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given the Hellhole that Festung Europa is? I'll take catholic fanaticism over schizophrenic genocidal delusion any day of the week
That's not a very high standard, but that's fair, at least the Integralists aren't racist (unless you involve african-syncretic or native religions, and a few of them really don't like Jews).
But seriously, what you all specifically think happened to some high ranking figures who lost the fight for power in German politics? Göring was blown up in 1945, but was it truly by Polish partisans? Bormann was shot by Heydrich, that's for sure, but what about Himmler? What happened to him in 1951? Or to Paul Wegener in 1959?
My Guess? Probably the guns were supplied by the SS, same with the info via third parties. It's hard as hell to take out a high ranking member, especially as, if they're smart, they'll have secure travel routes, both informationally and militarily. Just leave a document here and there and they'll have a bright idea.
Himmler more than likely got shot at an unpopulated area and then buried underground with the body burned to a crisp. Wegener is definitely dead by this point, the amount of propaganda not only against his policies but against him I'd say is more than enough for him to be dead. Either torn by the mob, Or simply 'Disappeared' Six feet somewhere in RK Moskowein
Generally the high ranking figures at best seem to get removed from any trace of power but keep their life and live quietly, but most of the time it's Dissappearance or simply a public execution. Lower-ranking I imagine get humbled or fired.

the realization that now that Italy is ruled by Nazis, East Africa is going to be another ATL Algerian War...
That depends on if Italian East Africa doesn’t break off though.
Given how smooth the coup went, I have my doubts. Though I still hope for the Italian East Africa to become a sort of "Free Italy". in face of an evil as bottomless as Nazism, even a colonial government that has to coexist with the natives or surging with ethnic conflict is far better than a murder spree that would make Genghis Khan blush

Deleted member 191087

Given how smooth the coup went, I have my doubts. Though I still hope for the Italian East Africa to become a sort of "Free Italy". in face of an evil as bottomless as Nazism, even a colonial government that has to coexist with the natives or surging with ethnic conflict is far better than a murder spree that would make Genghis Khan blush
I think maybe Ethiopia will just become an independent nation honestly. But yeah, it is worrying how the now nazified Italy will handle the Ethiopian Insurgency in the 60s. One things for sure, it would most probably make even Mussolini’s brutalisation of the country back in the 30s looks somehow benign…

Oh, and sorry to stoke your worried some more, but there’s also the horrific possibility of the Derg or whatever their Iron Eagle counterpart may be like managing to gain control during or after said insurgency/conflict, with Mao exploiting the turmoil in the colonised world for his benefit and all. So there’s also that to not look forward to.
Oh yes, Pope Steve I, how could I forget! And yeah, the Nazis REALLY messed with some eternal damnation level of things now... well, not now, they have been doing that since... hmm... 1933? Probably earlier?

There was the Ustashe filling that bill until 1951, time will tell who's going to be the wacky state with a megalomaniac dictator who is going to spook the future Nazis in Germania (nobody is going to outdo Goebbels as of now, you would need to be Ngema to be able to do that).

WWII kill close to 2 million Germans, great majority of them in the Eastern Front, it was a very bloody affair between 1941 and 1943 to be able to knock the Soviets into collapse. (Probably from all the blood sacrifices Himmler and Hess did in their Alpine castles to summon the Teuton spirits to kill the Soviet Union). The Ural War was between 400-600 thousand Germans and at least the double of Russians.

When Goebbels believes Germany to be ideologically unified and secures the Pakt against any "stab-in-the-back", he does plan to start WWIII, starting with the most obvious target of them all. Why you think he's sending representatives to Syria and Iran? Why you think he wanted to secure the Italians? Why you think he wanted a military exercise in Libya of all places? Where is the single spot in the Entire Mediterranean not controlled by the Pakt in some way? Who is the one enemy Goebbels hates above all others?

I am not sure if it will be about Japan, I am attempting to keep some level of linearity in the story. The events in Japan, China and Korea between 1959 and 1964 are quite intense and have direct effect on the United States' "storyline".
so it looks like unless some miracle happens, Israel won't survive until the 1970s


Gone Fishin'
so it looks like unless some miracle happens, Israel won't survive until the 1970s
Don't be sure. The Nazis shot themselves in the foot by letting the French exterminate the Maghrebis. The Arabs are definitely not helping the Nazis here.

A German attack on Israel would warrant declarations of war from Britain and America, which ultimately may lead to the Nazis' downfall.
Don't be sure. The Nazis shot themselves in the foot by letting the French exterminate the Maghrebis. The Arabs are definitely not helping the Nazis here.

A German attack on Israel would warrant declarations of war from Britain and America, which ultimately may lead to the Nazis' downfall.
Goebbels is not against atomic war, so, no bueno....
I have some questions about the British military ITTL.

