During the 1870s, 80s and 90s, some Dutch and Boer nationalists were thinking of the Boer Republics as Dutch protectorates and so as a ‘12th Province’ of the Netherlands.’ Thomas François Burgers, president of Transvaal, also supportes this idea.

So was it realistically and if yes, how would history develop if it became reality?
During the 1870s, 80s and 90s, some Dutch and Boer nationalists were thinking of the Boer Republics as Dutch protectorates and so as a ‘12th Province’ of the Netherlands.’ Thomas François Burgers, president of Transvaal, also supportes this idea.

So was it realistically and if yes, how would history develop if it became reality?
Do it in between the 1st and 2nd war and get a garunteed German backing over it and you might be able to get Great Britain to stand down.
How can we get that backing?

Watched a TV series in 2000-ish on the UK's CH-4 (a 3 part) about the Boer Wars and in the first episode was describing pre-Entente Cordiale rationale in Europe at the time regarding the British Empire and the First Boer War.

Thing is a lot of European countries didn't like us in the 1st & 2nd Boer Wars . . . and lauded the Boers in their victories against the British.