Victoria II

That's part of my question, when is the United States powerful enough to survive containment wars and take on the United Kingdom (since I have to go after Canada)?

Once you get a sizeably large population and sufficient growth, built up your army sufficiently, won the Mexican-American War and established alliances with other major powers (preferably France or unified Germany), you should be OK.

Grey Wolf

The Suez Conundrum

I'm Bavaria, I have all the relevant techs, I own the now-called Sinai province, and not only cannot I not build the Suez Canal, it does not show as greyed-out in the decisions box. Its now 1878, I've had it for about 10 years, and even if there is a possibility that I lack one invention, it used to show the decision greyed out and hovering over showed what you need.

So... can only a Great Power now build the Suez Canal in HoD?

I'm 9th with no immediate prospect of ascending

Best Regards
Grey Wolf
I'm Bavaria, I have all the relevant techs, I own the now-called Sinai province, and not only cannot I not build the Suez Canal, it does not show as greyed-out in the decisions box. Its now 1878, I've had it for about 10 years, and even if there is a possibility that I lack one invention, it used to show the decision greyed out and hovering over showed what you need.

So... can only a Great Power now build the Suez Canal in HoD?

I'm 9th with no immediate prospect of ascending

Best Regards
Grey Wolf

Looks like you do have to be a great power to build it. Source.
Have finally decided to give the gsg mod a go. As is normal when breaking in a new mod, I decided my first taste of gsg would be a Prussia run. (This pattern usually holds, unless a mod is specifically designed to be played as a particular country.)


Here is my German Empire as of the year 1870. (Just one year before the historical unification of Germany.)

Did the usual thing . . . Start as Prussia. Turn into the North German Confederation. Turn into the German Empire.

Attacked Belgium as early as I could, taking a little bit of land that included Luxemburg.

Kicked the shit out of Russia a few times, getting the Baltic States and most of Russian Poland in the process.

Created the United Baltic Duchy out of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. When the time came to create the North German Confederation, ended up annexing the United Baltic Duchy and gaining Cores on all of the Baltic Provinces because the UBD has North German as its Primary Culture.

Take Alsace-Lorraine away from France, conquer Switzerland, and run roughshod over Austria-Hungary.

Form the German Empire. Get a shitload of delicious Cores because I've created Greater Germany. Hungary gets to be an Ally as well as part of Germany's Sphere of Influence. (Then becomes merely an Ally when they upgrade to Great Power.)

Show the Ottoman Empire who really runs the Balkans. Create Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Romania. Also help out Greece a little.

Help Romania grab Besserabia. Make Yugoslavia, Romania, and Bulgaria Allies within Germany's Sphere of Influence.

Side with Bulgaria and Yugoslavia when they decide they want some of what Greece is holding onto. (The joys of competing Cores.)

Laugh at anyone who even thinks of fucking with the alliance between Germany, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Romania, and Bulgaria.


My enemies are essentially France, Russia, Belgium, Greece, and the Ottoman Empire.

Greece and Belgium are a joke if it comes down to war with either one. The Ottoman Empire isn't much better. One-on-One, hitting France or Russia would be a snap. Even in a two front war, things wouldn't be terribly difficult. Especially if my Allies joined in.

Right now, the only parts of the German Empire I don't have Cores on would be the lands that would otherwise be Slovenia and Poland.


And here we have the population of the German Empire. It has a population of 75 Million.

83.1% of the German Empire is German. Assuming I didn't fuck up the math, that means that it has 63.325 Million Germans and 11.675 Million Non-Germans.

That bit under Nationality? Every demographic other than Polish, Czech, and Ukrainian is so small as to have been merged into Other. Even then, Other only accounts for 7.1% of the population.

Most of the German Empire is Christian, with Protestants being the largest Christian group. That 1% of Sunni Muslims is simply because I snatched up Zanzibar so that the British would give me Heligoland in exchange for the Kenyan bits of Zanzibar. (A trade that historically occurred in 1890.)

How did I achieve these figures? Especially when controlling land that has Polish Cores on it is supposed to make it ball-bustingly difficult to assimilate your Polish population?

The gsg Mod allows you to commit acts of ethnic cleansing once every 10 years.

