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Also, a question for the author: How are US-Canadian relations in this timeline?
Canada and the US always enjoy a good level of friendship. There are those in Canada who would prefer the country more aligned to the United States than the Commonwealth after Edward's coup, but America's relative lack of reliability and internal problems make them hesitant.

There was probably some tension during the Wheeler and Thurmond administrations as both Presidents were firm prohibitionists and much of the alcohol in the Northeast came from Canada. But at most it was just a minor annoyance to Washington.

As for the US, there are concerns over the encroaching influence of Integralism since the Pope's arrival, Quebec is the main point where this influence is being manifested in North America besides Mexico. While Integralists are generally Anti-Nazi, they aren't that friendly to DC either.
How many Israelis died in the German-Israel war?
Out of roughly 2.4 million Jews living in Israel by 1965, approximately 600 thousand were made casualties by the fighting, bombardment campaign and the German-Syrian occupation of Northern Israel. Around 500 thousand, most of them children and elderly, were evacuated to Port Sudan during Operation Exodus, of which the majority would return in the following years as the death of Goebbels and the Ostkrieg ensured the Germans would no longer attempt to renew their offensive.

All in all, I believe the Israeli population is between 1.8 and 1.9 million, with a non-insignificant number of wounded by the conflict. The Healthcare system is overloaded and there will be a dependency on foreign help from the Coalition of Nations for at least the rest of the decade.
Out of roughly 2.4 million Jews living in Israel by 1965, approximately 600 thousand were made casualties by the fighting, bombardment campaign and the German-Syrian occupation of Northern Israel. Around 500 thousand, most of them children and elderly, were evacuated to Port Sudan during Operation Exodus, of which the majority would return in the following years as the death of Goebbels and the Ostkrieg ensured the Germans would no longer attempt to renew their offensive.

All in all, I believe the Israeli population is between 1.8 and 1.9 million, with a non-insignificant number of wounded by the conflict. The Healthcare system is overloaded and there will be a dependency on foreign help from the Coalition of Nations for at least the rest of the decade.
I fully see Israel prioritizing building a nuclear arsenal even bigger than OTL . And i am curious on the relation between Israel and the rest of the arab world outside German influence. They might honestly see Israel as the lesser evil compared to the genocidal Linz Pakt.
Question to Adolf Hitler: What do you think about Goebbels' failure to destroy the State of Israel?
AH: "I did not pursue a war with that little Zionist entity, they are only a sock puppet, a shadow of the true danger, a distraction. They are commanded by the Judeo-Capitalists of London, New York and Russia, it makes no difference to strike them and not strike at our true danger across the waters. Goebbels should have struck them, not a small speck of the true extent of the Jew. If you wish to see a true Jewish State that threatened the Reich, look no further than the Soviet Union which I have slain."
Question for the architect Albert Speer

If in that moment that you placed the gun on your head you had been saved so that you could undo the affliction your mistakes brought into the world, being allowed to go as further back as you'd require to make such a change in order to atone for your sins, how would you go about it and to when?
I fully see Israel prioritizing building a nuclear arsenal even bigger than OTL . And i am curious on the relation between Israel and the rest of the arab world outside German influence. They might honestly see Israel as the lesser evil compared to the genocidal Linz Pakt.
I'm from Middle East. And I assure you, only Maghreb(North Africa) and Yemen/Oman arabs were lukewarm to Jews those years. The rest of the Arab world (the peninsula and most of Egypt) would most likely enjoy seeing the "yehud" disappear for good. I'd say more but you know...

Also stop stalling Kaiser, show us how the Israelis will take back their city from the "abomination of desolation": the hooked cross in Jerusalem literally signifying the darkest turn of this TL.
I'm from Middle East. And I assure you, only Maghreb(North Africa) and Yemen/Oman arabs were lukewarm to Jews those years. The rest of the Arab world (the peninsula and most of Egypt) would most likely enjoy seeing the "yehud" disappear for good. I'd say more but you know...

Also stop stalling Kaiser, show us how the Israelis will take back their city from the "abomination of desolation": the hooked cross in Jerusalem literally signifying the darkest turn of this TL.
Well, they did, the German occupation of Jerusalem ended in a withdrawal after a joint force of the IPF and the Coalition cut the road from Jericho in a major engagement with the Wehrmacht. It was part of the counter offensive in early February which ended with Peiper's death and the Day of Four Führers.

The Germans still hold the Northern sections of Israel and gave the territory to the Syrians. The big winners of this war really were the Syrians as they took back the lands lost in the 12-day war, the majority of Jordan and the Northern lands of Israel going from Haifa to the Jordan river south of the sea of Galilee, although the US President personally intervened to ensure Nazareth wasn't under Nazi control (a fundamentalist like Smith would never accept a ceasefire where the Nazis keep Jesus' hometown).

Overall, the war was a phyrric victory for the Pakt in the Levant, but Israel survived and will be more paranoid in making nuclear weapons than Kim Jong Un.
(a fundamentalist like Smith would never accept a ceasefire where the Nazis keep Jesus' hometown).

Overall, the war was a phyrric victory for the Pakt in the Levant, but Israel survived and will be more paranoid in making nuclear weapons than Kim Jong Un.
Sorry, I'm too tired, i forgot i read that. They'll only survive if there is a less Goebbels-y new Führer will be Reichskanzler-in/Führer-in, nukes be damned. This TL Israel will be a megafortress, preferably with gas masked, shovel-armed jews led by a Jewish Black League.
Question for Speer: Could you create neu berlin with that giant building
I've kept out of this whole QA, but this one really depends on which Speer you're asking. Before he got purged and sent to a labour camp, he'd say "sure", but the One Day Führer Speer will just kill himself over this comment sooner
I've kept out of this whole QA, but this one really depends on which Speer you're asking. Before he got purged and sent to a labour camp, he'd say "sure", but the One Day Führer Speer will just kill himself over this comment sooner
its a meme :)

Meet the Chief of the Reich Chancellery and one of the few experienced politicians to survive Goebbels' reign, Hans Globke.​