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If Carl Schmitt was still alive (assuming he wasn't purged yet), I wouldn't be surprised if he would declare this lack of a constitution to be a reversion to the "natural" political order as Nazi Germany is basically an absolute monarchy without a monarch, without the facade of even a constitution fit only as toilet paper or a puppet legislature.
On the other hand, Hans Frank is laughing in his grave.
If you mean good movies like how the Paris premiere of the film "Nation's Pride", the true story of a Nazi sniper killing hundreds of Americans defending the Fatherland, finding solace by carving swastikas to maintain his morale and remembering how National Socialism filled his life with purpose and steeled him with the resolve to keep sniping the Fuhrers enemies, and how that historic event (Hitler was there! O:) turned out in the Tarantinoverse....

then I'm in, totally in, just instead of Hitler and Goebbels getting suicide attacked by the Jewish commandos of the Inglorious Bastards and mutilated beyond existence, Goebbels is now ALIVE, in charge, and he's doing the suicide attack but its upon a successfully surviving Nazi Empire that he's going to rend asunder (which is the last thing he wants and thus his ultimate fear). Sucks for whoever hasn't been fully brainwashed and the countries like Finland and shjt that are surrounded or stuck near Nazi Europe because they'll be getting splash damage from the chimp fight shitshow that's coming to the neighborhood, but I admit that I will being fascinated with seeing how its all gonna go down `v`
Probably smart enough to have left Germany by the time Goebbels took charge. He also had a hand in helping Wegener with the 1955 Constitution.
Where would he go? Is there anywhere in Europe “safe” enough for exiles?

Unless we get legions of boat people showing up in the English Channel (reference to the aftermath of Vietnam btw, not modern Britain)
Does south Africa still have the Union Jack in it's flag or has it been replaced by another symbol? Perhaps it could be replaced by this flag which represents the Voortrekkers
I wonder where Germany will launch it's rockets into space now that Guiana is gone. My bet is Spanish Guinea since it's right by the equator.
Maybe the good Kaiser or someone else answered this, but I was curious as to what the reaction to Edward's actions in the UK were in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were myself.
I feel like they would enflame republican sentiment in Australia, but I am not sure how popular republicanism was in 1960s Australia.
Maybe the good Kaiser or someone else answered this, but I was curious as to what the reaction to Edward's actions in the UK were in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were myself.
It's a very dubious move, but on the other hand the American influence is much weaker when it comes to foreign policy. Many Canadians see Edward as a more reliable protector against Nazi moves than the United States. Mountbatten is also personally seen quite positively in Oceania for leading the allied campaign that expelled the Japanese from Southeast Asia and took back Singapore.

I don't think there will be any drastic increase to Republicanism in the short-term. A strong government in London after the previous instability under Bevan and Butler's appeasement moves is seen as a good thing in the West. The US is just starting to get their NATO equivalent with the Coalition of Nations in the 60s.
It's a very dubious move, but on the other hand the American influence is much weaker when it comes to foreign policy. Many Canadians see Edward as a more reliable protector against Nazi moves than the United States. Mountbatten is also personally seen quite positively in Oceania for leading the allied campaign that expelled the Japanese from Southeast Asia and took back Singapore.

I don't think there will be any drastic increase to Republicanism in the short-term. A strong government in London after the previous instability under Bevan and Butler's appeasement moves is seen as a good thing in the West. The US is just starting to get their NATO equivalent with the Coalition of Nations in the 60s.
My thoughts are that there may be some tensions in Quebec, who have no love for the monarchy, but they would look to Europe and play nice with the Anglos. Canada and Oceania didn't appear to suffer the same kind of political instability as the UK, so methinks that Edward may be hands off with the Dominions.
My thoughts are that there may be some tensions in Quebec, who have no love for the monarchy, but they would look to Europe and play nice with the Anglos. Canada and Oceania didn't appear to suffer the same kind of political instability as the UK, so methinks that Edward may be hands off with the Dominions.
Quebec reactionaries like Maurice Duplessis may look to Brazil for inspiration. The massive persecution of the catholic church in Europe might cause a reaction in Quebec against the quiet revolution.