For Balkans countries, like my Allies, this event is called Remove Kebab. It will eradicate 60% of any Turks living in a Balkan nation, and 15% of any Non-Accepted Cultured.

For any other country, such as the German Empire, this event is called Remove Undesirables. It will eradicate 35% of any Non-Accepted Cultures.

For reference, if not for the gsg mod allowing for ethnic cleansing . . . The German Empire would only be around 60% German. (By the time I reach the 1930s, it'll probably be greater than 90% German.)

Ethnic cleansing also provides an Assimilation bonus . . . You just have to be willing to accept assloads of Militancy from the survivors if you're going to put serious effort into integrating conquered regions.

Man . . . It's a good thing this is just a game. I'd be a fucking monster otherwise.


I'll also take a moment to show off my Allies, starting with Yugoslavia.

Yugoslavia has a population of 7.64 Million. Of that population, roughly 4.4312 Million qualify as "Yugoslavian". (Yugoslavia's Accepted Cultures are Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, and Bosnian . . . Slovenians are somewhere in Other.)

Something interesting, even though I don't think I'm going to be seeing it, is that Yugoslavia can be even more than it already is. Though difficult, it can convince both Greece and Bulgaria to join it. (I really don't think the AI will manage.)

If it did get them to join, Greek and Bulgarian would be added to the Accepted Cultures of Yugoslavia. (And at some point, with or without those two, they should be able to get Albanian as an Accepted Culture.)


Hungary has a population of 16.25 Million. Of that population, 7.62125 Million are Hungarian.

Nothing too big to say about Hungary. Merely that, at some point, they have the option of making Slovakian into an Accepted Culture.


Romania has a population of 4.44 Million. Of that population, 4.14252 Million are Romanians.


Bulgaria has a population of 3.48 Million. Of that population, 2.00796 Million are Bulgarian.


And there we have it . . . My current plan is mainly to just fuck around in Africa and the Pacific/Oceania. Try to, at the very least, obtain Germany's historical colonies.

The rest of my game will otherwise consist of finishing the integration of German Europe.

I don't really do World Conquest benders . . . I mainly limit myself to rather arbitrary ideas on what would be "realistic" for a more successful than normal <insert country here>. (I might try to create the Arab Union in a different run . . . That's basically the Middle East and North Africa forming a single, fuck-huge country.)


As a quick addendum . . . Someone asked why they were losing to the Prussians. Now, to be fair, this could just be a feature of the Mods I use. (A lot of them incorporate elements of Popular Demand, which I think is the source.)

However, if it is in the vanilla game, I'd blame your defeats on Von Moltke's reforms.

I don't know how long they last . . . Maybe it's permanent . . . But as long as the reforms are around, Prussia's armies are just plain better even if you have all the same technologies.
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It surprises me how varied each country does in each game of Vicky II. My Japan game had Britain as a superpower and never moving from there but a China game I started has thus far seen them knocked down to 3rd place behind France and Russia (partially because I allowed the latter access through me to attack India but still). Same with Austria/NGF, they're either a badass or a b*tch depending on how the game feels for that game.
It surprises me how varied each country does in each game of Vicky II. My Japan game had Britain as a superpower and never moving from there but a China game I started has thus far seen them knocked down to 3rd place behind France and Russia (partially because I allowed the latter access through me to attack India but still). Same with Austria/NGF, they're either a badass or a b*tch depending on how the game feels for that game.

Yeah, Britain varies a lot in my experience. Last good game I had going They did fairly poorly. Lots of rebellions in the Indian Subconintent led to a lot of the Kingdoms becoming independent and civilized and France took the south of India up to Hyderabad. Britain never was quite the same after those rebellions. Game went great for America and Russia though. Only time i've seen AI Russia go for Xinjiang and Manchuria.
Yeah, Britain varies a lot in my experience. Last good game I had going They did fairly poorly. Lots of rebellions in the Indian Subconintent led to a lot of the Kingdoms becoming independent and civilized and France took the south of India up to Hyderabad. Britain never was quite the same after those rebellions. Game went great for America and Russia though. Only time i've seen AI Russia go for Xinjiang and Manchuria.

