Still don't understand how napoleon doesn't just throw non french troops at haiti france wins both times, kills germans, or retakes haiti. Didn't napoleon just plan to genocide them anyway and bring a new slaves?

What is Muhammad Ali reaction the greek rebellion?
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Probably worse, considering Napoleon is now in charge of France and he hated Haiti. He might launch another invasion to reclaim part of the old royal French colonial empire.
I don't see him doing it for a few reasons: war exhaustion, the fact the other times where he and others tried all failed miserably and given Britain hasn't fully accepted their failure at dethroning him and is very much better established in the region means that if he gets too aggressive it would be the perfect casus beli for Britain to swoop in Haiti and make them a protectorate or at least having the most populous island in the region as a ally.

I see him trying something more diplomatic and tying them economically into France, giving them sugar and tobacco in exchange for development and allowing using the island as harbor for the navy and a military base, staffed by local soldiers to assuage any fear of reconquest.
Still don't understand how napoleon doesn't just throw non french troops at haiti france wins both times, kills germans, or retakes haiti. Didn't napoleon just plan to genocide them anyway and bring a new slaves?
I'll repeat this post I made a few pages back:
It doesn't matter how many men you throw at a problem if they keep dying or becoming invalids due to tropical diseases and shitty (pun intended) sanitary conditions.

What is Muhammad Ali reaction the greek rebellion?
He's the grand vizier, so he's predictably furious.

As for everyone else (@Kurd Gossemer @Herohunter and @MagicalPhantom345), I'm itching to write some chapters focused on what's going on in the Americas. I'll start to work on them as soon as the Greek rebellion is wrapped up.
Good to see Ottomans not committing the cardinal mistakes. I mean, come on! How foolish could one be to persecute the loyal Greeks of Metropolitan centers?
stupid question can the ottoman navy just sail up to athens and just blast it and land there to link up with the garrison on the hill?
Good question, I wonder how ITTL Ottomans fare Against guerilla tactics of revolutionaries. Or is Filiki Etaria lacking naval competency??
stupid question can the ottoman navy just sail up to athens and just blast it and land there to link up with the garrison on the hill?
I wanted to add a bit about how the naval front was developing, but I was afraid that'd make the chapter too big. Long story short, the rebels have a ton of fireships and the skill to use them.
Good to see Ottomans not committing the cardinal mistakes. I mean, come on! How foolish could one be to persecute the loyal Greeks of Metropolitan centers?
It's genuinely mind boggling. That saying about everything being a nail when a person is a hammer comes to mind.
I wanted to add a bit about how the naval front was developing, but I was afraid that'd make the chapter too big. Long story short, the rebels have a ton of fireships and the skill to use them.
okay sorry the stupid question and also repeating the haiti stuff, i just thought due to mentioning only attica, and that other greek place something happened at sea. Btw can i ask read in the ottomans apposed the polish partition. I understand poles will look to france now due to napoleon but could ottomans count on polish support? as in invite poles to live in greece afterwards? Like prussia either has to accept poles as equals or fully wipe them out, they are a failure of state, its thanks to austria they got back their polish land and poles know they only live under prussian rule due to austria.
Can i ask i never followed a tl where france acquired its natural border. Can i ask how does the geopolitics work now? Surely Austria, Spain and Britain, are all default opposed to france, france won only way to keep a balance of power is through coalition none of these nations could even hold france back. So does france only have potential allies in Russia and Ottomans (former equals but no real desire from russia to expand west, latter france will be dominate they can reform ottoman military, as their offer. But they are a islamic turkish empire).
Also what has austria done about saxony, Bavaria and Wuttemburg surely they done something punish/ make sure they dont go pro french.
Map: Europe after the Congress of Frankfurt

So heres the map of Europe post Franfurkt congress.

