire brought Greece to heel. That was pretty hilarious.

Ireland exists as an independent country. Which is interesting, because it's actually possible to properly integrate the Irish in this mod via decision. (The British just need a tech that can't be researched until 1900.)

The Netherlands enacted a decision to become "Greater Netherlands", annexing Belgium and adding Felmish and Wallonian to their Accepted Cultures. (Their name doesn't actually change to Greater Netherlands.)

Oh, and Spain managed to gank Gibraltar. Also, Italy took Malta. They might have had help. *smug face is smug*


Here we can see the majority of German Africa. The last Life Rating invention was discovered, so any unoccupied regions left in the world are open to colonization.

I'll be colonizing that last bit of German East Africa, the one next to British and Portuguese Africa. I'll go ahead and let the British have that bit nest to Italian Africa.

I'll also be colonizing German Southwest Africa.

Beyond that, I had Madagascar in my Sphere of Influence. This let me annex it via decision, so Madagascar is also part of German Africa.


And here we have German New Guinea.

I took West New Guinea away from the Dutch, and I've begun the process of colonizing East New Guinea.

I've also begun snapping up the rest of the islands in the Pacific, now that the last of them are open to colonization.


And now, to close things, another update on the population of the German Empire.

The German Empire has 144 Million people living within its borders.

73% of these people are considered to be German. (105 Million)

27% are considered to be Non-German. (39 Million)

As far as assimilation and the like goes . . . Beyond North and South German, every uniquely listed ethnicity lives in one of the German Empire's colonies. Every other ethnicity has to be merged into the Other category just to have an impact.

Germany proper . . . The European parts of the Empire . . . Non-Germans can still be found their. But they are a hilariously small minority. So yeah . . . I've Germanized the ever living shit out of the parts of Europe I control.
Heh . . . I'd imagine so.

Right now, I'm debating whether or not I should just get rid of my American colonies.

I recreated Little Venice on a whim, but I'm seriously tempted to let it go. If I bring Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela under my Sphere . . . Or just conquer them . . . I think I can create Gran Colombia.

So I might decide to focus on the colonies of the German Empire, and stop fucking around with "German" colonies that predated it by centuries.
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How would I go about modding Victoria 2 to make the "three hurrahs for Germany" decision available to Nordic countries?

I know this post is over a month old, but as no-one seems to have responded - under decisions/NationalUnification.txt, beneath "form_germany" replace "is_culture_group = germanic" with:
OR = {
	is_culture_group = germanic
	is_culture_group = scandinavian
During the American Civil War in the 1930s Canada occupied New York, New England, Washington and Alaska, then watched helplessly as the Communists defeated the Fascists and overthrew the government. Since then America had been a communist dictatorship while Canada has risen to prominence. A series of interventions in the Caribbean and Central America increased Canadian population and territory, an anti-communist alliance eventually embraced every country in the Americas except for America itself, Guatemala, and Newfoundland. Canada was the first country to the Moon and its military is topnotch. At long last it is time, time to liberate the oppressed people of America and unite a nation unjustly sundered in 1776.


Grey Wolf

Playing Britain is a total pain in the arse in HoD - you no longer get the money from the economy, so have to have tarrifs resulting in Jacobin revolts every year or two! By 1861 the empire fell to a massive revolt with 75k stacks everywhere!

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
During the American Civil War in the 1930s Canada occupied New York, New England, Washington and Alaska, then watched helplessly as the Communists defeated the Fascists and overthrew the government. Since then America had been a communist dictatorship while Canada has risen to prominence. A series of interventions in the Caribbean and Central America increased Canadian population and territory, an anti-communist alliance eventually embraced every country in the Americas except for America itself, Guatemala, and Newfoundland. Canada was the first country to the Moon and its military is topnotch. At long last it is time, time to liberate the oppressed people of America and unite a nation unjustly sundered in 1776.

Did you use the Kaiserreich mod for this?
Okay, I keep getting the "Anti-Manchu Feeling" in my China and it's making my militancy go crazy. How the hell do I get rid of it? I've westernized and even achieved Great Power status but I'm still getting this event what seems like every other week. It's getting to the point where I want to find the file that stores the events and delete the damn thing. :mad:

It stops after you defeat the Taiping Rebellion.
During the American Civil War in the 1930s Canada occupied New York, New England, Washington and Alaska, then watched helplessly as the Communists defeated the Fascists and overthrew the government. Since then America had been a communist dictatorship while Canada has risen to prominence. A series of interventions in the Caribbean and Central America increased Canadian population and territory, an anti-communist alliance eventually embraced every country in the Americas except for America itself, Guatemala, and Newfoundland. Canada was the first country to the Moon and its military is topnotch. At long last it is time, time to liberate the oppressed people of America and unite a nation unjustly sundered in 1776.
Did you use the Kaiserreich mod for this?

I'm going to have to ask that question too, that mod looks interesting (behind the strange imgur effect).
I've been doing some constitutional reform so created a diagram for my new parliament:


Social Democratic Party: 68 seats
Free-Minded Party: 99 seats
Liberal Democratic Party: 13 seats
National Liberal Party: 34 seats
Centre Party: 204 seats
Poznań Party: 1 seat
Conservative Party: 55 seats
Christian Social Party: 25 seats
Reich Party: 1 seat

Doesn't look as good on a white background. Anyway, Germania is now a stable country (hopefully)!
It stops after you defeat the Taiping Rebellion.
So it would seem. I forced the event via console and that helped a lot. Now if the Boxer rebels would stop showing up that'd be great. I must be on my 5th rebellion or so now. Kind of ridiculous that I end up kill 1-2 million of them but they keep coming back. :confused:
(It kills around 35% of all Unaccepted Cultures.)

I’m totally fine with that. Population is the reason Vicky becomes unplayable near the end, so anything to kill off as many people as can keep your country running is a good thing for the game. Granted, it’d be better if they had CODED IT 64-BIT, FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE, but this as a stopgap is fine.

Victoria Ultimate will occasionally just automatically cut your population by 90%. I don’t like that it doesn’t tell you (and it completely and utterly screws with your integration if you have any immigration at all), but it’s necessary.

Did you upload a bitmap directly to Imgur?

I’ve been doing some constitutional reform so created a diagram for my new parliament:

I’d like if Victoria III had more detailed control over the government. I don’t like those other GSG games where you play as the president and have to stay in power otherwise the game is over, but I do like the level of control they have over all country policies.