My Japan game had Russia taking Xinjiang and Manchuria...and Mongolia...and Gansu. China took it back eventually but only after me and the other AI countries basically obliterated their military.
Just a quick update on my game.


It is now 1880 . . . So, you know, 10 years after the first update. (I'll probably update in 10 year bursts.)

The only real change in Europe proper is that Bulgaria got a little greedy and took some land from Greece they didn't have any Cores on. (Oh, and the Ottoman Empire took back the Aegean Islands from Greece as well.)

Beyond that . . . Conquered Fiji to give myself a springboard for colonizing the Pacific. Have also started colonizing Africa, as 1880 is about when the Scramble for Africa gets kicked off. (At the very least, Life Rating levels finally allow for Colonization.)

There's really one special thing I feel like mentioning . . . Some colonies I established in South America.


In the 1500s, a German banking company offered to forgive the debts of a Spanish King if they were given colonial rights in Venezuela. (They wanted to try to find the mythical Golden City of El Dorado.)

A group of Germans, supplemented by slaves from Africa, set up shop for . . . I dunno . . . I think it was just a decade? *shrugs* Most of them were wiped out by tropical diseases, so the only real enduring feature to come out of this attempt at colonization was the creation of the city of Maracaibo. (A city that still exists in the modern era, if you're curious.)

Anyways . . . I more or less decided, "Why the fuck not?" and tried to recreate this old as shit, predates the German Empire German Colony. It's not really perfect, as it historically stretched further to the East and not as far West, but I'm kind of limited by the shapes of the Provinces. (This was as close as I could get without it looking fucked up or "weird".)

So yeah . . . Shogo's German Empire has seen fit to recreate what was once known as "Little Venice".

Oh, and the people responsible for Little Venice had a presence on the island of Saint Martin. Which was followed by the Brandenburger-Prussians, before the Dutch got hold of it. So I went ahead and decided, since I was taking one of these islands anyways, I might as well grab the entirety of the Lesser Antilles. Oh, and Puerto Rico, which is considered part of the Greater Antilles. (Cuba is an independent country. It just happens to use the same Grey as Germany.)

As a final note . . . While I was taking shit from Colombia and Venezuela, I went out of my way to grab Panama. (Controlled by Colombia at this time.) Then I built the Panama Canal. Then, because sometimes it's possible for me to be nice, I gave Panama their independence and let them keep the Canal.


And here is the population situation in the German Empire in the Year 1880.

Total Population: 98.5 Million

German Population: 80 Million

Non-German Population: 18.5 Million

Also . . . Fucking damn . . . The Yoruba are a group of Africans inhabiting an area in West Africa that you could fit inside of Switzerland. There are more Yoruba in the German Empire than there are Poles.
It's called the gsg mod.

From the way I heard it described, it supposedly takes the things people liked about the Popular Demand Mod, as well as the New Nations Mod, and cuts out the things people didn't like about it.

Then it adds some new shit. One of those new things is Remove Kebab/Undesirables. (So, you know, genocide.)

I think there are also things like indulging the All Mexico Movement. (Annexing all of Mexico after the Mexican-American War.)

Which can, in turn, give you the ability to go after Canada. (While something you could always have done in Vicky 2, I think this gets you Cores.)


You can get the latest version of the gsg mod here.

Or, from that same link, you could always give the Paradox Plaza Mod a shot. They're apparently building their own mod, though they're using gsg as a base.


Hey . . . Tallest . . . Can you give me a rundown of the stuff that's different about 1.13c "unofficial"?

Specifically, "all the extra events and capabilities"?
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Hey . . . Tallest . . . Can you give me a rundown of the stuff that's different about 1.13c "unofficial"?

Specifically, "all the extra events and capabilities"?

I’d copy the change list, but Windows 10 is a pile of garbage and I can’t even read its partition from OS X, so it’ll have to wait.

Here’s 1.12, at least. That’s further along than 2.0.

1.12b unofficial
- Fix minister strength not being random.
- Fix some event crashes from old events that still referenced old ministers.