Austria: Ignore the Hungary as it still doesnt have autonomy, but otherwise i believe i got the map right.
Prussia: I added Rhur/Whestphalia region to Prussia besides the the Polish parts.
British: Still in union with Hannover
Italy: I believe map is mostly right .
Ottomans: Serbia still has autonomy (but it's mostly local and doesn't make them semi independent state like in otl) and Moldova and Walachia are sperate Ottoman vassals. North Afrian states are still vassals but under Ottomans. Ragusa is there as Ottoman Vassal.
Sweden: has Finland, but also small part of Swedish Pomerania in Prussia it had otl.
Denmark: Norway is still in personal union with Denmark i believe because due to Russia not getting Finland Sweden doesn't get Norway as compensation.
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View attachment 855200

So heres the map of Europe post Franfurkt congress.

Austria: Ignore the Hungary as it still doesnt have autonomy, but otherwise i believe i got the map right.
Prussia: I added Rhur/Whestphalia region to Prussia besides the the Polish parts.
British: Still in union with Hannover
Italy: I believe map is mostly right .
Ottomans: Serbia still has autonomy (but it's mostly local and doesn't make them semi independent state like in otl) and Moldova and Walachia are sperate Ottoman vassals. North Afrian states are still vassals but under Ottomans. Ragusa is there as Ottoman Vassal.
Sweden: has Finland, but also small part of Swedish Pomerania in Prussia it had otl.
Denmark: Norway is still in personal union with Denmark i believe because due to Russia not getting Finland Sweden doesn't get Norway as compensation.
Beautiful! My only nitpicks are that Saxony should have its original territory (see here) and France the bits of the Netherlands south of the Rhine.

It's still a wonderful addition to the timeline, one that very much deserves a threadmark. Thank you so much!
Beautiful! My only nitpicks are that Saxony should have its original territory (see here) and France the bits of the Netherlands south of the Rhine.

It's still a wonderful addition to the timeline, one that very much deserves a threadmark. Thank you so much!

Edited. Saxony has more, or less it's whole borders while France expanded further north to the Rhine.
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Can i ask i never followed a tl where france acquired its natural border. Can i ask how does the geopolitics work now? Surely Austria, Spain and Britain, are all default opposed to france, france won only way to keep a balance of power is through coalition none of these nations could even hold france back. So does france only have potential allies in Russia and Ottomans (former equals but no real desire from russia to expand west, latter france will be dominate they can reform ottoman military, as their offer. But they are a islamic turkish empire).
Also what has austria done about saxony, Bavaria and Wuttemburg surely they done something punish/ make sure they dont go pro french.
Why wouldn't France want Russia to expand West? They have no border conflicts at all and the Russian emperors sure as hell wouldn't want the whole of Europe, in fact I would say they would be most likely be allies because a growing and stronger Russia means Prussia, Austria, Sweden, the Ottomans and even Britain are too busy building up forces against them to bother France too much either in Europe or in the colonial sphere.

Also, France could ally with some other powers like Denmark (doesn't like Sweden and would be happy to see it weak by having Finland lost as well as making a monopoly with Russia in controlling the Baltic sea as well as not being too friendly towards Britain) and Naples(Italian unification with slight French compensation maybe?) But in general I just see France letting sleeping dogs lie while making alliances and focusing on rebuilding the country after so much war.
I'll repeat this post I made a few pages back:

He's the grand vizier, so he's predictably furious.

As for everyone else (@Kurd Gossemer @Herohunter and @MagicalPhantom345), I'm itching to write some chapters focused on what's going on in the Americas. I'll start to work on them as soon as the Greek rebellion is wrapped up.
Honestly some pretty big butterflies to happen tbh, the Portuguese royal family is still in Brazil and they might not comeback given Napoleon is still in power, wars of independence in Spanish America have been butterflied away but Spanish power is so weak and the country so wrecked that revolutionaries like Bolivar and Padre Hidalgo have their work cut out for them(especially as there's no ITTL equivalent of the Holy League) and while the US has been defeated by Britain, they still have the advantage of the British having to keep an eye on Europe and their far flung world empire as the Americans continue to send wave after wave of settlers into the West, plus Haiti without the French is probably doing pretty well on it's own and given what happened in otl, also giving money, arms and troops for any would be revolutionaries...
Why wouldn't France want Russia to expand West? They have no border conflicts at all and the Russian emperors sure as hell wouldn't want the whole of Europe, in fact I would say they would be most likely be allies because a growing and stronger Russia means Prussia, Austria, Sweden, the Ottomans and even Britain are too busy building up forces against them to bother France too much either in Europe or in the colonial sphere.

