
  1. Friedrich der Große

    The Netherlands in the Second Boer War

    During the 1870s, 80s and 90s, some Dutch and Boer nationalists were thinking of the Boer Republics as Dutch protectorates and so as a ‘12th Province’ of the Netherlands.’ Thomas François Burgers, president of Transvaal, also supportes this idea. So was it realistically and if yes, how would...
  2. WI no 1910 Union of South Africa

    Reading online I came across this counterfactual scenario about what would have happened if there was no union in 1910. Thought it would be interesting to see what people thought here
  3. Etruscan-enthusiast35

    AHC: Independent Boer State(s)

    Your mission if you choose to accept it is to find a way to maintain the independence of one of the Boer states, or if possible both of them.
  4. 1850s South African Federation

    In the mid-1850s, Sir George Grey, Governor of the Cape Colony, devised a plan for a South African Federation. He believed that with the various republics and colonies in Africa, there was a threat for an ethnic divide in Southern Africa (which happened IRL), a possibility of foreign...
  5. GauchoBadger

    PC/WI: 1960 South African Republic Referendum fails, Afrikaner secession?

    So, basically, due to whatever factors, assume that, nationally, at least 51% of the politically enfranchised South African public decides to vote "no" for abandoning allegiance to Great Britain as a crown dominion in the 1960 referendum. South Africa does not quit the Commonwealth and does not...
  6. GameBawesome

    Alternate history idea- United South African Republic

    What if, to combat them British and African Tribes, all surviving Boer Republics unite into a single federated state, called the Untied South African Republic?
  7. GauchoBadger

    PC/WI: Boer victory in the Second Boer War (1898-1902)

    An idea that has been pounding on my mind for a few days. I heard from here before that the best tactic the Boers could have used for defeating the British in their second war with them would have been infiltration and fast-paced offensives, rather than the drawn-out siege warfare that they...
  8. GauchoBadger

    WI: Sir George Grey's South African union proposal goes through

    Sir George Grey was governor of the british Cape Colony from 1854 to 1861. One of his notable opinions was that whites residing in both the Cape and the Boer Republics were vulnerable to "african savagery and attacks". He derised a plan to unify the Cape Colony and the Boer Republics into a...
  9. GauchoBadger

    WI: british victory in the First Boer War (1880-1881)

    What would be the effects of such a victory in south african history?
  10. Sevarics

    No Discovery of Gold and Diamonds in the Boer Republics of South Africa in the 1800s?

    Simply put, if gold and diamonds hadn't been discovered in the 1800s, what impact would that have had on the Orange Free State and Transvaal? Would the British still have fought two wars to exert authority over them if the mineral discovery had been delayed until the 1900s? Would the two...