The British Armed Forces are undeniably larger here but exactly how large is it and how/where is it deployed.

Also, how is Edward paying for it? As well as supporting his allies such in Free France and Belgium in their colonies.

I suspect the MoD here is absorbing no less than 15% of GDP?
speaking of Nuclear war I wonder how many bunkers the Germans have built. I wouldn’t be surprised if they built so many it would make Hoxha blush.
Don't be sure. The Nazis shot themselves in the foot by letting the French exterminate the Maghrebis. The Arabs are definitely not helping the Nazis here.

A German attack on Israel would warrant declarations of war from Britain and America, which ultimately may lead to the Nazis' downfall.
If the Italians push Nasser, it won't be hard to get the UAR to attack Israel. This is still Israel and the Arab world we are talking about. But by far the most committed ones would be the Syrians.

The Nazis won't fall without bringing the world down in this situation. But the Hess situation shows that many of them have survival instincts. The problem is that these are the exact type of people Goebbels is killing now.

Heck he's PISSED that nuclear war wasnt carried as per the Fuhrer's wishes yet, the only thing keeping him from that being "Germany has to be stronger"
Goebbels genuinely believes Germany can win a Nuclear War or, alternatively, outlast their opponents despite the losses. This is still the same gut Hitler trusted in charge of the Home Front during the almost apocalyptic collapse of the regime.

speaking of Nuclear war I wonder how many bunkers the Germans have built. I wouldn’t be surprised if they built so many it would make Hoxha blush.
There are several bunkers in Germany, the first ones being made around 1947-1951. Following that, there was an upsurge with the Ural War and I can see Goebbels keeping a modest effort but avoid a large-scale project to avoid panic. Besides, the Government is actively spreading propaganda that the Aryan blood is more resistant to radiation so that the German people is more confident when he goes for a war.
I have some questions about the British military ITTL.

The British Armed Forces are undeniably larger here but exactly how large is it and how/where is it deployed.

Also, how is Edward paying for it? As well as supporting his allies such in Free France and Belgium in their colonies.

I suspect the MoD here is absorbing no less than 15% of GDP?
Yes the British military is quite robust, although the Free French provide much of their own security, the garrison in the colonial Empires will have to rely on local forces which will be a part of the British reorganization of the Commonwealth.

Rationing and Nationalizations are still around and more prevalent than ever due to Hess handing them the Propaganda coup of the greatest nuclear scare in history. The constantly high tensions and fear can keep the British people more willing to take sacrifices than under Hess' "Detente".

But yes, the British do have economic problems in keeping up with the absurd military spending. Even the Germans downsized their bloated military forces after the Ural War to some level (mostly for political reasons, Goebbels wants to get rid of many officers he considers as unreliable and the Waffen-SS troops due to his purge of the organization).
Besides, the Government is actively spreading propaganda that the Aryan blood is more resistant to radiation so that the German people is more confident when he goes for a war.
I wonder how medical science advance in the reich compared to OTL and ATL United States/rest of the world. Even if they have ample supplies of fresh human bodies for experimentation, I can see that at the end of the day, all they managed to do is to inflict pointless human suffering while gaining nothing useful (which arguably, was what happened OTL with many of the nazis human experimentation).
I wonder how medical science advance in the reich compared to OTL and ATL United States/rest of the world. Even if they have ample supplies of fresh human bodies for experimentation, I can see that at the end of the day, all they managed to do is to inflict pointless human suffering while gaining nothing useful (which arguably, was what happened OTL with many of the nazis human experimentation).
I believe, considering how universities and medical associations were reorganized through the Gleichshaltung, that there would be great advance in fields such as genetics and other areas linked to eugenics, to the detriment of other areas and medical theories/doctrines which are not considered a part of the official policies of Nazism. After Morell, and especially with the rise of Hess, alternative medicine would be seen in a more preferable way compared to traditional medicine (after all, Morell took the blame of poisoning Hitler through "pills"). Of course, Goebbels isn't going to engage in the same nonsensical beliefs that Hess had, but in compensation there would be far greater emphasis on creating a genetic "map" of the German people.

Studying the effects of radiation on humans is also going to be something they will catch up quicker than modern medicine did. But also would reach different, if not wrongful, conclusions such as believing that different genetic/racial backgrounds would affect the possibility of mutations and the resistance of the DNA itself.

That's saying nothing about how the Angriff will affect these studies, after all it is now Party doctrine (thanks for that Hoffmann) that the descendants of "degenerates" have a higher chance of inheriting said behaviors (which was already an eugenist belief in many circles that led to mass sterilization of "anti-social" elements in Germany), but now adding to that belief the idea that political thoughts and beliefs can be inherited. If your father was a member of the KPD, there is a high possibility you will not survive Goebbels' rule.