Also, France could ally with some other powers like Denmark (doesn't like Sweden and would be happy to see it weak by having Finland lost as well as making a monopoly with Russia in controlling the Baltic sea as well as not being too friendly towards Britain) and Naples(Italian unification with slight French compensation maybe?) But in general I just see France letting sleeping dogs lie while making alliances and focusing on rebuilding the country after so much war.
No I meant Russia has little reason to expand west. Prussia is already a proxy for them and will most likely remain so as they in have to rely on Russia to crush a potential polish rebellion or Austria seeking to finish off prussia. Prussia poses no threat for Russia.

Also I'm refering to only great powers. I have no idea what the non major powers borders look like so I have no idea on them.
No I meant Russia has little reason to expand west. Prussia is already a proxy for them and will most likely remain so as they in have to rely on Russia to crush a potential polish rebellion or Austria seeking to finish off prussia. Prussia poses no threat for Russia.

I agree with this, beside Ottoman Empire which was non European power, in decline and Russia seeing opportunity to assert itself otl Russia didn't make move against other European powers directly.

This will further be exaggerated by its experience in Napoleonic wars. Russia joined coalition and while it did have some decent achievements against the French those were shattered by it's embarrassing defeat at the hands of the Ottomans when it changed sides.

To add salt to the wound they weren't invited to the congress and despite fighting a costly war they had no place fighting Russia has gained nothing to show for it. These alone will cause Russian elites to look inwards to seek flaws in their country and reform (similar reaction to Crimean and Russo/Japanese war ), not to mention expand in Central Asia and China peer otl.

The fact that their long-term pro Austrian policy ended also helps with them ignoring European matters and ending their forgein adventurism.

Then there's situation in neighborhood to consider, balance of power in Central and Eastern Europe is the same as before Napoleonic wars, with Austria, Prussia and Russia serving as each others check on power. What's different is that Ottomans are part of that balance and aren't in decline and that Austria isn't interested in further expansion against the Ottomans, so Russia has no space to expand there. It's more likely that relationships normalize since Ottomans have vested interest in Russia trading via straits (it brings them lot of money) and supplying Constantinople with grain.

Same with Russia, force is only applicable in places where it can be applicable, those able to defend themselves get the luxury of diplomacy.
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I agree with this, beside Ottoman Empire which was non European power, in decline and Russia seeing opportunity to assert itself otl Russia didn't make move against other European powers directly.

This will further be exaggerated by its experience in Napoleonic wars. Russia joined coalition and while it did have some decent achievements against the French those were shattered by it's embarrassing defeat at the hands of the Ottomans when it changed sides.

To add salt to the wound they weren't invited to the congress and despite fighting a costly war ot had no place in fighting Russia has nothing to show for it. These alone will cause Russian elites to look inwards to seek flaws in their country and reform (similar reaction to Crimean and Russo/Japanese war ), not to mention expand in Central Asia and China peer otl.

The fact that their long-term project Austrian policy ended also helps with them ignoring European matters.

Then there's situation in neighborhood to consider, balance of power in Central and Eastern Europe is the same as before Napoleonic wars, with Austria, Prussia and Russia serving as each others check on power. What's different is that Ottomans are part of that balance and aren't in decline and that Austria isn't interested in further expansion against the Ottomans, so Russia has no space to expand there. It's more likely that relationships normalize since Ottomans have vested interest in Russia trading via straits (it brings them lot of money) and supplying Constantinople with grain.

Same with Russia, force is only applicable in places where it can be applicable, those able to defend themselves get the luxury of diplomacy.
Still I wonder if the Russians would try sometime to snag away Finland from Sweden given it was apparently a desire of theirs but I agree that we will see Russia focusing more on the inside as well expanding into the Far East, I expect Central Asia to be brought to heel earlier as well as further settlement of Siberia.

Could we also see Russian colonizing the Alaska and the Sound better than OTL? Not to mention them probably trying to get Japan and China to trade with them, which might mean Russian presence in Sakhalin and Hokkaido.