The Horse and The Jaguar

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Excellent update, as always! - Will the distance be a problem between Sapa Inca and the indian kingdoms? (if im understanding well the Hui travels)

Best for you and your family (Y)
Regardless of the details...

Regardless of the details, it is logical that under certain circumstances OTL always keep priority over the board.

It's great that you were able to continue this story updating it and maintaining its high level. :)
Excellent update, as always! - Will the distance be a problem between Sapa Inca and the indian kingdoms? (if im understanding well the Hui travels)

Best for you and your family (Y)

Thanks for the good wishes.

The distance between the Philippines and Mexico was not an impediment for the Spanish, so trade with the far east will not be a major problem. India is another matter however. it is very far and the trade would probably be intermittent and involve great expenditures of resources, as this voyage has.

Excellent work oh based Phildup!
This TL is awesome, so good it actually cause me to learn a lot of things, or think about them differently.

Between the great powers of the continent (BTW how do the various cultures refers to their own continent?) I think tha Maya are the most vulnerable to fragmentation and infiltrations by the europeans (as the Spanish are doing).

The success of Incan expeditions will cause them to give up on the Northern continent? When you can choose between Malacca and "San Francisco"....

Paititi will become a superpower if they manage to grow a least some of those tree they got in Indonesia (and what they can't grow they can get directly from India, so they can split routes with Qusqu: Far East to the latter, India to the former).

What are gonna be the effect of spice prices skyrocketing due to Incan presence in Malacca for Europe?
*Bump* Phildup We have not forgotten you!
Nor have I forgotten you...

Thanks for the support in the Turtledove polls, I appreciate the validation of my work.

Hopefully within a few weeks I will be able to concentrate on the events in the 16th century again. right now I do not have the concentration or time to invent plausible events and consequences. I am not done though...please stay tuned.;)
Things are improving! I expect that I will have time to devote to the TL soon!

I have not been ignoring it and have been thinking about the upcoming course of events quite a bit. Expect the Mayans to gain an unexpected advantage, The Empire to be tested, The Mongols to face challenges and the Europeans to exploit opportunity.

I havent forgotten good ole Chris, languishing in a Chinese cell...or is he... :D
Hope things get better Phil :)

Take all the time you need! The best things in life have to be aged a while.

(That said, I have stupendously high expectations for Half-Life 3...)
Magnificent. Just magnificent.

Just finished catching up with this. Never knew those Asian castaways will drastically change American history forever. The Europeans are in for one hell of a ride. :D

I'm craving for more...
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