1.12 unofficial
- Fix repeating French political party names.
- Fix a few wayward Hungarian decisions.
- Remove undesirables changed to a sustained policy that can be turned on or off at will. It now greatly increases emigration of non-accepted pops, adds a small amount of assimilation, and if slavery is allowed enables enslavement of unaccepted pops.
- Pops are more likely to become reactionary over time if slaves are present in the same province.
- Removed arbitrary penalty to promotion/demotion by having slavery allowed
- Sikh mobilizing bonus nerfed yet again.
- Aden Protectorate decision now has an event chain to cede Sana to the Ottomans if they still hold power in the region.
- Individual region RGO spread events from inventions rolled into the inventions themselves, to reduce event spam.
- Idaho now starts as a colony.
- Stop colonial emigration on low-pop provinces to prevent depopulation.
- Organize Indonesia now properly gives cores on all of Java.
- Staggered the apply for statehood decision for Canadian substates, since if multiple triggered on the same day the USA would not receive the events for all of them.
- Remove clerks from Cairo.
- Lowered prestige gain from converting colonies into states.
- NGF can now form if Austria has cores on Silesia.
- Normalized base promotion/demotion rates. No actual changes to the end result of pop promotion or demotion, but makes the math more clearly presented in the pop screen.
- AI less spammy on forts and ports.
- Retooled minister system to give selectable bonuses for 10 years.

1.11b unofficial
- After strict testing showed that a majority of modifiers to control internal immigration were non-functional (including vanilla modifiers), base internal immigration has been reverted back to vanilla (i.e. non-existant) to prevent stupid shit.
- Birth of a nation event now occurs for all nations.
- Forming SGF no longer requires A-L provinces if NGF has been formed.

1.11 unofficial
- North America and South America merged into American continent. This was primarily done to give the US an incentive to focus more on South America rather than Asia/Africa.
- Removed redundant generic unification decisions for nations who had unique unification decisions.
- GPs now receive an influence penalty in the CSA when the Civil War starts.
- Reduced wool consumption of unciv units, since generally bigger armies was causing a shortage.
- France will continue getting CBs on Algeria for a longer time, in order to prevent the little Algerian dick in Oran from staying around for decades.
- Some CB justification times scaled up. Change to detect justifying CBs returned to vanilla.
- Some restrictions on NV changes removed to allow more variety and to not lockout smaller nations.
- Migration changed to more heavily prefer larger areas, areas with the same culture as the arriving pop, and not rough terrain.
- Wait time on diplomatic actions removed.
- Raise relations changed back to require 2 diplo points, now for 40 relations.
- Base sphere rate down a bit. Increase in sphere rate according to relations made stronger.
- Balkan nations will remove kebab if independant and either at war with Ottomans or have poor relations with Ottomans.
- Badboy added to remove kebab/undesirables.
- Color changes for Germany and Austria-Hungary.
- Removed craftsmen from uncivilized Egypt.
- Unciv conquest reduced to a max of two states.

1.10b unofficial
- Rename Ranjit Singh to Maharaja Ranjit Singh, since it could interfere with the events connected to his death if a leader randomy spawned with the same name.
- Re-jigger a bunch of AI tech priorities. AI now more likely to take research tech when it is behind-time. Tech schools slightly more balanced now.
- Lowered attrition from not being able to supply fleet, and increased the minimum strength fleets would attrition to.
- Incrased naval supply up to vanilla levels.
- Lowered clipper supply consumption to make them more affordable to minors
- Eased up on ideology-based limits to budget screen, since testing showed they had adverse effect on certain AI nations.
- Rewrote rules for make puppet CB. GPs can puppet SPs. SPs can puppet below-SPs (max 5M pop). Below-SPs can puppet below-SPs (max 500k pop).
- Multi-state conquest re-enabled for uncivs vs. uncivs.
- National unification decisions now doesn't require AI to un-puppet nations, since the AI couldn't understand the requirement.
- Great Qing renamed Qing Empire. Greater Japanese Empire renamed Empire of Japan

Okay, I keep getting the "Anti-Manchu Feeling" in my China and it's making my militancy go crazy. How the hell do I get rid of it? I've westernized and even achieved Great Power status but I'm still getting this event what seems like every other week. It's getting to the point where I want to find the file that stores the events and delete the damn thing. :mad: